President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018...

QCSHP continue to carry on the great work and blossom further. Thanks to Ryan Yamamura from CSHP for helping us with our elec- tion. Please welcome our new QCSHP Officers for 2019: (1) Pres- ident, Yunchen (Yvonne) Ding (Santa Clara Valley Medical Center); (2) President-Elect, Vincent Cheng (Sanofi Genzyme); (3) Secretary, Stephanie Ho (Kaiser Oakland Re- gional Offices); (4) Treasurer, Alyssa Patel (Kaiser Redwood City); first year of 2-year term); (5) Past- President, Betty Lee (Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford); (6) Delegates: Jennifer Pham (Kaiser San Jose), Lawrence Troxell (Kaiser Santa Clara), Jenny Hong (Kaiser San Jose), and Lindsay Hur (Kaiser Santa Clara); (7) First Alternate Del- egate: Lyndsie Okumura (Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stan- ford) and Second Alternate Dele- gate: Heeral Bhatt (CVS, San Jose). Congratulations!! I look forward to working with you all in 2019. Happy New Year! The CSHP Seminar Confer- ence held from October 4th to 7th at Sheraton Hotel and Ma- rina in San Diego was a re- markable success. QCSHP Delegates to CSHP reviewed the proposals, represented our members, and attended the House of Delegates meeting at Seminar. Many exciting things happened this year. For the first time, we printed our new logo on ribbons and distributed to QCSHP members. Quatra members attached the ribbons to their conference name tags, increasing publicity for our chapter. During the award ceremony at Seminar, our QCSHP social chair Sandy Bardas was awarded the 2018 Affiliate Chapter Volunteer of the Year award. QCSHP was also recognized as a 2017 Affiliate Chapter of Distinction under the leadership of Past President Jennifer Pham. As the year 2018 was com- ing to an end, I had the honor of preparing the Quatra 2018 Annual Report. This was pre- sented at the Quatra Decem- ber board meeting during our installation banquet at Hotel Valencia in San Jose. In 2018, we held six board meetings, organized five social events, participated in two community outreach health fairs, and pre- pared a total of eleven continu- ing education events. The annual report has summarized all the happenings and achievements of QCSHP in 2018 and you can find a copy of the report at the CSHP chapter website. One of the highlights of the report was the announcement that QCSHP in conjunction with CSHP Opioid Task Force is working on pro- ducing a video highlighting the role of pharmacists in opioid management at their institu- tions. QCSHP Social Chair (Sandy Bardas) is leading this effort. QCSHP together with CSHP Opioid Task Force was awarded $2000, the maximum amount granted under the CSHP Affiliate Chapter Grant Program. It has been a humble and valuable experience for me to be your president in 2018. We are so fortunate to have many great mentors, hard-working volunteers and active mem- bers. Together we support each other, serve our commu- nity and push forward the pro- fession of pharmacy. I cannot express my gratitude in words to thank each one of you who have helped QCSHP to grow and bloom. I would like to see President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 Guide- line on Blood Cholesterol 2 Weekend CE 2 Member Spotlight 3 Day on the Bay 3 Wine Tasting Event 4 Video Project Update 4 2018 NOWI Installation Banquet 4 QCSHP PUBLICATION DECEMBER 31, 2018 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: 2018 Guide- line on Blood Cholesterol Member Spotlight: Jeannie Sohn Community Outreach: Day on the Bay Wine Tasting Event & Vid- eo Project 2018 NOWI Installation Banquet and had been active in Semi- nar conferences as speaker, planner and volunteer. Sandy was appointed to the GAAC Committee in 2017 and she is now serving together with Jennifer Cocohoba as the Co- chairs of the CSHP Opioid Task Force. Sandy is a pio- neer in Emergency Medicine Pharmacy and Operating Congratulations to Sandy Bardas who won the CSHP Affili- ate Chapter Volunteer of the Year award! It was my honor to nominate her for the award and now to share the joy of congratu- lating Sandy. Sandy started vol- unteering at Quatra from 1995, long before my time with Quatra or CSHP. Sandy served as the Quatra chapter president in 2002 Room Pharmacy as well as mentor/ preceptor to many pharmacy stu- dents and residents. Sandy is also an active member of the Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT CA-6) and had served in many mass casualty incidents at Stanford as well as deployments to Haiti in 2010 and the Caribbean in 2017. Sandy is truly a role model pharma- cist and volunteer!! - Betty Lee, Pharm.D. (QCSHP President) CSHP Affiliate Chapter Volunteer of the Year

Transcript of President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018...

Page 1: President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 Guide-line on Blood Cholesterol 2 Weekend CE 2 Member Spotlight 3 Day on the Bay 3 Wine

QCSHP continue to carry on the great work and blossom further. Thanks to Ryan Yamamura from CSHP for helping us with our elec-tion. Please welcome our new QCSHP Officers for 2019: (1) Pres-ident, Yunchen (Yvonne) Ding (Santa Clara Valley Medical Center); (2) President-Elect, Vincent Cheng (Sanofi Genzyme); (3) Secretary, Stephanie Ho (Kaiser Oakland Re-gional Offices); (4) Treasurer, Alyssa Patel (Kaiser Redwood City); first year of 2-year term); (5) Past-President, Betty Lee (Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford); (6) Delegates: Jennifer Pham (Kaiser San Jose), Lawrence Troxell (Kaiser Santa Clara), Jenny Hong (Kaiser San Jose), and Lindsay Hur (Kaiser Santa Clara); (7) First Alternate Del-egate: Lyndsie Okumura (Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stan-ford) and Second Alternate Dele-gate: Heeral Bhatt (CVS, San Jose). Congratulations!! I look forward to working with you all in 2019. Happy New Year!

The CSHP Seminar Confer-ence held from October 4th to 7th at Sheraton Hotel and Ma-rina in San Diego was a re-markable success. QCSHP Delegates to CSHP reviewed the proposals, represented our members, and attended the House of Delegates meeting at Seminar. Many exciting things happened this year. For the first time, we printed our new logo on ribbons and distributed to QCSHP members. Quatra members attached the ribbons to their conference name tags, increasing publicity for our chapter. During the award ceremony at Seminar, our QCSHP social chair Sandy Bardas was awarded the 2018 Affiliate Chapter Volunteer of the Year award. QCSHP was also recognized as a 2017 Affiliate Chapter of Distinction under the leadership of Past President Jennifer Pham. As the year 2018 was com-ing to an end, I had the honor of preparing the Quatra 2018 Annual Report. This was pre-sented at the Quatra Decem-ber board meeting during our installation banquet at Hotel Valencia in San Jose. In 2018, we held six board meetings, organized five social events, participated in two community

outreach health fairs, and pre-pared a total of eleven continu-ing education events. The annual report has summarized all the happenings and achievements of QCSHP in 2018 and you can find a copy of the report at the CSHP chapter website. One of the highlights of the report was the announcement that QCSHP in conjunction with CSHP Opioid Task Force is working on pro-ducing a video highlighting the role of pharmacists in opioid management at their institu-tions. QCSHP Social Chair (Sandy Bardas) is leading this effort. QCSHP together with CSHP Opioid Task Force was awarded $2000, the maximum amount granted under the CSHP Affiliate Chapter Grant Program. It has been a humble and valuable experience for me to be your president in 2018. We are so fortunate to have many great mentors, hard-working volunteers and active mem-bers. Together we support each other, serve our commu-nity and push forward the pro-fession of pharmacy. I cannot express my gratitude in words to thank each one of you who have helped QCSHP to grow and bloom. I would like to see

President’s Corner: Betty Lee


T H I S I S S U E :

2018 Guide-

line on Blood



Weekend CE 2


Spotlight 3

Day on the

Bay 3

Wine Tasting

Event 4

Video Project

Update 4

2018 NOWI





D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 8 V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 4



I N T E R E S T :

2018 Guide-

line on Blood




Jeannie Sohn



Day on the


Wine Tasting

Event & Vid-

eo Project

2018 NOWI



and had been active in Semi-nar conferences as speaker, planner and volunteer. Sandy was appointed to the GAAC Committee in 2017 and she is now serving together with Jennifer Cocohoba as the Co-chairs of the CSHP Opioid Task Force. Sandy is a pio-neer in Emergency Medicine Pharmacy and Operating

Congratulations to Sandy Bardas who won the CSHP Affili-ate Chapter Volunteer of the Year award! It was my honor to nominate her for the award and now to share the joy of congratu-lating Sandy. Sandy started vol-unteering at Quatra from 1995, long before my time with Quatra or CSHP. Sandy served as the Quatra chapter president in 2002

Room Pharmacy as well as mentor/preceptor to many pharmacy stu-dents and residents. Sandy is also an active member of the Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT CA-6) and had served in many mass casualty incidents at Stanford as well as deployments to Haiti in 2010 and the Caribbean in 2017. Sandy is truly a role model pharma-cist and volunteer!!

- Betty Lee, Pharm.D. (QCSHP President)

CSHP Affiliate Chapter Volunteer of the Year

Page 2: President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 Guide-line on Blood Cholesterol 2 Weekend CE 2 Member Spotlight 3 Day on the Bay 3 Wine

P A G E 2

The Birth Control

Pharmacist project

provides education



assistance, resources,

and clinical updates

to pharmacists


contraception. Learn

more at https://


2018 Guideline on Blood Cholesterol

Weekend CE Series

patients age 40-75 years with diabetes mellitus and LDL-C ≥70 without calculating the 10-year ASCVD risk, (2) patients age 40-75 years without diabe-tes mellitus with LDL-C ≥70 mg/dl and 10-year risk of ≥7.5%, and (3) patients age >75 years, unless a high-intensity statin is tolerated.

In patients with very high-risk ASCVD, characterized by multiple major ASCVD events or 1 major ASCVD event with

multiple high-risk conditions, the guideline recommends the addi-tion of ezetimibe to maximally tolerated statin when LDL-C ≥70. A PCSK9 inhibitor may be considered if maximally tolerat-ed doses of statin and ezetimibe do not keep LDL-C <70 mg/dl.

Please refer to the 2018 Mul-tisociety Guideline on the Man-agement of Blood Cholesterol for more information.

The 2018 Multisociety Guideline on the Manage-ment of Blood Cholesterol recommends treatment with a high-intensity statin in (1) patients age ≤75 years with clinical ASCVD, (2) patients age 40-75 years with a 10-year ASCVD risk of ≥20%, and (3) patients age 20-75 years with severe hypercho-lesterolemia.

A moderate-intensity statin is recommended in (1)

- Connie Ha, Pharm.D. (Weekend Breakfast CE Chair) [email protected]

- Christine Duong, Pharm.D. Candidate 2019 [email protected]

presented a 1-hr CE on “Asthma: Guidelines and Man-agement Strategies.” Members completing this program learned to:

(1) identify trigger factors that can exacerbate asthma symp-toms,

(2) classify asthma severity based on patient symptoms and bronchodilator usage, and

(3) recommend first-line treat-ment using appropriate step therapy.

On November 17th, QCSHP hosted a Breakfast CE at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center - San Jose. PGY-1 Residents at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Dr. Jacqueline Liu, Pharm.D. and Dr. Angel Pan, Pharm.D. presented a 1-hr CE on “Pulmonary Arterial Hyper-tension (PAH).” Members com-pleting this program learned to:

(1) describe the etiology and pathophysiology of PAH,

(2) list the goals of treatment for PAH, and

(3) identify the appropriate treatment options used to treat PAH.

On November 17th, QCSHP

hosted a Lunch CE at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center - San Jose. Dr. Kristin Harter, Pharm.D. (Women’s Health Clin-ical Pharmacist at SFGH) and Dr. Sally Rafie, Pharm.D., BCPS, APh, NCMP (Founder and Consultant, Birth Control Pharmacist) presented a 3-hr CE on “Pharmacologic Interven-tions for Healthy Pregnancy.” Members learned to:

(1) identify a woman who is an appropriate candidate for pre-vention of preterm labor with 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP), including assessment of clinical indication and gesta-tional age,

(2) describe the FDA's position regarding the use of compound-ed 17OHP in clinical practice,

(3) describe preeclampsia and its impact in term and preterm patients,

(4) develop a plan to prevent preeclampsia in high risk preg-nant patients,

(5) list the birth control options to achieve healthy birth spacing, and

(6) describe considerations for birth control use in the postpar-tum period.

On October 13th, QCSHP hosted a Breakfast CE with Sandy Bardas, RPh, FCSHP (Pharmacist DMAT CA-6). Sandy presented a 1-hr CE on “Deployment: Pharmacy Services in an Austere Envi-ronment.” Members learned to:

(1) list essential personal preparations for practice in an austere environment,

(2) describe the differences in priorities between practice in a disaster setting and rou-tine practice in a healthcare setting,

(3) practice organizational skills to set up a dispensing station in a disaster setting, and

(4) outline the necessary steps to transition from a disaster setting where treat-ment is based upon the prin-ciples of triage, to a sus-tained response as infra-structure is restored.

On November 10th, QCSHP hosted a Breakfast CE at Kaiser Permanente - Santa Clara. Dr. Justina Liang, Pharm.D. (PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center)

Page 3: President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 Guide-line on Blood Cholesterol 2 Weekend CE 2 Member Spotlight 3 Day on the Bay 3 Wine

Member Spotlight: Jeannie Sohn, Pharm.D., BCNSP, BCPS P A G E 3V O L U M E 3 , I S S U E 4

Dr. Jeannie Sohn attended

UCSF as a foreign pharmacy

school graduate for California

licensing requirement and re-

ceived her post-graduate

Pharm.D. degree from Creighton

University. Dr. Sohn received

her BCNSP and BCPS while

practicing in the inpatient setting

for 38 years. Dr. Sohn worked

as a pharmacist at Good Samar-

itan Hospital for 20 years, then

moved on to various manage-

ment roles at Regional Medical

Center of San Jose and at Kai-

ser Redwood City Medical Cen-

ter. Dr. Sohn’s service for

QCSHP started in 2008 as a dele-

gate for a few years, then as a

Pharmacy Clinical Manager and

Clinical Director of Pharmacies


What piece of advice would you

like to provide to our new prac-


For new practitioners: Start in the

most challenging job setting to

take advantage of a variety of

learning opportunities. Residents:

Prioritize, focus and invest your

best energy to build your network

and strong clinical foundation.

Students: Ask more questions

outside your learning boundaries.

Community Outreach: Day on the Bay

“Ask more ques-

tions outside

your learning


On October 7th, Quatra volun-

teered at the 9th annual Day on the

Bay event at Alviso Marina County

Park. Volunteers included 5 pharma-

cy interns from Touro University as

well as preceptors from Santa Clara

Valley Medical Center. Quatra vol-

unteers provided blood pressure

screening services, lifestyle educa-

tion, and stroke education. Those

who participated in the stroke education

were able to receive Quatra pill boxes

after answering questions from our color-

ful trivia wheel. Our booth was located in

between the pumpkin patch and the en-

tertainment stage, which allowed volun-

teers to interact with members of the

community throughout the event and an-

swer questions about their medications

and health conditions in addition to the

screenings provided. Overall, we

were able to service approximate-

ly 120 people. Our participants

had a wonderful time volunteering

for the community and spending

time enjoying the fall festivities

during the event!

- Crystal Diep, Pharm.D. & Michelle Ito, Pharm.D. (Community Outreach Chairs)

Page 4: President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 Guide-line on Blood Cholesterol 2 Weekend CE 2 Member Spotlight 3 Day on the Bay 3 Wine

P A G E 4

Wine Tasting Event & Video Project

2018 NOWI Installation Banquet

Quatra the exciting opportunity to feature its members in a video highlighting pharmacists in their jobs. It proposes to be a fantastic public relations op-portunity to greatly diminish the image of a pharmacy with a counting tray and prescription vial. We will have our kick-off meeting at the end of January

to develop our story board. Then we plan to go into a pro-fessional video studio and pro-duce an excellent platform to showcase our pharmacists in practice. If you wish to partici-pate, please contact Sandy Bardas at [email protected] and there will be a place for you in the production.

This October 28th we had a nice gathering to taste the wines of Wright’s Station and enjoy the sumptuous spread of food prepared by Sonam Soni. It was a beautiful au-tumn day and it was a pleas-ure to enjoy the company of family and friends.

This next year brings

- Yvonne (Yunchen) Ding, Pharm.D. (QCSHP President-Elect) [email protected]

- Sandy Bardas, RPh (Social Activities Chair) [email protected]

2) President–Elect, Vincent Cheng

3) Past President, Betty Lee

4) Treasurer, Alyssa Patel

5) Secretary, Stephanie Ho

6) Delegate to CSHP, Jennifer Pham

7) Delegate to CSHP, Law-rence Troxell

8) Delegate to CSHP, Jenny Hong

9) Delegate to CSHP, Lindsay Hur

10) Alternate Delegate to CSHP, Lyndsie Okumura

11) Second Alternate Delegate to CSHP, Heeral Bhatt

Betty Lee, QCSHP President, chaired our last QCSHP board meeting of the year and present-ed the 2018 annual report. The event reached its maximum ca-pacity and had full attendance. Many raffle prizes, including Airpods and Google Home Mini, were given out to attendees. The grant prize of the evening was a donation from CSHP CEO, Loriann DeMartini, a one-year CSHP membership. Spe-cial thanks to our student volun-teer, Alison Mac, for managing the check-in desk, and our CE Chair, Heeral Bhatt, for creating and playing the slide show.

Quatra held our annual Night Out with Industry (NOWI) – Installation Ban-quet at Hotel Valencia in San Jose on December 11th. A total of 15 industry sponsors participated in the industry exhibition portion of the evening. Daniel Dong, CSHP President, was pre-sent at the event and offered his warm wishes. Victoria Ferraresi, CSHP Past Presi-dent, installed the incoming QCSHP officers for 2019.

Please welcome our in-coming QCSHP Officers for 2019!

1) President, Yvonne (Yunchen) Ding

Page 5: President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 Guide-line on Blood Cholesterol 2 Weekend CE 2 Member Spotlight 3 Day on the Bay 3 Wine


Jackie Ho, Pharm.D., MPH, BCPS

San Leandro Hospital

Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator

Phone: 510-667-4552

Board Officers Chapter President: Betty Lee President-Elect: Yunchen Ding Immediate Past-President: Jennifer Pham Secretary: Carol Lee Treasurer: Fred Nishioka Delegates to CSHP: Vincent Cheng, Connie Ha, Jennifer Pham Alternate Delegates: Jenny Hong, Lawrence Troxell

Board Liaisons CSHP Board Liaisons: Helen Park, Jeannette Hanni Clinical Director of Pharmacies Liaison: Jeannie Sohn Pharmacy Residency Liaison: Lawrence Troxell

Committee Chairs Legislative Affairs Chair: Stephanie Yang (incoming) Organizational Affairs Co-Chairs: Jenny Hong, Helen Park Continuing Education Chair: Heeral Bhatt Weekend CE Chair: Connie Ha Financial Review Co-Chairs: Doris Kao, Nikki Uyehara Investment Chair: Betty Jue Nominations Chair: Jennifer Pham Membership Chair: Bianca Khishaveh New Practitioners Chair: Parleen Shahi Public Relations Chair: Nilomi Shah (incoming) Community Outreach Co-Chairs: Crystal Diep, Michelle Ito Social Activities Chair: Sandy Bardas Webmaster/Communications Chair: Colleen DeLizza Newsletter Editor-in-Chief: Jackie Ho

QCSHP Publication


Quatra Vision: Leading Pharmacy Practice in

patient safety and medication therapy


[email protected]

Page 6: President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 Guide-line on Blood Cholesterol 2 Weekend CE 2 Member Spotlight 3 Day on the Bay 3 Wine

Member Spotlight:

Jeannie Sohn, Pharm.D., BCNSP, BCPS

Dr. Jeannie Sohn attended UCSF as a foreign pharmacy school graduate for California licensing requirement and received her post-graduate Pharm.D. degree from Creighton University. Dr. Sohn received her BCNSP and BCPS while practicing in the inpatient setting for 38 years. Dr. Sohn worked as a pharmacist at Good Samaritan Hospital for 20 years, then moved on to various management roles at Regional Medical Center of San Jose and at Kaiser Redwood City Medical Center. Dr. Sohn’s service for QCSHP started in 2008 as a delegate for a few years, then as a Pharmacy Clinical Manager and Clinical Director of Pharmacies Liaison.

Why pharmacy? How did you choose your current career?

I chose to be a pharmacist since the profession allows me to serve the public at the very front line of healthcare service.

What advice would like to provide to our new practitioners, residents and student pharmacist?

For new practitioners: Start in the most challenging job setting to take advantage of a variety of learning opportunities.

Residents: Prioritize, focus and invest your best energy to build your network and strong clinical foundation.

Students: Ask more questions outside your learning boundaries.

Page 7: President’s Corner: Betty Lee · President’s Corner: Betty Lee INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 Guide-line on Blood Cholesterol 2 Weekend CE 2 Member Spotlight 3 Day on the Bay 3 Wine

Throughout your educational and professional career, what would you say was your biggest accomplishment?

Initiation of inpatient anticoagulation service, development of annual antibiogram and MERP evaluation templates, development of over 50 preprinted evidence based order sets, and the first place winning team leader of the hospital-wide cost containment contest.

What is the driving force or inspiration that motivates you every day to perform the demands of the job?

I started every day with a mindset that my presence at work will help someone to improve the care of patients using my knowledge and experiences. I loved the opportunity to serve others in any circumstances. I view the demanding workload as an opportunity to be immersed and enjoy finding a way to simplify the work.

I loved my various job positions and clinical roles throughout my career because the trust built within the team enabled me to optimize the service for better patient care.

What are the biggest opportunities (and challenges) you see in the near future for pharmacy?

Adopting quickly to a fast paced technical resource changes and reshapes new practitioners’ skill sets.

Empower the front line pharmacists to adapt and create new evolving roles in pharmacy career.

What critical skills do you wish you had developed earlier to help you throughout your career?

I think every pharmacy graduate should be well prepared to lead the healthcare team (nursing, physician, and other ancillary support members) and some basic hospital or healthcare operational knowledge and evolving changes.

This will help our young pharmacists to start with a greater view of the current health care landscape and be in the leading role with their bright and creative mind.