Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month,...

28 September 2018 Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries Statistics - Reported Landings: July 2018 Key points The total quantity of reported landings by our fleet in January to July 2018 was 371 thousand tonnes live weight. This is 8 per cent lower than in 2017. The value of fish sold was £465 million, 12 per cent lower than last year. 48 thousand tonnes were landed by the UK fleet in July. Landings abroad accounted for 11 thousand tonnes. Of the 37 thousand tonnes landed into the UK, 11 per cent was caught by the 10 metre and under fleet. The large majority of this was for non-quota shellfish, with crabs being the dominant species. The summer herring season is well under way with 18 thousand tonnes landed by the UK fleet in July averaging £0.48 per kilo. More than half of this was landed into Peterhead and Lerwick. 4,200 tonnes of nephrops were also landed in July (£12.2 million) as well as 3,800 tonnes of crabs (£7.2 million) and 3,000 tonnes of haddock (£4.4 million). UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2017 was published yesterday and this report and the data sets include updated figures for 2014 to 2017. As previously reported, owing to problems experienced by Marine Scotland, figures for landings into the UK by foreign vessels are incomplete. In order to avoid any possible confusion in interpretation, we have excluded all landings by the foreign fleet from 2018 onwards. Figures in Tables 8 and 9, as well as for the final two columns in Table 11, are therefore not provided. The largest landings into the UK in July were for Peterhead (12,500 tonnes, £11.3 million) followed by Lerwick (3,900 tonnes, £2.7 million). Leigh-on-Sea received the highest landings in England (1,200 tonnes of cockles worth £0.7 million) and Brixham the highest value (850 tonnes, £2.6 million).

Transcript of Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month,...

Page 1: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

28 September 2018

Provisional Results

Monthly UK Sea Fisheries Statistics - Reported Landings: July 2018

Key points

The total quantity of reported landings by our fleet in January to July 2018 was 371 thousand tonnes live weight. This is 8 per cent lower than in 2017. The value of fish sold was £465 million, 12 per cent lower than last year.

48 thousand tonnes were landed by the UK fleet in July. Landings abroad accounted for 11 thousand tonnes. Of the 37 thousand tonnes landed into the UK, 11 per cent was caught by the 10 metre and under fleet. The large majority of this was for non-quota shellfish, with crabs being the dominant species.

The summer herring season is well under way with 18 thousand tonnes landed by the UK fleet in July averaging £0.48 per kilo. More than half of this was landed into Peterhead and Lerwick.

4,200 tonnes of nephrops were also landed in July (£12.2 million) as well as 3,800 tonnes of crabs (£7.2 million) and 3,000 tonnes of haddock (£4.4 million).

UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2017 was published yesterday and this report and the data sets include updated figures for 2014 to 2017.

As previously reported, owing to problems experienced by Marine Scotland, figures for landings into the UK by foreign vessels are incomplete. In order to avoid any possible confusion in interpretation, we have excluded all landings by the foreign fleet from 2018 onwards. Figures in Tables 8 and 9, as well as for the final two columns in Table 11, are therefore not provided.

The largest landings into the UK in July were for Peterhead (12,500 tonnes, £11.3 million) followed by Lerwick (3,900 tonnes, £2.7 million). Leigh-on-Sea received the highest landings in England (1,200 tonnes of cockles worth £0.7 million) and Brixham the highest value (850 tonnes, £2.6 million).

Page 2: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

List of tables and charts

Table/chart Page Chart 1 Landings into the top 20 UK ports by UK vessels by species type 1 Chart 2 Value of landings into the top 20 UK ports by UK vessels by

species type Landings by UK vessels – summary tables


Table 1 Landings into the UK by UK vessels (summary table) 3 Table 2 Landings abroad by UK vessels (summary table) 4

Table 3 Landings into the UK and abroad by UK vessels (summary table) 5 Landings by UK vessels – by species Table 4 Landings into the UK by UK vessels 6 Table 4a Landings into the UK by UK vessels - 10 metres and under in

length 7

Table 4b Landings into the UK by UK vessels - over 10 metres in length 8 Table 5 Landings abroad by UK vessels 9

Table 6 Landings into the UK and abroad by UK vessels 10

Landings by UK vessels into the UK – by species and port of landing

Table 7a Landings by UK vessels into major ports in England 11

Table 7b Landings by UK vessels into major ports in Wales 14

Table 7c Landings by UK vessels into major ports in Scotland 15

Table 7d Landings by UK vessels into major ports in Northern Ireland 18

Landings by Foreign vessels – by species

Table 8 Landings into the UK by Foreign vessels 19

Total landings into the UK – by species

Table 9 Landings into the UK by UK and Foreign vessels 20

Other Statistics Table 10 Landings into the UK by UK vessels - species of interest to

recreational sea anglers

Monthly landings – summary table


Table 11 Monthly Landings by UK vessels and by foreign vessels into the UK 22

Charts and data providing a summary of monthly landings figures for 2008 to 2013 are available at:

Page 3: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Background This is an Official Statistics publication. This notice provides an overview of the reported weight and value of landings by UK vessels into the UK and abroad, and by foreign vessels into the UK. Data are collected under EU legislation which controls fishing activity by setting limits in two key areas:

(i) Fish quotas - limits on the amount of fish that can be landed related to the species of fish and area of activity.

(ii) Fishing effort – limits in terms of the effort that can exerted, usually in terms of days at sea combined with a measure of the catching capacity such as engine power.

The underlying data used to produce this report are also used to provide the EU with monthly reports on uptake against our allocated annual limits. Analysis of quota uptake for other member states allows fisheries administrations to identify opportunities for international quota swaps. Data are also used to monitor uptake on a weekly basis for the fishing industry. Fish Producer Organisations are provided with a report on their landings for validation and they use the weekly statistics to arrange domestic quota swaps. Data are used to provide analysis and evidence to researchers and the media and to respond to ad-hoc requests from fishermen, other fishing organisations and the general public. They are also used to formulate and monitor fishing policy for fisheries administrations. Excel versions of Tables 1 to 11 are available at: Also available at the above address is an Excel file containing the data for 2014 to 2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of the landed fish. Users can use the Excel filters to select, for example, landings into a specific port. Alternatively, users could produce tables (using, for example, the pivot table function). For illustrative purposes, a specimen pivot table showing landings by the UK fleet by port of landing nationality is included within the spreadsheet. You will see, for example, that the total landings by UK vessels matches that shown in Tables 3, 6 and 11. A review of a user consultation in 2014 is available at: We welcome any further comments or suggestions on this release. Also, please contact the MMO Statistics team if you have any questions, data requests or comments. Contact details are:

Page 4: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Statistician: Guy Ellis Email: [email protected] Telephone: 020 8026 4400 A methodology note on data collection, coverage, processing and revisions is available at: Key issues follow. Data coverage Data relate to reported landings of commercial fishing by UK vessels and by foreign vessels landing into the UK. Data are only included once fully validated. Data include figures for the Isle of Man fleet and landings by some of the larger Channel Islands’ vessels. Relatively small amounts of landings by the remainder of the Channel Islands’ fleet – accounting for less than one tenth of one per cent of all landings - are not included here, although they are included in the weekly statistics used for quota management. Landings do not typically equal total catches as many species can be discarded. Discarding could occur in cases where fishermen accidently catch fish for which they did not have quota, catch damaged or less profitable fish, or catch undersized fish which they could not sell. The degree of discarding varies by stock and by the sector involved. The EU's new landing obligation, being phased in from 2015 onwards, is intended to end the discarding of marketable fish. As of 1 January 2015, the landing obligation has been in force for pelagic and industrial fishing. A number of demersal species have followed since 2016 and the remaining species covered by quota stocks will be included by 2019. Despite legal obligations for fish catches to be declared, a proportion of fishing activity remains unreported. A joint study in 2009 estimated that between 2000 and 2003, illegal fishing amounted to between 5 and 13 per cent of reported catches. It is thought that overall level of unreported landings has reduced in recent years following a requirement for buyers and sellers to be registered and the implementation of new EU regulations. But the extent of illegal and unreported fishing by UK vessels is still uncertain and will vary across species. Discarded fish and illegal/unreported landings are excluded from the report. And so the figures presented should not be interpreted as total removals from the sea; the figures are the reported landings. More details are in the methodology note. Although figures for the latest month are published almost two months in arrears, some data may still be excluded from the report giving rise to revisions in later months. This is dealt with in the next section.

Page 5: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Revisions Policy Data are based on landings which have been fully validated. Data are based on the latest available figures from fisheries administrations’ data systems and will be subject to three main sources of revision:

(i) Receipt of additional data

(ii) Revisions to data

(iii) Correction of data processing errors

Figures for 2013 to 2017 are based on those published in UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2017 on 27 September 2018. Figures for 2014 to 2017 will be updated next year in Sea Fisheries Statistics 2018 and so they, as well as those for 2018, should be treated as provisional. More details on revisions are included in the methodology note. In particular, it includes new analyses of data revisions/lags for cumulative ‘year-to-date’ figures and for the ‘current month’ figures. ‘Revisions triangles’ are provided for different types of landing and show how landings for each month from January 2014 onwards have been revised over time. The changes are reflected in the revisions triangles. Statistics on landings are presented in two main forms – either landings in the individual latest month the release relates to, where statistics are being published for the first time, or the cumulative period for the year so far, i.e. from January to the latest month, which will include any revisions to the data for each month. The impact of revisions to data for both the cumulative and individual monthly data series for 2016 have been analysed and the results are available within the data revisions section of the methodology note. In summary, the results of the analysis indicate that the first time a cumulative ‘year-to-date’ figure is published, the tonnage recorded is typically around 1 per cent lower than the final figure. For landings data for an individual month, the estimate of total landings by UK vessels into the UK - when published for the first time - is generally around 3 per cent lower than the final figure. So, for example, figures published this month for July 2018 landings by UK vessels into the UK may be around 3 per cent lower than the actual final figure for that month. This rises to around 6 per cent for UK vessels landing into the UK and abroad. The bulk of the lag in data for any individual month is incorporated within the first revision to the data for that month. So when we update July 2018 figures this time next month, we expect the revised figure for UK vessels landing into the UK to be around 1 per cent lower than the final figure, rising to 3 per cent for all UK fleet landings. Figures for the current year will be more affected by lags in getting data finalised on our systems. Comparisons between earlier years should therefore be made with care. These lags will vary between species groups and type of landing. For instance, UK vessels’ landings abroad and foreign vessels’ landings into the UK have larger revisions, especially for shellfish and demersal landings. Data entry for these trips

Page 6: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

can be more complicated and fully validating the data can sometimes take longer. Also, many shellfish species are not affected by quota and effort management and have a lower priority in terms of data entry. However, the tonnage involved in these demersal and shellfish trips is relatively small compared with overall landings.

The methodology note highlights the steps being taken by MMO to improve the reporting of electronic data. We are also considering the benefits and risks involved in using data that have not passed the full set of validation checks. UK Sea Fisheries Statistics We published our annual statistical report on 27 September 2018. It includes a broader range of information on:

the structure of the UK fishing fleet and the number of fishermen (Chapter 2)

effort (kW days fished) in the cod and sole recovery zones and Western Waters (Chapter 2)

UK landings and quota uptake by EU member states (Chapter 3). Note that monthly figures are published in Table 3.13

imports and exports (Chapter 4)

main stocks and their level of exploitation (Chapter 5)

the size and activity of the world fishing industry (Chapter 6) Most recent editions are available at: and an archive of older versions is available at: Chapter 3 reports on landings statistics for the most recent five year period. Landings are broken down into more detail including fishing gear used, sea area of capture, foreign country of landing and foreign vessel nationality. Links between tables in the monthly return and annual publication are shown below. Monthly return Annual return Tables 1, 4 and 10 - Tables 3.2 and 3.14 Tables 2 and 5 - Tables 3.5 and 3.15 Tables 3 and 6 - Tables 3.1, 3.1a, 3.6, 3.8, 3.8a, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11 Table 7a - Tables 3.2a and 3.14a Table 7b - Tables 3.2b and 3.14b Table 7c - Tables 3.2c and 3.14c Table 7d - Tables 3.2d and 3.14d Table 8 - Tables 3.3 and 3.16 Table 9 - Tables 3.4 and 3.7 Table 11 - Table 3.13 As with the monthly return, all tables included in the publication are published together with datasets for the landings raw data:

Page 7: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of A user consultation on the annual publication was carried out in May 2016 and an analysis of its findings is available with the 2014 annual report. A user consultation is also included in this year’s report.

Explanatory Notes

1. Quantities in the tables and charts are shown in terms of the live weight of the fish landed. Landed weight is also provided in the on-line dataset.

2. The values shown are based on information from first-hand sales of fish to all outlets, i.e. for human consumption as well as other uses, such as fishmeal and animal feed.

3. Average prices are based on the live weight of the fish. 4. The calculation of average prices excludes landings with zero value to better

reflect the price of the fish. 5. The category ‘other demersal’ includes fish roes and livers. 6. Landings into England in Table 7a exclude data for the Isle of Man and the

Channel Islands. 7. The individual ports reported in this publication represent those ports which

were identified as the top 20 UK ports in terms of quantity landed or the top 20 UK ports in terms of value of landings, in the annual publication - UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2016.

8. Details on data collection, coverage, processing and revisions can be found in the methodology note.

9. The following symbols apply throughout: - means “nil”

.. means “negligible” (less than half the last digit shown) n/a means “not applicable”

Page 8: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Useful websites Marine Management Organisation

Quota statistics use-statistics

Effort statistics


Marine Scotland


Welsh Assembly Government

National Statistics

Sea Fish Industry Authority

European Commission - Fisheries


EU Fleet Register

FAO Fisheries Department


HMRC Trade Statistics

Page 9: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Grimsby (234)

Douglas (130)

Brixham (851)

Lerwick (3873)

Scrabster (1847)

Peterhead (12525)

Bridlington (351)

Fraserburgh (1792)

Leigh-On-Sea (1208)

Belfast (0)

Newlyn (889)

Mallaig (446)

Kilkeel (449)

Ullapool (824)

Portavogie (316)

Kirkcudbright (13)

Kinlochbervie (381)

Scalloway and Isles (711)

Shoreham (308)

Plymouth (292)

Chart 1: Landings into the top 20 UK ports(a) by UK vessels by species type: July 2018 (tonnes)


Shows the top 20 major ports based on the quantity of fish landed by UK vessels at each port in 2016.© Copyright Collins Bartholomew 2017


Page 1

Page 10: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Lerwick (2.7)

Grimsby (0.5)

Brixham (2.6)

Scrabster (3.6)

Bridlington (1)

Peterhead (11.3)

Scarborough (0.5)

Fraserburgh (4.1)

North Shields (0.2)

Ardglass (0.8)

Newlyn (2.4)

Mallaig (1.2)

Kilkeel (0.9)

Ullapool (1.8)Lochinver (0.2)

Portavogie (0.7)

Kinlochbervie (0.7)

Scalloway and Isles (1.3)

Shoreham (0.5)

Plymouth (0.9)

Chart 2: Value of landings into the top 20 UK ports(a) by UK vessels by species type: July 2018 (£million)


Shows the top 20 major ports based on the value of fish landed by UK vessels at each port in 2016.© Copyright Collins Bartholomew 2017(a)

Page 2

Page 11: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 1: Landings into the UK by UK vessels (summary table)

2017 2018 Change 2017 2018 Change 2017 2018 Change

Cod 11,377 13,024 + 14% 24,805 26,676 + 8% 2,180 2,242 + 3%

Haddock 18,929 19,123 + 1% 28,244 29,587 + 5% 1,492 1,556 + 4%

Hake 7,000 6,290 - 10% 14,557 14,094 - 3% 2,080 2,243 + 8%

Monks or Anglers 9,694 9,532 - 2% 25,327 26,010 + 3% 2,613 2,892 + 11%

Plaice 2,261 2,168 - 4% 2,768 3,407 + 23% 1,224 1,583 + 29%

Pollack (Lythe) 1,105 1,033 - 7% 2,597 2,725 + 5% 2,349 2,640 + 12%

Saithe 5,719 8,037 + 41% 5,775 6,413 + 11% 1,010 798 - 21%

Skates and Rays 1,433 1,767 + 23% 1,782 2,296 + 29% 1,246 1,334 + 7%

Sole 782 780 - 0% 6,852 7,799 + 14% 8,769 9,997 + 14%

Whiting 5,907 6,948 + 18% 7,424 9,422 + 27% 1,257 1,356 + 8%

Other Demersal 12,227 14,022 + 15% 27,887 30,098 + 8% 2,290 2,176 - 5%

Demersal 76,435 82,723 + 8% 148,020 158,529 + 7% 1,938 1,965 + 1%

Herring 11,720 14,047 + 20% 4,780 4,938 + 3% 408 352 - 14%

Mackerel 48,765 42,766 - 12% 43,345 37,505 - 13% 889 877 - 1%

Other Pelagic 15,311 23,440 + 53% 2,120 5,065 + 139% 139 216 + 56%

Pelagic 75,797 80,253 + 6% 50,245 47,507 - 5% 663 592 - 11%

Crabs 13,770 11,052 - 20% 24,163 25,404 + 5% 1,755 2,299 + 31%

Nephrops 19,812 14,462 - 27% 64,192 45,120 - 30% 3,240 3,122 - 4%

Scallops 18,456 16,235 - 12% 41,007 41,242 + 1% 2,226 2,545 + 14%

Other Shellfish 23,578 21,293 - 10% 56,633 52,275 - 8% 2,405 2,491 + 4%

Shellfish 75,616 63,043 - 17% 185,995 164,041 - 12% 2,462 2,616 + 6%

All Fish 227,847 226,019 - 1% 384,260 370,076 - 4% 1,688 1,655 - 2%

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

January to July inclusive

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000s) Price (£/tonne)

Page 3

Page 12: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 2: Landings abroad by UK vessels (summary table)

2017 2018 Change 2017 2018 Change 2017 2018 Change

Cod 7,807 5,168 - 34% 13,754 1,480 - 89% 1,762 1,441 - 18%

Haddock 460 370 - 20% 555 217 - 61% 1,206 1,117 - 7%

Hake 1,583 905 - 43% 3,075 1,618 - 47% 1,950 1,799 - 8%

Monks or Anglers 2,262 2,255 - 0% 7,030 5,295 - 25% 3,111 3,087 - 1%

Plaice 8,375 4,840 - 42% 11,153 8,138 - 27% 1,332 1,682 + 26%

Pollack (Lythe) 236 205 - 13% 574 44 - 92% 2,579 235 - 91%

Saithe 1,162 1,880 + 62% 1,276 1,115 - 13% 1,103 777 - 30%

Skates and Rays 142 190 + 34% 194 170 - 12% 1,390 1,014 - 27%

Sole 204 161 - 21% 1,775 1,376 - 22% 8,682 8,528 - 2%

Whiting 364 271 - 26% 295 169 - 43% 824 650 - 21%

Other Demersal 6,984 4,082 - 42% 9,345 6,811 - 27% 1,347 1,824 + 35%

Demersal 29,580 20,329 - 31% 49,025 26,433 - 46% 1,662 1,808 + 9%

Herring 11,117 15,719 + 41% 4,807 7,239 + 51% 432 573 + 32%

Mackerel 71,108 46,394 - 35% 62,003 39,753 - 36% 872 858 - 2%

Other Pelagic 55,900 55,696 - 0% 11,100 15,386 + 39% 199 277 + 39%

Pelagic 138,125 117,809 - 15% 77,910 62,379 - 20% 565 545 - 4%

Crabs 2,118 1,809 - 15% 2,934 2,925 - 0% 1,386 1,619 + 17%

Nephrops 558 472 - 15% 2,206 1,910 - 13% 3,956 4,085 + 3%

Scallops 87 156 + 80% 199 83 - 58% 2,288 1,892 - 17%

Other Shellfish 3,511 3,985 + 13% 12,662 1,028 - 92% 3,617 3,528 - 2%

Shellfish 6,274 6,422 + 2% 18,001 5,945 - 67% 2,875 2,278 - 21%

All Fish 173,978 144,560 - 17% 144,936 94,757 - 35% 834 719 - 14%

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000s) Price (£/tonne)

January to July inclusive

Page 4

Page 13: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 3: Landings into the UK and abroad by UK vessels (summary table)

2017 2018 Change 2017 2018 Change 2017 2018 Change

Cod 19,185 18,192 - 5% 38,558 28,157 - 27% 2,010 2,178 + 8%

Haddock 19,389 19,493 + 1% 28,799 29,804 + 3% 1,485 1,552 + 4%

Hake 8,583 7,195 - 16% 17,633 15,712 - 11% 2,056 2,188 + 6%

Monks or Anglers 11,956 11,787 - 1% 32,357 31,305 - 3% 2,707 2,923 + 8%

Plaice 10,636 7,008 - 34% 13,921 11,545 - 17% 1,309 1,651 + 26%

Pollack (Lythe) 1,341 1,238 - 8% 3,171 2,769 - 13% 2,388 2,273 - 5%

Saithe 6,881 9,917 + 44% 7,051 7,528 + 7% 1,026 795 - 22%

Skates and Rays 1,575 1,957 + 24% 1,976 2,466 + 25% 1,259 1,306 + 4%

Sole 987 942 - 5% 8,627 9,175 + 6% 8,751 9,745 + 11%

Whiting 6,271 7,219 + 15% 7,719 9,591 + 24% 1,232 1,331 + 8%

Other Demersal 19,211 18,104 - 6% 37,232 36,909 - 1% 1,948 2,101 + 8%

Demersal 106,014 103,051 - 3% 197,045 184,961 - 6% 1,861 1,941 + 4%

Herring 22,837 29,766 + 30% 9,588 12,177 + 27% 420 456 + 9%

Mackerel 119,873 89,161 - 26% 105,347 77,258 - 27% 879 867 - 1%

Other Pelagic 71,211 79,136 + 11% 13,220 20,451 + 55% 186 259 + 39%

Pelagic 213,922 198,063 - 7% 128,155 109,886 - 14% 600 564 - 6%

Crabs 15,888 12,861 - 19% 27,097 28,330 + 5% 1,706 2,203 + 29%

Nephrops 20,370 14,934 - 27% 66,398 47,029 - 29% 3,260 3,152 - 3%

Scallops 18,543 16,391 - 12% 41,205 41,325 + 0% 2,226 2,543 + 14%

Other Shellfish 27,089 25,278 - 7% 69,295 53,302 - 23% 2,562 2,505 - 2%

Shellfish 81,890 69,465 - 15% 203,996 169,986 - 17% 2,494 2,603 + 4%

All Fish 401,826 370,579 - 8% 529,196 464,833 - 12% 1,318 1,308 - 1%

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

Quantity (tonnes) Value (£'000s) Price (£/tonne)

January to July inclusive

Page 5

Page 14: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 4: Landings into the UK by UK vessels

Quantity Value Price Quantity Value Price

(tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne) (tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne)

Bass 56 621 11,049 196 1,914 9,757

Bream 3 14 5,358 77 219 2,885

Brill 23 161 6,897 164 1,119 6,840

Cod 1,795 3,983 2,221 13,024 26,676 2,242

Dogfish 151 51 344 1,176 369 316

Gurnard 82 80 1,029 1,038 843 825

Haddock 2,927 4,356 1,488 19,123 29,587 1,556

Hake 1,193 2,370 1,992 6,290 14,094 2,243

Halibut 31 210 6,801 140 1,010 7,201

Lemon Sole 176 671 3,812 978 4,586 4,692

Ling 619 789 1,278 3,823 5,629 1,474

Megrim 350 822 2,481 2,253 5,934 2,689

Monks or Anglers 976 2,563 2,971 9,532 26,010 2,892

Mullet 14 49 3,552 85 364 4,309

Plaice 448 795 1,777 2,168 3,407 1,583

Pollack (Lythe) 108 374 3,469 1,033 2,725 2,640

Saithe 889 619 695 8,037 6,413 798

Sand Eels 3 6 1,876 618 109 176

Skates and Rays 235 296 1,309 1,767 2,296 1,334

Sole 155 1,718 11,083 780 7,799 9,997

Turbot 54 512 9,600 284 2,896 10,236

Whiting 715 814 1,138 6,948 9,422 1,356

Witch 62 61 1,017 777 872 1,130

Other Demersal 343 1,248 3,833 2,412 4,235 1,833

Demersal 11,408 23,185 2,064 82,723 158,529 1,965

Blue Whiting 2 .. 2,500 19,987 3,623 181

Herring 10,679 3,740 350 14,047 4,938 352

Horse Mackerel 4 2 435 1,076 701 652

Mackerel 416 598 1,440 42,766 37,505 877

Sardines 202 100 493 2,268 706 311

Other Pelagic 2 .. 701 108 34 331

Pelagic 11,306 4,440 393 80,253 47,507 592

Cockles 2,373 1,426 601 3,032 1,854 611

Crabs 3,187 6,670 2,093 11,052 25,404 2,299

Cuttlefish 10 52 5,062 2,339 9,249 3,964

Lobsters 391 4,897 12,531 1,176 17,054 14,504

Mussels 134 75 556 134 75 557

Nephrops 4,117 11,765 2,858 14,462 45,120 3,122

Oysters 1 4 3,123 10 34 3,541

Scallops 1,947 4,602 2,378 16,235 41,242 2,545

Shrimps and Prawns 8 26 3,253 228 1,048 4,679

Squid 234 1,256 5,372 1,095 5,096 4,709

Whelks 1,839 2,446 1,330 12,729 14,723 1,182

Other Shellfish 112 765 6,843 551 3,142 5,801

Shellfish 14,353 33,985 2,370 63,043 164,041 2,616

All Fish 37,066 61,609 1,671 226,019 370,076 1,655

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

July 2018 January to July 2018 inclusive

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Page 15: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 4a: Landings into the UK by UK vessels - 10 metres and under in length

Quantity Value Price Quantity Value Price

(tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne) (tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne)

Bass 55 609 11,042 183 1,771 9,702

Bream 1 7 5,835 11 47 4,489

Brill 3 23 6,952 21 134 6,398

Cod 14 29 2,087 166 359 2,169

Dogfish 28 8 278 163 42 257

Gurnard 4 4 1,166 80 109 1,360

Haddock 11 21 1,843 41 76 1,865

Hake 2 4 1,953 31 57 1,820

Halibut .. 4 7,869 2 15 8,204

Lemon Sole 8 33 4,192 70 346 4,960

Ling 2 4 2,163 36 58 1,588

Megrim 5 8 1,746 15 25 1,744

Monks or Anglers 24 87 3,654 119 433 3,644

Mullet 11 29 2,678 43 120 2,811

Plaice 82 137 1,683 443 657 1,484

Pollack (Lythe) 38 133 3,480 459 1,220 2,655

Saithe 3 2 853 26 23 900

Sand Eels 3 6 1,876 5 7 1,448

Skates and Rays 85 132 1,556 541 784 1,452

Sole 63 594 9,432 248 2,060 8,299

Turbot 12 118 10,223 52 513 9,808

Whiting 27 18 657 120 92 764

Witch .. .. 500 1 1 723

Other Demersal 43 715 16,601 206 1,324 6,424

Demersal 523 2,725 5,208 3,081 10,275 3,336

Blue Whiting .. .. 2,500 .. .. 1,390

Herring .. .. 859 87 43 494

Horse Mackerel 2 1 494 3 1 510

Mackerel 373 568 1,524 520 821 1,580

Sardines 13 6 469 251 51 203

Other Pelagic .. .. 706 60 19 319

Pelagic 389 576 1,481 921 935 1,016

Cockles 385 231 601 606 368 607

Crabs 1,212 2,456 2,027 4,603 10,255 2,228

Cuttlefish 6 30 5,396 286 1,092 3,825

Lobsters 275 3,473 12,652 770 11,019 14,317

Mussels 134 75 556 134 75 557

Nephrops 419 1,655 3,948 1,534 6,763 4,408

Oysters 1 4 3,123 9 32 3,547

Scallops 163 354 2,171 1,462 3,763 2,574

Shrimps and Prawns 1 4 7,513 12 75 6,618

Squid 9 48 5,438 31 177 5,637

Whelks 638 878 1,377 4,263 5,340 1,253

Other Shellfish 82 524 6,428 285 1,844 6,473

Shellfish 3,323 9,733 2,929 13,995 40,803 2,916

All Fish 4,236 13,034 3,077 17,997 52,013 2,890

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

July 2018 January to July 2018 inclusive

Page 7

Page 16: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 4b: Landings into the UK by UK vessels - over 10 metres in length

Quantity Value Price Quantity Value Price

(tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne) (tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne)

Bass 1 11 11,454 14 143 10,482

Bream 2 7 4,929 66 172 2,626

Brill 20 138 6,888 143 986 6,905

Cod 1,781 3,953 2,222 12,858 26,317 2,243

Dogfish 123 43 360 1,013 327 326

Gurnard 78 76 1,022 959 734 780

Haddock 2,916 4,336 1,487 19,082 29,511 1,555

Hake 1,191 2,366 1,992 6,259 14,037 2,245

Halibut 30 206 6,785 139 994 7,187

Lemon Sole 168 638 3,795 908 4,240 4,671

Ling 618 785 1,275 3,787 5,571 1,473

Megrim 345 814 2,492 2,239 5,908 2,696

Monks or Anglers 952 2,476 2,952 9,413 25,577 2,882

Mullet 3 20 6,857 42 244 5,846

Plaice 366 658 1,798 1,725 2,750 1,608

Pollack (Lythe) 70 241 3,463 573 1,505 2,628

Saithe 887 616 695 8,011 6,390 798

Sand Eels - - n/a 613 101 165

Skates and Rays 150 165 1,162 1,226 1,512 1,281

Sole 92 1,124 12,212 532 5,739 10,790

Turbot 42 395 9,428 232 2,383 10,333

Whiting 688 796 1,156 6,828 9,331 1,367

Witch 62 61 1,018 776 871 1,130

Other Demersal 299 533 1,886 2,206 2,910 1,383

Demersal 10,885 20,460 1,910 79,642 148,253 1,910

Blue Whiting 2 - n/a 19,987 3,623 181

Herring 10,679 3,739 350 13,960 4,895 351

Horse Mackerel 2 1 364 1,074 700 652

Mackerel 43 30 707 42,246 36,684 868

Sardines 189 93 494 2,018 656 325

Other Pelagic 2 .. 360 47 15 347

Pelagic 10,916 3,864 354 79,332 46,572 587

Cockles 1,988 1,195 601 2,426 1,485 612

Crabs 1,975 4,214 2,134 6,449 15,150 2,350

Cuttlefish 5 22 4,657 2,053 8,157 3,983

Lobsters 116 1,424 12,246 406 6,035 14,860

Mussels - - n/a - - n/a

Nephrops 3,698 10,110 2,735 12,928 38,357 2,969

Oysters - - n/a .. 2 3,442

Scallops 1,783 4,248 2,398 14,773 37,479 2,542

Shrimps and Prawns 8 23 2,982 216 972 4,575

Squid 225 1,207 5,370 1,064 4,919 4,682

Whelks 1,202 1,568 1,305 8,466 9,383 1,145

Other Shellfish 31 241 7,958 266 1,297 5,056

Shellfish 11,029 24,252 2,201 49,048 123,238 2,530

All Fish 32,830 48,575 1,488 208,023 318,063 1,547

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

July 2018 January to July 2018 inclusive

Page 8

Page 17: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 5: Landings abroad by UK vessels

Quantity Value Price Quantity Value Price

(tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne) (tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne)

Bass - - n/a 2 16 8,754

Bream 1 - n/a 41 36 901

Brill 3 18 6,267 48 264 5,557

Cod 150 72 1,889 5,168 1,480 1,441

Dogfish 2 - n/a 7 1 379

Gurnard 12 10 868 174 272 1,641

Haddock 29 33 1,161 370 217 1,117

Hake 106 182 1,729 905 1,618 1,799

Halibut 1 4 5,883 11 45 7,465

Lemon Sole 49 120 2,440 212 654 3,089

Ling 21 23 1,099 93 106 1,152

Megrim 132 405 3,072 1,016 3,281 3,230

Monks or Anglers 309 983 3,185 2,255 5,295 3,087

Mullet .. .. 2,157 64 341 5,357

Plaice 974 1,930 1,981 4,840 8,138 1,682

Pollack (Lythe) 5 7 1,371 205 44 235

Saithe 197 74 379 1,880 1,115 777

Sand Eels - - n/a 1,236 148 120

Skates and Rays 16 10 694 190 170 1,014

Sole 3 20 8,124 161 1,376 8,528

Turbot 17 118 7,173 116 864 7,518

Whiting 9 4 1,232 271 169 650

Witch 24 37 1,522 137 258 1,886

Other Demersal 150 56 1,115 926 525 876

Demersal 2,211 4,105 2,069 20,329 26,433 1,808

Blue Whiting - - n/a 51,862 12,851 248

Herring 7,643 5,145 673 15,719 7,239 573

Horse Mackerel .. - n/a 3,662 2,478 677

Mackerel 145 94 645 46,394 39,753 858

Sardines - - n/a 1 3 2,994

Other Pelagic .. - n/a 171 54 1,357

Pelagic 7,788 5,239 673 117,809 62,379 545

Cockles - - n/a - - n/a

Crabs 577 546 946 1,809 2,925 1,619

Cuttlefish - - n/a 5 8 2,237

Lobsters 5 47 9,477 31 503 16,297

Mussels - - n/a - - n/a

Nephrops 91 410 4,535 472 1,910 4,085

Oysters - - n/a - - n/a

Scallops 8 18 2,186 156 83 1,892

Shrimps and Prawns 360 - n/a 1,059 - n/a

Squid .. .. 2,865 2,674 300 3,340

Whelks 14 17 1,232 145 197 1,359

Other Shellfish 4 1 434 72 20 907

Shellfish 1,059 1,039 1,492 6,422 5,945 2,278

All Fish 11,057 10,383 992 144,560 94,757 719

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

January to July 2018 inclusiveJuly 2018

Page 9

Page 18: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 6: Landings into the UK and abroad by UK vessels

Quantity Value Price Quantity Value Price

(tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne) (tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne)

Bass 56 621 11,049 198 1,930 9,747

Bream 4 14 5,358 117 255 2,205

Brill 26 179 6,829 212 1,384 6,551

Cod 1,945 4,055 2,214 18,192 28,157 2,178

Dogfish 153 51 344 1,183 370 316

Gurnard 93 90 1,009 1,213 1,114 939

Haddock 2,956 4,390 1,485 19,493 29,804 1,552

Hake 1,299 2,552 1,970 7,195 15,712 2,188

Halibut 32 214 6,781 152 1,055 7,212

Lemon Sole 225 791 3,513 1,190 5,240 4,407

Ling 641 813 1,272 3,916 5,734 1,466

Megrim 482 1,227 2,649 3,269 9,215 2,860

Monks or Anglers 1,285 3,546 3,027 11,787 31,305 2,923

Mullet 14 49 3,542 149 706 4,760

Plaice 1,422 2,725 1,916 7,008 11,545 1,651

Pollack (Lythe) 113 381 3,376 1,238 2,769 2,273

Saithe 1,087 693 638 9,917 7,528 795

Sand Eels 3 6 1,876 1,854 257 139

Skates and Rays 251 306 1,273 1,957 2,466 1,306

Sole 158 1,738 11,036 942 9,175 9,745

Turbot 71 630 9,027 400 3,761 9,451

Whiting 724 818 1,138 7,219 9,591 1,331

Witch 87 98 1,162 913 1,129 1,244

Other Demersal 493 1,304 3,472 3,339 4,760 1,636

Demersal 13,618 27,290 2,064 103,051 184,961 1,941

Blue Whiting 2 .. 2,500 71,849 16,474 229

Herring 18,322 8,885 485 29,766 12,177 456

Horse Mackerel 4 2 435 4,739 3,179 671

Mackerel 561 692 1,234 89,161 77,258 867

Sardines 202 100 493 2,269 709 313

Other Pelagic 2 .. 701 279 88 614

Pelagic 19,094 9,679 507 198,063 109,886 564

Cockles 2,373 1,426 601 3,032 1,854 611

Crabs 3,764 7,216 1,917 12,861 28,330 2,203

Cuttlefish 10 52 5,062 2,343 9,258 3,961

Lobsters 396 4,945 12,493 1,207 17,557 14,550

Mussels 134 75 556 134 75 557

Nephrops 4,207 12,175 2,894 14,934 47,029 3,152

Oysters 1 4 3,123 10 34 3,541

Scallops 1,955 4,620 2,378 16,391 41,325 2,543

Shrimps and Prawns 368 26 3,253 1,287 1,048 4,679

Squid 234 1,256 5,372 3,769 5,396 4,604

Whelks 1,853 2,463 1,329 12,874 14,920 1,184

Other Shellfish 116 766 6,747 623 3,162 5,608

Shellfish 15,412 35,023 2,329 69,465 169,986 2,603

All Fish 48,124 71,992 1,521 370,579 464,833 1,308

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

January to July 2018 inclusiveJuly 2018

Page 10

Page 19: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 7a: Landings by UK vessels into major ports in England

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

(tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s)

Bass .. 1 9 101 .. 1 .. 2

Bream - - 6 19 - - - -

Brill .. .. 70 521 .. .. .. ..

Cod .. 3 6 19 4 9 .. ..

Dogfish - - 302 105 - - .. ..

Gurnard - - 326 286 2 2 .. ..

Haddock - - 8 16 2 1 - -

Hake - - 2 3 .. .. - -

Halibut - - .. .. .. 1 - -

Lemon Sole - - 114 646 1 3 .. ..

Ling - - 6 9 - - - -

Megrim - - 4 7 - - - -

Monks or Anglers - - 215 699 .. 1 .. ..

Mullet .. .. 16 87 - - 1 1

Plaice - - 478 941 2 1 .. ..

Pollack (Lythe) .. .. 45 123 - - - -

Saithe - - .. .. - - - -

Sand Eels - - - - - - - -

Skates and Rays .. 1 149 235 .. .. 8 11

Sole .. .. 260 3,004 .. .. 6 45

Turbot .. .. 91 1,014 .. .. .. ..

Whiting 1 .. 54 41 .. .. .. ..

Witch - - .. .. .. .. - -

Other Demersal 1 10 328 241 .. .. .. ..

Demersal 2 15 2,489 8,115 11 20 17 61

Blue Whiting - - .. - - - - -

Herring - - .. .. - - 22 8

Horse Mackerel - - 1 .. - - - -

Mackerel .. .. 8 8 .. .. .. ..

Sardines - - 131 19 - - - -

Other Pelagic .. .. 6 1 - - 59 18

Pelagic .. .. 146 29 .. .. 81 26

Cockles - - - - - - 1,593 1,005

Crabs 735 1,423 59 175 627 1,025 - -

Cuttlefish - - 1,416 5,686 - - .. ..

Lobsters 108 1,586 7 65 19 231 .. ..

Mussels - - - - - - - -

Nephrops - - - - - - - -

Oysters - - - - - - - -

Scallops - - 1,523 3,404 82 182 - -

Shrimps and Prawns - - - - - - - -

Squid - - 39 240 - - - -

Whelks 643 699 311 424 462 623 5 7

Other Shellfish - - 69 114 .. 1 1 2

Shellfish 1,486 3,708 3,424 10,107 1,190 2,062 1,599 1,015

All Fish 1,488 3,724 6,059 18,251 1,201 2,082 1,697 1,101

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

Grimsby Leigh-on-Sea

January to July 2018 inclusive

Bridlington Brixham

Page 11

Page 20: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 7a: Landings by UK vessels into major ports in England (cont.)

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

(tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s)

Bass 4 47 .. .. 16 201 .. 2

Bream .. 3 - - 1 3 - -

Brill 31 248 .. 2 8 62 1 3

Cod 38 111 7 10 4 13 14 21

Dogfish 46 39 - - 171 42 .. ..

Gurnard 117 142 49 20 37 44 14 10

Haddock 202 386 18 12 18 36 4 2

Hake 1,026 2,598 .. .. 2 3 - -

Halibut - - 5 34 .. .. 1 8

Lemon Sole 195 876 3 7 86 477 2 3

Ling 40 63 .. .. 10 19 .. ..

Megrim 381 866 .. .. 5 9 - -

Monks or Anglers 604 1,864 11 28 57 182 1 1

Mullet 12 90 1 2 6 41 .. 1

Plaice 66 135 14 11 58 117 23 15

Pollack (Lythe) 224 602 .. .. 71 197 .. ..

Saithe 10 14 .. .. 1 1 .. ..

Sand Eels 2 5 - - - - - -

Skates and Rays 205 280 1 .. 32 52 1 1

Sole 139 1,508 .. 1 32 347 1 4

Turbot 76 811 3 20 12 145 3 18

Whiting 64 73 64 50 37 53 49 30

Witch 18 22 1 1 .. .. .. ..

Other Demersal 141 442 15 1 67 136 26 2

Demersal 3,641 11,223 193 201 730 2,181 140 122

Blue Whiting - - - - - - - -

Herring .. .. .. .. 378 152 - -

Horse Mackerel 2 1 .. .. 942 565 - -

Mackerel 82 114 1 2 13 8 .. ..

Sardines 1,688 582 - - 63 22 - -

Other Pelagic - - .. .. - - - -

Pelagic 1,772 696 1 2 1,396 747 .. ..

Cockles - - - - - - - -

Crabs 488 1,327 20 29 215 462 319 623

Cuttlefish 424 1,680 .. .. 200 797 - -

Lobsters 33 472 3 45 7 102 42 695

Mussels - - - - - - - -

Nephrops 218 701 430 1,360 - - 32 91

Oysters - - - - - - - -

Scallops 119 246 39 81 674 1,574 655 1,656

Shrimps and Prawns - - - - - - - -

Squid 3 28 1 4 3 20 .. ..

Whelks - - - - - - 100 109

Other Shellfish 31 126 .. .. 9 14 .. ..

Shellfish 1,317 4,580 493 1,518 1,108 2,970 1,147 3,173

All Fish 6,729 16,499 687 1,722 3,234 5,897 1,288 3,296

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

PlymouthNorth ShieldsNewlyn Scarborough

January to July 2018 inclusive

Page 12

Page 21: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 7a: Landings by UK vessels into major ports in England (cont.)

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

(tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s)

Bass 1 8 111 1,056 143 1,418

Bream 60 151 9 43 76 219

Brill 5 29 29 172 143 1,037

Cod 1 4 1,190 157 1,264 346

Dogfish 10 3 338 120 867 309

Gurnard 15 23 115 161 674 689

Haddock - - 221 168 474 621

Hake - - 53 71 1,083 2,675

Halibut - - 6 52 12 95

Lemon Sole 1 4 121 627 523 2,644

Ling .. .. 36 55 92 146

Megrim - - 29 57 419 939

Monks or Anglers 6 14 149 515 1,041 3,303

Mullet 4 10 32 103 72 334

Plaice 50 74 561 798 1,251 2,092

Pollack (Lythe) .. .. 304 771 644 1,693

Saithe - - 6 4 17 19

Sand Eels - - 3 2 5 7

Skates and Rays 20 27 710 1,030 1,127 1,638

Sole 23 190 313 2,657 775 7,756

Turbot 5 41 50 465 239 2,515

Whiting 3 3 224 191 496 442

Witch - - 2 2 21 26

Other Demersal 20 12 289 328 887 1,174

Demersal 223 592 4,900 9,608 12,346 32,138

Blue Whiting - - .. .. .. ..

Herring .. .. 70 36 471 196

Horse Mackerel 1 .. 2 1 948 568

Mackerel 2 3 89 166 195 302

Sardines - - 387 84 2,268 706

Other Pelagic .. .. 37 14 103 34

Pelagic 3 4 586 302 3,985 1,806

Cockles - - 1,439 848 3,032 1,854

Crabs 8 21 3,082 7,218 5,554 12,302

Cuttlefish 26 95 269 984 2,335 9,243

Lobsters 1 15 429 6,052 649 9,262

Mussels - - - - - -

Nephrops - - 340 1,198 1,019 3,350

Oysters - - 9 34 9 34

Scallops 2,856 6,944 2,097 6,930 8,045 21,016

Shrimps and Prawns - - 223 1,025 223 1,025

Squid .. 3 20 129 67 424

Whelks 1,055 1,526 5,561 5,749 8,137 9,136

Other Shellfish .. .. 99 340 209 597

Shellfish 3,947 8,603 13,568 30,506 29,279 68,243

All Fish 4,173 9,199 19,054 40,416 45,610 102,187

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

Shoreham Others England Total England

January to July 2018 inclusive

Page 13

Page 22: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 7b: Landings by UK vessels into major ports in Wales

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

(tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s)

Bass - - 54 496 54 496

Bream - - .. .. .. ..

Brill .. .. .. .. .. 1

Cod .. .. 5 7 5 7

Dogfish - - 15 3 15 3

Gurnard .. .. .. .. .. 1

Haddock - - 1 .. 1 ..

Hake - - 28 42 28 42

Halibut - - - - - -

Lemon Sole .. .. 2 3 2 3

Ling - - 1 1 1 1

Megrim - - 176 460 176 460

Monks or Anglers .. 1 100 298 100 298

Mullet - - 9 18 9 18

Plaice 1 1 2 5 4 7

Pollack (Lythe) - - 1 .. 1 ..

Saithe - - .. - .. -

Sand Eels - - - - - -

Skates and Rays 5 21 133 145 138 166

Sole .. .. 3 30 3 30

Turbot .. .. 1 5 1 5

Whiting - - 1 .. 1 ..

Witch - - 27 47 27 47

Other Demersal .. .. 20 20 21 21

Demersal 7 25 580 1,583 587 1,607

Blue Whiting - - - - - -

Herring - - .. .. .. ..

Horse Mackerel - - - - - -

Mackerel - - .. .. .. ..

Sardines - - - - - -

Other Pelagic - - - - - -

Pelagic - - .. .. .. ..

Cockles - - - - - -

Crabs 1 1 328 625 328 626

Cuttlefish - - 3 5 3 5

Lobsters 10 142 94 1,228 104 1,370

Mussels - - 1 1 1 1

Nephrops - - 46 61 46 61

Oysters - - .. .. .. ..

Scallops 277 727 381 966 658 1,693

Shrimps and Prawns .. .. - - .. ..

Squid .. .. .. .. .. ..

Whelks 386 510 2,475 3,096 2,861 3,607

Other Shellfish - - 24 386 24 386

Shellfish 674 1,380 3,352 6,369 4,026 7,749

All Fish 681 1,405 3,932 7,952 4,613 9,356

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

Holyhead Others Wales Total Wales

January to July 2018 inclusive

Page 14

Page 23: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 7c: Landings by UK vessels into major ports in Scotland

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

(tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s)

Bass .. .. - - - - - -

Bream - - - - - - - -

Brill 1 3 .. 1 .. .. .. 1

Cod 594 1,221 345 789 .. .. 1,406 3,193

Dogfish 25 7 3 1 - - .. ..

Gurnard 158 67 13 4 - - 2 1

Haddock 1,648 1,635 694 982 - - 1,201 2,158

Hake 73 130 253 590 .. .. 166 336

Halibut 25 190 2 13 - - 13 97

Lemon Sole 48 156 15 57 - - 49 232

Ling 177 271 317 506 - - 405 582

Megrim 70 194 255 648 - - 343 1,074

Monks or Anglers 1,242 3,815 869 2,625 - - 922 2,732

Mullet 2 6 - - - - - -

Plaice 100 105 9 13 .. .. 119 180

Pollack (Lythe) 3 7 11 24 - - 43 113

Saithe 460 388 708 554 - - 947 701

Sand Eels 317 38 - - - - - -

Skates and Rays 22 18 42 43 .. .. 53 51

Sole .. 1 .. 1 .. .. - -

Turbot 7 57 2 20 - - 3 26

Whiting 779 876 38 52 - - 1,141 1,588

Witch 345 348 3 3 - - 44 57

Other Demersal 52 84 887 935 - - 65 90

Demersal 6,148 9,619 4,464 7,861 .. 1 6,922 13,213

Blue Whiting 3,890 709 - - - - - -

Herring 4 1 - - - - 3,001 1,058

Horse Mackerel .. .. 1 .. - - .. ..

Mackerel 6,232 5,070 - - - - 8,507 7,504

Sardines - - - - - - - -

Other Pelagic 2 - 1 1 - - - -

Pelagic 10,128 5,780 2 1 - - 11,508 8,562

Cockles - - - - - - - -

Crabs 215 548 77 213 - - 9 34

Cuttlefish 1 1 - - - - - -

Lobsters 8 122 1 12 - - 3 55

Mussels - - - - - - - -

Nephrops 2,017 6,805 18 48 .. 1 10 48

Oysters - - - - - - - -

Scallops 365 892 9 24 764 1,673 62 106

Shrimps and Prawns 4 - - - - - .. -

Squid 143 680 120 567 - - 64 282

Whelks .. .. - - 42 49 34 38

Other Shellfish 9 9 - - 1 12 - -

Shellfish 2,761 9,057 225 864 808 1,734 183 564

All Fish 19,036 24,456 4,691 8,725 808 1,735 18,613 22,339

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

Fraserburgh Kinlochbervie Kirkcudbright

January to July 2018 inclusive


Page 15

Page 24: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 7c: Landings by UK vessels into major ports in Scotland (cont.)

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

(tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s)

Bass - - - - - - - -

Bream - - - - - - - -

Brill - - .. .. 1 3 1 3

Cod .. .. 8 18 6,255 14,105 1,226 2,687

Dogfish .. .. - - 4 1 - -

Gurnard .. .. 1 .. 87 38 7 3

Haddock 1 1 215 315 8,238 13,177 923 1,681

Hake 440 921 1 1 2,072 3,987 60 117

Halibut .. .. .. 2 77 524 2 20

Lemon Sole .. 1 1 4 145 643 117 507

Ling 218 319 16 19 988 1,440 180 259

Megrim .. .. 23 41 314 842 94 250

Monks or Anglers 3 10 111 313 1,828 5,623 375 1,120

Mullet .. .. - - 2 5 .. ..

Plaice .. .. .. 1 374 571 194 296

Pollack (Lythe) .. .. .. .. 218 608 18 46

Saithe .. .. 6 6 4,068 3,339 327 250

Sand Eels - - - - 296 63 - -

Skates and Rays 1 1 28 27 48 45 70 87

Sole - - .. 2 - - - -

Turbot .. .. 1 5 14 121 3 37

Whiting .. .. 8 12 3,205 4,645 416 571

Witch 1 1 8 7 264 329 6 7

Other Demersal 9 9 4 12 298 505 6 8

Demersal 675 1,264 433 784 28,795 50,614 4,025 7,948

Blue Whiting - - - - 16,097 2,914 - -

Herring - - - - 10,571 3,682 .. ..

Horse Mackerel - - - - 127 133 - -

Mackerel .. .. .. .. 25,430 22,266 32 46

Sardines - - - - - - - -

Other Pelagic - - - - 1 - - -

Pelagic .. .. .. .. 52,227 28,995 32 46

Cockles - - - - - - - -

Crabs 10 32 3 6 128 353 8 22

Cuttlefish - - - - .. .. - -

Lobsters .. 2 .. .. 4 61 2 28

Mussels - - - - - - - -

Nephrops 95 345 794 2,867 636 2,224 - -

Oysters - - - - - - - -

Scallops 2 10 111 279 409 1,089 87 142

Shrimps and Prawns - - - - .. - - -

Squid .. 1 1 5 144 586 22 96

Whelks - - - - - - 19 22

Other Shellfish .. .. 1 1 3 5 - -

Shellfish 107 389 910 3,158 1,323 4,318 139 309

All Fish 782 1,653 1,343 3,942 82,345 83,926 4,195 8,303

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

Lochinver Mallaig

January to July 2018 inclusive

Peterhead Scalloway and Isles

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Page 25: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 7c: Landings by UK vessels into major ports in Scotland (cont.)

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value

(tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s)

Bass - - - - .. .. ..

Bream - - - - - - - -

Brill .. 2 .. .. .. 1 3 15

Cod 1,173 2,611 153 346 551 1,254 11,711 26,224

Dogfish 19 7 1 .. - - 53 16

Gurnard 74 27 14 7 2 1 356 148

Haddock 1,861 2,901 2,600 4,239 538 892 17,920 27,981

Hake 1,342 3,656 630 1,349 89 173 5,126 11,260

Halibut 2 20 1 6 5 42 129 914

Lemon Sole 43 194 11 37 21 101 449 1,931

Ling 723 1,099 523 733 176 247 3,724 5,476

Megrim 244 672 194 443 121 369 1,656 4,534

Monks or Anglers 848 2,529 1,623 2,071 430 1,256 8,252 22,095

Mullet .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 12

Plaice 57 68 6 7 42 59 902 1,300

Pollack (Lythe) 24 62 3 7 23 66 343 934

Saithe 782 598 337 269 376 280 8,012 6,385

Sand Eels - - - - - - 613 101

Skates and Rays 63 69 28 35 58 54 413 431

Sole .. .. .. - .. 2 1 6

Turbot 4 32 3 18 2 16 38 332

Whiting 375 541 44 63 438 626 6,444 8,974

Witch 19 17 5 4 18 17 712 790

Other Demersal 76 97 70 117 21 1,170 1,489 3,027

Demersal 7,730 15,202 6,246 9,751 2,911 6,627 68,348 122,884

Blue Whiting - - - - - - 19,987 3,623

Herring - - - - - - 13,576 4,741

Horse Mackerel .. .. - - - - 129 133

Mackerel 1 2 3 4 162 254 40,367 35,146

Sardines - - - - - - - -

Other Pelagic .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 1

Pelagic 2 2 3 4 162 254 74,064 43,644

Cockles - - - - - - - -

Crabs 638 1,726 146 441 3,419 8,306 4,651 11,682

Cuttlefish - - - - .. .. 1 1

Lobsters 4 63 1 12 359 5,477 381 5,831

Mussels - - - - .. .. .. ..

Nephrops 2 8 216 730 6,116 20,216 9,905 33,291

Oysters - - - - - - - -

Scallops 313 738 43 124 3,098 7,747 5,265 12,824

Shrimps and Prawns - - - - 1 14 4 14

Squid 193 829 227 998 112 624 1,026 4,667

Whelks - - - - 817 922 912 1,030

Other Shellfish - - 1 1 304 2,132 318 2,159

Shellfish 1,151 3,364 634 2,305 14,225 45,438 22,465 71,499

All Fish 8,882 18,568 6,883 12,060 17,298 52,319 164,877 238,027

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

January to July 2018 inclusive

Scrabster Total ScotlandOthers ScotlandUllapool

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Page 26: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 7d: Landings by UK vessels into major ports in Northern Ireland

Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value(tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s) (tonnes) (£'000s)

Bass - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bream - - - - - - - - - - - -

Brill 3 13 - - 10 42 4 10 .. .. 17 64

Cod 5 10 - - 30 73 8 13 1 4 44 99

Dogfish 69 14 - - 159 24 9 2 .. .. 237 40

Gurnard 2 1 - - 5 3 1 1 .. .. 8 5

Haddock 41 33 - - 553 773 83 101 46 75 723 982

Hake 2 2 - - 39 75 8 23 4 16 53 118

Halibut - - - - .. - - - - - .. -

Lemon Sole 1 1 - - 2 6 1 1 .. .. 4 8

Ling 1 1 - - 3 3 1 1 1 1 6 6

Megrim .. .. - - 1 1 .. .. .. .. 2 1

Monks or Anglers 36 76 - - 67 167 28 54 5 13 136 309

Mullet - - - - .. .. .. .. - - .. ..

Plaice 1 1 - - 10 7 .. .. .. .. 11 8

Pollack (Lythe) .. .. - - 38 83 4 9 1 3 43 95

Saithe 1 1 - - 5 6 1 2 .. .. 7 9

Sand Eels - - - - - - - - - - - -

Skates and Rays 11 10 - - 36 35 14 10 2 3 64 59

Sole .. .. - - .. 1 1 6 .. .. 2 7

Turbot 1 9 - - 3 27 2 8 .. .. 6 45

Whiting 1 .. - - 6 5 1 .. - - 7 6

Witch 6 4 - - 7 4 2 1 1 1 16 9

Other Demersal .. .. - - 7 8 4 3 2 1 13 13Demersal 182 179 - - 981 1,343 173 243 64 119 1,401 1,883

Blue Whiting - - - - - - - - - - - -

Herring - - - - - - - - - - - -

Horse Mackerel - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mackerel - - 2,203 2,055 - - - - .. - 2,203 2,055

Sardines - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other Pelagic - - - - - - - - - - - -Pelagic - - 2,203 2,055 - - - - .. - 2,203 2,055

Cockles - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crabs 58 94 - - 84 118 50 76 137 170 329 458

Cuttlefish - - - - .. .. - - - - .. ..

Lobsters 2 28 - - 3 45 1 11 14 193 20 276

Mussels - - - - - - - - 133 74 133 74

Nephrops 1,143 2,669 - - 1,202 2,896 1,072 2,609 32 149 3,449 8,322

Oysters - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scallops 52 138 - - 206 573 105 270 124 291 487 1,271

Shrimps and Prawns .. 1 - - - - - - 1 8 1 9

Squid .. 1 - - 1 3 .. .. .. .. 1 4

Whelks 2 1 - - 5 8 23 26 27 43 57 79

Other Shellfish - - - - .. .. - - .. .. .. ..Shellfish 1,257 2,932 - - 1,502 3,643 1,250 2,992 469 927 4,478 10,494

All Fish 1,439 3,111 2,203 2,055 2,484 4,985 1,423 3,234 533 1,046 8,082 14,432

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

January to July 2018 inclusive

Portavogie Others NI Total NIArdglass KilkeelBelfast

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Page 27: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 8: Landings into the UK by Foreign vessels 1

Quantity Value Price Quantity Value Price

(tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne) (tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne)










Lemon Sole



Monks or Anglers



Pollack (Lythe)


Sand Eels

Skates and Rays





Other Demersal


Blue Whiting


Horse Mackerel



Other Pelagic










Shrimps and Prawns



Other Shellfish


All Fish

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

January to July 2018 inclusiveJuly 2018

1. As reported in previous releases, owing to problems experienced by Marine Scotland as part of the upgrade to their data

processing systems, figures for landings into the UK by foreign vessels are incomplete. In order to avoid any possible

confusion in interpretation we have decided to exclude all landings by the foreign fleet in 2018 from the release.

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Page 28: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 9: Landings into the UK by UK and Foreign vessels 1

Quantity Value Price Quantity Value Price

(tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne) (tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne)










Lemon Sole



Monks or Anglers



Pollack (Lythe)


Sand Eels

Skates and Rays





Other Demersal


Blue Whiting


Horse Mackerel



Other Pelagic










Shrimps and Prawns



Other Shellfish


All Fish

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

January to July 2018 inclusiveJuly 2018

1. As reported in previous releases, owing to problems experienced by Marine Scotland as part of the upgrade to their data

processing systems, figures for landings into the UK by foreign vessels are incomplete. In order to avoid any possible

confusion in interpretation we have decided to exclude all landings by the foreign fleet in 2018 from the release. As a result

figures for all landings into the UK cannot be provided.

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Page 29: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 10: Landings into the UK by UK vessels - species of interest to recreational sea anglers 1

Quantity Value Price Quantity Value Price

(tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne) (tonnes) (£'000s) (£/tonne)

Demersal species

Bass 56 621 11,049 196 1,914 9,757

Bream (Black) .. .. 9,382 .. .. 9,223

Bream (Gilthead) - - n/a - - n/a

Bream (Ray's) - - n/a - - n/a

Brill 23 161 6,897 164 1,119 6,840

Cod 1,795 3,983 2,221 13,024 26,676 2,242

Conger eel 10 10 1,040 76 64 851

Dabs 17 3 593 67 19 596

Dogfish (lesser spotted) 137 37 271 1,058 271 258

Dover Sole 153 1,711 11,161 757 7,707 10,187

Flounders 3 2 482 40 20 497

Gurnard 82 80 1,029 1,038 843 825

Haddock 2,927 4,356 1,488 19,123 29,587 1,556

Ling 619 789 1,278 3,823 5,629 1,474

Plaice 448 795 1,777 2,168 3,407 1,583

Pollack (Lythe) 108 374 3,469 1,033 2,725 2,640

Red Mullet 2 23 9,391 38 256 6,678

Mullet - Other 11 26 2,300 46 108 2,342

Saithe 889 619 695 8,037 6,413 798

Sharks (Blue) 3 2 695 3 2 641

Sharks (Thresher) - - n/a - - n/a

Skates and Rays 235 296 1,309 1,767 2,296 1,334

Smooth Hounds 41 17 419 237 155 654

Tope .. .. 821 7 5 788

Turbot 54 512 9,600 284 2,896 10,236

Whiting 715 814 1,138 6,948 9,422 1,356

Wrasses 1 6 7,900 4 27 5,994

Pelagic species

Herring 10,679 3,740 350 14,047 4,938 352

Horse Mackerel 4 2 435 1,076 701 652

Mackerel 416 598 1,440 42,766 37,505 877

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

January to July 2018 inclusiveJuly 2018

1. The additional species included in this table are included in the 'other demersal' category in the previous tables and as such are

not shown separately in the accompanying dataset (available for download from our website) and therefore this table cannot be

replicated in full from the dataset

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Page 30: Provisional Results Monthly UK Sea Fisheries …...2018. This includes variables covering month, species, port of landing, vessel length and nationality and the weight and value of

Table 11: Monthly landings by UK vessels and by Foreign vessels into the UK 1

Landings into

the UK by UK



abroad by UK


Landings into

the UK and

abroad by UK


Landings into

the UK by



Landings into

the UK by UK

and Foreign


(a) (b) (a)+(b) (c) (a)+(c)

Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity

(tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes)


January 60,361 34,858 95,219 8,970 69,332

February 41,559 32,355 73,913 5,687 47,246

March 32,245 23,768 56,013 2,870 35,115

April 22,270 11,910 34,180 3,164 25,433

May 22,243 10,072 32,315 3,472 25,715

June 28,918 5,254 34,172 3,026 31,944

July 36,974 11,466 48,440 5,312 42,286

August 44,099 30,957 75,056 5,620 49,720

September 39,115 25,307 64,422 10,839 49,954

October 59,225 79,775 139,000 16,277 75,503

November 42,197 30,377 72,573 4,937 47,134

December 19,946 12,661 32,607 2,519 22,465

Total 449,152 308,758 757,911 72,694 521,846


January 42,721 36,506 79,228 3,868 46,589

February 37,075 27,652 64,727 5,654 42,728

March 25,570 23,282 48,852 3,293 28,863

April 29,165 15,927 45,092 4,416 33,581

May 21,292 7,669 28,962 3,960 25,253

June 26,407 9,489 35,895 2,865 29,271

July 39,012 10,414 49,426 3,293 42,306

August 42,068 34,316 76,384 3,787 45,855

September 39,300 25,386 64,686 3,210 42,509

October 49,404 42,098 91,502 5,682 55,086

November 47,549 51,753 99,302 3,306 50,855

December 16,386 8,254 24,640 2,714 19,100

Total 415,950 292,747 708,697 46,048 461,998


January 44,748 41,601 86,349 5,290 50,038

February 41,612 30,350 71,963 7,339 48,952

March 33,579 20,997 54,576 3,264 36,842

April 22,116 19,390 41,506 4,388 26,503

May 23,886 3,521 27,407 3,552 27,438

June 26,839 6,961 33,800 3,413 30,251

July 35,893 9,603 45,497 8,457 44,350

August 46,524 34,036 80,559 3,247 49,771

September 36,836 18,050 54,885 2,068 38,904

October 49,177 23,739 72,916 6,428 55,604

November 57,736 36,412 94,148 3,433 61,169

December 25,439 11,586 37,024 2,509 27,947

Total 444,384 256,246 700,630 53,386 497,770

2017 2

January 62,493 64,033 126,527 3,935 66,428

February 23,532 14,204 37,736 4,057 27,588

March 29,476 34,387 63,863 2,950 32,427

April 27,679 34,274 61,953 3,179 30,858

May 23,060 6,899 29,959 7,357 30,417

June 26,028 8,599 34,627 3,627 29,655

July 35,579 11,582 47,161 2,556 38,134

August 46,997 19,990 66,987 3,020 50,017

September 39,369 17,029 56,398 3,364 42,733

October 53,897 32,043 85,940 5,576 59,473

November 45,361 37,594 82,955 6,301 51,662

December 20,585 9,642 30,227 2,528 23,113

Total 434,057 290,276 724,333 48,448 482,505

2018 2

January 57,385 41,396 98,781

February 22,562 29,310 51,872

March 36,689 39,165 75,854

April 23,781 12,332 36,113

May 21,195 4,885 26,080

June 27,341 6,414 33,756

July 37,066 11,057 48,124

Total year-to-date 226,019 144,560 370,579

Source: Fisheries Administrations in the UK

1. Charts and data covering 2008 to 2013 can be found in


2. See footnote to Table 9.

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