
Protists II Bimestrial Sixth Grade Ms. Matta Science Class Chapter 2 Lesson 3

Transcript of Protists

Page 1: Protists


II Bimestrial Sixth Grade

Ms. Matta

Science Class Chapter 2 Lesson 3

Page 2: Protists

Unlock the Big ?

What are the characteristics of animal/plant/fungus - like protists?

Page 3: Protists

My Planet DiaryDancing For a Cause

The protist Plasmodium causes malaria, a disease of the blood that can kill people. Plasmodium is carried by mosquitoes and is spread y their bites.

When Allyson Brown from Melbourne, Florida, learned about malaria, she took action.

• She turned a school dance into a fundraiser, named Staying Alive, to buy mosquito nets for people in Africa. The nets keep mosquitoes away while people sleep. Since then, Allyson has teamed with the organization, Malaria No More, to help other schools to do the same.

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My Planet Diary

• Malaria claims the life of a child in Africa every 30 seconds. Nets like these may help to prevent malaria infections.

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Vocabulary Lesson 3• protist

• protozoan

• pseudopod

• contractile vacuole

• cilia

• algae

• pigment

• spore

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Protists Categories• Protists: are eukaryotes, that cannot be classified

as animals, plants or fungi.(Protists are diverse)

• Categories:

1. Animal-like protists

2. Plant-like protists

3. Fungus-like protists

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Characteristics Animal-like Protists

Like animals, animal-like protists are:

• heterotroph

• most can move to get food

But unlike animals, animal-like protists, or protozoans are unicellular.

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The Four Groups of Protozoans

1. Protozoans with pseudopods

• The Amoeba belongs to this group called sarcodines.

• Sarcodines move and feed by forming pseudopods.

• The word pseudopods means “false foot”.

• Amoebas have a contractile vacuole, a estructure that collects and expels excess water from the cell.

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Parts of the Amoeba

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The Four Groups of Protozoans

2. Protozoans with flagella

• Are protozoans that use long, whiplike flagella to move.

• Some live inside the bodies of there organisms.

• One type of flagellate lives in the intestines of termites.

• When people drink water containing a flagellate, they attach to their intestines, reproduce and develop a intestinal disease.

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Parts of the Flagellates

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The Four Groups of Protozoans

3. Protozoans with Cilia

• The Ciliates have structures called cilia.

• These hairlike projections beat with a wavelike motion, moving the organism.

• Has two contractile vacuoles that collect and expel water from the cell.

• It has two nuclei, the large nucleus controls the everyday tasks of the cell and the small nucleus functions in reproduction.

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Parts of the Ciliates

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The Four Groups of Protozoans

4. Protozoans that are Parasites

• This protozoans are characterized more by the way they live than by the way they move.

• They are all parasites that feed on the cells and body fluids of their hosts.

• Some have flagella, and some depend on hosts for transport.

• The disease spreads when a mosquito bites a person, becomes infected and then bites a healthy person.

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Example of Parasites• Plasmodium, is a protozoan that causes malaria.

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Characteristics Plants-like Protists

They are commonly called algae, are extremely diverse.

• Autotrophs

• Unicellular or multicellular

• Use pigments to capture the sun’s energy.

(Pigments: chemicals that produce color. Algae can be yellow, green, red, brown, orange or even black)

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TYPES OF ALGAEFUNCTION Euglenoids Dinoflagellates Diatoms Red

AlgaeBrown Algae

Produce oxygen

Food source for other aquatic organismsEaten by people

Used in insecticidesUsed in polishing products

Used in hair conditioner

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Identify the type of Algae

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Characteristics Fungus-like Protists

Fungus-like protists are sort of like animals because they are heterotrophs.

Fungus like protists are sort of like plans because their cells have walls.

• Fungus like protists are heterotrophs, have cell walls, and use spores to reproduce.

(Spore: Is a tiny cell that is able to grow into a new organism)

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Three Types of fungus-like protists

• Slime Molds

• Water Molds

• Downy Mildews

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