Pretty woman Opening scene


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Transcript of Pretty woman Opening scene

Page 1: Pretty woman Opening scene



Page 2: Pretty woman Opening scene

This is the first shot from the opening scene, after we here a character

claiming its all about money, we now see man doing tricks with coins.

This is important because it is the high end contrast of the lives of people

in this film. All these people have money.

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After we here some people asking about a man called Edward, who isn't

there, emphasising the fact he's important, we see him looking down at

them through a window after breaking up with his girlfriend. This sets the

film up so that he can now meet someone else, and also shows us he's a

high end business man and a boss of a big company.

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As well as the breakup he now asks an ex-girlfriend a question about their

relationship. This shows us he is quite a cold person, who isn't really the

adventures relationship type. Even thought the girl he talks to is married,

she would rather be with him because he is wealthy.

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When Edward is allowed to just drive off in someone's new sports car we

can see that he can do what he likes, and that he is respected enough for

people to let him disappear with their car.

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Here is a establishing shot of Hollywood, the start of a lot of long shots

over cities, signifying that Edward is driving quite far and his journey is

being sped up in a few shots. Notice how they go from the high end

Hollywood to low end streets of California.

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Here is the low end contrast from before. When the rich, high end people

do tricks with coins, the low end people do tricks with drugs and

cigarettes. This is a good way to show the contrast and set up how the

high end boss will meet the low end woman.

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Again empathising the low end side of California, prostitutes and drugs,

this is a big contrast from the high end money and wealth with


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A clever shot form the director, he shows the Hotel as being cheap

because the owner cant afford to fix the lights sign. And also how only the

letters HO are lit up, which is a clever trick to show how prostitutes may

live here.

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After the woman wakes up there is a pan shot over a wall of photos, one

in particular where the man has had his face cut off, meaning she doesn’t

like him anymore and doesn’t want to remember him.

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A final point to emphasises that she is poor, the fact that instead of

buying new shoes, she has to colour in her boots so they look good, this

shows us that she is very poor. And cant even afford the rent. Because her

friend ahs spent it on drugs.

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To show how important money is to them, they hide the money in the

toilet because they barely own that much, and if this amount were to

disappear they would have nothing, this is why they keep it safe.

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Finally something else to point out about the female character is that she

isn't a bad person, she sees the man is asking for rent and she's goes to get

it. As apposed to just disapearing. However when the money is gone she

does leave because it’s the only way she can get more.