PPT on mind reading computer

MIND READING COMPUTER Presented By, Anjali Agarwal
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Transcript of PPT on mind reading computer

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Presented By,Anjali Agarwal

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Introduction What is Mind Reading? Why Mind Reading? How does it Work? Application Advantages and uses Disadvantages and Problems Conclusion Reference

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People express their mental states, including emotions, thoughts and desires, all the time through facial expressions, vocal nuances and gestures. This is true when they are interacting with machines

Mind reading machine is co-ordination of human psychology and computer techniques.

Some equipment are used to gather data & then analyzed. To use those data for further prediction of mind is known as theory of mind reading.

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The ability to attribute mental states to others from their behavior and to use that knowledge to guide our own actions and predict those of others is known as theory of mind or Mind Reading.

Existing human-computer interfaces are mind-blind, oblivious to the user’s mental states and intentions.

Even they do not take the initiative, like the now retired Microsoft Paperclip, they are often misguided and irrelevant and simply frustrate the user.

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Drawing inspiration from psychology, computer vision and machine learning has developed mind reading machine computers.

Using a digital video camera, the mindreading computer system analyzes a person’s facial expressions in real time and infers that person’s underlying mental state.

Prior knowledge of how particular mental states are expressed in the face is combined with analysis of facial expressions and head gestures occurring in real-time , its very use full for future.

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Software from Nevenvision identifies 24 feature points on the face and tracks them in real time.

The relationship between observable head and facial displays and the corresponding hidden mental states over time is modeled using Dynamic Bayesian Networks.

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The Mind Reading computer system presents information about mental state as easily as a keyboard and mouse present text and commands.

Current projects in Cambridge are considering further inputs such as body postures and gestures to improve the inference.

We are also looking at the use of mind reading to support on-line shopping and learning systems.

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The mind reading computer system may also be used to monitor and suggest improvements in human –human interaction.

The Affective Computing Group at the MIT media laboratory is developing an emotional-social intelligence prosthesis that explores new technologies to augment and improve people’s social interactions and communication skills.

To implement this system in cars, to detect driver’s mental states such as drowsiness, distraction and anger.

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Futuristic Head Band:

The mind reading actually involves measuring the volume and oxygen level of the blood around the subject’s brain using technology called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).

The user wears a futuristic head band that sends light in that spectrum into the tissues of the head where it is absorbed by active, blood filled tissues.

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Futuristic Headband

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The results are often compared to an MRI, but can be gathered with lightweight, non-invasive equipment.

Wearing the fNIRS sensor, experimental subjects were asked to count the number of squares on a rotating onscreen cube and to perform other tasks.

Measuring mental workload, frustration and distraction is typically limited to qualitatively observing computer users.

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Preliminary results show that using

buttonized sensors.

Biological signals arise when reading or

speaking to oneself with or without actual

lip or facial movement.

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Web search:

For the first test of sensors, scientists trained the program to recognize six words-including ”go", "left” and “right” -10 numbers.

Then researchers put the letters of the alphabet in to a matrix with each column and row labeled with a single digit number.

These were used to silently spell ”NASA” into a web search engine using program.

“This proved we could browse the web without touching a keyboard”.

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It deals with anatomy and molecular biology of neurons.

A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body.

It is done by measuring oxygen level of blood using FNIRS.

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2. Techniques:

Facial effect detection

It is done using hidden Markov Model, Neural Network processing or active appearance model.

Emotional Classification

Classification by Paul Ekman Anger, Fear, Happiness, Disgust, Sadness, Surprise.

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Facial Electromyography:

It is used to measure electrical activity of the facial Muscles. Muscles used are ”corruguator supercilii muscle” and others.

Galvanic Skin Response:

It is a measure of Skin conductivity, Which is dependent on how moist the skin is.

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Blood Volume Pulse:

It is measured by process called photoplethysmography.

It produce a graph indicating blood flow through the extremities.

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1) Mind-reading computers could 'save

your life‘

2) Emergency

3) Control robots by brain power

4) Mind-Reading Technology Speeds Ahead

5) The mind-reading computer that could

communicate with coma patients

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Mind-reading computers could 'save your life‘

Devices allowing people to write letters

or play pinball using just the power of

their brains have become a major draw

at the world's biggest high-tech fair.

Scientists are researching ways to

monitor motorists' brain waves to

improve reaction times in a crash.

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In an emergency stop situation, the brain activity kicks in on average around 200 milliseconds before even an alert driver can hit the brake.

There is no question of braking automatically for a driver - "we would never take away that kind of control," said Tangermann.

Using this brain-wave monitoring technology, a car can also tell whether the driver is drowsy or not, potentially warning him or her to take a break.

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Control robots by brain power:

Another device allows users to control robots by brain power. The small box has lights flashing at different frequencies at the four points of the compass.

The user concentrates on the corresponding light, depending on whether he wants the robot to move up, down, left or right and the brainwaves generated by viewing that frequency are monitored and the robot is controlled.

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Mind-Reading Technology Speeds Ahead

By scanning blogs of brain activity, scientists

may be able to decode people's thoughts,

dreams and intentions By Kerri Smith and

Nature magazine

Jack Gallant perches on the edge of a swivel

chair in his lab at the University of California,

Berkeley, fixated on the screen of a computer

that is trying to decode someone's thoughts.

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The mind-reading computer that could communicate with coma patients: Canadian researchers have developing a

mind-reading computer that could help communicate with people in a coma.

The University of Western Ontario researchers used neuroimaging to read human thoughts via brain activity when they are conveying specific ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers.

The team say their research could lead to dramatic new ways of attempting to communicate with patients in a vegetative state.

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Can read minds Help paralytic patients Help Handicapped people Help Comma patients Help people who cant speak Can be used for military purposes & sting

operations Can be combined with consoles & used for

mind gaming, robotics & stuff. Eliminate the capability to lie.

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his device doesn't give you MINDBULLETS (apologies to Tenacious D) but it does allow people who cant use other wheelchairs get around easier.

The system could send commands to rovers on other planets, help injured astronauts control machines, or aid disabled people.

The finding raises issues about the application of such tools for screeningsuspectedterrorists as well as for predicting future dangerousness more generally.

The day when computers will be able to recognize the smallest units in the English language—the 40-odd basic sounds (or phonemes) out of which all words or verbalized thoughts can be constructed.

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a) Breach in privacyb) Can extract, through an individual,

an important, secure & confidential information of individual, state or even a country

c) If developed or used by sinners, can be highly dangerous

d) Eavesdroppinge) No way to neutralize this


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Nor is society deal with the ethical and practical problems posed by a system that classifies and categorises people based on oxygen flow, genetics and environmental factors that are correlated as much as poverty as with future criminality.

In time, neuroscience may produce reliable behaviour predictions. But until then, we should take the lessons of science fiction to heart when deciding how to use new predictive techniques.

Max Planck Institute, neuroscience and bioscience are not at a point where we can reliably predict human behaviour.

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Tufts university researches have begun a 3 year research project which, if successful, will allow computers to respond to the brain activity of the computer’s users.

Users wear a futuristic looking headbands to shine light on their foreheads and then performs a series of increasingly difficult tasks while the device reads what parts of the brain are absorbing the light. That info is then transferred to the computer and from there the computer can adjust it’s interface and functions to each individual.

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blog.marcelotoledo.org/2007/10 www.newscientist.com/article/dn4795-nasa-

develops-mindreading-system http://blogs.vnunet.com/app/trackback/95409   Facestation tracking cti, 2002.  S. Baron-Cohen. How to build a baby that can

read minds: Cognitive mechanisms in mindreading. Current Psychology of Cognition, 13(5):513–552, 1994. 

S. Baron-Cohen and T. H. E. Tead. Mind reading: The interactive guide to emotion, 2003.

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S. Baron-Cohen, S. Wheelwright, J. Hill, Y. Raste, and I. Plumb. The reading the mind in the eyes test revised version: A study with normal adults, and adults with asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42(2):241– 251, 2001.

  M. Bartlett, G. Littlewort, B. Braathen, and T. Sejnowski. A prototype for automatic recognition of spontaneous facial actions. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 15, 2003.

I. Cohen, N. Sebe F. Cozman, M. Cirelo, and T. Huang. Learning bayesian network classifiers for facial expression recognition with both labeled and unlabeled data. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, volume 1, pages 595–604, 2003.

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