
The Adventure Begins …As many such adventures do…with a Sim and a dream. Iffy photography for a while, I know. See if you can be distracted by a semi-competent layout.

Transcript of Prolouge

The AdventureBegins

…As many such adventures

do…with a Sim and a dream.

Iffy photography for a while, I know. See if you can be distracted by a semi-competent layout.

Within hours, Pleasantview lay abandoned, replaced by a

new neighborhood. It didn’t look like much—more like

farmland than anything. Only the name gave away the

potential fame and fortune—Fun Time Island.

Create-a-Sim was put into full use, implementing an

interesting cast of characters to populate the desolate island

with the fancy name. Sims of all interests and aspirations,

Sims with big dreams and big plans.

One Sim in particular caught the interests—

and hearts—of many.

Erik Phantasma was named for the Phantom of the Opera. A Romancer,

he dated his way around the island with great glee, earning a reputation as

the best first date known—and the last, since he was also infamous for not

taking seconds.

He was largely undocumented during this time, and seemed to have a

special talent at avoiding cameras.

Erik also dated enough townies to earn himself a restraining order. He had

to skip two generations of parties, due to the incredible amount of fights

among the women. The townie gals are really quite vicious.

He could have gone on like that forever—or until I got bored—but for one young woman.

Faustina Roomers was one of four young ladies

seeking adventure and popularity. Rumor in

the later generations is that all four “Erik dates”

took place in a single night. Of course, that is

little more than legend—they took two

nights, two on each.

The problem was that Faustina was pregnant. I

was dumb enough to look at the “Try For

Baby” option and wonder what it did. So when

she started throwing up all over the place, I was

a little concerned.

The aftermath has long been held as the most

successful accident the island has ever seen.

Erik learned of his impending

fatherhood and felt rather guilty. He

hadn’t meant to do anything permanent;

just have a little fun. But what was done

was done, so there was nothing left for it

but to apologize to Faustina.

Make-up was swift and passionate.

The slightly dysfunctional couple also

forgot to lock the door, so there was

very nearly a rather nasty fight, as the

other girls heard the commotion and

came running like all heck into

Faustina’s room.

Even such a scene didn’t distract them

for long.

The other girls, in

between keeping an eye

on Faustina, went

chasing their own

pursuits. They were

also totally thrilled with

the idea of a baby to

look after—such fun!

One of the others, Catherine, ran away and eloped with a man she met

online. He had twin daughters, and the pull of the babies was too much for

Catherine—twins to herself instead of one to share with three roomies.

“Girls—Girls, look who it is.”

Before anyone could believe it, the

little one was on the way.

I almost never need to cheat to get the gender I want—I’m uncannily

talented at predicting them. This will be revisited later.

“I can’t believe this is happening. To

me! I’m Erik Phantasma, the

infamous, and I’m a father!”

Erik, noted by Catherine, had turned up to

welcome his child into the world. He was

rather on edge for most of the evening,

and raided the fridge before leaving

sometime in the dead of night.

He also felt rather guilty that he was

leaving his child to be raised by three

young women so he could remain carefree.

“Our daughter, Erik! What should we name her?”


Thus did Bindi come into the world; brown

eyes, back hair, and skin 2.

I named her after a child in a book I read a very

long time ago. The basic plot involved a

crippled woman who was unable to have

children befriending a fairy. The fairy manages

to conjure a baby, who was named Bindi. So

Bindi is a fairy-born human, and in general very

nature-y, magic-y. I decided instantly that I

liked her.

The moral of the story is that virtual babies are

much better that real ones. I don’t particularly

like real human children.

*Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea*

Erik did the only thing he could think of.

He proposed.

He wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but it was the

right thing to do. Plus, if Faustina was home

with a newborn baby, he would be mostly free to

chase his own pursuits—right?

Erik Faustina

“How is my darling little one? Perhaps

you’ll grow up to be like me someday!”

The wedding was declared the shindig of

the century. The title still holds true after

five generations and counting.

The highlight of the ceremony for the

happy couple, though, was Erik holding

his baby girl for the first time.

Bindi still claims that moment as her first

memory; she didn’t actually attend the

reception, which was during nap time.

“Mama’s special little girl! Look at you!”


Erik was wrong, of course. He caught the flu at the

wedding party and spent the next two days in bed.

Faustina, meanwhile, had a marvelous time playing with

a now-crawling Bindi, who had grown up remarkably

fast, even for a baby.

I know it’s been a short chapter. Much of the drama

going on was undocumented and small-time. Family life

comes into play in the next update—can the town

Casanova adjust to taking care of a two-year-old


…for now.

Erik’s current youngest descendant; fifth generation. Let that sink in.