Project Work On Pervasive Systems€¦ · Project 2 Project 3 Project … Harri Sten / Opening...

Project Work On Pervasive Systems 30.08.2016 Sten

Transcript of Project Work On Pervasive Systems€¦ · Project 2 Project 3 Project … Harri Sten / Opening...

Page 1: Project Work On Pervasive Systems€¦ · Project 2 Project 3 Project … Harri Sten / Opening slides 5.9.2016 13. Harri Sten / Opening slides 5.9.2016 14 Roles & Responsibilities

Project Work On Pervasive




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Welcome !

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Course staff

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• Harri Sten

• Course high level issues, feedback about course,


• Tero ”Tensu” Ahtee

• Most lectures, inspection, etc

• Technology Expert

• Marko Helenius, Laura Hokkanen, Teemu


• Expertise of certain technology, lectures , etc

• Project Coach

• Laura Hokkanen, Marko Helenius, Teemu

Laukkarinen, Harri Sten

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Our Advices

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Pay attention to team formation

Work hard

Think big

Have fun

Harri Sten / Opening slides

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• What is this course ?

• Goals & Content

• Motivation

• What’s the most important in SW Project ?

• Key issues of SW Project

• Course schedule – deadlines

• About the SW project implementation

• Softty organization & roles

• Real SW project & customer

• Forming groups

• International students

• Group actions

• Agile & Processes

• Sprint plan

• Documents & Disciplines

• Customer relations

• Lectures & Workshops

• Learn from others

• Grading & Requirements

• What now ? Next week ?

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What is this course ?

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SW Project




SW Project




SW Projects

Learnings & experiences from earlier studies & work

experience (SWD, UX, HW, Sec)

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Goals & Content ?

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• Goals

• Learn SW project work content – What’s in there ?

• Learn working process in SW projects – Phases, deadlines, etc

• Learn to apply knowledge from previous courses in practise – e.g. Software

Engineering Methodology

• Learn how to work as a team – project team

• Learn how to work with customer – customer collaboration

• Learn how to work in SW organization – Our course organization

• Learn to design and implement real working product

• Learn to do inevitable bureaucracy (documents, reports, reviews, etc)

• Content

• Starting a project

• Requirements management & Project management Project plan

• Product & sprint backlogs up-to-date

• Describe requirements & environment modeling

• Implementation & inspections code and pair inspections & reviews

• Quality assurance test planning, testing & testing results

• Delivery ready working SW to customer

• Ending the project Updated plan vs working stuff (demo/reviews)

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Motivation part

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• Prepare yourself for

– Real touch to SW Business Real projects from real


– New contacts to SW business companies (job

opportunities ?)

– Hard work Good results

– Positive and negative learning experiences

– Team work, commitment, (no free-riders)

– Celebration at the end

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Project work

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Thousands of different kind of implementations, products,

projects, teams, processes, environments, etc…

How’s your

project going


It’s like a


nuclear power

plant !It’s like fifteen


monkeys with a

jigsaw puzzle !


How’s your

project going


Fine !

ColleagueProject manager

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Project work - Important

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3. Execution 4. Teamwork

1. Customer 2. Requirements

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Project work – Key issues

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About the SW project


-this course

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OrganizationHarri Sten


Laura Hokkanen

Project Coach, TE

Teemu Laukkarinen, TE

Project Coach

Marko Helenius

Project Coach, TE

Harri Sten

Project Coach

Tero Ahtee


Technology Experts

Marko Helenius

Laura Hokkanen

Teemu Laukkarinen

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Project …

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Roles & Responsibilities


• Chief Executive Officer, General management, course management, high level company

collaboration, business perspective, etc


• Chief Quality Officer, course technology, most of lectures, project work, communication, etc


• Technology Expert, technology lectures & coaching, etc


• Project Coach, coaching of project teams, reporting, problem solving, customer collaboration,

student reviews, etc


• Project Manager, project lead, schedule, task management, planning, other project work,

customer collaboration, contact person for course, etc


• Product Owner, requirement lead, customer collaboration, product backlog, etc


• Scrum Master, sprint backlog, tasks, burndown chart, etc

QA Lead

• Quality Assurance Lead, testing, test planning, testcases, etc

TECH lead

• Technical lead, technology issues, architecture, etc

SW Engineer

• SW planning, development, testing, analysing code, review, etc

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Board meetings (CEO, CQO, and Kari Systa)

• Bi-weekly / when needed

• Course high level issues, grades, promlem solving, etc

Mgmt meetings (CEO, CQO, PCs)

• Weekly

• Project level problems, status, schedule issues, contant issues, etc

Project meetings (Project Manager (PM), Team, PC)

• Weekly / Bi-weekly / when needed

• Project status, project issues & problems, etc

Sprint meeting (PM, Team, PC, Customer)

• End of sprint

• Product & Sprint report, demo, product & sprint backlog planning, etc

Project team meeting (Project members only)

• When needed

• Project related issues (schedule & content & Quality)

Harri Sten / Opening slides

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Project Coach

Role & Responsibilities

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• Help team to start their work

• To support team during project

• Coach for project related issues

• Coach process related issues

• Coach for team & roles related issues

• Review project & product related issues

• Support team to prepare documents, presentations, etc

• Ensure & support team to achieve deadline

• Evaluate team’s & individual’s performance

• Support to establish & maintain customer relationship

• Help & guide in problems & conflicts

• Help course to achieve it’s targets

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Real SW project &


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• In this course we are working in real business environment

• We have several real customer projects & topics

• From real companies

• For you to pick-up one to implement

• Size and content of projects varies (number of credits depends

on your project hour log needed)

• Some projects require special skills (UX, HW, Security, etc)

• You are working with real customer in real business environment

• Act like it as well !

• Topics will be presented next week this time (6.9. Tuesday)

• When you have selected your topic / project

• Inform course CEO & CQO about your choice (via Moodle2)

• Contact to customer

• Establish kick-off meeting

• Start the project…

• Be sure to establish meetings after every sprint for demo and

feedback with the customer

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Forming groups

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• Group size need to be 5-7 persons

• Think

• use of your expertise and

• different expertise of others

• A group must have at least these assigned roles

• PM – Project Manager

• PO – Product Owner

• SM - Scrum Master

• QA Lead

• Tech Lead / Architect

Note: One person can /need to have several roles

Note: All are also doing implementation work

• Group formation deadline is 11.9. (Next week’s Sunday)

• More details can found from course web site…

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International students

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• We have here some international students

• They should join groups with Finnish students

• Every group should have at least two Finnish speaking


• Finns: Please, invite international students to join – this is a

learning opportunity for both parties

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Group actions

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• One of the first action is to create web site for project team

• Basic info about team members, selected project,

reported hours, etc (more info from web)

• Create Project weekly report

• Sent weekly to CEO, Tero Ahtee and your own Project

Coach deadline every Monday 8pm

• Not more than one A4 with current status (just text, no

attachments), what’s new, what’s happening near

future, risks/problems, each persons weekly hour

sum/cumulative hours, etc

• More info from web

• Weekly / BI-weekly/When needed meetings with with

team & Coach

• Note: All kind of templates available via web pages

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Agile / Scrum

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Agile & Processes

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• Selected development process in this course is Agile / Scrum *

• With roles earlier defined, backlogs, sprints, demos, etc

• Here is common sprints & schedule for your project:

2016 2017

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

Sprint 0












& reqs

Implementation Phase


















* Preferred method, but needs to be evaluated case by case


Sprint x



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Sprint plan

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• Number of sprints free to choose – what works best for you and your


• Create sprint backlog for every sprint (no changes during sprint)

• Example:

• Sprint 0

• Customer contact, requirements, modeling, product backlog

• Sprint 1-2

• Implementation, update reqs, first features done, some

prototype, Mid-presentation

• Sprint 3-4-5-X

• Implementation, code reviews, update regs, Xmas break

• Sprint x+1

• Final sprint, quality assurance, error correction, preparing

delivery, project ending phase

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Customer relations

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• Make contact with the customer as soon as possible

(group formed, topic selected)

• Be sure to establish meetings after every sprint for demo

and feedback

• Make sure the customer is prepared to sign off the

project at the last meeting in February

Harri Sten / Opening slides

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Disciplines &Documents

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• Disciplines

• Following phases are included to SW development & delivery to

customer – Requirements management, Modeling, Implementation

(coding), Testing and Delivery

• Two other actions – Project management and Processing working

results – are related to support other primary activities

• Documents

• Project plan with Project plan, details, goals, requirements, resources,

schedule, etc deadline 16.10.

• Mid-Presentation (ppt/pdf) with project & product status, early demo,

working hours, etc 8.11.

• Delivery report to customer with content, intructions, plan vs actuals,

code, etc deadline 5.2. (delivery)

• Final project report to personel (CEO, CQO, Coach) deadline 8.2.

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10 minutes!

Harri Sten / Opening slides

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this course

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Where is all the info ?

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• General in about course & lectures

• Grades & Credits (after the course)

• Etc.

• Course website (visit weekly or even daily)

• Key information source (this info you should trust)

• Schedule, instructions, templates

• Course & project info

• Etc.

• Course Moodle2 (network learning environment)

• Info & Meeting/calendar reservations

• Key Delivery channel

• Etc.

• Emails & POP messages

• When needed

Harri Sten / Opening slides

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Schedule – deadlines

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30.8. Course starts. First lecture 30.8.2016 16:15-18:00 TB109 (mandatory) (CEO Harri Sten).

30.8-4.9. Groups are formed by students. Do that in Moodle2

6.9. Lecture 2 16:15-18:00 TB109 (mandatory): Customer pitches. Customers will tell shortly about their topics.

11.9. Deadline: Teams formed and topic picked (full and ready groups with topic sign in at Moodle2). Sprint zero begins.

14.9. Seminar 1 15:15-19:00 TB109 (mandatory) : Overall SW project, Best project last year, Roles & Responsibilities and Reporting &

Team building

18.9. Deadline: Groups should have had held a kick-off meeting with course staff (coach). Reporting starts (wk37).

21.9. Seminar 2 15:15-19:00 TB109 (mandatory) : Reqs & Customer & legal issues, Project Mgmt and UX & UI & Security

27.9. Lecture 3 16:15-18:00 TB109 (mandatory) : Teamworking & Project Plan

4.10. Lecture 4 16:15-18:00 TB109 (not mandatory) : Acute issues / PPlan & Reqs.

11.10. Lecture 5 16:15-18:00 TB109 (not mandatory) : Acute issues.

16.10. Deadline: Absolute deadline for ending sprint zero (project plan, requirements). Delivery via Moodle2.

(Exam week 17.-21.10.)

24.-28.10. Project plan inspections with CQO (mandatory) (Tero Ahtee). Calendar time-slots are available at Moodle2.

25.10. Lecture 6 16:15-18:00 TB104 (not mandatory) : Still open.

1.11. Visiting lecture 1 16:15-18:00 TB104 (mandatory) : Still open

8.11. Mid-presentations 16:15-18:00 TB104 (mandatory)

(no lecture wk 46)

22.11. Visiting lecture 2 16:15-18:00 TB104 (mandatory) : Still open.

29.11. Lecture 7 16:15-18:00 TB104 (not mandatory) : Acute issues. Preparation for Holiday season

(no lecture wk 49)

(Exam weeks 50-51) (Holiday season wk 52-1, 23.12.-8.1. = project work continues)

9.-15.1. Audit with PCs & support by CQO (mandatory). Calendar time-slots are available at Moodle2.

10.1. Lecture 8 16:15-18:00 TB104 (mandatory) : Still open

16.-29.1.2017 Last "Finalising Sprint", no new features made any more, just quality assurance tasks.

(no lecture wk 3)

24.1. Lecture 9 16:15-18:00 TB104 (not mandatory) or Visitor lecture 2 (mandatory) --> Still open.

30.1.-3.2. Product check (demo, test results, etc) with CQO (mandatory). Calendar time-slots are available at Moodle2.

5.2. Deadline: Product / Project ready (delivery to customer)

8.2. Deadline for final (project) report (deliver to course staff)

10.2. Final presentations (mandatory, whole day event) & evening party (place still open).

13.2.- 24.2. Lessons Learned (final meeting) with course staff (coach and/or someone else) (mandatory)

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Lectures & Seminars

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• This course mainly consist of lectures and project work

• Lectures (3 types: basic, special, visiting)

• Mandatory lectures (focus in early phase)

• Course starting lecture (today 30.8.)

• Customer pitches (6.9.)

• Seminar 1 (14.9.)

• Overall SW project & Best project last year

• Roles and Responsibilities & Reporting and team building

• Seminar 2 (21.9.)

• Requirements & Customer & Legal

• Project mgmt. and UI, UX & Security

• Team working and Project Plan (27.9.)

• Visiting lecture 1 TBD (1.11.)

• Mid-presentations (8.11.)

• Visiting lecture 2 TBD (22.11.)

• Lecture 8 TBD (10.1.)

• Final presentations, whole day event & voluntary evening party (10.2.)

• Voluntary lectures

• Acute issues / focus on some acute issue & Questions & Problems

• Etc

If you are not participating to mandatory lecture, you will have some extra work to cover it (with deadline).

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Learn from others

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• You have an unique opportunity to learn from others in your


• From management, process and implementation decisions

they make

• You have an unique opportunity to follow & learn from ~10 other

projects follow closely

• You have also unique opportunity to learn from customers and

their businesses

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Credit points

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• Course is 5-10 credit points. Credit points are mainly given

based on spent working hours. Approximately 125 hours will

give 5 cu and 250 hours the 10 cu.

• However, the course personnel will check how the hours

were used (emphasis on there should be work, not 100 hours

on sitting at lectures and ambiguous wondering).

• We will also consider the process and the end product.

Hours Credit points

~0 - 124 h 0

~125 – 149 h 5

~150 – 174 h 6

~175 – 199 h 7

~200 – 224 h 8

~225 - 249 h 9

~250 - h 10

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• Requirements• Active participation to forming group, and groupwork.

• Active participation to project on student's own agreed role.

• Student has been active on innovating and finding solutions.

• Active participation to processes, tools usage, and product development.

• Active participation to lectures.

• Grading scale 0-5

• Grading based on points giving by course staff, customer and other

team members (points 0-60p)

• Points coming from• Team implementation together (0-30p) (evaluated by course staff)

• Schedule (0-10p)

• Process / Quality of work (0-10p)

• Quality of end result (usability, architecture, documentation, etc, 0-10p)

• Customer feedback for project (0-10p) (evaluated by customer)

• End product itself(features, requirements, layout, capability develop further,

transformability, etc)

• Quality of end product (functionality, logicality, easy to maintain,

documentation, etc)

• Co-operation with the project team

• Individual performance (0-20p) (evaluated by course staff & other team


• Comparative feedback (yourself and other team members, 0-15p)

• Coach / Other staff evaluation/feedback (0-5p)

Points Grade

0 – 29 p 0

30 – 36 p 1

37 – 42 p 2

43 – 48 p 3

49 – 54 p 4

55 – 60 p 5

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What now ? –

Next week ?

5.9.2016Harri Sten / Opening slides 34

• A lot of information today in short time (see website)

• What you need to do NOW !

• Form teams (5-7 students)

• Come and listen pitches next week (6.9.) and

• Pick topic to implement by 11.9.

• Check course website for schedule and other information !

• Next week (6.9.) company representatives pitch for their topics

(starting at regular time 16:15-)

• Opportunity for you to ask more questions after the session

• Last chance to form groups around a topic – Deadline 11.9.

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Take your responsibility !

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Tensu will show you…

• Course web site

• Course in Moodle2