Proj A Class Paper


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Web-based Training: Why? 1


Web-based Training: Why?

Mary Deloris Sims Carter Linda Gilbert

A. Flynn McCutchen, Jr. T. “Clay” Reynolds

Patrick Ethridge

October 28, 2009

HRD 860: Instructional Materials Development - Project A

Dr. Stephen Bronack

Clemson University

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Web-based Training: Why? 2


As we enter the 2211sstt Century, web-based training (WBT) is becoming a vital component in the

organizational training toolbox. The introduction of the Internet and numerous software tools

has provided both organizational and institutional trainers and traditional classroom instructors

with flexible media that have limitless uses. This paper provides the basis for the selection of

WBT as the tool for this project.

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Web-based Training: Why? 3


Numerous training methods are available, from conventional classroom settings including

instructor-student, facilitator-student, and demonstration) to web-based processes (including self-

directed and facilitated learning. If the objective is to strategically reach the maximum number

of trainees with the least amount of resources, WBT represents the ideal medium.

WBT by definition is a training delivery methodology that uses information technology

applications for learning. Organizations see WBT as a tool to provide the student with up-to-date

knowledge and skills in a uniform and timely manner. Also, it gives the learner control and

versatility to learn at his own pace (Liu, Chiang and Huang, 2007).

Interactive Quality Assessment Tools states “Web Based Training (WBT) is training

which is delivered over a network (LAN, WAN or Internet). Can be either instructor-led or

computer based. Very similar to e-Learning, but it implies that the learning is in the professional

or corporate level” (IQAT Glossary, Retrieved 2009, October 26).

The Web-Based Training Information Center defines web-based training as

“Individualized instruction delivered over public or private computer networks and displayed by

a web browser. WBT is not downloaded CBT, but rather on-demand training stored in a server

and accessed across a network. Web-based training can be updated very rapidly, and access to

the training controlled by the training provider” (Glossary of Online Learning Terms, Retrieved

2009, October 26).

The definitions and uses are unlimited and continue to evolve as we evolve as HRD

training professionals (ASTD, 2009).

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Web-based Training: Why? 4


The goal of this project is to provide human resource development (HRD) students and

future professionals with tools that can help them develop problem solving skills competencies.

WBT is the medium being used to provide self-directed learning, using basic instruction (i.e.

lesson plans), case studies, and outside resources. A primary reason for this medium is the ease

and availability of the resources to provide WBT. Liu, Chiang and Huang (2007) state “Web-

based training will remain predominant to the design and delivery of workplace learning in the

21st century because of its advantages over traditional classroom-based training” (Liu, et al.,

2007). In addition, Liu, Chiang, and Huang agree collectively that “While web-based learning is

unlikely to completely replace traditional training, it offers significant opportunities for corporate

training and continuing education” (Liu,, 2007).

Driscoll (1999) states “A strategic benefit of Web-based training is the ability to educate

a global workforce.” (Driscoll, 1999) National Environmental Health Association (2000) states

“Employers who have implemented Web-based training maintain the approach benefits their

organization-and their employees- in a variety of ways. Considerable savings in money and

time; quality product, as good or better than traditional training classes; flexibility-courses can be

taken at the student’s own pace; and built in administration, including grading, oversight, and

record-keeping features.” (NEHA, 2000)

The WBT instructional methods being implemented, along with reasons for their

selections include:

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Web-based Training: Why? 5

The case study method:

• Involves thoughtful investigation of a situation and associated facts and data that must be

analyzed and presented to a client.

• Engages analytical skills and thoughtful reflection, leading to deep and meaningful

problem analysis.

• Invites collaboration--an integral aspect of the HRD professional’s work.

Self-directed learning:

• Allows students to progress through the module at their own pace.

• Requires students to assume responsibility for incorporating the knowledge gained from

this learning module into the broader lessons learned from the MHRD program.

• Compliments the online learning environment to which MHRD students are already


With these aspects available, Web-based Training is the method of choice (2009).


WBT provides the tools for instructing a large, geographically diverse audience while

accommodating the various needs of individual learners. With high turnover rates of skilled

employees and the proliferation of information technology (IT) systems, a means to adequately

train individuals without expending vast resources continues to be an important consideration.

WBT fills this need with options and capabilities that are only limited by an organization’s


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Web-based Training: Why? 6


American Society for Training and Development (n.d.). The ASTD WLP competency model.

Retrieved October 26,2009, from

Chien-Hung Liu, Tzu-Chiang Chiang, and Yueh-Min Huang (2007). Assessment of

Effectiveness of Web-based Training on Demand Interactive Learning Environments

15(3), 217-235

Driscoll, M. (1999). Web-based Training in the Workplace Adult Learning/TECHNOLOGY

Summer 1999. 21-25

Interactive Quality Assessment Tools. (n.d.) Glossary. Retrieved October 26,2009, from

National Environmental Health Association. (2000). The Future of Training-A Web-Based

Option NEHA Special Report Environmental Health.. 23-25

Self-directed Learning Information. (December 16, 2008). Retrieved October 26,2009, from

University of Illinois. (n.d.). Instructional strategies for online courses. Retrieved October 26,

2009, from


Web-Based Training Information Center. (n.d.) Glossary of Online Learning Terms. Retrieved

October 26, 2009, from