PRINIPAL’S REPORT - Ashfield Boys High School · 2020. 12. 2. · Sydney Festival Year 9 ushcare...

1 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT The next three weeks for your diary TERM 1 WEEK 10 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 - 12 Apr Year 12 Mid Course Exams SRC Meeng Year 12 Mid Course Exams Year 12 Mid Course Exams Year 10 Neighbour Shopping with Seniors Anzac Day Ceremony Year 7 Vaccinaons Year 11 Advanced English Othello Year 9 Royal Easter Show Last Day of Term 1 29 Apr - 3 May Term 2 Staff Development Day Students First Day Term 2 Year 9R Sydney Writers Fesval Year 9 Bushcare Year 10C and 8B Riverside Theatre Year 12 Advanced English The Tempest Year 7 Parent/ Teacher Interviews 6 - 10 May P & C Meeng Plain English Speaking Compeon Year 10 Neighbour Shopping with Seniors Scripture 12:04pm Year 12 Music Study Day Years 10C/8B Riverside Theature Excursion at Parramaa Years 7T/8B/9R Shakespeare Carnival Even though the boys give me constant cause to be proud of them, I was especially proud of the group of seniors who aended ABC television’s Q&A program on Monday night. The level of intellectual engagement and the sophiscaon of the boys’ quesons were simply inspiring. The experience gave me the cause to reflect on the school vision statement that we spent so much me developing in 2015. It is good at these mes to reflect about how our purpose as a school translates into the reality of the educaon the boys receive here. The experience of the boys on Monday night really did capture the essence of our school vision: “That every boy is inspired to achieve personal excellence and reach his full potenal as a happy, resilient, connected and ethical man who is equipped to be a success and have a posive impact on the future.” The host of the show, Tony Jones, made the point that of the 12 quesons selected by the producers from the audience three of these were from Ashfield Boys. It was a shame that only Jordan got to pose his queson as the show ran over me. Jordan’s queson regarding media stereotyping was not only the best queson of the evening, it was also menoned in the Sydney Morning Herald the next day. If you would like to view Jordan’s queson and the panel’s response, the following link will take you to a YouTube clip posted by the ABC. hps://

Transcript of PRINIPAL’S REPORT - Ashfield Boys High School · 2020. 12. 2. · Sydney Festival Year 9 ushcare...

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    The next three weeks for your diary TERM 1 WEEK 10 2019






    8 - 12 Apr

    Year 12 Mid Course Exams SRC Meeting

    Year 12 Mid Course


    Year 12 Mid Course Exams Year 10 Neighbour Shopping with Seniors

    Anzac Day Ceremony Year 7 Vaccinations Year 11 Advanced English Othello

    Year 9 Royal Easter Show Last Day of Term 1

    29 Apr

    - 3 May

    Term 2 Staff Development Day

    Students First Day

    Term 2

    Year 9R Sydney Writers Festival Year 9 Bushcare

    Year 10C and 8B Riverside Theatre Year 12 Advanced English The Tempest Year 7 Parent/ Teacher Interviews

    6 - 10 May

    P & C Meeting Plain English Speaking Competition

    Year 10 Neighbour Shopping with Seniors

    Scripture 12:04pm

    Year 12 Music Study Day

    Years 10C/8B Riverside Theature Excursion at Parramatta Years 7T/8B/9R Shakespeare Carnival

    Even though the boys give me constant cause to be proud of them, I was especially proud of the group of seniors who attended ABC television’s Q&A program on Monday night. The level of intellectual engagement and the sophistication of the boys’ questions were simply inspiring. The experience gave me the cause to reflect on the school vision statement that we spent so much time developing in 2015. It is good at these times to reflect about how our purpose as a school translates into the reality of the education the boys receive here. The experience of the boys on Monday night really did capture the essence of our school vision: “That every boy is inspired to achieve personal excellence and reach his full potential as a happy, resilient, connected and ethical man who is equipped to be a success and have a positive impact on the future.” The host of the show, Tony Jones, made the point that of the 12 questions selected by the producers from the audience three of these were from Ashfield Boys. It was a shame that only Jordan got to pose his question as the show ran over time. Jordan’s question regarding media stereotyping was not only the best question of the evening, it was also mentioned in the Sydney Morning Herald the next day. If you would like to view Jordan’s question and the panel’s response, the following link will take you to a YouTube clip posted by the ABC.

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    The two other questions selected by the producers were posed by Daniel and Noah: “Bill Shorten has made very clear that if elected he aims to end negative gearing by 1 January next year. Most people who own investment properties are not wealthy millionaires or property developers, they are everyday families saving for their future and their retirement. Why should people who plan for the future and are successful be penalised? What impacts will an end to negative gearing have for the broader economy?” Daniel “How do you plan to enact your climate-policy regarding an infrastructure for the expected influx of electric vehicles and renewable energy systems, as we all know this is change that cannot happen overnight? So, how can we match America and the Scandinavian nations In the amount of recharging stations and complexity of renewable sources of energy respectively?” Noah It was wonderful to see the boys submit questions from such a wide range of areas that affect our country and the world. To give you a sense of the breadth and depth of the boys’ engagement with their world, I’d like to share a couple of other questions that were not selected by the producers, but are nonetheless incredibly impressive: “Mental health is undoubtedly one of the most important contemporary issues that needs critical attention. With the 2019 federal budget about to be released, will mental health get the economic attention it so desperately deserves?” Louis


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    “Given the rapid expansion of technology how can governments ensure that there will be jobs for our generation in the future?” Chao “Do you think the action - or rather inaction - of government with regards to climate change really reflects the public’s wishes?”


    It would take pages if I were to share all the boys’ questions with you, as they ranged from interests as diverse as the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, to the NBN and the tension between is-sues of free speech versus hate speech.

    ABHS Senior Students with Ms Whitting - English Faculty

    at the ABC television’s Q&A Program

    Monday 1 April 2019

    The boys were living and breathing examples of our school vision in action and I’m sure that the whole community shares my pride in them.

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    Our Year 12 students will be sitting the new syllabus HSC exams this year. An opportunity to write answers to HSC style questions in exam conditions will provide an invaluable experience and effective feedback to the students. Year 12 students will be attempting a practice exam with HSC style questions for all their courses in Week 11. The practice exams will be held in the HALL from Monday 8th April until Wednesday 10th April.


    Monday 8th April Session 1

    Line 1 Time

    English Advanced - Ms Finigan 9.10 - 10.50

    English Standard - Ms Pool, Ms Hooper, Ms Stitt 9.10 - 10.50

    English Studies - Mr Ahearne 9.10 - 10.50

    English EALD - Ms Whitting 9.10 - 10.50

    Monday 8th April

    Monday 8th April Session 2

    Line 3 Time

    Engineering Studies- Mr Mahmud 12.15 - 2.15

    Hospitality- Ms Belle-Page 12.15 - 1.50

    Legal Studies-Ms Summers 12.15 - 1.50

    Modern History- Mr Radojevic 12.15 - 1.50

    Biology-Ms Prasad 12.15 - 1.50

    Music-Mr Pieterse 12.15 - 1.20 in D11 Aural

    1.22 – 2.30 - Practical

    Tuesday 9th April Session 1

    Line 2 Time

    Business Studies 2- Mr Zaczek 9.10 - 10.45

    Maths Advanced- Ms Marks 9.10 - 10.45

    Maths Standard- Ms Thomas, Mr Chu, Mr White 9.10 - 10.45

    Maths Extension 1- Mr Tenefrancia 9.10 - 10.45

    Tuesday 9th April

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    Tuesday 9th April Session 1

    Line 5 Time

    Biology- Ms Scandurra 12.15 - 1.50

    Business Studies 1- Mr Burford, Mr Bason 12.15 - 1.50

    Construction- Mr Jones 12.15 - 1.50

    Drama- Ms Small 12.15 - 1.50

    Physics- Ms Arya 12.15 - 1.50

    PDHPE- Mr Calic 12.15 - 2.15

    Tuesday 9th April

    Wednesday 10th April Session 1

    Line 4 Time

    Chemistry- Ms Arya 9.10 - 10.45

    Economics- Ms Skelton 9.10 - 10.45

    Modern History- Mr Phillips 9.10 - 10.45

    Maths Standard- Mr Kobeissi 9.10 - 10.45

    SDD- Ms Beretin 9.10 - 10.45

    English Extension 2- Ms Finigan 9.10 - 10.50

    Wednesday 10th April

    Wednesday 10th April Session 1

    Line 6 Time

    Ancient History- Mr Chatwin 12.15 - 1.50

    Chinese- Ms Wang 12.15 - 1.50

    IPT- Ms Skelton 12.15 - 1.50

    Investigating Science- Mr Lam 12.15 - 1.50

    Physics- Mr Chu 12.15 - 1.50

    Studies of Religion- Mr Phillips 12.15 - 1.20


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    Our best football team made up of ABHS football, rugby and badminton players competed against Asquith in round 2 of the Sydney North Football Knockout Competition on Thursday 28th March 2019.

    Mr Sasha Calic—PD/H/PE

    Over the last couple of years, Asquith has been the benchmark team in our Zone. Despite being heavy underdogs in this match, our boys did not disappoint. We started the game solidly in defence, though unable to control the ball between the two penalty boxes. Despite conceding two goals just before half time, our players’ morale stayed high. This was evident at the start of second half when Hasnain Dar had two colossal chances to hit the back of the net. On both occasions, he hesitated to take a shot enabling Asquith’s goalkeeper to block his shots. Then both teams created numerous chances with one big difference, Asquith taking advantage of our missed opportunities. The game ended with a well-deserved win to Asquith.

    Our Team, even though some players were of other sporting abilities, put in a huge effort and played to their very best!

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    Two of our Year 10 Geography – 10P and 10H classes headed out to the lovely Bay Run for a fieldwork excursion on Tuesday 26th March. They were accompanied by Mr Zaczek, Ms Bennett and Ms Summers. This fieldwork was the second in a three-part learning and assessment sequence on local environments and biodiversity. Year 10 will complete the final part of this sequence at school over the next two weeks. We were fortunate to have a perfect day for the seven-kilometre walk and students enjoyed being out in the sunshine. 10C took part in this excursion on Tuesday, 1st April but did not fare so well weather-wise! However, being keen young geographers, they shrugged off a couple of rainy patches and focused on the work at hand. 10C was accompanied by Mr Bason and Ms Summers.

    Ms Summers - Social Science Faculty

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    To finish, students visited Rodd Point, where they enjoyed panoramic views of the bay and a well-deserved rest!

    Ms Summers - Social Science Faculty

    Students started the day by investigating the workings of stormwater and how the use of Gross Pollutant Traps cuts down on rubbish flowing into the Bay. They also collected data on a range of ways the community uses the area and made field sketches of various aspects of the local environment.

    Further down the track the environmental significance of mangroves and saltmarsh were examined.

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    Football U13’s A Team opened it’s winter season campaign with a comprehensive away win against North Sydney.

    From start to finish we dominated in all aspects of the football game. Brothers Elias and Imran Kilani demonstrated superior technical skill, speed and power. Alec Hartley impressed with his dribbling skills on the right wing, while Jacob Khalil was ruthless in attack scoring 5 goals. However, play of the day belonged to Imran Kilani who scored an astonishing 40m long free kick.

    North Sydney 1-11 Ashfield.

    Mr Sasha Calic—PD/H/PE

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    The Year 12 Drama class recently travelled to Oatley Senior Campus to view a performance of one of their HSC texts Norm and Ahmed by Alex Buzo. Not only did they view the performance, but they also took part in a workshop that gave them an opportunity to discuss the HSC performance examination with a current senior marker. This workshop also allowed our students to view others perform script extracts from the listed texts. It was interesting to see the different interpretations, which will give the students valuable opportunities to discuss contemporary performances, informing their essays in the written examination.

    T. Small - Head Teacher CAPA Faculty

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    Mr Chu - Science Faculty


    Year 8 has been learning about the different systems in the human body this term. This week 8H has gone from research and dissections to making models of lungs using only balloons, a plastic bottle and rubber bands.

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    Collaboration and team building through eSports. The students competed with other schools in a tournament.

    Mr Cini - Maths/Computer Faculty

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    Bookings Close May 1st.

    Parent Teacher Interview Bookings using the Parent Portal.


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    Nicole Pool - Relieving Head Teacher Welfare

    Please find below the link to the article.

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    Year 7 students will be having their first vaccination on Thursday 11th April 2019 during Periods 1-4. Representatives from the NSW School Vaccination Program will attend Ashfield Boys High School from 8.30-12pm. A link has been provided for the NSW Department of Health, which provides information regarding the school vaccination program in 26 languages and may be of assistance. If you wish for your son to receive his vaccinations at school, please complete the form and ask him to return it to his Roll Call teacher. 2019 the following vaccines will be offered:

    Vaccine Who is eligible? Number of doses?

    Human Papillomavirus - HPV All Year 7 students 2

    Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (Whooping cough) - dTpa

    All Year 7 students 1

    Meningococcal ACWY All Year 10 & 11 students 1

    Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so by providing the school with written


    If you have any questions, please call Ms Pool during school hours on 97986620 (Extension 120).


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    Start Finish

    E 3 Injured or sick with note Executive/Markou/Chatwin 12:34 14:31

    10th April– Grade Sport Organisation – Round 2



    (quiet area)

    Sport Venue Opposition Coach





    and Sit







    1st/2nd &


    RBHS Gym Randwick Dobrowolski 11:35 11:37 1:00

    B Football 2nd Asquith 3 Hammond Phillips Ma 12:20 1:00

    C Football U15’s

    B Asquith C TBA Richardson TBA TBA TBA

    D Football U14’s

    A Randwick A TBA Chu 12:15 1:00

    E Football U14’s



    C TBA Prasad 12:34 2:00

    F Football U13’s

    A Randwick A Centenary Bason 12:15 1:00

    H Football U13’s

    B Randwick B Centenary Kucheruk 12:34 2:00

    G Football U13’s

    C Ashfield D Hammond Payne 12:34 2:00

    H Football U13’s

    D Ashfield C Hammond Lam 12:34 2:00

    I Rugby U15’s TBA TBA Burford TBA TBA

    J Rugby U14’s TBA TBA Pierece TBA TBA

    K Rugby U13’s TBA TBA Pieterse TBA TBA


    Table Tennis



    RBHS Hall Randwick Tenefrancia 11:35 11:37 1:00

    M Tennis

    U15’s & U14’s East Courts Randwick Stitt 11:35 11:37 1:00


    Lawn Bowls




    Normanhurst Hooper 12:20 1:00

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    Futsal – Olympic Park Quay Centre

    booking times:

    6,13,20,27 February 20, 27 March

    NBA - May NBA - June 24,31 July

    7,14,28 August 4, 25 September

    16 October 6,27 November NBA - December

    6 Feb, 24 July-27 Nov Court 4

    12 Feb – 27 March Court 1

    Table Tennis- Olympic Park Sports Hall

    booking times:

    6,13,20,27 February 6,13,20 March 8,15,22,29 May 5,12,19,26 June

    3,24,31 July 7,14,21,28 August

    4,11,18,25 September 16,23,30 October

    6,13,20,27 November 4,11 December

    All played on Court C

    Badminton - Olympic Park NSW Netball

    booking times:

    6,13,20,27 February 6,13,27 March

    3, 10 April 8,15,22 May 12,19 June

    3,31 July The rest of the year booking to be

    confirmed by end of April




    (Year 7 quad)

    Sport Venue Coach


    and Sit in

    Year 7 quad






    A Badminton Olympic Park Wang 11:55 1:00 2:31

    C Table Tennis

    Olympic Park/ABHS

    ABHS Hall


    12:34 12:34 2:31

    E Futsal


    ABHS GYM Karagiannidis

    12:34 12:34 2:31

    G Volleyball ABHS Canteen

    (TBA) Pool 12:34 12:34 2:31

    I Power Walk

    Years 7-8 Local area Cini Laris

    12:34 12:34 2:31

    K Power Walk

    Years 9-10 Local area



    12:34 12:34 2:31

    M Multi-Sport

    Years 7-8 ABHS Oval Marks

    12:34 12:34 2:31

    O Basketball Years 7-8 Bill Peter’s

    Reserve Lu

    12:34 12:34 2:31

    Q Basketball Year 9 Centenary Park Curran 12:34 12:34 2:31

    S Basketball Year 10 ABHS B’ball

    Outdoor Court Ahearne

    12:34 12:34 2:31

    U Karate Library or E2 Jones 12:34 12:34 2:31

    W Theatre Sport D11 Whitting 12:34 12:34 2:31

    Y Bocce/Crocket Ashfield Park Belle-Page 12:34 12:34 2:31

    15 Outdoor Fitness Ashfield Park




    12:34 12:34 2:31

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    James Burford - HSIE Faculty


    OR, if you live in the Inner West and would like someone to ride with you to help build confidence on the road, let me know and I can ride with you. Cheers,

    Do you live close-ish to school? Would you like to cycle to work but are hesitant to try? You might like to try out the Bike Wise Rusty Riders or City Riding courses. They are professionally run and designed to instil confidence in riders of various experience levels.

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