Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs...

Popular Conjectures and Dynamic Problems Thanks to Amir Abboud for some of his slides!

Transcript of Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs...

Page 1: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Popular Conjectures andDynamic Problems

Thanks to Amir Abboud for some of his slides!

Page 2: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior


Overview of some lower bounds for dynamic problems

Simple and powerful proofs

Better hypotheses

Page 3: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Dynamic graph algorithms

Given initial graph G, can preprocess it.Edge updates: insert(u,v), delete(u,v)

Queries: (depend on the problem)How many SCCs are there? Can u reach v? …

Want to minimize the preprocessing, update and query times.

• Worst case time• Amortized time• Total time (over all updates)

Page 4: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Dynamic Problems

Updates: Add or remove edges.

Query: Are s and t connected?

Trivial algorithm: O(m) time per update.[Thorup STOC 01]: O(log m (log log m)3) amortized time per update.

[Păt raşcu - Demaine STOC 05]:

Ω(log m) Cell-probe lower bound.

Dynamic (undirected) Connectivity

Input: an undirected graph G



Page 5: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Trivial algorithm: O(m) time updates

Updates: Add or remove edges.


s,t-Reach: Is there a path from s to t?

#SSR: How many nodes can s reach?

Using fast matrix multiplication

[Sankowski FOCS 04’] O(n1.58)

Best cell probe lower bound still Ω(log m)

Dynamic (directed) Reachability

Input: A directed graph G.


Not great.

Dynamic Problems

Page 6: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Many successes for the partially dynamic setting and related problems.

Huge gaps -‐what is the right answer?


Many ExamplesProblem Upper bound (Unconditional)

Lower bound


O(m) or O(n)

Ω(log m)


Strongly Connected Components

Maximum Matching

Connectivity with node updates O(m)

Approximate Diameter O(mn)

Much higher lower bounds via the fine-grained approach

Page 7: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

3SUM Lower Bounds

3-SUM: Given n integers, are there 3 that sum to 0?

Theorem [Pătraşcu STOC10] : The 3-‐SUM conjecture implies polynomial lower bounds for many dynamic problems.

The 3-SUM Conjecture: “No O(n2-eps) time algorithm”

A very cool series of reductions…

No poly log updates for Reachability!

Problem Upper bound (3-SUM)Lower bound

s,t-‐ReachO(m) or O(n)


Connectivity with node updates O(m) for some a>0

Page 8: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

3SUM Lower Bounds

[Abboud-VW FOCS '14], [K opelowitz - Pettie - Porat. SODA '16]Optimized Pătraşcu’s reductions and added problems to the list

Some steps in the reduction are lossy -‐stuck at m1/3.

3SUM might not be the most appropriate…

Problem Upper bound (3‐SUM)Lower bound


O(m) or O(n)



Strongly Connected Components

Maximum Matching

Connectivity with node updates O(m)

Approximate Diameter O(mn)

Page 9: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

BMM Lower Bounds[Abboud-VW FOCS 14’]The BMM conjecture implies tight lower bounds for combinatorial algorithms

The BMM conjecture:“No O(n3-‐eps) time combinatorial algorithm

for Boolean Matrix Multiplication”

Any improvement for these problems will probably have to use fast matrix mult.

Problem (combinatorial) Upper bound

(BMM)Lower bound

(3‐SUM)Lower bound


O(m) mm1/3

Strongly Connected Components


Maximum Matching

Approximate Diameter O(mn) n

Page 10: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

OMv Lower Bounds[Henzinger - Krinninger - Nanongkai - Saranurak STOC ‘ 15]

Most BMM lower bounds hold for non-combinatorial algorithms as well, under the Online Matrix Vector Multiplication Conjecture.

OMv problem: Given n x n Boolean matrix A and n Boolean vectors v1,…,vn, given online, return each A ∙ vi right after vi has been given.

[Green-Larsen, Williams’17]: One can compute A ∙ vi for all i online, in

𝑛3/2Ω( log 𝑛) total time.

OMv Conjecture: OMv requires n3-o(1) total time.

[Cl-Gr-L’15] : Cell probe lower bounds for OMv problem over verylarge finite fields F, space usage S= min (n log |F|, n2) when |F|=n(1), S=O(n).

Page 11: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

What about diameter? Another conjecture?

Problem (combinatorial) Upper bound

(BMM)Lower bound

(3‐SUM)Lower bound


O(m) mm1/3

Strongly Connected Components


Maximum Matching

Approximate Diameter O(mn) n

(BMM, OMv)Lower bound

OMv Lower Bounds

[Henzinger - Krinninger - Nanongkai – Saranurak 2015]:

Most BMM lower bounds hold for non-‐combinatorial algorithms as well, under the OMv Conjecture.

Page 12: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

SETH / OVC Lower Bounds




Maximum Matching

edStrongly Connect



[A-VW FOCS 14] OVC, SETH imply very high lower bounds!

SETH: “For all ε>0, there’s a k s.t.k--SAT cannot be solved in (2-‐ ε)n time”




1.33 Approx. Diameter



OVC: “Checking if a set of n vectors over 0,1d

contains an orthog. pair requires n2-o(1) poly(d) time”

Different conjectures are bet t er for explaining different barriers

Page 13: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

APSP Lower Bounds[Abboud-VW FOCS 14’]The APSP conjecture implies tight lower bounds for some weighted problems.

The APSP conjecture:“No O(n3-‐ε) time algorithm for All-‐Pairs-‐Shortest-‐Paths”

Different conjectures are bet t er for explaining different barriers

Ω(n2) per update!




Maximum Matching

edStrongly Connect


APSPs,t-Shortest Path

Weighted Matching




1.33 Approx. Diameter




Page 14: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior


Overview of some lower bounds for dynamic problems

Simple and powerful proofs

Better hypotheses

Page 15: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Dynamic single source reachability

Single source reachability: given a source s, which nodes can s reach? O(m+n) time, DFS

Dynamic #SS-reachability:Updates: delete/insert edgeQuery: how many nodes can s reach?

Trivial solution: O(m + n) time updates or O(m + n) time queries[Sankowski’04]: O(n1.495) update and query time

No nontrivial solution for sparse graphs!

Page 16: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Thm: O(m1 - ) queries and updates for #SS-reach

imply OV in O(n2 - ’) time and hence SETH is false.

Reduction from OV, vector dimension dPreprocessing: create a special graph G

Then a stage for each vector v in OV instance:(1) Insert ≤ d edges into G(2) Query #SS-reach(3) Remove the ≤ d inserted edges

n queries, O(n d) updates

Page 17: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior




Node per vector

Edge (c,v) if v[c]=1


Edge (s,e) for each e with u[e]=1

(1) s can reach itself(2) s can reach all coords e

with u[e]=1. Say X such.(3) s can reach all vectors

that are not orthog to u

There is some v orthog to u iff the # of reachable nodes from s is < X + n + 1

m ~ n dO(n d) updates, n queries

Thm: O(m1 - ) queries and updates for #SS-reach imply OV in O(n2 - ’) time and hence SETH is false.

Stage for vector u:Dynamic part

So m1-o(1) lower bound from OV and SETH.

Graph after preprocessing(static)

Page 18: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Dynamic maintenance of SCCs

Strongly connected components:Can find them in O(m) time in a graph with m edges.

Dynamic algorithms: maintain graph G underinsert(u,v), delete(u,v) supporting:

- query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?- query2: how many SCCs does G have?

(All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.)

Page 19: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Dynamic SCC: prior work

If only inserts or only deletes allowed, can answer both types of queries in constant time and

update time is “small”. T = Sum over all m update times.

Inserts only:Bender et al.’09: T ~ n2 log n, Haeupler et al.’08: T ~ minm3/2,mn2/3Bernstein, Chechik’18: T~ mn1/2, rand.

Deletes only: R.Z.’02, Lacki’11, Roditty’12: T ~ mn.

Amortized update time is n for deletes only, n1/2 for inserts only.

Page 20: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Fully dynamic SCC

If both inserts and deletes allowed: best known solution is to recompute SCCs after each update!

Thm: Under OVC, any fully dynamic algorithm that can answer queries “Is the number of SCCs>2?” requires update or query time m1-ε for all ε > 0.

If SETH is true, might as well recompute the SCCs after each update!

Page 21: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Dynamic #SCC>2 is hard

Reduce from OV with vector dimension dFor each vector v, have a stage:

Insert ≤ d edgesQuery #SCC>2.

If #SCC>2 is yes, return that some u is orthogonal to v.Delete the ≤ d edges

O(n d) updates, n queries, m ~ nd edges OV/SETH lower bound of m1 – o(1) for query or update

Page 22: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Dynamic #SCC>2 is hard

Stage for vector v (updates red):




Node per vector

Edge (c,u) if u[c]=1



Edge (s,d) if v[d]=1

Edges (c,t) and (t,c) if v[c]=0

(1) No path from s to c if v[c]=0.(2) No path from s to t. (3) t is in an SCC with

all c s.t. v[c]=0.(4) s is in an SCC with

all c s.t. v[c]=1.(5) u and s are in the same SCC iff

there is a c with u[c]=v[c]=1, i.e. iff u and v are not orthog.

Thus #SCC is 2 iff there is no vector orthogonal to v.

O(n d) updates, n queriesSo a n1 – o(1) lower bound.

Node per coordinate

Graph after preprocessing

Page 23: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

With additional gadgets, lower bounds for: (more) Strongly Connected Components

Undirected Connectivity with nodeupdates and more.

Next: even higher lower bounds!

Page 24: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Dynamic Diameter

Input: an undirected graph G

Updates: Add or remove edges.

Query: What is the diameter of G?

Upper bounds for dynamic All-‐Pairs-‐Shortest-‐Paths: Naive: ~O(mn) per update.

[Demetrescu-Italiano 03’, Thorup 04’]: amortized ~O(n2).

Theorem [Abboud -‐VW FOCS 14’]:1.33-‐approximation for the diameter of a sparse graph under edge updates

with amortized O(n2-‐e) update time refutes SETH!

Page 25: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Proof outline:

Three Orthogonal Vectors dynamic Diameter













Given three lists of n vectors in 0,1d is there an “orthogonal” triple?

Lemma: 3-‐OVP in n3-‐εpoly d time refutes SETH

Theorem [Abboud -‐VW FOCS 14’]:1.33-‐approximation for the diameter of a sparse graph under edge updates

with amortized O(n2-‐ε) update time refutes SETH!

d = polylog(n)

Page 26: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Proof outline:

Three Orthogonal Vectors (3-OV) dynamic Diameter




Graph G on m=O(nd) nodes and edges,O(nd) updates and queries

is the diameter 3 or more?

Amortized O(m1.9) update/query time

O(nd) updates/queries

in n2.9poly d time3-‐OV in n2.9 poly d time

(refutes SETH)d=polylog(n), m=~O(n)

Theorem [A -‐VW FOCS 14’]:1.33-‐approximation for the diameter of a sparse graph under edge updates

with amortized O(n2-‐e) update time refutes SETH!










Given three lists of n vectors in 0,1d

is there an “orthogonal” triple?

Page 27: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Proof:dynamic Diameter




add edge

iff bi[j]=1

static: encodes B

dynamic: will encode C

Theorem [Abboud -‐VW FOCS 14’]:

1.33-‐approximation for the diameter of a sparse graph under edge updates with amortized O(n2-‐e) update time refutes SETH!

Three Orthogonal Vectors


















static: encodes A





x y

Page 28: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

For each ci:

Proof:dynamic Diameter




add edge

iff bi[j]=1

Three Orthogonal Vectors






















1. add edges uj u’j iff ci[j]=1

2. ask Diameter query.

( ci )

Theorem [A -‐VW FOCS 14’]:

1.33-‐approximation for the diameter of a sparse graph under edge updates with amortized O(n2-‐e) update time refutes SETH!

x y

Page 29: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Proof:dynamic Diameter




add edge

iff bi[j]=1

Three Orthogonal Vectors






















( ci )

Observation:The distance from a to b is more than 3 iff

a,b,ci are an orthogonal triple.

(no coordinate with all three 1’s)

Theorem [A -‐VW FOCS 14’]:

1.33-‐approximation for the diameter of a sparse graph under edge updates with amortized O(n2-‐e) update time refutes SETH!

x y

Page 30: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Proof:dynamic Diameter



Three Orthogonal Vectors






















( ci )

Theorem [Abboud -‐VW FOCS 14’]:

1.33-‐approximation for the diameter of a sparse graph under edge updates with amortized O(n2-‐e) update time refutes SETH!

x y

For each ci:

uj u’j1. add edges iff ci[j]=1

2. Query. If Diameter > 3, output “yes”.

3. remove edges and move on to next ci

O(nd) updates, m = O(nd) edges

~Ω(n2) per update!

Page 31: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior


Very high lower bounds for fundamental problems

After identifying the conjecture,the proofs are often very simple!

Page 32: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior


Overview of some lower bounds for dynamic problems

Simple and powerful proofs

More believable conjectures

Page 33: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

[A-VW-Yu '15]Even if at least one of APSP, 3SUM, SETH is true, then dyn. Single Source Reachability , SCC, max-flow and

other problems require linear updates

Ω(n2) per update!




Maximum Matching

edStrongly Connect


APSPs,t-Shortest Path

Weighted Matching




1.33 Approx. Diameter






Page 34: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

3SUM n1.9CNF-‐SAT 1.9 n APSP n2.9

Matching Triangles n2.9 Triangle Collection n2.9

Lower bounds with strong guarantees!

Main result:We identify simple cubic problems that have tight lower

bounds under all three conjectures!

Dynamic reachability n0.9 ST-‐Max-‐Flow n1.49 Other problems


for every s in S and t in T:what is the MaxFlowfrom s to t?


Page 35: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Matching TrianglesA problem that captures the hardness of 3SUM, APSP and CNF‐-SAT!

Input: a node colored graph with n nodes and n2 edges and Δ >0.

“Theorem”:If Matching Triangles can be solved in O(n2.99) time, then all three conjectures are false!

Output: is there a triple of colors with at least Δ triangles?

“are there Δ triangles with matching colors?”

Trivial alg: O(n3)

If Δ =1: this is triangle-‐detection.

Fast Matrix Mult: O(n2.373)

What if Δ = 2?

Page 36: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Matching Triangles

What about Δ =2,3,…?

“Theorem”: For any constant Δ > 6, the complexity of the problem is between n2.01 and n2.99…, under the APSP and 3SUM conjectures.






1 2 6…


Lower bound

3-‐9/(Δ +2)

~3-‐2/(3Δ -‐1)

(if ω =2)

Page 37: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Triangle Collection

“Theorem”:If Triangle Collection can be solved in O(n2.99) time, then all three conjectures are false!

Trivial alg: O(n3)

Can be reduced to important problems

A problem that captures the hardness of 3SUM, APSP and CNF-‐SAT!

Input: a node colored graph with n nodes and n2 edges and Δ >0.

Output: is there a triple of colors without any triangles?

“Do the triangles collect all triples of colors?”

Page 38: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Very Plausible Lower Bounds

3SUM n1.9CNF-SAT 1.9 n APSP n2.9

Dynamic reachability n0.9 ST-‐Max-‐Flow n1.49

Triangle Collection n2.9

Dynamic Max-‐Flow n0.9

Page 39: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

Why are these problems


Overview of the reductions from APSP, 3SUM and SETH

Page 40: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior


3-‐Orthogonal Vectors


Negative Triangle



Triangle Collection Matching Triangles

Map of Reductions

[Patrascu 10]

[VW and Williams 09, 10][Williams 04]

new reductions!

[VW-W 09,10]

Page 41: Popular Conjectures and - MIT · -query1(u,v): are u and v in the same SCC?-query2: how many SCCs does G have? (All known algorithms for query1 also solve query2.) Dynamic SCC: prior

The end…