Progress, Goodwill, Friendship June 2015 THE...

Progress, Goodwill, Friendship June 2015 THE FOUNTAINHEAD Fountain Valley Woman’s Club Fountain Valley, CA Organized 1964 * Federated 1965 President’s Message – Live by the Golden Rule Our new Board members were installed in May and we welcome Mandy Hall, Laura Woods, Jean Hardy and Sharon Schneider. We are still in need of a 1 st V.P. Dean. Anyone interested? I want to thank our current chairmen of our Community Service Programs for their service and I hope they will continue next year. I also can’t say “thank you” enough to all the members of the club for your continued support and generosity. There are many activities that you can get involved in and I hope you can find something that interests you. The Gaveleers are in charge of the program in June when we will be celebrating our 51st birthday. This will be our last newsletter until September so I wish you all a wonderful summer wherever your travels take you and come back home safe and refreshed. Edythe The Million Steppers at StoneFire Grill fundraiser MEMBER: GENERAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S CLUBS, INTERNATIONAL President: Edythe Muse Editor: Robin Fayette

Transcript of Progress, Goodwill, Friendship June 2015 THE...

Progress, Goodwill, Friendship June 2015

THE FOUNTAINHEAD Fountain Valley Woman’s Club Fountain Valley, CA

Organized 1964 * Federated 1965

President’s Message – Live by the Golden Rule

Our new Board members were installed in May and we welcome Mandy Hall, Laura

Woods, Jean Hardy and Sharon Schneider. We are still in need of a 1st V.P. Dean.

Anyone interested?

I want to thank our current chairmen of our Community Service Programs for their

service and I hope they will continue next year. I also can’t say “thank you” enough to

all the members of the club for your continued support and generosity. There are many

activities that you can get involved in and I hope you can find something that interests


The Gaveleers are in charge of the program in June when we will be celebrating our 51st

birthday. This will be our last newsletter until September so I wish you all a wonderful

summer wherever your travels take you and come back home safe and refreshed.


The Million Steppers at StoneFire Grill fundraiser


President: Edythe Muse

Editor: Robin Fayette

Fountain Valley Woman’s Club – Live by the Golden Rule

1st VP / Dean – Connie Wadsley

Congratulations to our incoming 2015-16 Board of Officers. Thank you for your

willingness to serve in an important leadership role. I wish you a year filled with

successful events and projects and some laughs along the way. If you were a committee

chairman this past club year and would consider serving again as a chairman, please let

President Edythe Muse know of your willingness. If you were not a chairman last year

but would consider becoming a chair or assist one of the Board members or chairman,

please let Edythe Muse know of your interest in becoming involved. If you have a

passion for some philanthropic project and would like the club to consider supporting it,

let Edythe Muse know. It takes everyone's involvement if we are to continue our success

in supporting so many worthwhile causes in our local community. I truly believe the

more you put into the club and its activities the more you will gain in friendship and

fulfillment. Have a wonderful summer!

Just in from Orange District: Ladies, the 2015 Summer Workshop will be August 13,

2015, at the Woman's Civic Club of Garden Grove. The cost will be $5.00. This is just a

heads up as the Call will go out later. We just wanted you to have the date so you may

plan your calendars accordingly.



VP / Membership – Margaret Abend

Fountain Valley Woman’s Club has 85 members as of May 2015. 62 members have

paid dues for the 2015-16 year. If you have not paid dues for the upcoming year this is

the time to write your check for $40 payable to Fountain Valley Woman’s Club. Mandy

Hall is the new 2nd

VP/Membership, checks can be given to her.

At the June meeting we will be awarding the year pins: Marge Schneider 45 years,

Barbara Montz and Marilyn Walker 10 years, Edythe Muse, Connie Wadsley, Martha

Furlong and Jane Irvin 5 years. There are 27 members who have been with the club less

than 5 years.

June Birthdays: Sandra Murray 6/4, Laura Woods 6/8, Magda Gharbo and Karen

Markovich 6/10, Jeanette Locke 6/30.

July Birthdays: Donna Kubelka and Liz Lucerno 7/3, Mandy Hall and Joyce Osborn

7/4, Tina Rands 7/13, Allison Ouren 7/17, June LoCicero 7/21, Dolores Carrozzo 7/24,

Bobbie Hoole 7/27, Rita Koval 7/28, Virginia Harter 7/29, Connie Wadsley 7/31.

August Birthdays: Rafida Saadi 8/2, Joan Kulik 8/4, Patricia Stewmon 8/13, Cindy

Dobson 8/17, Carol Hedenberg 8/25, Cindy Reynolds 8/26, Colleen Lanham 8/28.

3rd VP / Programs – Sandra Murray

June is our Club’s birthday month and “The Gaveleers” (the past presidents) are in charge

of the festivities.

Fountain Valley Woman’s Club - Live by the Golden Rule


VP / Luncheons – Cindy Dobson

Hello Ladies,

This will be my last official correspondence with you as I am passing along the position

of 4th VP Luncheons to Laura Woods. She will do a wonderful job for you!

Our June lunch has been chosen by our Gaveleers. It will be Hickory Chicken and salad

with the healthy choice the delicious Grilled Salmon. Of course, there will also be cake

this month to celebrate the club birthday!! Both options will be $20.

Centerpieces will be provided by our June hosts, the Gaveleers! Thanks for the party,


Following normal policy, if you are on the permanent list, we will assume that you will

be at the meeting and will order the regular lunch unless I hear from you. If you are

not on the permanent list, please contact me by email or phone to make your reservation.

Also, of course, notify me if you will be adding a guest to your reservation. In wishing

to keep costs down, we must charge you if you make a reservation for yourself or a

guest, and then do not come to the meeting. You are also responsible for the meal

charge if you are on the permanent list, but do not notify me ahead of time that you

are unable to come.

Please email me, Cindy Dobson, or call by Thursday, June 4 by 7pm with any changes if

you are on the permanent list, or with your reservation if you are not. Thanks so much!


VP / Luncheons – Karen Fox

from incoming VP, Jean Hardy:

"A Call to Arms" for the 2 co-chairs needed for the Holiday Progressive Brunch.

2 friends to get together to take over from Cindy & Carolyn,

whom I’m sure will be happy to advise.

All interested please contact Jean

Fountain Valley Woman’s Club - Live by the Golden Rule

Chairmen Reports

Scholarships – Connie Wadsley

What a generous, giving community of women comprise FVWC !! I was absolutely stunned when so many of you stepped forward with donations totaling $1,250 to increase our scholarship fun to $6,000 during the meeting time! Thank you to each and every one of you who supported the Steppers fundraiser, the Spring Scholarship Social or gave checks and cash at the meeting. The 12 students selected by the committee include: From Mater Dei - MaryKate Simes; From Fountain Valley HS-Christian Warloe, Nisha Yerunkar, Joshea Bernardin, Judy Beik, Dana Miller, Ryann Husted, Stephanie Medina, and Megan Ching; From Los Amigos-Nthan Bui, Alexandra Truillo and Joseph Baez. Every one of these students is amazing, involved in community service and has huge goals for their future. They have been invited to our June meeting so that you can meet and congratulate them. I hope you will be impressed and pleased that we were able to offer so much support this year to these deserving students.

Blanketmaking – Marilyn Bennett

Blanketmaking sessions are planned throughout the summer months (June, July and August) from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at FV Historical site, Heritage Park (next to the library) on the following dates:

Monday, June 15 (3rd Monday of June) Monday, July 13 (2nd Monday of July due to Host Town Special Olympics) Monday, August 17 (3rd Monday of August)

Mark your calendars and save those dates. There will be a sign up clipboard at the June meeting even though it’s difficult to plan for the entire summer now. Remember, you can also call me or email me. You will be contacted prior to each session as a reminder. Plan to join in for the day or even a few hours. It’s a nice place to spend some time in the summer, socialize, have fun and ‘make a difference’.

Fountain Valley Woman’s Club - Live by the Golden Rule

Conservation – Marilyn Bennett

The saying goes, “It’s going to be a long, hot summer!” For us, “It’s going to be a long, dry summer!” Repeatedly, no doubt on a daily basis, we’ll be reminded to save water, reduce water usage, do not water the lawn or take 5-minute showers. Do we heed to the ‘hype’? I’m certain that we do. Now, when turning on the water to clean veggies or do something else at the kitchen sink, I think, “Don’t leave the water running the entire time. Turn it off and just rinse the veggies after they have been prepared or peeled”. We subconsciously remember the warnings we’ve heard.

How much water are we in the habit of using? The average family of four uses 400 gallons of water per day. Reducing that usage by 20%, the family would use only 320 gallons per day and that would be 80 gallons per person each day. How much water do we use for all of our daily activities? The bath fixtures average 2 gallons per minute, and a shower averages 2.5 gallons per minute. Since, an older washing machine can use anywhere from 27 to 54 gallons per load, it is suggested to wash only full loads. You can find the water usage for different household appliances at

Any modern toilet that has a defect can lose 1 to 2 gallons per minute depending on the water pressure. A leaky or ‘running’ toilet can lose as much as 120 gallons every hour. That can be more than 1,000 gallons in a 12-hour period. Quickly, call the plumber—get the fixtures repaired or replaced—and, in the meantime, turn off the water supply to the defective fixture.

May I encourage you to enjoy the summer and the 2-minute showers!

Focus on Health – Kathleen Rockney

City Council Meeting Recognition!

On May 19, 2015, our FVWC Million Steppers were recognized for our contribution to

the city's Host Town Project for Special Olympics at that evening's City Council

meeting. We handed over our check for $650, which was half of what was raised at our

April 28 Stonefire Grill fundraiser ($302 from the restaurant and the rest from

opportunity drawing ticket sales). Rob Frizzelle, the chairperson for this project, did a

great job introducing us, and describing our fundraiser.

Thank you AGAIN for coming out to support us at Stonefire Grill!!! It was quite a party,

and Stonefire Grill was happy to host us!

We steppers are quietly stepping towards the end of our project which will complete

on July 4. A few steppers have already hit TWO million steps, and most have already hit

their ONE million! All 27 who started, are still logging steps. That in itself is an


Focus on Health, continued next Page………………….

Fountain Valley Woman’s Club – Live by the Golden Rule

Focus on Health – Continued

Six Steps to a Healthy Summer!

Our club goes "dark" after our June luncheon and until September, but our individual

lives don't. So, here are some ideas to help you enjoy the healthiest summer possible!

1. Drink lots of water! Yes, you've heard this for decades, but it's true. Often, we think

we drink a lot of water, but we don't. Fill a 64 oz. glass pitcher with water each morning,

and drink from it till it is empty that night. You'll soon discover how little you do drink,

until you make it a conscious choice. The point is to give yourself a measuring device to

make sure you get what your body needs. Drink water just in sips during meals so you

don't dilute important digestive enzymes, then "have at it" between meals.

(Hint: Use lemon wedges, cucumber slices, sliced fresh strawberries or sprigs of mint to

add some pizzazz to your water.)

2. Cut out sodas! Yes, I know you love them, but at what cost? Even if they were all-

natural, the caffeine dehydrates you and the sugar creates insulin surges. If you're

drinking the supposedly sugar-free calorie-free versions, they are chemical factories that

send your entire body into fight mode - and they STILL raise insulin levels which

increases belly fat - even without real sugar.

(Hint: Ease out of your habit so the withdrawals are minimal, and replace with an

activity that gives you that serotonin lift that you think you're getting from sodas.)

3. Move! Yes, you feel aches and pains, but gentle movement is often the very thing

that will lower their occurrence. You avoid moving because of the aches, and that

lessening of movement creates more aches. Break the cycle, a tiny bit at a time. Find

activities that are fun! There are senior levels of yoga, swimming, water aerobics,

walking groups, etc., just waiting for you. Even walking in malls, at Costco, or around

town counts as positive, healthy movement.

(Hint: Ask a friend to be your walking or exercise class buddy.)

4. Wear sunscreen! Despite the damage that sun exposure can cause (due to the

depletion of our earth's protective ozone layer), many healthy activities do occur

outdoors. Plus, it simply lifts a person's mood to be outside. Brief exposure to the sun

can be healthy, as your body soaks up rays and creates much-needed Vitamin D. But,

you only need about 10 minutes of that very early in the morning a few times a week.

After that, slather on good sunscreen and/or wear protective clothing.

(Hint: Keep a small tube of sunscreen in your purse and a floppy hat in your car, for

those impromptu chances to enjoy our sunny weather.)

5. Enjoy fresh produce! With the emergence of more farmer's markets, fresh - and

even organic - produce is getting easier to find. But, whether you gather your veggies

and fruit at a farmer's market or your local supermarket, do gather them! Fruit is the lazy

person's way back to health as it often simply needs to be washed, peeled and maybe

sliced. And, many veggies can be eaten both raw and steamed. Veggies first, and fruit as

dessert. Focus on Health, continued next Page………………….

Fountain Valley Woman’s Club - Live by the Golden Rule

Focus on Health – Continued

(Hint: Consider doing a once-a-week prep afternoon, where you peel and cut fresh

vegetables and fruits, then put them into glass containers in your refrigerator for easy

snack access or to quickly steam them for a meal.)

6. And, finally - Just chill! (This is my hardest step!) We are here to feel joy. It can be

felt while playing with a grandchild or pet. It can be felt when a butterfly floats by or a

bird's song awakens you in the morning. If you are someone often mired in worry, use

this summer to take more deep breaths and simply enjoy moments in your day. Use this

summer to count your blessings!

(Hint: Look for what I call "accidental moments of joy" where something causes a

flicker of a smile inside. You'll be surprised how many more of those start happening,

when you start to notice them!)

Have a wonderful, happy and healthy summer!

Our Special Chairmen

Sunshine - Sandra Murray

Please continue to phone or e-mail if you hear of our ladies who need a card.

Literary Corner – Rafida Saadi

June is a special month for birthdays, weddings, graduations and family reunions. June also heralds the long hot summer but breezy days and nights are always a promise. American Romantic poet and diplomat James Russell Lowell (1819 -1891) who was among the first American poets to rival the popularity of the British poets wrote a beautiful poem about June. He tries to find the rarity of feelings on a summer day by evoking all the senses. His words find inspiration in Nature to instill hope and joy in the human heart. Emotions are hard to explain but poetry always finds a way. Hope you all enjoy this poem and the pleasant days of summer in peace and blessings.

What Is So Rare As A Day In June - by James Russell Lowell

And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days; Then Heaven tries earth if it be in tune, And over it softly her warm ear lays; Whether we look, or whether we listen, We hear life murmur, or see it glisten… We may shut our eyes but we cannot help knowing That skies are clear and grass is growing; The breeze comes whispering in our ear, That dandelions are blossoming near, Joy comes, grief goes, we know not how; Everything is happy now…

WEBSITES: Club: CFWC Orange District (OD): California Federation of Women’s Clubs (CFWC): General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC):


June12 (Fri) GFWC Convention, Memphis


June 1 (Mon) The Readers, 10am

June 4 (Thur) Deadline for FVWC June 9th luncheon reservations

June 4 (Thur) FVWC In & Out Board Meeting

June 9 (Tue) FVWC Luncheon/Meeting, CLAIM JUMPER, 11:00am

June 15 (Mon) Blanketmakers 10am-3pm Heritage Park

Aug 15 (Sat) Deadline for The Fountainhead “September” newsletter articles

Fountain Valley Woman’s Club 18030 Brookhurst St., PMB 403

Fountain Valley CA 92708

FVWC June Newsletter

E-Mail Exclusive Picture Gallery

The Million Steppers and the Host Town Project for Special Olympics

City Council Meeting Recognition!

Kathleen with Rob Frizzelle

and the balloons he brought to the fundraiser for us at StoneFire Grill

Add’l photos received…..thought everyone would enjoy…..

From the May meeting

Installation of new Members Carol Ann Van Holt and Jay Adams (center) with Club members Carol Proctor and Lynn Seeden

The new 2015 – 2016 Executive Board

President Edythe with her president’s gift May birthdays