Process of Reproductive Cloning

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Transcript of Process of Reproductive Cloning

  • 8/9/2019 Process of Reproductive Cloning



    CloningBy Kiyo T IB2-10

  • 8/9/2019 Process of Reproductive Cloning


    4.4.12 Outline a technique for

    cloningusing diferentiatedanimal cells.Diferentiated animal cells means that the cells thatare used have already diferentiated and lost theirunction as stem cells

    Clone - a group o genetically identical organisms ora group o cells derived rom a single parent cell.

    In reproductive cloning, the whole genetic code

    except the mitochondrial DNA is reproduced rom asingle parent cell.

    he most common reproductive cloning techni!ue is

    somatic cell nuclear transer, (SCNT)using

    diferentiated animal cells.

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    SCNT(Somatic cell nucleartransfer

    The nucleus removed from the ooc!te leaving "ehind allother cellular components such as the mitochondria andc!toplasm

    the #N$ of a di%erentiated "od!&somatic cell is

    e'tracted from the nucleus of the cell and is insertedinto the egg cell (hich no lac)s a nucleus

    $fter chemical&electrical stimulation* the cell ill "einduced to divide* starting the development of anem"r!o

    $fter a fe da!s* the dividing em"r!o is placed into theom" of a recipient&surrogate and alloed to develop toterm

    The o%spring ill "e a clone* the genetic duplicate of theindividual from hom the original "od! cell #N$ asta)en

    Success of the somatic nuclear transfer in some

  • 8/9/2019 Process of Reproductive Cloning


    #oll! the Sheep (1++, $n unfertili-ed egg is ta)en from another sheep and the

    nucleus of the egg cell is removed "! a micropipette(Enucleated egg

    #i%erentiated cells ta)en from udder cells (cells of themammar! glands of a donor sheep

    cells ere cultured in a lo nutrient medium to ma)e thegenes sitch o% and "ecome dormant

    This is "ecause the udder cells have alread!di%erentiated

    $fter ma)ing all the genes sitch o%* the! can then

    remove the #N$ from the udder cells and insert it intothe enucleated egg.

    $fter electrical stimulation the egg cells ere a"le todevelop into normal -!gotes (a "all of cells hich thendeveloped into em"r!os

    $fter a fe ee)s of groth* these em"r!os ereimplanted into another sheep hos role as the

  • 8/9/2019 Process of Reproductive Cloning


  • 8/9/2019 Process of Reproductive Cloning


    /ut0 although #oll! had e'actl! the same nuclear

    material as her mother the! ere not completel! geneticall! identical The mitochondria has its on #N$ hich means

    that some #N$ of the cloned sheep ill have the

    #N$ of the donor sheep egg cell "ecause themitochondria as not removed from the egg cellotherise the cell ould die

    n SCNT* the mitochondrial genome is inheritedfrom the egg so the cloned organism is also a

    mitochondrial clone of its egg donor

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  • 8/9/2019 Process of Reproductive Cloning


    3hats the order5dder cells ta)enfrom sheep $

    #N$ of uddercells e'tracted

    #N$ of sheep $ is insertedto the enucleated egg cellof sheep /

    Chemical&electricalstimulation causes cells

    to divide

    $n em"r!o is formed andplaced into the om" of sheep

    C (surrogate

    O%spring* theclone of sheep $

    6gg cell ta)enfrom sheep /

    6gg cell of sheep /is enucleated


    al stimulationcauses cells todivide

    6gg cell ta)enfrom sheep /

    O%spring* theclone of sheep $

    #N$ of sheep $ isinserted to theenucleated eggcell of sheep /

    $n em"r!o isformed and placeinto the om" ofsheep C(surrogate

    #N$ of udder cells


  • 8/9/2019 Process of Reproductive Cloning


    References7 $"*. (2819. "eproductive cloning - A#$I

    - "esources or %chools. Retrieved 21 :anuar! 2819*fromhttp7&&.a"!pesreproductive.cfmcoSiteNavigation;*. (2819. . (enetic )ngineeringand #iotechnology #ioNina. Retrieved 21 :anuar!2819* from http7&&.i"."ionin>

    "*. (2812. I# #iology Notes - . (eneticengineering and /iotechnology. Retrieved 21 :anuar!