Program guide Book - KMC Solutions Campaign_SFTI... · successful model in a new way? Scalability...


Transcript of Program guide Book - KMC Solutions Campaign_SFTI... · successful model in a new way? Scalability...

Page 1: Program guide Book - KMC Solutions Campaign_SFTI... · successful model in a new way? Scalability (20%) • Can the idea be scaled and the therefore impact be multiplied? • Can

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Programguide Book

Page 2: Program guide Book - KMC Solutions Campaign_SFTI... · successful model in a new way? Scalability (20%) • Can the idea be scaled and the therefore impact be multiplied? • Can


• What is the SFTI campaign?

• Mission

• What you can get

• What to expect in the Mentorship program

• What we’re looking for

• Pitch Day

Page 3: Program guide Book - KMC Solutions Campaign_SFTI... · successful model in a new way? Scalability (20%) • Can the idea be scaled and the therefore impact be multiplied? • Can

WhaT IS The SPace For The IngenIouS (SFTI) PrograM?

A team effort of KMC Solutions, provider of flexible spaces and staff augmentation in the Philippines, and Impact Hub Manila, a global community providing incubation programs, workshops, and trainings.

is our aim—encourage more startups and entrepreneurs to pursue groundbreaking causes in fintech, medtech, SaaS, mobile, wellness/health tech, e-commerce, and much more. This will be the first run of the program to be opened on a regular basis.

To eMPoWer The SPIrIT oF InnovaTIonIn The counTry

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OPeratIOn netwOrK Strategy

Our goal is to become a support structure forlocal Startups in three key business components:

These components are what we believe can help you manifest your ideas.

Winners will get a head start to grow through the combined support of KMC Solutions and Impact Hub Manila.

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WhaT you can geT

• Modern Coworking Spaces

• High-Speed Internet

• 24/7 IT Support Services

• Meeting Room usage

• Access to Amenities

6 Months Free use of Coworking Space and Mentorship Program

• FREE access to any global

Impact Hub Satellite

• Access a network of 17,500+

members in 100+ cities across

the globe

• Intensive Incubation Bootcamp

for six (6) months

• Trainings and Capacity Building

with KMC Solutions industry leaders

OPeratIOn netwOrK Strategy

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WhaT To exPecT In TheIncubaTIon booTcaMP

In this program, you can

6- Month innovative training program

Empowerment of entrepreneurs and ideators

Sharing of best case practices from Partners

Wide variety of program mentors

Positioning of Partners as leaders in innovation

Collaborate with others and add to your network

See if you are really meant to pursue your business idea

Gain the discipline & structure for your business to scale

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IncubaTIon booTcaMP ouTlIne

2Knowing the right set of tools and strategies for creating your brand, and making sure you are able to communicate the right message to the right market.

Learn how to work through the steps of conceptualizing a new enterprise.

1Setting up a strong foundation while (re)creating your startup through having an intensive understanding of the Problem-Solution Fit, Minimum Viable Product, Market Size, Opportunity, and Competition, and our very own Business Model Canvas.

Business Model Marketing

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IncubaTIon booTcaMP ouTlIne

We’ll take you through the entire startup process; from ideation and business planning, to launch.

3 4Seeing through the investors’ eye and understanding how to raise funds as you start your business. Be equipped with the right knowledge for creating your financial plan in the simplest and most iterative way.

Understanding how you can sell your story effectively to your customers and investors, and get the chance to practice your pitch in front of your cohorts.

Finance Sales and Pitching

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WhaT We’re lookIng For


Startups in the following Verticals or Specialization

Medtech SaaS

Leverage software to compete with traditional financial services institutions in the delivery of traditional financial services or software tools that better enable traditional finance functions.

Technology used to save lives in individuals suffering from a wide range of conditions—diagnosing, monitoring and treating virtually every disease or condition.

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a method of software delivery that allows data to be accessed from any device with internet connection and web browser.

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WhaT We’re lookIng For

Health / Wellness Tech Mobile E-Commerce

Leveraging software and technology to augment approaches to developing or maintaining broad-reaching categories in health and wellness—beauty, fitness, mind, body, nutrition, tourism, alternative medicine and spas.

Advances in mobile communications and smartphone technology, and digital app development.

Advancement in buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data over an electronic network.

Startups in the following Verticals or Specialization

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PitchDayan event where selected FInaLIStS will be pitching their Startup to a panel

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DeTaIlS oF The evenT




May 10, Thursday; 2:00-7:00PM

20F Robinson’s Cyber Sigma,

Lawton Ave, Taguig, Metro Manila

A maximum of 2 members per team

kindly block off the whole day in case

you’ll be part of the finalist line-up

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Prepare your pitch presentation


Showcase your startup and the

positive impact it creates

Share why you are looking for

mentorship and support

Network with like-minded

individuals during the event socials

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gregory kittelson

Chairman & Co-Founder

KMC Mag Group Inc.

Michael Mccullough

Managing Director &


KMC MAG Group Inc.

ces rondario

CeO and Co-founder

Impact Hub Manila

David Foote



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PITch PreSenTaTIon guIDelIneS P.1

This outline is only to help you narrow down important details, butbe as creative as you can to make the best impression to your panel.

Describe a pain point that you may be alleviating or something valuable that you are providing.

Explain the initiative you want to propose to address the challenges you have identified.

Explain why alleviating this pain point is important or why it is needed need.

Describe the technology, secret sauce, or magic behind your proposed initiative. Less text and more diagrams / flowcharts / visuals, better.

challenge / oPPorTunITy


value ProPoSITIon

unDerlyIng MagIc





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PITch PreSenTaTIon guIDelIneS P.2

Describe the resources you already currently have, the gaps that you observe are existing and what potential resources you may need to move forward.

BRIEFLY, How do you plan on executing this? What are your Goals 1, 2, and 3?

Are there some measurable / numerical data needed for your proposed initiative to be feasible? You can put that here.

What is it that you need? Why are you going to them for support?

exISTIng & neeDeD reSourceS

acTIon Plan

key MeTrIcS / DaTa






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PITchIng MechanIcS

Strictly 5 minutes to pitch and 5 minutes for panel Q&A.

Pitching Duration

Pitching Criteria

Team(10%)• Does the whole

team stand 100%

for the idea?

• Do they believe

in their ability to

implement the


Innovation (20%)• Is the idea

new or uniquely


• Does it

interpret a

successful model

in a new way?

Scalability(20%)• Can the idea be

scaled and the

therefore impact

be multiplied?

• Can the idea

serve as a

multiplier for

other initiatives?

Readiness (25%)• Has the idea

been developed

a prototype or

initially launched

to the market?

Feasibility(25%)• Does a realistic

business model

and roadmap exist?

• Can the venture

become financially

sustainable over


Page 18: Program guide Book - KMC Solutions Campaign_SFTI... · successful model in a new way? Scalability (20%) • Can the idea be scaled and the therefore impact be multiplied? • Can

FaQsKindly read through this before sending in your queries in case we already have your questions answered in the list

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FaQs P.1

1. how do I know if I’m a finalist?

An announcement will be made in KMC Solutions’ social media platforms and an email notification will be sent to the main contact person indicated in the application form.

Don’t forget to check your email inbox or spam folder.

2. What happens if I don’t make it as a finalist?

You are welcome to attend pitch day and the after socials so you could network with other startups and the panelists.

This would be a chance for you to view the workspace too, as we’re celebrating the launch of our Cyber Sigma facility.

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FaQs P.2

3. If I’m a finalist, how will I be pitching?

Presentation with a pitch deck is preferred, but please feel free to be creative in your demo for our jury. Videos and info graphics are highly encouraged for visual aid.

You are allowed to bring samples of your products / systems as long as they are not messy or bulky Please take note of the limited time you have. No extensions will be made.

4. Should my team and I bring any equipment?

We will be providing a laptop and TV screen with audio for presentation. Please email your presentations in PDF format on or before May 9, 5:00PM.

Presentations that are submitted late will not be double checked for compatibility.

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FaQs P.3

5. Is there a dress code?

Please come in presentable attire. No slippers / flipflops, revealing tops for women and sleeveless shirts (sando) for men.

7. When will we know the results?

Deliberation and announcement of winners during the pitch will be on the same day.

6. When will the 6-month integration begin?

It will start within the month of May. This will be planned in coordination with the chosen startups to make sure that everyone will be available to attend.

8. What happens if we aren’t chosen as winners after the pitch?

You can apply in the next run for the program which is to be announced. Stay in touch and follow us in social media.

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We hoPe ThIS helPeDgooDluck & We hoPe

To See you!

For more questions:[email protected]

(+632) 779-6540