Prospectus 2014




Transcript of Prospectus 2014

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On behalf of the staff and governors I would like to welcome you to North Tawton Community Primary School. We place the children at the very heart of our school. As you read this prospectus you will see that all our efforts are directed towards providing them with a safe, secure and happy place where they can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, enabling them to develop into caring, well informed citizens. If at any time and for whatever reason you or your child are not happy, or you have a problem which needs discussing, please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know. We believe that it is much better to sort out little problems before they become big ones. We are proud of our school and the way that children learn, both through teaching and learning and through social interaction. Although the school was graded as Requires Improvement to be Good, in our most recent inspection by OFSTED (December 2012), the lead inspector stated that; ‘In all classes, the respect and trust between adults secure supportive relationships. This, together with the effective management of pupils’ behaviour, ensures that the vast majority of lessons move at a good pace and pupils complete the tasks they are set. The school is currently building on these strengths with the aim of becoming ‘Good’ by the time of the next inspection. The full report is available online at selecting the Inspection Reports tab, or on our website. At North Tawton Community Primary School we feel that children only develop their full potential within a supportive partnership. At school, all children are encouraged to achieve the best they can and will be constantly praised and rewarded for achieving high standards. We value parental support and look forward to working together to the benefit of your child’s education and welfare. Nick D’Agorne Philip Wagstaff Headteacher Chair of Governors

School Summer Fair

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GOVERNORS Mr. N. D’Agorne - Headteacher Rev. P. Wagstaff – Chair of Governors/Co-opted Governor Mrs. R. Dugdale – Vice Chair of Governors/ Chair of Action Plan Monitoring Committee/Parent Governor Mr. P. Barnes –– Co-opted Governor Rev. N Weldon – Co-opted Governor Mrs. L. King - Chair of Resources committee / Co-opted Governor Mr. P. Brown – LA Governor Mr. R. Dunt – Parent Governor Mrs. S. Weedon – Parent Governor Mrs. T. Berry – Trust/Foundation Governor Mrs. E. Dunn – Parent Governor Mrs. H. Martin – Staff Governor Mrs. L. Williams – Trust/Foundation Governor Mrs. C. King – Parent Governor Mrs. M. Clayton– Clerk to the Governors

STAFF Mr. N. D’Agorne - Headteacher Mrs. H. Martin - Oak Class – YR/1 – KS1 Coordinator Miss. D. Hill - Chestnut Class –Year 1/2 Mrs. S. Chauhan-Barker- Beech Class – Year 2/3 - Deputy Headteacher Mrs. C. Bloxham - Willow Class – Year 3/4 (0.2) Miss. J. Pilkington - Willow Class – Year 3/4 (0.8)-Temp. Mr. J. Foreman - Sycamore Class - Year 5/6- KS2 Coordinator Ms. C. Shorland - Music (0.2) Mrs. E. Dunn - SENCO (0.2)-Temp. Mrs. N. Shaw - SEN Support/TA Intervention support/Thrive Mrs. J. Grainge - School Administrator Mrs. H. Gillard - Admin Support Mrs. K. Squire - Finance Administrator/IT Technician Mrs. M. Cassels - ) Mrs. C. Jelley - ) Mrs. L. Squires - ) Mrs. S. Squires - ) Teaching Assistants Mrs. D Salter - ) Mrs. D. Day - Lunch-time Play Leader Mrs. J. Maw - TA/MTA 1:1 SEN support Mrs. B. Parker - TA/MTA 1:1 SEN support Mrs. P. Bowles - TA/MTA 1:1 SEN support Mrs. D.Stoneman - TA/MTA Gen. Mrs. K. Searle - Caretaker/Cleaner/MTA Gen. Mrs. R. Kibble - MTA Gen Mrs. C. Bailey - MTA Gen. Mrs. P.J. Gray - MTA Gen. Mrs N. Way - Cleaner Mrs. J. Nicholls - Cleaner Mrs. S. Fewings - Kitchen Manager Mrs. M. Ellis - Kitchen Assistant Mrs. S. Hopkin - NVQ Student – SEN Intervention Support Miss S. King - Apprentice TA

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2. A BRIEF HISTORY OF OUR SCHOOL North Tawton Community Primary School occupied the former site and buildings of North Tawton Secondary Modern School, built in 1928. The present Primary School moved into this site from the original site in Exeter Street, in 1962, prior to the merger of Okehampton Grammar School and Secondary Modern School to form Okehampton Comprehensive School.

Foundation Unit children and staff enjoying the Winter weather Since the site was formerly a Secondary School, the Primary School enjoys outstanding outdoor sports facilities, with large hard and grassed playing areas. There is also an orchard which together with a wide variety of habitats including banks, hedges, pond, stone walls, cob walls, shrubbery and nettle beds, offers wide scope for on-site environmental education. We are very lucky to have a supportive community including the Friends Of North Tawton School, (FONTS). Thanks largely to this active group of parents and helpers, the school has a heated covered swimming pool, a large hall, fully equipped with a range of P.E. equipment and a recently refurbished central library. In FONTS raised enough funds to purchase an all weather adventure play area adjacent to the main playground. In 2003-4 there were major building developments, including a new hall, administration office, head’s office, disabled toilet, kitchen, servery and car park. In 2010 the whole site was made more secure, with additional fencing and an intercom system at the front entrance. In 2011, 2 new classrooms were constructed by the LA and the Foundation Stage formed a Foundation Unit with the Pre-School. In 2012 changes were made to the front entrance to increase the parking facilities and provide improved pedestrian access. An additional play space was also constructed adjacent to the ‘Tennis Court’. In November 2014 the school became a Cooperative Trust School, enabling greater links with other local Trust schools. There are five classes in the school, plus the Pre-school which is managed by members of the local community. This means that we are a truly inclusive centre for learning, supporting all children from 2 years to 11 years. North Tawton Community Primary School presently enjoys a range of facilities which compare favourably with most modern Primary Schools in the County of Devon.

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To provide a happy, caring and stimulating learning environment in which all members of the school are valued and reach their full potential


To encourage an active partnership between staff, children, parents, governors and the community

To provide a broad, balanced curriculum through which all children can reach their full potential

To encourage children to develop their confidence and self esteem so that they become caring, well-balanced individuals

To enable and encourage children to be autonomous, independent learners

To develop respect for their learning environment and the world in which they live

Our Co-operative Values

As a Cooperative School within the Dartmoor Learning Cooperative Trust, (DCLT) we share the following values with other Coop Schools.

Self-help - Encouraging all within the organisation to help each other, by working together to gain mutual benefits. Helping people to help themselves.

Self-responsibility - To take responsibility for, and answer to, our actions

Democracy - To give our stakeholders a say in the way we run our school

Equality - Equal rights and benefits according to their contribution

Equity - Being fair and unbiased

Solidarity - Supporting each other and those in other co-operatives.

Our Ethical Values

Consistent with the values of the founders of the Co-operative Movement, we believe in the ethical values of:

Openness Honesty Social responsibility Caring for others

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North Tawton Community Primary School has a Governing Body of up to 14 people (including the Headteacher) who are elected by parents or the community, or appointed by the Local Authority. The governors have duties and responsibilities under the Education Acts that include:-

Helping to establish (with the Headteacher) the aims and policies of the school, and how the standards of education can be improved;

Deciding in general terms how the school is run;

Helping to decide how to spend the school's budget;

Ensuring that the school's buildings and facilities are maintained in good order;

Making sure that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught;

Helping the Headteacher in the appointment, support and the discipline of staff;

Acting as a link between the school, parents, the local education authority and the local community;

Drawing up a school improvement plan following an OFSTED Inspection and monitoring how the plan is put into practice.

The School Governors meet at least twice a term for full meetings in the Autumn and Spring terms and at least once in the Summer Term. These meetings are open to anyone to come along (by prior arrangement with the Chair.) If a confidential item is discussed any members of the public are asked to leave. Once a year a committee of Governors prepares an online summary of progress and areas for development. This is called the School Profile on the DFES website. The Governing Body works through various committees and meet at least once each term and focus on different aspects of the school. Any decisions made are ratified at a General Meeting. Governors visit the school every term in their monitoring role and are encouraged to take an active part in the management of the school. Anyone who may be interested in becoming a governor is welcome to attend any meeting and observe the procedures etc. There are a variety of courses available to new governors in order that they can keep up to date.


To support and maintain the aims of the Head teacher and Staff.

To provide and maintain a link between the school, parents, Local Authority and local community.

To ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is provided for the children of North Tawton and District.

To ensure that the financial affairs of the school are conducted in an efficient manner.

To ensure that the buildings and grounds are maintained to a high standard within the constraints of the budget

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5. STARTING SCHOOL At North Tawton Community Primary School we understand that starting school can be an extremely emotional time for both the parent and the child. Therefore we have adopted a staggered entry system, to ensure a smooth transition within the Partnership Foundation Stage Unit (PFSU). The First three weeks

In week 1 the children will be in mornings only from 8.45am until 12.00 noon.

In week 2 the children will be in mornings and lunch-time from 8.45am until 12.55pm.

In week 3 the children will be in full time from 8.45am until 3.20pm. In the Summer Term before your child starts in the Reception Year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) we hold an Information evening for the parents of the new intake. This is an opportunity for you to hear about the areas of learning your child will be experiencing and the daily routines within the unit. Before your child starts in the Reception Year of the EYFS we ask you to help develop your child's fine motor skills and encourage your child to be as independent as possible, please help him/her to practise the following tasks:-

dress and undress, so he/she can change shoes, put on and do up coats and know whether clothes are inside out and ready to put on;

open and close lunch box and school bag;

use the toilet correctly and know why and how to wash hands afterwards;

use a handkerchief appropriately (to decrease the spread of infection)

use a knife, fork and spoon When at school, we encourage the children to be completely independent and responsible for their own uniform, we understand this takes time to learn therefore if their uniform is named you are helping them and us considerably. Not knowing how to recognise their belongings can create a very insecure feeling and be quite worrying for children. Please name your child’s entire uniform, (see separate list). Wellington boots and waterproofs are also a required part of the uniform in the EYFS. You can order most of the uniform from the school office. We have Book Bags for sale, which are very manageable and practical for the children to use, enabling them to keep the following in;

A reading book, to be heard if possible daily at home.

A reading folder which will have comments about your child’s reading which took place in school and at the back of it will be a key word sheet with 100 words on. All these words will need to be known before moving into year 1.

A word book, this will have their new keywords to learn each week.

A home/ school link book, for communication between family or carer’s and the PFSU team.

Learning Logs, these are books where the children are expected to produce work at home with the support of an adult answering the question given which will always relate to the topic they have just covered at school, therefore the children should know what to do!

Please note water bottles need to be carried separately so the books don’t get spoiled. Due to the children working within a PFSU the transition between North Tawton Pre School and Reception Class of school is seamless; we are working together for your child, we want them to settle quickly and be happy, if children are happy they learn!


Our curriculum is guided by the government publication ‘Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage’. The EYFS sets the statutory standards that all early year providers must meet. It has a framework of 4 main principles;

‘A Unique Child’ – this outlines child development and inclusive practice as well as keeping safe and well.

‘Positive Relationships’ – this concerns staff and parents working together and good bonds between staff and children.

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‘Enabling Environments’ – this explains how the room is prepared and the greater outdoor environment is utilised.

‘Learning and Development’ – for this we provide a range of activities and experiences to promote independent learning across the seven developmental areas. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas, the prime areas, are:

Communication and language development involves giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves; and to speak and listen in a range of situations.

Physical development involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food.

Children from the Foundation Unit using the new Adventure Play Area

Personal, social and emotional development involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have confidence in their own abilities.

We also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are:

Literacy development involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems, and other written materials) to ignite their interest.

Mathematics involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.

Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.

Expressive arts and design involves enabling children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their

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thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and design and technology.

Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity. Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems, and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. We make an ongoing judgement about the balance between activities led by children, and activities led or guided by adults. We respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction. When planning and guiding the children’s activities, we continually reflect on the different ways that children learn. The three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:

Playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’;

Active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements; and

Creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

As the children grow older, and as their development allows, then the balance gradually shifts towards more activities led by adults, to help children prepare for more formal learning, ready for Year 1.

7. PLANNED ADMISSION NUMBERS & ADMISSIONS CRITERIA The Admissions Process Devon County Council’s School Admissions Team makes offers on behalf of schools for full time admission in the academic year. Whether a parent chooses to defer admission, or take up a part time place rather than a full time place in September, is a matter between the parent and the school. The school will organise for all children to be admitted in September, although parents may request to defer entry until the child reaches statutory school age - the beginning of the school term following the child’s fifth birthday. The school cannot oblige a child to start in January rather than September. It is anticipated that the majority of children will be admitted in September. Deferred Entry If a parent wishes to defer admission, they must apply in the usual way, by the normal deadline at the beginning of the term following the child’s fifth birthday and,If a place is available and offered, they must then inform the head teacher of that they wish to defer entry. The place offered will be held open until the start of the term after the child’s fifth birthday during that academic year and will not be offered to another child. If the parent does not let the head teacher know, and the child does not start on the date offered, the place will be withdrawn and may be offered to another child.

Child’s fifth birthday Can defer admission until

1 September – 31 December January

1 January – 31 March April

1 April – 31 August September with a new application for a Year 1 place

Children born between 1 March and 31 August cannot defer entry into the Reception intake in the following September as they will then be a Y1 child and will need to enter the Y1 class. Parents must make an application for the Year 1 place in September after the immediately preceding summer half-term. It is possible that all places in the year group may have already been filled by children who started during the Reception year and if this means that the school is at, or above, its planned admission number (PAN) a place cannot be reserved. Planned Admission Number The Planned Admission Number (PAN) for North Tawton Community Primary School for 2014/15 is 30. If this number is exceeded then Devon County Council’s Oversubscription Criteria applies (see below)

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Designated area All addresses in Devon are served by a designated primary school. Designated areas form part of the admission criteria. (See Section 28 for map of North Tawton Primary School’s designated area) Applying for a place Parents must complete the registration documentation in the First Step Booklet which is available online at or will be posted to them by the Local Authority. Parents are also asked

to contact the school to advise them that they have applied for a place for the school’s own information. The closing date for applications is in the anuary of the academic year preceding the academic year of entry. Parents will be notified by the Local Authority whether a place has been allocated in the week after the February half term holiday. Where admission authorities receive more applications than they have places to offer, they require a means by which to decide which applicants should be offered places. This is done by applying set Oversubscription Criteria. For admissions to Community and Voluntary Controlled (VC) Primary and Infant Schools, Devon Local Authority (LA) will to use the following oversubscription criteria: Primary and Infant School Oversubscription Criteria. 1. A child who has a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named on the Statement will be admitted to that school. 2 Children in Care 3 Children living in the school’s designated area with a sibling who will be attending the school at the time of admission. 4 Other children living in the school’s designated area. 5 Children living outside the school’s designated area, but with a sibling who will be attending the school at the time of admission. 6 Other children living outside the school’s designated area.

8. CHARGING and REMISSIONS POLICY The Governors of North Tawton Community Primary School recognise the valuable contribution that the wide range of educational activities, including clubs, trips and residential experiences can make towards pupils’ personal and social education. We apply the policy on charging for school activities as laid down in the Local Authority Guidelines. The main points of the Policy shown on the website are as follows:- We aim to promote and provide such activities, both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the pupils of the school, and as additional optional activities. We reserve the right to make a charge in the following circumstances for activities organised by the school: Residential visits in School Hours The board and lodging element of any residential activities deemed to take place either within or outside school hours. Board and lodging costs are deemed to include all elements of food and accommodation as appropriate to the particular visit. Activities outside School Hours The full cost to each pupil of activities deemed to be optional extras taking place outside of school hours. Individual Instrumental Tuition The cost to the pupil of providing any individual instrumental tuition.

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Charging for Ingredients and Materials The Governing Body may charge for ingredients and materials or require them to be provided if the parents have indicated in advance that they wish to own the finished product e.g. Pottery, Sewing or Cookery. Non-Residential Visits and Enrichment Activities in School Hours We will invite parents/carers to make voluntary contributions for any activity which takes place within school time, which incurs a cost to the school. In seeking voluntary contributions for such activities the Governing Body will make it clear to parents / carers that:

Y5/6 Residential Visit to Penzance

there is no obligation to contribute;

that young people, will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents / carers have made a contribution.

We will also:

indicate the level of contribution required for the activity to take place;

consider that such contribution may include, for example, an element to cover the participation by young people from low-income families or the cost of travel for accompanying teachers;

indicate that the activity may not take place if parents / carers are reluctant to support it and/or insufficient voluntary payments are received from parents/carers.

Remissions Where parents of a pupil are in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, the Guaranteed Element of Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (without Working Tax Credit) where income is less than current statutory amount, employment and support allowance(income related), support under part VI of the immigration and asylum act, the Governing Body will consider remitting in full, the cost of board and lodging for any residential activity that it organises for the pupil, if the activity is deemed to take place within the school hours. We will, however request a voluntary contribution for the total remaining costs for any such visit.

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The Government has set out the total number of hours which children are to be taught in a week. This teaching time does not include registration time (when registers are called in the morning and afternoon), assemblies, or break and lunch-time. The required teaching time for Key Stage 1 in our school is 22 hours while for Key Stage 2 it is 24 hours. This is broken down as follows: KS1 Morning session 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 less 15 min. break, 5 min. registration time = 2hrs

40 min.

Afternoon session 12.55p.m. - 3.20 p.m. less 2 mins registration time and afternoon break of 15 minutes = 2hrs 8 mins.

There is also an assembly lasting 20mins each day.

Total per day = 4hrs 28mins Total per week = 22hrs 20mins KS2 Morning session 9.00 a.m. - 12.25 less 15 min. break and 5 mins registration time =

3hrs 5mins

Afternoon session 1.20 p.m. - 3.20 p.m. less 2mins registration time = 1hr 58mins There is also an assembly lasting 20mins each day. Total per day = 4hrs 43mins Total per week = 23hrs 35mins An occasional afternoon extra break-time is used to promote good behaviour. Children should not be on the school premises before 8.45 a.m. as teaching staff are not required to supervise children until this time. From 8.45 a.m. they should go directly to their classrooms in order that a prompt start can be made at 9.00 a.m. If for any reason your child has to come to school before 8.45 a.m., a prior arrangement should be made with the class teacher or the Headteacher. During the lunch time, Meal Time Assistants are employed to supervise the children in the dining hall and playgrounds, or classrooms if the weather is bad. The Headteacher, or a nominated senior member of staff is also available throughout the lunch time if required. At home time, children in years R,1 and 2 are escorted to the main playground and handed over to parents by the teachers. If for any reason a parent/carer is not there the child will be taken back to the school where they can be collected from the classroom. If the weather is inclement, parents/carers are most welcome to use the playground shelters, or lobby/covered entrance area to KS1 classes, in which to shelter whilst waiting. We aim to encourage independence as children get older which means that children in the other classes make their own way to the school playground where their parents/carers may choose to meet them.

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We are constantly reminded of the dangers which ‘strangers’ present to young children and for this reason we make the following request to parents and carers: Please let the school know if you are going to be late meeting your child and/or you have made arrangements with someone else to pick up your child.


The Government now requires all schools to report their absence figures on a yearly basis. Parents will receive these details as part of their end of year information given as total possible attendances morning and afternoon against total number of absences for the same period. All children should arrive in time for the start of the school at 9.00am but no earlier than 8.45am. After this time teaching staff are required to supervise children. From 8.45 a.m. they should go directly to their classrooms in order that a prompt start can be made at 9.00 a.m. Children are marked absent when the register is closed at 9.05am and this will be marked as late, or unathorised, depending on how late the child arrives, unless a suitable explanation is given by the parent. As the School Curriculum is highly structured, we strongly urge parents to try and avoid taking children out of school during term, as children will not normally be able to catch up on missed work. A system of penalty fines of £60 per child per adult is administered by the LA, for unauthorised absence. This is to try to deter parents from disrupting their children’s education by taking unauthorised days off in term time. Parents are legally bound by law to ensure that their child receives an education either from the state system, independent system or in certain circumstances at home. The Governing Body has agreed that the school will not authorise any absence except in exceptional circumstances. This reflects the change in the law which was first implemented in September 2013.

Parental Request for Authorised Absence in Term Time

A parent must complete an Absence Request Form if it is considered that they require their child to be absent for school for exceptional circumstances. This form is obtained from the school office or the website. In cases where children are persistently late, or absent from school without any explanation from the parents, the school is able to enlist the support of Educational Welfare Officer (E.W.O) who will contact the parents. She. may make a home visit to discuss reasons for persistent absence. In extreme cases, where the parent is unable to give a satisfactory reason for their child's absence, they may be taken to court and prosecuted for failing to ensure that their child is being educated.

Children are encouraged to take part in active playtimes

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11. ORGANISATION OF THE SCHOOL These tables show the link between year groups, children’s ages and key stages

Age of Children Year Group Key Stage

4 to 5 years Reception Foundation Stage

5 to 6 years 1 1 6 to 7 years 2

7 to 8 years 3

2 8 to 9 years 4

9 to 10 years 5

10 to 11 years 6

Class Structure and Pupil Numbers – 2014-15

Age of Children

Year Groups

Class Title Number of Children/Yr

Total No. in Class

Class Teacher/s

4 to 5 years R/1 Oak 19 3 22 Mrs. Martin

5 to 7 years Y1/2 Chestnut 29 2 31 Miss Hill

6 to 8 years Y2/3 Beech 23 5 28 Mrs. Chauhan-Barker

7 to 9 years Y3/4

Willow 10 21 31 Miss Pilkington (0.8) Mrs. Bloxham (0.2)

9 to 11 years Y5/6 Sycamore 12 14 26 Mr. Foreman

138 Whole School Numbers

Total numbers in each year group for 2014-15

**Includes 2 children admitted under exceptional circumstances authorised by LA

The classes are supported with their music by Miss. Shorland. All classes consist of two year groups. Children move from one class to the next based mainly on ability, but also on a combination of factors including age, social factors, maturity and peer groups. As your child will spend 7 years in our school moving through the 5 classes, most children will spend at least one extra year with the same teacher. All parents will be notified of their children’s new classes in the second part of the summer term. If you wish to know the reasons for any decision relating to this move, you are encouraged to make an appointment with your child’s class teacher. It is our policy to limit the number of children in all classes to a manageable level, however, finances are also driven by pupil numbers. The planned admission number (the school’s admissions limit) is sometimes not reached. This results in different numbers being in admitted in different years. Within every class, children will be taught in a variety of ways, e.g. whole classes, small groups or as individuals - depending upon the type and nature of the work being undertaken. We aim to ensure that all children achieve their full potential. This strategy is referred to as ‘differentiation.’

R 1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 19 32** 25 15 21 12 14

Birth Dates 01-09-09 To


01-09-08 To


01-09-07 To


01-09-06 To


01-09-05 To


01-09-04 To


01-09-03 To


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12. THE SCHOOL UNIFORM We would like children to feel proud of their school and as a result we would like all the children to wear our school uniform as it helps to give a sense of identity. This policy is rigorously enforced in and a letter will be sent home if your child is not wearing correct uniform.

The school uniform is practically the same for girls and boys and includes; A green sweatshirt with school logo, grey or black trousers, black shoes, grey or white socks and a white or green polo shirt. The girls may prefer to wear a grey skirt or pinafore dress in the winter. In the summer, the girls can wear green and white check dresses and the boys can wear short grey or black trousers. Green baseball caps with our school logo on are also available from the office. The school keeps a stock of sweatshirts in various sizes and these can be obtained from the school office. The PE kit is a white T shirt, black or navy shorts, white sports socks, and trainers or pumps. Please ensure that all your child’s school uniform is labelled with his/her name. All children have the opportunity to swim in our covered ‘Learner swimming pool’ in the Summer Term. For this they

also require a swimming costume and hat. We would prefer these to be a one – piece swimsuit for girls and trunks or swimming shorts of a sensible length for boys. Hats are required for swimming lessons, which can be purchased from the school office. New parents will receive a copy of the current uniform requirements with prices attached. Further copies are available from the office. Jewellery/Hair styles/Fashion In the interests of safety, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school. If ears have been pierced, studs may be worn. These should be removed/taped over before swimming. We encourage children to be independent individuals, however we request parents to consider the impact of fashion on their child’s learning and social development and ask parents to ensure their children do not wear inappropriate hairstyles or fashion items to school.

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In both Key Stages the curriculum coverage required by the school is virtually the same. The only excepetion is that in KS2 the children are required to learn a foreign language. Details of aspects of the curriculum are shown below. Much of a child’s success depends so much on the support that he/she receives at home. Please try to set aside some time with your child/children when you can share their book with them – discuss their piece of writing, help them with their spellings and times tables or just enjoy researching information about a particular topic. The most important aspect of any support which you can give involves quality time, which is, wherever possible, uninterrupted. If you care about their learning, they will care about it too!


The overarching aim for English in the National Curriculum is to promote high standards of literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the written and spoken word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. The National Curriculum for English aims to ensure that all pupils:

read easily, fluently and with good understanding

develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information

acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language

appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage

write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences

use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas

are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.

The programmes of study for reading at Key Stages 1 and 2 consist of two dimensions:

Word reading

Comprehension (both listening and reading).

It is essential that teaching focuses on developing pupils’ competence in both dimensions; different kinds of teaching are needed for each.

Skilled word reading involves both the speedy working out of the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words. Underpinning both is the understanding that the letters on the page represent the sounds in spoken words. This is why phonics should be emphasised in the early teaching of reading to beginners (i.e. unskilled readers) when they start school.

Good comprehension draws from linguistic knowledge (in particular of vocabulary and grammar) and on knowledge of the world. Comprehension skills develop through pupils’ experience of high-quality discussion with the teacher, as well as from reading and discussing a range of stories, poems and non-fiction. All pupils must be encouraged to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction to develop their knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live, to establish an

Y5/6 Children using artefacts as a stimulus for discussion

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appreciation and love of reading, and to gain knowledge across the curriculum. Reading widely and often increases pupils’ vocabulary because they encounter words they would rarely hear or use in everyday speech. Reading also feeds pupils’ imagination and opens up a treasure-house of wonder and joy for curious young minds.

It is essential that, by the end of their primary education, all pupils are able to read fluently, and with confidence, in any subject in their forthcoming secondary education. The programmes of study for writing at Key Stages 1 and 2 are constructed similarly to those for reading:

Transcription (spelling and handwriting)

Composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).

It is essential that teaching develops pupils’ competence in these two dimensions. In addition, pupils should be taught how to plan, revise and evaluate their writing. These aspects of writing have been incorporated into the programmes of study for composition.

Writing down ideas fluently depends on effective transcription: that is, on spelling quickly and accurately through knowing the relationship between sounds and letters (phonics) and understanding the morphology (word structure) and orthography (spelling structure) of words. Effective composition involves articulating and communicating ideas, and then organising them coherently for a reader. This requires clarity, awareness of the audience, purpose and context, and an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. Writing also depends on fluent, legible and eventually speedy writing.

MATHEMATICS A high quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, and a sense of excitement and curiosity about the subject. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary in most forms of employment. Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries providing the solution to some of history’s most intractable problems. As pupils learn mathematics, they need to acquire fluency in procedures and develop a conceptual understanding if they are to be able to solve increasingly complex problems. The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure all pupils:

become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they are efficient in using and selecting the appropriate written algorithms and mental methods, underpinned by mathematical concepts

can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios

can reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language.

Fluency requires the quick and accurate mental recall of facts that pupils have learned up to that point; precision and confidence in using mathematical concepts, properties and symbols, and the competent and flexible selection and application of methods in different contexts. Solving problems requires analysing information presented in different forms, recognising what is given information and what additional information is needed; identifying and conjecturing patterns, relationships, and generalisations; testing, inducing, deducing, and proving; and communicating ideas effectively. Mathematical reasoning requires breaking down problems into a series of simpler problems or steps; making decisions about gathering, processing and calculating to acquire new information; and showing perseverance in finding solutions.

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Y6 children enjoying a creative approach to science

THE NORTH TAWTON APPROACH TO THE NEW NATIONAL CURRICULUM Key stage 1 and 2 will be using both the ‘Connected Curriculum’ and the ‘Curriculum of Choice’ models. The connected curriculum model seeks to make meaningful links between lead subjects, enhancing learning through real experiences and a focus on essential skills. Organised into themes, it begins with an exciting experience to unlock the learning, a ‘WOW’ day and ends with a memorable event to keep the learning locked in place. It places a focus on quality not quantity of subject matter and is designed to motivate writers and mathematicians through an engaging, meaningful context. The curriculum of choice model follows the key principles of outstanding Early Years teaching and learning. The teachers set up stimulating learning experiences, following key objectives and through highly skilled teaching and listening techniques follows the direction the children wish to take. This allows the teachers to respond reflectively to the interests of the children, increasing motivation and their capacity to absorb. A guiding principle of this model is to consider where children can have choices. We feel that it is important children engage with and enjoy their learning; therefore we apply these models creatively to ensure the children’s learning is more meaningful and fun.

The Creative Curriculum The creative curriculum is planned for within subject areas, these units of study are within a two year rolling programme of work, to provide a structured scheme ensuring full coverage and progressive development of key skills. We use a thematic approach to link the skills to a context.


We aim to ensure that all pupils:

develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics

develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them

are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

Pupils in years 1 and 2 explore the world around them and raise their own questions. They experience different types of scientific

enquiries, including practical activities, and begin to recognise ways in which they might answer scientific questions. They use simple features to compare objects, materials and living things and, with help, decide how to sort and group them, observe changes over time, and, with guidance, they begin to notice patterns and relationships. They are encouraged to ask people questions and use simple secondary sources to find answers. They use simple measurements and equipment (for example, hand lenses, egg timers) to gather data, carry out simple tests, record simple data, and talk about what they have found out and how they found it out. With help, they record and communicate their findings in a range of ways and begin to use simple scientific language. Pupils in years 3 and 4 are given a range of scientific experiences to enable them to raise their own questions about the world around them. They start to make their own decisions about the most appropriate type of scientific enquiry they might use to answer questions; recognise when a simple fair test is necessary and help to decide how to set it up; talk about criteria for grouping, sorting and classifying; and use simple keys. They begin to look for naturally occurring patterns and relationships and decide what data to collect to identify them. They help to make decisions about

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what observations to make, how long to make them for and the type of simple equipment that might be used. The principal focus of science teaching in years 5 and 6 is to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. They should do this through exploring and talking about their ideas; asking their own questions about scientific phenomena; and analysing functions, relationships and interactions more systematically. At upper Key Stage 2, they should encounter more abstract ideas and begin to recognise how these ideas help them to understand and predict how the world operates. They should also begin to recognise that scientific ideas change and develop over time. They should select the most appropriate ways to answer science questions using different types of scientific enquiry, including observing changes over different periods of time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying things, carrying out fair tests and finding things out using a wide range of secondary sources of information. Pupils should draw conclusions based on their data and observations, use evidence to justify their ideas, and use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain their findings.


Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education will engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they are encouraged to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They will also learn how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences

become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques

evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design

know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.


Learning computing equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation

can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems

can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems

The school environment is often used as a resource for art studies

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are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

Children choose to use either laptops or ‘Netbooks’ to support their own work in other areas of the curriculum. The school has 15 Chromebooks for each of the Y1 to 6 classes, enabling access to Computing Technology on a ratio of 1:2, in order that the children can use the trechnology as they require. There are also 5 laptops per class which are wirelessly linked to a server, through which the children can access shared programmes and store children’s work. They can also print out their work using a colour photocopier/printer. Interactive Whiteboards are used in the classrooms enabling children to interact with computer software and support their visual learning. These whiteboards also support the demonstration of computer programs and are an extremely powerful teaching and learning tool. Children also use digital cameras to capture images. The school website reflects the whole school approach to use of Computing and incorporates a range of children’s work, information, pictures and other key aspects of school life, with help for parents and children. This can be accessed at

DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world

build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users

critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others

understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.

GEOGRAPHY We inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. We equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world will help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes

understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time, are competent in the geographical skills needed to:

collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes

interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

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communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length.


We help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching will equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

know and understand the history of these islands as a coherent, chronological narrative, from the earliest times to the present day: how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world

know and understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world: the nature of ancient civilisations; the expansion and dissolution of empires; characteristic features of past non-European societies; achievements and follies of mankind

gain and deploy a historically grounded understanding of abstract terms such as ‘empire’, ‘civilisation’, ‘parliament’ and ‘peasantry’

understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, and use them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends, frame historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts,

including written narratives and analyses

understand the methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used rigorously to make historical claims, and discern how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed

gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts, understanding the connections between local, regional, national and international history; between cultural, economic, military, political, religious and social history; and between short- and long-term timescales.


Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. This will foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. We will enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. We will provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching will provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources

speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation

can write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt

discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied.

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Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high-quality music education will engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they will develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians

learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence

understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.


Physical education inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It will provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. We aim to ensure that all pupils:

develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

are physically active for sustained periods of time

engage in competitive sports and activities

lead healthy, active lives.

A range of equipment is used to support PE and active lunchtimes

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As previously stated, children will experience an act of collective worship each day although this is not always on a whole school basis. The act of collective worship will focus on moral, personal and social issues with reference to aspects of Christianity and other religions where relevant. It is part of the school's policy to involve the main local Christian denominations in the life of the school from time to time to take assemblies and meet the children. As is the case in RE, you may wish to withdraw your child from this aspect of your child’s education, but will require a signed letter to this effect should you require to do so.

The pattern of collective worship is as follows: Monday – Whole school assembly Tuesday- Whole school assembly Wednesday – Class Assembly Thursday – Whole School Current Affairs Assembly Friday – Whole school achievement assembly Friday’s assembly includes the presentation of class trophy awards for the child of the week, celebrating the winner of the team points award for the week, individual certificates which have been awarded, sporting results and lunch time awards. This is part of our whole school approach to behaviour and acts as a focus for the week, encouraging children to do their best. Parents are invited to take part in this assembly on the last Friday of every month, when the FONTS 100 club draw also takes place, giving prize-winners a chance to win a cash prize. As a school we also celebrate aspects of the Christian calendar including Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter. We also celebrate other faiths in assemblies and RE.


AND TALENTED AND REQUIRING ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS Children are considered to have special needs if their education cannot be met within the normal range of classroom activity. That is, for example,when they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age, they have a disability which either prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities provided. Children who are especially gifted in an area of learning are also included within this section. The procedures for identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs are specified in a Code of Practice issued by the Department for Education and Employment. The school makes every effort to identify as early as possible any child who may be experiencing difficulty acquiring basic skills, and if insufficient progress is being made within the classroom, the class teacher and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) will agree an appropriate course of action. Individual programmes of work, using appropriate schemes and materials, will be introduced by the class teacher, supported by the SENCO. Staff will keep parents informed of children's progress, and are keen to discuss any concerns. If any child is not making significant progress, advice will be sought from outside agencies (such as the Educational Psychologist) after consultation with the parents. Children who are registered as having Special Educational Needs will have their progress reviewed termly. Parents will be invited to review their child’s progress every term at parents evenings. Children who have Statements of Special Educational Needs have an annual review which looks specifically to see how the requirements of the Statement are being met. Gifted and talented children are also identified as early as possible so that we can meet their needs. They are given additional support within the class and access to clubs and other workshops are

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made available either locally or elsewhere in Devon. Their specific needs will be reviewed with their parents at a meeting.

Children with disabilities are encouraged to attend our school and the main buildings are equipped with a lift, disabled ramps and hand rails. We are also fortunate in having a disabled toilet and shower. Please refer to the Accessibility Policy for further details. If you have a child requiring different forms of access to enable us to meet his/her needs we would be grateful if you could contact the school as soon as possible, before your child starts their learning with us. We are able to provide additional support for such children, however we usually require advance notice, to ensure support can be put in place before the child starts school.

PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Personal, Social and Health Education is taught across the curriculum, and is an essential part of a child's education. The aim of this SEAL, (social and emotional aspects of learning) programme is to help children in the school to acquire the knowledge, habits and attitudes which will contribute to their role as citizens in our community. This is achieved by making the children aware of;

the processes involved in the growth and development of all living things;

the importance of good personal health and its maintenance;

the existence of disease and its associated dangers;

social health problems such as smoking, drinking and drugs;

health related exercise;

the dangers on the road, in the home, at school, near water etc.;

environmental issues and how these contribute to their well being;

healthy foods and nutrition which are essential for growth;

Community health, e.g. the role of the Doctor, Nurses, Hospitals, Clinics PSHE is therefore an area of the curriculum which can be shared with parents and carers, governors, families and the community. By promoting a healthy life-style, including a fruit or vegetable snack every morning it is hoped that this will assist the children in their personal and social development.


Sex and Relationships Education forms an integral part of the school's Health Education Programme which itself is based upon the programmes of study for Science at Key Stages 1 and 2. Much of the early work in this area is incidental and arises from animal and plant studies. S.R.E. is taught as part of PSHE on a rolling programme of themes. It is introduced at the end of KS1 and further developed at the end of KS2. The KS1 programme focuses on birth, care and growth, including the care of babies and how we change as we grow up.

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In KS2 the programme takes the subject further, looking at puberty and the physical and emotional changes that occur in teenage years. Both programmes involve a mixture of videos, discussion and activities. Questions arising from the children will be answered in an age-appropriate manner, as determined by the teacher. All parents and carers involved are invited to view any videos beforehand so that they can be in a position to support the work of the school and answer any questions their children may have. Any parents or carers who do not wish their child to see a video should inform the Headteacher or Class Teacher at the appropriate time, so that their child may be withdrawn from the lesson.


The teachers constantly assess progress using a variety of formal and informal methods including APP (assessing pupil progress), tests and moderated examples online. We closely track, trends in development within each year group in both English and Maths and set and assess progress in targets in these subjects. This supports a greater understanding of the progress each child is making during the year. ‘SATs’ tests, assessing development in English and Maths are normally held during the middle of May, when the children near the end of each Key Stage. Key Stage 1 children are tested near the end of Y2 and will normally be seven by the time this takes place. The ‘test’ supports the teacher assessment and it is the latter which is reported to the DfE. Most Key Stage 2 children will have reached the age of 11 by the time they are tested. Following the tests, parents and carers will receive notification of the National Curriculum Levels their child has achieved. In the case of Y2 (Key Stage 1) the average child is expected to achieve Level 2 and in the case of Y6 (Key Stage 2) the average child is expected to achieve Level 4. In order to help parents more fully understand the testing system you are advised to log onto the DfE website for further information. This site also contains details of the school’s latest results. The website address is Parents are able to monitor their children’s progress through a shared section of an assessment website, School Pupil Tracker. This is updated at least termly and parents are given a login code and user name to enable secure access. Progress is discussed at termly Teacher-Parent Consulatation Evenings. Each year group in Key Stage 2 also completes an end of academic year test in writing, reading, spelling and maths known as the QCA non-statutory test. This helps the teachers plan the future work for each child and measures how each child is progressing throughout the school.

REPORTS AND PARENT-TEACHER CONSULTATION Each year every child in the school will receive a school report, which is presented to parents in the Spring Term. This is followed by Parent Interviews, which focus on the contents of the report and any targets which have been set within it. Progress in the targets will be monitored by the teachers and will be reviewed at a meeting at the end of the Summer Term. Children in the Foundation Stage will receive a copy of their school profile in the Summer Term. This is a detailed document which replaces the school report. The aims of the school report are ;

to provide parents and carers with a comprehensive picture of their child's academic and personal achievements;

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to allow the child to become involved in discussions and decisions regarding their present and future progress in the school;

to provide an opportunity for highlighting success as an individual;

to provide an agenda which can be used for parent/teacher interviews,

to provide parents with the opportunity to make their contribution to their child's learning experience,

To encourage the growth of the "partnership" of learning. Although parents and carers are always welcome to come and look around the school provided they make prior arrangements, there are particular occasions throughout the year when a general invitation is extended to all parents and carers. These opportunities include Parents Evenings, Curriculum Evenings and Thematic Days. Details of these and other activities, such as the Summer Fair and other social events, are to be found in the School Newsletter. This is issued every Thursday and placed on the Noticeboard and the School website.

In the Summer Term, the school holds a Leavers event when the Y6 children are presented with leavers books and other awards.

15. EXTRA - CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES North Tawton Community Primary School is able to offer a wide range of Extra - Curricular Activities which take place either during the lunch hour or after school. The staff of the school, with the support of volunteers, parents and carers, aim to realise the huge potential which the facilities can offer the local community. Activities are very varied and have included Netball, Football, Multiskills, Cross Country Running, Tag Rugby, Art, Cricket, Chess and Choir,


We aim for North Tawton to be a place of excellence where children can achieve their best in their academic, creative, personal and physical development. We are a caring school where children and adults feel they can make a positive contribution and are valued as individuals. We strive to create and maintain close partnership between children, parents and staff so as to develop children who will be lifelong learners and responsible citizens. We believe that a child cannot learn effectively unless he or she feels secure, successful and happy. We are committed to helping children to develop socially acceptable attitudes, self-discipline and self-confidence, as well as an acceptance of responsibility for their own actions. All children are expected to walk quietly inside the building, to respect adults and be courteous to one another. The school staff will model the type of behaviour expected of the children. The purpose of our behaviour policy is to:

Help us maintain a consistent approach which supports the aims and values of the school

To create a positive and orderly atmosphere which supports teaching and learning

FONTS Summer Fair supports school fund-raising

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To create a safe, secure environment for children and staff through the clarification of expectations, roles, rights and responsibilities

To ensure consistent implementation of this policy from all staff especially in the delivery of rewards and sanctions

To ensure that staff, pupils, parents, governors and visitors to the school have a shared understanding of our practice and procedures with regards to managing behaviour

Support from and contact with parents is vital in behaviour management and we would expect every parent/guardian to help in this respect. We actively support positive behaviour in our school by using positive communication with parents to celebrate children’s success and behaviours. If a child has caused ongoing or serious problems at school, to the point where he/she has to be reprimanded, a teacher or member of staff involved may need to contact the parent to discuss the matter, should the misdemeanour warrant this. As part of our positive approach to this policy there are a range of assemblies, focussing on a specific theme each week and incorporating an ‘Achievement Assembly’ on Friday. The Friday assembly includes sports reports, given by the children, presentation of certificates achieved either in school or elsewhere, team points awarded during the week, for good behaviour and endeavour, and the presentation of a weekly class trophy, to a child who deserves special praise for good efforts, work and/or behaviour during the week. To encourage and reward good behaviour at lunchtime the MTAs give out lunchtime awards, these ‘golden coins’ are given to children who demonstrate the desired behaviours expected at North Tawton, including being polite, helpful etc the children are congratulated in class by the teachers and are encouraged to celebrate their achievements by sharing positive behaviour recognition with their peers. Coins are collected/counted each week. At the end of the week, the class collecting the greatest number of awards is given an extra break-time in the afternoon of the following week. We operate a system of Golden Rules, which also rewards children who keep the rules, with a short ‘free choice’ session at the end of the week. The strategy is detailed as follows; If a child keeps the rules for the week, he/she chooses an activity which he/she enjoys on Friday afternoon. The ‘Golden Rules’ which the school has adopted are: We are gentle We are kind and helpful We listen to others We are honest We work hard We look after property

Assemblies and circle time follow our PSHE policy/guidelines; activities focus on reinforcing these rules and reaffirm our whole school commitment to them. Children are also given opportunities to speak privately to a teacher or member of staff if they so wish to. This gives them an opportunity to speak in confidence about any issue which may be of concern to them. The teacher may also request talk time with a child, to discuss a problem.

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If a rule is broken in class then: The child is given a verbal warning. This is followed by a second warning. If a further infringement takes place during the same day the child will receive a consequence,

for example loss of time from break/lunchtime, golden time or a loss of privilege. The child may earn their rewards back.

If the child’s work is impacted upon by poor behaviour then this will be rectified at the next available opportunity. This may involve the child missing part or all of a break/lunchtime to catch up and/or work being sent home to be completed.

If a child continues to break rules or behave in disruptive manner, parents will be contacted at this point, depending on severity of the infringement.

A behaviour book is present in every class, which includes the names and details of incidents for any child who repeatedly fails to respond to positive strategies and who by so doing continually put the education and/or safety of others at risk. This will be used to record progress with behaviour and will be shared with both the child and parent/s. This book is also useful to communicate issues on behaviour to other members of staff within the school and to supply staff. Parents will be informed if the class teacher is repeatedly giving out warnings and/or to discuss serious behavioural issues. Children may also be sent to another classroom during lesson time; or the Deputy Headteacher, or Headteacher during break/lunchtimes, for serious behavioural incidents, if required. These strategies are at the discretion of the class teacher concerned, but in all severe cases of misbehaviour our policy is one of targeted support, to establish the root cause of the problem. We hope that all parents will respect this approach and support the methods used. If a rule is broken outside the classroom then: The child will be given a warning and/or time out for poor behaviour which can be controlled/rectified using this approach, if it occurs during break/lunch-times. If the poor behaviour is more significant, the child may be sent inside to a member of staff on duty, who will give the child an activity that enables them to reflect on what they have done wrong. The child may be given a further sanction following the infringement if this is deemed necessary by the teacher in charge. If a child runs in the corridors then he/she will be asked to return to the classroom and repeat the journey, walking. Unnecessarily noisy or poor behaviour will result in a similar approach being used and this may also result in time-out/loss of partial/full break-time. The child will be given an instant sanction for swearing/aggressive attitude towards another child/behaviour potentially resulting in an injury being sustained. Additional strategies to support consistent behaviour All staff will communicate using walkie talkies at break and lunch-times, to inform the member of staff on duty of any incidents that need intervention. The TA on duty will supervise on the playground, releasing the teacher to intervene and, if necessary, progress the matter to the management team. The aim of this strategy is to defuse the problem and keep all children safe. Passes will be used for children needing to leave the playground, to ensure that the whereabouts of children is known at all times during break and lunch-times. Any child found to be inside without a pass or the permission of an adult, will be given additional work by the person on duty.

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Parents will always be informed if any child’s behaviour results in an injury being sustained as a result of poor behaviour. The parents will also be informed of the consequences of such actions. All of the above incidents (excluding time out for minor incidents) will be discussed with the child’s class teacher and recorded in the Class behaviour log. Major incidents including those which result in a child being injured, due to behavioural issues, will be recorded in the main school log. A member of staff will be on duty every lunchtime/break-time to deal with any infringements that occur during these periods. Use of Behaviour Points Behaviour Points are used to support improvements in behaviour. They are different to Team Points, which are used to reward good learning and performance. Each team in each of the KS1 and 2 classes start the week with 5 Bonus Behaviour Points (20 points per class). Points will be awarded to children that exhibit good behaviour both in the classroom and outside. If a child exhibits poor behaviour, following a warning/second warning then he/she may lose a point for his/her team. To encourage good behaviour the child may also be awarded a behaviour point if behaviour has consistently improved following this incident. During lunchtime ‘Gold coins’ will be given out by the MTAs to reward good behaviour and these will be converted into Behaviour Points. At the end of the week, points will be collated from the Behaviour Points Charts displayed in the classrooms and from the MTAs’ behaviour books. In the Celebration Assembly the winning team will be applauded and the team Captains will be given a certificate, to be displayed on a noticeboard. The best behaved team will be asked to stand

up and leave the assembly so that they can enjoy an extra 10-15 minutes break-time outside. The rest of the children will return to their classrooms. Children that have lost a behaviour point, but are nevertheless in the winning team, will not be given a certificate, or an extra break as they have not supported their team. It should be noted that the taking away of Behaviour Points will be in addition to the sanctions given above. Points should only be deducted one at a time, unless there has been a serious breach of the behaviour code, which would also warrant loss of more than one lunch-

break and/or exclusion. Children should understand that Behaviour Points are in place to encourage good behaviour at all times. Parental Engagement Shared support for this policy is key to ensuring that children staff and parents work together for the benefit of the children of the school. The school will ensure that any incident requiring sanctions will be communicated to parents/guardians of the perpetrator on the same day as the incident. If a child is harmed through such incident, the school will also communicate these details to that child’s parent/guardian, on the same day. Thrive The Thrive approach operates on the belief that children need to feel safe and secure in their learning environment if they are going to be able to learn to the best of their ability. Thrive sees all children as the individuals that they are and appreciates that all children are working at different developmental stages (which may not always be age appropriate).

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Children who are experiencing persistent difficulties with their social and emotional behaviours will be entitled to an assessment of their needs, an individual action plan to be worked on in school and at home, and 1:1 time throughout the week with an experienced Teaching Assistant. This 1:1 time will be used to work on activities that support the individual child to make progress in their current stage of development and will provide them with strategies to support their learning when back in the classroom.

EXCLUSIONS A decision to exclude a pupil will be taken only: a) In response to serious breaches of the school's behaviour policy; and b) If allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school. Only the head teacher (or, in the absence of the head teacher, the teacher in charge)can exclude a pupil, in consultation with the Chair of Governors. There are clear guidelines relating to pupil exclusions and the school will adhere to these when deciding whether to exclude a child, rather than apply behavioural sanctions.

BULLYING AND DISCRIMINATION Bullying and discrimination in any form will not be tolerated whether this is physical or verbal, intimidatory or aggressive behaviour. Staff at North Tawton Primary School exercise extreme vigilance against incidents of bullying and discrimination. Incidents will always be reported and acted upon. See separate Anti-Bullying Policy.


Parents should be aware that the school will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, staff have no alternative but to follow the Local Authority Child Protection Procedures and inform the Social Services Department of their concerns. Our first concern is your child’s welfare and therefore there may be occasions when we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. Should this be necessary we want to reassure you that any concerns we have about your child will then be fully discussed with you after we have talked with the other agency. There are now more concerns regarding the security of children on their journey to school, than at any other time in the past. We therefore ask parents and carers to telephone the school before 9.00am if their child is not going to be in school that day, or will be late arriving. If a child is registered as absent and we do not have a reason for the absence, the parents/carers will receive a telephone call from the school, to check if the child is at home. For safety’s sake it will be necessary to inform the school daily or, alternatively give a date when the child will return to school.


The amount and type of homework we set is at a level which most people feel is reasonable and is in line with Department for Education guidelines detailed below: The emphasis is on how homework helps your child to learn, rather than on whether it takes a certain amount of time. For example, some children will work quicker than others and get more done in less time. The rough guidelines for primary school children are:

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Years 1 and 2: one hour per week

Years 3 and 4: 1.5 hours per week

Years 5 and 6: 30 minutes per day

Your child shouldn’t be expected to spend much longer on homework than the guide times. It doesn’t matter if activities don't take as long as the guide times as long as they are useful. Schools should organise homework carefully so that children aren't asked to do too much on any one day. The Guidelines also state; All homework activities should be related to work that children are doing at school. However, homework should not always be written work. For younger children it will largely be:

reading with parents or carers

informal games to practice mathematical skills

For older children homework activities may include: reading

preparing a presentation to the class

finding out information

making something

trying out a simple scientific experiment


It doesn’t matter if activities don't take as long as the guide times as long as they are useful. Ref.

Why is homework important? • It raises your children’s achievement • It consolidates and extends the work they have done in school • It helps to inform you about your children’s school work and allows and gives you the opportunity to support this work • It is a valuable life skill and develops good work habits for secondary school and future employment. What homework should my child be doing? This varies with different year groups but you will be informed at the beginning of each year.

Feedback on your child's homework The children need to know how well they have done and what they could do better. Sometimes work will be discussed in lessons, or teachers may give written comments on just one or two aspects of a piece of work. If a child has difficulties with a piece of homework, they should discuss it with their teacher or you might wish to discuss the problem with us yourself. Should I help my child with homework? Homework allows you to see what your children are doing and to support their learning. This partnership between school and home is a vital part of successful education. We take the view that

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children are likely to get more out of an activity if parents get involved -as long as they do not take over too much! If you are unsure about how much help to give, you should discuss it with your child's teacher. They will be pleased to see you and will help you to get the balance right. Please contact your child’s class teacher at the start/end of the school day by email, note or through the home-school book should you need to ask a question related to the homework which has been set. At North Tawton Community Primary School we will;

Set homework as detailed in the guidelines above.

Send homework home on a set day each week.

Request homework to be returned on a set day each week.

Explain strategies to be used/expectations of each piece of homework to the children.

Follow up when homework is missing.

Make electronic copies of homework available on the website, when this is feasible (eg.

when initially created in an electronic form).

Use the Home-School Book to communicate with parents.


Dartmoor Cooperative Learning Trust The school is now part of this Trust, which was established in 2013 and currently consists of Okehampton College, North Tawton, Okehampton, Lydford, Boasley, Bridestowe and Exbourne Primary Schools. Further developments in this important initiative are planned for the new academic year. Pre- School The pre-school is part of the Foundation Unit and shares the premises with the Reception Class. Tel. 01837 880165

Okehampton College The majority of children transfer to Okehampton College at the end of Y6. There are at least 2 opportunities for these children to experience their new school in the preceeding Summer Term, together with visits from College staff and an information evening. During the year the children also take part in sporting and other activities at the College. See also section 24. Other Community Initiatives

The school strives to strengthen its links with the local community in a number of ways, including;

Involving members of the community in visits to the school at school functions such as concerts, Services, Harvest Festivals, Christmas and other productions and Activity Days.

The children in Y6 help to distribute food donated by parents in the Harvest Festival to the elderly and disabled within the Town.

Using the local community including, local shops, expertise, artists , Fire Brigade, Police, the Veterinary Surgeon, industry including; the Taw Valley Creamery and Gregory's Distribution.

Visits by local clergy occur on a regular basis - taking assemblies.

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The North Tawton branch of the Royal British Legion present a shield to the school, which is awarded on an annual basis for children who have made particularly strenuous efforts to improve their work.

Annual sporting and other events are held at North Tawton and other schools in the (Okehampton Local Learning Community) These include Football, Netball and Chess Tournaments, hosted by North Tawton Community Primary School.

Friends of North Tawton School (FONTS) The school enjoys considerable support from the Association of Parents and Friends of North Tawton School. As is mentioned in the Brief History , many of the excellent facilities have been provided from funds raised by FONTS. In conjunction with the School, FONTS holds frequent meetings when items for the social and academic calendar are discussed. All parents/carers are automatically members of FONTS and are encouraged to take part in these meetings. FONTS holds regular fund - raising events and occasional social evenings. FONTS has purchased a range of equipment including new PE mats, a netball shooter, an adventure play area, library books, and supported swimming and educational visits.

19. CATERING The school has its own kitchen which prepares a range of nutritious healthy meals using ‘Fresh Start’ menus. Salad is available at a self-service salad bar and vegetarian meals are always available. Children whose families are currently in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance, the Guaranteed Element of Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (without Working Tax Credit) where income is less than the statutory lower limit, employment and support allowance(income related), support under part VI of the immigration and asylum may be entitled to Free School Meals. Further details can be obtained

from the School Administrator. We would like to reassure parents and carers that children receiving free school meals are not treated any differently when they

go to the dining hall. In 2014-15 all children from YR to Y2 will be eligible to receive a free school meal as part of the government initiative. Parents and carers who do not wish their children to have school meals can provide them with a packed lunch. Alternatively, if they live close to the school, they may wish their children to go home for lunch. Children bringing packed lunches will need to have an appropriate packed lunch box and a drink container. Please note that vacuum flasks containing glass are not allowed nor are cans of drink.

Ready Steady Cook event to promote the

new Catering Company- Chartwells

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As a school community we are very conscious of the affects which illness can have and in particular the way they can spread, given the close proximity of staff and children. To this end, a list is set out below of the more common communicable diseases together with their minimal exclusion periods as recommended by the Department of Health and Social Security. The minimal exclusion period is the time, which you should keep your child away from school in order to minimise the risk of spreading infection. Normal Incubation Minimal exclusion period in days period Dysentery 1 - 7 until clinically fit Chickenpox 14-21 6 days from rash Diphtheria 2 - 5 until bacteriological examination is clear German Measles 14-21 4 days from rash Hepatitis A 15-50 7 days from rash Scarletina & Scarlet Fever 2 - 5 Until clinical recovery Whooping Cough 7 - 10 21 days from onset of cough Impetigo Until skin is healed Ringworm of Scalp Until cured Headlice It is the responsibility of parents and carers to check their children’s hair regularly. Head inspections are no longer carried out at school and a child will be sent home if headlice are seen on their head/hair. The school is aware of the recommended lotion to use if head infestation occurs. Regular combing is a real deterrent. The school sells ‘Lokombs’ which are advertised as having the ability to get rid of both eggs and lice, using a wet combing method. (These are available at the Office). Administration of Medicines in School Our policy on the administration of medicine in the school is based on advice given by the Area Health Authority. If a child needs to take medicine at school, parents will be asked to complete an “Administration of medicine in school” form. The medicine should be brought to the school with the completed form. Only medicines prescribed by a doctor may be administered in school. All medicines will be stored in a secure medicine cabinet/ fridge. If your child should need cough sweets they must be given to the class teacher who will give them to the child when required. Please remember that if your child is not well and needs to take medicine, it is much better to keep him/her at home, to ensure he/she recovers quickly and to avoid the possible spreading of infections to others.

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The School Health Service Our School Nurse is Vicki Smale. She visits the school regularly each year to carry out vision, hearing, weight and height measurements together with health interviews. She is involved in the promotion of good health and also participates in the classroom, talking about different aspects of Health Education. This in turn hopefully makes the child responsible for their own health at an early age. Due to the changing role of the Community Dental Service, annual dental screening for all children no longer takes place. The School Administrator can give you information as to when the School Nurse will be attending the school, or alternatively, where she can be contacted. See General Information .

21. COMPLAINTS A summary of the process is outlined below, however should you wish to make a formal complaint, the full detail including the relevant form,is available in the Complaints Policy on the School Website . There are two school-based stages:

Stage one: complaint heard by the Headteacher (unless he is the person who is the subject of the complaint in which case this should be addressed to the Chair of Governors);

Stage two: complaint heard by the governors’ complaints panel (Hearings Committee); If the matter remains unresolved after stage two, the complainant may then take his/her complaint to the LA.

Stage One: Complaint Heard by Staff Member It is in everyone’s interest that complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. The experience of the first contact between the complainant and the school can be crucial in determining whether the complaint will escalate. All staff have been made aware of the procedures so they know what to do if they receive a complaint. If a complainant indicates that he/she would have difficulty discussing a complaint with a particular member of staff, the complaints co-ordinator can refer the complainant to another staff member. Where the complaint concerns the Headteacher, the complaints co-ordinator can refer the complainant to the Chair of Governors. Similarly, if the member of staff directly involved feels too compromised to deal with a complaint, the complaints co-ordinator may consider referring the complainant to another staff member. The member of staff may be more senior but does not have to be. The ability to consider the complaint objectively and impartially is crucial. Where the first approach is made to a governor, the next step would be to refer the complainant to the appropriate person and advise them about the procedure. Governors should not act unilaterally on an individual complaint outside the formal procedure or be involved at the early stages in case they are needed to sit on a panel at a later stage of the procedure.

Stage Two: Complaint Heard by the Governing Body’s Complaints Panel (Hearing’s Committee) The complainant needs to write to the Chair of Governors giving details of the complaint, using thje form available on the school website. The Clerk to the Governors will convene a complaints panel of at least three governorsdrawn from the members of the Governor’s Hearings Committee who shall

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elect a Chair from among their number. [The governors’ appeal hearing is the last school-based stage of the complaints process]. Individual complaints will not be heard by the whole governing body at any stage, as this could compromise the impartiality of any panel set up for a disciplinary hearing against a member of staff following a serious complaint.

22. SCHOOL TRANSPORT At present, children who live in the outlying areas are brought to school using a minibus and a taxi. The attached map shows the extent of the school's catchment area which is used for calculating whether or not a child is entitled to free transport or not. Anybody living outside the catchment area can still send their children to the school providing there is sufficient space. However, if they wish to use the transport service they will have to pay a termly fee (and may only use the minibus/taxi provided there is room on it. Children living within the catchment area are entitled to free transport according to the following scale.

All children who live over three miles from the school - free.

Children under eight who live over two miles from the school - free This means that once a child is eight, if they do not live more than three miles from the school, parents or carers will have to pay the termly charge. The actual distances involved are usually measured by the LA. Parents and carers can appeal against decisions regarding these distances by writing to the Area Education Officer Any complaints regarding this service should also be made to the Area Education Officer, although the school would also like to be informed as well. Please note that it is the responsibility of parents and carers to arrange for children to travel in safety between their home and the picking-up and setting-down points for school transport..

23. ARRANGEMENTS FOR SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS In the event of wintry weather, the school will remain open unless there have been heavy falls of snow, severe icing of roads or there is a failure of the electricity supply. The latter will almost certainly mean closure since our heating system depends upon electricity. Should such an occurrence take place overnight or over a week-end, messages will be sent out to parents/carers via our school texting service and details placed on the ‘Ticker’ on the website. The school will also

notify BBC Radio Devon so that you can make child care arrangements as early as possible. With several members of staff travelling to North Tawton, from outside the area, severe wintry weather may mean we cannot provide an adequate service for those children living in the town. With regard to school meals, we normally hold at least two days supply of food. After these two days have elapsed and if, due to road conditions, supplies are still unable to get through, then children would need to bring packed lunches or go home for lunch. In the event of severe wintry weather or the onset of severe icing of road surfaces, children on school

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transport will be sent home at the earliest possible opportunity. A child will not be sent home if we cannot establish that there is someone at home to meet him/her. If snow has fallen during the night or over the week end, the school buses may not be able to negotiate some or even all of the lanes and, therefore, will not be able to pick your children up. In such a case, should you consider using your own transport to bring them in, would you please also make arrangements to collect them at home-time, or sooner, if the weather should deteriorate.


Most children who leave the school at the age of eleven, transfer to Okehampton College. Okehampton College is a moderately large Comprehensive School with a range of excellent facilities all accommodated on one site. The College currently has a student population of approximately 1200 and caters for the 11 to 18 age range. Parents and carers of children approaching secondary transfer will receive a booklet from the L.E.A. early in the Autumn Term outlining the arrangements for secondary transfer. Parents/carers will be asked to indicate their choice of Secondary School at this stage. Okehampton College, in common with many other Secondary School, arranges an Open Evening for parents and children which also takes place in the Autumn Term. Details and dates of these evenings are given in the booklet mentioned above. There are very close links between Okehampton College and its feeder primary schools. Opportunities are extended to the children whereby they can experience an entire day at the College and staff from the College visit the Feeder Primary Schools to meet the children and parents. All of these events take place during the Summer Term. Particular attention is paid to children with Special Needs so that any possible disruption caused by the move to a new school can be reduced to a minimum. While most children from North Tawton and surrounding villages go to Okehampton College this is not to say that they have to go there. Parents have the right to choose the school they would like their child to attend and providing the school has room this should be no problem. However, it must be pointed out that free transport is only available for children attending Okehampton College. Parents selecting other schools may find they will be expected to pay for transport or be responsible for transporting their children themselves.


The Governors are keen that the school buildings and grounds are used by the local community. There are set charges for hire of rooms in the school, including our main hall. Please see the full Lettings Policy on the school website for details.

26. VOLUNTARY HELP WITH TRANSPORT We are very grateful to parents and carers who volunteer help with transport, however we ask these volunteers to check the following points before offering their support. This important area is covered by a separate school policy, available on request from the school office. All drivers must:

Hold a valid driving licence for the type of vehicle being driven Be fit to drive Have no medical condition which affects their ability to drive Have a valid MOT for any vehicle older than 3 years old Ensure that any vehicle is roadworthy, including brakes, lights, tyres, bodywork, wipers, mirrors,

etc. Ensure that any vehicle used has current road tax

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Insurance: Maintain valid insurance, as a minimum, for third part liability. Check with their insurance company and inform them that the driver occasionally conveys

children on school activities. (This is unlikely to affect the cost of your insurance premium.) Safety: Be familiar with, and drive in accordance with the Highway Code at all times Before driving not consume alcohol or drugs which may impair driving Ensure that all passengers wear seat belts as appropriate at all times Ensure all passengers are seated on booster seats as determined by recent legislation Drive safely without hurrying unduly Use child proof locks on rear doors where necessary Child Protection The school may require parents or volunteers who have regular or unsupervised access to

young people to be checked through arrangements with the Criminal Records Bureau. The lead teacher will ensure that all helpers are aware of the school mobile phone number, in the event of an emergency and this will be switched on at all times during the activity. Parents and carers offering support offering support on a regular basis will be asked to complete a Criminal Records Bureau check. They will also be required to sign a declaration agreeing the items listed above.

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Admissions Enquiries Children and Young People’s Services Devon County Council Admissions Officer County Hall, Room 120, Topsham Road, County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QG Tel : 01392 383717 email: [email protected] Devon LA General Enquiries/switchboard Tel.: 01392 382000 Okehampton College Mr. Darryl Chapman, Principal, Mill Road, Okehampton, EX20 1PW Tel: 01837 650910 Educational Welfare Officer Mrs. Debbie Provan Okehampton College. Tel: 01837 650914 Okehampton Community Hospital School Health Service,

Cavell Way Tel: 01837 658000 School Nurse Vicki Smale,, Okehampton Community Hospital EX20 1PN Okehampton Tel: 01837 658027 School Transport Contractors Carmel Coaches, Tel: 01409 221237 (School Bus) Smartway (School Taxis) Tel: 01837 880055 Cost of a School Meal: £2.25 (now sold in books of 5 tickets) Number of Children on Roll September 2014: 138 Planned Admission Number September 2013-14: 30

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28. Catchment Area for North Tawton Community Primary School

The solid red line indicates the extent of the catchment area.

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KS1 Teacher Assessment Results 2014

This table shows the percentage of eligible children achieving each level in the school in 2014. The number of children assessed at the end of Key Stage 1 was 17. W represents children who are working towards level 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for level 1. The shaded sections of the table represent 2013 national teacher assessment data for core subjects. Figures may not total 100 per cent because of rounding.

W 1 2 2C 2B 2A 3 or


Pupils absent Pupils disapplied

Speaking and Listening - School 0 6 53 - - - 41 0 0

Speaking and Listening - National 2 9 66 - - - 23 0 0

Reading - School 0 6 - 12 24 18 41 0 0

Reading - National 2 9 - 10 23 26 29 0 0

Writing - School 0 12 - 24 24 18 24 0 0

Writing - National 3 12 - 18 30 22 15 0 0

Mathematics - School 0 0 - 0 47 35 18 0 0

Mathematics - National 2 7 - 13 27 28 23 0 0

Science - School 0 6 82 - - - 12 0 0

Science - National 2 8 68 - - - 22 0 0

KS2 Teacher Assessment Results 2014

The tables below shows the percentage of year 6 children achieving each level in the school in 2014 compared to national end of Key Stage 2 teacher assessment levels and test results. The shaded sections of the tables represent 2013 national teacher assessment data. The number of children assessed at the end of Key Stage 2 was 22. These assessments have been rounded, therefore figures may not total 100 per cent.

Teacher assessment results W 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pupils absent Pupils disapplied

English 0 0 0 9 32 59 0 0 0

English - NATIONAL 1 1 2 10 48 37 1 0 0

Speaking and listening 0 0 0 9 32 59 0 0 0

Speaking and listening - NATIONAL 1 1 2 11 49 36 1 0 0

Reading 0 0 0 9 27 64 0 0 0

Reading - NATIONAL 1 1 3 9 39 45 3 0 0

Writing 0 0 0 18 36 45 0 0 0

Writing - NATIONAL 1 1 3 12 53 29 2 0 0

Mathematics 0 0 0 14 36 41 9 0 0

Mathematics - NATIONAL 1 0 2 10 45 36 6 0 0

Science 0 0 0 9 50 41 0 0 0

Science - NATIONAL 1 0 2 10 50 38 0 0 0

KS2 Test Results 2014

Test results Below Level 3** 3 4 5 6 Pupils absent Pupils not entered

English grammar, punctuation and


5 36 9 50 0 0 0

English grammar, punctuation and spelling* -


6 20 26 46 2 0 3

Reading 5 5 41 50 0 0 0

Reading - NATIONAL 6 8 41 44 0 0 4

Mathematics 0 9 50 27 9 5 0

Mathematics - NATIONAL 4 11 44 35 7 0 3

* - The English grammar, punctuation and spelling test draws its content from parts of each attainment target in English. In the National

Curriculum a level is awarded against a whole attainment target or subject. Therefore, the result awarded in this test is indicative of a child

working at the level reported rather than a true National Curriculum level as for other tests.

** - Represents children who were not entered for the tests because they were working below level 3 in English or mathematics, children

awarded a compensatory level from the tests and children entered for but not achieving a level from the tests.

'W' represents children who are working towards level 1, but have not yet achieved the standards needed for level 1.

Level 3 and below represents achievement below the nationally expected standard for most 11-year-olds.

Level 4 represents achievement at the nationally expected standard for most 11-year-olds.

Levels 5 and 6 represent achievement above the nationally expected standard for most 11-year-olds.

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At North Tawton Community Primary there were 47 Pupil Premium children in July 2014 (33% of all children) of which 36% were on the SEN register at SA/SA+/Statement and as such, were already receiving additional focussed support. This is usually outside the normal teaching times, or using withdrawal in small groups or 1:1.

Significant interventions were used in 2013-14 using Class Raising Attainment Plans (RAPs) to focus this support on targeted children. TAs were frequently employed for this purpose. Effectiveness was measured before and after each intervention.One of the most effective of maths interventions has been Counting to Calculating. Whilst the most effective reading intervention was 1:1 reading support.

Total PP income for the academic year was approximately £34,200.

Approximate figures giving details of how funding has been used in 2013-14 is shown below;

Pupil Premium

used for:




allocated to the intervention / action (£)

Length of

Intervention Timescale

Brief summary of the

intervention or action

Number of

PP Pupils supported

Reading R £1500 Spring/Summer Term 1-1 reading Support-daily 4

1 £600 Spring/Summer Term 1-1 reading Support-daily 4

2 £300 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

1-1 reading 5 x 5mins per week. 1-2 phase 3- 2 x 30 mins per week


3 £980 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

1-1reading 15mins/day TRUGS 1x30 mins 3 x weekly


4/5 £300 Spring/Summer Term Phase 5 phonics 3 x 10 mins/week Daily reading 1:1


5/6 £200 Spring/Summer Term Reciprocal reading skills group once a week for 20 mins


Writing R See YR Reading

Spring/Summer Term 1:1 Fine motor skills 2x 10mins weekly/daily 1:1 Phonics support 2x 10mins weekly/daily Mark making/Speaking and Listening- Daily


1 £990 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

Pre writing 20 mins per day, Phase 2/3 phonics 2x 20mins per wk Box Dictation 2x20 per week


2 £400 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

Handwriting 1- 4chn 2 x 30 mins per week 1-2 phase 3 -2 x 30 mins per week Guided writing 1-4, 1x 30 min



£200 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

Extra guided writing session T/TA 1 x 20mins weekly


4/5 £600 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

Mini writing targets practised daily 10 mins/day inc. handwriting Phase phonics 3 x 10 mins/wk Handwriting 5mins Daily


5/6 £300 Spring/Summer Term Weekly writing conferencing Box dictation twice a week


Maths R See YR Reading

Spring/Summer Term Recognising numerals 1-5, 1-1, 5 mins daily


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1 £200 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

2x20mins per wk number recognition small group support


2 £1200 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

From counting to calculating 2x30 mins weekly


3 £400 Spring/Summer Term Additional intervention maths x30 mins a week L2


4/5 £300 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

Ixl 15mins x 2 per week 6

5/6 £600 Autumn / Spring/Summer Term

Paired work based on problem solving once a week IXL 40 mins once a week Level 6 guided session once a week


Total Targeted Intervention Costs included in RAPs


Other Pupil Premium Expenditure Summarised

Support Provided Cost

Support to enable FSM children to attend Residential visit to Penzance – 17 children subsidised by £150/person-


Phonics Play Licence to support Phonic development £150

Espresso Server and annual Licence to develop awareness of wider world issues and support class teaching


PP Training costs for Governors and staff £850

TA to work alongside targeted group of Y4/5 FSM children 17 hours/week for 20 weeks £3,400

iXL Maths program targeting homework and in-class intervention £570

1:1 TA for SA+/PP child £3,200

TAs supporting targeted children in Class (approx. costs) £5,000

Lease for 60 Chromebooks (pa) £5,000

Total Costs for Other Initiatives given above £21,870

Costs for RAP Interventions (given on previous page) £9,470

Approximate Total expenditure on FSM (Pupil Premium) Children in 2013-14 £31,340

Summary Evalution of actions and impact for 2013-14 academic year:

• Raise the standard of teaching to at least good across the school, to ensure there is consistently effective in-class teaching in all year groups. – The great majority of teaching was good or better by the end of the year.

• Using strategic targeted support and intervention to raise the attainment to closer to the National Average in all groups, especially those children receiving the Pupil Premium Grant. – In 2013-14, in writing, 33% of year groups have narrowed the gaps with the non PP children, with 33% staying similar. In reading and maths 50% of year groups have narrowed the gaps, with 50% of groups maintaining a similar gap to the previous year.

• To develop a strategic focus to identify PP children’s individual needs, aspirations and methods to support progress, supported by targeted training. -All Classes used Raising Attainment Plans to target the needs of each child.

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• To ensure all children receive full support to enable them to attend the Y5/6 Residential Visit. -All children on Pupil Premium attended the Y5/6 Residential and were fully supported to enable this to happen.

In 2014-15 the school will use the additional funding to support children in similar ways to that used in 2013-14, specifically targeting children who are below average in progress and/or attainment, with the aim of raising standards to average or above. A detailed costings sheet will be used similar to the one detailed above. Additional expenditure on Computing will enable all children to access this key resource and support PP children who may not have good access to the Internet at home.