

Transcript of Presentation1bill

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For my research on

Billboards, I have

traveled around my

local area and took

photos of some local

billboards. What I

want to achieve from

this is the different

type of layouts from

existing billboards

around today.

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This Billboard is a

very simple design

located in Sutton,

Surrey. The designer

of this Billboard has

used a very bright

colour to attract the


This design is very conventional when it comes to billboard designs. As you can see, the design has a large image to the left with text on the right with a bright pink colour. The image is separated to the text by using a coloured frame. The font of the text is simple and easy to read for the public. The logo or company name is positioned in the bottom right corner, so it is out the way of the design, there are also small print information in very small text, this information is probably needed for the promotion or advert, however not very important

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Here is another


simple design

for a billboard.

This billboard

looks very

effective, however can’t

be any more


This billboard is pretty much a photo. The design has just used a very attractive image, and added text over it in the center. This design is so simple, however looks very contemporary and attractive. Even though the design doesn’t really have much text, it advertises information that the public need to know, for example, the image of the butter tells us all we need personally.

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This billboard design is slightly more congested with design and graphics. Rather than a simple layout of text on top of an image, or next to each other, the two elements of design has been merged together. Instead of simple layouts like before, we can see many things going on in this billboard, for example, the text is dotted around the graphical images. The title is the only simple part of the design. Just a basic ribbon type object with text on it. Overall, this design is very attracti ve, however relates to the problem of confusion with Richard dyers theory. By looking at the previous designs, they are much more easier to understand.

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This design layout for this billboard is probably my favourite layout. This is because it is so simple, however very attractive as it uses a large, striking image as a background. For my final billboard design, I shall use this design as a base idea. I shall experiment uses the same type of layout, however position the design elements around to try and achieve a ‘better’ billboard than this one.