Presentation 0

SAP TERP10 Preparation Presentation 0 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22 Bank account: 50400113-11065546 Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary Tel: +36-309-015-488 E-mail: [email protected]

Transcript of Presentation 0

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SAP TERP10 PreparationPresentation 0

Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur

Tax Reg. No.: 63673852-3-22Bank account: 50400113-11065546

Location: 1st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, HungaryTel: +36-309-015-488

E-mail: [email protected]

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Content of the PresentationIntroductionCourse agendaAvailability of course materialsGradingSetting up connection to ELTE SAP BSL ServerSAP Scenarios


ReferencesList of Object/GUI symbols

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SAP TERP10 Preparation Course Introduction 1Even the most streetsmart students sometimes worry about the morning after the ground-breaking graduation party, when you kick aside gals/guys sleeping on the rug drunk, see in a mirror, and ask: „What I am gonna to do now? Until this point I was always told what to do!” Aim of our 3 semester × 10 weeks × 2 ×45 minutes SAP TERP 10 preparatory course is that this morning should NEVER come: From my students, whoever takes SAP really seriously and learn it thoroughly will worry about how his boss will give him a day of to participate graduation ceremonyBecause these gals/guys will have quite nice paying SAP-related job already at the time of graduation ceremony! Why?Because SAP (Systems, Applications, Packages) is world leading supplier of Enterprise Resorce Planning, ERP Systems (Vállalatirányítási Rendszerek, VIR): modular software package based on common Data warehouse (Adattárház), automating Data processing (Adatkezelés) and Decision support (Döntéstámogatás) on all mayor corporate activities:

Sales, SD (Értékesítés), Material Management, MM (Anyagellátás), Production Planning, PP (Gyártástervezés)Financing, FI (Pénzügyek),Controlling, CO (Kontrolling)

ERP market extended rapidly in recent years, as owning a working ERP system become a key of survival for companies in a global competition

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SAP TERP10 TERP10 Preparation Introduction 2SAP TERP10 is a certification exam of SAP theoretical knowledge organized and worldwide recognized by SAP, which gives excellent opportunities to launch profitable career.It is available to students enrolled Full Time (Nappali) at any Hungarian higher education institution through Moodle-based webcourses of Duisburg University SAP-UCC launced in every 4-6 months (see:, then completing an English language electronic test form in 60min at, SAP building, Graphisoft-park, Budapest. Its cost for full-time enrolled students of any Hungarian university is 415€ (in 2010 Dec). This is quite an expensive for a student but compare it with the first month net salary 750-850€ of the position you can reach with it.But, why do you need a preparatory course for an already existing webcourse/Exam?In my webcourse group 3 out of 19 participants could complete the test successfully…In case of failure, you have to pay the whole fee for repeated exam againAfter 3 failures, you are allowed to try TERP10 again only after issuing the next version of SAP (4-6 years)Summarizing: this is not the usual exam in hungarian higher education you get used to that: they won’t let you pass without knowledge just because of you paid for it!

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SAP TERP10 TERP10 Preparation Introduction 3Why TERP10 is so hard?

First of all, there are damn lot of course materials: you should read, understand and learn 1600 pages of full-text material in PDF, plus it requires ca. 30days×6hours practicing with SAP GUI, and ca. 11days × 16hours memorization for the final test (NOT just reading through once while listening Lady Gaga in the meantime…) Evaluation of the course material of Duisburg University:

There are pretty good practice tasks, But is English is sometime not really straightforward for Hungarian ear as this was written by Pakistani authors in Germany, There were several authors of several chapters and they are not fully synchronized, Software handling is very hard to follow, as there are not enogh screenshots of a damn difficult user interface There are optional materials in „small letters” which are still requested in the exam, Big overview maps of topics are sometimes available only in unreadable inferior resolution There are trial test sequences, but sometimes they are faulty, There are some test questions which are not covered by course material

How the current preparatory course can help you?:Our course material is also in English, as the test is in English, and most companies request you handling SAP in English or German, BUT this is written by Hungarian logic, and will be presented, explained, and consulted in Hungarian! Instead of full-text PDF textbooks, we provide more interactive non-full text PPTs whith thorough software handling screenshots and animations, while short form Notes of course material is provided in Word DOCOverview maps essential for final phase of memorization are prepared by the innovative Hungarian Prezi software (see: ) where resolution of maps can be changed more flexibly, enabling rapid shifting from details to whole picture

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Course AgendaUnit Presentation Quiz % Practice Home Assign. %Semester 1: 10weeks×2×45min0 Introduction, Basic info -  - - Install SAP GUI 101 SAP history, architecture,


2 Procurement: Organization, Plot SAP Architect. 15Procurement: set organiz,

and masterCreate semi finished mat 15

3 Procurement:Process Procur.master 15Procurement:Invoicing Flex report 15Semester 2: 10weeks×4×45min4 Mat.planning:Master data Procur.Proc 5Mat.planning:BOM,Routing Routings 55 Mat.planning:SOP,MRP Mat.plan.mast 5Mat.planning:Sales order Re-run MRP 56 PLM:Master data SOP, MRP 5PLM:Material classification Product structure 57 5 58 5 59 5 510 5 511 5 512 5 513 5 5Semester3: 10weeks×4×45min14 5 515 5 516 5 517 5 518 5 519 5 520 5 521 5 522 5 523 5 5

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All course materials are available at PTE-TTK Szentágothai Szakkollégium website: in form of PowerPoint presentations and practicesThese are NOT conventional „three sentences/slide” projectable presenta-tions, but almost full-text materials with:

Linked-in case study materialsStep-by step animated software usage

usable at computer labHowever it is highly recommended for stu-dents to print them out in handout format and taking notes to slides, as questions in quiz may be represented from oral comments of tutor also

All course materialsare in English to com-ply with TERP10But presentations arein Hungarian, and wehave English NotesSAP GUI can be both

Accessibility of course materials

Do not give number here!

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GradingMid-semester requirements:

10 × 5 points = 50 points from 5-question quizes at the beginning of presentations10 × 5 points = 50 points from home assignments due to the beginning of next practice

End-of-semester rquirements:None

Grading limits: 0..59 points: Fail (1), not recommended to try TERP1060..69 points: Sufficit (2), not recommended to try TERP1070..79 points: Medium (3) 80..89 points: Fair (4)90..100 points: Excellent (5)

Consultation possibilities:Mondays 11.00-12.00, room 104, Department of Informatics, Faculty of science, please arrange meeting in advance by E-mail: [email protected]

Tracking results at mid-semester:A You can find here an Excel worksheet

Costs of course by semesters:27000HUF/person/10weeks×4×45min, Billed to you by e-Werk Bt.First 2 weeks can be visited free, without any further obligationPayment due to mid-semester

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Content of the PresentationIntroductionCourse agendaAvailability of course materialsGradingSetting up connection to ELTE SAP BSL ServerSAP Scenarios


ReferencesList of Object/GUI symbols

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Set up connection of SAP GUI to ELTE SAP BSL ServerELTE SAP Baseline Package (BSL) Server: SAP IDES tutorial server tailed to Hungarian setting and filled with sample data by ELTE

We will use this to learn handling of SAP modules. However ABAP-programming in this version is restricted, for that purpose use ELTE IDES server!

Set up connection from A103lab:This is already pre-set

Setting up connection from home:If our firewall monitors outgoing connections, open ports 3205, 3305 towards installed SAP GUI SAP Logon with icon ( )| Egyéni beállítás button:

Megnevezés: SAP Baseline Package saprouterApplikációs szerver: /H/ BSL, Rendszerszám: 05, Verzió: R/3Mentés és bejelentkezés button (parameters are stored in C:/Windows/saplogon.ini file)

Login to ELTE BSL (both from A103lab and home):Mandant: 912Felhasználó: PTTK-EHACODE (only the first 6 chars!)Your BSL user is totally independent from yor IDES user, but it is advisable to use the same username!Jelszó: ttkhallg00, you have to shift it at first login

Content: Fast example for tailing BSL to Hungary:Launch transaction SPRO of system-customization!Press SAP Referencia IMG button!In Vállalati struktúra|Hozzárendelés|Pénzügy|Válla-lat társasághoz rendelése menu you can see that code 1000 means a sample company at Budapest


ClickClickClick Click




Click Click

Click Click

Click ClickClick Click

Click Click

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Definition of SAP ScenariosSAP Scenarios (Szcenárió, Forgatókönyv) mean complex business processes executed through series of Transactions (Tranzakció, SAP-program), used to teach working of SAP-modules. Each scenario has:

Precondition (Előfeltétel): what other scenarios are necsessary to run previouslyOrganizational background (Szervezeti háttér): what kind of organizational structure neccessary to run the scenarioPlot (Akcióterv): a plan of what changes/goals the scenario should completeMaster data input (Törzsadat bevitel): static, slowly changing data is necessary to setBusiness Process (Üzleti folyamat ): at wich milestone, which transaction from which module should be launced at wich settingsOutput (Eredmény): displaying/reporting results

You will experience running the scenarios that SAP R/3 GUI is sometimes shockingly complex and overcomplicated. Why is that?

At each Data Warehouse (Adattárház) effective Data Storage Structure (Adattárolási struktúra) can be seen on Entity Relationship Diagram, ERD (Egyedkapcsolati diagramm) of the underlying Normalized (Nomalizált) Relational database (Relációs adatbázis) is completely different from optimal structure of electronic Forms (Űrlapok) at GUI: how user can conveniently overview business processesThe structural difference is usually bridged by 100s of View Table SQL Queries (Nézettáblás SQL lekérdezések), which collect data source of forms from database tables, AND write back changes made by user on forms into database tables. However they are expensive to developeTherefore structure of forms of SAP transactions called Dynpro (Dinpró) are much more close to storage structure than optimal structure of users process overview, so even the most simple business processes (eg. Ordering a raw material, or selling some finished product) are performed sometimes series of 10-30 transactions!Of course there are utilities in SAP to assemble series of Dynpros to perform business processes, but this is still very far from Wizards (Varázsló) usual in other software, which lead unexperienced user through the whole process with explanations and advices of Logic interdependencies (Logikai összefüggések) of data. Why?

Developing wizards is damn expensive, and there should be 100000s of themSAP R/3 is for big companies, where single process is distributed among 20-30 employees doing just 1 phase of it, so they have to learn only 1-2 transactionsHowever it is very inconvenient when you have to learn the whole process

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Usage of SAP ScenariosInstead wizards, there are SAP Tutor simulations, but they just play scenarios like a movie, from one set of data, without any interactivity or explanations

How we present SAP scenarios in our course material to make it more understandable: We will use 3 parallel views on our slides:

At left: We can see the onoing process at flowchartIn the middle: There is the explanation of settings of transactions and data interdependenciesAt right: There is animated screenshots of handling of current transaction

Practicing scenarios, we should follow the rules below:Transactions should be launched from SAP menu, instead of writing their code in the textbox. The latter is faster, but at the former we will have better picture about the – sometimes irrational – complex structure of SAP menu of 1000s of itemsUse Technical Names (Műszaki nevek): to show transaction codes in SAP menu also, set at SAP GUI|Kiegészítések|Beállí-tások (Extensions|Options) menu, checking Műszaki nevek használata (Display tecnical names) checkboxMany students will create damn many objects on the same server, so there should be a strict naming convention to avoid confusion, using the PTTK-UserName-ObjectName schemaDo not use objects created by utehr user, as SAP will block even reading data (irrationally…) if more users try to use something simultaneosly, only 1 user can work with that!SAP many times creates new objects, which has no name just identified by a continously incrementing numeric key starting with 2-digit prefix showing the function of the key (eg. A sales order is coded by 140000000531).

You should take note them in the red text boxes in your PPT file and save it, as SAP so-metimes remembers the last code in the next transaction, sometimes not!





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Troubleshooting in SAP ScenariosYou must aknowledge that as SAP is more difficult than womens soul, its natural is ERROR, and you are the guy who will be paid to resolve it! So whenever you face an error in the scenarios, please do not panic:

DON’T leave a transaction without save! In this case we do not make any harm but many of our work can be lostDON’T save objects prematurely without missing data (we get error message at save about what is missing), because you can force SAP to save it uncompleted, but it will not work. But afterwards, you wont be able to delete or modify (you do not have the right for thet, just the main system administrator). In such case you can re-create the object on new name correctly, avoid using the old useless one.Please read error messages and help coming up at F1 hot key: as SAP is not Microsoft product, these have something to do with the reality and can contain useful explanations… (38 years of developement worth something). Just sometimes they are in GermanOpen new Modus (Módusz): If you notice you have to step back to the previous transaction to check some preliminary setting, don’t do it in the actual window as you will loose lot of time! Instead of it open new one with Új módusz létrehozása (Create new modus) ( ) button, launch the last transaction there, then close it, to avoid slowing down SAP.If the given transaction is stuck, but SAP GUI is not completely frozen: launch SAP GUI Windows tálca-ikon|Jobbkatt| Tranzakció megszakítása (Taskbar icon|RightClick|Abort trans-action) menuIf SAP GUI is completely frozen/session is aborted while transaction was running: Launch SAP GUI and Log-In again. There is a warning, wheter to Folytassa a régivel vagy nyisson újat? (Continue aborted modus or open new one?)|Nyiss újat (Open new one). Start SM50 Processzáttekintés (Process overview) transaction. Serach your process stuck by user name and running time and Bejelöl (Check) it at the beginning of the row. Then launch menu Processz|Megszakítás core nélkül (Process|Abort without core) to close process.












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Értékesítés támogatás (Sales Promotion)Direkt mail (Direct mail)Ajánlat (Offer)Árazás (Pricing)Rendelés (Order)Validáció (Validation)Szerződés (Contract)Szállítás (Transport)Hitel (Credit)Ütemezés (Scheduling)Szerviz (Service)Vevőszolgálat (Customer Service)Kattintás (Click)Dupla kattintás (Double Click)Adatbevitel (Write)Csak olvasható (Read Only)

Partner (Partner)Anyag (Material)Sarzs (Batch)Bevitt anyag (Partner material)Készlet (Inventory)Raktár (Deposit)Gyári szám (Serial number)Darabjegyzék (Bill of materials)Szortiment (Sortiment)Anyagmeghatá-rozás (Material Identification)Árazás (Pricing)Engedmény (Allowance)Fizetési mód (Payment Method)Számla (Invoice)Bizonylat (Voucher)

Object SymbolsCég (Company)Gyár (Plant)Értékesítési szervezet (Sales Department)Üzletkötő csoport (Sales Representative Group)Értékesítési integráció (Sales Integration)Csatorna (Channel)Földrajzi hely (Geographic Location)Kiszállítási hely (Delivery Location)Szállítási mód (Transportation Mode)Rakodási pont (Loading Point)Árucsoport (Product Group)Értékesítési terület (Sales Area)







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GUI SymbolsThe difficult transactions at SAP GUI have usually a complex cavalcade of menus, buttons, dropdowns, checkboxes, tables, subscreens nested into each other in the wildest variationsWhich is a result of that differen development teams worked for 30 years using very different GUI development guidelinesSo most of the time you have to navigate among them very counter-intuitive wayTo make GUI usage descriptions more short and straightforward, we will use standardized denotions of GUI controls:

DEF:-definition, PRC:-process, ALT:-alternatives, CYC:-cycle, -follows, -(dis)advantage,Aaa|Bbb|-Menu/Submenu, SCR:-Screen, FRM:-Frame, ID-UniqueID, BTN:-Button, TXB:-Textbox, DDN:-Dropdown, TAB:-Page tab, CHK:-Checkbox (any of them can be checked)RAD:-Radiobox (one can be checked only), LIN:-Tableline, KEY:-Hotkey, WRN:-Warning boxERR:-Errorbox

They can be nested into each other to shortly describe a more complex navigation on GUI (for example):