publ ica tions 2014 - Temenos

publications 2014

Transcript of publ ica tions 2014 - Temenos

publications 2014

PatronHis Royal Highness The Prince of Wales

FounderDr Kathleen Raine

President EmeritusProfessor Keith Critchlow

ChairmanMr Ian Skelly

CouncilProfessor John CareyMs Kim Samuel JohnsonProfessor Grevel Lindop Sir Alan ParkerSir Nicholas Pearson BtMr Vinod B. Tailor

The Temenos Academy

Hon. SecretaryDr Snowdon Barnett

Academic BoardProfessor John CareyMs Emma ClarkMrs Julia CleaveDr Stephen CrossMr Jack HerbertProfessor Grevel LindopDr Joseph MilneDr Jeremy Naydler

Registered Charity Cover motif by Cecil Collins


The Temenos Academy is a charity which offers education in philosophy and the arts inthe light of the sacred traditions of East and West. The word ‘temenos’ means ‘a sacredprecinct’. Every year the Academy holds up to lectures and seminars, ranging in sizefrom large public meetings to small study groups. Recordings of many lectures are freelyavailable to watch or listen to via the Academy’s website.

Although the meetings are open to all it is possible to become a Member of the TemenosAcademy. Please refer to page for information about how to join.

Since its inception in the Temenos Academy has sought to publish the best of itslectures as individual Temenos Academy Papers, or in the annual Temenos AcademyReview, edited by John Carey and James Harpur.

The Review, which is the successor to Temenos (–, issues), founded by KeithCritchlow, Brian Keeble, Kathleen Raine and Philip Sherrard, comprises papers given atthe Academy and new work, including poetry, art, and reviews.

Publication of the Review is made possible by the generosity of Kim Samuel Johnson,member of the Council of the Temenos Academy.

Seventeen issues of the Review and thirty-seven Temenos Academy Papers have beenpublished. Not all are in print, others are in short supply. Items in the catalogue may beordered using the form on page .

The Temenos Academy is a Registered Charity. We welcome donations to support ourpublications programme.

Further informationTelephone

Email [email protected]

Peter AbbsJohn Stewart AllittHilary ArmstrongSebastian BarkerMargaret BarkerWendell BerryCarmen BlackerThetis BlackerSuheil BushruiDavid CadmanJohn CareyPaul CélanRichard Chartres, Bishop of LondonTom CheethamWilliam C. ChittickHenry CorbinJames CowanKeith CritchlowStephen CrossKevin Crossley-HollandH.H. The Dalai LamaRobert DarrJohn F. DeaneHans-Wolfgang Frick


Andrew FrisardiAlan GarnerDavid GascoyneJane GeddesJoscelyn GodwinMalcolm GuiteJohn HainesJames HarpurWilson HarrisJack HerbertHoward HullBrian KeebleSatish KumarLeonard LewisohnGrevel LindopJill LineMartin LingsEarl LivingsKevin McGrathJean MambrinoJohn MichellJoseph MilneColin MossSeyyed Hossein Nasr

Jeremy NaydlerPeter OldmeadowRaimon PanikkarJay PariniWilliam RadiceKathleen RaineRavi RavindraPeter RedgroveJeremy ReedChristine RhoneIndia RussellAnnemarie SchimmelPhilip Sherrard Vandana ShivaIan SkellyRabindranath TagoreJohn TavenerKapila VatsyayanArthur Versluis HRH The Prince of WalesFrancis WarnerKarel WernerRowan WilliamsJonathan Wordsworth

Some Temenos Academy authors


The Magic MirrorThoughts and Reflections on Cecil Collins

Temenos Academy Papers

pages, illustrations cased paperPrice £ /£

The friendship between Cecil Collins (–) and John Allitt (–) began inthe s when they were both teaching at Central St Martins, London. They shared alife-long energy in searching for perennial values, for a hidden spiritual wisdom, andthese they explored together through many dialogues and encounters. Perhaps it was themeeting of John’s Christianity with Cecil’s very much looser and more universal, Sufi-like philosophy which stimulated their conversations. Their common interests weremany, ranging from art and art history to poetry, literature (Dante), storytelling andmusic.

John Stewart Allitt was Senior Lecturer in Liberal Studies at Central St Martins, and anauthority on the work of the composers Donizetti and J.S. Mayr. A founder of theTemenos Academy, and one of its Fellows, he specialized in the teaching of Dante atTemenos. He was knighted by the Italian Republic in recognition of his services toItalian culture.


john stewart allitt

Thoughts and Reflections on Cecil Collins




A Defence of Poetry

Temenos Academy Papers pages paperPrice £

The text of a lecture given by Suheil Bushrui to the Temenos Academy on August.

Suheil Bushrui is a poet, critic and translator, who has published extensively in bothEnglish and Arabic; he is the foremost authority on the life and writings of KahlilGibran. Currently the Director and Professor Emeritus of the University of Maryland’sGeorge and Lisa Zakhem Kahlil Gibran Chair for Values and Peace, he is also a Fellow ofthe Temenos Academy.


The Sacred in Literature‘Sages Standing in God’s Holy Fire’: The Poet and Spirituality

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

The text of a lecture given by Suheil Bushrui to the Temenos Academy on June .


suheil bushrui





W.B. Yeats’s Search for a Spiritual Philosophy

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

This book, based upon a lecture by Suheil Bushrui given to the Temenos Academy in, is a study of the sources of inspiration that W.B. Yeats drew upon from the MiddleEast and the Far East.

The Lore of India

Japan’s Literary Forms and Rituals

Arabia Romantica


William Butler Yeats’s

Search for a Spiritual Philosophy

suheil bushrui



Inward Lies the Way – German Thought and the Nature of Mind

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

A collection of four essays by Stephen Cross and Jack Herbert, based upon lecturesgiven to the Temenos Academy in .

The German Romantics and the Vision of India (Cross)

Goethe’s Faust as Opus Alchymicum (Herbert)

Arthur Schopenhauer and the Thought of India (Cross)

C.G. Jung and the German Tradition (Herbert)

Stephen Cross writes and lectures on Indian and European thought. His Schopenhauer’sEncounter with Indian Thought (), examines Schopenhauer’s writings as a bridge bymeans of which important aspects of the European tradition may be brought intorelation with Hindu and Buddhist religious and philosophical ideas. He is a Fellow ofthe Temenos Academy.

Jack Herbert studied William Blake at Cambridge under Kathleen Raine and he haslectured at the Universities of Munich and Kyushu. Until recently, he was staff tutor inliterature with the Cambridge University Institute of Continuing Education. He is aFellow of the Temenos Academy.



A Human Approach to World PeaceThe L.M. Singhvi Interfaith Lecture for

Introduction Dr L.M. Singhvi

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

The published version of a talk given by His Holiness The Dalai Lama on May

to an audience at Central Hall Westminster.

The talk is also available as a CD price £.



David Jones – A Selection from his Writing (CD)



Price £

The actor Tom Durham performs excerpts from David Jones’s major works InParenthesis and The Anathemata, and four shorter poems taken from The Sleeping Lordand Other Fragments.

David Jones was born in Brockley, Kent, in . His father was Welsh, a printer’soverseer, and his mother, the daughter of a Rotherhithe mast and block-maker. Beforeand after World War , in which he fought as a private soldier, he studied at theCamberwell and Westminster Schools of Art. He was closely associated with Eric Gill’sartistic communities. Jones became a true maker-poet, like William Blake, usingdrawing, water-colour, engraving, inscription and his epic poems to represent theworld. In later life Jones suffered intermittent nervous illness and led a secludedexistence. Although he attracted many loyal colleagues, admirers and friends hispainstaking creativity became the best remedy for illness and for his profound sense ofloss ‘at the turn of a civilization’. He died in .

Tom Durham is an actor with a particular interest in the performance of challengingpoetry. When he was eleven years old, he and his family lived for two months in thesame London boarding-house as David Jones.








The Young Dante and the One Love

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

This book comprises two essays by Andrew Frisardi, originally given as lectures to theTemenos Academy in .

Courtly Love and Sacred Love in the Vita Nova


Andrew Frisardi is a writer, editor, translator, and teacher. His edition of Dante’s VitaNova, with translation, introduction, and notes, was published in ; selected chaptersappeared in Temenos Academy Review .



By Seven Firs and GoldenstoneAn Account of the Legend of Alderley

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

The text of a lecture given by Alan Garner to the Temenos Academy on November. The author relates how, in examining a local oral tradition, a version of the mythof the Sleeping Hero, told to him as a child by his grandfather, he was later able todiscover the existence of the Bronze Age on Alderley Edge, which is now, as a result, theearliest dated metal-working site in England.

Alan Garner is one of England’s most distinguished and brilliant writers of imaginativefiction. His many books include The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (), The Stone BookQuartet (), The Voice That Thunders () and Boneland ().



Blacker, Beasts & the BestiaryThe Inaugural Temenos Thetis Blacker Memorial Lecture

Temenos Academy Papers

pages, illustrations paperPrice £

The Inaugural Temenos Thetis Blacker Memorial Lecture given by Jane Geddes on December .

Thetis Blacker (–) was an artist and writer and a Fellow of the TemenosAcademy. Inspired by her energy and spiritual passion, Jane Geddes set out on a journeyto the remote Yemeni island of Socotra with her two sons, to experience theenvironment of the Desert Fathers, Paul and Anthony. This book is an account of whatshe learnt from her journey.


Blacker, Beasts&The Bestiary






Merlin & Parsifal – Adversarial Twins

Temenos Academy Papers pages paperPrice £

The text of a lecture given by Wilson Harris to the Temenos Academy on April .

Wilson Harris is a Guyanese author of abstract and mystical novels, including ThePalace of the Peacock () and The Four Banks of the River of Space (), poetry andessays. He was knighted in .



The German Tradition – Uniting the Opposites: Goethe, Jung & Rilke

Temenos Academy Papers pages paperPrice £

A collection of three essays by Jack Herbert, based upon lectures given to the TemenosAcademy in .

Inner Renaissance and the Holistic Approach

From Goethe to Jung: Dialectics of the Psyche

Rilke’s Phenomenology



Vernon Watkins: Inspiration as Poetry, Poetry as Inspiration

Temenos Academy Papers pages paperPrice £

The text of a lecture given by Brian Keeble to the Temenos Academy on May .

Brian Keeble was one of the co-founders of the journal Temenos, and is a Fellow of theTemenos Academy. His publications include In His Name and Other Poems (), Godand Work: Aspects of Art and Tradition (), Cecil Collins: The Artist as Writer andImage Maker () and Far From the Dawn ().



On the Nature & Significance of the CraftsW.R. Lethaby, Edward Johnston, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy

Foreword Keith Critchlow

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

A collection of three essays by Brian Keeble, based upon lectures given to the TemenosAcademy in .

W.R. Lethaby on Art and Labour

Archetype as Letterform: The Dream of Edward Johnston

A.K. Coomaraswamy and the True Art of Living



Kathleen Raine – Poetic Imagination & the Vision of RealityThe Kathleen Raine Centenary Memorial Lecture

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

The text of a lecture given by Brian Keeble to the Temenos Academy on June .

Kathleen Raine has left us a body of poetry that affirms the perennial teaching, thattrue poetic vision is an imaginative re-creation of the inexhaustible ways in which theperception of reality is necessarily permeated by the Divine Presence, a Presencewithout which that reality simply would not be.



Metaphysics and the Cosmic Order

Foreword HRH The Prince of Wales

Introduction John O’Donohue

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

A collection of four essays by Joseph Milne, based upon lectures given to the TemenosAcademy in .

Human Understanding and the Cosmos

Cosmos as Divine Revelation

Theology and Metaphysics

Loss and Recovery of Metaphysics

Joseph Milne is Editor of Land & Liberty, the journal of the Henry George Foundation,and also a member of the team editing The Complete Works of Henry George. He is atrustee of the Eckhart Society and a Fellow of the Temenos Academy.



The Mystical Cosmos

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

The four papers gathered together in this volume offer reflections on the ways in whichthe Greek philosophers and Medieval theologians understood Nature and the cosmos,and the human purpose within the cosmos. They aim to show that there is analternative mode of understanding the universe, at once rational and ethical, to thatoffered by modern materialism. It is argued that the ancient philosophical andtraditional religious approaches to the truth of things present a profound and inclusiveview of reality, which gives abundant meaning to all that exists. In particular it is shownhow for the ancients ‘mystical vision’ was not confined to the subjective life of theprivate individual, but rather presupposes a sacred cosmos, a common humanity and asubtle metaphysics and theology that seeks to abide with the truth of all things as theyexist in communion with God.

The Forgotten Metaphysics

The Ancient View of Nature

Creation and Revelation

The Mystical Destiny of the Universe



Sufism and the Integration of the Inner and Outer Life of ManThe L.M. Singhvi Interfaith Lecture for

Temenos Academy Papers

pages paperPrice £

The text of the L.M. Singhvi Interfaith Lecture given by Seyyed Hossein Nasr on April.

Seyyed Hossein Nasr is University Professor of Islamic Studies at the GeorgeWashington University and one of the foremost scholars of Islamic, Religious andComparative Studies. He is a Fellow of the Temenos Academy.



The Underlying Order and other essays

Edited with an Introduction by Brian Keeble

Temenos Academy Papers

pages casedPrice £

This collection of six previously uncollected essays was published by the TemenosAcademy to mark the centenary of the birth of its principal founder, the poet KathleenRaine. During a long life Dr Raine was a prolific poet, essayist, scholar, reviewer, editorand translator and a champion of standards and values she equated with the PerennialPhilosophy. Having let it be known that she regarded modernism as having severeinadequacies, mainly due to its being based upon the purely materialist and quantitativepremises of modern science, Raine was by degrees marginalized by the literaryestablishment. This had the effect of deepening and adding to the passion with whichshe gave expression to those meanings and values she held to be requisite for alegitimate culture.

These essays are addressed primarily to an audience for whom their author believedwhat mattered about the arts is that they are above all a lived experience: not somethingwe learn about but the very source from which we might learn what the transformativeenergies of imaginative vision can contribute to the integral wholeness of life itself.


Nature and Meaning

The Underlying Order: Nature and the Imagination

A Sense of Beauty

John Donne and the Baroque Doubt

Shelley as a Mythological Poet

Wordsworth: A Remembered Experience

‘It is difficult / to get the news from poems, / yet men die miserably everyday / for lack / of what is found there’. On that basis The Underlying Orderand other essays by Kathleen Raine, a book of six of her previouslyuncollected essays about Shelley, Wordsworth, Donne, imagination,beauty, and Raine’s personal development as a poet, is life-saving work; it will help you to appreciate poetry as if you are reading it for the firsttime. … [Raine] devoted her life to the moral and spiritual calling ofpoetry, acknowledging that calling, just as William Carlos Williams did,as the prime need for humanity. She rejected the philosophical doctrineof secular materialism, believing that poetry cannot be produced in theabsence of spirituality: ‘Such work fulfils no function at all which cannotbe done as well or better in a news bulletin’. This book of essays is anexcellent introduction to her many collections of philosophical poetryand criticism.‘I felt … that poetry and literature in general were not “subjects” to be

studied and learned but the stuff of life … . I have learned more aboutpoetry from my mother, from my friends, from solitude, and from theschool of life than I could ever have done from the Cambridge EnglishSchool’. Raine drew on nature and fortified her inspiration by her studiesin biology, having pursued botany and zoology instead of English studies.Nonetheless, if one cannot learn enough about poetry from life, hercollection of essays about poetry is the next best thing.


She writes that John Donne was shaped by his personal experience as well as history, ‘as to feel the pull of all those great forces that wererendering the world apart’. She sees Shelley as a mythological poet whose‘vision was more real than the world of “cold mortality” that has judgedhim, and he believed that, some day, the world will live according to thetruth’. And she writes of Wordsworth that ‘his poetry … confirmed me’. It is clear why she chose these poets: they valued spirituality as the primeneed for life and poetry. Their poetry in its premises resembles her own.We are drawn by what we imitate, and Raine, it is clear, needed to writepoetry to live.

Jeannie VanascoTimes Literary Supplement October

reprinted with permission

Kathleen Raine (–) was one of the most importantpoets and critics of the twentieth century. A co-founder of thejournal Temenos, and principal founder of the TemenosAcademy, she received honorary doctorates from theUniversities of Leicester, Durham and Caen. Admired inFrance, she was made Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et desLettres in . Her works include Blake and Tradition (,republished ), Yeats the Initiate (), Autobiographies() and The Collected Poems of Kathleen Raine ().Kathleen Raine was a recipient of the Queen’s Medal forPoetry and in was appointed for distinguishedservices to literature.


The Angel in Poetry

Temenos Academy Papers pages paperPrice £

The text of a lecture given by Jeremy Reed to the Temenos Academy June .

Jeremy Reed is the author of over fifty books of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. He worked with Kathleen Raine as poetry editor of Temenos.



Language & the Spirit in the Age of Antichrist

Temenos Academy Papers pages paperPrice £

A collection of four essays by Peter Russell, based upon lectures given to the TemenosAcademy in .

Poetry: The Language of the Spirit

Myth, Symbol, Apocalypse

The Devaluation of All Values

A Revaluation of All Values

Peter Russell (–) was a poet, editor and man of letters. A follower of EzraPound, his numerous works include All for the Wolves: Selected Poems – ().He was a Fellow of the Temenos Academy.


A Sacred Trust: Ecology and Spiritual Vision

Preface HRH The Prince of Wales

Edited by David Cadman and John Carey

Temenos Academy Papers pages cased paperPrice £ /£

Wendell Berry Going to Work

Suheil Bushrui Environmental Ethics: A Baha’i Perspective

David Cadman A Sacred Trust – An Introduction

David Cadman With Our Thoughts We Make the World

Edward Goldsmith The Cosmic in Art, Architecture and Society at the Millennium

Brian Goodwin Circling the Square: Moving from Control to Participation in Science and the Arts

Satish Kumar Reverence for Life: A Jain Perspective

Seyyed Hossein Nasr The Spiritual and Religious Dimensions of the Environmental Crisis

Jeremy Naydler The Three Temptations

Kathleen Raine Millennial Hymn to the Lord Shiva

Philip Sherrard For Every Thing That Lives Is Holy

Vandana Shiva Annadana – Gift of Food


Lighting a Candle – Kathleen Raine and TemenosReflections, Memories, Tributes

Temenos Academy Papers

pages cased paperPrice £ /£

A collection of essays and occasional writings about, and by, the poet and scholarKathleen Raine, published as a memorial to her. With contributions by HRH ThePrince of Wales, Wendell Berry, Thetis Blacker, Keith Critchlow, Wilson Harris, JeanMambrino, John Michell, Francis Warner and many others.



Temenos Academy Papers pages paperPrice £

A series of papers delivered to the Temenos Academy and published to mark The Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

John S. Allitt The Themes of Nobility and Monarchy in Dante’s Thought

L.L. Blake In Praise of The Queen’s Majesty

John Carey Ideal Kingship in Early Ireland

Grevel Lindop The Wheel-Turning Monarch: An Ideal of Kingship in Early Buddhism

Joseph Milne Shakespeare and Divine Kingship

Kathleen Raine Monarchy and the Imagination



Foreword HRH The Prince of Wales

Edited by David Cadman and John Carey

Temenos Academy Papers

pages, illustrations cased paperPrice £ /£

Richard Chartres, Bishop of London Sanctuary in the Christian Tradition: St Ethelburga Bishopsgate

Emma Clark The Islamic Garden

Grevel Lindop Buddhism and the Place of Refuge

Tali Lowenthal Sacred Garden, Sacred World: The Sanctuary in Jewish Teaching

Charles Morris and Mark Hoare The Making of the Sanctuary

Gael Robertson Breathing Spaces

Kapila Vatsyayan Sanctuaries: the Journey of Immanence and Transcendence




Edited by John Carey and James Harpur


Price £

Wendell Berry A Message to TemenosJohn Bowles Sparks and RootsJohn Carey EditorialJohn Carey Ta’wil, Anagoge, ReductioStephen Cross ‘Truth in the Garb of Fable’– Christianity and the Philosophy ofArthur Schopenhauer

John Michell The OneJoseph Milne The Heavenly Order and theLawful Society

Ivan Moody Circular Movement: SpiritualTraditions in the Work of John Tavener

Raimon Panikkar Spirituality, the Way to Life

Kathleen Raine What Kind of a Christianwas Blake?

Christine Rhone An Interview with Br JohnMartin Sahajananda

India Russell Expressing the Inexpressible:Henrik Ibsen and Isadora Duncan

Philip Sherrard In Praise of WineIan Skelly John Tavener (–)Synesius of Cyrene On Dreams: Part IJohn Tavener Composing Sacred MusicKarel Werner Richard Wagner’s Quest forRedemption

Duane Williams An Apology for Language

Sebastian Barker, Fred Johnston, BrianKeeble, Keshav Malik, Aidan Matthews, JayRamsay, India Russell, Peter Sirr, KennethSteven, Margaret Wilmot

of books by or edited by William C.Chittick, Stephen Cross, John F. Deane,Malcolm Guite, David Lambert, TomLowenstein, Valery Rees, John Spurling,John Vyvyan and Francis Warner

India Russell

Rupert Sheldrake

Philip Sherrard

Peter Sirr

Ian Skelly

Christopher Southgate

Kenneth Steven

Synesius of Cyrene

Sir John Tavener

Karel Werner

Duane Williams

Margaret Wilmot


Sebastian Barker

Wendell Berry

John H. Bowles

Suheil Bushrui

John Carey

Stephen Cross

Robert Abdul Hayy Darr

Alyson Hallett

Belinda Hunt

Fred Johnston

Brian Keeble

Jill Line

Keshav Malik

Aidan Mathews

John Michell

Joseph Milne

Ivan Moody

Peter Oldmeadow

Raimon Panikkar

Kathleen Raine

Jay Ramsay

Christine Rhone


Edited by Kathleen Raine



Wendell Berry, David Gascoyne, John Haines, Grevel Lindop,William Radice, Peter Redgrove, Jeremy Reed, Peter Russell

of books by Cecil Collins, Joscelyn Godwin, Peter Redgrove,John Michell, John Lane and Jeremy Naydler

Thetis Blacker Phoenix ReflectionsHenry Corbin Traditional Knowledge and SpiritualRenaissance

James Cowan The Roc’s EggHans-Wolfgang Frick The Near-Realization of the Ideal State ofPlato – The Old Republic of Berne

Joseph Milne From Apprehension to ComprehensionKathleen Raine EditorialKathleen Raine A Tribute to Dr L.M. SinghviAnnemarie Schimmel Symbols of Love in Rumi’s WorkKaran Singh Learning to Live TogetherTemenos in AustraliaHRH The Prince of Wales A Sense of The Sacred: BuildingBridges Between Islam and the West

Robert Beer, Thetis Blacker

Hilary Armstrong The Bishop Who Obeyed JulianWendell Berry Thy Life’s a MiracleCarmen Blacker The Pure Land Sect of BuddhismJohn Carey The Hand and The Angel: Observations on the HolyBook in Early Ireland and Northumbria

William Cookson Letter to ‘The Daily Telegraph’Stephen Cross Ex Oriente Lux: How the Upanishads Came to Europe

John Michell A New Link in the Golden ChainSeyyed Hossein Nasr Recollections of Henry Corbin andReflections Upon His Intellectual Significance

Kathleen Raine EditorialKathleen Raine In Memoriam: Harold MorlandRabindranath Tagore Who Sits Behind My EyesHRH The Prince of Wales Seeds of Disaster

from The Book of Armagh, The Book of Durrow and The Bookof Kells

William Cookson, James Harpur, Wilson Harris, Jack Herbert,Yisrael Levin, Grevel Lindop, Keshav Malik, O.V. de L Milosz,Harold Morland, Kathleen Raine, Robin Skelton, ThomasTaylor

of books by Wendell Berry, James Cowan, David Gascoyne,K.N. Iengar, Brian Keeble, David Lorimer, Jeremy Naydler,Stanislas Klossowski de Rola, Peter Russell and Philip Sherrard



Edited by Kathleen Raine

pagesPrice £

Wendell Berry Two Chapters from ‘Jayber Crow’David Cadman Stillness and Dancing: Some Thoughts onSustainability

Keith Critchlow EditorialHoward Hull Echoes of a Child’s Voice –The Conversations ofJohn Ruskin with the Earth

Vladimir Kutryev Progress or Return to the Eternal?Grevel Lindop Coleridge at Greta HallRobert D. Romanyshyn On Angels and Other Anomalies of theImaginal Life

Baidyanath Saraswati The Four Castes of MenThe Temenos Academy: Ten Basic PrinciplesHRH The Prince of Wales The Civilized SocietyJonathan Wordsworth ‘Was it for this?’: First of Wordsworth’s‘Preludes’

Caroline Bowles, Desmond Lazzaro, Kate Montgomery, JohnRuskin, Stephane René, Simon Trethewey


Paul Célan, Grevel Lindop, Ramakanta Rath, Jeremy Reed,William Irwin Thompson

of books by Edwin Arnold, John Carey, H.H. The Dalai Lama,Kathleen Raine, Peter Russell and John Tavener


Edited by Keith Critchlow

pagesPrice £

Alexander Kazin The Quiet in Which the Word Can Be HeardJill Line The Principle of Unity in Shakespeare and FicinoMartin Lings Keats and ShakespeareJames Madge Vespasiano Gonzaga and Shakespeare’s Imagined Italy

Joseph Milne The Philosophical Spirit in the RenaissanceKathleen Raine EditorialClement Salaman The Role of the Pagan Gods in FicinoRoger Scott David Gascoyne’s ‘Night Thoughts’: ‘The InfernalMegalometropolis’

Mark Tredinnick The Imperfections of LoveHRH The Prince of Wales A Reflection on the Reith Lecturesfor the Year

Donald Wilkinson

James Harpur, Grevel Lindop, Jeremy Reed, Peter Russell

of books by Peter Abbs, Jonathan Bate, Wendell Berry,Francesco Collonna, Val Corbett, David Gascoyne, GrevelLindop, Alison Roberts and Vernon Watkins



Edited by Kathleen Raine

pagesPrice £

John Carey Etymology and TimeTom Cheetham Consuming Passions: The Feast, the Stars andthe Science of the Balance

Wilson Harris ‘The Mask of the Beggar’ – Extract from a Novelin Progress

Grevel Lindop EditorialJoseph Milne Mind and Reality: An Exploration of thePhilosophy of Nagarjuna

Raimon Panikkar The Tragedy of the Grand InquisitorKathleen Raine Sir Peter ParkerIan Skelly John Napper: Painting in the Light StreamHRH The Prince of Wales A Time to HealKarel Werner Borobudur – a Sermon in StoneRobert B. Zimmer Wordsworth’s Serious Belief in Pre-Existence

John Napper


Andrew Frisardi, Jack Herbert, Jean Mambrino, HaroldMorland, Colin Moss, Jeremy Reed

of books by Michael Comans, James Cowan, John Haines,Martin Hammond, Jeremy Hooker, Thutpen Jinpa and JasElsner, David Jones, Peter Russell, William Radice, Jean-YvesTadie and Rabindranath Tagore


Edited by Grevel Lindop

pagesPrice £


Wendell Berry The LivingJohn Carey In the Kingdom of HermesWilliam C. Chittick Imagination as Theophany in IslamHenry Corbin From Heidegger to SuhrawardiHans-Wolfgang Frick On the Absence of Spiritual Values inToday’s World

Aidan Hart Life and Architecture On Mount AthosKim Samuel Johnson NoteBrian Keeble Colin EtheridgeGrevel Lindop EditorialKevin McGrath Walking in the MoreaColin Moss ‘Othello’ and the Human SpiritKathleen Raine Peter Russell (–), William Cookson(–)

Aidan Hart

Peter Abbs, Sebastian Barker, Grevel Lindop, Francis Warner

of books by Peter Abbs, Tim Addey, Wendell Berry, CecilCollins, Joscelyn Godwin, Brian Keeble, Satish Kumar andAnn Saddlemyer


Edited by Grevel Lindop

pagesPrice £


Wendell Berry Against the Nihil of the AgeThetis Blacker PeregrinationsSuheil Bushrui Kathleen Raine’s Contribution to YeatsScholarship

John Carey The True Religion of Every PoetKeith Critchlow Profound in its BrevityJack Herbert Tradition and Inspiration: Kathleen Raine’sLiterary Essays

Brian Keeble EditorialBrian Keeble An Interview with Kathleen RaineJohn Lane These I Have Known: Kathleen Raine’s ArtistsGrevel Lindop A Golden String: Kathleen Raine, Blake, and Tradition

Jean Mambrino Poetry or AnamnesisSeyyed Hossein Nasr Kathleen Raine and TraditionKathleen Raine What is the Use of Poetry?

Roger Scott Kathleen Raine: A Selected Bibliography –

Kapila Vatsyayan Kathleen Raine and India

Brian Keeble, Kathleen Raine

of books by or edited by Robert Bolton, Titus Burckhardt,Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Barry McDonald, Marco Pallis,Frithjof Schuon and Mehrad M. Zarandi


Edited by Brian Keeble

pagesPrice £

Kathleen Raine Memorial Issue


John Carey Christ Sun of Justice: The Symbolism of a Church in Vermont

Tom Cheetham The Prophetic Tradition & the Battle for theSoul of the World

Keith Critchlow Dr Martin LingsStephen Cross and Jack Herbert EditorialMichael Donley Paul Claudel (–) – Poet of the Sacred Cosmos

Edward Falconar On Seeing RealityTodd Mei Hermeneutics and the Unity of TruthColin Moss The CurtainPeter Oldmeadow Buddhist Yogacara Philosophy and EcologyWilliam Radice Confession Versus the exclamation mark: why Rabindranath Tagore did not like the poetry of MichaelMadhusudan Dutt

Kathleen Raine Revisioning the Sacred for our TimeJohn Tavener Mozart – A Celebration of an Unconscious Mystic

John Allison, Wendell Berry, Andrew Frisardi, DavidGascoyne, Brian Keeble, Lotte Kramer, Earl Livings, KathleenRaine, India Russell, Mark Rutter

of books by or edited by Stella Astor, Tom Cheetham, NeilCurry, Volker Harlan, Peter Kingsley, John Lane, RalphLiedtke, Jean Mambrino and Jeremy Reed


Edited by Stephen Cross and Jack Herbert

pagesPrice £

Peter Abbs, Sebastian Barker, William Bedford, Wendell Berry,Lucy Calcott, Anthony Edkins, Andrew Frisardi, AlysonHallett, Barry McDonald, Ann Brayton Meek, PilooNanavutty, Bernard O’Donoghue, Lawrence Sail

of books by or edited by Peter Abbs, Wendell Berry, SuheilBushrui, Jules Cashford, Brian Keeble, Patrick Laude andBarry McDonald, Jill Line, David Lorimer, H. J. Massingham,John Michell, Jeremy Naydler, Padmacandra and Stella vonBoch

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa On The Four ElementsMargaret Barker The High Priesthood: Melchizedek and AaronThetis Blacker A Web of FriendshipJohn Carey EditorialTom Cheetham The Flame of ThingsJames Cowan Death and the WordAndrew Frisardi Primal Sympathies: Thoughts on Wordsworthand Pre-Existence

Donald John Romantic Regeneration: Blake, Creation, and theConstitutive Imagination

Brian Keeble William Blake: Art as Divine VisionJoseph Milne Reality and AppearanceJeremy Naydler Plato, Shamanism and Ancient EgyptJohn Paraskevopoulos Non-Duality in Pure Land BuddhismKathleen Raine FlowersHRH The Prince of Wales Religion – The Ties That Bind



Edited by John Carey and James Harpur

pagesPrice £


Thetis Blacker More Threads in the Web of FriendshipJohn Bowles Hybrid Flowerings: A Brief Introduction toContemporary Pardhan Gond Art

John Bowles et al Contemporary Pardhan Gond Art:Iconographic Explanations

John Carey EditorialTom Cheetham Touching GraceClement of Alexandria Selections from the ‘Stromateis’ Stephen Cross John Allitt (–)Grevel Lindop Jonathan Wordsworth (–)Martin Lings An Introduction to IslamColin Moss Kenneth Grahame and the Vision of ChildhoodJay Parini Divine Parameters: A Reading of ‘Four Quartets’Thomas Pruiksma What we know: Translations from AvvaiyarKathleen Raine Poetry in Relation to Traditional WisdomNita Sembrowich BeatitudeThe Very Reverend Victor Stock Thetis Blacker (–)Denys Trussell The Arts and Planetary SurvivalHRH The Prince of Wales The Sense of Harmony

Contemporary Pardan Gond artists

Richard Barwell, Robin Furth, Fred Johnston, Brian Keeble,Grevel Lindop, Kevin McGrath, Colin Moss, India Russell,Sheila Savill

of books by or edited by Peter Abbs, John S. Allitt, KatharineBarnes, Peter Dronke, Simon Gilson, Grevel Lindop, MartinLings, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Frithjof Schuon, Mark Sedgwick,Roger Sworder and Rowan Williams


Edited by John Carey and James Harpur

pagesPrice £

Graham Carey Art and NatureJohn Carey EditorialHenry Corbin Youthfulness and Chivalry in Iranian Islam: Part I

Keith Critchlow New Light on the School of ChartresHeinrich von Kleist On the Marionette TheatreJoseph Milne The Learning of the Imagination: Divine Frenzyand Poetic Theology

Jeremy Naydler The New Crusade Against GodKathleen Raine Cecil Collins, Painter of ParadiseIndia Russell Friedrich Hölderlin – Lightning Conductor of the Divine

Philip Sherrard Kathleen Raine and the Symbolic ArtIan Skelly Reflections of LightHRH The Prince of Wales The Knowledge of the HeartRowan Williams The Mystical Tradition in Anglicanism:Thoughts on Herbert and Vaughan

Elémire Zolla John Ruskin as a Victorian Goethe


Chartres Cathedral

Anna Adams, Sebastian Barker, William Bedford, Lucy Calcott,Anne Cluysenaar, Eugene O Connell, Judy Gahagan, DoloresGuglielmo, George Herbert, Jack Herbert, Rupert Loydell,Caitlin Matthews, William Oxley, Henry Vaughan

of books by or edited by Wendell Berry, Tom Cheetham,Satish Kumar, Martin Lings and Clinton Minaar, RaviRavindra, Stuart Rose and India Russell


Edited by John Carey and James Harpur



William Bedford Ted Hughes: The Shaman’s JourneyJohn Carey EditorialHenry Corbin Youthfulness and Chivalry in Iranian Islam: Part II

Stephen Cross The ‘Knot of the Heart’ in Upanishadic ThoughtAndrew Frisardi Dante, Orpheus and the Poem as SalutationJoscelyn Godwin John Michell (–)Jack Herbert Philip Sherrard on ‘Kathleen Raine and TheSymbolic Art’: Some Reactions and Thoughts

Donald John William Blake and the Dionysius FreherIlluminations to the ‘Law’ Edition of Boehme

Leonard Lewisohn Correspondences between English Romanticand Persian Sufi Poets: An Essay in Anagogic Criticism

Martin Lings Foreword to ‘Old Lithuanian Songs’Jeremy Naydler The Artist as Priest: Reflections on the SacredArt and Culture of Ancient Egypt

Kathleen Raine Ash WednesdayChristine Rhone Holy Well: In Memory of John Michell


Thierry of Chartres The Works of the Six DaysArthur Versluis John Pordage and the Horizon of History

Dionysius Andreas Freher

Elizabeth Burns, Moya Cannon, John F. Deane, MalcolmGuite, Alyson Hallett, Lotte Kramer, Sam Lawes, Earl Livings,Kevin McGrath, Brendan McMahon, Christopher Nield,William Radice, India Russell, Mark Rutter, Kieron Winn,Lynne Wycherley

of books by or edited by Owen Barfield, Anne Cluysenaar,Jean Hani, James Harpur, Patrick Harpur, Marged Haycock,Brian Keeble, Thomas Laird, Lord Northbourne, TimothyScott, Reza Shah-Kazemi and Lewis Thompson


Edited by John Carey and James Harpur


Price £

Dante Alighieri Selections from the ‘Vita Nuova’D. J. Avery Woman and William Blake: A Traditional View ofthe Role of the Feminine in Blake’s Poetry

John Carey EditorialRobert Abdul Hayy Darr Abjad: The Numerological Languageof Spiritual Insight and Guidance as Employed in Sufism

Thetis Blacker Dream of the Land of the DeadJack Herbert Thoughts and Reflections on MiltonKevin McGrath A Memoir of WalkingWilliam Radice Two Sides or One? Poetry as a Guide to TruthKathleen Raine The Frontiers of ReligionRavi Ravindra One Only, Without a Second: Ekam EvadvitiyamChristine Rhone Ragamala – The Missing Link: An Interviewwith Tilak Gitai

HRH The Prince of Wales Facing the Future

Tilak Gitai


Anne Cluysenaar, Neil Curry, Patricia Excell, James Harpur,Brian Keeble, India Russell, Penelope Shuttle, ChristopherSouthgate, John Powell Ward, Margaret Wilmot

of books and musical settings by or edited by Peter Avery,Philippa Bernard, Jean Biès, Gordon Bok, Spike Bucklow, F. Edward Cranz, Thierry Machuel, John Michell, TarikO’Regan, William Oxley, Alison Roberts, Nomi Rowe, WilliamStoddart, Ruth Templeton, Algis Uzdavinys, John Powell Wardand Lynne Wycherley


Edited by John Carey and James Harpur


Price £

John Carey EditorialJohn Carey Henry Corbin and the Secret of the GrailStephen Cross Original Innocence or Original Sin? TheAnthropology of Rousseau and Joseph de Maistre

Robert Abdul Hayy Darr The Sufi Understanding ofIndividuality

Andrew Frisardi The ‘Commedia’ as CosmosBrian Keeble That Dream Is All I Am: Reading ‘On a DesertedShore’

Joseph Milne Visions of the Cosmos: Nicholas of Cusa andGiordano Bruno

Kathleen Raine Blake and EnglandValery Rees The Sulphur and the Flame: Marsilio Ficino on theLife of the Soul

Christine Rhone A Foot in the Door to Plato’s Academy: An Interview with Daud Sutton

Reza Shah-Kazemi Martin Lings and the Sanctity of Sincerity


Angela Voss God or the Daemon? Platonic Astrology in aChristian Cosmos

HRH The Prince of Wales Islam and the EnvironmentSimon Wilson The Grail Utopia in Southern GermanyAnn Wroe Shelley’s Spiritual Quest

Sebastian Barker, Kevin Crossley-Holland, John F. Deane, JillEulalie Dawson, Judy Gahagan, Gabriel Griffin, Grevel Lindop,Mary O’Malley, William Oxley, Mark Roper

of books by Paul Douglas, Michael Oren Fitzgerald, M. AliLakhani, Keiron Le Grice, Hugh Lupton, Sulak Sivaraksa,Richard Smoley and HRH The Prince of Wales


Edited by John Carey and James Harpur


Price £

Wendell Berry It All Turns on AffectionThetis Blacker Tale of the Serpent TreeJohn Carey EditorialJohn Carey Hymns to the RbhusDylan Esler Finding Treasure: A Mode of Scriptural Revelationin the rNying-ma School of Tibetan Buddhism

Hans-Wolfgang Frick MoneyBrian Keeble Whose is this Horrifying Face? Reading DavidGascoyne’s ‘Miserere’

Jill Line A Vision of ArcadiaJeremy Naydler In Defence of the Flower GardenKathleen Raine The Writing of PoemsFaouzi Skali Moses in Sufi TraditionSimon Wilson A Religion of Black and White


Snowdon Barnett, Anne Cluysenaar, Hilary Davies, PatriciaExcell, David Gascoyne, Lotte Kramer, Earl Livings, Rupert M.Loydell, India Russell, Lawrence Sail, Penelope Shuttle,Margaret Wilmot, Kieron Winn

of books by Keith Critchlow, John F. Deane, Marsilio Ficino,John Griffin, Malcolm Guite, Stephan Harding, Brian Keeble,Peter Kingsley, Rusmir Mahmutcehajic, Christian Moevs,Jeremy Naydler and John Vyvyan


Edited by John Carey and James Harpur


Price £

Dante Alighieri Selections from the ‘Convivio’David Cadman John Lane (–)John Carey EditorialWilliam C. Chittick Divine Love in Early Persian ProseAnanda K. Coomaraswamy The Appreciation of theUnfamiliar Arts

H.H. The Dalai Lama ‘Karuna’: CompassionValentin Gerlier Teaching a Sacred Cosmos: Shakespeare andEducation

Jeremy James Mystic Mantle of the HorsePeter Oldmeadow The Non-sectarian Rimé Movement and itsSignificance within Tibetan Buddhism

Kathleen Raine Global Unity and the ArtsChristine Rhone Pictures of John Michell: An Introduction tohis Work

Roger Sworder Plato JokesLopon P. Ogyan Tanzin Assessing the Greatness of Tibet’s EarlyTranslations according to Rong-zom Mahapandita


John Michell

Wendell Berry, Moya Cannon, John F. Deane, Jack Herbert,Brian Keeble, Kevin McGrath, Michael Madden, C.P. Nield,Michael Symmons Roberts, Fiona Sampson, Lynne Wycherley

of books by Dante Alighieri, Jeffrey John Dixon, RamchandraGandhi, Joscelyn Godwin, James Harpur, Ramin Jahanbegloo,Guido Mina di Sospiro, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Br John MartinSahajananda and William Stoddart


Edited by John Carey and James Harpur

pages ----Price £



Edited by Kathleen Raine

pagesPrice £

Keith Critchlow On Entering a Sacred StreamSisirkumar Ghose Angel of SurplusJoscelyn Godwin The Golden Chain of Orpheus, IIJames Mahood Imaginal YogaPeter Malekin Art and the Liberation of the MindJean Mambrino The Marvel of the EverydayMarco Pallis Hands off Wagner!Kathleen Raine Yeats and KabirPhilip Sherrard C.P. Cavafy: A ReappraisalJan le Witt Encounters with Shadow

George Mackay Brown, Neil Curry, John Fairfax, Kabir(versions by Brian Merrikin Hill), Kalidasa (versions byHarold Morland), Peter Redgrove, Jeremy Reed, RabindranathTagore (translated by William Radice)



Edited by Brian Keeble

pagesPrice £

Wendell Berry The Wild BirdsJohn Carey The Mill in the NutJoscelyn Godwin Musical Alchemy, theWork of Composer and Listener

Pupul Jayakar Crisis in CultureBrian Keeble EditorialJohn Montague Creatures of the IrishTwilight

Andrew Mouldey A Word Conceived inIntellect

Seyyed Hossein Nasr The Principle ofUnity and the Sacred Architecture ofIslam

Jeremy Reed Into the Light: the Art ofMorris Graves

Nancy Wilson Ross Morris Graves: anIntroduction

Daryush Shayegan The Visionary Topography of Hafiz

Kapila Vatsyayan The Aesthetics ofIndian Dance

Yves Bonnefoy (translated by John T. Naughton and Anthony Rudolf ), Paul Célan (translated by Michael Hamburger), Jonathan Griffin, Grevel Lindop, Corinna Marnau, Samuel Menashe, John Montague, R.H.Morrison,Jeremy Reed, Robin Skelton, Jan le Witt


Edited by Kathleen Raine

pagesPrice £


John Carey The Daughters of MemoryArthur Cooper The Poetry of Language-makingJames Cowan The Dream Journey: Ritual Renewal amongAustralian Aborigines

Sheila Dhar Hindustani Music: an Inward JourneyPierre Emmanuel The Poetic Act and the Contemplative MindDavid Gascoyne Extracts from an Interview with Michael RemyBertrand Matthieu Henry Miller’s Divine ComedyLiam Miller The Eye of the Mind: Yeats and the Theatre of the Imagination

David Mitchell Nature as TheophanyKathleen Raine ForewordJeremy Reed Bats: The Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins

Michael Armstrong, David Gascoyne, Thomas Kinsella, Jean Mambrino (translated by David Gascoyne), John Moat,John Montague, Kathleen Raine, Peter Redgrove, Jeremy Reed,Peter Russell, Jean Tardieu

No. ()The Quality of MercyPeter Brook Out-of-print

No. ()The Path & The Palace – Reflections on the Nature of PoetryGrevel LindopOut-of-print

No. ()Language & the Spirit in the Age of AntichristPeter Russell

No. ()Merlin & Parsifal – Adversarial TwinsWilson Harris

No. ()A Defence of PoetrySuheil Bushrui

No. ()The Angel in PoetryJeremy Reed

No. ()The Spiritual and Religious Dimensions of the Environmental CrisisSeyyed Hossein NasrOut-of-printNote: included in A Sacred Trust – Ecologyand Spiritual Vision (Temenos AcademyPapers No. )

No. ()Sparks Fly Upward – Three Essays onAestheticsIndra Nath ChoudhuriOut-of-print

No. ()Christ and the Creative ImaginationRichard Chartres, Bishop of LondonOut-of-print

No. ()The German Tradition – Uniting theOpposites: Goethe, Jung & RilkeJack Herbert

No. ()Temenos Academy Inaugural AddressesKeith Critchlow, John Allitt, Kathleen Raine Out-of-print

No. ()MoneyHans-Wolfgang Frick Out-of-print

No. ()William Blake’s Fourfold LondonKathleen Raine Out-of-print

No. ()The Rose and the FlameJohn Napper Out-of-print

No. () For Every Thing That Lives Is HolyPhilip SherrardOut-of-printNote: included in A Sacred Trust – Ecologyand Spiritual Vision (Temenos AcademyPapers No. )


Temenos Academy Papers


No. ()The Underlying Order and other essaysKathleen Raine

No. ()By Seven Firs and GoldenstoneAn Account of the Legend of AlderleyAlan Garner

No. ()The Sacred in LiteratureSuheil Bushrui

No. ()The Magic MirrorJohn Stewart Allitt

No. ()Blacker, Beasts & the BestiaryJane Geddes

No. ()W.B. Yeats’s Search for a SpiritualPhilosophySuheil Bushrui

No. ()The Young Dante and the One LoveAndrew Frisardi

No. ()On the Nature & Significance of the CraftsBrian Keeble

No. ()SanctuaryVarious authors

No. ()A Human Approach to World PeaceH.H. The Dalai Lama

No. ()Lighting a Candle – Kathleen Raine andTemenosVarious authors

No. ()Inward Lies the Way – German Thoughtand the Nature of MindStephen Cross and Jack Herbert

No. ()Metaphysics and the Cosmic OrderJoseph Milne

No. ()Kathleen Raine – Poetic Imagination & the Vision of RealityBrian Keeble

No. ()Ancestral Voices – Four Lectures Towardsa Philosophy of ImaginationRamesh Chandra ShahOut-of-print

No. ()A Sacred Trust: Ecology and SpiritualVisionVarious authors

No. ()MonarchyVarious authors

No. ()Vernon Watkins: Inspiration as Poetry,Poetry as InspirationBrian Keeble

No. ()The Ground of Being – Foundations ofChristian MysticismJoseph MilneOut-of-print

No. ()Sufism and the Integration of the Innerand Outer Life of ManSeyyed Hossein Nasr


No. ()The Mystical CosmosJoseph Milne

Temenos ()David Jones – A Selection from his WritingPerformed by Tom Durham



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