Portfolio: Book Cover design



“If a book is the world, we may be just a period to fulfill this world.”

Transcript of Portfolio: Book Cover design

Page 1: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Portfolio Mr. Thanaphon BorihanThanachoT

Book E xper ience : Cover Design

Page 2: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 3: Portfolio: Book Cover design

“If a book is the world, we may be just a period to fulfill this world.”Mr.Thanaphon BorihanThanachoT

Book Des igne r and pa r t T ime Ed i t o r

Page 4: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 5: Portfolio: Book Cover design


Books and magazines changed my life. I got English communication skills from my bachelor’s degree studies, creative thinking from involvement in magazine production, and logical thinking from my experience with book layout. I can bring all of experience to develop the publishing industry around Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand, where there is a shortage of good publishers and literary systems. By helping the region progress in the world of publishing, I hope to share the power of reading, through both print and digital media.

For me, publishing is a combination between art and science. Books and magazines are not just products but are about taste, inspiration, life or are instruments that can be used to change the world. I believe in the power of text and images. And a publisher can build knowledge and inspiration via creative construction of these elements in books or magazines.

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Page 7: Portfolio: Book Cover design


i have never been learning or being in any design classroom before. I am a knowledge seeker, my teacher is Google and Youtube, as well

creative design library is my classroom. Everything around us is copying, aero plane copy from bird, submarine copy from nautilus.

Before success on copying we have to be observant, creativity and work hard. When I have to design new cover, I will look for

inspiration at library, market, Pinterest, traveling to somewhere, or even small advertising on newspaper. Using logical thinking and

artistic to process master artwork.

I always use Adobe Photoshop for crop photo, rescale, adjust brightness and contrast. Illustrator for editing vector file. I transfer all of elements to Adobe InDesign, design step by step with some idea and suggestion from team work. Set margins and bleeding, choosed appropriate typhography for regular book size of 14x21 cm., arranged art composition, calculate spine size, layed blurb

informations, then export to press quality PDF file, finally ready for CMYK printing.

Page 8: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on February 2013

Page 9: Portfolio: Book Cover design

This is my firsT masTer pieCe for Cover Design. In this book, greater attention is given to the particular circumstances of the host countries’ retail and distribution systems and consumer markets. The photo was shot at somewhere cargo in Thailand. By perspective line, this is the best photo for cover design. I crop out and enlarge together with plus more brightness and contrast. Combined with San-serif title on white transparency, give more interesting even if academic book.

Page 10: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Diversifying Retail And Distribution In ThailandEndo G


ISBN 978-616-215-057-9


The entry of transnational retailers into emerging markets inevitably disrupts the existing retail and distribution structures. Thailand experienced such changes to its traditional retailing system beginning in 1990 and continuing through the following two decades, to the extent that many have called it a “revolution.”

But the term “revolution” is a misnomer, according to this study. The new retail and distribution formats, rather than replacing traditional markets, have continued to exist alongside them. In addition, Thailand’s retail and distribution industries are heading toward diversification rather than uniformity, the latter phenomenon being generally associated with the advance of multinational corporations.

Endo analyzes Thailand’s retail structure in the light of its entire distribution system, examining how changes have affected not only horizontal, competitive relationships between modern and traditional retailers, but also vertical relationships with manufacturers and wholesalers. Rather than focusing narrowly on the urban middle-class consumer market, he considers the markets’ income differentials—the “mosaic structure”—which is an indispensable framework for discussing the retail and consumption practices of an emerging economy. The book presents a thoroughgoing and positive analysis well grounded in Thailand’s historical context.

Studies on the advance of transnational retailers into emerging markets have recently flourished, most of which aim to clarify the internationalization of retail from a commercial science perspective by concentrating on the transnational retailers’ activities. In this book, greater attention is given to the particular circumstances of the host countries’ retail and distribution systems and consumer markets. Using a comparative-business-history approach to a single country, this research contributes significantly to our understanding of retail and distribution systems in emerging markets globally.

Dr. ENDO Gen, Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at Daito Bunka University, holds a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He was an international student at Chiang Mai University during the mid-1990s and a visiting scholar at Chulalongkorn University in the mid-2000s. His field of interest is the Southeast Asian economy, particularly Thailand’s, and focuses on retail consumption and distribution.

diversifying retail and distribution in thailand endo gen

Endo Gen

A comprehensive survey of consumer behavior, distribution channels,

and retail formats, showing that Thailand’s so-called “retail revolution”

is moving towards diversity, not uniformity.

diversifyingretail and distribution in thailand

Diversifying Retail And Distribution In ThailandEndo G

enThe entry of transnational retailers into emerging markets inevitably disrupts the existing retail and distribution structures. Thailand experienced such changes to its traditional retailing system beginning in 1990 and continuing through the following two decades, to the extent that many have called it a “revolution.”

But the term “revolution” is a misnomer, according to this study. The new retail and distribution formats, rather than replacing traditional markets, have continued to exist alongside them. In addition, Thailand’s retail and distribution industries are heading toward diversification rather than uniformity, the latter phenomenon being generally associated with the advance of multinational corporations.

Endo analyzes Thailand’s retail structure in the light of its entire distribution system, examining how changes have affected not only horizontal, competitive relationships between modern and traditional retailers, but also vertical relationships with manufacturers and wholesalers. Rather than focusing narrowly on the urban middle-class consumer market, he considers the markets’ income differentials—the “mosaic structure”—which is an indispensable framework for discussing the retail and consumption practices of an emerging economy. The book presents a thoroughgoing and positive analysis well grounded in Thailand’s historical context.

Studies on the advance of transnational retailers into emerging markets have recently flourished, most of which aim to clarify the internationalization of retail from a commercial science perspective by concentrating on the transnational retailers’ activities. In this book, greater attention is given to the particular circumstances of the host countries’ retail and distribution systems and consumer markets. Using a comparative-business-history approach to a single country, this research contributes significantly to our understanding of retail and distribution systems in emerging markets globally.

Dr. ENDO Gen, Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at Daito Bunka University, holds a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He was an international student at Chiang Mai University during the mid-1990s and a visiting scholar at Chulalongkorn University in the mid-2000s. His field of interest is the Southeast Asian economy, particularly Thailand’s, and focuses on retail consumption and distribution.

Endo GenISBN 978-616-215-057-9


diversifyingretail and distribution in thailand

diversifying retail and distribution in thailand endo gen

A comprehensive survey of consumer behavior, distribution channels, and retail formats, showing that Thailand’s so-called “retail revolution” is moving towards diversity, not uniformity.

Page 11: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Diversifying Retail And Distribution In ThailandEndo G


Endo Gen

ISBN 978-616-215-057-9


The entry of transnational retailers into emerging markets inevitably disrupts the existing retail and distribution structures. Thailand experienced such changes to its traditional retailing system beginning in 1990 and continuing through the following two decades, to the extent that many have called it a “revolution.”

But the term “revolution” is a misnomer, according to this study. The new retail and distribution formats, rather than replacing traditional markets, have continued to exist alongside them. In addition, Thailand’s retail and distribution industries are heading toward diversification rather than uniformity, the latter phenomenon being generally associated with the advance of multinational corporations.

Endo analyzes Thailand’s retail structure in the light of its entire distribution system, examining how changes have affected not only horizontal, competitive relationships between modern and traditional retailers, but also vertical relationships with manufacturers and wholesalers. Rather than focusing narrowly on the urban middle-class consumer market, he considers the markets’ income differentials—the “mosaic structure”—which is an indispensable framework for discussing the retail and consumption practices of an emerging economy. The book presents a thoroughgoing and positive analysis well grounded in Thailand’s historical context.

Studies on the advance of transnational retailers into emerging markets have recently flourished, most of which aim to clarify the internationalization of retail from a commercial science perspective by concentrating on the transnational retailers’ activities. In this book, greater attention is given to the particular circumstances of the host countries’ retail and distribution systems and consumer markets. Using a comparative-business-history approach to a single country, this research contributes significantly to our understanding of retail and distribution systems in emerging markets globally.

Dr. ENDO Gen, Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at Daito Bunka University, holds a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He was an international student at Chiang Mai University during the mid-1990s and a visiting scholar at Chulalongkorn University in the mid-2000s. His field of interest is the Southeast Asian economy, particularly Thailand’s, and focuses on retail consumption and distribution.

diversifying retail and distribution in thailand endo gen

A comprehensive survey of consumer behavior, distribution channels, and retail formats, showing that Thailand’s so-called “retail revolution” is moving towards diversity, not uniformity.

diversifyingretail and distribution in thailand

Diversifying Retail And Distribution In ThailandEndo G


Endo Gen

diversifyingretail and distribution in thailand

ISBN 978-616-215-057-9


The entry of transnational retailers into emerging markets inevitably disrupts the existing retail and distribution structures. Thailand experienced such changes to its traditional retailing system beginning in 1990 and continuing through the following two decades, to the extent that many have called it a “revolution.”

But the term “revolution” is a misnomer, according to this study. The new retail and distribution formats, rather than replacing traditional markets, have continued to exist alongside them. In addition, Thailand’s retail and distribution industries are heading toward diversification rather than uniformity, the latter phenomenon being generally associated with the advance of multinational corporations.

Endo analyzes Thailand’s retail structure in the light of its entire distribution system, examining how changes have affected not only horizontal, competitive relationships between modern and traditional retailers, but also vertical relationships with manufacturers and wholesalers. Rather than focusing narrowly on the urban middle-class consumer market, he considers the markets’ income differentials—the “mosaic structure”—which is an indispensable framework for discussing the retail and consumption practices of an emerging economy. The book presents a thoroughgoing and positive analysis well grounded in Thailand’s historical context.

Studies on the advance of transnational retailers into emerging markets have recently flourished, most of which aim to clarify the internationalization of retail from a commercial science perspective by concentrating on the transnational retailers’ activities. In this book, greater attention is given to the particular circumstances of the host countries’ retail and distribution systems and consumer markets. Using a comparative-business-history approach to a single country, this research contributes significantly to our understanding of retail and distribution systems in emerging markets globally.

Dr. ENDO Gen, Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at Daito Bunka University, holds a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He was an international student at Chiang Mai University during the mid-1990s and a visiting scholar at Chulalongkorn University in the mid-2000s. His field of interest is the Southeast Asian economy, particularly Thailand’s, and focuses on retail consumption and distribution.

diversifying retail and distribution in thailand endo gen

A comprehensive survey of consumer behavior, distribution channels, and retail formats, showing that Thailand’s so-called “retail revolution”

is moving towards diversity, not uniformity.

Page 12: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 13: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 14: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

diversifying retail and distribution in thailand endo genThe entry of transnational retailers into emerging markets inevitably disrupts the existing retail and distribution structures. Thailand experienced such disruption to its traditional retailing system beginning in 1990 and continuing through the following two decades, to the extent that many have called it a “revolution.” But the term “revolution” is a misnomer, according to this study. The new retail and distribution formats, rather than replacing traditional markets, have continued to exist alongside them. In addition, Thailand’s retail and distribution industries are heading toward diversification rather than uniformity, the latter phenomenon being generally associated with the advance of multinational corporations.

Endo analyzes Thailand’s retail structure in the light of its entire distribution system, examining how changes have affected not only horizontal, competitive relationships between modern and traditional retailers, but also vertical relationships with manufacturers and wholesalers. Rather than focusing narrowly on the urban middle-class consumer market, he considers the markets’ income differentials—the “mosaic structure”—which is an indispensable framework for discussing the retail and consumption practices of an emerging economy. The book presents a thoroughgoing and positive analysis well grounded in Thailand’s historical context.

Studies on the advance of transnational retailers into emerging markets have recently flourished, most of which aim to clarify the internationalization of retail from a commercial science perspective by concentrating on the transnational retailers’ activities. In this book, greater attention is given to the particular circumstances of the host countries’ retail and distribution systems and consumer markets. Using a comparative-business-history approach to a single country, this research contributes significantly to our understanding of retail and distribution systems in emerging markets globally.

Dr. ENDO Gen, Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at Daito Bunka University, holds a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He was an international student at Chiang Mai University during the mid-1990s and a visiting scholar at Chulalongkorn University in the mid-2000s. His field of interest is the Southeast Asian economy, particularly Thailand’s, and focuses on retail consumption and distribution.

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0409

ISBN 978-616-215-057-9

Diversifying Retail and Distribution in ThailandEndo G


Endo Gen

diversifyingretail and distribution in thailand

A comprehensive survey of consumer behavior, distribution channels, and retail formats, showing that

Thailand’s so-called “retail revolution” is moving towards diversity,

not uniformity.




This is Cover Diversify.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:18 PM

Page 15: Portfolio: Book Cover design

diversifying retail and distribution in thailand endo genThe entry of transnational retailers into emerging markets inevitably disrupts the existing retail and distribution structures. Thailand experienced such disruption to its traditional retailing system beginning in 1990 and continuing through the following two decades, to the extent that many have called it a “revolution.” But the term “revolution” is a misnomer, according to this study. The new retail and distribution formats, rather than replacing traditional markets, have continued to exist alongside them. In addition, Thailand’s retail and distribution industries are heading toward diversification rather than uniformity, the latter phenomenon being generally associated with the advance of multinational corporations.

Endo analyzes Thailand’s retail structure in the light of its entire distribution system, examining how changes have affected not only horizontal, competitive relationships between modern and traditional retailers, but also vertical relationships with manufacturers and wholesalers. Rather than focusing narrowly on the urban middle-class consumer market, he considers the markets’ income differentials—the “mosaic structure”—which is an indispensable framework for discussing the retail and consumption practices of an emerging economy. The book presents a thoroughgoing and positive analysis well grounded in Thailand’s historical context.

Studies on the advance of transnational retailers into emerging markets have recently flourished, most of which aim to clarify the internationalization of retail from a commercial science perspective by concentrating on the transnational retailers’ activities. In this book, greater attention is given to the particular circumstances of the host countries’ retail and distribution systems and consumer markets. Using a comparative-business-history approach to a single country, this research contributes significantly to our understanding of retail and distribution systems in emerging markets globally.

Dr. ENDO Gen, Associate Professor in the Faculty of International Relations at Daito Bunka University, holds a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He was an international student at Chiang Mai University during the mid-1990s and a visiting scholar at Chulalongkorn University in the mid-2000s. His field of interest is the Southeast Asian economy, particularly Thailand’s, and focuses on retail consumption and distribution.

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0409

ISBN 978-616-215-057-9

Diversifying Retail and Distribution in ThailandEndo G

enEndo Gen

diversifyingretail and distribution in thailand

A comprehensive survey of consumer behavior, distribution channels, and retail formats, showing that

Thailand’s so-called “retail revolution” is moving towards diversity,

not uniformity.




This is Cover Diversify.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:18 PM

Page 16: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on March 2013

Page 17: Portfolio: Book Cover design

The auThor wanTeD To use this photo for the cover. The photo showed local living in the fisherman village, the author have to walking pass this way everyday. It’s like her memorable time. I adjusted brightness and contrast, plus black gradient layer at the top of photo. I choosed Arno Pro with Bold font style for title to reflect strong heart of the author, at the same time Italic gave softer emotion.

Page 18: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Just Enough A Journey into Thailand’s Troubled SouthMira Lee Manickam

Just Enough travels inside the conflict zone of Thailand’s southernmost provinces and gets under the surface of traditional Malay Muslim culture. Mira Lee Manickam, an adventurous American researcher, takes us with her as she settles into a small fishing village in troubled Pattani Province. Stepping uncertainly into this deeply traditional world, she gains privileged access to a side of Malay Muslim society rarely seen by outsiders and obscured by the violence featured in Thai newspapers. In a style that is humorous, honest, and moving, Manickam charts the southern Thai conflict through her travels in the region and tells the stories of her friends in the village: a gang of wild-haired teenage boys who observe conservative religious protocol by day and listen to heavy metal in back-street teashops by night; a group of young women too educated to find husbands in the village but too traditional to leave; an impoverished fisherman with a Zen-like stance on impermanence; and a dropout who immerses himself in Western culture as a star rock-climber in a nearby beach resort. These stories illustrate the tension between the values of a traditional Malay Muslim community and the demands of an increasingly modern Thai society. Just Enough is a personal journey of growth, loss, and friendship, and reveals the colors of daily life that lie beneath the black and white of newspaper headlines. Mira Lee Manickam has been a regular visitor to Thailand for over ten years, traveling there as a conservation officer for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, a master’s student at the Yale School of Forestry, and a documentary filmmaker. The author offers an informed and engaged perspective on the impact of the hundred-year-old conflict in southern Thailand. It focuses on the lives of the common people in the areas of education, economy, and religious development, and their effect on the present and the future of the country. In a warm, affectionate style it highlights the cultural diversities in Thailand as a whole and also in its widespread Muslim community. 

— Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf, Senior Fellow at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU), Georgetown University, and Professor at Assumption University, Bangkok

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0407

ISBN 978-616-215-054-8

Just E



Journey into Thailand’s T

roubled South

Just EnoughA Journey into Thailand’s Troubled South

Mira Lee Manickam

Mira Lee Manickam

Just EnoughA Journey into Thailand’s Troubled South

Just Enough A Journey into Thailand’s Troubled SouthMira Lee Manickam

Just Enough travels inside the conflict zone of Thailand’s southernmost provinces and gets under the surface of traditional Malay Muslim culture. Mira Lee Manickam, an adventurous American researcher, takes us with her as she settles into a small fishing village in troubled Pattani Province. Stepping uncertainly into this deeply traditional world, she gains privileged access to a side of Malay Muslim society rarely seen by outsiders and obscured by the violence featured in Thai newspapers. In a style that is humorous, honest, and moving, Manickam charts the southern Thai conflict through her travels in the region and tells the stories of her friends in the village: a gang of wild-haired teenage boys who observe conservative religious protocol by day and listen to heavy metal in back-street teashops by night; a group of young women too educated to find husbands in the village but too traditional to leave; an impoverished fisherman with a Zen-like stance on impermanence; and a dropout who immerses himself in Western culture as a star rock-climber in a nearby beach resort. These stories illustrate the tension between the values of a traditional Malay Muslim community and the demands of an increasingly modern Thai society. Just Enough is a personal journey of growth, loss, and friendship, and reveals the colors of daily life that lie beneath the black and white of newspaper headlines. Mira Lee Manickam has been a regular visitor to Thailand for over ten years, traveling there as a conservation officer for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, a master’s student at the Yale School of Forestry, and a documentary filmmaker. The author offers an informed and engaged perspective on the impact of the hundred-year-old conflict in southern Thailand. It focuses on the lives of the common people in the areas of education, economy, and religious development, and their effect on the present and the future of the country. In a warm, affectionate style it highlights the cultural diversities in Thailand as a whole and also in its widespread Muslim community. 

— Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf, Senior Fellow at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU), Georgetown University, and Professor at Assumption University, Bangkok

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0407

ISBN 978-616-215-054-8

Just E



Journey into Thailand’s T

roubled South

Page 19: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Just Enough A Journey into Thailand’s Troubled SouthMira Lee Manickam

Just Enough travels inside the conflict zone of Thailand’s southernmost provinces and gets under the surface of traditional Malay Muslim culture. Mira Lee Manickam, an adventurous American researcher, takes us with her as she settles into a small fishing village in troubled Pattani Province. Stepping uncertainly into this deeply traditional world, she gains privileged access to a side of Malay Muslim society rarely seen by outsiders and obscured by the violence featured in Thai newspapers. In a style that is humorous, honest, and moving, Manickam charts the southern Thai conflict through her travels in the region and tells the stories of her friends in the village: a gang of wild-haired teenage boys who observe conservative religious protocol by day and listen to heavy metal in back-street teashops by night; a group of young women too educated to find husbands in the village but too traditional to leave; an impoverished fisherman with a Zen-like stance on impermanence; and a dropout who immerses himself in Western culture as a star rock-climber in a nearby beach resort. These stories illustrate the tension between the values of a traditional Malay Muslim community and the demands of an increasingly modern Thai society. Just Enough is a personal journey of growth, loss, and friendship, and reveals the colors of daily life that lie beneath the black and white of newspaper headlines. Mira Lee Manickam has been a regular visitor to Thailand for over ten years, traveling there as a conservation officer for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, a master’s student at the Yale School of Forestry, and a documentary filmmaker. The author offers an informed and engaged perspective on the impact of the hundred-year-old conflict in southern Thailand. It focuses on the lives of the common people in the areas of education, economy, and religious development, and their effect on the present and the future of the country. In a warm, affectionate style it highlights the cultural diversities in Thailand as a whole and also in its widespread Muslim community. 

— Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf, Senior Fellow at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU), Georgetown University, and Professor at Assumption University, Bangkok

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0407

ISBN 978-616-215-054-8

Just EnoughA Journey into Th

ailand’s Troubled South

Just EnoughA Journey into Thailand’s Troubled South

Mira Lee Manickam

Just Enough A Journey into Thailand’s Troubled SouthMira Lee Manickam

Just Enough travels inside the conflict zone of Thailand’s southernmost provinces and gets under the surface of traditional Malay Muslim culture. Mira Lee Manickam, an adventurous American researcher, takes us with her as she settles into a small fishing village in troubled Pattani Province. Stepping uncertainly into this deeply traditional world, she gains privileged access to a side of Malay Muslim society rarely seen by outsiders and obscured by the violence featured in Thai newspapers. In a style that is humorous, honest, and moving, Manickam charts the southern Thai conflict through her travels in the region and tells the stories of her friends in the village: a gang of wild-haired teenage boys who observe conservative religious protocol by day and listen to heavy metal in back-street teashops by night; a group of young women too educated to find husbands in the village but too traditional to leave; an impoverished fisherman with a Zen-like stance on impermanence; and a dropout who immerses himself in Western culture as a star rock-climber in a nearby beach resort. These stories illustrate the tension between the values of a traditional Malay Muslim community and the demands of an increasingly modern Thai society. Just Enough is a personal journey of growth, loss, and friendship, and reveals the colors of daily life that lie beneath the black and white of newspaper headlines. Mira Lee Manickam has been a regular visitor to Thailand for over ten years, traveling there as a conservation officer for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, a master’s student at the Yale School of Forestry, and a documentary filmmaker. The author offers an informed and engaged perspective on the impact of the hundred-year-old conflict in southern Thailand. It focuses on the lives of the common people in the areas of education, economy, and religious development, and their effect on the present and the future of the country. In a warm, affectionate style it highlights the cultural diversities in Thailand as a whole and also in its widespread Muslim community. 

— Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf, Senior Fellow at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU), Georgetown University, and Professor at Assumption University, Bangkok

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0407

ISBN 978-616-215-054-8

Just EnoughA Journey into Th

ailand’s Troubled South

Mira Lee Manickam

Just EnoughA Journey into Thailand’s Troubled South

Page 20: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 21: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 22: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

Just EnoughA Journey into Thailand’s Troubled South

Mira Lee Manickam

Just Enough A Journey into Thailand’s Troubled South

Mira Lee Manickam

Just Enough travels inside the conflict zone of Thailand’s southernmost provinces and gets under the surface of traditional Malay Muslim culture. Mira Lee Manickam, an adventurous American researcher, takes us with her as she settles into a small fishing village in troubled Pattani Province. Stepping uncertainly into this deeply traditional world, she gains privileged access to a side of Malay Muslim society rarely seen by outsiders and obscured by the violence featured in Thai newspapers. In a style that is humorous, honest, and moving, Manickam charts the southern Thai conflict through her travels in the region and tells the stories of her friends in the village: a gang of wild-haired teenage boys who observe conservative religious protocol by day and listen to heavy metal in back-street teashops by night; a group of young women too educated to find husbands in the village but too traditional to leave; an impoverished fisherman with a Zen-like stance on impermanence; and a dropout who immerses himself in Western culture as a star rock-climber in a nearby beach resort. These stories illustrate the tension between the values of a traditional Malay Muslim community and the demands of an increasingly modern Thai society. Just Enough is a personal journey of growth, loss, and friendship, and reveals the colors of daily life that lie beneath the black and white of newspaper headlines.

“The author offers an informed and engaged perspective on the impact of the hundred-year-old conflict in southern Thailand. It focuses on the lives of the common people in the areas of education, economy, and religious development, and their effect on the present and the future of the country. In a warm, affectionate style it highlights the cultural diversities in Thailand as a whole and also in its widespread Muslim community.”  —Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf, Assumption University, Bangkok

MIRA LEE MANICKAM has been a regular visitor to Thailand for over ten years. She traveled there as a conservation officer for the International Union for the Conserva-tion of Nature, a master’s student at the Yale School of Forestry, and a documentary filmmaker.


Baht 595.00

ISBN 978-616-215-054-8


Just EnoughA Journey into Th

ailand’s Troubled SouthM


Just Enough cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 2:59 PM

Page 23: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Just EnoughA Journey into Thailand’s Troubled South

Mira Lee Manickam

Just Enough A Journey into Thailand’s Troubled South

Mira Lee Manickam

Just Enough travels inside the conflict zone of Thailand’s southernmost provinces and gets under the surface of traditional Malay Muslim culture. Mira Lee Manickam, an adventurous American researcher, takes us with her as she settles into a small fishing village in troubled Pattani Province. Stepping uncertainly into this deeply traditional world, she gains privileged access to a side of Malay Muslim society rarely seen by outsiders and obscured by the violence featured in Thai newspapers. In a style that is humorous, honest, and moving, Manickam charts the southern Thai conflict through her travels in the region and tells the stories of her friends in the village: a gang of wild-haired teenage boys who observe conservative religious protocol by day and listen to heavy metal in back-street teashops by night; a group of young women too educated to find husbands in the village but too traditional to leave; an impoverished fisherman with a Zen-like stance on impermanence; and a dropout who immerses himself in Western culture as a star rock-climber in a nearby beach resort. These stories illustrate the tension between the values of a traditional Malay Muslim community and the demands of an increasingly modern Thai society. Just Enough is a personal journey of growth, loss, and friendship, and reveals the colors of daily life that lie beneath the black and white of newspaper headlines.

“The author offers an informed and engaged perspective on the impact of the hundred-year-old conflict in southern Thailand. It focuses on the lives of the common people in the areas of education, economy, and religious development, and their effect on the present and the future of the country. In a warm, affectionate style it highlights the cultural diversities in Thailand as a whole and also in its widespread Muslim community.”  —Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf, Assumption University, Bangkok

MIRA LEE MANICKAM has been a regular visitor to Thailand for over ten years. She traveled there as a conservation officer for the International Union for the Conserva-tion of Nature, a master’s student at the Yale School of Forestry, and a documentary filmmaker.


Baht 595.00

ISBN 978-616-215-054-8


Just EnoughA Journey into Th

ailand’s Troubled SouthM


Just Enough cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 2:59 PM

Page 24: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on July 2013

Page 25: Portfolio: Book Cover design

“The lost civilization of Angkor left no written records, and only its ancient stones can tell the tale.”

from above senTenCe i DeCiDeD to use the side view photo of Bayon Face for the cover. I used Adobe Photoshop to extend grey sky to the whole front and back cover. Using Cronos Pro to match with curve shape of Bayon Face. Perspective look simply but hidden with secret power of the lost empire.

Page 26: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

ISBN 978-616-215-051-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 220-0410




The Story of AngkorJame DiBiasio

The lost civilization of Angkor left no written records, so only its ancient stones can tell the tale. The Story of Angkor exposes the history of this once-mighty Southeast Asian empire through the secrets hidden inside the temples and buildings located around the city of Siem Reap. It guides the reader into Angkor’s most spectacular monuments and the kings who commissioned them. The Classical Angkor period, from its founding in 802AD by Jayavarman II, to its mysterious twelfth-century demise, produced hundreds of temples, reservoirs, and other monuments. But why were they built? What did they represent? And is the evidence clear? The Story of Angkor answers these questions. Through an exploration of ancient culture, religion, trade, warfare, ecology, and politics, it gives meaning to the mysterious faces of the Bayon and decodes the beautiful but violent bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat. It also presents Cambodia’s early history and Angkor Wat’s “discovery” by nineteenth-century explorers. Written in a concise, accessible style, with photos and maps, The Story of Angkor presents an in-depth analysis of the ancient Angkor civilization. It is an essential volume that will appeal to both readers and travelers.

Jame DiBiasio is founding editor of AsianInvestor magazine and website. He is an American and long-time resident of Hong Kong.

The Story of Angkor

Jame DiBiasio

ISBN 978-616-215-051-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 220-0410




The Story of AngkorJame DiBiasio

The lost civilization of Angkor left no written records, so only its ancient stones can tell the tale. The Story of Angkor exposes the history of this once-mighty Southeast Asian empire through the secrets hidden inside the temples and buildings located around the city of Siem Reap. It guides the reader into Angkor’s most spectacular monuments and the kings who commissioned them. The Classical Angkor period, from its founding in 802AD by Jayavarman II, to its mysterious twelfth-century demise, produced hundreds of temples, reservoirs, and other monuments. But why were they built? What did they represent? And is the evidence clear? The Story of Angkor answers these questions. Through an exploration of ancient culture, religion, trade, warfare, ecology, and politics, it gives meaning to the mysterious faces of the Bayon and decodes the beautiful but violent bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat. It also presents Cambodia’s early history and Angkor Wat’s “discovery” by nineteenth-century explorers. Written in a concise, accessible style, with photos and maps, The Story of Angkor presents an in-depth analysis of the ancient Angkor civilization. It is an essential volume that will appeal to both readers and travelers.

Jame DiBiasio is founding editor of AsianInvestor magazine and website. He is an American and long-time resident of Hong Kong.

The Story of Angkor

Jame DiBiasio

Page 27: Portfolio: Book Cover design

ISBN 978-616-215-051-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 220-0410




The Story of AngkorJame DiBiasio

The lost civilization of Angkor left no written records, so only its ancient stones can tell the tale. The Story of Angkor exposes the history of this once-mighty Southeast Asian empire through the secrets hidden inside the temples and buildings located around the city of Siem Reap. It guides the reader into Angkor’s most spectacular monuments and the kings who commissioned them. The Classical Angkor period, from its founding in 802AD by Jayavarman II, to its mysterious twelfth-century demise, produced hundreds of temples, reservoirs, and other monuments. But why were they built? What did they represent? And is the evidence clear? The Story of Angkor answers these questions. Through an exploration of ancient culture, religion, trade, warfare, ecology, and politics, it gives meaning to the mysterious faces of the Bayon and decodes the beautiful but violent bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat. It also presents Cambodia’s early history and Angkor Wat’s “discovery” by nineteenth-century explorers. Written in a concise, accessible style, with photos and maps, The Story of Angkor presents an in-depth analysis of the ancient Angkor civilization. It is an essential volume that will appeal to both readers and travelers.

Jame DiBiasio is founding editor of AsianInvestor magazine and website. He is an American and long-time resident of Hong Kong.

The Story of Angkor

Jame DiBiasio

ISBN 978-616-215-051-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 220-0410




The Story of AngkorJame DiBiasio

The lost civilization of Angkor left no written records, so only its ancient stones can tell the tale. The Story of Angkor exposes the history of this once-mighty Southeast Asian empire through the secrets hidden inside the temples and buildings located around the city of Siem Reap. It guides the reader into Angkor’s most spectacular monuments and the kings who commissioned them. The Classical Angkor period, from its founding in 802AD by Jayavarman II, to its mysterious twelfth-century demise, produced hundreds of temples, reservoirs, and other monuments. But why were they built? What did they represent? And is the evidence clear? The Story of Angkor answers these questions. Through an exploration of ancient culture, religion, trade, warfare, ecology, and politics, it gives meaning to the mysterious faces of the Bayon and decodes the beautiful but violent bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat. It also presents Cambodia’s early history and Angkor Wat’s “discovery” by nineteenth-century explorers. Written in a concise, accessible style, with photos and maps, The Story of Angkor presents an in-depth analysis of the ancient Angkor civilization. It is an essential volume that will appeal to both readers and travelers.

Jame DiBiasio is founding editor of AsianInvestor magazine and website. He is an American and long-time resident of Hong Kong.

The Story of Angkor

Jame DiBiasio

Page 28: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 29: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 30: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

Jame D


The Story of A


ISBN 978-616-215-051-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 220-0410

Baht 395.00

The Story of


Jame DiBiasio

The Story of AngkorJame DiBiasio

The lost civilization of Angkor left no written records, so only its ancient stones can tell the tale. The Story of Angkor exposes the history of this once-mighty Southeast Asian empire through the secrets hidden inside the temples and buildings located around the city of Siem Reap. It guides the reader into Angkor’s most spectacular monuments and the kings who commissioned them. The Classical Angkor period, from its founding in AD 802 by Jayavarman II to its mysterious demise, produced hundreds of temples, reservoirs, and other monuments. But why were they built? What did they represent? How clear is the evidence? The Story of Angkor answers these questions. Through an exploration of ancient culture, religion, trade, warfare, ecology, and politics, it gives meaning to the mysterious faces of the Bayon and decodes the beautiful but violent bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat. It also presents Cambodia’s early history and Angkor Wat’s “discovery” by nineteenth-century explorers. Written in a concise, accessible style, with photos and maps, The Story of Angkor presents an in-depth analysis of the ancient Angkor civilization that will appeal to both readers and travelers.

Jame DiBiasio is an award-winning financial journalist and editor who is based in Hong Kong. He is the author of Gaijin Cowgirl, a novel, and blogs at http://asiahacks.com.

StoryAngkor_cover_130520.indd 1-3 5/20/56 BE 7:07 PM

Page 31: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Jame D


The Story of A


ISBN 978-616-215-051-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 220-0410

Baht 395.00

The Story of


Jame DiBiasio

The Story of AngkorJame DiBiasio

The lost civilization of Angkor left no written records, so only its ancient stones can tell the tale. The Story of Angkor exposes the history of this once-mighty Southeast Asian empire through the secrets hidden inside the temples and buildings located around the city of Siem Reap. It guides the reader into Angkor’s most spectacular monuments and the kings who commissioned them. The Classical Angkor period, from its founding in AD 802 by Jayavarman II to its mysterious demise, produced hundreds of temples, reservoirs, and other monuments. But why were they built? What did they represent? How clear is the evidence? The Story of Angkor answers these questions. Through an exploration of ancient culture, religion, trade, warfare, ecology, and politics, it gives meaning to the mysterious faces of the Bayon and decodes the beautiful but violent bas-reliefs of Angkor Wat. It also presents Cambodia’s early history and Angkor Wat’s “discovery” by nineteenth-century explorers. Written in a concise, accessible style, with photos and maps, The Story of Angkor presents an in-depth analysis of the ancient Angkor civilization that will appeal to both readers and travelers.

Jame DiBiasio is an award-winning financial journalist and editor who is based in Hong Kong. He is the author of Gaijin Cowgirl, a novel, and blogs at http://asiahacks.com.

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Page 32: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on July 2013

Page 33: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Thawan DuChanee is greaTesT Thai national artist. His life creating art that deeply reflects Buddhist philosophy. With his internationally renowned make me feel stressful, because his art is masterful both for its intricacy and for its subtle portrayal of Buddhism. I choosed grey scale on background to reflect neutrality between badness (black color) and goodness (white color), as in the cover photo; badness is devil on left hand side and goodness is Lord Buddha on right hand side. I used white color for Thawan Duchanee and author name represent as purity. Yellow color of sub-title matching with golden color on Lord Buddha forehead.

Page 34: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Russell Marcus

Thawan D




Russell Marcus

Thai national artist Thawan Duchanee has spent his life creating art that deeply reflects Buddhist philosophy. He is internationally renowned, and his art is masterful both for its intricacy and for its subtle portrayal of Buddhism. Thawan expresses Buddhist wisdom with incredible versatility. His artworks depict the dangers of doubt, lust, fear, and lack of concentration, expose humankind’s pursuit of pleasure and escape from pain, and illustrate virtues exemplified in the previous lives of the Buddha. Using over one hundred images, the book succinctly examines these themes, often hidden deep within the art itself, and guides the reader through some of Thawan’s most interesting works. This is the first book to combine a focus on these works with an exploration of Thawan’s outstanding architectural and decorative achievements in Chiang Rai and Germany. Often told in his own words, this book offers insights into Thawan’s creative genius, explores his philosophy on the arts, examines his famous signature, and recounts his life story. It is fascinating reading for all those interested in Thai art and Buddhism.

Larger-than-life Thai artist Thawan Duchanee is one of the foremost representatives of Thai and Asian art. His penchant for traditional Asian motifs and styles and his flamboyant personality have earned him popularity and renown as one of the leading lights of the international art scene.—The Nation

ISBN 978-616-215-056-2

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0408



Russell Marcus

Thawan D




Russell Marcus

Thai national artist Thawan Duchanee has spent his life creating art that deeply reflects Buddhist philosophy. He is internationally renowned, and his art is masterful both for its intricacy and for its subtle portrayal of Buddhism. Thawan expresses Buddhist wisdom with incredible versatility. His artworks depict the dangers of doubt, lust, fear, and lack of concentration, expose humankind’s pursuit of pleasure and escape from pain, and illustrate virtues exemplified in the previous lives of the Buddha. Using over one hundred images, the book succinctly examines these themes, often hidden deep within the art itself, and guides the reader through some of Thawan’s most interesting works. This is the first book to combine a focus on these works with an exploration of Thawan’s outstanding architectural and decorative achievements in Chiang Rai and Germany. Often told in his own words, this book offers insights into Thawan’s creative genius, explores his philosophy on the arts, examines his famous signature, and recounts his life story. It is fascinating reading for all those interested in Thai art and Buddhism.

Larger-than-life Thai artist Thawan Duchanee is one of the foremost representatives of Thai and Asian art. His penchant for traditional Asian motifs and styles and his flamboyant personality have earned him popularity and renown as one of the leading lights of the international art scene.—The Nation

ISBN 978-616-215-056-2

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0408



Page 35: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Russell Marcus

Thawan D




Russell Marcus

Thai national artist Thawan Duchanee has spent his life creating art that deeply reflects Buddhist philosophy. He is internationally renowned, and his art is masterful both for its intricacy and for its subtle portrayal of Buddhism. Thawan expresses Buddhist wisdom with incredible versatility. His artworks depict the dangers of doubt, lust, fear, and lack of concentration, expose humankind’s pursuit of pleasure and escape from pain, and illustrate virtues exemplified in the previous lives of the Buddha. Using over one hundred images, the book succinctly examines these themes, often hidden deep within the art itself, and guides the reader through some of Thawan’s most interesting works. This is the first book to combine a focus on these works with an exploration of Thawan’s outstanding architectural and decorative achievements in Chiang Rai and Germany. Often told in his own words, this book offers insights into Thawan’s creative genius, explores his philosophy on the arts, examines his famous signature, and recounts his life story. It is fascinating reading for all those interested in Thai art and Buddhism.

Larger-than-life Thai artist Thawan Duchanee is one of the foremost representatives of Thai and Asian art. His penchant for traditional Asian motifs and styles and his flamboyant personality have earned him popularity and renown as one of the leading lights of the international art scene.—The Nation

ISBN 978-616-215-056-2

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0408


Thawan Duchanee


Russell Marcus

Thawan D




Russell Marcus

Thai national artist Thawan Duchanee has spent his life creating art that deeply reflects Buddhist philosophy. He is internationally renowned, and his art is masterful both for its intricacy and for its subtle portrayal of Buddhism. Thawan expresses Buddhist wisdom with incredible versatility. His artworks depict the dangers of doubt, lust, fear, and lack of concentration, expose humankind’s pursuit of pleasure and escape from pain, and illustrate virtues exemplified in the previous lives of the Buddha. Using over one hundred images, the book succinctly examines these themes, often hidden deep within the art itself, and guides the reader through some of Thawan’s most interesting works. This is the first book to combine a focus on these works with an exploration of Thawan’s outstanding architectural and decorative achievements in Chiang Rai and Germany. Often told in his own words, this book offers insights into Thawan’s creative genius, explores his philosophy on the arts, examines his famous signature, and recounts his life story. It is fascinating reading for all those interested in Thai art and Buddhism.

Larger-than-life Thai artist Thawan Duchanee is one of the foremost representatives of Thai and Asian art. His penchant for traditional Asian motifs and styles and his flamboyant personality have earned him popularity and renown as one of the leading lights of the international art scene.—The Nation

ISBN 978-616-215-056-2

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0408


Thawan Duchanee


Page 36: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 37: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 38: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft


Russell Marcus


Russell Marcus

Thai national artist Thawan Duchanee has spent his life creating art that deeply reflects Buddhist philosophy. He is internationally renowned, and his art is masterful both for its intricacy and for its subtle portrayal of Buddhism. Thawan expresses Buddhist wisdom with incredible versatility. His artworks depict the dangers of doubt, lust, fear, and lack of concentration, expose humankind’s pursuit of pleasure and escape from pain, and illustrate virtues exemplified in the previous lives of the Buddha. Using over one hundred images, the book succinctly examines these themes, often hidden deep within the art itself, and guides the reader through some of Thawan’s most interesting works. This is the first book to combine a focus on these works with an exploration of Thawan’s outstanding architectural and decorative achievements in Chiang Rai and Germany. Often told in his own words, this book offers insights into Thawan’s creative genius, explores his philosophy on the arts, examines his famous signature, and recounts his life story. It is fascinating reading for all those interested in Thai art and Buddhism.

“Larger-than-life Thai artist Thawan Duchanee is one of the foremost representatives of Thai and Asian art. His penchant for traditional Asian motifs and styles and his flamboyant personality have earned him popularity and renown as one of the leading lights of the international art scene.”—The Nation

ISBN 978-616-215-056-2

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0408

Baht 595.00

Russell Marcus

Thawan D



Thawan Duchanee cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:09 PM

Page 39: Portfolio: Book Cover design


Russell Marcus


Russell Marcus

Thai national artist Thawan Duchanee has spent his life creating art that deeply reflects Buddhist philosophy. He is internationally renowned, and his art is masterful both for its intricacy and for its subtle portrayal of Buddhism. Thawan expresses Buddhist wisdom with incredible versatility. His artworks depict the dangers of doubt, lust, fear, and lack of concentration, expose humankind’s pursuit of pleasure and escape from pain, and illustrate virtues exemplified in the previous lives of the Buddha. Using over one hundred images, the book succinctly examines these themes, often hidden deep within the art itself, and guides the reader through some of Thawan’s most interesting works. This is the first book to combine a focus on these works with an exploration of Thawan’s outstanding architectural and decorative achievements in Chiang Rai and Germany. Often told in his own words, this book offers insights into Thawan’s creative genius, explores his philosophy on the arts, examines his famous signature, and recounts his life story. It is fascinating reading for all those interested in Thai art and Buddhism.

“Larger-than-life Thai artist Thawan Duchanee is one of the foremost representatives of Thai and Asian art. His penchant for traditional Asian motifs and styles and his flamboyant personality have earned him popularity and renown as one of the leading lights of the international art scene.”—The Nation

ISBN 978-616-215-056-2

www.silkwormbooks.com 210-0408

Baht 595.00

Russell Marcus

Thawan D



Thawan Duchanee cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:09 PM

Page 40: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on July 2013

Page 41: Portfolio: Book Cover design

This is a real aCaDemiC book, so design should not complicated. I extracted yellow and crimson red from the photo. Use simply title typeface same with body text in interior. Actually, I don’t know what’s handwriting language that appear on the cover photo.

Page 42: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 43: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Edited by Coeli Barry

Rights to Culture Heritage, Language, and Community in Thailand

Rights to Culture Heritage, Language, and Community in Thailand

Edited by Coeli Barry

Edited by Coeli Barry

Rights to CultureHeritage, Language, and Community in Thailand

Edited by Coeli Barry

Rights to Culture Heritage, Language,

and Community in Thailand

Page 44: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 45: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 46: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

Edited by Coeli Barry

Rights to Culture

Rights to CultureC

oeli Barry

Heritage, Language, and Community in Thailand Edited by Coeli Barry

This collection brings together original, small-scale, ethnographic research on minorities and communities contesting heritage, livelihood, language, and citizenship in Thailand. The case studies included here look at the rights of communities to manage their own cultural and natural resources across a range of settings including ethnic Khmer communities in the Northeast, migrant groups in metropolitan Bangkok, and hill tribe communities in the North of Thailand. The studies individually and collectively draw attention to conditions that are conducive to rights claiming, and they explore how and in what situations community leaders choose to negotiate with the state using other discourses. Readers interested in the limits and possibilities of invoking rights in the pursuit of diversity and pluralism will find in this book critically-minded, conceptually nuanced, and empirically grounded explorations of the interrelationship between culture and rights. The book’s theoretical and analytic insights contribute to the anthropology of rights as well as heritage studies by raising questions about the possibilities and limitations of rights-informed approaches to policy. Rights to Culture will appeal to students, scholars, and practitioners of cultural heritage in Thailand and Southeast Asia, as well as globally.

coeli barry, phd, teaches at the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University, and is adviser to the Cultural Rights Forum of the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre in Bangkok.

“Rights to Culture explores one of the most important and conceptually difficult topics in current heritage studies. . . . The authors masterfully interweave history, environment, and cultural policy in deeply nuanced ethnographic analyses of communities that range in scale from rural villages to the pulsating urban capital of Bangkok. Rights to Culture is an outstanding contribution to debates about culture and rights globally.”—Helaine Silverman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

“This book illustrates how the complex processes of transculturation are experienced by heterogeneous groups of people who are always excluded as “other” in so-called homogeneous Thai society. . . . Most important of all is the central argument that culture and rights have provided a negotiating space for these invisible people in their politics of identity to allow them to fully participate in development.”—Anan Ganjanapan, Chiang Mai University

Baht 695.00

ISBN 978-616-215-062-3

www.silkwormbooks.com 320-0413

Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre

Rights to Culture Heritage, Language, and Community in Thailand

Right ot Culture cover.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:51 PM

Page 47: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Edited by Coeli Barry

Rights to Culture

Rights to CultureC

oeli Barry

Heritage, Language, and Community in Thailand Edited by Coeli Barry

This collection brings together original, small-scale, ethnographic research on minorities and communities contesting heritage, livelihood, language, and citizenship in Thailand. The case studies included here look at the rights of communities to manage their own cultural and natural resources across a range of settings including ethnic Khmer communities in the Northeast, migrant groups in metropolitan Bangkok, and hill tribe communities in the North of Thailand. The studies individually and collectively draw attention to conditions that are conducive to rights claiming, and they explore how and in what situations community leaders choose to negotiate with the state using other discourses. Readers interested in the limits and possibilities of invoking rights in the pursuit of diversity and pluralism will find in this book critically-minded, conceptually nuanced, and empirically grounded explorations of the interrelationship between culture and rights. The book’s theoretical and analytic insights contribute to the anthropology of rights as well as heritage studies by raising questions about the possibilities and limitations of rights-informed approaches to policy. Rights to Culture will appeal to students, scholars, and practitioners of cultural heritage in Thailand and Southeast Asia, as well as globally.

coeli barry, phd, teaches at the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University, and is adviser to the Cultural Rights Forum of the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre in Bangkok.

“Rights to Culture explores one of the most important and conceptually difficult topics in current heritage studies. . . . The authors masterfully interweave history, environment, and cultural policy in deeply nuanced ethnographic analyses of communities that range in scale from rural villages to the pulsating urban capital of Bangkok. Rights to Culture is an outstanding contribution to debates about culture and rights globally.”—Helaine Silverman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

“This book illustrates how the complex processes of transculturation are experienced by heterogeneous groups of people who are always excluded as “other” in so-called homogeneous Thai society. . . . Most important of all is the central argument that culture and rights have provided a negotiating space for these invisible people in their politics of identity to allow them to fully participate in development.”—Anan Ganjanapan, Chiang Mai University

Baht 695.00

ISBN 978-616-215-062-3

www.silkwormbooks.com 320-0413

Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre

Rights to Culture Heritage, Language, and Community in Thailand

Right ot Culture cover.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:51 PM

Page 48: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on September 2013

Page 49: Portfolio: Book Cover design

i always Design book Cover with photo, but this time it’s different and became one of my difficult job. The first question that pop up on my head is What is Pali Literature? The author need modern cover but at the same time have to reflect classical of Pali. With the period of 1988-2012, Helvetica is the most powerful typeface to present. I arranged different right indent between title and sub-title, make it more creativity. Using contrast red and blue color to catch reader eyes, as well grey gradient give some feeling of theory.

Page 50: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft



Essays on Pali Literature


Page 51: Portfolio: Book Cover design




Essays on Pali Literature

Page 52: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 53: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 54: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft





Self & Society

Essays on Pali Literature and Social Theory

Self &


Self & SocietyEssays on Pali Literature and Social Theory 1988–2010


This selection of essays, originally published between 1988 and 2010, demonstrates that in the study of Buddhism a concern with detailed accuracy in philological and textual specifics can be combined with a discussion of wider (and difficult) philosophical and sociological issues. The first part of the book, Pali Literature, deals with the historical formation of the Pali Canon and continuing oral aspects of Pali texts. Looking at the entire range of Pali texts, it proposes the question, “What is Literature in Pali?” The second part, The Theory and Practice of Not-Self, looks at the Buddhist denial of self as both a philosophical position and as a form of practice, one in which a process of self-transformative behavioral and psychological training is seen to culminate in the realization that there is no self underlying the ever-changing moments of experience. The third part, Buddhism and Society, has two essays reflecting on and extending Louis Dumont’s comparative theorizing about the individual and society in East and West, and a final contemporary treatment of Buddhist “nuns” (mae chi) in Theravāda Buddhism, both in a general sense and more specifically in higher education in Bangkok. The three essays attempt to build on, but go beyond, the work of Dumont and before him Max Weber in thinking about what they would call “world-renunciation” as a phenomenon of society and culture.

steven collins is Chester D. Tripp Professor in the Humanities at the University of Chicago and a council member of the Pali Text Society.


ISBN 978-616-215-067-8

www.silkwormbooks.com 350-0414

Baht 650.00

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Page 55: Portfolio: Book Cover design





Self & Society

Essays on Pali Literature and Social Theory

Self &


Self & SocietyEssays on Pali Literature and Social Theory 1988–2010


This selection of essays, originally published between 1988 and 2010, demonstrates that in the study of Buddhism a concern with detailed accuracy in philological and textual specifics can be combined with a discussion of wider (and difficult) philosophical and sociological issues. The first part of the book, Pali Literature, deals with the historical formation of the Pali Canon and continuing oral aspects of Pali texts. Looking at the entire range of Pali texts, it proposes the question, “What is Literature in Pali?” The second part, The Theory and Practice of Not-Self, looks at the Buddhist denial of self as both a philosophical position and as a form of practice, one in which a process of self-transformative behavioral and psychological training is seen to culminate in the realization that there is no self underlying the ever-changing moments of experience. The third part, Buddhism and Society, has two essays reflecting on and extending Louis Dumont’s comparative theorizing about the individual and society in East and West, and a final contemporary treatment of Buddhist “nuns” (mae chi) in Theravāda Buddhism, both in a general sense and more specifically in higher education in Bangkok. The three essays attempt to build on, but go beyond, the work of Dumont and before him Max Weber in thinking about what they would call “world-renunciation” as a phenomenon of society and culture.

steven collins is Chester D. Tripp Professor in the Humanities at the University of Chicago and a council member of the Pali Text Society.


ISBN 978-616-215-067-8

www.silkwormbooks.com 350-0414

Baht 650.00

Self & Society Cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:47 PM

Page 56: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on January 2014

Page 57: Portfolio: Book Cover design

“This book reveals some of the complex phenomena and processes that strip bare the lives and dreams of migrant workers living abroad, whose life experiences are overwhelmingly dominated by stress and suffering and diminished gendered roles.”

The quesTion is living, The cover photo is somewhere apartment that Thai migrant workers are living. It’s look mess and crowded. I used Adobe Photoshop to bright up brightness and contrast, as well rescale to be proper composition. I also extract red brown color from iron grid on balcony. Various clothes that hanging on balcony is the answer of living.

Page 58: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s a

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen in Singapore

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s a

The “Bare Life” of Thai M

igrant Workm

en in SingaporePattana Kitiarsa

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen in Singapore

ISBN 978-616-215-075-3


The “Bare Life”

of Thai Migrant Workmen in Singapore

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen in Singapore

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s a

The “Bare Life” of Thai M

igrant Workm

en in SingaporePattana Kitiarsa

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s a

ISBN 978-616-215-075-3


Page 59: Portfolio: Book Cover design

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen

in Singapore The “Bare Life” of Thai M

igrant Workm

en in Singapore

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s a

ISBN 978-616-215-075-3


Pattana Kitiarsa

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen in Singapore

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s a

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen in Singapore

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s a

The “Bare Life” of Thai M

igrant Workm

en in SingaporePattana Kitiarsa

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen

in Singapore

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s a

ISBN 978-616-215-075-3


Page 60: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 61: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 62: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen in SingaporePa t t a n a K i t i a r s aThe transnational world is a theater of dreams and sensibilities.

— Pattana Kitiarsa

Transnational labor migration often begins with the dream of securing a more stable and prosperous future, a chance to survive. The lure of “global cities” as a place to attain that dream looms large within the context of rural-urban migration flows. This book reveals some of the complex phenomena and processes that strip bare the lives and dreams of migrant workers living abroad, whose life experiences are overwhelmingly dominated by stress and suffering and diminished gendered roles.

The book illuminates the intimate aspects of how Thai male migrants have transcended their harsh reality while living under Singapore’s strict regulations governing foreign workers. Stripped bare of the powerful sociocultural, economic, and legal processes that govern their existence at home, these men must recraft their gendered selfhoods, identities, and sensibilities.

Using personal and interpretive ethnography, the book explores how popular music, sports, religious beliefs, cultural traditions, sexual desire, and intimacy are refashioned by appropriating cultural and symbolic capital into new cultural experiences. It also provides an extensive look at the sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome (sunds) among young healthy Thai construction workers in Singapore. The author’s in-depth analyses of migrant social life and male migrant gendered identity-negotiating processes provide an invaluable contribution to our understanding of labor transnationalism in the Southeast Asian context.

pattana kitiarsa was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. His research focused on a broad array of topics, including muai Thai kickboxing, Buddhism, Thai popular culture and cinema, traditional festivals, and transnational labor migration.

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant W

orkmen in Singapore

Pattana Kitiarsa

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen

in Singapore

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s aBaht 395.00

ISBN 978-616-215-075-3

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0421

Bare Life cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:14 PM

Page 63: Portfolio: Book Cover design

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen in SingaporePa t t a n a K i t i a r s aThe transnational world is a theater of dreams and sensibilities.

— Pattana Kitiarsa

Transnational labor migration often begins with the dream of securing a more stable and prosperous future, a chance to survive. The lure of “global cities” as a place to attain that dream looms large within the context of rural-urban migration flows. This book reveals some of the complex phenomena and processes that strip bare the lives and dreams of migrant workers living abroad, whose life experiences are overwhelmingly dominated by stress and suffering and diminished gendered roles.

The book illuminates the intimate aspects of how Thai male migrants have transcended their harsh reality while living under Singapore’s strict regulations governing foreign workers. Stripped bare of the powerful sociocultural, economic, and legal processes that govern their existence at home, these men must recraft their gendered selfhoods, identities, and sensibilities.

Using personal and interpretive ethnography, the book explores how popular music, sports, religious beliefs, cultural traditions, sexual desire, and intimacy are refashioned by appropriating cultural and symbolic capital into new cultural experiences. It also provides an extensive look at the sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome (sunds) among young healthy Thai construction workers in Singapore. The author’s in-depth analyses of migrant social life and male migrant gendered identity-negotiating processes provide an invaluable contribution to our understanding of labor transnationalism in the Southeast Asian context.

pattana kitiarsa was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. His research focused on a broad array of topics, including muai Thai kickboxing, Buddhism, Thai popular culture and cinema, traditional festivals, and transnational labor migration.

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant W

orkmen in Singapore

Pattana Kitiarsa

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen

in Singapore

Pa t t a n a K i t i a r s aBaht 395.00

ISBN 978-616-215-075-3

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0421

Bare Life cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:14 PM

Page 64: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on January 2014

Page 65: Portfolio: Book Cover design

firsT of all, i seleCTeD font that reflect some special character notice at plain “t”, it’s look like Serif, but rest of alphabets are Sans-serif. The illustrated, I processed above photo in Adobe Photoshop; blur personal details, plus maximum contrast, make background as transparency, then transfer to Adobe InDesign to combine with dark brown background. The word of “Grassroots” make me think about color of soil, but at the same time I plus dark color to give emotion of documentary. The author name outstanding with red color. This cover is one of my perfect combination.

Page 66: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State brings together exciting new work by anthropologists working on mainland Southeast Asia. The volume honors anthropologist Charles F. Keyes and the chapters here address concepts central to Keyes’ own work—ethnicity, religion, and modernity—as they can be applied to the countries of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The volume also reflects recent scholarly interest in “cross-border” issues, as reflected both in the complexity of identity, where ethnic groups extend across boundaries, and in increasing cross-border mobility. The volume is divided into three sections. The first, “The State and Public Ceremony,” includes chapters on a ceremony of national heritage as celebrated in Vietnam and the United States, Shan novice initiation near the border of Myanmar in Thailand, and the restoration of the monkhood in Cambodia. The second section, “The Grassroots Negotiation of Modernity,” contains chapters about the concept of “sufficiency” in Thai farm production, the ways modernity is conceived among the Lahu in Thailand, and the complexities of the Thai system of identity cards. The final section, “Crossing Borders of State and Nation” focuses on the stateless Lao population in northeastern Thailand, Vietnamese migrants to Laos, and Western (farang) men married to northeastern Thai women. Contributors to the book include scholars based in Thailand, Vietnam, the United States, Australia, and Mexico. The book is an invaluable reference for scholars of Southeast Asia, and will also appeal to the general reader.

John A. Marston is a professor and researcher at the Center for Asian and African Studies of El Colegio de México in Mexico City. He co-edited History, Buddhism, and New Religious Movements in Cambodia, also published by Silkworm Books.

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface w

ith the StateEdited by John A. M


ISBN 978-616



Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State

Studies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State brings together exciting new work by anthropologists working on mainland Southeast Asia. The volume honors anthropologist Charles F. Keyes and the chapters here address concepts central to Keyes’ own work—ethnicity, religion, and modernity—as they can be applied to the countries of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The volume also reflects recent scholarly interest in “cross-border” issues, as reflected both in the complexity of identity, where ethnic groups extend across boundaries, and in increasing cross-border mobility. The volume is divided into three sections. The first, “The State and Public Ceremony,” includes chapters on a ceremony of national heritage as celebrated in Vietnam and the United States, Shan novice initiation near the border of Myanmar in Thailand, and the restoration of the monkhood in Cambodia. The second section, “The Grassroots Negotiation of Modernity,” contains chapters about the concept of “sufficiency” in Thai farm production, the ways modernity is conceived among the Lahu in Thailand, and the complexities of the Thai system of identity cards. The final section, “Crossing Borders of State and Nation” focuses on the stateless Lao population in northeastern Thailand, Vietnamese migrants to Laos, and Western (farang) men married to northeastern Thai women. Contributors to the book include scholars based in Thailand, Vietnam, the United States, Australia, and Mexico. The book is an invaluable reference for scholars of Southeast Asia, and will also appeal to the general reader.

John A. Marston is a professor and researcher at the Center for Asian and African Studies of El Colegio de México in Mexico City. He co-edited History, Buddhism, and New Religious Movements in Cambodia, also published by Silkworm Books.

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface w

ith the StateEdited by John A. M


ISBN 978-616



Studies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity,Borders,and the Grassroots Interface with the State

Page 67: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State brings together exciting new work by anthropologists working on mainland Southeast Asia. The volume honors anthropologist Charles F. Keyes and the chapters here address concepts central to Keyes’ own work—ethnicity, religion, and modernity—as they can be applied to the countries of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The volume also reflects recent scholarly interest in “cross-border” issues, as reflected both in the complexity of identity, where ethnic groups extend across boundaries, and in increasing cross-border mobility. The volume is divided into three sections. The first, “The State and Public Ceremony,” includes chapters on a ceremony of national heritage as celebrated in Vietnam and the United States, Shan novice initiation near the border of Myanmar in Thailand, and the restoration of the monkhood in Cambodia. The second section, “The Grassroots Negotiation of Modernity,” contains chapters about the concept of “sufficiency” in Thai farm production, the ways modernity is conceived among the Lahu in Thailand, and the complexities of the Thai system of identity cards. The final section, “Crossing Borders of State and Nation” focuses on the stateless Lao population in northeastern Thailand, Vietnamese migrants to Laos, and Western (farang) men married to northeastern Thai women. Contributors to the book include scholars based in Thailand, Vietnam, the United States, Australia, and Mexico. The book is an invaluable reference for scholars of Southeast Asia, and will also appeal to the general reader.

John A. Marston is a professor and researcher at the Center for Asian and African Studies of El Colegio de México in Mexico City. He co-edited History, Buddhism, and New Religious Movements in Cambodia, also published by Silkworm Books.

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface w

ith the StateEdited by John A. M


ISBN 978-616



Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State

Studies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State brings together exciting new work by anthropologists working on mainland Southeast Asia. The volume honors anthropologist Charles F. Keyes and the chapters here address concepts central to Keyes’ own work—ethnicity, religion, and modernity—as they can be applied to the countries of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The volume also reflects recent scholarly interest in “cross-border” issues, as reflected both in the complexity of identity, where ethnic groups extend across boundaries, and in increasing cross-border mobility. The volume is divided into three sections. The first, “The State and Public Ceremony,” includes chapters on a ceremony of national heritage as celebrated in Vietnam and the United States, Shan novice initiation near the border of Myanmar in Thailand, and the restoration of the monkhood in Cambodia. The second section, “The Grassroots Negotiation of Modernity,” contains chapters about the concept of “sufficiency” in Thai farm production, the ways modernity is conceived among the Lahu in Thailand, and the complexities of the Thai system of identity cards. The final section, “Crossing Borders of State and Nation” focuses on the stateless Lao population in northeastern Thailand, Vietnamese migrants to Laos, and Western (farang) men married to northeastern Thai women. Contributors to the book include scholars based in Thailand, Vietnam, the United States, Australia, and Mexico. The book is an invaluable reference for scholars of Southeast Asia, and will also appeal to the general reader.

JOHN A. MARSTON is a professor and researcher at the Center for Asian and African Studies of El Colegio de México in Mexico City. He co-edited History, Buddhism, and New Religious Movements in Cambodia, also published by Silkworm Books.

ISBN 978-616-215-072-2




Studies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

and the Grassroots Interface with the State

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State

Edited by John A. Marston

Page 68: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 69: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 70: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

This volume brings together exciting new research by anthropologists working on mainland Southeast Asia, in honor of anthropologist Charles F. Keyes. It addresses concepts central to Keyes’s own work—ethnicity, religion, and modernity—as they can be applied to the countries of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Each chapter is a case study in the relationship of power between institutions of state and society. The collection is divided into four sections. “The State and Public Ceremony” includes chapters on a ceremony of national heritage as celebrated in Vietnam and the United States, Shan novice initiation in Thailand, and the restoration of the Cambodian monkhood. “The Grassroots Negotiation of Modernity” contains chapters about the concept of “sufficiency” in Thai farm production, the ways modernity is conceived among the Lahu in Thailand, and the complexities of the Thai system of identity cards. “Crossing Borders of State and Nation” focuses on the stateless Lao population in northeastern Thailand, Vietnamese migrants to Laos, and Western (farang) men married to northeastern Thai women. The final section contains a biography of Charles Keyes, an interview with him, and a selected bibliography of his work.

JOHN A. MARSTON is a professor and researcher at the Center for Asian and African Studies of El Colegio de México in Mexico City.

“The power of this book lies in demonstrating the shift in knowledge between two generations of anthropologists, from Charles Keyes to his mentees. The rich ethnographic case studies—bookended by discussions of Keyes’s work—challenge the integrity and boundedness of the nation-state, which were at the center of twentieth-century thought and politics. I highly recommend the book for scholars and students interested in globalization, rural peoples, ethnicity, Southeast Asia, and migration.”—Marjorie Muecke, University of Pennsylvania

“This absorbing, deftly edited, and theoretically adventurous collection of essays honors the contributions of anthropologist Charles Keyes, whose work has left an indelible mark on the field of Southeast Asian studies.”—David Chandler, Monash University

ISBN 978-616-215-072-2

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0421

Baht 650.00

Ethnicity,Borders,and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity cover final.indd 3 2/3/2558 BE 3:25 PM

Page 71: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the State

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

This volume brings together exciting new research by anthropologists working on mainland Southeast Asia, in honor of anthropologist Charles F. Keyes. It addresses concepts central to Keyes’s own work—ethnicity, religion, and modernity—as they can be applied to the countries of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Each chapter is a case study in the relationship of power between institutions of state and society. The collection is divided into four sections. “The State and Public Ceremony” includes chapters on a ceremony of national heritage as celebrated in Vietnam and the United States, Shan novice initiation in Thailand, and the restoration of the Cambodian monkhood. “The Grassroots Negotiation of Modernity” contains chapters about the concept of “sufficiency” in Thai farm production, the ways modernity is conceived among the Lahu in Thailand, and the complexities of the Thai system of identity cards. “Crossing Borders of State and Nation” focuses on the stateless Lao population in northeastern Thailand, Vietnamese migrants to Laos, and Western (farang) men married to northeastern Thai women. The final section contains a biography of Charles Keyes, an interview with him, and a selected bibliography of his work.

JOHN A. MARSTON is a professor and researcher at the Center for Asian and African Studies of El Colegio de México in Mexico City.

“The power of this book lies in demonstrating the shift in knowledge between two generations of anthropologists, from Charles Keyes to his mentees. The rich ethnographic case studies—bookended by discussions of Keyes’s work—challenge the integrity and boundedness of the nation-state, which were at the center of twentieth-century thought and politics. I highly recommend the book for scholars and students interested in globalization, rural peoples, ethnicity, Southeast Asia, and migration.”—Marjorie Muecke, University of Pennsylvania

“This absorbing, deftly edited, and theoretically adventurous collection of essays honors the contributions of anthropologist Charles Keyes, whose work has left an indelible mark on the field of Southeast Asian studies.”—David Chandler, Monash University

ISBN 978-616-215-072-2

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0421

Baht 650.00

Ethnicity,Borders,and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

Edited by John A. Marston

Ethnicity cover final.indd 3 2/3/2558 BE 3:25 PM

Page 72: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on July 2014

Page 73: Portfolio: Book Cover design

i founD This phoTo on the photo stock website, after that I brainstorm with editor to how can we get this lady photo. The editor try to contact photographer then put his name on credit page. Processing in Adobe Photoshop; di-cut around woman, delete green forest background, then save as PSD file. Adobe InDesign processing; combine with strong typeface and soft yellow background to contast with red Chinese costume.

Page 74: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft


ISBN 978-


Going Downto

the SeaC H I N E S E S E X W O R K E R S A B R O A D

Ko-lin Chin

Going Down to the SeaC H I N E S E S E X W O R K E R S A B R O A D

Ko-lin Chin

Through conversations with the women themselves, this book lays bare the experiences of Chinese women selling sex in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Los Angeles, and New York. Their words, together with the author’s insights, offer a rich, comprehensive understanding of the realities and myths of prostitution and global sex trafficking. The women’s captivating stories of poignant dreams, harsh realities, and the money-driven sex industry are interspersed with fascinating details on how the author, a professor of criminal justice from the United States, located and conducted interviews in the women’s own natural settings.

This book grew out of a paradigm-changing empirical research project that challenges many assumptions about sex trafficking taken for granted by authorities, academics, and the general public. After completing the study, the author wanted to share these women’s engaging, compelling stories with readers everywhere to help them understand why these women go overseas to work in the sex industry, how they get there, how much money they make, what hardships they face, and what they hope for in the future.

Ko-Lin Chin is Distinguished Professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University–Newark. His books and articles on transnational crime and subcultures have garnered support from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, and the Fulbright Program.


in Chin

Going D

own to the S














Ko-lin Chin

Through conversations with the women themselves, this book lays bare the experiences of Chinese women selling sex in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Los Angeles, and New York. Their words, together with the author’s insights, offer a rich, comprehensive understanding of the realities and myths of prostitution and global sex trafficking. The women’s captivating stories of poignant dreams, harsh realities, and the money-driven sex industry are interspersed with fascinating details on how the author, a professor of criminal justice from the United States, located and conducted interviews in the women’s own natural settings.

This book grew out of a paradigm-changing empirical research project that challenges many assumptions about sex trafficking taken for granted by authorities, academics, and the general public. After completing the study, the author wanted to share these women’s engaging, compelling stories with readers everywhere to help them understand why these women go overseas to work in the sex industry, how they get there, how much money they make, what hardships they face, and what they hope for in the future.

Ko-lin Chin is Distinguished Professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University–Newark. His books and articles on transnational crime and subcultures have garnered support from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, and the Fulbright Program.

Ko-lin ChinGoing Dow

n to the SeaC













ISBN 978-616-215-077-7


Ko-lin Chin




the Sea

Page 75: Portfolio: Book Cover design


Ko-lin Chin

Through conversations with the women themselves, this book lays bare the experiences of Chinese women selling sex in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Los Angeles, and New York. Their words, together with the author’s insights, offer a rich, comprehensive understanding of the realities and myths of prostitution and global sex trafficking. The women’s captivating stories of poignant dreams, harsh realities, and the money-driven sex industry are interspersed with fascinating details on how the author, a professor of criminal justice from the United States, located and conducted interviews in the women’s own natural settings.

This book grew out of a paradigm-changing empirical research project that challenges many assumptions about sex trafficking taken for granted by authorities, academics, and the general public. After completing the study, the author wanted to share these women’s engaging, compelling stories with readers everywhere to help them understand why these women go overseas to work in the sex industry, how they get there, how much money they make, what hardships they face, and what they hope for in the future.

Ko-Lin Chin is Distinguished Professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University–Newark. His books and articles on transnational crime and subcultures have garnered support from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, and the Fulbright Program.

Going Down to the Sea


in Chin

Going D

own to the S













Ko-lin ChinBaht.00

ISBN 978-616-215-077-7




Ko-lin Chin

Through conversations with the women themselves, this book lays bare the experiences of Chinese women selling sex in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Los Angeles, and New York. Their words, together with the author’s insights, offer a rich, comprehensive understanding of the realities and myths of prostitution and global sex trafficking. The women’s captivating stories of poignant dreams, harsh realities, and the money-driven sex industry are interspersed with fascinating details on how the author, a professor of criminal justice from the United States, located and conducted interviews in the women’s own natural settings.

This book grew out of a paradigm-changing empirical research project that challenges many assumptions about sex trafficking taken for granted by authorities, academics, and the general public. After completing the study, the author wanted to share these women’s engaging, compelling stories with readers everywhere to help them understand why these women go overseas to work in the sex industry, how they get there, how much money they make, what hardships they face, and what they hope for in the future.

Ko-Lin Chin is Distinguished Professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University–Newark. His books and articles on transnational crime and subcultures have garnered support from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, and the Fulbright Program.

Going Down

to The Sea


ISBN 978-



in Chin

Going D

own to the S













Ko-lin Chin

Chinese Sex Workers Abroad

Page 76: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 77: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 78: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft


Ko-lin ChinIn Chongqing, Ling Ling had been a waitress earning twenty-five dollars a month; a few years later in Hong Kong she was making six times that each day. Kelly taught preschool in Beijing for ten years before opening a brothel in LA. These are just two of the eighteen Chinese women interviewed in this book about how they came to sell sex in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Los Angeles, and New York. The women’s candid stories put a human face on globalized commercial sex and offer a raw, inside view of the money-driven transnational sex industry. The author, an expert in the field of criminal justice, frames these personal accounts with contextual details and incisive commentary to provide a rich understanding of the realities and myths of prostitution and global sex trafficking.

Every year, the United States alone spends hundreds of millions on programs to combat human trafficking and rescue trafficked victims. But what do sex workers themselves have to say about these issues? With the publication of these unvarnished accounts, we are able to hear firsthand how and why these women left China to work in the sex trade abroad, how much they make, what hardships they face, and what hopes they have for the future.

KO-LIN CHIN is Distinguished Professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University–Newark. He has written extensively on transnational crime and subcultures.

“Ko-lin’s in-depth fieldwork has set a new standard for nuanced sociological inquiry into thorny social issues. The women he interviews deserve not judgment but understanding of the complex circumstances and challenges they face. Through sheer tenacity and painstaking documentation, Ko-lin allows us to see for ourselves the human stories behind each veiled entrance and every dimly lit doorway.”—Sheldon Zhang, San Diego State University

“Ambitious in global scope while staying focused on individual stories, this book vividly and poignantly reveals the impact of anti-trafficking laws and campaigns on the everyday experiences of Chinese sex workers overseas, and illuminates the ways these policies imperil the very people they purport to assist.”—Tiantian Zheng, Professor, Anthropology

Ko-lin ChinGoing Dow

n to the SeaC












Ko-lin ChinBaht 495.00

ISBN 978-616-215-077-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 220-0424

Going Down



Going Down to the SEa cover.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:37 PM

Page 79: Portfolio: Book Cover design


Ko-lin ChinIn Chongqing, Ling Ling had been a waitress earning twenty-five dollars a month; a few years later in Hong Kong she was making six times that each day. Kelly taught preschool in Beijing for ten years before opening a brothel in LA. These are just two of the eighteen Chinese women interviewed in this book about how they came to sell sex in Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Los Angeles, and New York. The women’s candid stories put a human face on globalized commercial sex and offer a raw, inside view of the money-driven transnational sex industry. The author, an expert in the field of criminal justice, frames these personal accounts with contextual details and incisive commentary to provide a rich understanding of the realities and myths of prostitution and global sex trafficking.

Every year, the United States alone spends hundreds of millions on programs to combat human trafficking and rescue trafficked victims. But what do sex workers themselves have to say about these issues? With the publication of these unvarnished accounts, we are able to hear firsthand how and why these women left China to work in the sex trade abroad, how much they make, what hardships they face, and what hopes they have for the future.

KO-LIN CHIN is Distinguished Professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University–Newark. He has written extensively on transnational crime and subcultures.

“Ko-lin’s in-depth fieldwork has set a new standard for nuanced sociological inquiry into thorny social issues. The women he interviews deserve not judgment but understanding of the complex circumstances and challenges they face. Through sheer tenacity and painstaking documentation, Ko-lin allows us to see for ourselves the human stories behind each veiled entrance and every dimly lit doorway.”—Sheldon Zhang, San Diego State University

“Ambitious in global scope while staying focused on individual stories, this book vividly and poignantly reveals the impact of anti-trafficking laws and campaigns on the everyday experiences of Chinese sex workers overseas, and illuminates the ways these policies imperil the very people they purport to assist.”—Tiantian Zheng, Professor, Anthropology

Ko-lin ChinGoing Dow

n to the SeaC












Ko-lin ChinBaht 495.00

ISBN 978-616-215-077-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 220-0424

Going Down



Going Down to the SEa cover.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:37 PM

Page 80: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on August 2014

Page 81: Portfolio: Book Cover design

This Cover is my mosT favorite artwork, in personally I like Aung San Suu Kyi because she is lion heart woman. The red color of title connect with red cloth, classic italic roman font related with waver of cloth. I enlarged the photo to point main focus at touching hand. Very nice photo make my job more easier.

Page 82: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft







yi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom

THE FACE OF RESISTANCEAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom


Aung San Suu Kyi is a world-renowned, inspirational symbol of Burmese resistance and courage. Released in 2010 after spending fifteen of the previous twenty-one years under house arrest, she emerged into a Burma that has finally begun to court democracy, and many are now looking to her to lead the country. But is it possible for Suu Kyi to mend the deep divisions in Burmese society? Who are the groups that make up Burma’s face of resistance? What is it they are fighting for? And how can she unite these disparate factions into one cohesive group to take on the current regime in the elections scheduled for 2015?

By former political activist and exile Aung Zaw, The Face of Resistance explores these questions and sheds light on those people who have fought alongside Suu Kyi for decades in Burma’s resistance movement. It profiles key members of the National League for Democracy, examines the background of prominent activists involved in the 1988 student uprising, and focuses on the next generation of democracy leaders. From an insider’s perspective, Aung Zaw demystifies the volatile state of contemporary Burmese politics and the background of Burma’s current president, Thein Sein, and poses questions about the ongoing debate of international sanctions versus investment in the light of Burma’s untapped natural resources.

The Face of Resistance is a timely and succinct reminder that despite interna-tional accolades, Burma is far from free.

Aung Zaw was a student activist in the 1988 uprising and fled Burma after the military coup. From Thailand, he launched The Irrawaddy news publication in 1993, which has provided continuous coverage of events in Burma and Southeast Asia for twenty years. His articles have appeared in Time Magazine, Asian Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Bangkok Post, and The Nation newspapers. He is a laureate of the 2010 Prince Claus Fund in the Netherlands, awarded for his commitment to upholding freedom of information.

ISBN 978-616-215-066-1


Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom

ISBN 978-616-215-066-1

www.silkwormbooks.com A U N G Z A W







CEAung San Suu K

yi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom

THE FACE OF RESISTANCEAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom


Aung San Suu Kyi is a world-renowned, inspirational symbol of Burmese resistance and courage. Released in 2010 after spending fifteen of the previous twenty-one years under house arrest, she emerged into a Burma that has finally begun to court democracy, and many are now looking to her to lead the country. But is it possible for Suu Kyi to mend the deep divisions in Burmese society? Who are the groups that make up Burma’s face of resistance? What is it they are fighting for? And how can she unite these disparate factions into one cohesive group to take on the current regime in the elections scheduled for 2015?

By former political activist and exile Aung Zaw, The Face of Resistance explores these questions and sheds light on those people who have fought alongside Suu Kyi for decades in Burma’s resistance movement. It profiles key members of the National League for Democracy, examines the background of prominent activists involved in the 1988 student uprising, and focuses on the next generation of democracy leaders. From an insider’s perspective, Aung Zaw demystifies the volatile state of contemporary Burmese politics and the background of Burma’s current president, Thein Sein, and poses questions about the ongoing debate of international sanctions versus investment in the light of Burma’s untapped natural resources.

The Face of Resistance is a timely and succinct reminder that despite interna-tional accolades, Burma is far from free.

Aung Zaw was a student activist in the 1988 uprising and fled Burma after the military coup. From Thailand, he launched The Irrawaddy news publication in 1993, which has provided continuous coverage of events in Burma and Southeast Asia for twenty years. His articles have appeared in Time Magazine, Asian Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Bangkok Post, and The Nation newspapers. He is a laureate of the 2010 Prince Claus Fund in the Netherlands, awarded for his commitment to upholding freedom of information.

Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom

Page 83: Portfolio: Book Cover design

The Face of ResistanceAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s

Fight for Freedom

Aung Z


e Face of Resistance

Aung San Suu K

yi and Burm

a’s Fight for Freedom

The Face of ResistanceAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom

Aung Zaw

Aung San Suu Kyi is a world-renowned, inspirational symbol of Burmese resistance and courage. Released in 2010 after spending fifteen of the previous twenty-one years under house arrest, she emerged into a Burma that has finally begun to court democracy, and many are now looking to her to lead the country. But is it possible for Suu Kyi to mend the deep divisions in Burmese society? Who are the groups that make up Burma’s face of resistance? What is it they are fighting for? And how can she unite these disparate factions into one cohesive group to take on the current regime in the elections scheduled for 2015?

By former political activist and exile Aung Zaw, The Face of Resistance explores these questions and sheds light on those people who have fought alongside Suu Kyi for decades in Burma’s resistance movement. It profiles key members of the National League for Democracy, examines the background of prominent activists involved in the 1988 student uprising, and focuses on the next generation of democracy leaders. From an insider’s perspective, Aung Zaw demystifies the volatile state of contemporary Burmese politics and the background of Burma’s current president, Thein Sein, and poses questions about the ongoing debate of international sanctions versus investment in the light of Burma’s untapped natural resources.

The Face of Resistance is a timely and succinct reminder that despite interna-tional accolades, Burma is far from free.

Aung Zaw was a student activist in the 1988 uprising and fled Burma after the military coup. From Thailand, he launched The Irrawaddy news publication in 1993, which has provided continuous coverage of events in Burma and Southeast Asia for twenty years. His articles have appeared in Time Magazine, Asian Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Bangkok Post, and The Nation newspapers. He is a laureate of the 2010 Prince Claus Fund in the Netherlands, awarded for his commitment to upholding freedom of information.

ISBN 978-616-215-066-1

www.silkwormbooks.com Aung Zaw

The Face of ResistanceAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s

Fight for Freedom

Aung Z


e Face of Resistance

Aung San Suu K

yi and Burm

a’s Fight for Freedom

The Face of ResistanceAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom

Aung Zaw

Aung San Suu Kyi is a world-renowned, inspirational symbol of Burmese resistance and courage. Released in 2010 after spending fifteen of the previous twenty-one years under house arrest, she emerged into a Burma that has finally begun to court democracy, and many are now looking to her to lead the country. But is it possible for Suu Kyi to mend the deep divisions in Burmese society? Who are the groups that make up Burma’s face of resistance? What is it they are fighting for? And how can she unite these disparate factions into one cohesive group to take on the current regime in the elections scheduled for 2015?

By former political activist and exile Aung Zaw, The Face of Resistance explores these questions and sheds light on those people who have fought alongside Suu Kyi for decades in Burma’s resistance movement. It profiles key members of the National League for Democracy, examines the background of prominent activists involved in the 1988 student uprising, and focuses on the next generation of democracy leaders. From an insider’s perspective, Aung Zaw demystifies the volatile state of contemporary Burmese politics and the background of Burma’s current president, Thein Sein, and poses questions about the ongoing debate of international sanctions versus investment in the light of Burma’s untapped natural resources.

The Face of Resistance is a timely and succinct reminder that despite interna-tional accolades, Burma is far from free.

Aung Zaw was a student activist in the 1988 uprising and fled Burma after the military coup. From Thailand, he launched The Irrawaddy news publication in 1993, which has provided continuous coverage of events in Burma and Southeast Asia for twenty years. His articles have appeared in Time Magazine, Asian Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Bangkok Post, and The Nation newspapers. He is a laureate of the 2010 Prince Claus Fund in the Netherlands, awarded for his commitment to upholding freedom of information.

ISBN 978-616-215-066-1

www.silkwormbooks.com Aung Zaw

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My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

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Page 86: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft




THE FACE OF RESISTANCEAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom


THE FACE OF RESISTANCEAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom


Aung San Suu Kyi is a world-renowned, inspirational symbol of Burmese resistance and courage. Released in 2010 after spending fifteen of the previous twenty-one years under house arrest, she emerged into a Burma that has finally begun to court democracy, and many are now looking to her to lead the country. But is it possible for Suu Kyi to mend the deep divisions in Burmese society? Who are the groups that make up Burma’s face of resistance? What is it they are fighting for? And how can she unite these disparate factions into one cohesive group to take on the current regime in the elections scheduled for 2015?

Former political activist and exile Aung Zaw explores these questions in the context of his own experiences, and sheds light on those people who have fought alongside Suu Kyi for decades in Burma’s resistance movement. The book profiles key members of the National League for Democracy, examines the background of prominent activists involved in the 1988 student uprising, and focuses on the next generation of democracy leaders. From an insider’s perspective Aung Zaw demystifies the volatile state of contemporary Burmese politics and the background of Burma’s current president, Thein Sein, and poses questions about the ongoing reforms process.

The Face of Resistance is a timely and succinct reminder that despite inter-national accolades, Burma is far from free.

Aung Zaw is the founder of The Irrawaddy news publication, which has provided continuous coverage of events in Burma and Southeast Asia for twenty years. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, Time Magazine, Foreign Policy, The Guardian, and The Asian Wall Street Journal. He is a laureate of the 2010 Prince Claus Fund in the Netherlands, awarded for his commitment to upholding freedom of information.

“This book indeed gives a face to the resistance against Burma’s dictatorship. Brilliantly written, it should be read by everyone interested in contemporary Burma and its ongoing struggle for democracy.” —Bertil Lintner





ISBN 978-616-215-066-1

www.mekongpress.com M30-018Baht 525.00

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Page 87: Portfolio: Book Cover design




THE FACE OF RESISTANCEAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom


THE FACE OF RESISTANCEAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom


Aung San Suu Kyi is a world-renowned, inspirational symbol of Burmese resistance and courage. Released in 2010 after spending fifteen of the previous twenty-one years under house arrest, she emerged into a Burma that has finally begun to court democracy, and many are now looking to her to lead the country. But is it possible for Suu Kyi to mend the deep divisions in Burmese society? Who are the groups that make up Burma’s face of resistance? What is it they are fighting for? And how can she unite these disparate factions into one cohesive group to take on the current regime in the elections scheduled for 2015?

Former political activist and exile Aung Zaw explores these questions in the context of his own experiences, and sheds light on those people who have fought alongside Suu Kyi for decades in Burma’s resistance movement. The book profiles key members of the National League for Democracy, examines the background of prominent activists involved in the 1988 student uprising, and focuses on the next generation of democracy leaders. From an insider’s perspective Aung Zaw demystifies the volatile state of contemporary Burmese politics and the background of Burma’s current president, Thein Sein, and poses questions about the ongoing reforms process.

The Face of Resistance is a timely and succinct reminder that despite inter-national accolades, Burma is far from free.

Aung Zaw is the founder of The Irrawaddy news publication, which has provided continuous coverage of events in Burma and Southeast Asia for twenty years. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, Time Magazine, Foreign Policy, The Guardian, and The Asian Wall Street Journal. He is a laureate of the 2010 Prince Claus Fund in the Netherlands, awarded for his commitment to upholding freedom of information.

“This book indeed gives a face to the resistance against Burma’s dictatorship. Brilliantly written, it should be read by everyone interested in contemporary Burma and its ongoing struggle for democracy.” —Bertil Lintner





ISBN 978-616-215-066-1

www.mekongpress.com M30-018Baht 525.00

Face of Resistance cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:30 PM

Page 88: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on August 2014

Page 89: Portfolio: Book Cover design

The anTique Coin is The author’s collection, he took photo with black background then send that photo to me. I di-cut the coin photo with Pen Tool, then merge layer together. Dragon Vector was edited by Adobe Illustrator with Inner Grow on white color to make dimension for catching reader eyes. I try to make title as golden color, but I have to change to yellow because obstacle of printing technique. It reflect color of golden Chinese coins, contrast with classic and documentary emotion of crimson red.

Page 90: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Baht .00



Tribute and Pro� tSino-Siamese Trade 1652–1853


Tribute and Pro� tSino-Siam

ese Trade 1652–1853SARASIN VIRAPHOL


Pro� tSino-Siamese Trade, 1652–1853


Baht .00


www.silkwormbooks.com Sarasin Viraphol

TributeandPro� tSino-Siamese Trade 1652–1853

Sarasin VirapholSino-Siam

ese Trade 1652–1853Tribute and Pro� t

Page 91: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Baht .00




Pro� tSino-Siamese Trade 1652–1853

Sarasin Viraphol

Sarasin VirapholSino-Siam

ese Trade 1652–1853Tribute and Pro� t


Pr � tSino-Siamese Trade 1652–1853

Baht .00



Pr � t

Sarasin Viraphol

Tribute and Pro� tSino-Siamese Trade 1652–1853

Sino-Siamese Trade 1652–1853

Tribute and Pro� tSarasin Viraphol

Page 92: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 93: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 94: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

Tribute and ProfitSino-Siamese Trade 1652–1853

SARASIN VIRAPHOLLong before East Asia was fixed in the trade routes of Western economic powers, the region supported a complex economic system intertwined with and regulated by elaborate political and social structures. For Siam, the most significant of these was the Chinese tributary system.

Tribute and Profit illuminates the conduct and maintenance of maritime trade under the auspices of Siam’s tributary relationship with imperial China. This bilateral partnership also relied on a number of intermediaries: vassal states, other sovereign nations, and notably, Chinese entrepreneurs and officials. It is through this lens that Sarasin Viraphol scrutinizes the momentous role of the Chinese both in Siam’s overseas trade and its domestic economy.

Based substantially on historical Chinese, Siamese, and European sources, Sarasin Viraphol’s careful reconstruction of the tributary trade pinpoints the creative subversions, calculated risks, and clever contrivances that kept the wheels of the Siamese economy turning for centuries. Eventually, the era of tribute missions and the junk trade was irreversibly transformed by the ascendancy of European-style maritime commerce, free trade, and open markets. Nevertheless, the modern Thai economy has been fundamentally shaped by the interactions described in Tribute and Profit, and the influences of these bygone relations are still present in Thailand today.

“This was, and remains, an important book. It is very well researched, and should be required reading for anyone interested in China’s complex commercial and political relations, past and present, with its Southeast Asian neighbors.”—Alexander Woodside, University of British Columbia

SARASIN VIRAPHOL spent eight years working in academia, followed by twenty years in the Thai diplomatic corps, where he was assigned to diplomatic missions in China and Japan, worked in high-level posts at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, and was appointed ambassador to the Philippines. He is currently an executive vice president for business development at Charoen Pokphand Group.

Tribute and ProfitSino-Siam

ese Trade 1652–1853SARASIN VIRAPHOL



ISBN 978-616-215-079-1

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0426

Baht 795.00


Sino-Siamese Trade1652–1853

Cover Tribute&Profit final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:56 PM

Page 95: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Tribute and ProfitSino-Siamese Trade 1652–1853

SARASIN VIRAPHOLLong before East Asia was fixed in the trade routes of Western economic powers, the region supported a complex economic system intertwined with and regulated by elaborate political and social structures. For Siam, the most significant of these was the Chinese tributary system.

Tribute and Profit illuminates the conduct and maintenance of maritime trade under the auspices of Siam’s tributary relationship with imperial China. This bilateral partnership also relied on a number of intermediaries: vassal states, other sovereign nations, and notably, Chinese entrepreneurs and officials. It is through this lens that Sarasin Viraphol scrutinizes the momentous role of the Chinese both in Siam’s overseas trade and its domestic economy.

Based substantially on historical Chinese, Siamese, and European sources, Sarasin Viraphol’s careful reconstruction of the tributary trade pinpoints the creative subversions, calculated risks, and clever contrivances that kept the wheels of the Siamese economy turning for centuries. Eventually, the era of tribute missions and the junk trade was irreversibly transformed by the ascendancy of European-style maritime commerce, free trade, and open markets. Nevertheless, the modern Thai economy has been fundamentally shaped by the interactions described in Tribute and Profit, and the influences of these bygone relations are still present in Thailand today.

“This was, and remains, an important book. It is very well researched, and should be required reading for anyone interested in China’s complex commercial and political relations, past and present, with its Southeast Asian neighbors.”—Alexander Woodside, University of British Columbia

SARASIN VIRAPHOL spent eight years working in academia, followed by twenty years in the Thai diplomatic corps, where he was assigned to diplomatic missions in China and Japan, worked in high-level posts at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok, and was appointed ambassador to the Philippines. He is currently an executive vice president for business development at Charoen Pokphand Group.

Tribute and ProfitSino-Siam

ese Trade 1652–1853SARASIN VIRAPHOL



ISBN 978-616-215-079-1

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0426

Baht 795.00


Sino-Siamese Trade1652–1853

Cover Tribute&Profit final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:56 PM

Page 96: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Published on October 2014

Page 97: Portfolio: Book Cover design

This Cover i have To combine between modern and classic emotion. I used Sans-serif typeface to reflect modern and selected old photo to refer classic, the top right is oldest photo and clockwise to modern period. Yellow is color for transportation, contrast with black green vintage. For sub-title, I used typography that reflect curve, because I think about circle shape of vehicle wheels. Square shape of photo look like square button on bus’s console.

Page 98: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft


ISBN 978-616-215-080-7



TRAMS, BUSES, and RAILSThe History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010




e H

istory o

f Urb




rt in Ba


kok, 1886–2010

The History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010









ry of U


n Tra


ort in



k, 1886–2010


ISBN 978-



RAILSHistory of Urban Transport in Bangkok,



Ichiro Kakizaki




TRAMS, BUSES, and RAILSHistory of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010

Ichiro Kakizaki

Page 99: Portfolio: Book Cover design


ISBN 978-616-215-080-7



TRAMS, BUSES, and RAILSThe History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010




e H

istory o

f Urb




rt in Ba


kok, 1886–2010


The History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010



ISBN 978-616-215-080-7



TRAMS, BUSES, and RAILSThe History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010




e H

istory o

f Urb




rt in Ba


kok, 1886–2010


RAILSThe History of Urban Transport

in Bangkok, 1886–2010


Page 100: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 101: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 102: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 103: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 104: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

TRAMS, BUSES, and RAILSThe History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010

ICH IRO KAK IZAK ITrams, Buses, and Rails recounts the unique and little-known 130-year history of Bangkok’s transportation system, from the first horse-powered tramway in 1888 to the mass transit urban railway of the twenty-first century. It documents the emergence of trams, buses, subways, elevated trains, and paratransit vehicles along the way. While the growth of transportation types corresponds roughly to the development of urban transport in other Southeast Asian capitals, in Bangkok the planning, construction, implementation, and regulation of transportation systems have made for a particularly lurching and fitful journey.

Bangkok’s traffic congestion is notorious and begs the question, why has the development of an effective urban transport network been so protracted? Using government archives and annual reports, the author deftly pieces together long-buried records and statistics to reconstruct the transportation policies of each successive metropolitan and national administration, and thereby reveals their underlying political agendas. As he investigates the politicization and regulation of Bangkok’s transport systems over the decades, he uncovers a series of setbacks, reversals, duplications, revisions, and cancelations that help to explain Bangkok’s continuing transportation woes.

A series of maps and tables elucidate the development of transportation routes and the rise and fall of the city’s trams, railways, and bus lines.

Ichiro Kakizaki is Associate Professor at Yokohama City University in Japan. His books in English include Laying the Tracks: The Thai Economy and Its Railways, 1885–1935 (2005) and Rails of the Kingdom: The History of Thai Railways (2012).

“A comprehensive history of the rise and fall of public transport in Bangkok. This well-written book shows how trams, buses, and rails in Bangkok evolved over time and covers both economic and political aspects.”—Sumet Ongkittikul, Research Director for Transportation and Logistics Policy, Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI)


The History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010







ry of U


n Tra


ort in



k, 1886–2010


Baht 895.00

ISBN 978-616-215-080-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0427

Trams cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:41 PM

Page 105: Portfolio: Book Cover design

TRAMS, BUSES, and RAILSThe History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010

ICH IRO KAK IZAK ITrams, Buses, and Rails recounts the unique and little-known 130-year history of Bangkok’s transportation system, from the first horse-powered tramway in 1888 to the mass transit urban railway of the twenty-first century. It documents the emergence of trams, buses, subways, elevated trains, and paratransit vehicles along the way. While the growth of transportation types corresponds roughly to the development of urban transport in other Southeast Asian capitals, in Bangkok the planning, construction, implementation, and regulation of transportation systems have made for a particularly lurching and fitful journey.

Bangkok’s traffic congestion is notorious and begs the question, why has the development of an effective urban transport network been so protracted? Using government archives and annual reports, the author deftly pieces together long-buried records and statistics to reconstruct the transportation policies of each successive metropolitan and national administration, and thereby reveals their underlying political agendas. As he investigates the politicization and regulation of Bangkok’s transport systems over the decades, he uncovers a series of setbacks, reversals, duplications, revisions, and cancelations that help to explain Bangkok’s continuing transportation woes.

A series of maps and tables elucidate the development of transportation routes and the rise and fall of the city’s trams, railways, and bus lines.

Ichiro Kakizaki is Associate Professor at Yokohama City University in Japan. His books in English include Laying the Tracks: The Thai Economy and Its Railways, 1885–1935 (2005) and Rails of the Kingdom: The History of Thai Railways (2012).

“A comprehensive history of the rise and fall of public transport in Bangkok. This well-written book shows how trams, buses, and rails in Bangkok evolved over time and covers both economic and political aspects.”—Sumet Ongkittikul, Research Director for Transportation and Logistics Policy, Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI)


The History of Urban Transport in Bangkok, 1886–2010







ry of U


n Tra


ort in



k, 1886–2010


Baht 895.00

ISBN 978-616-215-080-7

www.silkwormbooks.com 310-0427

Trams cover final.indd All Pages 2/3/2558 BE 3:41 PM

Page 106: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 107: Portfolio: Book Cover design

The phoTo was shoT by film camera between 1946-1970, so this is absolutely vintage style. I laid full photo with red band in multiply mode, using Sans-serif typography from creative cloud collections; League Gothic for writer name and Tablet Gothic for title to reflect strength emotional.

This book will publish on 2016

Page 108: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Baht xxx.00

ISBN 978-616-215-104-0

www.silkwormbooks.com xxx-xxxx

Jacques Dournes at his home in France

THE BAREFOOT ANTHROPOLOGISTThe Highlands of Champa and Vietnam in the Words of Jacques Dournes

A N D R E W H A R D Y“Everyone is barefoot. On the trails you go barefoot. I’m still barefoot! I wonder how one can stuff one’s feet into shoes that hurt so much. Feet are like hands, they start narrow and end broad. And shoes, they’re quite the opposite, they start broad and end narrow. So, your foot in a shoe—it’s completely absurd!” —Jacques Dournes, speaking of the forest trails of Vietnam’s Central Highlands, in conversation with Andrew Hardy at Dournes’s house, 1992.

Jacques Dournes lived in Vietnam for twenty-five years, from 1946 to 1970, studying the culture of the Jarai and other highlanders.

In part 1 of this study, Andrew Hardy explores Dournes’s challenging monograph Pötao, une théorie de pouvoir chez les Indochinois jörai and his views on the role of the central highlanders in ancient Champa. In part 2, Dournes speaks animatedly with the author about the Jarai, his feelings about culture and economics, his understanding of Vietnam’s history, and his personal experience of living in the highlands.

ANDREW HARDY is head of the EFEO’s center in Hanoi. He is author of Red Hills: Migrants and the State in the Highlands of Vietnam (2003).


e Highlands of C

hampa and Vietnam

in the Words of Jacques D



efeo–silkworm books series

efeo–silkworm books series


ANTHROPOLOGISTThe Highlands of Champa and Vietnam in the Words of Jacques Dournes


Page 109: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Jacques Dournes at his home in France

THE BAREFOOT ANTHROPOLOGISTThe Highlands of Champa and Vietnam in the Words of Jacques Dournes

A N D R E W H A R D Y“Everyone is barefoot. On the trails you go barefoot. I’m still barefoot! I wonder how one can stuff one’s feet into shoes that hurt so much. Feet are like hands, they start narrow and end broad. And shoes, they’re quite the opposite, they start broad and end narrow. So, your foot in a shoe—it’s completely absurd!” —Jacques Dournes, speaking of the forest trails of Vietnam’s Central Highlands, in conversation with Andrew Hardy at Dournes’s house, 1992.

Jacques Dournes lived in Vietnam for twenty-five years, from 1946 to 1970, studying the culture of the Jarai and other highlanders.

In part 1 of this study, Andrew Hardy explores Dournes’s challenging monograph Pötao, une théorie de pouvoir chez les Indochinois jörai and his views on the role of the central highlanders in ancient Champa. In part 2, Dournes speaks animatedly with the author about the Jarai, his feelings about culture and economics, his understanding of Vietnam’s history, and his personal experience of living in the highlands.

ANDREW HARDY is head of the EFEO’s center in Hanoi. He is author of Red Hills: Migrants and the State in the Highlands of Vietnam (2003).


e Highlands of C

hampa and Vietnam

in the Words of Jacques D


efeo–silkworm books series

efeo–silkworm books series

Baht xxx.00

ISBN 978-616-215-104-0

www.silkwormbooks.com xxx-xxxx


The Highlands of Champa and Vietnam in the Words of Jacques Dournes



Page 110: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 111: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 112: Portfolio: Book Cover design

My ExpEriMEnt, BEforE thE final draft

Page 113: Portfolio: Book Cover design
Page 114: Portfolio: Book Cover design

the final draft

Jacques Dournes at his home in France

THE BAREFOOT ANTHROPOLOGISTThe Highlands of Champa and Vietnam in the Words of Jacques Dournes

A N D R E W H A R D Y“Everyone is barefoot. On the trails you go barefoot. I’m still barefoot! I wonder how one can stuff one’s feet into shoes that hurt so much. Feet are like hands, they start narrow and end broad. And shoes, they’re quite the opposite, they start broad and end narrow. So, your foot in a shoe—it’s completely absurd!” —Jacques Dournes, speaking of the forest trails of Vietnam’s Central Highlands, in conversation with Andrew Hardy at Dournes’s house, 1992.

Jacques Dournes lived in Vietnam for twenty-five years, from 1946 to 1970, studying the culture of the Jarai and other highlanders.

In part 1 of this study, Andrew Hardy explores Dournes’s challenging monograph Pötao, une théorie de pouvoir chez les Indochinois jörai and his views on the role of the central highlanders in ancient Champa. In part 2, Dournes speaks animatedly with the author about the Jarai, his feelings about culture and economics, his understanding of Vietnam’s history, and his personal experience of living in the highlands.

ANDREW HARDY is head of the EFEO’s center in Hanoi. He is author of Red Hills: Migrants and the State in the Highlands of Vietnam (2003).


efeo–silkworm books series

efeo–silkworm books series

Baht xxx.00

ISBN 978-616-215-104-0

www.silkwormbooks.com xxx-xxxx A N D R E W H A R D Y



ANTHROPOLOGISTThe Highlands of Champa and Vietnam in the Words of Jacques Dournes

Cover Barefoot.indd 4-6 2/6/2558 BE 12:04 PM

Page 115: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Jacques Dournes at his home in France

THE BAREFOOT ANTHROPOLOGISTThe Highlands of Champa and Vietnam in the Words of Jacques Dournes

A N D R E W H A R D Y“Everyone is barefoot. On the trails you go barefoot. I’m still barefoot! I wonder how one can stuff one’s feet into shoes that hurt so much. Feet are like hands, they start narrow and end broad. And shoes, they’re quite the opposite, they start broad and end narrow. So, your foot in a shoe—it’s completely absurd!” —Jacques Dournes, speaking of the forest trails of Vietnam’s Central Highlands, in conversation with Andrew Hardy at Dournes’s house, 1992.

Jacques Dournes lived in Vietnam for twenty-five years, from 1946 to 1970, studying the culture of the Jarai and other highlanders.

In part 1 of this study, Andrew Hardy explores Dournes’s challenging monograph Pötao, une théorie de pouvoir chez les Indochinois jörai and his views on the role of the central highlanders in ancient Champa. In part 2, Dournes speaks animatedly with the author about the Jarai, his feelings about culture and economics, his understanding of Vietnam’s history, and his personal experience of living in the highlands.

ANDREW HARDY is head of the EFEO’s center in Hanoi. He is author of Red Hills: Migrants and the State in the Highlands of Vietnam (2003).


efeo–silkworm books series

efeo–silkworm books series

Baht xxx.00

ISBN 978-616-215-104-0

www.silkwormbooks.com xxx-xxxx A N D R E W H A R D Y



ANTHROPOLOGISTThe Highlands of Champa and Vietnam in the Words of Jacques Dournes

Cover Barefoot.indd 4-6 2/6/2558 BE 12:04 PM

Page 116: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Recommended on UWP Catalog

Page 117: Portfolio: Book Cover design


www.wAshington.edu/uwpress FAll 2013 university oF wAshington press

Thawan Duchanee Modern Buddhist Artist

ruSSell MarcuS

Thai national artist Thawan Duchanee has spent his life creating art that deeply

reflects Buddhist philosophy. His internationally renowned art is masterful both for

its intricacy and for its subtle portrayal of Buddhism.

Thawan expresses Buddhist wisdom with incredible versatility. His artworks depict

the dangers of doubt, lust, fear, and lack of concentration that expose humankind’s

pursuit of pleasure and escape from pain and illustrate virtues exemplified in the

previous lives of the Buddha. With over one hundred images, this book examines

themes hidden within the art and guides the reader through some of Thawan’s most

interesting works.

Often told in his own words, this book offers insights into Thawan’s creative genius,

explores his philosophy on the arts, examines his famous signature, and recounts his

life story. It is fascinating reading for all those interested in Thai art and Buddhism.

russell marCus is the author of Lao Proverbs and The Guide to Japanese Food and


We Didn’t Start the Fire My Struggle for Democracy in Cambodia

SaM rainSyWith David Whitehouse

Cambodia’s long-time opposition leader and former finance minister Sam Rainsy

is committed to establishing democracy in his homeland. He is currently in exile

in France to avoid a twelve-year prison sentence brought on politically motivated

charges, and he is banned from contesting the forthcoming July 2013 elections. In this

autobiography he recounts his early years in Cambodia, his family’s expulsion, his

relationship with Sihanouk, the Khmer Rouge regime, the Vietnamese occupation,

and Hun Sen’s control of the country since 1985.

sam rainsy also discusses the current economic, social, and political conditions

in the country and presents proposals that will provide a long-term roadmap for a

new Cambodia.

david wHiteHouse is a British journalist in Paris.

Distributed for Silkworm Books

asian art / asian studiesauguSt World rights except Southeast Asia 168 pp., 109 illus., 74 in color, notes, 6 × 8 in. $19.50s pB / £12.99 isBn 978-616-215-056-2

Distributed for Silkworm Books

BiograpHy / asian studiesnOveMber World rights except Southeast Asia 218 pp., index, 6 × 8 in. $25.00s pB / £16.99 isBn 978-616-215-063-0

Page 118: Portfolio: Book Cover design

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Fall 2014

Page 119: Portfolio: Book Cover design


unIversIty oF washIngton press Fall 2014 www.washIngton.edu/uwpress

BUDDHISMRELIG IOUS STUDIES ASIAN STUDIESDistributed for Silkworm BooksOctOber442 pp., 113 illus., 19 maps, 7 x 11 in.North American rights only$50.00s PBIsBN 978-616-215-068-5

Going Down to the SeaChinese Sex Workers Abroad

Ko-lIn chIn

In this book, eighteen Chinese women tell how they came to sell sex in Hong Kong,

Macau, Taipei, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Los Angeles, and New

York. The women’s candid stories put a human face on issues of globalized commercial

sex and provide a raw, inside view of the money-driven transnational sex industry.

The author, an expert in the field of criminal justice, frames their personal accounts

with contextual details and incisive commentary to provide a rich understanding of

the realities and myths of prostitution and global sex trafficking.

While the interviews were gathered as part of an extensive research project for the

author’s 2012 book, Selling Sex Overseas, the full accounts are published here for the

first time. The women describe, in their own words, what motivated them to leave

China to work in the sex trade abroad, how much they earn, what hardships they

face, and what they hope for in the future.

KO-LIN CHIN is professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University, Newark. SEXUALITY STUDIESHUMAN RIGHTSASIAN STUDIESDistributed for Silkworm BooksOctOber186 pp., 2 maps, 6 x 8 in.World rights except Southeast Asia$25.00s / £15.99 PBIsBN 978-616-215-077-7

The Buddhist MonasteryA Cross-Cultural Survey

edIted by PIerre PIchard and FranÇoIs lagIrarde

What is a Buddhist monastery? We might define it as a long-term residence of monas-

tics, whether monks or nuns, but even this basic definition fails to cover the whole

Buddhist world. In all periods and regions, the architectural, social, and religious

organization of Buddhist places of worship and monastic residence have varied


This collection is the result of an international research program conducted by the

Bangkok branch of the École française d’Extrême-Orient between 1997 and 2003.

The simple and straightforward title belies the uniqueness of the work, for this is the

only comprehensive study presenting a clear geographical and historical overview of

Buddhist monasteries throughout Asia, especially Southeast Asia, and particularly

in Thailand.

PIERRE PICHARD, an architect with the École française d’Extrême-Orient for over thirty

years, has participated in conservation projects in Thailand, Burma, India, Bhutan,

Laos and Vietnam. FRANÇOIS LAGIRARDE is associate professor and researcher at the

École française d’Extrême-Orient in Paris and long-time resident of Thailand and Laos.

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university oF wAshington press FAll 2013 www.wAshington.edu/uwpress

Distributed for Silkworm Books

asian studiesauguSt World rights except Southeast Asia 368 pp., 200 illus., 148 color, notes, index, 7 × 10 in. $35.00s pB / £22.99 isBn 978-616-215-059-3

Distributed for Silkworm Books

asian studiesauguSt World rights except Southeast Asia 136 pp., 15 illus., notes, index, 6 × 8 in. $16.50s pB / £11.99 isBn 978-616-215-051-7

Distributed for Silkworm Books

asian studies / polit iCal sCienCeauguSt World rights except Southeast Asia 214 pp., 18 illus., notes, 6 × 8 in. $19.50s pB / £13.99 isBn 978-616-215-054-8

Protecting Siam’s Heritage edited by chriS baker

The cultural heritage of Siam is excep-

tionally rich and distinctive. As every-

where, this heritage is under threat

from the pace of change and from the

demands of tourism, mismanagement,

and neglect.

This book is the first to examine the value

of Siam’s heritage and the need to protect

it. These nineteen essays are written by

pioneers of conservation over the last

generation and by activists of today.

CHris Baker, with Pasuk Phongpaichit,

is the translator of the great folk epic, The

Tale of Khun Chang Khun Phaen.

The Story of Angkor JaMe dibiaSiO

The lost civilization of Angkor left no writ-

ten records, so only its ancient stones can

tell the tale. The Story of Angkor exposes

the history of this once-mighty Southeast

Asian empire through the secrets hidden

inside the temples and buildings located

around the city of Siem Reap.

Written in a concise, accessible style,

with photos and maps, The Story of

Angkor presents an in-depth analysis of

the ancient Angkor civilization that will

appeal to both readers and travelers.

Jame diB iasio is the founding editor of

AsianInvestor magazine and website.

Just Enough A Journey into Thailand’s

Troubled South

Mira lee Manick aM

Just Enough travels inside the conflict

zone of Thailand’s southernmost prov-

inces and explores traditional Malay

Muslim culture. Manickam takes an

insightful look into the lives of Thailand’s

Malay Muslims, focusing on education,

environmental destruction, and the

threatened livelihoods of coastal fish-

erfolk, as well as charting the roots of

the southern Thai conflict through her

travels in the region. This is a personal

journey that reveals the colors of daily

life beneath the violence of newspaper


m i r a l e e m a n i C k a m has conducted

research on southern Thailand for ten


Recommended on UWP Catalog

Page 121: Portfolio: Book Cover design


www.wAshington.edu/uwpress FAll 2013 university oF wAshington press

Distributed for Silkworm Books

asian studiesdeceMber World rights except Southeast Asia 258 pp., 11 illus., notes, index, 5 × 8 in. $27.50s pB / £18.99 isBn 978-616-215-062-3

Distributed for Silkworm Books

asian studiesdeceMber World rights except Southeast Asia 442 pp., 20 illus., notes, bibliog., index, 6 × 8 in. $30.00s pB / £20.99 isBn 978-616-215-061-6

Rights to Culture Heritage, Language, and

Community in Thailand

edited by cOeli barry

This collection brings together original,

small-scale, ethnographic research on

minorities and communities contest-

ing heritage, liveilhood, language, and

citizenship in Thailand. The case studies

included here look at the rights of com-

munities to manage their own cultural

and natural resources across a range

of settings, including ethnic Khmer

communities in the Northeast, migrant

groups in metropolitan Bangkok, and

hill tribe communities in the North of


Coel i Barry teaches at the Institute of

Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahi-

dol University.

A Civilized Woman M. L. Boonlua Debhayasuwan

and the Thai Twentieth Century

SuSan fulOp kepner

Boonlua Debhayasuwan was born into

a noble Siamese family in 1911 and not

only witnessed but participated in the

great events of her century. Boonlua

became one of the first Thai women to

earn a university degree. As an official in

the Ministry of Education, she worked to

improve education and represent Thai-

land at international conferences. Her

essays on literature became the founda-

tion of modern Thai literary criticism and

her novels are now recognized as unique

social histories of the times in which she


susan fulop kepner is a writer, transla-

tor, and former professor at the Univer-

sity of California, Berkeley.

Distributed for Silkworm Books

asian studies / BusinessauguSt World rights except Southeast Asia 288 pp., 45 tables, notes, bibliog., index, 6 × 8 in. $27.50s pB / £18.99 isBn 978-616-215-057-9

Diversifying Retail and Distribution in Thailand endO gen

Endo Gen analyzes Thailand’s retail

structure in the light of its entire distri-

bution system, examining how changes

have affected not only horizontal, com-

petitive relationships between modern

and traditional retailers, but also verti-

cal relationships with manufacturers

and wholesalers. Rather than focusing

narrowly on the urban middle-class

consumer market, he considers the mar-

kets’ income differentials—the “mosaic

structure”—which is an indispensable

framework for discussing the retail and

consumption practices of an emerging


endo gen is associate professor in inter-

national relations at Daito Bunka Uni-


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Recommended on UWP Catalog

Page 123: Portfolio: Book Cover design


WWW.WaSHington.edU/UWPreSS SPring 2014 UniverSitY oF WaSHington PreSS

asian aRtDistributed for Silkworm Books MArcH World rights except Southeast Asia256 pp., 920 color illus., 9 × 11 in.$100.00S Hc / £63.00 iSbn 978-616-215-073-9

Sazigyo, Burmese Manuscript Binding TapesWoven Miniatures of Buddhist Art

rAlpH issAcs

Sazigyo are fine, tablet-woven Burmese tapes used to bind the palm-leaf manu-

scripts of an earlier era. Tiny images and extended texts were deftly woven into

the long, colorful bindings. These Buddhist “textile texts” were commissioned

by donors to make merit in the hope of attaining a better rebirth and ultimately


This beautiful book elucidates the religious and social context of sazigyo and

describes in detail the weaves, texts, designs, and images. It contains stunning,

full-scale reproductions and enlargements of many hundreds of sazigyo segments

found in collections throughout the world and presents translated excerpts from

150 sazigyo texts.

The book is a celebration of a craft now vanishing and a tribute to the skill and flair

of Burmese women weavers. It will appeal to weavers, textile designers, and to all

admirers of exquisite craftsmanship.

RalpH isaaCs is coauthor of Visions from the Golden Land: Burma and the Art of


asian studiespolit iCal sCienCeMekong PressDistributed for Silkworm Books MArcH World rights except Southeast Asia160 pp., 24 illus., 6 × 8 in.$22.50 Pb / £14.99 iSbn 978-616-215-066-1

The Face of ResistanceAung San Suu Kyi and Burma’s Fight for Freedom

AunG zAW

Aung San Suu Kyi is a world-renowned, inspirational symbol of Burmese resis-

tance and courage. Released in 2010 after spending fifteen of the previous twenty-

one years under house arrest, many are now looking to her to lead the country. But

is it possible for Suu Kyi to mend the deep divisions in Burmese society? Who are

the groups that make up Burma’s face of resistance? And how can Suu Kyi unite

these disparate factions into one cohesive group to take on the current regime in

the elections scheduled for 2015?

The Face of Resistance explores these questions and sheds light on the people who

have fought alongside Suu Kyi for decades in Burma’s resistance movement. It

profiles key members of the National League for Democracy, the prominent activ-

ists involved in the 1988 student uprising, and the next generation of democracy


The Face of Resistance demystifies the volatile state of contemporary Burmese

politics and shows that, despite international accolades, Burma is far from free.

aung Zaw is the founder and editor in chief of The Irrawaddy news publication and

lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Page 124: Portfolio: Book Cover design


UniverSitY oF WaSHington PreSS SPring 2014 WWW.WaSHington.edU/UWPreSS

asian studiesantHRopologyDistributed for Silkworm Books MArcH 260 pp., 20 illus., 6 × 8 in.$30.00S Pb / £19.99 iSbn 978-616-215-074-6

Finding Their VoiceNortheastern Villagers and the Thai State

cHArles keyes

This book traces the evolution of the rural, Lao-speaking people of northeastern

Thailand, now over a third of the nation’s population, from a traditional peasantry

into “cosmopolitan” villagers who are actively shaping Thai politics. The electoral

successes of the Thai Rak Thai/Pheu Thai Party in the early twenty-first century

and the strong support given to the Red-Shirt movement appear to have finally

given the cosmopolitan villagers of northeastern Thailand a continuing voice in the

nation’s political process.

CHaRles keyes is professor emeritus of anthropology and international studies at

the University of Washington.

asian studiesantHRopologyDistributed for Silkworm Books MArcH World rights except Southeast Asia198 pp., 6 × 8 in.$25.00S Pb / £16.99 iSbn 978-616-215-075-3

The “Bare Life” of Thai Migrant Workmen in SingaporepAttAnA kitiArsA

Transnational labor migration often begins with the dream of securing a more

stable and prosperous future, a chance to survive. This book reveals some of the

complex phenomena and processes that operate in the lives and dreams of Thai

male migrant workers living abroad, whose life experiences are overwhelmingly

dominated by stress and suffering and diminished gendered roles. Stripped bare

of the powerful sociocultural, economic, and legal processes that govern their

existence at home, these men must recraft their gendered selfhoods, identities, and


pattana kit iaRsa was assistant professor of Southeast Asian studies at the

National University of Singapore.

Recommended on UWP Catalog

Page 125: Portfolio: Book Cover design


WWW.WaSHington.edU/UWPreSS SPring 2014 UniverSitY oF WaSHington PreSS

asian studiesantHRopologyDistributed for Silkworm Books MArcH World rights except Southeast Asia300 pp., 1 illus., 6 × 8 in.$35.00S Pb / £23.99 iSbn 978-616-215-072-2

Ethnicity, Borders, and the Grassroots Interface with the StateStudies on Southeast Asia

in Honor of Charles F. Keyes

edited by JoHn A. MArston

This volume brings together excit-

ing new research by anthropologists

working on mainland Southeast Asia

in honor of anthropologist Charles F.

Keyes. It addresses concepts central to

Keyes’s own work—ethnicity, religion,

and modernity—as they can be applied

to the countries of Thailand, Vietnam,

Cambodia, and Laos.

In addition to three sections covering

different aspects of anthropological

research, the book also contains a

biography of and interview with Keyes

and a selected bibliography of his work.

JoHn a. maRston is a professor and

researcher at the Center for Asian and

African Studies of El Colegio de México

in Mexico City.

asian studiespolit iCal sCienCeDistributed for Silkworm Books MArcH World rights except Southeast Asia266 pp., 6 × 8 in.$30.00S Pb / £19.99 iSbn 978-616-215-060-9

Human Trafficking in ThailandCurrent Issues, Trends, and the Role of

the Thai Government

siroJ sorAJJAkool

Few subjects elicit greater moral

outrage than human trafficking. Media

reports of dehumanizing practices such

as slavery, abduction, child prostitu-

tion, and torture, along with shocking

statistics, form the basis of public


With sensitivity and candor, this book

addresses the reality of human traf-

ficking in Thailand, dissecting studies,

presenting facts, and dismissing stereo-

types. It focuses on the areas of fishing,

agriculture, domestic work, sex work,

and the trafficking of children, weaving

individual narratives and official stud-

ies into the wider history of Thailand’s

changing economy and labor situation.

siRoJ soRaJJakool is professor of

religion, psychology, and counseling at

Loma Linda University, California.

asian studiesRel ig ious studiesDistributed for Silkworm Books MArcH World rights except Southeast Asia328 pp., 6 × 8 in.$30.00S Pb / £19.99 iSbn 978-616-215-067-8

Self and SocietyEssays on Pali Literature

and Social Theory, 1988–2010

steven collins

This selection of essays demonstrates

that, in the study of Buddhism, a

concern with detailed accuracy in

philological and textual specifics can

be combined with wider philosophical

and sociological issues. The essays are

divided into three parts: Pali Literature,

The Theory and Practice of Not-Self,

and Buddhism and Society. The last

part builds on but goes beyond the

work of Dumont and Max Weber in

considering “world-renunciation” as a

phenomenon of society and culture.

steven Coll ins is Chester D. Tripp

Professor in the Humanities at the

University of Chicago and a council

member of the Pali Text Society.

Page 126: Portfolio: Book Cover design

University of Washington Press

spring 2015

Recommended on UWP Catalog

Page 127: Portfolio: Book Cover design


www.washinGton.edu/uwpress sprinG 2015 university oF washinGton press

Distributed for Silkworm BooksJAnuArytRanspoRtation, asian studies452 pp., 23 figs., 53 tables, 5.5 x 8.5 in.World rights except Southeast Asia$40.00s / £25.99 pb / isbn 9786162150807

Trams, Buses, and RailsThe History of Urban Transport

in Bangkok, 1886–2010

iChiro K AKizAKi

Trams, Buses, and Rails recounts the

unique and little-known 130-year his-

tory of Bangkok’s transportation system,

from the first horse-powered tramway in

1888 to the mass transit urban railway of

the twenty-first century. Using govern-

ment archives and annual reports, the

author deftly pieces together long-buried

records and statistics to reconstruct the

transportation policies of each succes-

sive metropolitan and national admin-

istration. He highlights the politicization

and regulation of Bangkok’s transport

systems over the decades, and uncovers

a series of setbacks, reversals, duplica-

tions, revisions, and cancellations that

help to explain Bangkok’s continuing

transportation woes.

i Ch iRo kakizaki is associate professor

at Yokohama City University in Japan.

His books in English include Laying

the Tracks: The Thai Economy and Its

Railways, 1885–1935 and Rails of the

Kingdom: The History of Thai Railways.

Distributed for Silkworm BooksJAnuAryasian studies, maRit ime studies396 pp., 5.5 x 8.5 in.World rights except Southeast Asia$35.00s / £22.99 pb / isbn 9786162150791

Tribute and ProfitSino-Siamese Trade, 1652–1853

sArAsin virAphol

Tribute and Profit illuminates the con-

duct and maintenance of maritime

trade under Siam’s tributary relationship

with imperial China, and scrutinizes the

momentous role of the Chinese in Siam’s

overseas trade and domestic economy.

Based substantially on historical Chi-

nese, Siamese, and European sources,

Sarasin Viraphol’s reconstruction of the

tributary trade pinpoints the creative

subversions, calculated risks, and clever

contrivances that kept the wheels of the

Siamese economy turning for centuries.

Eventually, tribute missions and the junk

trade were supplanted by European-style

maritime commerce, free trade, and open

markets. Nevertheless, the influences of

these bygone relations are still present in

Thailand today.

saRas in v iRaphol spent eight years

working in academia, followed by

twenty years in the Thai diplomatic

corps, and was appointed ambassador

to the Philippines. He is currently an

executive vice president at Charoen Pok-

phand Group.

Distributed for Silkworm BooksJAnuAryasian studies, l iteRatuRe334 pp., 32 line drawings, 1 map, 5.5 x 8.5 in.World rights except Southeast Asia$28.00s / £17.99 pb / isbn 9786162150845

The Tale of Khun Chang Khun PhaenAbridged

trAnslAted By Chris BAKer And pAsuK phongpAiChit

Khun Chang Khun Phaen is an outstand-

ing classic in the Thai language, an

entertaining folk epic set amidst the

social panorama of traditional Siam.

Masterfully told in the style of an ancient

saga, it is a spectacular love story rich

in romance, adventure, violence, farce,

and magic, and ending in the tragic and

enigmatic death of its heroine.

Written in lively prose, this new, abridged

edition retains every scene, incident, and

significant speech from the full English

translation, except for one short section.

ChRis BakeR formerly taught Asian his-

tory at Cambridge University and has

lived in Thailand for over thirty years.

pasuk phongpaiChit is professor of eco-

nomics at Chulalongkorn University,

Bangkok, and has written widely in

Thai and English on Thailand’s political

economy. Together they have written

and translated several works.

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my journey began aT rajamangala University of Technology, Tak Campus, Thailand. In the small university library, I loved sitting near the window and spending time with beautiful typography, creative photographs and articles—at that time I fell into my own tiny world. I would always dream of having my name in book or magazine.

In the summer of 2006, I decided to be a translator trainee for a free-copy magazine in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They gave me direction on the proper procedures for editorial work. (And I got to see my name on the masthead.) After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in the field of English for International Communication, I was still determined to follow my dream. My English writing and translation ability led me to the editorial team of Longstay Guide Magazine1. In the second year I was promoted to be an Editor, responsible for writing and translating articles, proofing layout and English wording, as well ensuring that the magazine was published on time.

After five years of this magazine experience, I stepped down and looked for a new challenge. Silkworm Books2 appointed me as Book Designer, where I can use my English skills and creative thinking to communicate with American editors and learning things like the process of book editing, layout design and the grid system, and how to use Adobe InDesign as a professional. All are important practices in creating the perfect academic book. By now, I have successfully designed many books that are sold on the international market.

1. www.longstayguide.com or issuu.com/longstayguide_magazine2. http://silkwoRmbooks.com/

Page 130: Portfolio: Book Cover design

Sawatdee (hello) My name isThanaphon BorihanThanachoTbook designeR and paRt time editoR

I was born on May 27, 1986with Thai nationalityHeight: 165 cm., Weight: 80 kg. Blood type: B, as well Believe in Buddhism

contact3/1 Singharaj Road, T.Sriphum, A.Muang, Chiang Mai, Thailand 50200Mobile: 081 0368256e-mail: [email protected]: http://issuu.com/iamthanaphon

Page 131: Portfolio: Book Cover design

education2000 – 2004: High School from Takphitthayakom School, Tak, Thailand

in Art-Math2004 – 2008: Rajamangala University of Technology Tak Campus, Thailand

Bachelor of Art in the field of English for International Communication with GPA: 3.54

woRk expeRienceMay 2008 – October 2012Editor at Longstay Guide Magazine, Chiang Mai, Thailand, responsible for creative thinking, writing and translating articles into English language, cooperate with professional photographers and Japanese translators. Moreover, manage editorial team to publish finest quality of magazine on time.

November 2012 – 2015Book Designer at Silkworm Books Publishing, Chiang Mai, Thailand, responsibility on using Adobe InDesign as a professional to design book cover, interior layout, as well manage processing of book editing. Using my English skills and creative thinking to communicate with American editors in creating the perfect academic book. By now, I have successfully designed many books that are sold on the international market.Opened-minded, positive thinking, willing to gain more knowledge and new experience, love to share idea with others and high teamwork spirit.

additional skillsGood English communication and interpersonal skills, Book and Magazine production

miCrosofT anD maCinToshadobe inDesignadobe illustratoradobe photoshopDigital camera canon DSLr

activityTraveling, Football, Reading every kind of book and magazine, Alternative music, Music Instruments: Violin, Trumpet and Trombone, Art and culture, Bicycle, Photography, love to living in the creative atmosphere of library and art gallery

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