PR(NIPR) professional Course: Everything you need to know

The Nigerian Institute of Public Relations Professional Course Academy Nigeria Everything you need to know.

Transcript of PR(NIPR) professional Course: Everything you need to know

The Nigerian Institute of

Public Relations Professional Course

Academy Nigeria

Everything you need to know.

About NIPR

• The Nigerian Institute of Public relations is the Charteredprofessional body with the role of regulating publicrelations practice and education in Nigeria.

• To become a chattered member of the Institute,individuals are expected to sit for its certifying exams.

• NIPR Exams are in (3) – Part I, II and II, with 5 coursesin each part, making a total of 15 courses in all.

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About NIPR(2)

• The Exams are written twice in a year- June/Julyand Nov/Dec.

• The entire programme can be completed within one(1) year using the accelerated training programmerun by The Public Relations Academy, an affiliateof The School of Business Communication anda certified training school for the Institute’sExaminations.

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• Organized public relations in Nigerian have been since1963 with the Public relations Association of Nigeria(PRAN), which later evolved to become the NigerianInstitute of Public Relations (NIPR).

• NIPR became a chartered professional body in 1990 andsince then has been regulating the practice andeducation of public relations in Nigeria.

• See letter of accreditation of NIPRcertificate by the Ministry of Educationbelow.

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• Application is open to any individual who desires to build a careerin Public relations, communication, marketing, sales, social mediaand other related fields. Also heads of departments andentrepreneurs can also apply for the programme.

• It doesn’t matter whether you have a science, social science or artbackground.

BASIC ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS• You can apply for student membership with any of the following

academic level:• BSC/BA/HND/Msc in any course area• OND• Senior Secondary School Certificate –SSCE• ( 5 credits including English Language)

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I am a graduate; will I be given any exemptions?

• Graduates of Mass Communication and marketing areusually given exemptions from the Part I and II(Certificate stage) of the Public relations Institute’sProfessional exams and required to sit for the finalstage -part III (Diploma stage).

• However, such an applicant will be required to providean academic transcript to the institute forconsideration of exemption request.

• Apart from mass communication and marketinggraduates, every other applicant will be required tostart from the certificate stage.

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FOR WHOM: This programme is suited for…

• Corporate executives in PR, communications and relatedjob functions

• Entrepreneurs and head of businesses

• Individuals interested in building a professional publicrelations career

• Recent graduates, undergraduates and maturedindividuals with SSCE

• Individuals who have a flair for public relations andcommunication related roles.

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How long does this programme take?

• Though the Institute gives you a maximum ofthree (3) years to round up the programme,you can finish the entire programme in justone year with the accelerated study option,which is advisable.

• Note that the exams are written twice in a year(June/July and Nov/Dec)

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• Students can combine part I and partII(certificate stage) and write in one sitting andproceed to the final stage in the next sitting.

• Note that exams are written twice in the year-June/July and Nov/Dec of each year. Thatmeans, you do part I & II in June/July forinstance, and then do the final stage in Nov/Decwhen you passed the 10 courses in thecertificate stage.

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Can I break down the courses and write them in bits?

• Yes you can, but we do not advice youto. Since the courses are interrelated, theknowledge of one helps you to deal withthe other.

• This way, it is easier to pass all thepapers when you combine Part I & PartII.

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What BENEFITS do I stand to gain taking this course?

• So many benefits come with getting the finaldiploma of NIPR:

• the training exposes participants to thefundamentals of public relations practice,providing sound theoretical framework todiscuss core public relations areas; mediarelations dynamics, PR principles, planning andstrategy, communication theories, Stakeholdersand consumer behavior management, corporateand product branding, PR measurement andsocial media analysis.

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What you stand to benefit (2)

• Recognized Certification: Participants shall also be awardeda Professional Diploma in Public Relations from the PublicRelations Institute, which is an equivalent of a BSC/HNDcertification, as it can be used for a Masters programme inselected universities like;

• University of Nigeria, Nsuka University of Ibadan, Lagos stateuniversity, University of Uyo, University of Calabar, OlabisiOnabanjo University and more…

• An NYSC exemption certificate is usually issued.

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International Recognition:

• NIPR qualification is also recognized byinternational universities as well and can beused for post graduate programmes inuniversities in London, Canada and other toprate foreign universities.

• All that will be required is your academictranscript from NIPR after the completion ofyour programme.

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Benefits to Fresh Graduate

• Become highly skilled and knowledgeable

• Good job prospects

• You can apply for jobs in any industry irrespective of your background

• You can develop a career path in Public relations

• Consideration for employment ahead of peers with no added professional qualifications

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Benefits to career executives

• Improve personal communication and writing skill

• Increase earning potential with the certification

• A platform for career change

• Membership of the PR professional association

• Job efficiency and opportunity for advancement

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Study options

• Pros packagePractical, hands-on and designed for individuals with real interest in building a career in public relations. Also prepares them for the certifying exams.

• Success packageFor individuals interested in just acquiring the PR certification for career advancement purposes.

• Correspondence Option• Individuals outside Lagos or Abuja where there are lecture centers. They are

provided learning tools (study materials, audio lectures, e-books) and study support.

• Private optionsIndividuals who want the training at the convenience of their time and schedule.

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What is the cost

Certificate stage Diploma stage

• Pros Package = 110,000 N80,000• Success Package = N85,000 N55,000• Correspondence = N35, 000 N25,000• Private tutoring =N150,000 N100,00

*An additional fee of N30,000 – 50,000 will apply for the private tutoring option, depending on the location and schedule of the individual involved.

• Exemption fees = N30,000 (for graduates of mass communication)

• Course registration (paid one month to exams)and exam fee Certificate stage (part I & II). = N33, 000

Diploma Stage = N23,000

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Are there discounts on fees?

• The following group of people can access discount offers

• Group registration

• Youth Corpers , Undergraduates and SSCEholders below 26yrs

• Referral from our Corporate partners

• Referral from our Alumni and past students

• Email [email protected] to find out whatdiscounts you can benefit.

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Students can choose from the following lecture schedules

Weekends: For working class and executives and entrepreneurs busy during weekdays. Lectures hold on:

• Saturday – 9am- 2pm• Sunday – 12 – 4pm

• Weekdays/Private Session: For individuals whoare busy during the weekends and free byweekdays. The schedule for this is usually arrangedto meet the student’s timing and convenience.

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Where is the lecture center?

• Lagos: Maria Lodge, 19 Ikorodu Road, Maryland.

Land Marks: Sentinel Event Center, Association of Friends, Close to Maryland BRT Bus Stop.

• Students from Abuja, Portharcourt and other states should contact: 08098023336

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Want to speak to someone?

• Email: [email protected]


• Call/Whatsapp : 08098023336

• Call only 08102562726.

• @PRacademyNG

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