Pregnancy & Post Baby Fitness Business Marketing …...The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama...

Pregnancy & Post Baby Fitness Business Marketing Blueprint The COMPLETE INSIDE-OUTGuide To THRIVING in Life & Business on YOUR TERMS! 2012 Author: Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons) © Burrell Education 2012

Transcript of Pregnancy & Post Baby Fitness Business Marketing …...The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama...

Page 1: Pregnancy & Post Baby Fitness Business Marketing …...The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani Also the work of Kim Garst - @KimGarst is really good for helping you

Pregnancy & Post Baby Fitness Business Marketing Blueprint

The COMPLETE ‘INSIDE-OUT’ Guide To THRIVING in Life & Business on



Author: Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons) © Burrell Education 2012

Page 2: Pregnancy & Post Baby Fitness Business Marketing …...The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani Also the work of Kim Garst - @KimGarst is really good for helping you

(C) Burrell Education 2012 Page 2


How to Unearth The Hidden Income In Your Business

How to Make EVERY area of your skill-set PAY!

How To Get Busy on Your Social Media and Off-Line Presence

How To Get Out Of Your Own Way & Improve Your


How To Go From Striving to Thriving In 30 Days


If and only if you FOCUS, GET ORGANIZED &


Part 1: You, Your Clients, On-Line Social Media & Off-Line Marketing

Part 2: Getting Everything You Can Out Of Your Business & Skill-Set

Part 3: You and Your Personal Development – How to get out of your own

way on the path to Fitpro success

Part 4: Transformational Activities – Self Mastery That Will Get You

Out Of Your Own Way & Help You Create Success on YOUR TERMS!

Page 3: Pregnancy & Post Baby Fitness Business Marketing …...The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani Also the work of Kim Garst - @KimGarst is really good for helping you

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Part 1:

You, Your Clients, On-Line Social Media & Off-Line Marketing

Do or Die! – 12 Non-Negotiable Social Media Items

to Nail Down


ACCURACY! WHAT MAKES YOU SO DIFFERENT? Who EXACTLY are you and what do you do? What are you utterly passionate about. What can you spend hours doing without even noticing the time. What makes you stand out? Who are you clients? Who do you really want to serve? How EXACTLY can you serve them? What are their problems and how can you help them solve them. WHERE ARE YOUR CLIENTS? HOW DO YOU GET IN FRONT OF THEM?

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GO THE EXTRA MILE, CONTENT IS KING! In the case of Post Natal clients, include a full abdominal check, and help for Pelvic Floor during Initial Consultation, (midwives rarely do


Your PN package needs to offer solution for all the PN problem areas such as mummy tummy, pelvic floor and fat loss. Workouts need to be short and effective and eating plan needs to be easy and simple. Workout times need to be mom-friendly – post school-run ALWAY BEST. Fixed time-frames work best along with guarantee of results. Consider creating products/services for Pregnancy, Early Post Baby, Mid, Late Post Baby, 40+ moms, pre/menopausal.

3. Create the best WEBSITE you can afford. It’s your shop window and will be used to capture emails and show people who you are and what you can do for them. Over time, you need to keep costs down and you MUST be able to get in the ‘back end’ to add and alter at will so get one where you can manage the content yourself. Try Wordpress. Mine is built on a Wordpress framework set up by a web designer and filled by me...honest! You’ll soon the get hang of it and overall, you will be empowering yourself. You will have total control over how you appear to your client and potential clients and be able to add images and words that truly reflect YOU! AND WHAT YOU DO!

4. Create a FACEBOOK PAGE for your business. This is your second shop window. Load lots of pictures and/or video, use daily to communicate with your community and potential clients. Link to your blog and website etc., Share good stuff that you find too. It will help you still have a presence when you don’t really have much to say on a personal level and means that you aren’t always just flogging your stuff. Link you Twitter and FB so your posts on Twitter show on your FB. Try to get a professional header made so your branding is consistent. They are not very expensive. Drop me an email if you like mine and would like the artists’ number.

5. Create a BLOG and attach it to your website. Blog often. Add something useful to the conversation about your niche and wider too, I’m sure you have other interests. Position yourself as an EXPERT by being articulate and thoughtful and create a reason why people will link through to your website. ALWAYS ADD VALUE TO

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THE CONVERSATION! Also, recycle and re-blog, don’t think you always have to write something new. Another good tip is to line them up for sending via Twitter just once a week, I usually do one in the morning and one in the evening and then add to that baseline quantity as the week progresses.

6. Create your TWITTER ACCOUNT. Again, add to the conversation and drive it back to your blog/website. Retweet good stuff to improve your contact and save you a little time. ADD REAL VALUE TO THE CONVERSATION!

7. Create a YouTube account and add some meaningful content. It helps people to see who you are. Really important for creating a relationship. This will increase your SEO and also make your blogs, Twitter, Facebook more attractive – people like to look at people! ADD VALUE TO THE CONVERSATION!

8. VITAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Create a CLIENT NEWSLETTER. This keeps you on the radar of everyone who has ever given you their email. Give away good quality information and keep it light, don’t let selling dominate the newsletter. I find Constant Contact easy to use and a great price. Give, give, give! ADD VALUE TO THE CONVERSATION! MailChimp is also another easy product. Think carefully about your headlines! Think about the words that get you to open the thousands of emails you get.


10. Make it a habit to collect everyone’s Facebook and Twitter names to friend and follow. Do it immediately if possible, if you have a smart phone. Also, set a target for your new followers each week. My personal strategy is to follow 25 people a day who I think would be interested in what I do on twitter and post good stuff that links back to my site and of course, follow practically everyone who follows me. It truly is a fact that the more movement you have on Twitter, the more

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followers you’ll gain. You’ve got to give to get tho for the best quality following.

11. Get great looking business cards that say exactly how you can help people on them plus all your social media and normal modes of contact info. Give out liberally.

10. Buy this book & use the resources on the site for a simple guide to getting going with your social media:

The Zen of Social Media Marketing by Shama Hyder Kabani

Also the work of Kim Garst - @KimGarst is really good for helping

you to get your head around your social media output.

11. Check out and follow the blogs/products/sites of Ryan Lee, Bedros Keuillian & Steve Hochman –, & & Fabienne Fredrickson and Ali Brown – HUGE QUANTITIES OF FREE INFORMATION AND HUGE QUALITY FAIRLY PRICED PRODUCTS.

12. ‘LIKE’ ALL of their pages on Facebook, their generosity and freeness with ideas and inspiration are unparalleled!

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Attracting the Pre/Post Client

Item? By When? Done? 14.

First up....get the above book! It’s a MUST! It’s in the bookshop at:

You need to have a variety of price/time under training entry points ie., 21 day fat loss programme, 6 week, drop in classes, small group, 1-1, large group, outdoor buggy workouts, outdoor non-buggy workouts, start to run class..... nutrition programmes, talks, demonstrations...I could go on. BASICALLY YOU NEED TO SIT DOWN AND ASSESS YOUR SKILLS AND THEN WORK OUT HOW YOU CAN COMPLETELY EXPLOIT YOUR SKILL-SET. Quite literally, get EVERYTHING out of yourself, literally (whilst you are present) and virtually (without you being present). The latter is very important as we don’t want to end up working EVEN MORE HOURS! This a long and tough job but so utterly worth doing.

15. Fall In Love With Your Clients! A revolutionary and radical standpoint some might think but........

when you start seeing your clients from this standpoint and start having gratitude for actually having people who want to give you

their money, there’s a huge shift in how you then relate to them and the service that you provide. Give it a try!

Yes, I know, people can be challenging and have their ‘issues’.....but don’t we all?

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16. VITAL!!!!!!!!!! Create your KILLER FLYER (S) ......ensure ALL advertising contains BEFORE AND AFTER PICS of your success stories. VITAL! Budget so that you are flyering at least every 2 months, not just when clients fall off. MAKE THIS AN ONGOING PROCESS.

17. Research and network with all aligned professionals/businesses locally who have ANYTHING to do with children, education, children’s entertainment, women’s health, mother and baby groups etc., Work out how you can be of help to each other and do a deal. Everyone needs customers!

18. Plan your annual flyer drops to coincide with key times of the year ie., New Year, April/May – for pre-summer hols, post summer hols, before Christmas party dress season, Mothers Day.

19. Brand your car. It’s cheap and highly effective. Do something special not just your logo and contact details. Make it eye-catching.

20. Design and wear branded clothing & eventually purchase sufficient stock to sell to clients.

21. Donate a prize to a charity event, raffle and ensure that your branding is prominent.

22. Give away and sell your branded t-shirts. When you organise fitness related events with your clients, get them to wear the branded t-shirts, photograph and publicise.

23. Create and sell gift vouchers/gift cards. Create promotions for ALL MAJOR year events, Xmas, Birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day.

24. Create and give away ‘money off’ vouchers.

25. VITAL!!!!!!!!!!! Film and collect testimonials, get them up on your site. PEOPLE NEED TO SEE WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU IN ORDER TO HAVE CONFIDENCE IN THEIR PURCHASE.

26. Film examples of your SYSTEM so people can get an idea of what to expect.

27. VITAL!!!!!!!!!!! Always ensure you photograph clients at the start of their journey with you and as they progress towards their goals. Again, social-proof of what you can actually do for a potential client is HUGE!

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28. If you need to get a portfolio of BEFORE AND AFTER pics and testimonials, train a handful of dedicated women for FREE for a set time period in return for pictures, Facebook and Twitter mentions, referrals and testimonials.

29. Always CALL potential clients and enquirers to speak personally.

30. Run a ‘Bring a Friend’ Week. Obviously, once you have a new potential client in front of you, be ready with your compelling offer.

31. Run a quarterly ‘Referral Competition’ and reward the winner handsomely!

32. Advertise in the EXERCISE FOR MOMS SECTION of your local/on-line listing like NetMums.

33. Give out & leave (where possible) vouchers at mommy hangouts such as COFFEE SHOPS & CAFE’S.

34. FLYER AND CHAT UP MOMS OUTSIDE YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL – Give out time-sensitive VOUCHERS TOO as opposed to just the flyer. Canvas them to see what kind of class/activity they would like to attend.

35. Get a BANNER OR A SANDWICH BOARD for the outside of your venue.

36. Find your local PARTY BAG SUPPLIER and ask whether your VOUCHERS can be added to her bags or somehow incorporated into their package in return for promoting him to your clients.

37. Contact the decision-makers from all your local child/mom-friendly services –offer to create a electronic or paper newsletter that puts all of your services in one place. Sort of a Craigs List. Once you have created this newsletter.....simply forward it to them all for distribution to their database. INSTANTLY YOU ARE INFRONT OF A WHOLE GROUP OF NEW PEOPLE FOR FREE WHO HAVE CHILDREN. If you create a paper version of this, give to your current mommy clients to give to their school-gate friends. If you have electronic version, ask your current clients to forward to their mommy friends too. You can also include good plumbers, child-minders, garage mechanics etc., Anything that makes life easier for busy moms. ENSURE YOUR BRANDING IS PROMINENT.

38. Write a stock of say 10 articles with compelling titles such as ‘How to Fix Your Pelvic Floor’, ‘How to Get Flat Abs After C-Section’ and ‘The Secret to Losing Your Baby Fat’, make them into PDFs so they are nice to print off AND SEND VIA YOUR NEWSLETTER , of course with your contact details on it and set it free to everyone you know and encourage for RESENDS.

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39. Create a CONTINUOUS FREE TRIAL SESSION FOR NEW/POTENTIAL PRE/POST NATAL CLIENTS. Create a dedicated, compelling (complete with a great before and after pic – ESSENTIAL!!!!) flyer that points people to your website and sign-up mechanism. Give this offer permanent space on your newsletter.

40. Write BEFORE AND AFTER PIECES for your local newspaper, people can’t get enough of those ‘HOW I DID IT’ STORIES. Journalists love stuff to arrive, ready-to-go & they need to fill the paper!

41. Create a BRAND AMBASSADOR programme. This is where you ‘recruit’ your personal training clients or group class participants and crown them with Brand Ambassador title. They will the clients that think you are great and love your services, probably the ones of which you have had the best results. As they may well be on maternity leave, ask them to flyer, review and refer clients to you and in return you offer them and their friends your services at a discounted rate.

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Client Care & Creating Community for the Pre/Post Client

Item? By When? Done? 42. Run a Transformation Contest with A HUGELY COMPELLING PRIZE!

Get publicity for it in your local press.

43. Keep a calendar or use Facebook to remind you of clients’ birthdays and send them a hand-written card and/or give them a small gift/voucher.

44. Send texts and/or FB messages to say ‘well done’ when clients have been really impressive.

45. Send texts/ FB messages or call when clients or their children/partners have been ill and caused them to miss training.

46. Organise meals out, trips to the theatre, inspirational talks.

47. Hold Summer and Xmas Balls/Parties.

48. Have smaller challenges ie., no. of inches lost in a week, no. of sessions attended in a month etc.,

49. Have spot prizes for random/funny things such as ‘worse workout kit’!

50. Give a talk, demo, food tasting of great optimum nutrition foods within your eating plan.

51. Ask your clients what they would like to attend a talk/demonstration on and facilitate it.

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Secondary Spend & The Pre/Post Client

Item? By When? Done? 52. Film your own individual workouts and create DVD’s for client ‘At

Home or At Gym’ solo sessions and also to sell or give away as tasters to potential clients. Or upload to YouTube for client’s to watch on their computers or via portable devices.

53. Sell or create affiliate relationships with others selling exercise balls, bands, ball pumps, timers, exercise mats, exercise clothes....their logo’s on your site, increase your credibility if they are also good brands and you will also earn a small income for the referral. Win-Win! It’s fairly easy to create an Amazon Shop. Check out ours on

54. Study and eventually offer BABY MASSAGE. A slow burner, but a hugely valuable skill-set that makes you money eternally.

55. Study and eventually offer PREGNANCY AND POST NATAL MASSAGE. A slow burner, but a hugely valuable skill-set that will make you money eternally. I teach 2 courses with my old school North London School of Sports Massage ( and Premier Training International ( . These skills have proven to be priceless in terms of improving the quality of service that I have been offer to my pre/post and general clients.

56. Create E-BOOKS or pamphlets nutrition programme and sell them to your clients and on-line.

57. Have regular Mummies Coffee Mornings where all your clients bring their friends - the first 10/20 to arrive have free coffee and run a Free Prize Draw to win a Personal Training session/group class. Give a demo at the coffee morning of your top 3 post natal exercises. Promote it via Facebook and at the coffee shop itself.

58. Design and ALWAYS wear your branded clothing & eventually purchase sufficient stock to sell to clients.

59. Create a moms running club or a tougher/more targeted session i.e., kettlebells, ViPR or boxing - for the post school drop of moms of older children who wouldn’t consider themselves Post Natal anymore.

60. Sell the supplements and kit that you are recommending as part of your programme in your Amazon affiliate shop. You don’t need to hold stock, it looks highly professional and you gain an income for doing nothing.

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Part 2: Getting Everything You Can Out Of Your Business & Your


Item? By When? Done? 61. There are ONLY 2 WAYS TO INCREASE HOW MUCH YOU EARN

1) INCREASE YOUR NUMBER OF CLIENTS 2) INCREASE HOW MUCH THEY SPEND BY INCREASING THE NUMBER OF PURCHASES POSSIBLE OR RAISING THE PRICE OF THE SERVICE. The ultimate aim is to do this without ending up working more hours. Ie., so instead of taking on 10 1-1 clients you create a small group programme and see 6 clients at once three times a week & SIMPLY, RAISE YOUR PRICES!!! Add more value first tho Also, create more income from your skills – your skills and knowledge-base go far beyond physically exercising with people for an hour!



64. YOU CAN’T BE A FOLLOWER IF YOU EXPECT TO BE A LEADER! Break out of the conventional approach. BEING BOLDER, GET’S YOU NOTICED! Take time to brainstorm ‘breakthrough’ activities that people wouldn’t necessarily associate with your niche that will set you apart.

65. Borrow successful practices and strategies from other industries and apply them to yours. Who’s service do you like and why? When last did a company do something outstanding and unexpected. Can you do this too in your business?

66. Ensure you start the practise of organising free-to-attend talks and client-attraction events. You could easily run a Rectus Diastasis check session combined with a ‘Learn a Simple Pelvic Floor Routine’ session. Make the talk fun and informative with a practical element and then make the attendees and ‘here and now’ offer. These should be occurring at least quarterly. Schedule them in at the beginning of each year. Check out what I did with my Foo Foo Fun Box on the BE website.

67. Empty your kit bag. Really have a good look at the meat of your business? What do you do well, what’s selling? What’s hot about you and re-assemble it all into as many value-adding products/services as possible. For sale on-line and face-to-face.

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68. You must think up a series of add-ons and a way to cross-sell. Your referral system MUST BE IN PLACE. In various forms but always visible and always promoted.

69. Kill the client with content! Give, Give, Give, GET! Giving more ALWAYS means you will get more. Trust this!


71. EQUALLY PRIORITIZE Working ON your business not just IN your business. Your business WILL GROW IN LINE WITH YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH.

72. Focus on giving value, advice and helping to solve problems. Think: what benefit can you be of to your client. What’s their problem? Show the client how you can fix it.

73. Always go beyond the call of duty and go the extra mile. I have even done the school run for a client who had her nanny go sick when the client had an important early morning business meeting. If you can!

74. Elevate yourself to SUPERIORITY over your competitors, be slick, be polished, honour your words of commitment to your clients.

75. Integrate your USP and branding into all your methods of communication.

76. What do clients want but don’t get from your competitors? Make this part of your USP.

77. Create a range of payment methods, automate as much as you can. Can you get a mobile credit card machine? You can set up re-curring payments on PayPal.

78. ALWAYS keep in touch with old don’t need to sell to them all the time but keep offering good quality information and every once in a while, offer them a come-back special deals for their referrals. Ie., Refer a friend and you come back and train ON A 14 DAY RETURNERS PROGRAMME FOR FREE!

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Part 3: Your Personal Development & Getting Out Of Your

Own Way!

The fastest way to transform your thought processes has always been to read inspirational and

transformational texts by great thinkers. This is a journey of a lifetime that you begin by first

developing a DAILY habit of reading or listening to positive, potent information and then PUTTING IT


You could get a mentor to ‘tell you you’re brilliant’ but I think true transformation will occur when

YOU KNOW you are brilliant without anyone else’s input. When you find your combination of what

you’re good at and what you’re passionate about and then work out how to make money doing

what you love. It’s a longer road but the results are much more authentic. Then probably,

mentorship money will be well spent because it then turns into a spot of diamond polishing rather

than someone trying to build your self-esteem and self-belief. A deep belief in self is an inside out

job, not the reverse. So....with that in mind, here are some texts that made a difference to me

personally and consequently impacted on my business.

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A Selection of Transformational Texts

Gary Vaynerchuk is mental – but he’ll help you see that passion, a good idea and a love of the grind will ALWAYS TRIUMPH.

Follow Seth Godin’s Blog – he’s a marketing genius! The Purple Cow refers to making a truly outstanding business on every level.

Another great text from Seth – HOW DO YOU GET PEOPLE TO FOLLOW YOU.

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A foundation text that’s been updated. Common decency still rules! Thank goodness.

Another foundation text about good old-fashioned values and building your business from the inside out! Vital.

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A must read for anyone who has ever been stuck in their business!

Jay Abraham is a genius at showing you all the areas of possible income you are overlooking. Some fast gain, some slow gain but either way set them all

in motion and reap, reap, reap the rewards.

Don’t know where the hell you’re going? Martha will show you the way. Awesome book from Oprah’s Life Coach.

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If you are going to be successful you need to GET COMFORTABLE WITH UNCERTAINTY! PERIOD!

Anything by Bhuddist Pema Chodrun will set you straight.

Integrity, integrity, integrity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All we have is the present moment! When we stay in the now – EVERYTHING IS JUST FINE!

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A deep, deep read about TRUE female strength. It will rock your world!

No introduction necessary – THE MASTER AT WORK!

Do your truth with integrity and the rest will follow.............simple!

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“If you argue with reality, you’ll lose everytime”!!! Byron Katies the high priestess of ‘undoing’.

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Part 4: Transformational Activities – Self Mastery That

Will Get You Out Of Your Own Way!

& Help You Create Success on YOUR TERMS!

Get the above book on AUDIO – LISTEN DAILY! It will

rock your world!


HERE TO DO AND BE! CREATE YOUR PLAN, TIMEFRAME and tell yourself daily that you

are GOING TO WORK YOUR ASS OFF & NEVER stop or give up until you achieve your

goals! SERIOUSLY! No defeat, no surrender!


draw you away from your goals, that aren’t drawing you towards your purpose. Harsh



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3. Do a PERSONAL INVENTORY – How close are you to where you want to be in the areas

listed in the wheel below? How can you get to where you WANT/NEED to be?

4. MEDITATE, STOP & PRACTISE STILLNESS – even 5 mins a day. It will transform you

headspace virtually overnight, you will learn to deal with discomfort, learn patience and

develop the most gentle but iron will in the world. Trust me! Don’t be a martyr tho, get

an audio track that will deliver you straight to the state your seeking, it’s so simple,

download a free 15 minute sample here and get going straight away – logo is linked so

just click to visit the site:

Family & Friends

Finances/ Business

Personal Health & Fitness

Spiritual/ Emotional





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The Benefits of Regular Meditation

Regular meditation calms down the restlessness of the mind, and decreases the number of distracting thoughts, bringing a sense of inner peace and relaxation. As the sense of inner peace increases, the ability to concentrate and focus the mind improves.

With a peaceful mind one makes fewer mistakes, makes better judgments and decisions, and becomes more patient and tolerant. This of course improves one's relationships with family, friends, neighbours and colleagues.

The benefits of meditation do not end here. Regular practice, enhances the sense of happiness and contentment. As the mind becomes more and more peaceful, the number of worries, anxieties, fears and negative thoughts decreases, and in their absence, happiness rises, unobstructed.

Much of the stress and tension we normally experience comes from our mind, and many problems, including ill health, are brought about or aggravated by stress and tension. This stress and tension can be reduced by regular meditation. When the mind is at peace, many problems just disappear, and others are more easily dealt with.

An undisciplined mind accepts every passing thought, and wastes one's time and energy on futile, useless or negative thoughts. It also aggravates every problem and takes it out of proportion. With a disciplined and trained mind, this tendency gradually gets weaker, and could even disappear completely.

In time, one can see changes in the behaviour and attitude and manner of thinking. The mind becomes more positive and one learns to react more constructively, patiently and calmly to the various situations of daily life, from dealing with people to dealing with problems, tasks or goals. One's actions become positive and efficient, focused and more satisfactory.

The benefits of meditation manifest on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Some of them appear quite fast, and others take some more time. This depends on the amount of time devoted to practicing it, the levels of earnestness and concentration, and on the inner ripeness of the meditating person. It is not enough to meditate once a week or once in a few days. Regular daily practice is required for attaining results.

There is evidence of the many rewards of regular meditation from people who meditate, and also from researches of scientists. Here are some of them:

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Physical Benefits of Meditation

A deeper level of relaxation.

Deep rest accompanied by decreased metabolic rate and lower heart rate.

Decreased high blood pressure.

Improved flow of air to the lungs.

Increased levels of energy.

Decreased muscle tension.

More easily falling asleep and sleeping soundly.

Improved state of the immune system.

Mental and Emotional Benefits of Meditation

Decrease in restless thinking.

Increased ability to stay calm in every situation.

Greater creativity.

Decreased anxiety.

Decreased tendency to worry.

Decreased depression.

Decreased nervousness, irritability and moodiness.

Enhancement of self-confidence.

Improved concentration.

Increased self-discipline.

Improved learning ability and memory.

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Increased feelings of vitality.

Enhanced feelings of happiness.

More emotional stability.

Developed intuition.

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

Peace of mind.

Emotional and mental detachment.

Heightened awareness of the inner self.

The ability to look within, beyond the body, mind and personality.

Discovery of the power and consciousness beyond the ego.

Discovery of one's true being.

Attaining self-realization and spiritual awakening.

Finally, this isn’t an overnight job! Why not dedicate the

next 6 months to upping-your-game learning skills and

habits that will last you for the rest of your life . Your

dedication will be repaid in priceless ways with

development and growth IN EVERY LEVEL OF YOUR LIFE!
