Press Release First Hrh the Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize to Gamal...

PRESS RELEASE FIRST HRH THE PRINCE OF WALES YOUNG SUSTAINABILITY ENTREPRENEUR PRIZE TO GAMAL ALBINSAID London, January 31, 2013, Prince Charles announced the award recipients FIRST HRH THE PRINCE OF WALES YOUNG SUSTAINABILITY ENTREPRENEUR at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace with the CEO of Unilever, Paul Polman, and vice Canchellor from the University of Cambridge, Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz in the presence of the leaders of the organizations and companies internationally in the field of sustainability. Gamal Albinsaid ( 24 years ) of Indonesia gain awards from HRH The Pince of Wales, Prince Charles , with a € 50,000 prize as financial support and mentoring package from the University of Cambridge designed individually. Winners were selected from 511 entrepreneurs from 90 countries. After a rigorous selection, chosen 7 Unilever Sustainable Living Award finalist in the around the world, namely Anu Sridharan of India, Mene Blessing of Nigeria, Surya Karki from Nepal, Isabel Medem from Peru, Curt Bowen from Guatemala, and Manuel Wichers from Mexic , and Gamal Albinsaid from Indonesia. This international award program is designed to inspire youth around the world to resolve the issues of environmental, social, and health. This competition invites entrepreneurs aged 30 and under to provide solutions that inspire, practical, and clearly to help bring sustainability living. " I want to give my warm congratulations to Gamal Albinsaid for an amazing initiative," said Prince Charles in the awards ceremony. Prince Charles also added "This idea handle two problems at the same time ( to handle the waste problem, to solve health problems )". Polly Courtice, Director of CPSL, and co -chair of the awards judging panel, said: "The exceptional caliber and dynamism of the finalists to encourage and inspire the jury. We are very pleased to bring the insights of research and entrepreneurial dynamism Cambridge community to support young leaders in refining their initiatives and to bring them to the escalating". Unilever CEO Paul Polman said : "There is no group more important to be involved rather than youth. They are half the world's population


press release

Transcript of Press Release First Hrh the Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize to Gamal...


London, January 31, 2013, Prince Charles announced the award recipients FIRST HRH THE PRINCE OF WALES YOUNG SUSTAINABILITY ENTREPRENEUR at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace with the CEO of Unilever, Paul Polman, and vice Canchellor from the University of Cambridge, Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz in the presence of the leaders of the organizations and companies internationally in the field of sustainability.Gamal Albinsaid ( 24 years ) of Indonesia gain awards from HRH The Pince of Wales, Prince Charles , with a 50,000 prize as financial support and mentoring package from the University of Cambridge designed individually. Winners were selected from 511 entrepreneurs from 90 countries. After a rigorous selection, chosen 7 Unilever Sustainable Living Award finalist in the around the world, namely Anu Sridharan of India, Mene Blessing of Nigeria, Surya Karki from Nepal, Isabel Medem from Peru, Curt Bowen from Guatemala, and Manuel Wichers from Mexic , and Gamal Albinsaid from Indonesia.This international award program is designed to inspire youth around the world to resolve the issues of environmental, social, and health. This competition invites entrepreneurs aged 30 and under to provide solutions that inspire, practical, and clearly to help bring sustainability living." I want to give my warm congratulations to Gamal Albinsaid for an amazing initiative," said Prince Charles in the awards ceremony. Prince Charles also added "This idea handle two problems at the same time ( to handle the waste problem, to solve health problems )".Polly Courtice, Director of CPSL, and co -chair of the awards judging panel, said: "The exceptional caliber and dynamism of the finalists to encourage and inspire the jury. We are very pleased to bring the insights of research and entrepreneurial dynamism Cambridge community to support young leaders in refining their initiatives and to bring them to the escalating".Unilever CEO Paul Polman said : "There is no group more important to be involved rather than youth. They are half the world's population and sustainable development will be a keeper long into the future . Now is the time for young entrepreneurs to stand and develop true business - really can make a big difference . we all need to use our energy and intellect to support young entrepreneurs in order to achieve the scale , accelerate development , inspire others and help create a brighter future for all"."We all know HRH The Prince of Wales excited and enthusiastic about sustainable development for young entrepreneurs and youth entrepreneurship . I would like to thank HRH The Prince of Wales for his leadership in supporting these awards and to approve top prize is named with honor".Gamal said " With this gift , I hope with Indonesia Medika could do more good , help more people , because I believe , in a great gift , there is a great responsibility "."For me award is not important, this even dangerous , could damage the goodwill and sincerity. Because many of us begin the work with sincere intentions , but not many of us who survive with sincerity . I pray and ask prayer may Allah give my heart sincerity, persistent and kindness can make this gift which brings other virtues and benefit both the world , and the hereafter . Gamal said , when asked for his comments related to this award.When asked what made him successful , Gamal replied "I believe, whoever enhance intention, then Allah will perfect His help. All we could do me a small and simple , but the God of our authorize to make bigger of sincerity that we do. Therefore, be sincere in doing everything, sincere, not sincerely, we still take the time, sincere, not sincerely , we are still tired , then why do we not choose to be sincere. " add Gamal Albinsaid, CEO of Indonesia Medika ."By the Grace of God Leave this , I plan to replicate the massive Garbage Clinical Insurance (GCI) in Indonesia, trying to replicate in the international community , conducting research as a basis for making program modifications or referral role model of concept garbage insurance " said Gamal related to future development plans .Gamal Albinsaid , the founder of Indonesia Medika also started thinking to enter other fields, such as Garbage School Insurance, so that people who can not afford and the government can not get an education affordable to pay garbage.Gamal also said that the acquisition of knowledge, " there are many people who care about people who are less fortunate , imagine if the seven finalists live in the same village , what will happen?". That's the message of optimism that I catch and really know, concern that was sweet"."In the presentation , I illustrate that there are still many Indonesian people who do not have health insurance , and international data show nearly half of Indonesia's population earning less than $ 2 per day , so that we can predict the health budget at the household level . Then I try to offer a solution that can create financial models of health that allows anyone to get access to the health of household resources . Garbage is the best solution, because almost every day , every person , and every home produces waste that is not used . What we do is make people mobilize their resources are wasted and not used , that is garbage, to improve access to health and destroy the barrier or barrier between access to public health. Practically, I asked people hand over 1 dollars per month and the number of garbage is returned as health insurance in primary care. " Said Gamal.If asked benefit of related programs, Gamal replied "I am optimistic, the concept of this garbage insurance could encourage people to become entrepreneurs garbage in their homes, changing public perceptions and habits related to garbage, and the most important thing is to make people calm, not to worry, and do not need to be afraid if the pain, because they can get access to health care"."I founded the Indonesian Medika company to realize a vision of justice and welfare for the health of the people of Indonesia, because I believe health care is a human right. " Gamal said when asked his company 's vision .When asked who contribute to the development of this program , Gamal replied "I would also like to thank dr. Rita Rosita, M. Kes and Unit Pengembangan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat ( UPPM ) Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya that foster in studying, applying, and developing this concept."Please continue to be in the way of kindness, because kindness is the way God's way, so that he who walks in the path of good, actually walking with the Lord. " He replied, when asked his message to the youth of Indonesia.When he came back to Indonesia, there are many televisions interviewed him. He become so popular not only in televison but also online news and social media. People are talking about him. But he always say that award is nothing. It can erase sincerity from our heart. The message that he gives to Indonesia Medikas team is Its enough if Gods know. Now he and his team prepared to make GCI prototype so it can be replicate everywhere.