Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker

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Transcript of Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V end or N um ber 3819/29/10


    C HEC K N UM BER 248037

    Greensboro NC 274 20 -0 00 0P aym ent D ateB ank N o.

    AMOUNT $ 72.00

    I nv oic e N umbe rInv oice #2 33 3, dated 9/1 6/1 0. 72.00

    P O N um ber Description Amount

    In vo ic e N umbe r A cco unt N um ber CBR AmountCJ7628 101200101 5221 72.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina Peacemake,Post Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill To:iInvoice #: 00002357IiDute: 9/30/10

    Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP.O. Bo x 3136G re en sb or o, NC 27402 -..'\1 36 .Page: 1


    Order #553-19009/23/10 Ad- to" @$8.50 pci "736 5 Chimney Rock Rd. Zoning" $80.509 1 " 3 f J / 1 O Ad- 10 " @$8.50 pei."736 5 Chimney R D C k Rd.. Zoning" $80.50


    '1y~\ ; , I ta f. 00~,!'./ I,1)ot- t > ID ;L . - 0 (. S;).~ :

    ()jCAV-r)VI~-h f f Y -/)/ I/' 0 ,

    a-\O C T

    P M 3:18Sales Tax: ~().OOTotal Amount: $161.00

    Amounl $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $161.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    oflaw ful ag e, b eing d uly sw orn acco rdin g toIlaw, doth depose and say th at sh e is Editor ofiTH E CA ROL IN A PIL ACEM AKER aIn ew sp ap er p ublish ed in the C ity o fIGreensboro and County of Guilford and StateI

    o f No rth Carolina, a nd th at notice, o f wh ic h,the annexed printed slip is a true copy, hasIbeen publi sh ed ib sa id newspaper ,successively, for; the p erio d o f 2 weekscommencing on ; th e 23r d day of

    ISeptember , 2010 and that th e s aidIn ew sp ap er in w llic h s uc h notice was[

    published, was, ~t the tim e of e~eh and everypublication, a newspaper meeting all therequirements al lo/qual if icat ions of Section 1-

    !59 7 o f th e G en eral S tatu tes of N orth Carolina,and wa s a q ua lif ie d n ew sp ap er within th e,m ean in g o f S ectio n 1 -59 7 o f th e G en eralIStatutes of North Carolina.I

    . . N C I T lC E OF ~UBLIC H~ARiNGI'I/ISUanl to a reS(llutlon oflhe 9t Y ccur.cll 'a do pt ed A pr ll 2 1 ,.. 1 95 ~, 1Iiis annoullCllmen\, n 'a .T ue S< la y. (l{:tD be r 5 , 2 01 0, a ! 5 :3 0 p .m .,. es tM t ime an d th e C it y C oun ci l C h .' Tl ~e T ,Me l vi n I > i\ J n: c ipa r O ff 08 B uild in g, 3 00 W astWash'nglOn Sireet. G reensboro, Northcarolina. 27401 as !he !iI~ce lor 0 publichearing on tne proposed _ afldm enl lD lhez onln 2 m ap as Iol'OVls;'019 1nll1 ron ing f'Om City of Hg h Polnl \.1(Light I n du st ri al ) t o City of (lreensooro A3 (AesidenlialSing'e Fam ily) kli a ll usesperrmted In Ihe A.a (Reslda~~aJ.singleFami ly) zon ing d ii tr 'lcl lor property gsnemJydss

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    Vendor Numbe r 38110/4/ I0


    CHECK NUMBER 248298

    Greensboro NC 27420-0000P ayment D ateB ank N o. AMOUNT $ 161.00

    I nvoi ce Numbe rIn vo ic e # 23 57 , d ate d 9/3011 O . 161.00

    PO Number Description AmountCJ7766

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ7766 101010201 5221 161.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    c r : c a r o l 1 ~ aPeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Rill To:Greensboro Zoning Dept.Attn: Frederick BoatengP08ox3136Greensboro, NC 2'7402

    lntioice #: 0001)2358I Daft'; 9/30/10II Page; 1

    ~ D 9 (111110 ic e

    DATE DESCRIPTIONAd- 22"@ $9 pci "10-11-10 liming Meeting"Ad- 22" @ $9 pci "10-11-10 Zoning Meeting"

    II10 ( O{ ( Q f ) t O ~ 3 ! 1 ,

    OCT13 ! ~ (9 : 31

    ,J&f 4t I 0 I -2- (I0 (- 0 l, 52:2 J / "~ ~ _MJJaa{i ;~ _ , 0 l l 1 . 1 . 0 I _ _


    Balance Due:


    Total Amount: $396.00


    I Sales Tax; $0.00

    Terms: C.O.D.

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    o r lawfu l a ge . b Jin g duly swor n a ccor ding t oI " , .law. doth depos, an d say th~~she is tditor ofr==-~='-=~"-========~="--====~i"HE CAROLINAEACEMAKER a

    .ews pa pe r pUblilh cd in the City of~ rcc nsb oro a nd 'c ou nty o f G uilfo rd an d S ta teii , r hi Iif North Carolina. an d that notice. 0 W tenI'he an nexed prin ted slip is a tru e cop y, has. IJeen publi shed i n said newspaper ,successively, ro~he period of 2 weeks

    I;ommcncing on/the 23rd day oflscptember , :2010 and that the saidh e\\lsp ap er in w Jic h su ch n otic e w as~Ubli shed , was , ~t the lim e of each an d every:p ub lic alio n, a I l~w sp ap er mee tin g a ll th eIrequiremenls a~1qualifications of Se c lion 1-1597 o f th e G eneL I Statutes nfN orth C arolinar : I - . h') , \ ( and was a qualified ne\vspaper within t e~('alrHLllku c ? \ c r - . I

    r---==-=-=-=~- - - - - , , - = = = = c . _ , . - _ " " - - = = - - _ - - . - . . . , . - - - - = = = = = = : : : : : : ! _ ' m eaning of S ectio n 1-5 97 of th e G en eralI uS ta tu tes o f N orth C aro ina.!



    I The G'eersbon:; Zvr ing Corrrr'ss iOO wil l co-ts ider ord inames to chilnge the zoning ~Iasslflcalicil ojl il a lol low, r.g crooe rnes (1Is!ed bordo' 01appea rance on the agelldBI P~:scns i llteroslw in ar.y ofthese i tems Bre nv ,red 10a tten~ the publ 'c hear ing 10ce held on Monday. Octol>et I I, 2010,"n rre City Co""cil CI18J'lber, Melvin MunICipal O~ice Bui 'd ing 300 W~51 Was~!ngton StreetG'ea"sb::>ro, NO:lh C.rol"o. Acy indiVioUBI with a dsaollity who needs an i ll 1" "1' reler Qr otherauxiliary ads Or ""r vlces 10' 1~is mee ling may contact the Planning Depa1mer lt at (330) 373 -214~Dr (335) 333,6930 ITDD).Z10-(l9U05 Gener~lIy located nOilh 01 STEWART MI~L R O A D . south ofI vtILlSTR~M ROAD Basi 01AT&T DRIVE anaw9S1 at CREEK ROADCD-R-5 (Condi ti ona l Dist fi ct -Re~ide rr .tal S ,n9le Famly) IQ CJ-PI (Condi ti onal Dlst ri ct 'Publ lc

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    iiR E E N S B O R O City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136yment Details

    Carolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V end or N um ber 38110114/10


    C HECK N UM BER 249133

    Greensboro NC 27420-0000P aym ent D ateBank N o.

    AMOUNT $ 396.00voicesI nv oic e N umbe r

    Inv oice #2 35 8, dated 9/30/10AmountO N umber Description

    CJ8091 396.00

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ8091 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 5 2 2 1 396.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ". . . . .:;;~tCarolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 2742() Invoice

    Bill To:City of G'boro -AdjustmentPLANNING DEPT.Attn: ~ruray AverettP ,O_ -Box 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    lntioice #: 00002410I Date: l0/14f10Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT10/14/10 Ad- 10" @ $9 pci "10-25-10 BOA Meeeting" $90,00

    A w m t t c t . f w (b~~on ' O _ . : "S " ' . . 0 .0

    I: ~ . I

    kor~ IA J t J . d t -~~ \ / ' t \ ~ a ' 5 " '0~ I OCl25 I.j 1:03I

    jCC).it ~ ) D I: 200 I - 0 [. '$ 2..2 J I~~ IA r a ~ - 7I IIlO/ISllo --+-I ~ e : x ; = . I

    ~ II II Sales Tax: $O.UOTota l Amount 590.00

    Amount $ O _ O OTerms: C.O.D. B ala nc e D ue : $90.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    . . .



    1119 !allowing requestS hM Men r ii ce ive i :! '( I Il d I Y IDb & considered a l t he ,n e x t m e a l! ng ll f

    \1M .GrBenSti6ro. B O a r d . . ?f~. ) ....h.\c~ jS'.~ch6dUI~ fOI;"'RM,'~.;..P,~!,~5."~,,Os!~5:30 p:m. 'In the CIIyCoun"'l,~hrunQ,~r. 01the , "Mel.i~'M\Jnlc~aIOff!ce'ilu' liding, '. '~. ,. .. -' . . .I, BOA-I 0-26; 4820 Gl.ARKSON~AOAOW1!d.e JUrMY Homl is , IO( l uast sl l ' 4 ' 1 i a l ) l l e froma side setback r&Qll\ren:,enllllr .Hlortlonof 8reolm:ly .b tJU I . '~ad "d8ck11an~n~",:,..nICh._8II"'9'.~ IlIlJ,rr>:aro~ndor",lland~p~~ to~ ';x i.rung -single i i l m i l y cfwlllllnge~roa.ches '29lael Into a'mlnlniliin Sf~irt8tdose1b""k.

    . .. j", ,-, o J ~.:"-2, 6OA'10-Z,; 'SOI1 OUFFIEIcDDRIVE:,K" ,, i n a nd Amy HeyY.ood i~qU&s1_II.van""cefrom

    e . side '!Mback requirement : lor Q pfOI" 'sedat-, m o i l e d gare.98~':i:wi.~.~~lo~Ch}le~ ~to' a m l r1 lmum,~,~.~~; . :;.:.:~, . .An y IIldivldual w ;( h : ad l6 ab ii ty w h o r ieed~ anintelJlletar QIOIllEK.auxilary skis or,serncestor lhi5i'meeting m~y corMoil Iha PI ,&r.Olo; lDop8!tlTl~nlat 3732144 (Voice) Of 3~OO30(TOO),

    Subscribed and sworn to before methis . . . H ! ! L . . day of October , ~.

    I1jIE DIT OR 'S A I< 'F IDAV 1TAFRIQUE L KUJIMA.. ' -IJARO. jof lawful age, bejng duly sworn according to

    law, doth deposeiand say that she is Editor of!THE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER anewspaper publJhcd in the City of!G re en sb oro a nd ounty o f G uilford and Stateof North Carolinl, and that notice, ofwhichthe annexed prinJed slip is a true copy, hasbeen published i J said newspaper,successively, for ~e period of 1 week

    !commencing on the 14th day ofIOctober ,2010. and that the said\newspaper in which such notice was!published, was, a} the time of each an d evcrypublication, a newspaper meeting all ther equ ir ement s an~ql 1a lif ic at ion s o f Section 1-597 of tile Gener~l Statutes of North CarolinaIand was a qualified newspaper within the

    imeaning of Section 1-597 of the GeneralStatutes of North Carolina,


    I I

    A ~ jI

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 90.00Greensboro NC 2 7420-0000V en do r N umberPaym ent D ateB ank N o.

    3 8 110/26/10


    CH EC K NUMB ER 2 4 9 7 3 3

    I nv oice N umbe rInv oice #2410, dated ]0114110 90.00

    P O N um ber Description Amount

    In vo ic e N umbe r A ccount N um ber CBR AmountCJ8411 101200101 5221 90.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill To:Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP .O . Bm( 31.. ." .,Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    RECEJV~![)O C T 1 9 2 0 1 0

    ilmioice #: 00002406Dllfe: 10/14/10Page: 1




    Order # 554Ad- 6" @$8.S0pci "First Avenue Street Closing" It 1901Ad- 6.5"@$8.50 pci "Unnamed Street Closing" # 1902Ad- 9"@$8.50 pe i "Texi Amend Ch/30" #]903Ad- 6" @ $8.50 pci "First Avenue Street Closing" It 1901Ad- 6.5"@ $8.SOpci "Unnamed Street Closing" # 1902Ad- 9" @$8.50 pci "Text Amend Ch/30" #1903

    v 4 t 3 8 / /* '0 t- 0l o x - 0I. ~ )....1--1/ I$foe fo f e - - r . r[)~w'W-;

    \. .$51.00 l :l- ~155.250...$76.50 ff>j.-..$51.00..-$55.25...$76.50

    I Sales Tax; $0.00I Total Amount: $365.50Ii AmoWll $0.00ITerms; C.O.D. I Balance Due: 5365.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    N O TIC E O F PROpoSED ST REeT CLOSfNG1. 'T l \e reMs been H !e d " "I n l~ e 'Cil)"C,letK,a ,p eu ilb n fo r 1M C IOS; "9 o f t I' 1e s t : " a 1 here,na!1el Ienefarly des : : f1bed, ' . .: rhB,pe~lI~ 1\ ;09be.~~nveS1i9iitOOWllie Cily Atto!",BY arll has b i le noert i f led,_bv,him b.i l 'lJ sUIfi",en\,2-O~ ';~~ -\~h ~~Ol Oct~~~r,,20~O,al,5:$(}P , m ' , . 'in !lie:Co~rid. ,qhamoer II'l .MlvinMu~ip.!l,Off". ,Bt>ki ," '9; : ~nder Ih9 a J J ! I " . o r l 1 ) 'or'SeiiiO,n '6:61 of Ih~ C~rter 011M City ot

    ;'GreersborO,[~e C~y,C(}LJlcHWIll hot! Q pub~~ ;: j - , i i a r i n Q t t l ' con~ider!lie , C fOB . ( 'g o f [he fo l lOWing,i 'st~I:"" ,:::::" . , : ' " '

    'S'T" AVENUE FROM' CCiE'" st~EET I FlR. '. ' , , , CE OFWESTWARD 'A ' DfSTAt:J ' , '~APPRO)(f~~TE,L; 175~E,ET ' _P~i;li;ri:'p~o9m~ke. 1017110& 1Qf14il0, "

    I _ . . ' i" It~.=m\!fC;)~2 !.f"

    Subscribed and sworn to before methls __H!h_ day of October , ..1!llft__.

    EDITOR'S AFFIDAVITAFRIQUE 1. ~IMANJARO 'of lawful age, be1g du ly sworn acco rd ing -tolaw , doth depose and say that she is E ditor of!THE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER aIn ew sp ap er p ub lish ed in th e C ity o fIG ree nsb oro an d C ou nty o f G uilfo rd an d S tateo f No rt h Carolina an d th at no tice, o f w hichthe annexed printed slip is a true copy, hasb ee n pub li sh ed in ls ai d n ewsp ap er ,successively, for the period of 2 weekscomm en cin g o n tJe 7th d ay o f1 - ,October ,2010 and th at th e sa id

    . h,lh I 'newspaper III W ic sue 1 n on ce w aspu blish ed , w as, atlth e tim e of each an d everypub li ca ti on , a nelspaper mee tin g a ll th ere qu ir em en ts a nd q ua lific atio ns o f S ec tio n I-I5 97 o f th e G en eral S tatu tes o f N orth C aro lin aa nd w as a QUalif ie 1 n ew sp ap er w ith in th emeaning o fSect io~ 1-597 o f th e G en era lI 'S ta tu te s o f No rt h Ca ro li na ,

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    NOTICE OF PUeUC'~EARlhQ ,~ursuarl1~a'r~u~oh'c~'i~'~'~i~"~o'~~no'rthe Ci IY01Gree, ;woro ai(o'pl8!li'-prif?5: 19~:ihiS" annOunC9nlant :rP;~s'.l:\k~(jsy,' ? C tober .1 9 2 01 0 at 5: 30 PJ . .. . a $ l h e ' t lme . ; a r : < ! th e

    i, . CI~ c..,:.r~il't:~a~ar.'.~~~I.,:I~,./~~ni~i~aII Of f i c e Bulldir1g:':300Wesl.w~~j~gton Street.G r e e n ~ o o r o N o r - . i . . C B . , ) l i n i l ' i I s " . t t l E I plalie , t o

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker




    Subscribed and sworn to before methis ___M!!L day of October 2010 -

    CULEY V. KILlMANJARONOTARY PUBL ICG UIL FO R D C N T Y , NCMyCommissi01l July 17, 2015 ,/

    EDITOR'S AFFIDAVITIAFRIQUE I.KILIMANJAROof law ful age, beilg duly sw orn according tolaw , doth depose ~d say that she is Editor ofTHE CAROLIN[.\ PEACEMAKER a!newspaper PUbli sf cd in the C ity ofG ree nsb oro an d C ou nty o f G uilfo rd an d Stateof North CarO lin a[ a nd th at notice, of whichth e an ne xe d p rin t~ d slip is a tru e co py , h asbeen published in lsa id newspaper,successively, fo r t he pe riod of 2 w ee kscom mencing on tfe 7th day ofOctober ,2010 and that the said

    - hich h .ewspaper III W rc su e notice waspublished, was, a tl the tim e of each and everypu blic atio n, a n ew sp ap er m eetin g all th erequ iremen ts and ~ua1 if ic at ions of S ectio n 1 -I597 of the General S ta tu te s o f North Caro li naand w as a qU alifi~ new spaper w ithin themea nin g o fS ec tio ln 1 -5 97 o f th e G en era lIStatutes o f No rt h Car olin a.

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    R E E N S B O R O

    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 365.50Greensboro NC 27420-0000V endor N um berP aym ent D ateBank N o.


    0 9

    CHECK NUMBER 249904

    I nv oice N umbe rInvoice #2406, dated 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 0 .

    AmountO N um ber DescriptionCH8497 365.50

    In vo ic e N umbe r A cc ou nt N umbe r CBR AmountCH8497 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 5221 365.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    . , ; ; ; ; r/'" 9 : , 1 . 0 ' 1 7arolina PeacemakerPost Offi ce Box 20853 IGreensboro, NC 27420 I Invoice~. . . . ., c~.-1ra,Me-BiH To: 0:z

    Office of the City Clerk Invoice #: 00002%2Attn: Betsey Richardson !vate: 10/28/10P.O, Box 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 pIJge: 1

    DATE DESCRlPTION I AMOUNT10/28/10 Ad- 39" @$9 pci "Annex; 500 Kivett Dairy Rd" #555-1905 $331.50

    R E C E J V E D ~ ' ) 1 ) , \ _O C T 29 2 0 1 0 D~i ty C ".;,;k t . -, .. , , ' ~ ' - ' . ;0 ' \_J D , - DIO) -'" 0 I . ~-,W...!35~'~ -

    ~-ft) (~1 1 / : > - - 1 J 0

    Sales Tar. $0.00\ Tota) Amount $331.50,

    Amount S O . O OTerms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $331.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ', _ - -

    STATEOF,NORTH.CAROLINA EDITOR'S AFFIIlA VITCOUNTY'OF'GiniFORD' AFRIQUE I.KJLIMANJARO" ~- , ' "'~ : .' : : - '~ : , ' :~ i ' . ;~" - ; :~ ,~:r.;:~~~ ; r. o ' C : i - - .; : ;: , ~ :~ . : " . ~ - : 'i~f':- " .: J: -: 'i :: ; ~ , c. , . . :- ." '. '" : ' .~11~l~. I~i _ > " - ' ~ ~ I', ' ,., '..~.".,:',:.~~~ 0.f:~.~,~_U~:~~ ~~~ ~ . : . ' . . ' . . . , ' . : ' \ : . " . ' r s e w r 1-5 0 t e eneraI' Se Ct!tl!l~ ,Th~ ~~r &hal l ti!lluIty rB~~1lI81or eXi8ndini lwaief am $~wer.~l1rVice I~ ~he [North Carolina.I l l i i~~lt,~~~!;'I n s e C r i O i " s 2 W : i if 3 a b 'o " , , : " . . . : " , " . ' . " : , , . " , , " ' . . . . , . . . . . ' " .I . " . . . . : . , , : . : .. . . ' ' . . ' . .. - S ec tio n s Jt:r om !ll1 (l (jIler Janool)' 31, lOll, t he l i ab il i ty for mut l ic lj l< ll taxes 1m t he 2010,2011f iscol y e a r - S h a D 0 0 p ro ra te d o n t ho b il si ~ o f 5 11 ~ o f 'lh I" ! t o t a l amoun t o f t ax es that w ellld b e d uoIur ~U I entire Hice l ya l ll " ,.T iw dU u d a l i : l o r ! '> r o r B l & d m u n K : i p a ii tx e: is ha ll b e 3 ep 1e O lb (t r 1 , 2 01 1.:Municipal ~d'val"",", t n . . . ler,til" 20HC2il12 fiscnI y e a r BIld. lJ1ereBttershBi be due l~mu.11y on

    , the same o a s I S a s a n y oIt lerproperty wllhin the city n m H s . . ' . , " .Sec t i on 5, Th at Ihisorclinance effective o n a nd a lt er Jall(Jal)' 31,2011.NO\I,(j.HcREFORE:, B E IT R E S O L v E D B Y r H E C ITY C OU NC ILO F,THE C ITY O F GREENS,BORO; . ' .

    , .TI1~1Tu~sd~y, .Noveinber 9 . 2 01 0 III $;3() p.rn. be f lX8d 6s.!he t im~ and tho Coun ci l Chw r be ! "$in t he Me lv in Mu n lc lp a fO f fl ce Building as the p la c e f or t he p u bl ic h e ar in g on t h e p r op o sed ~Nl6XaliOn ofterr i lDly 10 t he C i tY o f G r e e n s b o r o a s aoove'S6I out ~ nd ! h8t 1 1 "k resal(n:on be ~ ub ls hcd In ai '. ewspBpB r JlllIlI '~hedlnlie Cilyof G r e o e n s b 9 r Q ' o o tl ~t e r t ha n O c t ob e r 30 ,2010 .

    i I, 8 i zabQ1h H. R i cha rdson , O i l y Clerk of the C ily ot G re en sb oro e o hereby ceo1lfylho foregoingi . to be a lruundexiic! r o P Y . oiare~luti.on ad o p i e d ~yt he C i ty "QD~ncil o f\~ e C it y o f Greensboro at. : i ts regular meeung h e ld (m lh s 1 ~lhd8-; of o c t o b e ! ' , 2010 .

    Pub l i sh : PaaC l1 l l1Bk9f l0J2B /201OT :' 55S;lgQ5:

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3 I36

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V en do r N um ber 3811 1 / 4 / 1 0


    CHECK NUM BER 250265P aym ent D ate

    AMOUNT $ 331.50Greensboro NC 27420-0000 Bank No.

    In vo ice N um berIn voice # 24 62 , d ated 1 0 / 2 8 / 1 0 331.50

    PO Number Description Amount

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ8677 101010201 5221 331.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    I- ... ,

    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill To:Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP.O. Box 3136Gre en sb oro , NC 2 74 02 3 13 6



    1 0 / 2 8 / 1 0to/28/lQ11/4/1011/4/10


    ImlOrce It: OOOOZ4nIDatl': 11/4/10Pag~ 1




    Order 1 1 5 5 5 IAd- 11" @ $8.50 pci "Orig Zoning: West of Kivett Dairy Rd. " 111904Ad- 15.5" @ $8.50 pel "Storm Water" #1906 JAd- Tl " @$8.50 pc i "Orig Zoning: West of Kivett Dairy Rd. n 1904Ad- 15.5" @ $8.50 pci "Storm Water" 111906

    } O l - 0 1 D;). - oi. :);;>;)-fi /

    ~l c . j u f t & L (b3dt;.lt~/

    I I-J~!D

    ~93.50 . J B 1 . 0 031.75-h...,_:93.50 lr3.9


    Terms; C.O.D.

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount: 5 45 0. SO

    $0.00Balance Due:

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    EDITOR'S AFFIDAVIT,AFRIQUE I. KILIMANJAROof lawful age, beilg duly sworn according tolaw, doth depose b d say that she is Editor ofITHE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER aInewspaper published in the City ofIGreensboro and Q:ounty of Guilford an d Stateof North carolin1 and that notice, ofwhichthe annexed print1ed slip is a true copy, hasbeen published i J said newspaper,successively, for ~heperiod of 2 weeks, Icommencing on the 28th day ofOctober , ~ and that the saidInewspaper in which such notice was

    published, was, J t the time of each and everypublication, a netspaper meeting all theIrequirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the Gene)a1 Statutes of North CarolinaIand was a qualified newspaper within theImeaning of Section 1-597 of the GeneralStatutes of NortJ Carolina.

    N O T I C I : OF pueUCHE ;Afl INGPur~snt 10 a r aS oMkl n 0 1the C i i r ,CCM'd1 ed -o pt ed A p ri l 2 .1 , 1 9 58 :. this announcement l!xe.Tue!do:y, November 9, 2010, .1 5:30 p.m, ast he li me a nd "'" C it y C ou nc il C tIa mb er. M et l/ inMu n ic ip a l O 'I I' ,c e' Bu il di ~9 , 3 9 0 We s t W~ h in 9 't o n S t re e t (J,een&boro. N o rl h C am ln a , 2.7401'Wi 1I1epI~ca!of II pulJl!c h 6 a r i n g on 1h9 pre-posed amendmanl 1 0 l it e 29nin9 m ap a s fo l-low s; , "" OI ig in ai z on in g r ro ,~ C o. .- .t Y I I ( Li gh t I nd u. t ri al ) I II C i ty C [ )"U (Coni.1iU~f)"i l?islr1C\LJgI1lln:dustrlal) f or a c hi ld d ay c ar e c en l. r, e le m en ta ryan d se co nd r uyscho ol 9 ",no,,! mil:tB; e rr i ll l l. imum' o f 8 00 ilS qu lI /1 l k le l o f ~ " ,O f fi c e u s es a n d r ne d 't C al la C i~ ~ () $ p 9m 11 ll ad I nthe II ( ll gn t I nd ust ri a l) Z O n n 9 di~ icI: a m ".~lTUI\' of i J O O O squars f e e t 01 ' ; 11gove rn rT l8n1 fa

    , c li ili es p e< mll1 Bd ini~e.1 ru9ht,Indus1rial) zon-ing dllrtric1; e . I \ d a place o f r ,el lg ious eGGemb ly ,l or p ro pS ft ll I Dc am W e st at K iv ett O a Iy R oa dan d nonh of Knox Road' 'As required by NGGS 1 60 /> .- 38 4, 1 11 1wnalS ofprope!ty jnc llJ dO O In li te o bo ve 'm an liQ ns d".. ,zoolng an d a ls o a ll o l' fn er s wH hi n a 6 0o .f oo t 1 11 '

    I dius 011M 6ooj e< :l site a a s hown on the County18)( l~tin g w il b e n otified by f irs t d a mail 01l he o r lg i n al ~ooing pUbf i~ hIlaring,A.ny IMiY idUal w l 1 h a d is ab i1 ily w ho ~ '~ od $ a ni f\ le rp r. ta f o r o lh sr B u xi ll ar y a id s o r e el 'l ic es f orlh',s me e~ r, g m a y c en ta ct ' Bo ts ey ' R i ch ar dSO I1 ,City C lf1 fl1 , ~ llIa ~a B clt re ib 9l', D ep ury C iIYC l ur k, ( n the Ciry CI~'s O ff ic e a l 373-2397 Of3 ~ ' S 9 : W ( TOO) ':Pllbl i~h: ' Peacemaker, 10125 80 111412010 T'J J /1

    \Subscribed and sworn to before methis 4th day of :'IIovember 2010

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    . N O TI CE O F P U BL I~ 'H EA R IN Gr : ~ . ' ~ v- t -~ ..Pursuant to 8 resOhllioi\ o f the. City Courn;1I

    o rt he "C iI y o f G r ee n sb o ro . .a d op le d ' A p r 1 i 25 ,1 9 58 . I hi s annollllCOO1errt l ix e , Tussd ay . No ; -vembor 9, 2Oro, 81 5:30 P.M., 11$ the t lme andth e C ity C o~ cll C ha mb er. " " ' ! v I " MlJll iC ipalO~t e Bulk i ng , 300 WeSt WashingtOn S"... t,Greens.ooro! N D r t h CaroliJ ia as !lie' plaCe !o fa pubiic hearing on til. propoSed' a'Tlondrnentto th~.zonlng, PI IllVli~gan~~men, Or.dinance I ! f l d SIOrmwater MW i ii g e i i i6 0 i ' 0rdI.n an ce a s fo llow s: . . .' ..- ; ; y ." _ -; .


    "Z on in g, P la nn in g lIJ id D i f v e /6 j ! m e ~ t T e : c tAmen

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    113~.. , . . '- ',

    CITY OF GREENSBOROJ NC l!:heck needed by:I - - - -CHECK/CONTRACT ORDER Vendor# ## 8181

    pate 9/8/10-------C & t o bontract No.PAY TO: News & Record

    DPartlalAddress: PO Box 600087

    Raleigh, NC 27675-6087 ~FinalAccountlnq Use OnlyAmount $ 519.96- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / ~DESCRIPTION:

    Payment for ads for general GYC 51996


    Account # 101.5006.11.5221 519.96:": '~-~'T-:-~;-- . . . . . - - - . . , . . . . . _~. _"--. _ _ '/Total 519.96Mail Check Direct:

    Send to : at I to pick up check.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~------

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina Peacemaker Vendor Numbe r 381 CHE CK NUMBER 2 5 0 6 6 6PO B ox 20853 P aymen t Da te 1 1 / 1 0 / 1 0

    AMOUNT $ 450.50Greensboro NC 27420-0000 B an k N o. 09

    I nvo ic e Number P O Numbe r Description AmountCJ8907 I nvo ic e #2472 450.50

    Invoice Number Account Number eBR AmountC18907 101010201 5221 450.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ,-----------------------------------------------------.--------------------~------.,'Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Hill TQ:Greensboro Zoning DeptAttn: Frederick BoatengPOB ox 3 1.3 6C re en sb oro , N C 2 '7 40 2

    lncoice #: 00002479Date: 10/28/10Page: 1




    NOV16 p~12:37

    Ad- 31"@$9po "November 8,2010 Zoning Meeting"Ad- 31" @$9 pci "November 8,2010 Zoning Meeting"



    Sales Taxr $0.00$558.00otal Amount:$0.00

    Balance Due:erms: C.O.D. $558.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~ .---~~---.----,--;_-------~----------~--~

    EDITOR'S AFF1DAVITSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AFRIQUE 1. K I L l IMANJARO .COUNTY OF GUILFORD .,- -----._.. -~------- -._ .. _ --'awfUlage,be,ingdulyswomaccord:ngto

    NOTICE 01' PUBLIC HEARING ON I h . Ed f. ,- . ZONINO MAP AMENDMENT _ doth depose and say that s e IS nor 0I' IIE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER aii _ h Cit fvspaper published In t e J yo~ensboro and Icounty ofGuilrord and StateINOl1hCaro li na , and that notice, of which-I().()9-00J - A portion of J21 EAST FRIENDLY AVENUE (North 01 EAST FRIENDLy ,AVENUE and ea st of NORTH CHURCH STREEn I h

    LI (Light !odvs tr ia lj 10CB (Cenua l BU$lnoss) ler a ll U ' low< !d in the CB (Cerlral Bus.ness) ) annexed printed slip is a true copy, as~~ I ,en published in said newspaper,I , 2 we e k 6ccessiveiy, fon tne period 0 1 ' _! rnencing on the 2 1 6 t Jay oflcober 2010 an d th at the said,'-- _~wspaper in w~ich such n otic e w as.~blished, was, f t the time of each an d every/I lbl ication, a newspa~~r meeting a ll '",Iquirements a n 1 qualifications of Section 1-'I I197of the General S ta tu te s o f North Carolinal d was a qUali'rcd newspaper within the.~eaning of Section 1-597 of tile Genera]I ' I .t atutes orNort '" Caro ina,

    .' . ~'I'" '_

    Th e Greensboro Zoning Commiss ion wi" COfl3 ider Ofd i1 !ances to change the ~onrng classlfICa-no n olt~e 1ol law;ng propert Ies (,"-ted in order o f appearance on the agenda). Persons interosted in: any 01 these i lom. are inv ited 10at tend lhe PUbl ic hea ring to be held on Monday. November 6 . 2 0 1 D ,at 5" 30 p.r n , ' " ths Ci ty CouncIJ C~ber. Malvi n Municipal O~l ce BUidin9, 300 West Wast-i ngton

    , Slree-! , Greensboro_ North CarOl ina. Any individual ~11h a dO;abll~y who nellth 01CINDER ROAD)COun ty AG (A9 'ICU II ", ") am! Coun !) ' AS-40 (Residen liBI .S lngl . Ide 01MCCONNELL ROAD.north allNTERSTATE 40185 east and west of ClAPP FARMS ROAD,C D-A M-' a (Cand~ional Dislrict-ResldenUal Mulll Family) t o CD-AM . f8 (CoM)1ional DIStrk: t .Resi -

    dential Multi Familv) far rnu ll i- lamWy oweil lng unit. blAidlngs; IhHre Sha'! be a milXimum oj 30(1 312rnunl-lamily dwell ing uni ls pU s dubhou$


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~G R E E N S B O R O

    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 558.00Greensboro NC 27420-0000V en do r N um berP aym en t D ateBank No.

    3 8 111117/10


    CHECK NUMBER 2 5 1 1 5 2

    In vo ic e N um be rInvoice #2479, dated 1 0 / 2 8 / 1 0 . 558.00

    PO N um ber Description Amount

    In vo ic e N um be r A cco un t N um ber CBR AmountCJ9137 101200101 5221 558.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    'Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Invoice

    AMOUNT$99.00V i f/L f . . . - . '~*f-



    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount $99,00

    Amount $0.00

    BiHTCI;City of C'boro-HCDAttn: Gwen TerrainPO Bo x 3136Greensboro, NC 27W

    Invoice #~ 00002489bate: 11/11/10Page: 1

    11!11 (10 Ad- 1l"@$9 pci Substantial AmendmenI2010-2011"

    Balance Due:

    v 3 ' 8 1o 1 8 - J a r I -e I " ' ? c U l

    f o 1 ~ @ J ;R W rn f f i li l l ! N O V 1 J 2 0 1 U i l l 1BY: J t !k .

    Terms: C.O.D.


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    Subscribed and sworn to before methis - . . l 1 . ! . ! L day or November , __l!lliL_.

    EDITOR'S AFF;IDAVJTAFRIQUE I. KIUMANJAROof lawful age, +n& duly sworn accordingtola w, d oth d ep ose and say that she is Editor of. jTHE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER aIn ew sp ap er p ublish ed in th e C ity o fG r eensbo ro andl counlY of Guilford and Stateo f N orth C aro lina, an d that n otice, of w hichthe annexed priJted slip is a true c op y, h asbeen published i~ sa id newspaper,successively, [oJ the period of 1weekcomm en cin g o n l i t h e 11th day ofNovember , 2010 and t h a t th e

    said newspaper in w hich such no tice w aspublished, was, I t the time of each and everypublication, a ne~vspaper mee tin g a ll ther equ ir emen ts and . qual if ic at ion s o f Section 1~597 of the GeneJu Statutes of North Carolinaand was a qualifi1ed newspaper within th emeaning of Sectibn 1 5 97 o f th e G en era lStatutes of North' Carolina.

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 99.00Greensboro NC 27420 -0 00 0V en do r N um berP aym en t D ateBank No.



    CHECK NUM BER 251151

    In vo ic e N um berInv 2489, Substantial Amendment Adfor FY 20 IO 1 1 annual plan. I plan.

    AmountO N umber Description99.00

    In vo ice N um ber A cco un t N um ber CBR AmountCJ9136 212221101 5221 99.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Attached is an invoice fur advertising of a public hearing in the Peacem aker for theL andm ark D esignation for the F . W . W oolw orth B uilding, 134 S. Elm Street. The invoiceis ap pro ve d fo r p aym en t.

    it. ~.

    MEMORANDUMD ate: N ov em ber 15 ,2 01 0T o: V era F un derb urkF rom : M ike C ow hig0S ub je ct: : Ad fo r. L a ndma rk D esig na tio n P ub lic H ea rin gT han ks fo r you r h elp.

    ~~!~~~: ,~BY; d . ! f . . : : . .

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    " ; I 1 ; 1 , 0. . . . . ,.Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill To:Greensboro Cty CouncilAttn: Mike CowhlgP.O. Bo x 3136Greensboro, N.C 27m


    Invoice #: 00002490Date: 11/11/10


    Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTIONAd- 9.5"@ $9 pci "FWWoolworth Bldg as Historic LandmarklAd- 9.5"@ $9 pci "FWWoolworth Bldg as Historic Landmark" $85.50$SS.5011/4/1011/11/10

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount $171.0l)

    Amount $O.O{ )Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $l71.0{)

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 171.00Greensboro NC 274 20 -0 00 0V en do r N umbe rP aymen t D a teBank N o.


    CH ECK NUMBER 251150


    In vo ic e N umberInv #2490" A d for L andm arkD esignation for the F W W oolw orthB uild in g. w orth B uild in g.

    171.00PO N um ber Description Amount


    In vo ice N umbe r A cco unt N um ber CBR AmountCJ9135 211220101 5221 171.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    < .;. .QSL{3

    CITY OF GREENSBORO, NC Check needed ASAPIVendor #: IHECK/CONTRACT ORDER 381Date 11/29/2010Contract No.: N/A

    PAY TO: Carolina PeacemakerDpartialAddress: P.O. Box 20853 IGreensboro, NC 27420 [JFinalI

    Accounting Use OnlyAmount $ 648.00 C/O#

    Description Fee for publication of inspector's order regardirg property at:3935 Eastland Avenue III JIICHARGE TO: CBR NO. APPROVED FOR PAYMENT101-6014-03.5221

    I~ 0- ~\, '~r " \ 2 " \ ' 0otal 648.00Return check to: Wanda Hovandlr. Local Ordinance Enforcement

    . t)"' j i m "LV ' . 1 J ' I 1 ' l v

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    :. .Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill To:Wanda Hovander-City of G'boroInspection Division1001 Fourth StreetG re en sb oro , N C 2 74 65

    Invoice #; 00002464DMe: 11/11/10




    Page: 1

    DESCRIPTION AMOUNT10/28/1011/4/101 1 / 1 1 / 1 0

    Ad- 24" @$9 pel "3935 Eastland Avenue"Ad- 24" @$9 pel "3935 Eastland Avenue"Ad- 24" @ $9 r e i "3935 Eastland Avenue"

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount: $64-1l.00

    ! AmoW1 l $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due; $648.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO B ox 20853

    Vendor Numbe r 3811 2 / 1 1 I 0


    CHECK NUMBER 251823

    Greensboro NC 27420 -0000P aymen t Da teB an k N o. AMOUNT $ 648.00

    I nvo ic e Numbe rI nvo ic e #2484 , i ns pe cto r's o rd erp ro pe rty a t 3 93 5 E astla nd A ve nu e a ndAvenue

    648.00PO Number Description Amount

    Invoice Number Account N umber CBR AmountCJ9543 101601403 5221 648.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    r ' ..~

    q S Z f d . -

    CITY OF GREENSBORO, NC Check needed ASAPIVendor#: IHECK/CONTRACT ORDER 381Date 11/29{2010Contract No.: N/A

    PAY TO: Carolina PeacemakerDPartia'Address: P.O. Box 20853 IGreensboro, NC 27420 E:]FinalI

    Accounting Use OnlyAmount $ 175.50 C / O #

    Description Fee for publication of inspector's hearing regar;ding property at:1316 Avalon Road I III

    CHARGE TO: CBR NO. AP PROVED FOR PAYMENT101-6014-03.5221 ( V ~KW~'-~~Total 175.50 !lj2.'\\lcReturn check to: Wanda HovandJr. Local Ordinance Enforcement


    L 1 7 : t ' \ ' 1 . : 1 6 e : n O N

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    1 1Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 lnooice

    Hill To:

    Wanda Hovander-City of G'bow Invoice #; 00002502Inspection Division IDate: II/IS/Ie1001Fourth StreetGreensboro, NC 27405 Page: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION I AMOUNTlJ/4/10 Ad- 6.5" @$9 pci "1316 Avalon Rd." $58.5011{11/10 Ad- 6.5" @$9 pci "1316 Avalon Rd." $58.5011/18/10 Ad- 6.5"@$9 pci "016 Avalon Rd." $58.50

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount $175.50

    Amoun1 $0.00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $175.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO B ox 20853

    V en do r N um ber 38112/1/10


    C HECK NU MBER 251822

    Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0P aym en t D ateBank No. AMOUNT $ 175.50

    In vo ic e N um be rIn vo ice # 25 02 fo r in sp ec to r's h ea ri ngproperty at 13 16 A valon Rd. AvalonRd.

    175.50PO Number Description Amount

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ9542 10160140J 5221 175.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    '-Caroiina Peacemaker 959SPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 t = r 1FD lnuoiceRtJ~,.""~ ,J "~()~2 ~ 10\~

    r . , '(~~\.~'b C L.rJBill To: G\~ .. " .Office of the City Clerk Invoice II: 00002512Attn.: Betsey Richardson Date: 11/24/10P.O. Bo x 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 Page: 1


    1 1 / 2 5 / 1 0 Ad- 13" @ $8.50 pci "Inrl Textile Group Incentive Plan" Order # 5 5 6 -1 90 7 $110.50

    ~ )~\ /VIe ( __0 ! o )- - o (. S-~:L I .

    (}b.._~0( ri~cUt,y-;- II

    L8:l 1d! :)30

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount: $110.50

    Amouru $0.00Terms: C.O_D. Balance Due: $110.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    of l.a~:fid age, be~~gduly'swbm according tolaw; doth depose' andsay that skis Editor of. I .THE CAROLI~A PEACEMAKER a

    , . ",.0" .0" . ," .~., .. ,~. newspaper publi~hed in the City ofs o n c eOf , ", w e " " 'R ~ e ' " " " ''' ' 'O R ; '~ '' : ' c:~:;,:':':" , " ," ", . ; ' o c d ' . \Greensboro and tounty of Guilford and StateNOllie DEVELOPMENT I NC EN 'T 1V l' G R AN T T O INTERNAfiONAL TEXTILE G R O U P , INC. I. ~ITI;OAK !,LANT) . . ~of North Carolina, and that notice, of which

    pyrsuanllo N.GJ3S .....~a-T.1:N~8 ~ , ; ; ' E # b y givell.ll1a1IheCIJyCOII.n c n o . t t h e pity Ith d ori I . ,G .. -.. bo ro wi ll h ol d a p u b l i c h ~ B li tS 8e 9U !a rM e et t; ,i" ~\ 5 ; ; W P , m : , o ~ : r ~ : i i J a Y ; ~ b i 'h , l e annexe printed slip IS a true copy, has2 0 1 0, ln . \h Q COu n ci l GnambBr;iri'th~.lJI!Mn,Mir~ICIP"lQflioe:BuUilill9,.at!.3DO'.I!'l~~tW"-'~ii\gID",~ I It r 8 e t , Gre~nlbort>iNOrth.C!lroy!\tf. ;;nw.ifu~e&.gn\ilj ti,~iiri~'wI~'b!>,I~re,\"l~a,inroMat~j-;;Bn~' 'been pub Iished in said ne~:~. ~_! ! I' I l" f1 .\ o n a.rllqueqfl;~.:Intcrr,alicnal.T~.e ,q(OIlP,IIlC:,e p a . k ' P , J a I l t ) . k ! r . s Q ~ . I wspaper,)rrilc IncootlVSto retain Jo~, III tile.~ll~9 .a\{ P I . I I I nt t ~ : ;lty !If Gre8nl,?!,ro:~.Eity,,~,?'~f'I!,WiII. ~ ,8AskedlOai:lOnlhatreq\JestbY:~'~1.li1;l!:eto~~'y."fiIti!~~;Pla,~!~pp~~~:dOO: successively, for th e per iod of 1 w eek1375,000 dolwU\erm. of ~,1!8$ oV lJ >Ut [ r omiP .huse 'I 1' of .t h eC l ty b i nQ !t 1 at nodiarge fQrthe~:~"'oh~J~~:;~~~;~~~~~4~~P~~~~;$~!~i~;~~i;~:.ommencing on the 25th day oftent wI~'be f6( one year and wlnrun Ifom,~anu;iJyJ' to [ lecc!moor 31,2011, _.' :. . . .," ' ,.:r~ ~IC ~nefi' ~:~:~~~i~nit~\et~;;;;~(oifi~~~~pk>y~~~t.~;;~ i ; ; ; ; ~ty : . \ ! November ,2010 and that the said~.GreensllOro W i I ! be thillmPa(ft.h~.ilmpl~y! h < i ' ~ii:th.&9~~.s#.$,'~xrev~"I.B,s ~Ia$ .n=ased business prospeet& lorttieC,ity aild,the !",,,:','/'" ,,( ..7 of the General Statutes of North Carolina

    , : . . . ~ . , ' . ; . ; ~ ~ . , . i , ; , 1 ;.. . ' ; ~ , : , . ~ , ' . " , . , . ; J . ~ . , . ' , ~ .> : . ' , : r . : ~ ~ ' . " . l ' , . , ~... i . ; r . ~ . " . 11/( . . . .'pd was a quali r . i d n ew sp ap er w ith in th e__ --,..__,;,._-...;:.;;~e~'~' .;.:.;.!~-~. : ; ' ; : ' _ i f ' ; . _ ; ; , ~ ~ , , , : ; ; , ' . ; ; ; '. ) . . :; . ., ; : ::. : : , ;: , .. - . , ;. . ,__:;,'_,'":;,,::'':':''.::'i"~.r~:.:~.;.:~:r,;,;;,.l''leaningfSectibn 1-597 of the General


    Statutes of North :Carolina.

    Suhscrlbed and sworn to before methis 25th day of November , ..1Q1Q_.

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~G R E E N S B O R O

    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 110.50Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0V end or N um berPaym ent D ateBank No.


    CHECK NUM BER 251913


    In vo ic e N um berInvoice #25 12, dated 1 1 / 2 4 / 1 0 110.50

    PO Number Description Amount

    In vo ice N um be r A cco un t N um ber CBR AmountCJ9595 101010201 5221 110.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    q ~ l P &BORa, NC fher;k needed ASAPCT ORDER I ! Vendor #: 381 IIDate 12/6/2010I N /Acontract No.:


    DFinalI Accounting Use Only

    ? IC /O#Ion of inspector's hearing regari:Jing property at:IiI IIICBR NO. APiROVED FOR PAYMENT

    Q/ ?K~'A_!ls- . '~,I l ~ \ < ? \ \ O /"29.50

    check to: Wanda HovandJ, Local Ordinance Enforcement




    PAY TO: Carolina PeacemakerAddress: P.O. Box 20853

    Greensboro, NC 27420

    Amount $ 229.50. Description Fee for publicati. 519 Julian Street

    CHARGE TO:101-6014-03.5221

    /Total 2


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Innoice

    Bill To:Wanda Hovander-City of G'boro \Tltv&ice #: O O O O Z 5 Z 5Inspedion Division Date: 12J2/101001Fourth StreetG re en sb oro , N C 2 74U5 Paj{e: 1

    -. IDATE DESCRIIYfION AMOUNT11/18/10 Ad- 8.5"@$9.00 PCl "519Jullian Street" $76.5011/24/10 Ad- 8.5"@ $9.00 PC] "519[ullian Street" $76.5012/2/10 Ad- 8.5"@$9.00 PCl "519[ullian Sireet' $76.50


    1 Sales Tax: $O.O()Total Amount $229.5( )

    Amount $C.O()Terms: C.O.D. Balance Du~ $229,5( )

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 229.50Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0V en do r N um berP aym en t D ateBank No.

    3811 2 1 1 O i l 0

    CHECK NUM BER 252419


    In vo ic e N um be rIn vo ice # 25 25 , d ated 1 2 / 2 1 1 0 forp ub lic atio n o f in sp ec to r's h ea rin g-5 19Julian St. or's hearing-519 Julian S t.

    229.50P O N um ber Description Amount

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ9868 101601403 5221 229.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill T o : Gl:Z W d 91 33aGreensboro Zoning DepLAttn: Frederick BoatengPO Box 3136Greensboro, NC 27402

    Inv6 icdl: 00002524pate: 12/2fl0i



    Sales Tax: $0.00I Total Amount: $558.00I Amount $0.00

    Terms: C.O.D. I Balance Due: $558.00!

    11/24/10LZ/2J l0


    AD- 31"@$9.00PCI "DECEMBER 13,2010 MEEHNG"AD- 31" @$9.00 rcr "DECEMBER 13,2010 MEETlNC"1\


    \~\q\~ I17__y\~# La t r 2:..{!)o \ - [) I, "5 J . 2 J /~ 1/\~{ t t t / 1 0 !I ~


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    NOTICE OF PUBLIC H!:ARING ONZONIt.lCl MAPAMENOMENTThe Greensboro Zoning Commleelon .,..,11cons.d sr ordinances 10 "h~rI;I. the'zoning elass , f ica1,ono r t he fo.IOW'f'g propert ies (Iisled m order at aopeaence on t he aQen d a) . P e rs o ns i nt ai es le d i n anyof tMse i tems a re [n" ,ted t o a tt en d t he p ub 'l e ~eal ing to 00 n~ld on Monday, December 13, 5:30 p.rn , in tho City councu ona mOOr. Melvin Mu" iopal OffiGtO Bui lding, 300 W e st Wa,h'r.gtonSt ree t . G reenst >o :o , No ffh Carol in8 Any i r

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V en do r N umbe r

    Greensboro NC 274 20 -0 00 0P ay ment D ateB ank N o.



    CH EC K N UM BER 252819

    AMOUNT $ 558.00

    I nv oice N umbe rInvo ice #2 524 , dated 1 2 / 2 1 1 O . 558.00

    P O N um ber Description AmountCJ0053

    In vo ic e N umbe r A ccoun t N um ber CBR AmountCJ0053 101200101 5221 558.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    05'-..I p a y , ~ - o J 'Carolina Peacemaker

    DateNeeCledBy::PaymentType: Check OrderIVendor#:j . 381Contract#:


    Partial: IFinal: IC/O N0.1~mount I $149.50 /

    ~ I D _ e _ s _ c r _ i p _ t _ i o _ n _ : ~ 1~ 1 ~ ! A _ m _ o _ u _ n _ t ~ $ 1Inv. 2528, Ad for Affordable Housing Development RFP, 12/9/10

    211 2201 01 5221I $149.50







    Req~ isition:I11302r

    artment Date Entered . A/1 2/15/2010 . - I _ : j T


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Caroliua PeacemakerP.ostOffice Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Iwooice

    Bill To:G'boro Housing &Cooun. Dev

    G T Invoice #: 00002528Attn! wen onain fDatt: 12/9/10P,O, Box 3136Greensbore, NC 27402 Puge: 1

    DATE DESCRPTION I AMOUNT12/9/10 Ad- 11.5" @$13 pci "Affordable Housing" $149.50

    ,J "A ~ J ~ ~ G ~l~ [ 1 v d o r ~ t i P AA v fV 0 - r - ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ IS J s I z 1 ~ Ii

    ILflY r i O,!iII


    i Sales Tax; $0.00Total Amount: $149.50

    Amount $0.00Terms: C.O.n. Balance Due: $149.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 149.50Greensboro NC 2 7420-0000V en do r N um berP ay men t D ateB ank N o.

    38 11 2 / 1 7 1 1 0


    CH ECK N UM BER 252818

    In vo ic e N um be rInv #252 8, A d-A fford able H ousingD evelopm en t R FP , 1 2 / 9 1 1 O . 10 . 149.50

    PO Number Descrip tion Amount

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ0052 211220101 5221 149.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    I p a y To: ICarolina Peacemaker

    Datebleededfsy:IPayrnerjtfype: Check Order.Vendor;: 381Contrac~:Partial: IFinal: IC/O Nq,

    LID_e_s_cr_ip_t_io_n_: ~~I 1 ~ A _ m _ o _ u _ n _ t ~ $ 1i A m o u n t $207.00I

    Inv. 2553, Notice of Finding Ad, 12/16/10

    212 2211 01 5221j



    $0,00,/ \( t J $0.00-,

    Approved fo r Payment: Total $207.00L J : : , R I, ..Housing Comrjl li i) 'ity..;,~elopment Department Date E nte requlsition:Contact: Vera Fun~urk Ext. 5725 113b6 12/21/201


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    Car~iina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill TQ :Greensboro Housing Authority Invoice #: 00002553Attn: RUS5Clegg Date: 12/16/10300 W. Washington 51Greensboro, NC 2'7420-1287 Page: 1

    IDATE DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT12/16/10 Ad- 23" @$9 pci "Notice of Finding of No Significant rmpactJ.. .. $207.00

    & f A y - ~;Ji/


    S ale s T ax : $0.00Total Amount: $207.00

    Arnuunl $0,00Terms: C.O.D. Balance Due: $207.00


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    Subscribed and sworn to b ft h O c ore meIS ..l .M!L day of December , -WQ_.CULEY V . K JL lMANJARONO RYPUBUCGUlL 0COUNTY,NCIres J Iy 17, 2015


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~REENSBORO City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    Vendor Numbe r 38112/29110


    CHECK NUMBER 253248

    Greensboro NC 27420-0000Paymen t Da teB an k N o. AMOUNT $ 207.00

    Invo ice NumberInv 2553 for N otice of F inding A d 207.00

    PO Number Description AmountAW9035

    Invo ice Number Accoun t Numbe r CBR AmountAW9035 212221101 5221 207.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    '0 ,

    !I r e l ; k needed_A_SA_P ~I-~CITY OF GREENSBORO, NC ~::;c,

    CHECK/CONTRACT ORDER guL Wo II Vendor #: 381 I Ib te 12/29 /2010 II Iontract No.: N/APAY TO: Carolina Peacemaker 0artialAddress: =.o. Box 20853 IGreensboro, NC 27420 E1FinalII Accounting Use OnlvAmount $ 189.00 C/O#II I IDescription Fee for publication of inspector's hearing regaf,

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20SS3Greensboro, NC 27420 Invoice

    Bill To:Wanda Hovander-City of G'boroInspection Division1001 Fourth StreetGreensboro, NC 27400

    Invoice It: 00002563IDate: 12/23/10IPage: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT12/9110 Ad- 7" @$9 rei "508 Penry Rd" $63,0012/16/10 Ad-7" @$9 pci "S08 Penry Rd" $63.0012{23/10 Ad- 7" @ $9 pci "S08 Penry Rd" $63.00



    II Sales Tax: $0.00I Total Amount $189.00I AmoWlt S O . O OTerms: C.O.D. I Balance Due: $189.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V en do r N um berP ay men t D ate

    CH ECK N UM BER 253375

    Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0 Bank No.


    09 AMOUNT $ 189.00

    In vo ic e N um b erIn vo ice # 25 63 , p ulicatio n o f in sp ecto r'sproperty at 508 Penry Rd. 8 Penry Rd. 189.00

    P O N um ber Descrip tion Amount

    I nv oic e N um be r Account Number CBR AmountCJ0290 101601403 5221 189.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    ', .',\Carolina PeacemakerPost Office BOl( 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill To:Wandil Hovander-City ofG'boroInspection Division InlJo ce II: 2539Iatr, 12/9/101001 Fourth StreetGreensboro, NC 27405 age: 1Ir


    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT11/25/10 Ad- 28" @ $9 pci "410 B eec h Sf' $252.00 -,1'l12/10 Ad- 28" @ $9 pei "410 Beech St" $252.00 ~,12/9/10 Ad- 28" @$9 pci "410 Beech Sf' $252.00


    II I

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount S756.00

    AmoUrt t $0.00Terms: C.O.D. I Balance Due: $756.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO B ox 20853

    AMOUNT $ 756.00Greensboro NC 27420-0000Vendo r NumberP aymen t Da teB an k N o.

    3811 / 3 / 1 1

    CHECK NUMBER 253374


    I nvo ic e NumberP ub lic atio n o f in sp ec to r's p ro pe rty a tB ee ch S tree t, In v # 25 39 . v # 25 39 . 756.00

    PO Number Description AmountCH0289

    I nvo ic e Numbe r Account Number CBR AmountCH0289 1 0 1 6 0 1 4 0 3 5221 756.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 In 'l)1J ic e



    Bill To! !I I.n1JOfC2 #: 00002534

    !Date: 12/9/10alyof G'bom -AdjustmentPLANNING DEPT.Attn: Loray AverettP.O. Bo x 3136Greensboro, NC 274023136 Puge: 1

    12/9/10 Ad 7.5" @ $9 pci "December 20, 2010 Meeting"

    L .d '( 'l' '" ~ Q . .{ )~ rt)V u O ~ ( " '~~rJ- ~ 1;).-30 - r i O

    ~ ~ ~ 1 > r J w . : t tI ~ P~) -;WIDII

    ~ r7~ \0~ ~ I &J - 200I-DJ~ $;;2.2. j )__A~.&{. ~ gCLt,-~ .. -t/s ll/~I

    Sales Tax; $0.00Total Amount: $&7.50

    Amoun t $0.00Balance DtJe: $67.50erms; C.O.D.




  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    IEDITOR'S AFFIDAVITAFRIQUE I. KItIMANJAROoflawful age, being duly sworn according tolaw, doth deposd and say that she is Editor of

    ITHE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER anewspaper publi1hed in the City ofIGreensboro and Coun ty of Guilford and Stateof North Carolinh, and that notice, of whichIthe annexed printed slip is a true copy, hasbeen published i J said newspaper,successively, for \he period of 1 week

    Icommencing on ~c....2!!L da y ofDecember ,! 2010 and thai the said


    newspaper in whibh such notice waspublished, was, ai the time of each and everyblicati I . 1 1 hu lication, a newspaper meetmg.a t c.

    requirements an d hualifications of Section I-. II597 of the General Statutes of North Carolinaand was a quali fi ~ newspaper within theImeaning ofScctio\l 1-597 of the General

    IStatutes of North Carol ina.

    C UL EY V . K JL lM AN JA RONOTARY PUB LI CGU IL FORD COUNTY , NCM y Commission ~Jur 17,2015



    Subscribed and sworn to before methis _2!L day of December , 2010

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~G R E E N S B O R O

    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO B ox 20853

    CHECK NUMBER 253520

    Greensboro NC 27420 -0000

    Vendor NumberP aymen t Da teB ank N o.


    09 AMOUNT $ 67.50

    I nvo ic e Numbe rIn vo ic e # 25 34 , d ate d 1 2/9 110 67.50

    PO Number Description Amount

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ0347 101200101 5221 67.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    . . . ',pay To: I () , ~ ' ) . . . _ _ .DateNeededBy:IPaymeniType: Check OrderIVendors! 381I


    Final:CIO NO.

    Caroli na Peacemaker/

    IA moun t I $99.00/

    ;_D_e_s_cr_iP_t_io_n_: 7 - ~ 1 ~ I A_m_o_u_n_t~$1lnv. 2552, Ad for Lead Agents, Renaissance Center, 12/16/10

    212 2210 20 52~5, $99,00


    J AN 5 RK1 0:ill$0,00



    Req~isition :113:23I

    Date Entered1/4/2011


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 lnooice~~@~llW~~J A N U J 2 0 1 1

    BY: .....d.: . . . . . . . . . . .Bill To:Greensboro Housing Authority Ilnuoice It: 00002.5!;2Attn:DyanMin jDate: 12/16/10300 W. W

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V en do r N umbe r 3811 / 6 1 1 1

    09 AMOUNT $ 99.00CH ECK N UM BER 253578

    P ay ment D ateGreensboro NC 2 7420-0000 Bank N o.

    I nv oice N umbe rInv #2552, Ad for L ead A gents,R en aiss an ce C en te r, 1 2 / 1 6 1 1 O . 61 1O . 99.00

    PO Number Description Amount

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ0392 212221020 5285 99.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    \'( '"Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Bill To:Greensboro Zoning Dept.Attn: Frederick BoatengPO Bo x 3136Creensboro, NC 2'7.w2

    Invoice #: 00002573Date: 12/30/10Page: 1I

    DATE DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT12/23/10 Ad- 25"@$9pei "1-10-11Meeting" $225.0012/30/10 Ad- 25" @ $9 pci "1-1 o . 11 Meeting" $225.00

    ) ~uv~j~t~ \ \ ~q,\/'~ - - - u \ ~ ~~

    -~q:J-.. t : t I a ( - z . 0 ~I-0 t. 5

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    ~ 1 ~ : : ~ : ;" : : " = : :: : :; : ; '; ; - - N :' : O n : '; - : :: C ' : ': E = O : ' : F _ ; ; 'P ; ; ; ' U = B = L = I C ; : ; :: : H : i :: E i : A : : :: R ~ t N : : : G = O = N = O : : " ' O ': : N : ': I N : := ' G : : :M = A = P = A = M = E : : r I = O = M : : E = N = T = = = = = = : : ; : : :: ; j ! . . . . . ,t lhe '~ 'een'boeo Zorllng Commi$s ion " ; ~ o o ~ 8 1 d . r O l ' d i n Q n C J ! $ to Char~ethe zonKl9 claS&l~caron ot o f la w f u I a ge , b ei; ng duly 5wqm accorJ;ng 10t h e . roPCWl~g P"'l"'~I6. ( I i s t e d i n oed,; r of a pp .a r~ nc e o n the agendai Person~ I n t e r e s l e d in My ot .l ha s iI .i te m . a re ' lW~ed to Eil tend the put> ' ic hea l ing to be h e ld o n Monda~. January 10.2011 . a t 5 :~O law, do th depose- and say t ha t s he i~d ito r o fpm .. J1 loe Cltf Counc.l Ch sm b er . M e "1 In MunICl~~1 O f fI Ce B v IK l" '9 . 3 00 We.t lngIDn SIr~B :. ~ . ~Gree~bot9. NOM Carol in~. A n X ,ndi"';dual ",ith a.d'SIIb~ity who 'neAds an I n l e r p r e t e r or other au~ I :, , lUary a ld s o r 5ervioes for this me~ t ing may con tacl lhe Planncng Departmer.( at (~J6) 373-210l.0i0' 'jTHE CAROLINA PEA(.EMAKER a(336) 333$30 nOD). . . . . i2.-1101-001 -2~D' LAWNDALEiJRIVE(N6rt~was!COrn~rGI~e'if\tel~onOf~WNOALED'RIVC: n ew sp ap er p ub lish ed in th e C ity o fend FERNWOOD DRIVEl. .'R- 5 ( R e s i d e n l i e l - S l 0 gla F am i ly ) t o C p .C - N (C'ondHlooal Oi.lntl . 'Greensboro an d C ou nty of G ui I ford and S tateCommerc la lNe lghborhood)IDr ret .,1 sales e~d service. penlOn31 and profesolorel services. med'-cal, aental and a ll other o ff ice uses and a chad day car " cent er . ppjcent s n a u p re s er ve a n d m s in -t ai" t he ";o f N orth C aro lin a, and that notice, of which. ii lhe annexed p ri n ted s li p is a true copy. hasbeen publ ished i p s a id newspape r,Isucce ss ive ly , f o r; th e period of 2 weeksoommencing 011 :the 23rd day ofI December l 2010 and that the saidI . I i . h .icwspaper Inwruc such nonce was' . ' .ublished, \~ as, at the tim e of cach and everyl I ' - - . -,u blic atio n, a n ew sp ap er m e etin g a ll th e\ . 1 .cquirements and qualifications of Section 1-I I.9 7 o f th e G en era l S ta tu tes o f N orth C aro lin aI d I' Lt1 was a qua ified newspaper within theI Iic an i n g of Section 1 -5 97 of the General- Ir t u t e s o f No rt h Ca ro li na .i'===~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~t--~~~~~~--~I.:.t..H"''-.l.- ... T ' " 1 lJ - " . . u-., . . . . .VI ..~lU-IJCrUre me

    Z-11-01.()()5 31053113 CEDAR PA RK ROAD I No rt h a t CEDAR PARK R O A D st'ld wast 0'BR\DGEPOINT ROAD)County HB (H,ghway Bus inaS5) to City G-M (Commen:'gl-Me

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina Peacemaker


    OateNeeded By:IPaymentType: Check OrderI

    Partial: IF i n a l : I

    l ~ m o u n t J $ 1 8 0 . 0 0 / C /O NO !I

    ~ [ D _ e _ s _ c r _ i P _ t _ i o _ n _ : ~ ~~1 Ll A _ m _ o _ u _ n _ t ~ $ lInv 2559, S. Elm Street Ad, 12/23J10

    I 212 2208 19 5285I $81.00lnv. 2491, Ole Asheboro Ad for Notice of Regular Meeting, 11/11/10

    212 2208 16 5285I $99.00



    $0.00Total $180.00

    I a:R I . . .equisition:I11346

    artment Date Entered1/12/2011* o P

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 Iuoolce

    Bill To;Greensboro Housing AuthorityAttn: Dyan Arkin300 W. Washington StGreensboro, NC 27420-1287

    Inzwice H: 000025591Duff' : 12/23/10IIPage: 1

    DATE OESCRlPTlON I AMOUNT12/23/10 Ad- 9" @ $9 pci "8 Elm St" $81.00

    ~U~G\1J~~D E C 2 8 lO I O :

    By !!, . . . . i

    V 3 & ' ! '1;0, . . . . Q _ "'J\.j, ~oi~~. /' \6( " ( 2 . - ok- to ~Q._~,., i"I{ \ , 'J .~l- /~ \3-\\k e r 6I

    Sales Tax: $0.00Total Amount $81.00

    Amount S O . O O

    ITerms: C.O.D. Balance Due: I S81.001

    " I, .

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    . ' : . J .Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    etn To:1 D J ~ @ m [ l W ~ f f i lt r u J A N 1 ? 2 0 1 1 jBY: , c / t . . , . .

    Redevelopment Com. of G'bomAttn: Dyan ArkinP.O. Bo x 3136Greensboro, NC 17401

    Invoice #; 00002491Datt: 11/11/10IPage: 1

    DESCRIPTIONAd- 11"@ $9 pd"Notice of Rcgualar Meeting"



    Sales Tax:

    50.00I Total Amount:



    AmountTerms: C.O.D. I Ba la nc e Du e:

    1 1 / 1 1 / 1 0


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~G R E E N S B O R O

    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 180.00Greensboro NC 2 74 20 -0 00 0V en do r N um berP aym en t D ateBank No.


    CHECK NUM BER 254125


    In vo ic e N um be rInv #2559, S. Elm St., lnv #2491, OleAsheboro Ad for Notice of regular mig.otice of regular m tg.

    1 8 0 . 0 0PO N um ber Description Amount

    C J 0 6 8 2

    Invoice Number Amountcco unt N um ber CBR99.008 1 . 0 0

    C J 0 6 8 2CJ0682

    2 1 2 2 2 0 8 1 62 1 2 2 2 0 8 1 9

    5 2 8 55285

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    Carolina PeacemakerPor l r O ffi: ce Box 20853Greensboro. NC 27420

    Bill To:Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP.O. Box 3136Greensboro, NC 274023)36

    [m'o ir:~ Ii : 00002..' \95Dllt.,: 1/11/11Page; 1


    J A N 1 4 2 0 1 1 II('I't" t" '.'- ';I" " v ...... .I\.J .' ~\ ~ v~~u:t;

    :&68.005 >7 6 . . S U$68.00$76.3t1

    ] 1 6 /1 1~ /6 J111/13/111/13 /1 ]

    Terms: C.O.D.



    Order ~.')57Ad- 8" @$8.50 pci "Downtown Consolidated Plan City" 111908Ad - 9 "@< ; r. >. SO PCI "R ezone: 1419 Alamance Church Rd" 1 1 1 9 1 3Ad- S" \ ? t . :;5.50 pci "Downtown Consolidated flail City" /IJ9DSAd- Y"@,$il.50 po "Rezone: 1-119 Alamance Church Rd" 111913 I

    1/t\ Sales Tax: S O . O O! Total Amount S289.OOI Amount s o . o nI Balance Due: 5269.00I

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    t] S " ' 1 ~ I oo 1s ( 3 1 , . fr1)ofIaw ~l ag ~, beil18 d ) l l X sworn ac~o rd, ir :g t olaw, dot h d epo se and say that she is E ditor of. . ! . " .THECAROLINA PEACEMAKER a

    , ," '. : .. NO: I~ , !? " PUBL ICHEARING :, 'p'ur$uant 1~a re60Mion of t h e ! Cit)' Counciloflh8 C , t Y ofGIOon_llbor"adoptodAp~1 25; 1958,. !hl ii9J10QuncsmimUxesT~, JanuB/Y4,; , 2011, at 5:30,p:m.; a&.'t!i~'tl(ne 1i~"th"'Cily'COOnG~Ctiamblr in the Crty HaD ii i tile OilY of( 3 i O O r i i b o r o aii!~ep!ac.r~Dr:i'publichgaririg

    . ' ,On ,\hap~P.9~ ' :a , ,!~n,d' !i~I_ \ IS~b>,1! '~ . f9n lnQ,: II 'P i l l~n~f~~.:DOv~~~fi IOidIt l8e.,.~,IoI," ,:;::!~;~;/.~'~~~~i~~;:f~ : i i ~ ~ ~ 2 ; " ' ; ~ ' . A m e r i d m e n C A r ii & n d il li lc h . p i ii r 30, Soi:tlon' !,~0:-~-4, ,RQI .t~ : Jl 'i h~ .c '~p ' ~~~ ,I :' I~~ , ; :'10.' , 'efQloWlrQ;Smendnienl'\iHNi,' ,j;~i~J~i~9 ~*t t1!~~~!~ , 'dS8,for',OIlWOOlwn .Green.born.Indud"'li' ar""'ea5'~iv:orp.riiBlt/ 8 tw e ; ;n : s i i il li 's tr ia i r tt ' F i $ t . 8 r AV;,nu,;,:' ' ' 'urrcrN:Boul"va(ti,~' B ra gg ' ,' . s r y , e t ~ r i < ; I the ~tla.n1ic a n a .Y i l 'i s. k !. ! ai il ir ie ~ ', :f ,'. ',' ". "', ',',c," .0 " 'c':MY indiVidual with 'a dinbiiity,who naBd'l!In','1IIterPnitiir'orOIher'!auXtllarY;9~'or'servlcQ;''!o(t~fS'rTUllI\~niai~n\a[;t'~ei5BY, Rlchara..'. e o n , ,City 'CI~rk:o([) 'Sclue!hr. [)eputy''City' Clerk, in the' CitYClerk's Office at 3732397 er333-8!1!lU (TDO ), 'P ub li&l 1: ', Pe ac em ak er ,, 11 6i ~o & 1/ 13 11 0 T :55hJa08, . " . ' 3 ' t :"':::c.,, :' \ ' . v I ... '..:.' 'n''''[lu.r~'2$. . .

    t he a nn ex ed p rin te d s lip is a true co py, hasb ee n pub lis he d i nl sa id n ew spape r,

    Isuccessively, fo r the period o f 2 w eekscom mencing on the..M iL day ofJanuary 2011 and that the said

    Inewspaper in which such n otic e w aspublished, w as, al th e time of each a nd e ve ry

    I' I 'II h'p ub ic an on ..a n ew sp ap er m eetin g a teIr eq uir ements a nd l q ua li f ic atio ns o f S ec tio n 1 -5 97 o f th e G en eril S tatu te s o f N orth C aro lin aan d w as a q ualifi~ d newspape r w ithin th em ea nin g o f S ec t i b n 1 -5 97 o f th e G e ne ra lS ta tu te s o f No rth ' Ca ro li na ,

    n ew sp ap er p ub lish ed in th e City ofG re en sb oro an d C ou nty o f G uilfo rd a nd S tate1o f N orth C aro lin a; a nd th at n otic e, o f w hich,

    Subscribed an d sworn to before methis JJ!.!L da y of January 2011

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    c ; r ; r r - - f ~ fj: } ;I S 3 . r

    o f law fu l ag e, beirg d uly sw orn ac co rd in g tol aw , d oth d ep os e imd say th at she is E dito r of

    ITHE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER a. N O Tl CE O F P UB liC H E A R i N GP'JI l luan, lo a resoluUon of [MeCity Council.d.: op1ed AprjI21. 1 9 58 ,l li is an no unCG! I' I9 n l f lx oaTuesday, JaNl8ty 1 .6 :2 0. 11 /a l, 5: 3O p .m . , 'as',i . ~h~,~m9~~dlh, !" ,Cily\r ; : :ounCi! 'C: :hamb6r. M e l -, v .n M "n !C I~ ~I, O~ ,!l ui ~.i ng ;a QO ,W e II :- va si l:'.ln~r?"~If:e.~!"G~e~~;,~~rf!1 C.r~Bna,~., ~ ~ .p 1~ c ~ fW a publlcoheanng ~'11he P f O P Q S e d . ..amendmcn l \ 0 th e zoning ma p iiifollows':I /, , ': /- . ~.-,.;.:" , ,,":j ..~. '. :)- i. . :~n9trOni 'CO,RM'5- (Cond"~.nil :~Ols,trict:R.sids;'ti~1 ,Mu"l: ;F~m!!Y". 'ia ' :p L it f; :(P~~ed UMDeve!opment) fDr iim . u r n u m of I2 ~ !>Ingl9{alllilY_ ~ l I l l i i l . , t D W T 1 n o m e e'oi t W l ii. h " ", ! ,& designea.fol ~oiI.::no h ~ m eto b B mot~.,than 2 . lo l ie s ; an d nc ' h' ome to l r a n lA l o m a n o , ; .I ,;.C~u;':h ,R.o'Bd,;;toi.p.rO~~.'.~tGd,atl~1!1

    I :,~I"!"1"""",.~h~~.f{oadr~!lI lfIrally ~c~becl'I I !9nor th :? f Ala" ," !' "" 'Chu ri t1 ROad and w e s tD f Zombrook Drive'. . -; . ; lm .. y C o i : J r a c t Be t 6ev R iChs id .s on , C Il y C ra ll( . 01 Olana Sch~ibel, Oepv tyClty,.Clerk, in Ihe:City C t er k' ! o ff ic e al 373-239_7 o r ;!33,t1 930 (TO O), ;' ,~ubli~h: . Peacemakat, 1I6mi;'~ 111312011T: .557'1913' . ,.,

    .,:" .' Jt~lumW

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    iiR E E N S B O R O City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136yment Details

    Carolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 289.00Greensboro NC 27420-0000Vendo r NumberPaymen t D ateB an k N o.


    CHECK NUMBER 254295


    I nvoi ce Numbe rIn vo ic e # 25 95 , d ate d 1 /1 3/1 1

    AmountO Number Description289.00

    I nvoi ce Numbe r Account Number CBR AmountCJ0747 10[010201 5221 289.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    I I Vendor #: 381HECK/CONTRACT ORDER IDate 1/20/2011IContract No.: N fA

    P AY TO : Carolina PeacemakerDPartialAddress: P.O. Box 20853

    Greensboro, NC 27420 EJFinalI Accounting Use Onlyr : .IO #ii

    Amount $ 243.00

    Descri ption Fee for publication of inspector's hearing regar~ ing property at1609 E Cone Blvd III IIICHARGE TO : CBR NO, AP PRO VED FO R P AY MENT101-6014-03.5221 /'

    .- Y K~~~' / J 2 D I JITotal 243.00

    Return check to: Wanda HovandJ, Local Ordinance EnforcementI!

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker




    Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420

    Wanda Hovander-City of G'boroInspection Division1001 Fourth StreetG ree nsb oro , N C 2 74 01 i

    Inoolce #; 00001594,Date; 1/13/11IPage; 1-

    DATE DESCRIPTrON 1 AMOUNTI12/3(J/1O Ad- 9"@$9 pc.i "1606 E Cone Blvd" $81.001/6/11 Ad- 9" @ $9 pel "1606 ECone BIvd" $81.001/13/11 Ad- 9"@$9 pei "16()6l:\ Cone Blvd" $81.00



    I Sales Tax: $0.00I Total Amount $243.00I Amount $0.00Terms; C.O.D. I Balance Due: 5243.00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~REENSBORO City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136yment Details

    Carolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    V end or N um berP aym ent D ate

    381If211[ [


    C HEC K N UM BER 254453AMOUNT $ 243.00Greensboro NC 274 20 -0 00 0 B ank N o,

    I nv oic e N umbe rF ee for pu blicatio n o f inspecto r'shearing regarding property at [609 ECone Blvd. Inv #2594, operty at 1609 EC one B [vd. lnv #2594,

    243.00P O N um ber Description Amount

    Invoice Number Account Number CBR AmountCJ0828 [0160[403 5221 243,00

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    ~? . .'Carolina PeacemakerPost Office Box 20853Greensboro, NC 27420 1 1 1 voice

    Bill To:Offit.e of the City ClerkAttn . : Be tsey Richa rdsonP,O. Box 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    IIn vo ic e II: 00 00 2.5 81Itite: 1/6/11IPaKt! : 1- -DATE DESCRIPTION I AMOUNT

    Otder#fJS7 I1/6/11 Ad- 8" @ $8.50 pe i "4701 R1Yanceyville Rd" It 1910 I $68.001/6/11 Ad- 8.5" @$8,SO pci "Multiple Yancey" #1909 $72.25,

    )~ ! 0 I ~ o I J )- ~ oi. ,~ .;)-.).r /'I~ ~ ctC;L'1" /)0 RECE.. r V E D

    JAN 012011' f.,i l (o. ifS' City ~ (~~ C:tc~Y ' / f)otl 0/ -- .

    s e . z ri dO ! N l: JI 'I

    I Sal~F!l~{H 1'1=;1 $0.00T o ! . a 1 A m o u n t 5140.25

    , Amount S O . O OTerms; C.O.D. Balance Due: S140.25

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker




    Subscribed and sworn to before methis _Mb_ day of January , 2011~~.

    EDITOR'S AFFlDA VITAFRIQUE I. KILIl~IAN.TAROo f law ful age, bein ~ duly sw orn according tolaw , doth depose aJd say that she is Editor ofTHE CAROLlNJ PEACEMAKER anew spaper pU bliS h~ d in the C ity o fGreensboro and CJunty of Guilford and Stateof North Carolina, l n d that n otic e, o f whichIthe annexed p ri nte d s li p is a true copy, hasbeen published i n J aid newspape r,successively, for tJe period of 1 weekcommencing on t h t . . . M ! ! . . . . . . _ day ofJanuary 20ll and th at th e s aidIn ew sp ap er in which su ch n otic e w asIPublished , w as, at fu e tim e of each and even:I p ub lic atio n, a n ew sp ap er m ee tin g all th ere qu irem en ts an d Ju alific atio ns o f S ec tio n 1 -5 97 o f th e G en erallS ta tu lc s o f N orth C aro lin aan d was a qualified newspaper within them ean ing of Sectjo~ 1 -597 of the G eneralIS ta tu te s o f North

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    Subscribed and sworn to before methis _!h_ day of Jallual"~, 2011


    oflawful age, beingdulysworn according to. J' ~"'.law, doth depose ~nd say that she is Editor of

    1THE CAROLlNI\ PEACEMAKRR aInewspaper published in the City ofIGreensboro and County of Guilford and StateIof North Carolina; and that notice. of which

    Ithe annexed print?d slip is a true copy, hasbeen published inlsaid newspaper,Isuccessively, for the period of 1 weekIcommencing on the _M_L day ofiJanuary 2011 and that the said

    In ew sp ap er in w hi!c b such n otic e w as. I -cpublished, w as, a\ the timeof each and everypublication, a ne\~'spaper meeting all t~e' .requirements andlqua1ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolinaand was a qualifibd newspaper within themeaning of Sectibn 1-597 of the GeneralStatutes of North Carolina.


  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    City of GreensboroPO BOX 3136

    Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    yment DetailsCarolina PeacemakerPO Box 20853

    AMOUNT $ 140.25Greensboro NC 274 20 -0 00 0Vendor NumberPayment DateBank No.

    3811 / 2 1 1 1 1


    CHECK NUMBER 254452

    In vo ic e N umberI nv oi ce # 25 81 , dated 1 / 6 1 1 1 140.25

    P O N um ber Description AmountCJ0827

    In vo ice N umbe r Account Number CBR AmountCJ0827 10[0[0201 5221 140.25

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker


    .rCarolina PeacemakerPost Office Box.20853Greensboro, NC 27420O l l ~

    RECEIVEDV A N 2 4 2 0 1 1H ill To;

    Office of the City ClerkAttn: Betsey RichardsonP.O. Box 3136Greensboro, NC 27402-3136

    Invo, ic f ! It: 00002609Date; 1/20/11IPage: 1

    DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNTOrdcr#5581/20/11 Ad- 8.5"' @$8.50 pci "5603 Hilltop Rd" 111915 $72.251/20/11 Ad- 8.5"@$8.50 pci "5605 HiUtop Rd" #1916 $72.25

    1/20/11 Ad- 35" @$8 .5 0 pd "5603 HHltop Rd: #1918 $297.501/20/11 Ad- 52" @ $8.50 pci "3105 Cedar Park Rd" #1919 11M2.001/20/Tt Ad- 39" @ $8.50 pci "3123 Cedar Park Rd" #1920 $331.501/20/11 Ad 4" $8.50 pci 'Taxi Inspector" #1921 $34.00

    ~ t . - N f: ')e\I O t ~ O I O ; ; L , - 0/. S - )- i/ /

    01A_ r o fe ro S c w - V - ,./. J A N 2 6 P M 1:00

    Sales Tax; $0.00Total Amount: $1,249.50

    Amount $0.00Terms; C.O.D. Balance Due: $1,249.50

  • 8/7/2019 Public Notice 4 Carolina Peacemaker



    :/~~. . . . . . . . "-"


    Subscribed and sworn to before methis ~ day of January .._J 2011

    EDITOR'S AFFIUA VITIAFRIQUE 1. KILIMAl'\1,JAROof law ful age, btng duly sw orn according tolaw , doth depos~ and say that she is Editor ofITHE CAROLINA PEACEMAKER aIn ew sp ap er p ub lish ed in th e City ofIG re en sb oro ~n d F o un ty o f G ui I fo rd an d S ta teo f N orth C aro lirla . an d th at n otice . o f w hic hth e annexed plilJted slip is a true c op y, h asbeen publ ished J l said newspaper,. I l l . [s uc ce ss iv el y, o rlth e penoc of 1 weekc ommen cin g o n l h e ~ day ofJanuary ,_l!!ll_ and that the said

    Inew spaper in w hich such notice w aspublished, w as, a~ the tim e o f each and everyp ub lica tio n, a n ew sp ap er m eetin g all th ere qu ireme nts a nd !q ua lific atio ns o f S ec tio n 1 _5 97 o f th e G en eral S tatu te s o f N orth C aro lin aand w as a qualifiJd new spaper w ith in them ean ing of Sectidn 1 -5 97 o f th e G en era lIS ta tu te s o f No rth Ca ro li na .I
