Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century

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  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Principles of MarketingPrinciples of Marketing

    Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Marketing Principles

    Marketing is defined as the set of activities

    that identify, anticipate and satisfy customersrequirements profitably. (CIMUK)

    Process of creating, communicating, and

    delivering value to customers and for managingcustomer relations that benefit the organization.


    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Scope of Marketing

    Marketers are involved in



    Events Experiences



    Properties Organizations



    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    What does a marketer do?(Chief Marketing officer- CMO)

    Marketers seek attention from you!

    What is a market?(an exchange between 2 or more people;must have an offer)

    Some Terms

    Marketplaces / Marketspaces / Metamarkets

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Metamarkets:- a cluster of complementary

    products and services

    Manufacturer markets (raw materials)

    Reseller markets (2nd hand cars)

    Intermediary markets (channels)

    Consumer markets (customer to customer;


    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Market OrientationsMarket Orientations


    Production concept

    Product concept

    Selling concept

    Marketing concept

    Societal Marketing concept

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Production concept is the idea that

    consumers will favor products that are

    available or highly affordable.

    Mass production/distribution of products

    Low costs, efficient (fast)

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Product concept is the idea that

    consumers will favor products that offer the

    most quality, performance.

    Focus is on design and improvements

    (healthier food / cosmetics that make you

    look 20 years younger)

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Selling concept is the idea that

    consumers will not buy enough of the firms

    products unless it undertakes a large scaleselling and promotion effort.

    Inside-out approach


    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Marketing concept is a

    modern idea that achieving

    organizational goals depends on

    knowing the needs and wants of

    the target markets.

    Outside-in approach Satisfaction and relationships

    are customer-centric

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Holistic Marketing concept is a new practice

    in marketing.

    Relationship marketing -- networks

    Integrated marketing -- (4Ps / 4Cs / SIVA)

    Internal marketing staff coordination

    Performance marketing- accountability / social responsibility

    (cause related programs)

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Some other core conceptsSome other core concepts

    Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands

    Needs are states of deprivation. Some needs


    Prof. Rushen Chahal

    Physical Social Intellectual

    Food, air, emotions, study, educationclothing friends

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Some other core conceptsSome other core concepts


    are a form of strong desire for something.

    ( I needwater but I want Spring water)


    are purchases backed by buying power in a

    social market. (money talks) (e.g. no demandforTV in Nepal.)

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Product offering

    It is the value proposition:- a of values or benefits

    why a customer should purchase from the company.

    e.g. Offer you BMWs reliable performance;

    A380 Boeing excellent experience

    Customer satisfaction

    Value and performance over competitors

    Adding even more value and benefits

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Market Exchange/Transaction

    process of obtaining a product by offering

    money or something else!

    Transactions are data/numbers

    Segmentation Targeting Positioning

    Divide into groups Choose groups How to attract?

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Prof. Rushen Chahal

    Channel TypesChannel Types

    Distribution channel wholesalers / retailers

    Communication channel media, CCTV

    Service channel Advertising, banking etc

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Prof. Rushen Chahal

    4. Market Exchange/Transaction

    2. Product offering




    1. Needs, Wants,

    and Demands

    5.Channel / markets

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Prof. Rushen Chahal

    Marketing environment Factors affecting business






    Environment / Natural

    sometimes called PEST, STEP, PESTLE

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Dynamic 21Dynamic 21stst Century MarketingCentury Marketing

    Dynamic marketing: the driver and adapterto marketing environmental conditions



    Deregulation (access to markets)

    Alliances (cooperation)

    Internet and digital prowess

    New networks / media Diverse customers and staff

    Diverse choices

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Dynamic 21st Century MarketingDynamic 21st Century Marketing

    Consumer capabilities

    - Affluence (rich)

    - More choices

    - Information exchange

    - Compare information

    - Give opinions / feedback

    Prof. Rushen Chahal

  • 8/3/2019 Primciples of Marketing- Understanding Marketing for the 21st Century


    Dynamic 21Dynamic 21stst Century MarketingCentury Marketing

    In summary:

    Ultimately, marketers must be ready for thefollowing:

    Develop new markets/products

    Understand customer and trends

    Develop, offer and deliver more value

    Push companys brand

    Make lasting relationships

    Prof. Rushen Chahal