Creating a scene from The Woman in Black

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Transcript of Creating a scene from The Woman in Black

  1. 1. Myself and Beth attempted to recreate a scene from The Woman in Black, which we found to be unsuccessful
  2. 2. On the right is a shot ofa scene that is featured in The Woman in Black, and is something that myself and Beth tried to recreate. The positioning of the camera in this scene is from a low angle, looking up to the house window. From here you can see faint shadows of the woman in black making a appearance as a ghostly spirit behind the main actor, Daniel Radcliff.
  3. 3. As we couldnt really find the right locations to film at e.g. A house, we found an area in our schools drama studio where we have filmed before for Reginas (Asha) death scene. A set of stair cases led up to an area which has a balcony, and we had a go at creating a shadow imagery. We firstly had to make sure that were no light was shining on me as we didnt want to make my appearance visible, and so only kept a small light on which wasn't shining directly at me. I then turned around, and walked slowly backwards, coming towards the balcony, which is where the low angle of the camera was positioned. From this, it created a slight, black, ghostly figure as shown on the right.
  4. 4. We found this shot to be unsuccessful as our mise-en-scene wasnt right. Editing this in would be slightly difficult, as there is brick wall surrounding the whole area and a safety light is visible. Furthermore, the video quality was poor due to the amount of lighting we used to create the scene. As you can see from the screen shot of the clip on the right, the quality looks grainy and so we decided not to include it on our trailer.