

Transcript of Pro-forms

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Nominal pro-form Verbal pro-form Clausal pro-form

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One/ones function as the head word of the nominal group and can substitute only one element, the head word of the antecedent nominal group, and can change from antecedent word in number. It is a grammatical element.

Ex: These copy of the notice is blurred, but the other ones appear to be satisfactory.

If the antecedent is an uncountable noun than ellipsis, which is an omission, is more preferable.

Ex: This bread is stale-get some fresh Δ. (Δ =bread)

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It expresses facts and can function for all types of substitution. In some special sentence it is preceded by the verb do.

Do the same ≈ Do likewise ≈ Bej te njejten gje. (expresses an action in a substantivized form). It is a lexical element.

Ex: I’ll contribute ten dollars if you do the same.

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Same +the (implicates the whole nominal group)

Ex: A: I will have two poached eggs on toast please.

B: I’ll have the same.

In Albanian the adjective I njejte is followed with the noun gje to form the nominal substituting phrase.

Ex: A: Do te marr dy veze te ziera me buke te thekur ju lutem.

B: Te njejten gje do te marr dhe une.

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It can substitute a clause despite it lacks a clear border between so as nominal substituting element and verbal substituting element.

It is placed after the predicate Do/Bej and in front position in Albanian.

Ex: Are they reliable?-I believe/think so. Jane ato te besueshem?- Keshtu

besoj/mendoj.The infinitive and gerund form should

always be followed by the word so

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Do- it functions as the head word of verbal group and it has always a terminal position. It can substitute a whole clause.

Ex: John is smoking more now than Mary is doing.

Do + it/that thisEx: The important thing is to keep

confident. I can do this.It is mainly anaphoric but in some cases it

can be cataphoric.Ex: Kim does, will you accept nomination


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It is a more formal variant of do pro-form.Ex: A:I didn’t invite him, but I did Pat. B: Nuk e ftova ate, por ftova Patin. NOT por bera keshtu me Patin. In Albanian language bej and keshtu bej

are not acceptable and are replaced with repetition.

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Clausal substitution in Questions and Answers (SO and NOT).

Substitution in reported speech, conditionals and sentences with modality.

(The positive and negative form, so and not).

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Why did you give me a present when I told you not to?

Not- can stand as a whole clause.Ex: A:I think you should leave now. B: Not without any money.Ex: If he said so, he will come.In Albanian ellipsis is more preferable.

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Pro-forms in reported speechEx: A: …If you have seen them so often, of

course you know what they are like. B:“I believe so”-Alice replied

thoughtfully. Pro-forms in conditionalsEx: I may come tonight. If not, I’ll try to

manage tomorrow. Pro-forms in sentences showing modality.Ex: Perhaps we are going to have a storm,-

Perhaps so.