Projects coverage 2015

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This Publication captures projects undertaken by Limuru CDF in the financial years 2013/14 & on-going projects in the 2015 financial years.

Transcript of Projects coverage 2015

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years I

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years


    Patron; Hon. Eng.John Kiragu Chege

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial yearsI I

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Contents1.0 What you need to know about CDF Act 2013

    2.0 How is CDF money allocated once its received at the Constituency

    3.0 What has changed in the administration of CDF since 2013

    4.0 What are the results of this change

    5.0 Key achievements in improving the quality & stan dards of service to limuru

    Constituents since 2003

    5.1 Refurbishment of the CDF office.

    5.2 Revamping of the Bursary Fund

    5.3 Completion of incomplete Projects from Financial Years 2013/14

    5.3.1 Improving Education Infrastructure

    5.3.2 Face-lifting of schools external looks

    5.3.3 The improvements included replacement of leaking roofs and replacement of

    Asbestos roofs.

    5.3.4 State of the art laboratories

    6.0 Secondary Education

    6.1 Other Projects within the education sector

    6.2 Empowering School Children living with disabilities

    7.0 Security

    8.0 Economic and Livelihood Empowerment Projects

    9.0 Youth & Sports

    10 Roads

    2014 / 2015 New projects

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 1

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote


    1.0 What you need to know about CDF Act 2013

    1. The fund was established in 2003 through an Act of Parliament to implement community

    based projects. Following the establishment of Devolution in 2013 it was seconded to the

    Ministry of Devolution.

    2. Every year 290 constituencies receive allocations from the National CDF board based on an

    agreed formula set by the board.

    3. The funds are released to every constituency in Quarters.

    4. CDF is managed by a Committee that comprises of representatives from all the 5 wards of

    Limuru assisted by a Funds Account Manager (F.A.M) an employee of the National Govern-

    ment and other Government departments like the District Accountant among others.

    2.0 How is CDF money allocated once its received at the Constituency



    Kenya shillings.











  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years2

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote



    year 2014/15 that are ongoing or have been proposed and allocated resources as availed by the

    National CDF board.

    No Project Name Project Activity Ward Amount Allocated 1 Emergency Reserve Emergencies 5,400,259.

    2. OfficeAdministration6% RecurrentExpenses 6,165,599

    3. Monitoring%&Evaluation M&Eprovision 3,082,799

    4 Youth&Sports2% SportsActivities 2,055,199

    5. EnvironmentalActivities2% Environmental rehabilitation 2,055,199

    6. Bursaries,C.A.Ts&Mocks19% Bursary 19,562,998

    7. Conditional grant for schools Rehabilitation of schools 837,931

    8. Kamirihtu Jua-Kali sheds Completion of sheds Limuru Central 1,500,000

    9. TigoniSecondaryschool Completion of laboratory Limuru East 1,000,000

    10. KabukuSecondaryschool Completion of 2 classrooms Ngecha-Tigoni 500,000

    11. NgeniaHighSchool Completion of Hall Limuru Central 2,000,000

    12. MakutanoSecondary Completion of laboratory Ndeiya 800,000

    13. Kentmere A.P Line Completion of A.P line and con-structionofchiefsoffice

    Ngecha Tigoni 1,500,000

    14. RwamburiAssistantChiefsOffice ConstructionofChiefsoffice Ndeiya 800,000

    15. BibirioniBoysHighSchool Completion of Laboratory Bibirioni 500,000

    Total 48,459,987

    3.0 What has changed in the administration of CDF since 2013 IntheperiodbetweenMay2013&July2014projectswerebeingimplementedusinglabor


    ance from the CDF Patron Hon. Eng. Kiragu Chege; it was established that labor contracting had

    several disadvantages.

    i. The overall cost of a project ended up being almost double of which could be attributed to

    the labor costs incurred.

    ii. The quality and workmanship of most projects had been compromised especially in projects

    that required specialized labor like storey buildings. This resulted in demolitions of projects


    iii. The amount of time taken to complete a single project was over and above the

    recommended period.

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 3

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    4.0 What are the results of this change ThisinformedthedecisioninSeptember2014toshiftfromlaborbasedcontractingtofullcon-

    tracting. This has led to:


    2. Completion of projects in a shorter duration


    labor contracting

    5.0 Key achievements in improving the quality & standards of service to limuru Constituents since 20035.1 Refurbishment of the CDF office.



  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years4

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    5.2 Revamping of the Bursary Fund TheBursaryfundtargetsneedyandperformingstudentstostartandcompleteeducation.Since

    2013 we have revamped the allocation of CDF bursary funds by:


    schools and hence performance




    areas within the locality.


    ing and quick awarding.



    unforeseen circumstances.

    Case Study 1 Dennis Karani Muriuki he hails from Limuru East ward. He scored 395 marks in his K.C.P.E and was

    admitted to Maranda high school .His parents are casual laborers in the tea estates and were not







  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 5

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Case Study 2 MaureenNdutaWambuihailsfoirmNdeiyaward,MaureenhadtwiceoptedtorepeatherKCPE







    5.3 Completion of incomplete Projects from Financial Years 2013/14We were handed over at-least 22 incomplete projects. Over the last 2 years we have been able to


    ingly slow pace can be attributed to:

    i. TheslowandunpredictablereleaseoffundsbytheCDFBoard.LimuruCDFreceivedthe


    ii. The shift from labor based to full contracting that was preceded by a feasibility study that

    informed the change.

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years6

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    5.3.1 Improving Education Infrastructure:In2013weundertookanEducationstakeholdersforumwithstakeholdersintheeducationsector.


    i. ImprovingInfrastructureofourprimaryschoolstocreateaconducivelearningenvironment.

    ii. Increasethecapacityofoursecondaryschoolsanddevelopnewinstitutionstoincreasethe

    transition rate from primary to secondary.

    Gatimu Primary school before & After completion of 2 classrooms at a cost of 2 million


    Increasing primary school


  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 7

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    5.3.2 Face-lifting of schools external looksIn2013/14financialyearwefacelifted10schoolsatleast2ineverywardatacostof1million

    shillings .(Find list of schools face-lifted in the back page)

    To improve the outlook, the classrooms were painted on the outside, doors were replaced in some schools and the floors were repaired in late December 2013.

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years8

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    5.3.3 The improvements included replacement of leaking roofs and replacement of Asbes-tos roofs.

    Tigoni Primary school before and after replacement of Asbestos roofs that can cause Cancer


    Rironi Primary school after replacement of the Administration block and Nursery school roof at a


  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 9

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    The State of our low end public primary schools is wanting, the rooms are dark, the floors have pot

    holes, and the walls are un-plastered. As part of our plan to improve the interior of leaning environ-

    ments we piloted a program to refurbish the interior of 10 schools (2 in every ward) by putting tiles in

    at least 3 classrooms, painting and water harvesting. (Find list of all refurbished schools in back page)

    The State of our low end public primary schools was wanting, the rooms are dark, the floors

    have pot holes, and the walls are un-plastered. As part of our plan to improve the interior

    of leaning environments we piloted a program to refurbish the interior of 10 schools (2 in

    every ward) by putting tiles in 3 at least 3 classrooms, painting and water harvesting. (Find

    list of all refurbished schools in back page)

    By improving our classroom learning environment, we believe that this will en-

    courage our pupils performance.

    Painted & Floor tiled classes in Nyanjega and Kamandura Primary schools

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years10

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    The program also Involved installation of water harvesting systems and exterior painting in

    some schools.

    School walk ways before and entrance to clasrooms before

    Pavements and classroom entrances after the Upgrade 5.3.4 State of the art laboratories EveryyearduringfromfourexamsstudentsfromsomesecondaryschoolsinLimuruConstituency


    walk at least 1km to access the lab during their practical sessions.

    We are not only building laboratories but also equipping them to meet the acceptable standards



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    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    We are not only building laboratories but also equipping them to meet the acceptable stan-

    dards of an ideal science learning environment. 4 secondary schools Tigoni, Makutano,

    Bibirioni, Manguo are set to use their laboratories in this years exams.

    Completed laboratories in Tigoni and Makutano Secondary schools ready for use

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years12

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    6.0 Secondary Education Challenge:Every year at least 2000 students who graduate from primary school in Limuru do not transit to

    secondary school. This is mainly due to low performance that locks them out of the conventional


    Our contribution:1.Wearestrategicallyupgrading5existingboysschoolstoimprovetheircapacitytohandle



    2. We are supporting communities to establish at least 1 new secondary school in every ward.

    Ngenia High School Re-roofing



    roofed hall.

    New block in Gatuura secondary, in 2014/15 we have allocated resources to complete

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 13

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Muna secondary was established in January 2015 and already has 19 students.

    We have allocated resources for the construction of Bio-digestable toilets within the


    New classes in Kamirithu secondary. The school was started in 2015 January and has already

    enrolled 15 students. We have also allocated resources to Construct bio-digestable toilets

    within the school.

    Umoja Secondary school in Ngecha -Tigoni. The school is yet to start operations

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years14

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Lockers and Seats for each of the New schools

    6.1 Other Projects within the education sectorContinuousdevelopmentofteachersinfrastructure:i.e.CompletionofRwakaprimary


    On going works to complete Rwaka Primary administration block

    6.2 Empowering School Children living with disabilitiesChallenge:


    that disadvantages them further

    Our contribution: Wearestrategicallyimprovingtheirlearningenvironmentinschoolsthathavespecialcases.



    disability friendly with ramps.

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 15

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Our contribution: We are strategically improving their learning environment in schools that have special cases. One



    with ramps.

    7.0 Security Problem


    lack proper housing infrastructure.

    Our contribution



    Above the Rwamburi Assitant Chiefs Office and toilet before the new factility being put up

    On going works for the New Rwamburi Chiefs Office

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years16

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    The recently completed Kentmere A.P lines

    8.0 Economic and Livelihood Empowerment Projects Problem:



    CDF has invested in improving livelihoods by completing and developing from scratch

    Our Contribution: LimuruCDFhasinvestedinimprovinglivelihoodsbycompletinganddevelopingfrom



    Status of Project in May 2013 Status of project as of Feb 2015

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 17

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Ngecha Jua-Kali sheds proposed site in May 2013

    Ongoing works at the Ngecha Jua-kali sheds. When completed the project is expected to

    host mechanics and other traders from Ngecha area.

    9.0 Youth & Sports Challenge: TappingandenhancingthepotentialofouryouthremainsabigchallengeinLimuru&



    other vices. This can also be blamed for the high increase in security within Limuru Constituency.

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years18

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Limuru CDF patron Hon. Kiragu chege & committee members present a cheque worth 1

    million as part of the support to the Limuru Half Marathon 2015

    Our Contribution:Using CDF funds we have invested in:Our Main Strategies:

    i. Refurbishing at least one stadium in each ward to support football or athletics. Currently we

    have refurbished the Ngecha football stadium into a standard pitch and works are ongoing


    ii. We have supported the organizing of Limuru Half Marathon for 2 years. The marathon aims

    to supplement the 1 million shillings allocated by CDF in constructing a standard running

    track in Rironi Primary school grounds.

    Other investments include:i. Partnerships with football bodies like FKF to organize and undertake tournaments and train-



    Ngecha Stadium Be-fore

    Ngrecha Satdium After Lev-eling

    Current Status

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 19

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote


    ii. Supportingyouthgroupstoorganizeandundertaketrainingsinentrepreneurshipandcam-


    Limuru 2014 in events among others.

    10. Roads Our Challenge:TheroadnetworkinlimuruConstituencyisvastandmanyoftheexistingroadshavenothad


    access certain areas.Roads Funded under KERRA

    Ward Project Nature of funding Status

    Limuru Central

    Chunga-mali 3Keroe Road Grading, graveling, compacting & drainage works Complete

    Njira ya Gichagi to kamirithu

    polytechnic Grading, graveling, compacting & drainage works Complete

    Njira ya Gichagi to Kwambira market Grading, graveling, compacting & drainage works Complete

    Ndeiya Ward

    Tiekunu-Gaithuiya-Wamera Road Grading,gravelingcompactionanddrainage Complete

    BibleCollegeThigioroad Grading,gravelingcompactionanddrainage Complete

    Kiriri road Grading,gravelingcompactionanddrainage Complete

    Ndungu Njenga-Ha wanene road Grading,gravelingcompactionanddrainage Complete

    BibirioniWard Bata-MurngetiAccessroad Grading,gravelingcompactionanddrainage Complete

    Limuru East

    All round muna road Grading,graveling,compactionanddrainageworks

    Miti-ni road Grading,graveling,compactionanddrainagework

    D .O residence road Grading,gravelingcompactionanddrainage

    Our Contribution


    these funds we have been able to undertake maintenance of various roads. Key among these


  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years20

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Roads Projects by KeRRA thro the Constituency Roads Committee (CRC)

    Bata Murengeti Before Bata Murengeti After

    Chunga Mali Keroe After grading Chunga Mali Keroe drainage sys-tems

    Tiekunu Wamera Road

    Nyoro-Gatina road After

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 21

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    2014/2015 New projectsNo Project Name Project Activity Ward Amount Allocated


    1 NgeniaHighSchool StrategicUpgradeofschool Limuru Central 4,500,000

    2. GichuruHighSchool StrategicUpgradeofschool Ngecha-Tigoni 4,500,000

    3. KinyogoriHighSchool StrategicUpgradeofschool Bibirioni 4,500,000

    4 ThigioSecondaryschool StrategicUpgradeofschool Ndeiya ward 4,500,000

    5. MunaSecondarySchool Completion of classrooms Limuru East 4,500,000

    6. Limuru town Primary school Construction of Ramp for children living with Disability

    Limuru Central 500,000

    7. GatuuraSecondary KamirithuSecondaryschool Umojasecondaryschool

    Purchase of school desks 1,5000,000

    8. MukomaSecondaryschool Construction of Administration blocks

    Ndeiya ward 1,000,000

    9. KiawandaSecondaryschool Construction of two classrooms Ndeiya ward 1,800,000

    10. Kiawaroga Primary school Construction of Admin block Limuru East 1,000,000


    6. Manjiri Flood light 20MetresFloodLightatSt.PaulsUniversity

    Ngecha-Tigoni 1,000,000

    7. Rironi Flood light 20Metersfloodlightinastrategicplace in Rironi

    Limuru Central 1,000,000

    8. MurengetiAssistantChiefsOffice Construction of Assistant Chiefs Office

    Bibirioni 1,000,000

    9. NgechaChiefsOffice Refurbishmentofchiefsoffice Ngecha 500,000

    10. Mutarakwa Police post Renovation of police post Limuru Central 1,000,000

    10. Rironi A.P line houses Construction of A.P houses Limuru Central 2,000,000

    11. ManjiriSocialHall Internal&externalfinishes Ngecha-Tigoni 500,000

    Total 48,459,987

    2013/14 projects analysis per ward Limuru Central ward 2013-2015 projects

    Education Project Works involved Amount allocated StatusasofMay2015

    Gatimu Primary schools Completion of 2 classrooms Complete

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years22

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Ngenia High school CompletionandroofingofaMultipurposehall,

    4,500,000 Ongoing project since 2012

    Proposed construction of a boarding facility.

    4,500,000 Proposed and allocated funds

    Rironi Primary school. Re-roofingoftheschool 1,000,000 Completed

    Limuru town Primary school

    Plastering of any un-plastered classrooms,tillingclass6,7&8,fixinglockableshelves,waterharvesting.

    1,000,000 Completed

    Construction of a ramp for accessibility to PLWD

    500,000.00 Proposed and funds allocated

    Kamandura Primary school


    1,000,000 Completed

    KamirithuSecondary Construction of 2 new classrooms Completed in 2013


    1,300,000 Ongoing

    Kamirithu Primary Plastering,painting,floorworks,replacementofdoorswithsteeldoors&water harvesting of 12 classrooms.

    - Refurbishment of teachers toi-lets,relocationofmaingate.

    1,300,000 Ongoing

    Water rehabilitation InitiativesNgenia Water Construction of water tan tower 1,200,000

    PLWD empowerment

    Ikotoilets ConnectionofelectricitytoIkotoilets&Construction of Curio shops.


    Economic and livelihood empowermentKamirithu Jua-kali sheds

    Completion of sheds through walling,andpartitioningofthesheds.

    Security Improvement projectRironi Flood Light

    ErectingfloodlightatrironiMarket 1,000,000.00 Ongoing

    Mutarakwa Police Post

    Fencing,plasteringandRepainting 300,000 Complete

    Renovation of Police Post. 1,000,000.00 Proposed Rironi AP Line Houses.

    Construction of AP houses 2,000,000.00 Proposed



    primary school

    Refurbishment of Rironi Primary school groundsintoafieldandrunningtrack

    Kshs 1,000,000.00 Proposed

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 23

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Ndeiya ward

    EducationProject WorksInvolved Amount allocated Status

    Gatuura Secondaryschool-


    Painting Furniture

    5,300,00 Two classrooms completed;

    Awaiting construction of 2


    Makutano Secondaryschool

    Constructionoflaboratory,installationofelectricity,watertanks,plumbingworksand gas piping

    3,700,000 Completed in May 2015

    Makutano Secondary

    Buyingofcomputers+installationofCCTV 325,000 Inprocess

    Mirithu Primary school:



    1,000,000 Completed in December 2014.

    Githungucu Primary school:



    1,000,000 Completed in December 2014.

    Kiawanda Primary School

    1,800,000 Ongoing

    Mirithu girls Secondary

    Purchase of computers 450,000 Completed



    325,000 Completed/on-going

    Mukoma secondary

    ConstructionofAdministrationBlock 2,500,000 Proposed and funds allocated

    ThigioBoys Strategicupgradingasperschoolstrategicplan

    4,500,000 Proposed and funds allocated

    Emergency allocationNderu water Replacement of burst tanks 150,000 Completed

    Gitune water project

    Replacement of broken pipes 92,000 Completed

    Security Improvement projectRwamburi Assistant chiefsoffice


    Thigio Police Post Construction of prefabricated police housing

    2,500,000 Proposed and funds allocated,

    Health Sector (Supplemented funds)Rwamburi Health 2 10%contributiontocompletematernity

    wing. 570,000 Completed

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years24

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    Limuru East wardEducation

    Secondary Education No. Project name Works involved Amount allocated Status

    1 Tigoni secondary Construction of a laboratory 3,7700,000 Complete

    2 MunaSecondaryschool Construction of two new classrooms and bio-digester toilets.

    4,500,000 Classes completed in 2015 but toilets are ongoing.

    2 RwakaPrimarySchool Construction of an administration block up

    2,800,000 Completed

    Primary Education

    1. Kiawaroga Primary School

    Water connections and purchase of water tanks

    500,000 Proposed and funds allocated



    1,000,000 Completed in December 2014.

    Foundation and walling 1,000,000 Proposed and funds allocated

    Disability Mainstreaming project

    1 Limuru Mission Primary

    Construction of a special classroom. 1,500,000 Completed

    Security Improvement initiatives

    1 Nazareth A.P Lines

    Painting,constructionofarmory,powerconnectionandfencing,Guttersandtank,ceilingandcompletionofchief,sofficeandprocessingof a title deed.

    2,400,000 Completed

    2 Kiawaroga police post


    500,000 Completed



    Project Description Amount allocated Status

    1Jonathan Maara Primary

    Face-liftingadre-roofingofschool 2,000,000 Completed



    500,000 Completed

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 25

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    Procurement of lockable desks and construction of

    sanitation block700,000 Completed

    4Kabuku Primary School

    Refurbishmentandrenovationofsixclassroomsandsanitation block

    600,000Proposed and funds allocated


    Construction of two classrooms 3,500,000 Project ongoing

    6Nyanjega Primary school:

    Plastering,Tilingofclasses6,7&8,fixingoflockablebookshelves,gutteringandpurchaseofawatertank. 1,000,000 Completed

    7 Nyanjega Primary School

    Face-liftingoftheschoolexterior1,000,000 Completed

    Bibirioni Ward Education

    No. Project name Works involvedAmount allocated


    1Bibirionisecondaryconstruction of laboratory

    Construction of storeyed laboratory. 3,000000 Ongoing

    2Manguo secondary; construction of laboratory

    Construction of storeyed laboratory. 3,000,000 Ongoing

    3Consruction of Kinyogori High Schooldormitory.

    Phase1:Foundation,walling,roofing&Internalfinishes. 4,500,000 Proposed

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years26

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote

    No. Project name Works involvedAmount allocated


    4Ngarariga girls secondary school

    construction of a dormitory 2,300,000Proposed and funds allocated

    5 Ngarargiga Primary Plastering,Tilingofclasses6,7&8,fixingoflockablebookshelves,gutteringandpurchaseofawatertank.

    1,000,000 Completed

    6 Murengeti Primary Plastering,Tilingofclasses6,7&8,fixingoflockablebookshelves,gutteringandpurchaseofawatertank.

    1,000,000 Completed

    Security Improvement Projects 7 Kinyogori Police

    postReplacementofleakingroof&gutters 130,000

    Proposed and Fund allocated

    8. Murengeti assistant chiefsoffice

    ConstructionofAssistantchiefsoffice 1,500,000Proposed and funds allocated

    Limuru Constituency Office Staff

    Mr. John Mukabi, P.A to the M.P

    Ernest Gachumi, Manager Mrs. Pacifica Ongecha, Deputy Manager

    Mrs. Joyce Wamoro- Secre-

    Mr. Edwin Karani, Funds Account Manager

    Ms. Joyce Ngundi

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 27

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    Limuru Constituency Development Fund Commitee members

    Hon. Eng. John Kiragu Chege, Patron

    Mr. Edwin Karani, Funds Account Manager

    Mr. David Kiprop. DCC Limuru Mr. William Kahare, Rep, Ndeiya Ward

    Mrs. Martha Murunga, Rep Ndeiya ward Mr. Alex Kirehu, Rep PLWD Mrs. Kezzia Wangari Muya, Rep, Limuru


    Mrs. Damaris Kingatua, Rep, Bibirioni ward

    Mrs. Jane Gitau , Rep, Ngecha ward Mr. Titus Kuria Mbugua, RepLimuru Central ward

    Dr, Martin Njogu Mbugua, Chairperson

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years28

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    Limuru Constituency Development Fund Office Staff

    Joan Wangeci, Secretary

    Mr. Steven Mbugua,Logistics

    Ms. Mary Mumbi- Office Assitant (not in picture

    Mr. George Kimabuthi, Clerk of works

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years 29

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    Contributors:Dr. Martin Mbugua Njogu- Limuru CDF Chairperson

    John Mukabi Njeri- P.A to the M.P Limuru

    Martha W. Murunga- Ndeiya ward rep at the Limuru CDF committee

    Alex Kirehu- PLWD rep at the Limuru CDF committee

    Kezziah W, Muya - Limuru East rep at the Limuru CDF committee

    Dennis Mwaura Njunge- Rays of Hope Initiative

    Chief Editor:Titus Kuria Mbugua- Limuru Central ward Rep at the Limuru CDF committee.

    Design:Meja Designs: [email protected]

  • Limuru Constituency Development Fund Projects Undertaken in the Financial years30

    Maendeleo Kwa Wote



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    a limuru CDF publication 2015

    Limuru Constituency Development Fund Office.

    Limuru DCCs Compound .