Preparing the CREST Document - Texas Counseling ... · Web viewIn its final form, CREST is a...

Counselors Reinforcing Excellence for Students in Texas Recognition of Outstanding School Counseling Programs Sponsored by

Transcript of Preparing the CREST Document - Texas Counseling ... · Web viewIn its final form, CREST is a...

Counselors Reinforcing Excellence for Students in Texas

Recognition of Outstanding School Counseling Programs

Sponsored by Texas School Counselor Association

TSCA 2016

What is CREST? Counselors Reinforcing Excellence for Students in Texas (CREST) is sponsored by the Texas School Counselor Association (TSCA) and awarded to school counseling programs that meet CREST requirements. CREST is a continuous improvement document that school counseling programs can use to demonstrate effective communication and a commitment to obtaining results. In its final form, CREST is a brochure that highlights the accomplishments of your counseling program. Your CREST document will include information in seven (7) areas:

• Principal’s Comments • School Counseling Advisory Council • School Climate and Safety • Student Results • Major Achievements • Community Partnerships/Resources • Parent Collaboration

Why CREST? Ask yourself, “Why should our school counseling program pursue the CREST application process?” Benefits


• Advocate for your school counseling program and show how it supports student success • Document your school counseling program’s role in supporting student success • Show continuous improvement data for your counseling program • Highlight program successes for all stakeholders • Strengthen the campus counseling program by aligning it with the campus improvement plan • Reinforce the school counselor’s role in the academic, personal/social, and career development of

students • Link your school counseling program to state, national, and legislative standards • Provide a tool for accountability • Receive recognition at the Texas School Counselor Association/Texas Counseling Association spring

conferences • Receive a CREST banner for display on your campus

The CREST application form is available from the following website:

Preparing the CREST Document Requirements:

• Categories 1–7 placed in sequential order • Consistent use of voice • Consistent format • Proper grammar • Correct spelling

• Acronyms spelled out on first use • Page size 17 x 11 inches (can be folded like a magazine) • Text body uses point size of 10 or 12 (CREST documents with less than a 10-point font size in the

body text will not be considered for an award.)• Font: Times New Roman or Garamond• Graphs have an 8-point or higher font size • The words “A continuous improvement document sponsored by the Texas School Counselor

Association” included in the header • Online CREST Application form submitted by November 1:• Documents postmarked by November 1; faxed or emailed documents will not be accepted

The 2016 CREST Application should include the following: • Completed online form. Online form:• Twelve (12) color copies of the CREST document • Two (2) copies of the signature page, School Counseling Advisory Committee or School

Improvement Team Signatures (one original, one copy)• One (1) flash drive of the CREST document in PDF format (this item will not be returned)

File should be saved on the flash drive using the following format: Name of School_Level_District_Crest 2016

Mail CREST documents (12), signature pages (2) and flash drive to:

CREST Application c/o Jamie Farber, CREST Chair

P.O. Box 2024 Roanoke, TX 76262

We encourage you to seek CREST layout design and editorial assistance from the following personnel:

• District office public relations department • English department • Desktop publishing class • Yearbook advisor • Graphics department • Technology Department



• American School Counselor Association (ASCA):• Texas School Counselor Association (TSCA):

Books: • The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition • ASCA National Model Workbook: A Companion Guide for Implementing a Comprehensive School

Counseling Program

• ASCA National Standards for Students, 2004

• Making Data Work, Third Edition, ASCA Bookstore

• A Model Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools, A Guide for Program Development, Pre-K–12th Grade, Fourth Edition

After Submission, the CREST Committee will: • Send an email to the individual whose name appears on the application, acknowledging receipt of the

CREST application. • Send notification by email December 15th about the status of your CREST application. No questions

will be answered with regard to the status of your application prior to this date. • Present awards at CREST Luncheon during the spring Texas School Counselor Conference.

Scoring of the CREST Document To receive an award, a CREST application may receive a total of only two No’s in the eight categories. Each CREST document will be judged by a team of three professionals in the school counseling field throughout Texas. The scoring continuum is as follows: First Review

1. If the document receives NO MORE than two No’s in the eight categories, it has achieved CREST distinction.

2. If the application receives MORE than two No’s in the eight categories, it is sent to a second team of reviewers (Second Review).

Second Review

1. If the document receives MORE than two No’s in the eight categories, the application does NOT receive CREST distinction.

2. If the application receives NO MORE than two No’s in the eight categories, the application goes to a third review team (Third Review).

Third Review

1. If the application receives MORE than two No’s, the application does NOT receive CREST distinction.

2. If the application receives NO MORE than two No’s, it has achieved CREST distinction.

Category 1: Principal’s Comments Principal, ask yourself, “How does our school counseling program impact student success?” Preparing this Section The principal must show support for a well-balanced counseling program. (Please limit text to one or two short paragraphs.) Resources for this section: ASCA National Model Application: The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition— Management Agreements (p. 46), Information Performance Evaluation Templates, (pp. 64-65) Texas State Model Application: A Model Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools, A Guide for Program Development, Pre-K–12th Grade, Fourth Edition (pp. 49–71)

Category 1: Principal’s Comments

The Principal’s Comments section must include the following items: Yes


1a. A statement of the school counseling program’s vital role in student success and school safety

1b. An example of how the school counseling program contributes to student success and school safety

1c. A statement of support for implementation of the ASCA National Model and/or Texas State Model of the Comprehensive Counseling Program

1d. A statement explaining how the school counseling program supports the campus improvement plan and initiatives

Lone Star Level (LSL): Complete this section only if you have won a CREST award three times.

LSL: 1e Submit a copy of the Principal School Counselor Agreement

Yellow Rose Level (YRL): Complete this section only if you have received a CREST on the Lone Star Level.

YRL: 1f. Submit a copy of the guidance calendar for the year signed and dated by the principal.

Category 2: School Counseling Advisory Council Ask yourself, “Who are we as a team? How does this team guide the school counseling program?” Preparing this Section School counselors shall form either a School Counseling Advisory Council or be a member of the School Improvement Team. A School Counseling Advisory Council is a representative group of stakeholders such as faculty, staff, parents, students, and/or community members from your school campus. Its focus is to advise and guide the school counseling program in order to promote student success. This council must meet at minimum twice a year. The School Improvement Team is also a representative group of stakeholders and school counselors may utilize this forum as the School Counseling Advisory Council. School counseling must be an ongoing agenda item, and the school counselor(s) must be a member of the School Improvement Team. Resources for this section: ASCA National Model Application: The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition (pp. 47-48) Texas State Model Application: A Model Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools, A Guide for Program Development, Pre-K–12th Grade, Fourth Edition (pp. 49–71)

Category 2: School Counseling Advisory Council The School Counseling Advisory Council section must include the following items:



2a. A statement on the purpose of the School Counseling Advisory Council or School Improvement Team

2b. A list or chart providing information on the School Counseling Advisory Council or School Improvement Team, including names and positions

2c. The School Counseling Advisory Council or School Improvement Team is comprised of a representative group of stakeholders.

2d. A statement on the process for selecting committee members 2e. The number of times the council meets (minimum of twice a year) 2f. An example of a discussed agenda item 2g. How School Counseling Advisory Council’s feedback/input guides the school counseling program

Lone Star Level (LSL): Complete this section only if you have won a CREST award three times.

LSL: 2h Submit a copy of the needs assessment used for your School Counseling

Advisory Council LSL: 2i Summarize the needs assessment results

Yellow Rose Level (YRL): Complete this section only if you have received a CREST on the Lone Star Level.

YRL: 2j Submit a copy of the action plan based on the needs assessment

YRL: 2k List interventions used in the needs assessment

Category 3: School Climate and Safety Ask yourself, “How does my school counseling program respond to issues of school climate and safety?” Preparing this Section This section requires a minimum of one graph and/or chart, regardless of the number of interventions provided. Presenting your results in graph form (e.g., pie chart, graph, bar graph) and showing their relationship to school counseling programs are essential components for this section. You can use Microsoft Excel, Numbers by Apple, Open to plug your data into a variety of graphs or charts. Some examples follow:

• Programs/activities that increase student connectedness to school campus/district and improve school climate

• Programs/activities that teach students conflict resolution, empathy, and mediation techniques for solving conflicts

• Programs/activities that reduce incidents of violence at the campus and that emphasize prevention and early detection

• Programs/activities that provide age-appropriate and developmental instruction about violence prevention, bullying, dating violence, and interpersonal violence prevention. Many of these are legal mandates that can be found in District Legal Policy, Title IX, Family Code 71.0021 (see Texas Council on Family Violence)

• Prevention and response to acts of hate violence, bias-related incidents, and discriminatory attitudes

Consider data such as dropout rates, discipline referrals, attendance, course failures, and other vital information to a school’s demographics. Process, perception, and results data are acceptable in this section. The relationship between the data presented and school climate and safety must be clearly stated. Resources for this section: ASCA National Model Application: American School Counselor Association. (2003). Taking your school’s temperature: How school climate affects students and staff. Alexandria, VA: Author. The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition.

Texas State Model Application: A Model Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools, A Guide for Program Development, Pre-K–12th Grade, Fourth Edition (pp. 49–71)

Category 3: School Climate and Safety The School Climate and Safety section must include the following items: Yes No

3a. A statement(s) regarding the relationship of the school counseling team to school

climate and safety

3b. A minimum of two activities/programs/interventions implemented by school counselors that impacted school climate and safety

3c. A graph/chart depicting how school counselor activities directly relate to improvement of the school climate

3d. Written explanation of each graph/chart

3e. An explanation of the school counselor’s role in the School Safety Plan and/or District Crisis Plan

Yellow Rose Level (YRL): Complete this section only if you have received a CREST on the Lone Star Level.

YRL: 3f. Provide a copy of School Safety Plan to show your role in crisis situations.

Category 4: Student Results Ask yourself, “How has my school counseling program impacted students’ success?” Preparing this Section Implementation of a comprehensive developmental school counseling program requires that school counselors use data to evaluate and improve school counseling programs. The results of these data are based on the outcomes of students, not on what school counselors do. Only the results of student outcomes that have been positively affected by your school counseling program will be considered for a CREST award. In this section, include a statement explaining the importance and utilization of student results and its relationship to the Texas and/or ASCA National Standards. This section must also include two (2) goal statements. These statements must be based on data, and the data point must be significant.

• A data point is an item of factual information derived from measurement or research, such as a percentage.

• Significance is the term used to describe research findings that are probably true. These findings must be influenced by your interventions rather than by random chance, accident, or another factor.

Don’t forget to answer the following questions: Why was this goal selected? What data were used? Include a list and explanation of counselor interventions. Be sure these interventions are counselor specific! These data can be collected from myriad sources such as attendance rates, number of discipline referrals, grade-point averages, and student graduation rates. Present your results in graphic form such as in pie charts, graphs, or tables. Keep your graphs simple and easy to read; focus on one concept per graph. In summary, both goal statements must contain an explanation about why the goal was selected, what data were used and what counselor interventions were used, and include a graph representing the results; thus, there must be two (2) graphs in this section. The deadline of November 1 encourages applicants to use goals and data from the previous year. Any additional data that support your goal may be included at submission. Examples of goal statements might include the following:

• Our counseling team will decrease the number of bullying incidents in grades K–5 by 20% from the first through fourth 9-week period for school year ____.

• Our counseling team will reduce self-reported test anxiety of students who failed any high stakes testing by 25% from the first administration to the next administration.

• Our counseling team will assist in reducing by 20% the number of eighth-grade students who failed two or more core classes from the first 9-week grading period to the fourth 9-week grading period.

Resources for this section: ASCA National Model Application: The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition (pp. 48–56)

Lesson Plan template, (p. 72)

Texas State Model Application: A Model Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools, A Guide for Program Development, Pre-K–12th Grade, Fourth Edition (pp. 49–71) Other recommended resources:

1. Dimmitt, C., Carey, J. C., & Hatch, T. (2007). Evidence-based school counseling: Making a difference with data-driven practices. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

2. Stone, C. B., & Dahir, C. A. (2007). School counselor accountability: A MEASURE of student success (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall.

3. Kaffenberger, C., & Young, A. (2007). Making data work. Alexandria, VA: American School Counselor Association.

4. Making Data Work, Third Edition, ASCA Bookstore5. National Office of School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA) website:

Category 4: Student Results The Student Results section must include the following items:



4a. A statement explaining the importance and utilization of student results and their relationship to the Texas and/or National Standards

4b. First of two (2) measurable goal statements that include • data point(s) • population • time frame

Second of two (2) measurable goal statements that include • data points • population • time frame

4c. A rationale for each goal selected

4d. A list and explanation of school counselor interventions 4e. First of two (2) graphs that includes

• an explanation for the graph connecting the School Counseling Team • activity to the results

shown • correct title and label

Second of two (2) graphs that includes • an explanation for the graph connecting the School Counseling Team

activity to the results shown • correct title and label

Lone Star Level (LSL): Complete this section only if you have won a CREST award three times.

LSL: 4f Submit a guidance activity or lesson taught for one of the two measurable goals listed using the ASCA lesson template on page 72

Yellow Rose Level (YRL): Complete this section only if you have received a CREST on the Lone Star Level.

YRL: 4g. Submit a guidance activity or lesson taught for both measurable goals

Category 5: Major Achievements Ask yourself, “What are the major achievements of our school counseling program?” Preparing this Section Implementation of a comprehensive developmental school counseling program requires that school counselors deliver their program through guidance curriculum, responsive services, individual student planning, and system support. In this section, include your school counseling team’s major achievements by delivery system. Also include the percentage of time your school counseling program spends in each delivery system annually. Use the following table format for this component:

Delivery System Overall Percentage of


Major Achievements

Guidance Curriculum

Responsive Services

Individual Student Planning

System Support

Examples of major achievements: Guidance Curriculum—Guidance lessons attributed to an increase in the number of students taking the SAT/ACT by 20%. Responsive Services—We now offer six student support groups that meet a total of eight sessions.

Individual Student Planning—100% of the eighth-grade students completed their Four Year Plan. System Support—The counseling staff provided staff development to teachers on the topics of the school counseling program, child abuse, financial aid, and postsecondary options.

Following the table format, include other major achievements your school counseling team has received, such as:

• Awards/recognitions • Outstanding achievements • Commendation by a professional organization such as the American School Counselor

Association, Texas Counseling Association, or the Texas School Counselor Association • Honors your school has achieved that includes coordination/collaboration with your school

counseling program • School-wide achievements that your program contributed to • Professional presentations by school counselors • Leadership roles filled by school counselors

Some examples of other major achievements: • 2014 CREST (Counselor’s Reinforcing Excellence for Students in Texas) Award • 2013 RAMP (Recognized ASCA Model Program) Award • Boys and Girls Club Outreach Award—(Our school counseling team provides referrals and

technical support to this award-winning program) • Distinguished School—(Our role in the school safety plan was integral to our school’s winning

this award)• School of Character Award

Resources for this section: ASCA National Model Application: The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition.

Example of template (pp. 41-56); Delivery Information, (pp. 83-88); Management Information, (pp130-131). Texas State Model Application: A Model Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools, A Guide for Program Development, Pre-K–12th Grade, Fourth Edition (pp. 17–26) Category 5: Major Achievements The Major Achievements section must include the following items:



5a. One or more major achievements cited and explained for Guidance Curriculum 5b. One or more major achievements cited and explained for Responsive Services

5c. One or more major achievements cited and explained for Individual Student Planning 5d. One or more major achievements cited and explained for System Support 5e. The percentage of time provided for each delivery system (there is no penalty if the percentage of time is not aligned to the state recommendation)

5f. A minimum of two other achievements and a clear description of the relationship between the school counseling program and the achievement

5g. The required chart for delivery system, percentage of time spent, and major achievement

Lone Star Level (LSL): Complete this section only if you have won a CREST award three times.

LSL: 5h Submit an actual weekly calendar showing activities of the four components [Guidance Curriculum, Responsive Services, Individual Student Planning, and System Support] - may include crisis or immediate student needs that may occur unexpectedly

Yellow Rose Level (YRL): Complete this section only if you have received a CREST on the Lone Star Level.

YRL: 5i Submit an actual state-mandate you completed on your campus and explain the process

Category 6: Community Partnerships/Resources Ask yourself, “How do our community partnerships/resources impact student success?” Preparing this Section A school counseling program coordinates a variety of resources and collaborates with many community partners and/or resources. This section asks you to explain how you involve business, industry, civic and social service organizations and/or community partners to enhance your counseling program. Include the following:

• A list of the community partners/resources used in your program • An explanation of how these partnerships/resources are used • Statement explaining how your community partnerships/resources have impacted the success of

your students

Examples: • Academic

Partners in Education companies serve as mentors and/or tutors for students • Career

XYZ Organization provides speakers for Career Day • Personal/Social

ABC Church donates coats for students

Resources for this section: ASCA National Model Application: The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition. System Support/Indirect Services (pp. 84-87). Texas State Model Application: A Model Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools, A Guide for Program Development, Pre-K–12th Grade, Fourth Edition (pp. 31, 126)

Category 6: Community Partnerships/Resources The Community Partnerships/Resources section must include the following items:

Yes No

6a. A lead paragraph on the importance of partnerships

6b. A minimum of two (2) community partnerships/resources listed for the Academic Domain

6c. A minimum of two (2) community partnerships/resources listed for the Career Domain

6d. A minimum of two (2) community partnerships/resources listed for the Personal/Social Domain

6e. Provide examples of how these community partners/resources enhance the quality and effectiveness of the school counseling program for the Academic Domain

6f. Provide examples of how these community partners/resources enhance the quality and effectiveness of the school counseling program for the Career Domain

6g. Provide examples of how these community partners/resources enhance the quality and effectiveness of the school counseling program for the Personal/Social Domain

Lone Star Level (LSL): Complete this section only if you have won a CREST award three times.

LSL: 6h Submit a letter of support of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from one community partner.

Yellow Rose Level (YRL): Complete this section only if you have received a CREST on the Lone Star Level.

YRL: 6i Choose a domain, identify the problem, the population, the partnership and then using data show how the partnership impacted the students in that domain

Category 7: Parent Collaboration Ask yourself, “How do I collaborate with parents so that students can be successful?” Preparing this Section As a counselor, part of your role is to support, coordinate, consult, inform, mediate, and collaborate with parents so that students can be successful. In this section, describe how you engage parents in guidance curriculum, responsive services, individual planning, and system support. Examples:

• Guidance Curriculum—How do you encourage parents to provide input to the curriculum and reinforce skills taught through your guidance lessons? Example: Needs assessment is sent to parents to determine topics of guidance lessons that will be presented during the school year.

• Responsive Services—How do you work with parents regarding their children’s issues to include

one-on-one counseling, group counseling, and referrals? Example: Parents are contacted regarding an emotional issue, and resources are provided through a required parent conference.

• Individual Planning—How do you provide parents with information regarding their child’s academic and career planning? Example: Parents are provided with an interpretation of test scores.

• System Support—How do you provide parents with information?

Example: Parents are provided with monthly workshops addressing parenting skills/information. In addition, include a brief statement of how you as the school counselor communicate to parents throughout the year about your school counseling program. Also, provide an explanation of how you provide parents the opportunity to preview all counseling materials. Resources for this section: ASCA National Model Application: The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs, Third Edition (pp. 17-18) Texas State Model Application: A Model Comprehensive, Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program for Texas Public Schools, A Guide for Program Development, Pre-K–12th Grade, Fourth Edition (pp. 18–23, 117)

Category 7: Parent Collaboration The Parent Collaboration section must include the following items:



7a. A statement and examples of how your school counseling program engages parents in Guidance Curriculum

7b. A statement and examples of how your school counseling program engages parents in Responsive Services

7c. A statement and examples of how your school counseling program engages parents in Individual Planning

7d. A statement and examples of how your school counseling program engages parents in System Support

7e. An explanation of how the school counselor communicates to parents throughout the year about your school counseling program

7f. A statement of how the school counselor provides parents an opportunity to view counseling materials as mandated in Texas Education Code (TEC) 33.004(b)

Lone Star Level (LSL): Complete this section only if you have won a CREST award three times.

LSL: 7g Submit one document that shows evidence shared with parents such as a screenshot and/or snapshot of the counseling website, counselor’s newsletter, a letter to parents, or a flyer.

Yellow Rose Level (YRL): Complete this section only if you have received a CREST on the Lone Star Level.

YRL: 7h Submit an additional document that you have shared with parents

Category 8: Technical Details

Ask you yourself, “How does the CREST document read? Is the document ready for submission?”

Final SectionThe details in this section will help you polish the document in a professional manner, making it ready for publication to stakeholders.

In this section, the final submission of the CREST document is scored for the technical details throughout the document. The Document Header is also scored, emphasizing the importance of the information required for this section.

Category 8: Technical Details The Technical Details section must include the following items:



8a. Include the statement “A continuous improvement document sponsored by the Texas School Counselor Association” in the header of the CREST document

8b. Names of all the counselors and their contact information

8c. Include “CREST (current school year)” in the document header

8d. Include the school’s name, address, and school logo


8e. Categories 1 through 7 are placed in sequential order

8f. Content has a clear and consistent voice throughout the document

8g. Format is consistent and flows throughout the document

8h. There are no more than (two) typographical, grammatical, or punctuation errors

8i. Acronyms are spelled out the first time used in the document

8j. Font used for text and graphs must be consistent throughout the document• 10 or 12 points for text• 8 points or higher for graphs• Font: Times New Roman or Garamond

8k. Graphs are clear, significant, labeled, mathematically correct, and aligned with the written text8l. Document fits on one page and is printed front and back on 17 x 11 paper (folds like a magazine)

Lone Star Level (LSL): Complete this section only if you have won a CREST award three times.

LSL: 8m Information may be submitted as separate documents

Yellow Rose Level (YRL): Complete this section only if you have received a CREST on the Lone Star Level.

YRL: 8n Information may be submitted as separate documents


8o. Submitted online application form (

8p. Included twelve (12) color copies of the CREST award document

8q. Included two (2) copies of the signature pages, School Counseling Advisory Committee or School Improvement Team Signatures (one original, one copy)8r. Included one flash drive of the CREST award document, in PDF format

CREST ApplicationThe Texas School Counselor Association

1. Complete online form (submit by Nov.1) – will need the following information to complete the online form:

Name of School District Name of School School Level (elementary, middle, high, all level) School Setting (urban, suburban, rural) Number of Students County Applying for which award? CREST, Lone Star Level, or Yellow Rose Level Years of previous CREST awards (if applicable) Name of contact person for this application TCA/TSCA member number* Work E-mail Work Phone Work Fax Work Address

*At least one counselor applying for CREST Application must be an active member of Texas Counseling Association (TCA) and Texas School Counselor Association (TSCA).

2. Enclose the following in your packet to be mailed (postmarked by Nov. 1):

Twelve (12) color copies of the CREST document Two (2) copies of the signature pages, School Counseling Advisory Committee or

School Improvement Team Signatures (one original, one copy) One (1) flash drive of the CREST document in PDF format (this item will not be returned)

File should be saved on the flash drive using the following format:Name of School_Level_District_Crest 2016

School Counseling Advisory Committee or School Improvement Team Signatures

Name of School: _______________________________________________________________

Contact Person for this application: ______________________________________________

Work Phone: ____________________________ E-mail: _____________________________

For signatures, you may insert additional lines or use additional sheets of paper, as necessary. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Position: _____________________________ Signature: ______________________________________

Principal and Superintendent/designee publication approvals: This document has been approved as a public document. This CREST accurately reflects the student support system and the efforts of the school counseling program in its design, implementation, evaluation, and coordination. This document has been proofread for typographical or grammatical errors. You have my permission to reproduce and post this CREST on the TSCA website. I give my permission for all or any part of this application to be shared with the state legislators and others interested in reviewing our CREST.

___________________________________________ Principal (print name)

______________________________________________ _______________ Principal’s Signature Date ___________________________________________ Superintendent/Designee (print name)

___________________________________________ _______________ Superintendent/Designee Signature Date

The CREST packet must be postmarked by November 1. Mail to the following address:

CREST Application c/o Jamie Farber P.O. Box 2024

Roanoke, TX 76262