Prospectus - Skills for Life Trustour prospectus you will be able to gain an insight into the vast...


Transcript of Prospectus - Skills for Life Trustour prospectus you will be able to gain an insight into the vast...

  • Prospectus

  • WELCOME FROM THE HEADS OF PGW SIXTH FORM First of all we would like to thank you for considering our PGW Sixth Form as the provider of further education for your child or children. At PGW (Partnership of Greenacre and Walderslade) we prepare them for their future. We hope that through reading our prospectus you will be able to gain an insight into the vast and varied range of subjects, excellent pastoral care and extensive extra curricula activities that will inspire, nurture and stimulate your children’s education.

    Our Sixth Form at PGW is unique, comprising two partner schools, Greenacre Academy and Walderslade Girls’ School. Through offering a partnered Sixth Form, we have the luxury of being able to combine the specialisms, resources, facilities and expertise of staff from both of these excellent schools.

    In addition to being a unique, partnered Sixth Form, PGW is also one of the largest Sixth Forms in Medway – which we think is a true testament to our success. At PGW, we recognise our students as the young adults that they are and, as such, we consider them to be ambassadors for both Greenacre Academy and Walderslade Girls’ School. They serve as role models to our younger cohorts, as echoed by Ofsted May 2018 "They are good role models for younger pupils in the school,".

    PGW Sixth Form aspires to deliver an exemplary learning experience for our students through a nurtured atmosphere of both cooperation and mutual respect. Ultimately, our main aim is to ensure that when PGW students leave us they all have the qualifications, knowledge, and personal attributes needed to succeed in their desired future path, whatever that may be: higher education, an apprenticeship, or the world of work.

    We understand how challenging it can be to choose the right Sixth Form provider for your child but you can be assured that, should you choose PGW Sixth Form, it will be the start of a successful journey which we warmly invite you to be part of. We look forward to receiving your application to join PGW Sixth Form and we invite you to contact us should you require any further information or assistance.

    Mr Mallia & Mr CrossHeads of Sixth Form


  • SKILLS FOR LIFEThrough our ‘Skills for Life’ strategy, we aim to be the first choice for employers when they look to recruit, as well as ensuring that those who wish to follow an academic path in further education are given comprehensive advice and support. Many visitors to PGW Sixth Form and outside agencies regularly remark on the positive relationships we have forged between the students and our highly accomplished staff – a real testament to the benefits of instilling our ‘Skills for Life’ principles in our young-adult learners.

    We are passionate about equipping our students with the skills and attributes that will help to make them happy and successful adults with satisfying careers. Our ‘Skills for Life’ principles are at the heart of all we do at PGW Sixth Form. Our well-developed links with local and international businesses and organisations offer students exceptional careers guidance which heightens aspirations and further educates students on potential prospects for their future.

    "Leaders have developed strong curriculum links with business and industry through talks and work experience. For example, students have the opportunity to hear external speakers offering independent careers advice. Consequently, students understand the wide range of employment and further educational opportunities available to them,"

    Ofsted, May 2018

    Our Skills for Life motto is:

    E xcellenceM annersP erseveranceL isteningO rganisedY ou

    M otivationE mployability

    LIFE AT PGW SIXTH FORM The PGW Sixth Form ‘experience’ begins with an immersive induction process which is designed to hone and develop the skills necessary for a successful transition from Year 11 to Year 12. We endeavour to work with all of our new Year 12 students to ensure that they are integrated into the Sixth form and are studying the right courses for their future. Skills for Life is an ethos that is embedded in the PGW Sixth Form and we offer a variety of experiences that are designed to develop the whole individual and not just their exam grades. For example, early into term one, Year 12 students are given the opportunity to spend the day working with the British Army which helps them to develop some key skills, including team work and communication skills.

    PGW students, as senior members of both school communities, are recognised by staff as young adults and this is reflected in the high expectations that staff place upon them. Our students have periods of independent study in one of our dedicated study areas when they are not in their timetabled lessons. During study periods, all students have access to computers and laptops to further aid their independent learning. In addition, students will have periods of ‘home study’ woven throughout their fortnightly timetables.

    During social times our students have a dedicated and comfortable common room which features a mineral water drinks dispenser, air conditioning and numerous areas for students to relax following a morning of focused and highly motivated learning.

    Whilst we place an emphasis on students’ studies, we also encourage our Sixth Form cohort to play a role in the wider community. We encourage students to volunteer and explore opportunities for valuable work experience, which will support future employment prospects, in their timetabled ‘enrichment’ periods. We have strong links with our Trust primary academies and our other neighbouring primary schools and it is commonplace for our Sixth Form students to work with, support, and coach local primary school pupils, enabling our students to add an impressive and unique feature to their CVs

  • Vocational• Applied Science

    • Business• Criminology• Fashion Textiles• Forensic Science• Graphics• Health & Social Care• ICT• Law• Music• Media• Professional Cookery• Performing Arts (Musical Theatre and Dance)• Sport & Exercise Science• Electronics and Electrical Installation• BTEC Engineering (Level 2 and 3)• City and Guilds Engineering• NVQ Engineering• Painting & Decorating• Site Carpentry

    Engineering and Construction PathwaysAt PGW Sixth Form we have the expertise to offer a strong and varied range of Engineering and Construction courses. We encourage both male and female students who are interested in this field to take either one of our pathways for a more vocational, ‘hands on’ approach to post-16 study. Both pathways contain a range of three different qualifications related to that industry. We are also one of only two schools in the UK to offer the NVQ Engineering course at level 2. These pathways have been very successful over the past two years and we are incredibly proud to advise that 100% of students who have completed their pathway have secured an apprenticeship before leaving us. These apprenticeships have come from many local businesses but also multi-national companies such as: BMW, Mercedes and BAE.

    OUR PGW CURRICULUM PGW Sixth Form is the perfect progression route for students to complete academic, applied general and technical level vocational courses. We offer courses at Level 3 (A Level/BTEC equivalent) and Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) in order to suit all skills and abilities. Students are set challenging targets and encouraged to work independently, which yields ‘strong progress,’ Ofsted, May 2018. We also recognise the importance of students having a further opportunity to obtain Level 4 grades in English Language and Mathematics GCSEs should students not have obtained these results in Year 11 and, as such, factor ‘re-sit lessons’ , if required, into students’ timetables, ‘Those students who retake GCSEs in English and Mathematics achieve above-average outcomes,’ (Ofsted, May 2018).

    We have a wide range of subjects to choose from in both academic and vocational pathways:

    Academic • Art & Design • Core Maths • English Literature/Language • English Literature • Ethics, Philosophy and Religion • History • Photography • Psychology • Sociology

  • STUDENT SUPPORTAs we are two schools working in partnership together in PGW Sixth Form, this has enabled us to build a strong support network for our students, allowing us to fully support their’ transition from Year 11 to Sixth Form. PGW Sixth Form has a dedicated team of staff in place to support our students throughout their journey through Sixth Form and beyond.

    Support Network: • Head of Sixth Form (males & females) • Deputy Head of Sixth Form (males & females) • Form Tutors • Pastoral Support Assistant • Study Supervisors (Year 12 and 13) • Progressions Mentor

    WHAT DO OUR STUDENTS SAY?"Now that I'm coming to the end of my time at PGW, I can honestly say that coming to this Sixth Form was the best decision I could have made. PGW Sixth Form has given me endless opportunities to excel in my studies and each of my teachers have given me the best support to achieve the best possible grades for me to move onto university next year. I study both Triple Applied Science and Psychology and I love both of my subjects as well as the dedicated staff members who have made my time at PGW both educational and fun. PGW has prepared me for not only University, but also life. The skills I have gained I will continue to use for the rest of my life. I truly believe this is an amazing sixth form."

    Cassie, Year 13

    "'At PGW Sixth Form, you are never stuck for support - a helping hand is always

    there. I never feel hesitant to ask for help because there is always someone around who can help - regardless of what you might need. PGW has prepared me for my future, it has helped me realise what I want from life and what my goals are. I have also had help and support in preparing me for the world of work. The staff treat us as young adults and give us privileges, but still have high expectations of us."

    Jay, Year 13

    "I find that lessons are well planned and strict deadlines are in place which has helped me to progress. In Year 12, there were opportunities to attend university events and information was circulated about apprenticeships and our next steps. During study, I have had the opportunity to work both independently, as well as seeking support from my class teachers when needed. The Sixth Form team recognise talented individuals and like to promote them well. I am looking forward to a successful end to my school career."

    Sam, Year 13

    "Since joining the sixth form, I’ve always been encouraged to do my best, and am always given the support I need to do well in my subjects."

    Shelby, Year 13

    "I discovered boxing in year 8 and fell in love with it.Greenacre Academy has been incredibly supportive and has been instrumental in ensuring I get the best mentors and the help I need. I attend boxing bootcamps and also help out young beginner boxers on Saturday mornings. I began my fashion brand because I love my Business studies and want to be a successful entrepreneur as well as being a champion boxer."

    Karol, Year 13 Head Boy PGW and Youth Olympics Gold Medallist

  • PROGRAMMES OF STUDYAlthough we understand that our students’ academic progress is key to their time at PGW we are also keen to develop the ‘whole’ individual. Through our Skills for Life programme students have access to numerous non-curriculum timetabled activities throughout the two years they study with us.

    We provide access to: • Team building activities • Mock interview days • Trips to universities • Targeted careers assemblies • Social action projects • Peer mentoring • Charity and volunteering experiences

    Non-curriculum time is also supported by in-school supervised study time, enrichment periods, and home study periods.


    PGW Sixth Form is truly the perfect progression route for all of our students’ next steps. Whatever career path a student is interested in we provide support in striving towards that goal. All students are given dedicated time with our Progressions Mentor, leading to expert advice from external sources if needed by the student.

    All students are given their own UniFrog account which allows them to continue to research both university prospects and apprenticeships, as well as create their own shortlists and share with their parents or guardians.

    We commit resources to university applications by investing time in preparing students for the rigorous university application process and guiding them all the way through to completion.

    PGW students go on to have successful careers and we are proud of what our students’ final destinations are – here are some recent examples of our successful alumni: • University of Kent • University of Greenwich • Canterbury Christ Church University • University of Creative Arts • University of Essex • Police Force • BAE Systems • BMW • Mercedes • Delphi • BDS Architecture & Design • Volvo • SSE • Camp America • Greenacre Academy • Walderslade Girls School • Studying Sport at CCCU AND represented GB in Women's Hockey Team • 1st from CCCU in Film, Radio & Television • University of Lincoln • BA(Hons) English and Drama - Anglia Ruskin University • English Literature and History BA (Hons) 2:1 from University of Westminster • Entrepreneur, fashion designer and Youth Olympics Gold Medallist


    Greenacre Academy157 Walderslade Road


    ME5 0LP

    01634 861593

    [email protected]

    Walderslade Girls School

    Bradfields AvenueChatham

    KentME5 0LE

    01634 861596

    [email protected]

    @PGWSixthForm @PGWSixthForm

    Karol Itauma Head Boy PGW, entrepreneur, fashion designer, Youth Olympics Gold Medallist

    Photo credit: Team GB/Lumix UK