American Society of Civil Engineers Duluth Section 1 PRESIDENTS MESSAGE: Greetings! The unveiling of our website is here! We are excited to have a new platform to provide our members information about ASCE Duluth Section events, re- sources and news. You will find our full calendar of events here as well as our monthly newsletter. A link to register for our luncheons can be found within the details of the calendar events which we will continue to update as events near. Save our site to your favorites and check back for changes and updates. I would like to encourage everyone to join us at UMD on December 10 th . Each year we hold a joint meeting with the UMD students. We are proud to an- nounce that they have officially been established as and ASCE Student Chap- ter. Congratulations to them on their hard work to form a group that is so active and involved. As a special treat this year, we will be hosting a very dis- tinguished speaker. Professor Ted Galambos will speak with us on the causes of bridge failures and how they can be prevented. Remember that parking can be tricky on campus, especially on the hour. So, come a few minutes early and car pool if you can. I hope to see you all on the 10 th . Duluth Section President Lisa Karlgaard ASCE's mission is to provide essential value to our members, their careers, our partners and the public by developing leadership, advancing technology, advocating lifelong learning and promoting the profession. Volume 18, Issue 3 December 2013 Visit ASCE at or call 800-548-ASCE In This Issue President’s Message Page 1 Meeting Announcement Page 2 ASCE Section Calendar Page 2 Board of Directors List Page 2 Bridge Talk Bio & Abstract Page 3-4 September 25th Meeting Minutes Page 5-6 Sponsorship Request Page 7 Web Chair Opening Notice Page 8 Sponsors Page 9 Interested in submitting an article for the ASCE newsletter or becom- ing a Board Member next year? Contact David Franseen (newsletter editor) for information at 218.235.9192 or [email protected] EST. 1917

Transcript of PRESIDENT S MESSAGE -...

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The unveiling of our website is here! We are excited to have a new platform

to provide our members information about ASCE Duluth Section events, re-

sources and news. You will find our full calendar of events here as well as our

monthly newsletter. A link to register for our luncheons can be found within

the details of the calendar events which we will continue to update as events

near. Save our site to your favorites and

check back for changes and updates.

I would like to encourage everyone to join us at UMD on December 10th. Each

year we hold a joint meeting with the UMD students. We are proud to an-

nounce that they have officially been established as and ASCE Student Chap-

ter. Congratulations to them on their hard work to form a group that is so

active and involved. As a special treat this year, we will be hosting a very dis-

tinguished speaker. Professor Ted Galambos will speak with us on the causes

of bridge failures and how they can be prevented.

Remember that parking can be tricky on campus, especially on the hour. So,

come a few minutes early and car pool if you can.

I hope to see you all on the 10th.

Duluth Section President

Lisa Karlgaard

ASCE's mission is to provide essential value to our members, their careers, our partners and the public by developing leadership, advancing technology, advocating lifelong learning and promoting the profession.

Volume 18, Issue 3

December 2013 Visit ASCE at

or call 800-548-ASCE

In This Issue

President’s Message Page 1

Meeting Announcement Page 2

ASCE Section Calendar Page 2

Board of Directors List Page 2

Bridge Talk Bio & Abstract Page 3-4

September 25th Meeting Minutes Page 5-6

Sponsorship Request Page 7

Web Chair Opening Notice Page 8

Sponsors Page 9

Interested in submitting an article

for the ASCE newsletter or becom-

ing a Board Member next year?

Contact David Franseen

(newsletter editor)

for information at 218.235.9192 or

[email protected]

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President Lisa Karlgaard, P.E. LHB, Inc. 21 West Superior St, Suite 500 Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 279-2486 [email protected] President-Elect Cindy Voigt, P.E. City of Duluth 411 W 1st Street - Room 211 Duluth, MN 55802-1191 (218) 730-5071 [email protected] Vice President David Franseen, P.E. Krech Ojard Engineers & Architects 227 West 1st Street, Suite 200 Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 727-3282 [email protected] Secretary Matt Nordine LHB, Inc. 21 West Superior St, Suite 500 Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 279-2434 [email protected] Treasurer Nick Patterson Marine Tech 716 Garfield Avenue Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 720-2833 x 203 [email protected] First Past President Art Johnston, P.E. USDA Forest Service (retired) 37 N. 93rd Av. W. Duluth, MN 55808 (715) 360-6629 [email protected] Younger Member Chair Tom DesMarais, EIT (218) 722-3915 [email protected] Membership Chair Joel Hinnenkamp (218) 279-2482 [email protected] Government Relations Chair Craig Bursch, P.E. (218) 722-1056 [email protected] Toothpick Bridge Chair John Hinzmann, P.E. (218) 590-3158 [email protected]


Please join us for a

Combined Meeting Presentation: December, 10 2013 12:00-1:30pm

UMD Civil Engineering Lab

See an abstract and Bio on the following page.

Please RSVP by responding directly to the electronic invitation you re-

ceived, or emailing [email protected]

Professional rate is $10! Students are FREE.

Costs will be collected at the door.

ASCE Duluth Section 2013-14 Calendar Membership Meetings Board Meetings

December 10, 2013 December 12 2013

January 21, 2014 January 30, 2014

February 18, 2014 February 27, 2014

March 18, 2014 March 27, 2014

April Dinner Meeting April 24, 2014

May 20, 2014 May 29, 2014

September 16, 2014 September 25, 2014

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Theodore (Ted) V. Galambos is emeritus professor of structural engineering in the University of Minnesota in

Minneapolis, MN. He received the BSCE and MSCE degrees form the University of North Dakota in Grand

Forks in 1953 and 1954, respectively, and the Ph. D. in Civil Engineering from Lehigh University in Bethlehem,

PA in 1959.

He had an academic research and teaching career at Lehigh University (1959 – 1965), at Washington University

in Saint Louis (1965 – 1981) and at the University of Minnesota.

His research areas are: the behavior and design of steel structures, the reliability of structures, structural

design standards, and the stability of steel structures. He is author of several technical books and of scores

of published articles. He is an honorary member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and a member of

the National Academy of Engineering, the Structural Stability Research Council and the International Associa-

tion of Bridge and Structural Engineering. He is a registered professional engineer in Minnesota, and Missouri.

He holds honorary doctorates from the Technical University of Budapest, the University of North Dakota, and

the University of Minnesota. He is one of the 2002 recipients of the ASCE OPAL Award.

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The Safety of Bridges


Ted Galambos

Emeritus professor of structural engineering

University of Minnesota


The nation’s interest in the safety of bridges was suddenly reignited by the catastrophic collapse of the I35W

Bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis on August 1, 2007. This presentation will focus on the general

causes of bridge failures and on how they can be prevented. Most accidents happen during construction, but

less frequently collapses also occurred after many years of service. The most terrible events are when a

bridge after many years suddenly disintegrates. Examples of both construction and long service failures will be

presented. Examples of construction failures to be considered are the Quebec Bridge in Canada and the Yarra

River Crossing in Australia. The Firth of Tay Bridge in Scotland, the Point Pleasant Bridge over the Ohio River,

and the Minneapolis Bridge disasters will illustrate events on bridges that were in service.

Similarities and differences of these sudden failures will be discussed. Lessons learned and recommendations

for preventive actions will then be presented. The main conclusion of the talk will be that the seeds of de-

struction were sowed already at the initial planning stages of design. Sudden and complete bridge failures are

very rare events, fortunately, and the engineering profession has the means to make the probability of failure

even smaller.

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November 19th, 2013

Sneaker Grill, Holiday Center, Duluth, MN

Board Members present were Lisa Karlgaard, Cindy Voigt, Tom DesMarais, David Franseen, Matt Nordine, Nick Patterson, Joel Hinnenkamp and Neal Smith.

The meeting was called to order at 4:42. A quorum was present.

Student Chapter Report: (Neal S.)

The students will order the pop and pizza for the December Luncheon at UMD scheduled from 12:00 –

1:30pm. The Duluth section will provide payment for the food at the luncheon. Cindy will provide Neal with

a total head count and Nick with provide name tags for the section members to wear. Neal also informed

the board that the UMD student section’s paperwork has been completed, and they have been appointed as

an official ASCE student chapter.

Toothpick Bridge: (All)

John and Amy will continue to be involved with the toothpick bridge competition for this year, and they have

had a volunteer to help them with this year’s competition.

Membership Update: (Joel H.)

Joel informed the board that there have been 2 new members in the last month. We are now at 279 total

members. 95 of these members have paid their national dues and of those, 65 have contributed to the Du-

luth section. Joel will check with Neal’s list of student members to ensure that they are all included on the

membership list provided from ASCE national.

Treasurer’s Report: (Nick P.)

Not including the 11/19 luncheon, there is $3647.04 in checking and $6963.89 in savings. This total amount is

approximately $1150 less than this time last year. The board agreed that this was an acceptable amount

based on the money spent on activities over the last year. We have received $770 from ASCE national for

2014 membership dues. Nick has completed and turned in the audit of the previous year to ASCE. Nick will

get an additional ASCE debit card for the account for Dave F.

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Region 3 Conference: (All)

Tom, Nick and Matt were nominated and accepted to attend the ASCE 2014 Region 3 Conference in St, Louis

MO on January 10-11. All three will get together to register for the conference and make travel arrange-

ments before the deadline dates.

Speakers and Section Meetings: (Cindy V.)

Cindy was made aware from Radisson that the rate for our lunch meetings will be increased from $12/person

to $13/person starting January 1, 2014. The board will continue discussion with Radisson over this rate and

contract length for the upcoming year. The board decided that the rate of $15/person is still adequate for

this increase in cost. For the April dinner meeting, Mike Kennedy will be the presenter and discuss the I-

35W bridge collapse.

Newsletter Report: (Dave F.)

Newsletter items are due November 22. Lisa will include information about the section website. Dave will

bring a list of possible new sponsors for the newsletter to the December board meeting along with a list of

the bounce back emails that are coming in.

Section Records: (All)

There was a motion that Art J. sort through the historical files and dispose of all unnecessary and duplicat-

ed files by the January board meeting. This motion was passed.

Next Board Meeting is scheduled for December 12th at 4:30 pm at Sneakers.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm.

Matt Nordine, Secretary

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SPONSORSHIP: The Duluth Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers is seeking sponsorship renewals and new sponsors

for 2013-2014. Our membership is comprised of engineers from a diverse range of companies. We are very proud

to showcase on our sponsor page.

With a contribution of $100, your company’s logo will be displayed in each section newsletter through September

2014. Our newsletter is produced 9 months of the year and reaches all of our 250+ members. Your support also

aids the Duluth ASCE Section’s efforts to keep the civil engineering community actively involved through tech-

nical presentations and networking luncheons, social activities, student outreach activities, and annual college


If you would like to become a sponsor please send a check payable to ASCE-Duluth Section to the section treas-


Nick Patterson

716 Garfield Avenue

Duluth, MN 55802

New sponsors and renewing sponsors, please email your company logo (formatted to fit into a standard business

card space) to the newsletter editor, Dave Franseen, at: [email protected]

We will continue to display our current sponsor logos until December 2013. A special thanks to our current spon-


Golder Associates

JPJ Engineering

Krech Ojard & Associates

LHB, Inc.

Marine Tech

MBJ Consulting Structural Engineers



The Duluth Section Board of Directors

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The Duluth Section continues to look for a web chair.

No programming required. If you are interested or would

like more information, please contact Lisa Karlgaard at

[email protected] or 218-279-2486.

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Thanks to Our Current 2013-2014 Sponsors!

(Well make more room for more!)