Problems After WWI and Rise of the Dictators




Transcript of Problems After WWI and Rise of the Dictators

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1.Germ unhappy w/ treaty.

*due to reparations, loss of land & reduction in military

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2. League of Nations too weak- US did not join

because we did not ratify harsh treaty.

•LON used economic sanctions to stop problems, not


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3. Inflation- a rise in prices due to Germ printing more


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4. DAWES PLAN- US plan set up to help Germ pay back reparations & loaned 200 million to rebuild.

•Created US investment.

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5. DEPRESSION-period of low eco activity & rising unemployment

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Depression caused by: 1. Farm prices fall due to overproduction(some

destroy crops to help prices)

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2. US stock market booms in 20s, so investors pull money out of Germ to invest. 3.Market crashes & stock prices drop

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4. US investors w/draw money from Germ & Euro & banks weakened.5. Production falls & unemployment rises.

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•Economist John Maynard Keynes- said: Unemployment caused by less demand (which can be increased by putting people to work building

public works)

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FDR•US-Franklin D Roosevelt wins 1932 election.

• 15 mill out of work, 50% cut in production

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•Created NEW DEAL- put people to work by funding public works. (building roads, post offices, airports).

• Creates Social Security Act, TVA, etc.

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• By 1939, Fr & BR only big

• nations of Europe still democratic

•New form of dictatorship develops

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•TOTALITARIANISM - aims to control all aspects of citizen’s lives. (poli, eco, social, culture & intellectual

•Individual will is subordinated

to collective will of masses

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• DON’T WRITE!!!!!!!!!!• Famine hits in 1920-1922 &

industry falls 20%. • VI LENIN create NEW ECONOMIC

POLICY (called NEP), a version of capitalism or socialism.

• Peasants can sell produce & small businesses could be privately owned, but

heavy industry & banking owned by govt

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• Sickle-Unity of peasants• Hammer- workers• Red field: blood spilled by

workers in fight for freedom• Star-energy of sun and life

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•Lenin died in 1924 & a fight for power begins in Politburo

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•LEON TROTSKY, war commissar, wants to spread communist rev & industrialize rapidly

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•Josef Stalin- former editor of PRAVDA (Bolshevik propaganda magazine) & party general secretary wants power.

• In charge of appointing 1000s of officials, who support him.

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•Stalin gets control of party.

•Gets rid of old Bolsheviks, & exiles Trotsky (who is murdered in Mexico).

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•Creates 5 YEAR PLANS- sets of eco goals for 5 year periods to go from agricultural nation to industrial (1st plan-was produce more CAPITAL GOODS (goods used to produce other


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• Bigger labor force in cities to work in the factories caused:

• no housing. •Low wages. •Strict laws• Propaganda

stresses sacrifice to build nation

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•COLLECTIVIZATION-govt took over private farms & made peasants work for them. Wealthy kulaks were targeted

• By 1934, 26 mil farms taken. • Famine occurs, 10 mil die,

resistors sent to

labor camps & party

control increases.

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• Paranoid Stalin begins PURGES-eliminating problem people to keep power. (killed or sent to Gulags (labor camps))

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• Military officers, party members, citizens, union

officials & diplomats were killed, arrested or sent to labor camps . History was changed, rewritten to make Stalin hero

Nikoli Yezhov

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Don’t write!• Born Aus 1889, Austria, 4th of 6. Older kids

all died • Family issues• high school failure • Traveled to Vienna & rejected by art

school.• avoided signing up for Austrian army due

to mixed races. Fought in Bavarian regiment

• Dev racist & nationalist ideas in Vienna & after war

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• HITLER’S REPORT CARD• French  Unsatisfactory• Geography Satisfactory• German Adequate• Gymnastics Excellent• History Satisfactory• Physics Adequate• Mathematics Unsatisfactory• Art Excellent• Chemistry Adequate• Geometry Adequate

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•After WWI, joined extreme nationalist group in Munich called German Workers Party in 1919.

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•By 1921, controls & renames party National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) or NAZI.

*55,000 people join *Create party militia of 12,000 called Brown Shirts.

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•Storm public meeting in 1923 w/ Gen Luddendorf (called BEER HALL PUTSCH, meant to imitate

Mussolini) to demand new govt, it fails & Hitler arrested

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•Wrote Mein Kampf in jail about “superior nations” have right to LEBENSRAUM- living space thru expansion.

*“Superior individuals” should rule over the masses

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• *

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•Realizes Nazi party needs to get votes to get power, not violent rev. Party expands & appeals to pride.

•Biggest party in REICHSTAG (parliament) by 1929.

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•Don’t WRITE!

•Nazi rise helped by unemployment & eco problems

• Industry leaders, aristocrats, officers look to Hitler for leadership.

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•Pres. Hindenburg needs to get support in 1933.

•He makes Hitler Chancellor in 1933, thinking he could control him

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•Hitler sets up total Nazi control by Mar. 23, 1933

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•Reichstag passes ENABLING ACT- give govt power to ignore constitution for

4 years to pass laws to deal w/ nations problems & gave Hitler legal basis for actions

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•Nazis purge Jews from govt & set up CONCENTRATION CAMPS,

abolished trade unions & poli parties

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•Hindenburg dies in 1934 & Hitler rules. All officials take oath of loyalty to “Fuhrer”.

•Wants to develop an “Aryan nation” to rule Europe.

•Says Germ had 2 empires & Hitler will create THIRD REICH or 3rd empire

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DON’T WRITE!!!!!!!

• Believed they were descendents of Romans & Greeks & Germs meant to create Roman-like empire.

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•Heinrich Himmler was head of The SCHUTZSTAFFEN

(SS), Hitler’s secret police, bodyguards who used arrests, executions & concentration camps for control & terror

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•Hitler used public works & grants to private construction firms to put people to work & rearmed military

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•JOESPEH GOEBBELS, Hitler’s propaganda minister set up:

mass demonstrations, parades, speeches, controlled churches & schools, formed professional groups for occupations & NAZI youth group’s for kids

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•Nuremberg Laws were racial laws that: excluded Jews from citizenship; wear yellow star & id card; Jews banned from public buildings, transportation & marriage to Germans; cannot own, manage or work in stores.

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•KRISTALLNACHT- (night of shattered glass) Nov 9, 1939- Nazi’s, kill 100, destroy 7000 businesses & synagogues

• 30,000 men sent to camps

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ITALY•1920s: BENITO MUSSOLINI created a new poli party.

• Creates FASCISM which glorifies state above the individual, nationalism, glory of Italy & needs a strong central govt led by dictator

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1920- Italy has problems. Middle class fears communist takeover. Muss forms BLACK SHIRTS (armed fascists) who attack strikes & communists

making many happy

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• 1922: Fascist threaten to march on Rome if not given power.

• King VICTOR EMMANUAL III makes Muss Prime minister & Muss creates fascist dictatorship by making PM head of govt.

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•Steps to control:1.created secret police (OVRA), who arrest anyone.

2. Banned & kills opposition.

3. Muss called Il Duce (the leader)

4. Stresses Italian pride

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5. Took over media to spread propaganda, slogans. 6. Created youth groups. Focused on military activities & values to create war lovers

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•Muss gave money to Catholic Church & created Vatican City as independent state & made it religion of Italy

• In return, Pope urged Italy to support Muss.