Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under...


Transcript of Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under...

Page 1: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.
Page 2: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years

Page 3: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.
Page 4: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Health Commission of Australiahas found in 2004:

• 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants

• 728 children aged between 5‐9 on anti‐depressants

• 4,689 aged between 10‐14 on anti‐depressants

• Nationally prescriptions for people under 19 topped more than 250,000

Page 5: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Some Facts for Kids• 3 % of all 3 year olds have severe tantrums

• 10 % of all parents of children 2-5 years ask for help with behavior problems

• Anti-social behavior accounts for 30-40% of referrals to child mental health services

Page 6: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

What has disappeared?

• Gentle touch and games• Fairy tales• Being “present” not just in the room• Playing real hands on games• Games in the car• Human conversation with real people• Simple toys that don’t cost money• Less parent direction

Page 7: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Terrifying Truth

• I am the decisive element in the life of a child.• I create so many souls like me.• I have tremendous power to make a

child’s life joyous or miserable.• I can be an agent of change.• Pakistan can become a better or

worse place because of me.• My Mission Correlates with that of the PROPHETS.

Page 8: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

What tends to be your goals ordesires in parenting?• Goals: _____________________• Desires: ____________________

Page 9: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

What are your greatest strugglesin parenting?!Answers:• ___________________________• ___________________________

Page 10: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

C Fوا OذMينH ءHامHن ل ا R يH TUأ Hـ ٱي ہ�

F Mيك ل H F وHأ ك HسFنفH C أ م�قFوTا م� م�ا Hا ��ن ر

At-Tahreem, 6

Page 11: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

How important do you think it is to teach your children character building? (Pre-test)

Page 12: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

How do you teach your children character building? – Pre-test

Page 13: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

How often do you talk about character?

Page 14: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Social And Emotional Building Blocks

Page 15: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Longer term consequences of not intervening early

• Poor relationships with others

• Low resilience• Poor qualifications and work

history• Low frustration tolerance • Easily upset and see “threat”

everywhere • Greater involvement in

antisocial behaviour and drug misuse

• Families who feel let down, upset, angry or powerless.

Page 16: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

10 Characteristics of Great Parents

1. Mindful parent (vision for their children) 2. Authoritative parenting style3. Understand child temperament4. Involved in child’s life5. Think Win-Win with their children (rules) 6. Co-parent well7. Consistent8. Avoid harsh discipline9. Explain decisions10.Respect

Page 17: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Traits of Authoritative Parents

• Clear limits and boundaries• Be firm but flexible• Good communication• Do many fun things together• Let child be an individual

Page 18: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Principles of Discipline

• Have a few clear rules• Speak simply• Be “blas锕 Be the boss• Be warmly involved• Give only one warning• Don’t get into power struggles• Set expectations and outcomes

prior to events/challenges

Page 19: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Positive Parenting

• Parent with a plan

• Parent in freedom, not fear

• Parent with affection, but not softness

• Parent with authority, but not coercion

• Parent by being an awesome person

Page 20: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

There is a mass of research to demonstrate that the more touch a child gets in childhood, the calmer and less fearful he is likely to be in adulthood....

Page 21: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Link child to Allah Ta’ala

Raise according to Quran and SunnahBe right role model Provide Islamic environment Paint right picture of Allah Ta’alaStories of Rasulillah (SAW) and SahabahUltimate Authority is Allah Ta’ala

Hال OىH Fن Uب Hـ HعMظFهF  ي MهM وHهFوH ي ن M UنF ل مHـ F M قHالH ل ۥوHإ ۦ م� ٱ م م�مw عHظMي FظH كH ل zلش OنM O إ Mلل رM ب F ��ت ر م� م� ٱ ه�‌� ٱ م� م�

Page 22: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Early Childhood

Medical Behavior Discipline Tarbiya Specific Issues

Eating habits Sibling Rivalry

Rule setting Choosing schools

Illness Developing Skills

Reasoning Fears

Preventative Measures

Reading Positive strokes

Writing Communication

Simple Chores

Page 23: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.


• In groups of three or four prepare a case study or story that you faced and now fit it with the parenting style.

Page 24: Positive Parenting 0 – 7 years Health Commission of Australia has found in 2004: 56 children under 4 on anti‐depressants 728 children aged between.

Bachey Jannat key phool!