PPC Bidding Hacks: 8 Ways To Supercharge Your Account

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Transcript of PPC Bidding Hacks: 8 Ways To Supercharge Your Account

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PPC Bidding

Hacks: 8 Ways To Supercharge

Your Account

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• James Stewart

– Sales Engineer at Acquisio

– @acquisio

• Jacob Fairclough

– Senior Account Analyst at Hanapin Marketing

– Blogger on PPC Hero

– @realsecretjake

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• Include the hashtag #thinkppc in your Twitter tweets.

Or use the webinar question box to send us questions.

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Live Poll Question #1

How long have you been in PPC?


A. Less than 1 year

B. 1-3 years

C. 3-5 years

D. 5+ years

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Live Poll Question #2

How do you manage your account(s)?


a) I’m part of an in-house PPC team.

b) I do all the marketing myself.

c) I work with an agency.

d) I’m a consultant.

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Hack #1 - Think! Econ 101

The Auction in Economic Terms

Back to BasicsThe online auction is discussed in many terms. It is described in many ways.

But how often do we forget all the buzz and go back to the basics:

◉Advertisers have Demand for...

◉What Google, bing and other channels are supplying...

◉Which is all just PPC.

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Hack #1 - Think! Econ 101

Buying Better; Spending Smarter

Commodities MarketsIf a lead is a lead and a dollar is a dollar then loyalty means nothing. In the end

we are being sold the same thing, the same action, the same audience. This

means we can leverage the auction to our advantage.

◉ Are All Channels Equal?

◉ Are All Times Equal?

◉ Are All Leads Truly Equal?

◉ How Can We Leverage This Information...

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Hack #2 - Tiered Bidding Strategies

Not All Match Types are Equal

Treat each match type separatelyDepending on your account, each match type will have a different value to you.

Most often exact>phrase>broad

◉ Bid differently on match types

◉ Ensure your top keywords get as much traffic as possible

◉ Set bids in order of priority

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Hack #2 - Tiered Bidding Strategies

Now For an Example

◉Adjusting multipliers means broad won’t interfere with exact

◉These values can be adjusted as needed

◉Low maintenance way of influence query matches

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Hack #2 - Tiered Bidding Strategies

This Might Not be

the Best Solution

◉Separate match types by adgroups

for tighter control

◉Phrase excludes exact match,

broad excludes exact and phrase.

◉Now you bid based on keyword

value itself, rather than tiering

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Hack #3 - “Winning” at PPC

“I’m in Pos 1, I’m Winning!”

The Auction is Not a Race...Clearly define what you are doing in the auction. What is your key metric? More

importantly… Why is that your key metric of success?

◉Branding: Position matters

◉Raw Volume: Clicks matter

◉Cost per Conv: Conv Volume matters

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Hack #3 - “Winning” at PPC

Volume, Bids and Pos! Oh My!

Is There One Right Answer?No. There is no one paramount answer or metric. All the pieces matter. So it

comes down to identifying which ones matter most, and how much you are

willing to give up of the others.

◉Volume :: Price, Budget, Pos

◉Price :: Budget, Pos, Volume

◉Budget :: Price, Pos, Volume

◉Position Control :: Efficiency Control

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Hack #4 - Segmenting Your Data

Can you trust averages?

Not everything is as it seems.Actual ad placement can skew your average position. Not every position 1 ad is

at the top of the page. Not every metric comes from the Google Search pages.

◉Segment by Network

◉Segment Top vs Other for metrics

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Hack #4 - Segmenting Your Data

Search Partners

Search partners metrics are included in top level number.

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Hack #4 - Segmenting Your Data

Top Versus Other

Is position 1 where you

think it is?

● Ads might not show up

at the top of the page.

● Ads might even be at

the bottom of the page.

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Hack #5 - Intraday Behavior

Constantly Evolving

There is no Perfectly Predictable TrafficWhether you are looking at a specific KW, or a day of week, or a time of day,

there is no way to perfectly model the market. It is a live auction, with human

behavior, algorithm changes, and outside influences.

◉The Current Tools Can do a Lot

◉Stay Diligent. Tweak and Tune.

◉Study the Real Enemy… The Market

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Hack #5 - Intraday BehaviorLet’s Look Under the Hood:

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Hack #5 - Intraday Behavior

Who’s Interacting

Which Metrics Play Together?Breaking down the way these metrics interact can make the market more

understandable. Understanding the market can help us make better strategic

decision about where we are spending our money.

◉Clicks * Conv Rate = Conv

◉Target CPA * Conv Rate = Max Avg CPC

◉Cost / (Conv or Click) = CPA or CPC

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Hack #6 - Bounding our Budget

Budget vs Spend

Control vs TrustWhether a budget is set reasonably or insanely high, there is a limit to spend.

The bid, the geo target, the keywords, the market. These all play a limiting factor

on how much will be spent.

◉Budget is a Proactive Input

◉Spend is a Reactive Output

◉Budgets are Controlled

◉Spend is Risk

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Hack #6 - Bounding our Budget

Budget vs Volume vs Efficiency

Limit Yourself to Find ControlJust like in real life, limiting your budget can help you find new ways to save. You

force yourself to give up certain things until you can afford it again. The process

sets limits to what you can get and allows for refinement along the way.

◉Does Your Budget Last All Day?

◉How Much Can you Afford to Pay?

◉Can you Get it for Less?

◉Trim the Fat First, Expand Second.

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Hack #7 - Under A Tight Budget

A Limited Budget Shouldn’t Limit You

You Have Plenty of OptionsWhile a tightly limited budget isn’t ideal consider.

◉What terms are most valuable to me?

◉How can I increase ad volume?

◉When and where should I focus?

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Hack #8 - Looking to Assist Metrics

Conversion Paths

Take Advantage of Additional DataNot every sale/lead takes one click.

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Hack #8 - Looking to Assist Metrics

Attribution ModelsYou Don’t have to Analyze the Paths By YourselfTest attribution models to reassess the value of your PPC account.

◉Use position based methods to credit different points.

◉Look at overall assist metrics to see total contribution

◉Build custom models that are unique to your business

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PPC Retainers

Need some assistance for your PPC? We offer on-going and one-time retainers.

Learn More:


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Want to learn more?

Are you interested in hearing more about Acquisioand Hanapin?


A. I want to talk to Acquisio

B. I want to talk to Hanapin

C. Both

D. No thanks

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Live Q&A Time!

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• Contact us Directly:

» Hanapin Feedback: [email protected]

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