Presidents Assembly Monthly Webinar September 16, 2010.

Presidents Assembly Monthly Webinar September 16, 2010

Transcript of Presidents Assembly Monthly Webinar September 16, 2010.

Presidents Assembly

Monthly Webinar

September 16, 2010

During the Webinar – Just Ask!

Please use this question area to communicate with us throughout the webinar. Have a question…type it!!

What Chapter do you represent?

Please use your GoToWebinar Question box to type in the name of your Chapter…

Update Your Chapter Leadership Roster!

Log into to update your chapter leadership roster – we need to know your current officers and board members•Receive appropriate communications•Receive rebate reports•Receive membership reports

Contact [email protected] to get your password or be authorized administrator to update roster

Molly Gimmel Rachael BenderGreater DC Chapter Fort Lauderdale Chapter

Chair Chair-Elect

[email protected]

Molly Gimmel Rachael BenderGreater DC Chapter Fort Lauderdale Chapter

Chair Chair-Elect

[email protected]

Presidents Assembly Leadership

2010-2011 Presidents Assembly Steering


Anne Freedman NAWBO Miami

PASC Northeast & Mid-Atlantic Region

Lola KakesNAWBO Tucson

PASC Western Region

Linda CooperNAWBO Central


PASC Southern Region

Angelika CoghlanNAWBO Chicago

PASC Midwest Region


Northeast & Atlantic Region Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, W. Virginia

Midwest Region Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri

Southern Region North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana

Western Region Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii

Steering Committee Roles & Responsibilities

Presidents Assembly Steering Committee is responsible for: •Serving as “voice of the chapters” on the National Board and facilitating communications between National and the chapters

•Facilitating chapter collaboration/information sharing via webinars & meetings at national conferences

•Creating a community of chapter leaders

•Helping chapter leaders with strategic planning, problem resolution, etc.

The Presidents Assembly is responsible for filling four positions on the National Nominating Committee – the group that chooses the members of the National Board of Directors

If you are interested in serving on this Committee, please email [email protected] and we will send you an application

If you would like to nominate someone to serve on this Committee, please send their name and email address to [email protected] and we will contact them


Webinar Schedule

Mark Your Calendar NOW!Webinars will be held on the third Thursday of every

month at noon Eastern time.

Upcoming Webinars:•Oct 21 – Communications (within board, board to members) •Nov 18  – Member Retention •Dec 16 – Fundraising (other than corporate partnerships)•Jan 20 – Public Policy (state & local)•Feb 17 – Programming & events•Mar 17 – New Member Recruitment•Apr 21 – Public Policy (national)•May 19 – Strategic Alliances

PA Facebook Page

Use to share news and information; exchange best practices; ask for help; etc.

All chapter leaders are welcome to join.

Please do not use to market your business.

News from National

Molly GimmelPASC Chair

OBJECTIVES To increase and expand chapter support by providing tools to support

our local chapters with improvements and updates on ongoing basis The all-new Online Chapter Resource Center provides chapters:

Visual Resources and Instructional Presentations Bylaws and Policies Forms and Templates Chapter Best Practices Library Chapter Operations Manual National Strategic Plan Overview and Strategic Plan Templates

All Chapter Board Members and Chapter Admin Staff have access to Online CRC. Please update your Chapter Board Roster.


The NAWBO PAC has been re-launched to provide NAWBO with a voice at the national level regarding issues affecting WBOs

The all-new Online Legislative Action Center provides: Contact information for elected officials at the national, state, and

local level Information about candidates running for election for national,

state, and local offices The ability to subscribe to policy briefs & email alerts Advocacy toolkit Policy briefs on WBO & SB issues

Legislative Action Center is open for all members and non-members



New Board Roster Forms are in Chapter Resource Center under “Forms and Templates” Designate chapter administrator for web access Designate recipient of chapter rebate reports Complete and send to [email protected]

D&O Insurance Renewal Forms were sent out in August. Certificates will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.

All chapter board members must be current with membership dues!!!!


OBJECTIVES To provide chapters with an overview of the long-term

strategic plan and priority objectives for NAWBO To provide access to chapter resources and capacity

building opportunities To open and leverage direct line of communication and

engagement between NAWBO and local chapters To offer networking opportunity between chapters at the

regional level; and to share best practices amongst peers to support each other’s growth and success

To collect pertinent data and information about local chapters


Southern Regional Leadership Summit (Go for the Greens Conference)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Disney Resort, Orlando, FL

NEXT YEAR’S SUMMITS (planned, dates/locations subject to change)

Western Regional Leadership Summit

February in Tucson, AZ

Midwest Regional Leadership Summit

May in Kansas City, MO

Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional Summit

November in Washington, DC


NAWBO is a Network Partner for this annual international conference for small & medium sized business enterprises

Will be held in Kansas City on May 18-20, 2011 Expecting over 1,000 attendees Each registrant selects other attendees from catalog that

they are interested in meeting, forum sets up 16 30-minute one-on-one sessions

Exhibit hall plus plenty of networking time Ideal for companies interested in doing business

internationally or looking for partnerships

Fiscal Management

Angelika Coghlan

Immediate Past President

Chicago Chapter

Polling Question #1


• Three Basic Elements– Experienced Staff– Accounting Software– Policies and Procedures


• Outsourcing

• Translating Financial Information

• Take the time to understand the numbers

Polling Question #2

Policies and Procedures

• Documented Roles and Responsibilities

• Control and Compliance

• Identify potential weaknesses regarding internal control

• Manual vs. automated

Cash Flow and Management

• Have and follow an approved budget

Cash Flow and Management

• Cash Projections – at least 6 months

Cash Flow and Management

• Cash Reserves – at Least 6 months

Polling Question #3

Corporate Partnerships

• NAWBO’s Value Proposition– Women Mean Business– Organization of Decision Makers– Building Relationships

Polling Question #4

Sales Process

Inqui r y

N e xt Ye ar

In tr odu c tor y M tg -E.D ., L iai s on , 1 s t

s ale s c on tac t

Liai s on A s s ig n e dS ale s , E.D .,

P r e s ./P r e . E.

C on tr ac t s ig n e dby E.D ./P r e s .

S p e c i a l C i r c u m s t a n c e s( o u t s i d e m a t r i x )B o a r d A p p r o va l

N e g o t i at i o nss al e s , E .D .,

P r e s i de nt andP r e s i de nt E l e c t

N e g otiation s an dC on tr ac tIn i tiation

AC TP kt . s e nt

S ale s F o rc eC o n tac t toP o te n tial

C o rp o rate P artn e r

D e ad/R IP

F /U m tg /TC

M e e t i ng s e t /F /U(Sal e s , E .D .,

P r e s /P r e s . E )

C P Sal e s F o r c eD e b T # 1J an Aa # 2

o the r s TB D

C .P . s al e s fo r c ei n i t i ate d F /U

TC al l and appt .m ade

E .D .no t i fi e d/i n i t i al

TC al l

Te l e pho ne c al l too ffi c e fr o m

po te nt i al C P Greater Tuscan’sCorporate PartnerSales Process

Where do you start?

• What is your process for identifying, soliciting and contracting with CP's?

• Who participates in the sales process and are there different levels of sponsorship that you offer?

• Do you have any leave behind marketing materials regarding the opportunity you utilize?  Is there a matrix of sponsorship levels you use in the process?

• How much does your Chapter receive in cash and in-kind CP's and who are your biggest contributors?

• How do you maintain the relationship?  Do you have Liaisons from your Chapter assigned to the CP's?

• Do you have people that can sell NAWBO?

• Best Practice……NAWBO Chicago’s

CP Prospecting Breakfast

Prospecting• Poll Chapter Members• Previous CPs• Who gives? Why do they give?• Chapter Connections• Past Presidents and board members• Women Owned Businesses

Ask Questions

• What is the goal of partnering with NAWBO?

• What do they hope to achieve?

• What’s important to them?

Increase Probability of Success

• Be prepared, know the corporations culture and what their position is on small business/minority business.

• Have a 1 pager with your ASK• Follow up - ask if there anything else they need

from you or when you can expect an answer.• Post mortem - if you don't get the partnership -

ask for a meeting so they can tell you why - learn from it - change your pitch and your messaging

Measuring Success

• Formal Contract

• Implementation Calendar

Polling Question #5


Thank you for participating in

NAWBO Presidents Assembly Webinar!

•We look forward to talking to you next month. The webinar will be on October 21st at noon Eastern.

•To share this information with your chapter’s leadership, visit NAWBO Presidents Assembly Community


Member Services:  [email protected]

Chapter Services:  [email protected]

Presidents Assembly:  [email protected]

News/Article Submissions: [email protected]

Website/Technical Support:  [email protected]

Your Feedback is Welcome!

Please send feedback to [email protected]