
Mind Map By Amelia Barrett

Transcript of Presentation1

Page 1: Presentation1

Mind MapBy Amelia Barrett

Page 2: Presentation1

Story Telling

Fairy Tale – This can allow you to show contrast between good v Evil for example princess/ prince in contrast with trolls/witches.

You can illustrate story books in your photography by re creating the book through photos.

Comics – could create a comic strip and incorporate villains and heroes or the situation of a disequilibrium.

News- a big story which is news worthy compared to your own personal story.

Photo album- a way of showing life events and the stages of growing up of a persons existence or yourselves.

Developments through addiction- this could be shown through there recovery or how they became addicted.

Fiction/ Non fiction- for example someone's biography or a document of life.

Story Boards- planning of events for example getting ready process.

Music Video for example this can show a love story through animation, audio, photos and video

A day in the life of someone showing there daily routine of events.

The story of fashion through the way it has grown and redesigned in to later generations.

The story of the culture in fashion.

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Water reflections for example reflections through water, lakes, rivers reflecting the city life.

Personal reflections- thinking back on times that were good and bad.

Selfies- through mirrors, buildings, water reflecting yourself. Pictures that encourage

reflection for example quite reflection that can make people reflect on there society or there own personal experiences.

Mirror reflections- which show yourself or others in physical reflections for example sun glasses.

Body distortion- in which you look one way but actually different to others.

Reflect the positions you find yourself in and the mistakes you made and what the consequence of your actions was.

Reflecting your life compared to someone else's. For example an active reflection against a lazy lifestyle.

Abstract reflection- where your reflection is blurred and not true.

Reflection in culture in which you will be reflecting various cultures opposing or mirroring each other

Reflect on your performance and determine what your future would be.

Journey- reflecting on your past and where you have been, what you have achieved .

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Personal Comment

A personal comment on our diverse society and how lots of different cultures come to one.

The fashion society and how young girls are always having to live up to the perfectly air brushed celebrities and how this affects there life.

Youth society- the diverse opinions on young people for example- gangs v a hard working student.

The personal comment on fashion which is diverse in each society and how there actions match there outfits for example Camden against tower of London against Essex against mile end.

Society in a capitalist form- the workers v the bosses. A ruling class in a hierarchy chain.

The way society believe we should act for example women being domestic and men being the bread winners who go out and earn the money for food/ house bills.

Personal comments on two different social groups coming together and how they would act if they would welcome each other to there life style.

Personal comment on tribes.

Personal comment on what people think of different religions.

Mental illness showing how people think mental illness is against how it is .

Personal comment on why there are still poverty and why children are dying in Africa compared to our life style.

Personal comment on the two generations of youth/older generation.

Views on different peoples personalities / clothing choice.

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Freezing Motion

A frozen motion in transport for example the busy streets of London in rush hour.

A frozen motion of someone's movement for example jumping and frozen in mid air.

Frozen motion in- dance where you photograph a dancers position in moment of there passion.

Nature- the wild life running and showing them in there nature form which you cant normally notice for example the movement of a lion frozen while roaring.

Swimming in sport where you have a frozen photograph of there precise technique and competitive nature.

A fashion show where there is one person on the cat walk wearing different outfits.

Horse racing

The sea/ waves


Fast shutter speed to reveal frozen movement the eye cant see.

The weather for example a kite in the wind in frozen movement.

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The Natural World

Landscapes- showing a location and its sense of nature.

Flowers and plants and the beauty and detail of them.

A world in which is natural for certain type of person for example a office for a business man/ women.

The destruction of the natural world, dead plants or chopped down trees.

Close up of a texture or pattern of a certain flower.

Highlighting the different seasons and how they affect the world around us.

The natural world of forest, fields, flowers, plants and flower beds.

The different times of tides in a consecutive timeline to show how time affects the natural world.

Wild life and focusing on the movement of birds.

Focusing on the colors of the natural world.

The life cycles of animals for example the butterfly.

The natural world of the sky and clouds and how the different seasons change the atmosphere.

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Personal Comment

The growth of fashion- through a timeline of different era’s of fashion and how it has developed and changed through time. Using hair style, clothing and footwear. An idea will be to present it through grid method in order of when each style came about.

A personal comment on the view that people think that looks dominate and how the media are a bad influence on the people that think this as the models are unrealistic and make especially teenagers paranoid and self conscience about there own body and looks. This will contrast with another view of how family and living your life is more important to others. Instead of following society. The presentation of this can be for a magazine cover/ article.

Personal comment - highlighting how poverty still is happening. I will show this by my personal comment on how the public are invisible to it in our own country. The photograph will show the vulnerability and loneliness that will represent people in poverty. An idea I have will be to shoot poverty in the studio and a separate shoot of rough areas. Where I will then combine these photo’s and change the opacity to represent being invisible.

Personal comment- Domestic Abuse and how it affects the outside by the multiple bruises, black eyes and cuts. As well as the emotion on the face representing the loneliness, having no confidence and being frightened to escape. In comparison with the inside and how it affects her body through the damaged body features and broken heart. This shoot will show the after pain representing a women.

A personal comment on nature- the photographs will express the beauty of nature and how the bright colours bring out life. This will contrast with the corrupt and dead plants. To show the difference between life and death.

Youth society- personal comment on the perspective of what elderly people see the youth and how they are stereotyped to be wearing hoodies, bad language and controlling there areas of living. Compared to my own personal view on how a youths lifestyle. This can be presented by hiding identities in graffiti areas using young male and females.

poverty Fashion


Fashion Stereotypes

Domestic abuse