Presenter: Chien-Ju Ho 2009.4.21. Introduction to Amazon Mechanical Turk Applications ...

Amazon Mechanical Turk Artificial Artificial Intelligence Presenter: Chien-Ju Ho 2009.4.21

Transcript of Presenter: Chien-Ju Ho 2009.4.21. Introduction to Amazon Mechanical Turk Applications ...

  • Slide 1
  • Presenter: Chien-Ju Ho 2009.4.21
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  • Introduction to Amazon Mechanical Turk Applications Demographics and statistics The value of using MTurk Repeated labeling A machine-learning perspective
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  • Automaton Chess Player built in 80s.
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  • Human Intelligence Task (HIT) Tasks hard for computers Developer Prepay the money Publish HITs Get results Worker Complete the HITs Get paid
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  • User Survey
  • Slide 6
  • Image Tagging
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  • Data Collection
  • Slide 8
  • Audio Transcription Split the audio into 30sec pieces Image Filtering Filter porn or inappropriate image Lots of applications
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  • It depends on the task. Some information: Payment >= 0.01: 586 Payment >= 0.05: 357 Payment >= 0.10: 264 Payment >= 0.50: 74 Payment >= 1.00: 48 Payment >= 5.00: 5
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  • Survey on 1000 Turkers Conduct the survey twice (Dec. 2008 and Oct. 2008) Consistent statistics Blog Post: A Computer Scientist in a Business School A Computer Scientist in a Business School Where are Turkers from? United States76.25% India 8.03% United Kingdom 3.34% Canada 2.34%
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  • Degree Age Gender Income/year
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  • Use the data from ComScore In summary, Tukers are younger Portion of 21-35 years old: 51% vs. 22% in internet mainly female 70% female vs. 50 % female having lower income 65% turkers with income < 60k/year vs. 45% in internet having smaller family 55% turkers have no children vs. 40% in internet
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  • Victor S. Sheng, Foster Provost, and Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis New York University KDD 2008
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  • Imperfect labeling Amazon mechanical Turk Games with a purpose Repeated labeling Improve the supervised induction Increase the single-label accuracy Decrease the cost for acquiring training data
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  • Increase single-label accuracy Decrease cost for training data Labeling is cheap (using MTurk or GWAP) Obtaining data sample might be expensive (taking new pictures, feature extraction)
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  • How repeated labeling influence quality of the label accuracy of the model cost of acquiring data and the label Selections of data points to label repeatedly
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  • Uniform labeler quality All labelers exhibit the same quality p p is the probability labeler label correctly For 2N+1 labelers, the label quality q is Label quality for different settings of p
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  • Different labeler quality Repeated labeling is helpful in some cases An example: three labelers with quality p, p+d, p-d Repeated labeling is preferable to single labeler with quality p+d when settings is in the blue region No detailed analysis in the paper
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  • Majority voting (MV) Simple and intuitive Drawback of information lost Uncertainty-preserved labeling Multiplied Example procedure (ME) Using frequency as the weight of the label
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  • Round-robin strategy Label the example with the fewest labels Repeated label the examples in a fixed order
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  • The definition of the cost C U : the cost for the unlabeled portion C L : the cost for labeling Single labeling (SL): Acquire a new training example cost C U +C L Repeated labeling with majority vote (MV) Get another label for existing example cost C L
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  • Round-robin strategy, C U