Professional Digital Portfolio 2012. Global Economy Increased competition Thomas L. Friedman: The...

Professional Digital Portfolio 2012

Transcript of Professional Digital Portfolio 2012. Global Economy Increased competition Thomas L. Friedman: The...

Professional Digital Portfolio


Global Economy

• Increased competition• Thomas L. Friedman: The World

is Flat– A job that can become routine will be

outsourced or automated.– What will make you competitive in

the modern world?

The Seven Survival Skills1. Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving

2. Learn to ask really good questions

3. Oral and Written Communication

– Persuasive

– Writing with a voice

4. Collaboration

5. Agility & Adaptability

6. Initiative & Entrepreneurialism

7. Curiosity & Imagination

File Management

• Create a folder on your flash drive (back it up inside your “My Documents” folder)– Name the folder: LastNameDigitalPortfolio

(include your first initial if necessary) – For Example: MaherDigitalPortfolio Do NOT

include spaces in your folder name– You will save all of your html files to this

local root folder• Inside your Portfolio folder create two

additional folders:– Images– Documents

• All documents will be moved to or saved in this folder

*Be sure to define your site properly*Be sure that all of your HTMl files, stylesheets,

documents, images,and projects are saved in your Digital Portfolio folder (Ex. MaherDigitalPorfolio)

Your Home Page

Home Page

• Focus on the content• Your Home Page should introduce the

following clearly and concisely:– what’s on your site– where to find it– how to contact you– why they should explore furtherEverything else is subordinate to these four


• As a general rule your homepage should look slightly different than the rest of your site.

Home Page

• Don’t tell them – tell them what you’re going to tell them

• Don’t write too much. • Decide what you want people to

do – identify two actions and focus on them.

Common Objectives

• grab your attention• stir your emotions• build your interest• get you involved• develop your appetite• establish credibility and trust• persuade you to take action

Be Aware

• Most people don’t read websites – they scan them

• Search engines can’t read pictures; they read words


If you want an effective, search engine friendly website, things to stay away from include:

1. Intros designed in Flash, the animation technology for websites.

2. Revolving globes, bevelled line separators and animated mail boxes.

3. Too many pop-up or pop-under boxes. 4. Autoplay music. Let your customer choose to

play music if offering it strengthens your message.

5. Free hit counters saying "you’re the 27th visitor" – big deal.

6. Date and time stamps, unless you update your website daily or weekly.

7. Busy backgrounds.

Focus on

• your core content• easy navigation• interactivity • promoting your site to your

target audience

Plan Your Site

• Research• Flow Chart

– Paper– Word– Inspiration

• Story Board (sketch) of your home page– Paper– Fireworks

Digital Portfolio

Your Digital Portfolio folder should be named:

LastNameDigitalPortfolioEx. KMaherDigitalPortfolio

Be sure:•your site is properly defined•all of your images, documents, and files are stored in your portfolio folder

Peer Review

• Design (Aesthetics)– Color choices– Contrast– Consistency

• Content– Professionalism– Well written? (formal, free of

grammar and spelling errors)– Appropriate (do NOT date yourself;

no grades, age, or mention of elementary or middle school; use years instead.)