Production Cost Models

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Transcript of Production Cost Models

  • 8/12/2019 Production Cost Models




    Production cost models are computational models designed to calculate information

    for long-range system planning:

    generation system production costs

    energy import requirements

    availability of energy for sale to other systems

    fuel consumption

    employs models of expected load patterns and simulated

    operation of the systems generation uncertainty of load forecasts

    reliability of generating units

    expected need for emergency energy and capacity supplies

    uses statistical computational methods for solving problems

    Stochastic production cost models

    used for long range studies

    the risk of sudden, random, generating unit failures andrandom deviations for the mean forecasted load aretreated as probability distributions

    load modeling considers the behaviors of the expectedload patterns that cover periods of weeks, months, and/oryears the load duration cover expresses the time period that the

    loading is expected to equal or exceed a given power value

    generating unit modeling includes fuel costs usuallyexpressed over a monthly basis generating unit scheduled maintenance outages may involve time

    periods from days to years


    Types of production cost studies

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    Load Duration Curves Representation of future loads in which the impact

    of capacity limitations will be studied

    Building the load-duration curve

    consider the expected load pattern

    Load Duration Curves build a histogram of

    load for a given timeperiod and find theload density function,p(x)

    integrate the loaddensity function toobtain the loaddistribution function,

    Load Duration Curves

    Building the loadduration curve

    multiply the probabilityby the period length to

    show the number of hoursthat load equals orexceeds a given powerlevel, L

    common convention hasthe load on the verticalaxis

    Block Loading

    simulates the economic dispatch

    procedure with this type of load model

    generating units are ordered by cost

    units are assumed to be fully loaded or

    loaded up to the limitation of the load-

    duration curve

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    Example: Niagara-Mohawk System

    Internal Peak Load is 1700 MW

    Example 8A

    consider a two generating unit system

    that will serve the following expected

    load pattern:

    construct a load-duration curve in tabular

    and graphic form

    load-duration curve as a form of probability


    The load density and distribution functions, p(x) and

    Pn(x), respectively, are probabilities. Thus, p(20) = 0, p(40) = 20/100 = 0.2, p(60) = 0,

    Pn(20) = Pn(40) = 1.0, and Pn(60) = 0.8, and so


    the two generating units have the following characteristics

    the fuel cost rate for each unit is a linear function of the

    power output i.e.

    F(P) = fuel cost at zero output + incremental cost rate x P.

    block-load the two units onto the load-duration curve

    unit #1 is used first because of its lower average cost per


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    unit #1 is on-line for 100 h

    80 MW output for 80 h

    40 MW output for 20 h

    unit #2 is on-line for 20 h

    20 MW output for 20 h


    the production costs for unit 1

    = hours on line x no load fuel cost rate + energy generated x

    incremental fuel cost rate

    = 100 h x 160 $/h + (6400 + 800) MWh x 8 $/MWh

    = 16,000 $ + 57,600 $ = 73,600

    Forced Outages

    the time that the unit is not available due to a failure ofsome sort

    represents a random event

    taken out of the total time that the unit should be available

    for service the forced outage rate is the ratio of forced outage

    time over the total time available

    schedule outage times for maintenance are excluded inboth the total time available and the forced outage time

    Forced outage rates for all generating units must beaccounted for in the expected production costs

    Example 8b

    reconsider the previous example, but now including the effects of forced


    evaluate by load levels

    Load = 40 MW; duration 20 h

    Unit 1: on-line for 20 h, operates for 0.95 20 = 19 houtput: 40 MW, energy delivered: 19 40 = 760 MWh

    Unit 2: on-line for 1 h, operates for 0.90 1 = 0.9 h

    output: 40 MW, energy delivered: 0.9 40 = 36 MWh

    load energy = 800 MWh

    generation = 796 MWh

    unserved energy = 4 MWh

    shortage = 40 MW for 0.1 h

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    it was necessary to make an arbitrary assumption that thesecond unit will be on-line for any load level that equals orexceeds the capacity of the first unit

    the enumeration of the possible states is not complete

    need to separate the periods when there is excess capability,exact matching of generation and load, and shortages

    when there is an exact matching of generation and load, it isreferred to as a zero-MW shortage

    there are two such periods in the example

    40 MW loading, 20 h duration, unit 2 on: 0.05 0.9 20 = 0.9 h

    80 MW loading, 60 h duration, unit 1 on: 0.95 0.1 60 = 5.7 h

    total zero-reserve expected duration: 6.6 h

    Summary of all possible states

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    Summary of generation cost results unserved load

    Probabilistic Production Cost

    Operating experience indicates that the force outage rateof thermal-generating units tends to increase with unit size the frequent long-duration outages of the more efficient base-

    load units require running the less efficient, more expensive plantsat higher than expected output and the importation of

    emergency energy Two measures of system unreliability due to random

    forced generator failures: time period when the load is greater than available generation


    the expected levels of power and energy that must be importedto satisfy the load demand

    these are sensitivity indicators of the need to add generatoror tie-line capacity

    Probabilistic Production Cost Computations

    mathematical methods that make use of probabilistic models load models

    energy and capacity models for generators generator models represent the unavailability of basic energy resources,

    random forced outages, and the effects of energy sale/purchase contracts

    tie-line models represent the expected cost of emergency energy, also

    called the cost of unsupplied energy

    techniques for the convolution of the load distributions with thecapacity-probability density functions numerical convolution of discrete functions

    Unserved load distribution method

    Expected cost method

    analytical convolution of continuous functions Cumulants method

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    The Unserved Load Distribution Method

    The area under the load distributions represent needed


    The individual unit probability capacity density functions areconvolved one by one with the load distribution function

    each convolution result is an unserved load distribution, which will be

    used for the next convolution

    the overall result is a series of unserved load distributions

    the sequence of convolutions is determined by a fixed economicloading criterion that sets the order of the generator units

    A units energy production is found from the difference in the

    energy from the unserved load distribution prior to convolution

    and the energy from the new unserved load distribution after

    the convolution

    The Expected Cost Method

    The individual unit probability capacity densityfunctions are convolved with one another

    the sequence of convolutions is determined by a fixedeconomic criterion that sets the order of the generator units

    the convolutions of the generating units produces a set ofavailable capacity distributions, each with an associatedcost curve as a function of total power generated

    The resultant expected cost curve is convolved withthe load distribution function this produces the expected value of production cost to serve

    the given load forecast

    Data Representation

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    The Unserved Load Method

    Load is modeled as a load-duration curve

    a probability distribution that is expressed in hours that the load equals

    or exceeds a given power value

    monotonically decreasing function with increasing load

    can be treated as cumulative probability density function, Pn(x) or can be

    expressed in hours, T Pn(x) where T is the duration of time interval

    for numerical analysis

    treat it in terms of regular discrete steps in a recursive algorithm

    procedural steps if there is a segment of capacity with a total of C MW available for


    let q be the probability that C MW are unavailable

    and p = 1 q (that is the availability probability of the segment)

    The Unserved Load Method

    then after the segment is scheduled

    the probability of needing x MW or more is now

    because the occurrence of loads and unexpected

    unit outages are statistically independent events, the

    new probability distribution function is a combination

    of the two mutually exclusive events is the probability that new capacity C MW is

    unavailable and needing x MW or more

    is the probability that C is available andneeding (x + C) MW or more

    The Unserved Load Method

    first, the generation requirements for anygenerating segment are determined by theknowledge of the distribution that existsprior to the dispatch of the particular generating

    segment the value of determines the required hours of

    operation of a new unit, and the area under the distribution between zero and the rating of the unit determinesthe energy production

    if a generation segment is not perfectly reliable, there willbe a residual distribution of demands that cannot be servedby this particular segment because of forced outages

    The Unserved Load Method

    Representing the forced outage when the unit is neededfor hours

    on average it is only available for hours energy required by the load distribution that the unit could serve

    the unit can only generate because of its expected


    suppose that the unit has a linear input-output cost function the

    expected production cost for this period

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    The Unserved Load Method

    there is a residual of unserved demands due to

    the forced outages of the unit

    the new distribution of the probabilities ofunserved load

    the process may be repeated until all units have

    been scheduled a residual distribution remains that gives the

    final distribution of unserved demand

    Example 8C

    Example 8C Example 8C

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    Example 8C Example 8C

    Example 8C Example 8C

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