
Volume VII August, 2014 The Definitive Journal of Campo YMCA’s Youth In Government Chapter Editor-In-Chief: Bradley Harwood In this Issue : In this issue you will get a chance to read about Who your officers are, and some of the goals they intend to reach in this upcoming year! In this order.. Caleb Miranda – Page 2 Noah Rohm – Page 2 Becca Ross – Page 3 Andrew Sims – Page 3 Krista Reinhardt – Page 4 Katie Douglas – Page 4 Julia Rohm – Page 5 Daniel Eisele – Page 6 Colin Pearson – Page 6 Danielle Reid – Page7 Allen Rogers – Page 7 Tori Conte – Page 8 Bradley Harwood - Page 8 You will also get some ideas on how to pick a bill idea – Page 9 The officers taking a silly picture after a long weekend… Page 1 1


Campo's first Facebook article!

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Volume VII August, 2014

The Definitive Journal of Campo YMCA’s Youth In Government Chapter

Editor-In-Chief: Bradley Harwood

In this Issue :In this issue you will get a chance to read aboutWho your officers are, and some of the goals they intend to reach in this upcoming year!

In this order..

Caleb Miranda – Page 2Noah Rohm – Page 2 Becca Ross – Page 3Andrew Sims – Page 3Krista Reinhardt – Page 4Katie Douglas – Page 4Julia Rohm – Page 5Daniel Eisele – Page 6Colin Pearson – Page 6 Danielle Reid – Page7Allen Rogers – Page 7Tori Conte – Page 8Bradley Harwood - Page 8

You will also get some ideas on how to pick a bill idea –Page 9 The officers taking a silly picture after a long weekend…

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Hello, my name is Caleb Miranda I’m in 11th grade and I am the Commissioner of Agriculture for the Florida Youth in Government program. I have been in Youth in Government for 5 years and have enjoyed every moment of it. I also enjoy playing basketball and listening to music. My best experience in YIG was definitely being in Jr. Youth in Government, where I found my love for YIG.

Caleb Miranda “Believe you can and you’re halfway there”

by Theodore Roosevelt.

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Hey everyone, my name is Noah Rohm and I will be serving you as your 2014-15 Williams Senate President. This will be my third and final year in YIG since I am a senior this year. A little about me, I am huge fan of listening to, playing, and writing music. I also love to longboard. YIG has been a significant part of my life these past three years and the best part about it is seeing new delegates discover and develop their passions. My favorite memory from YIG would have to be my first time attending the Conference on National Affairs in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. It was a time of great personal growth for me and I will always look back at it fondly. My biggest piece of advice to new delegates would be to write your bill on something you are passionate about and do not be afraid to let your ideas be heard. One of my missions is to be as big a help as possible to all of our delegates so do not be afraid to approach me with any questions you have!

Noah Rohm - “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.” By J.K. Rowling

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This will be my 4th year in the Youth in Government program, including my 8th grade year when I participated in Junior Youth in Government. In my spare time, I am a tea enthusiast, photographer, artist, and writer. I believe in seeking beauty in the ordinary, and enjoy hugs, long walks, and flower picking. I am so excited to be starting the program year, and my junior year of high school, after a summer mostly filled with visiting with friends and relatives, preparations for the program year, and attending the YMCA Conference on National Affairs in North Carolina. It was nice meeting you!

Becca Ross “For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be.” By Eric Roth

Hey guys, my name is Andrew Sims I'm going into 11th grade, and this is my 3rd year in YIG. One of the things that I've accomplished while in YIG, is truly opening up, and coming out of my comfort zone, and being comfortable with speaking in front of people. That would not have been possible without the help of Youth In Government! One of my goals for this year is to make it clear to all the new delegates what a bill is, and make sure that they understand it, and how to write it! I know there were people that helped me when it was my first year who made everything clear to me, and I want to be that person to all of you!

Andrew SimsBut the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. By Acts 9:15

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I’m Krista Reinhardt, I’ve been in Campo YIG for four years, and I am so honored to serve as president this year! My goal this year is to serve God and serve all of you to the best of my ability. I am going into 12th grade. My favorite thing to do is worship God through singing and playing my guitar. Physics is my favorite thing to study, and I’m taking Advanced Physics this year. I also love to play golf, and hope to pursue that in college. My summer was great, from starting a worship band, to playing my favorite golf courses, to interning with County Commissioner Higginbotham, but I am so excited to start the school year and the program year. Last year at State Assembly I was a Director of Legislative Affairs, meaning I lobbied for certain bills that the Governor wanted to see passed. I hope to do that again this year, but if it does not work out, I am going to write a bill for legislative. I come up with several bill ideas simply by asking friends and family what they want to see changed in the state of Florida.

Krista Reinhardt“The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” By Exodus 15:2.

Hey everyone! I’m Katie Douglas, and I’m your Vice President for the 2014-2015 YIG year. I’m so excited to meet all of you and to see the amazing things that I know you’re all going to accomplish this year. I started YIG in 2012 in my freshman year, making me a currently third-year delegate and junior in high school. Some of my favorite things are: speech and debate, singing, music (alternative is the faveee), dancing, Robert Downey Jr., food, and writing. My favorite activities this summer have been going to the beach and hanging out with friends.

Katie Douglas “One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.” By Ida Scott Taylor

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Hey guys! My name is Julia Rohm and I am your 2014-2015 JYIG Liaison. I’ve been in YIG since 7th grade and I’m going to be a freshman this year. I love playing piano, singing and sports, (I know it’s weird, but I love to run). Soccer is by far my favorite sport and I hope to eventually play it in college. Joining YIG is probably one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. My favorite memory is having the honor of being a Page at the 57th State Assembly. Paging is the most fun program in all of YIG! I ran around the State Capital in sneakers and passed notes, making sure they were appropriate before delivering them. I also learned more about the program than I ever had before and discovered a new found love for YIG. If you are a second year JYIG kid, I seriously encourage to apply to be a Page, because it is an opportunity that will change your life. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you to the best of my ability.

Julia Rohm

“Whether you think you can’t or you think you can, you’re right.” By Henry Ford

Hi, my name is Kenzie Manning and I am Campo’s Treasurer. This will be my second year in the program and I am a sophomore. A big dream of mine is to be on Broadway someday and with anything volleyball count me in. The best thing about my summer is serving the Lord at Kid’s Camp, and making a difference in their lives. My bill last year was to increase the fine when you don’t stop for a emergency vehicle. I got that idea because of my Father and Uncle are Fire Fighters and Grandfather is a retired police officer. A special part of my time in YIG is the whole year. We are a family that first loves God and then loves others. I hope in the coming year you will join us in this adventure and in this family we call Campo.

Kenzie Manning

“No. Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” By Yoda

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Hello fellow compadres…My name is Daniel Eisele and I was born in the Amazon while fighting tigers and monkeys. Currently I am entering the 11th grade (AKA the year that you look into colleges and colleges look at you and when you take the PSAT and get stressed). Some hobbies of mine would have to be videogames, going to Busch Gardens, video games, cross fit, video games, and SCHOOL…and videogames. This year will be my second super duper amazing ultra fantastic year in YIG, and I hope to make it everyone else’s too. My favorite activity during summer so far would have to be working for Camp Christina as a camp counselor, messing with the many children’s brains one cell at a time.

Daniel Eisele

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.”by Nora Roberts

Hello, my name is Colin Pearson. This year I have the honor of serving as your Sergeant At Arms. Among other things, I am a sophomore in high school, enjoy playing soccer, and plan on a career in music. This year will be my fourth in YIG and I couldn’t be more excited about it. My only goals for YIG are to meet as many amazing people as possible and get as much out of the program as I can, everything else comes second

Colin Pearson

“A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open”By frank Zappa

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Hey, I’m Danielle. I am this year’s 2014-2015 Campo Youth In Government Secretary. I am in 10th grade. Besides YIG, I enjoy singing, acting, playing volleyball and taking pictures. I’ve been in YIG now for four years. Last year I served my first time on the officer corp as JYIG Liaison. At this past State Assembly someone made an impact on my YIG experience. While presenting my bill in the House of Representatives, The Speaker of the House stepped down and debated in favor of my bill. It encouraged me and challenged me to become a better debater. I hope I can spark the same excitement in another delegate this incoming year as he did for me. My favorite summer activity this past summer was working in a Teen Impact program. I am looking forward to meeting every new delegate and growing closer to returning delegates.

Danielle Reid“To be a winner you don’t have to be the first person to cross the finish line.”

Allen Rogers

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it but because by it I see everything else”. By C.S. Lewis

Hey guys! My Name is Allen Rogers, I am entering my senior year of high school and I am serving this year as your judicial coordinator. I love to read, and play sports like volleyball, and I love going to the beach! This is my third year in YIG. This year I hope to see many of you in judicial! I am going to focus a lot of time on preparing you for court, and making sure everyone knows their cases inside and out. Above all, I want to make judicial a fun and great learning experience, because that is what is most important.

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The name is Tori Conte, and I am your Campo 2014-2015 Historian. I am entering the 10th grade this year, with a great interest in photography, singing and dancing. This will be my 4th year in YIG, and I cannot wait for more great experiences in the program. My goal for this year is to develop my leadership skills, be a better version of myself, and help the delegates to do the same. As a YIG delegate, Youth In Government is a great part of my life, but it isn’t all of my life. I have many things that I also love about life, and one of those is summer! My favorite summer activity is to go to the beach and hang out with my friends and family.

Tori Conte

“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”

Hey guys! I’m Bradley Harwood and I will be serving as your 2014-2015 Editor-in-Chief. I’m going into my sophomore year of high school and my fourth year of YIG. Throughout the year I have huge plans to bring

Campo’s Press corps to a whole entire other level. My passions outside of YIG are working with underprivileged children and going on mission’s trips. When I get older I would love to be a medical Missionary. I hope I will be

able to make a difference to every single one of you this year, so don’t be afraid to come and ask for help!

Bradley Harwood

“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” By Nelson Mandela

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How to find a bill idea by: Tori Conte

There are several ways you can find bill ideas. I have found that talking to your parent or relative about the things going on in our government, helps you tremendously. You will find that you can come up with some great bill topics by simply asking them “What would you like to see changed in our state?” That helps make you aware of what is happening, and have some creative ideas that could be bill topics.

Logging on to the Florida Statutes Website and looking through topics that spark your interest, gives a good topic as well. Not only that, but reading all the new laws that are being passed into Florida, can give you great ideas, too!

How to find a bill idea by: Andrew Sims

So how does somebody write a bill? Well its a lot more simple than most people make it out to be! A bill isn’t a 300 page document only written by legislators. It’s an idea. It’s an problem that this state is facing, and a way to fix that problem. Nothing more than that! A bill is written very simply. Nothing more than finding a problem, a little bit of research, and a solution! Now a bill isn’t in any limited to gun laws, or rules of the road. It can be something as crazy as putting glow-in-the-dark paint on bicycles, or putting GPS chips in snakes! Be creative, and be passionate! If you’re going to write a bill, make sure it’s something that you’re passionate about!