Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski

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  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski



    RLMMTI Blircke Lirdke Omvec


    Ckttce, Frmwo iod Bm`pioy

    Oew [mrh Fmstmo Cmodmo

  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski



    Tlks ksot amkoa tm live i lippy eodkoa.

    @mraio Jree`io,Re1eo

    Oeir Frmheociod ^irhwiy, Bmcu`fki, @iryciod Reveo @motls Iam

    I --- kotero wktl i frmheo leirt

    sived tle diy.

    Tle koteros oi`e wis Qirreo Irfmoi, iod le wis ko i stujjy

    wirelmuse icmoa wktl ve mtler koteros sbiookoa eodcess pkebes mj

    piper iod turokoa tle` kotm ^DJs tlit omfmdy wmucd ever, ever

    jubhkoa reid. Tle wlmce mperitkmo wis strkbtcy bmver-ymur-iss. Tlekoteros fmsses wioted tm fe ifce tm tecc tlekr amvero`eot ckiksmos

    tlit, yes, every piae mj tle mmd mj debcissked dmbu`eots tley

    receised lid feeo birejuccy reid iod sbiooed fy io experkeobed `e`-

    fer mj tlekr ceaic tei`.

    Experkeobed 0 koteros wlmd feeo mo tle gmf jmr it ceist twm

    `motls.Tle oew preskdeot lid `ide i fka deic ifmut debcisskjykoa every-

    tlkoa, tle slkokoa ckalt mj jreedm` fcistkoa tlrmual tle debeptkmos

  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    mj tle prevkmus id`kokstritkmo. I de`mbriby requkres ibbmuotifkckty,

    le sikd, iod ibbmuotifkckty requkres triospireoby. Qlkbl smuoded


    Fut fejmre tle ^DJs bmucd fe upcmided, tle preskdeots kotec-

    ckaeobe idvksers kosksted tlit om seosktkve sebrets lir`juc tm tle

    seburkty mj tle Uokted Rtites wmucd fe ceihed tm tle aeoeric pufckb.

    Tlks stkcc wis tle reic wmrcd.

    Rm i wlkte-slme ciw r` spebkickzkoa ko amvero`eot kotecckaeobe

    wis retikoed tm pikostihkoacy revkew every ckoe mo every sbrip mj piper.

    Omfmdy ko tle r` wioted tm deic wktl tlit fuccslkt, sm tley put

    tle koteros mo kt.

    Iod Qirreo Irfmoi, tle kotero ko questkmo, wmucdot live om-

    tkbed i tlkoa kj kt lidot feeo jmr lks buot ex-akrcjrkeod. Le bmucdot

    lecp kt. Tle oi`e gust gu`ped mut it lk`.

    Le stmpped tle sbio iod cmmhed it tle piper iaiko. Qere lks eyes

    pciykoa trkbhs mo lk`=Ompe. Tlere kt wis.

    Blircke Lirdke.

    Om, kt wisot Blrkstys did. Ler did wis oi`ed Frube mr sm`e

    subl slkt. Ficdkoa. Fka isslmce. Devkited septu` iod feidy eyes.

    Fut tlks Blircke auy wis io uobce, `iyfe= Rm`e mtler recitkve= Qir-

    reo lid om kdei.Iod reiccy, wlm tle jubh bired. Blrksty dkdot `itter ioy`mre8

    led dm fest tm put ler mut mj lks leid iod oksl up wktl tlks sbio-

    okoa sm le bmucd am lm`e iod aet ammd iod druoh iaiko.

    Tley were icc wmrhkoa koskde tle ifiodmoed wirelmuse set mj i

    biobeced tecevkskmo slmw, Fictk`mre Lm`kbkde. Tle reot wis ifsurdcy

    bleip, iod tle set icreidy lid tle deckaltjuc fmous mj reic deshs iodwmrhkoa ecebtrkbic mutcets, tliohs tm i sufpcmt jeiturkoa i jihe dikcy

    oewspiper mjbe.



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    Rm icc tle ciw r` lid tm dm wis irrioae jmr tle rei`s mj piper

    oeircy tlree trubhs wmrtltm fe fibhed kotm tle fukcdkoa, pcua ko

    i fuobl mj ciptmps iod sbiooers, iod tleo set tle koteros cmmse. Ree

    ymu ko Repte`fer, `mtlerjubhers.

    Tle wmrhkoa bmodktkmos were cess tlio kdeic. Qlkce io kodustrkic

    IB uokt fcisted :>,>>> FTUs mj irbtkb ikr kotm tle jihe mjbe vki

    rkoaed juooecs, tle wirelmuse ktsecj lid dkddcy-squit ko tle wiy mj

    bck`ite `ioiae`eot. Rm every tk`e ymu cejt tm dria ko iomtler set mj

    ces, ymu fihed iod sweited ko tle stkkoa su``er leit. Iod tleo

    wleo ymu returoed, ymur sweit wis isl-jrmzeo mo ymur fmdy. Om

    wmoder everyfmdy wis skbh.

    Qirreo lid feeo altkoa i bmcd skobe @iy, wleo le rst stirted

    sbiookoa tle dmbu`eots. Le feckeved tlit kj le pmccuted lks fmdy

    wktl eomual tequkci, tle bmcd vkrus wmucd akve up iod ifiodmo slkp.

    Rm jir, kt lidot wmrhed.

    Fut tle tequkci icsm lecped lk` jmraet ifmut Blrksty Lirdke.Ic`mst.

    Omw tle oi`e pmpped up, iod Qirreo bmucdot lecp fut fe burk-

    mus. Le stirted tm reid tle dmbu`eot, wlkbl wis i depmsktkmo.

    Ree`s Blircke Lirdke wis io expmckbe bmosuctiot turoed druoh

    lmuse sktter wlm wis citer ibbused mj soujoa i guohke ibtress oi`ed

    Cioe @iddeo.Qirreo hkod mj wksled sm`emoe lid soujjed Blrksty ijter sle bmo-

    jessed tlit sled feeo fcmwkoa lks fest jrkeod jmr, ml, tle eotkre rst

    yeir mj ciw sblmmc.

    Ioywiy, Qirreo re`e`fered tle Cioe @iddeo stmry jrm` i

    fuobl mj yeirs iam. Ippireotcy sled feeo riped iod hkcced fy

    tlks lmuse sktter auy wlm used tm fe i bmp iod hkod mj cmst lks`kod. Fut tle rest mj tle depmsktkmo wis hkod mj fmrkoa, sm Qirreo

    stmpped reidkoa iod jed tle piaes kotm tle sbiooer. [es, tley were



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    icc suppmsed tm eyeficc eibl piaeeveo tle pirtoers wereot jmmcksl

    eomual tm tecc tle koteros tm ibtuiccy reid tle`. Fut Qirreo iod lks

    bmcceiaues dkspeosed wktl tle eyeficckoabrip sm`ewlere ko cite @iy.

    Kj oaers tmubled i piae, kt wis bmoskdered reid. Ms`msks, tley de-


    Qirreo cmmhed it tle bcmbh. Gust twm `mre lmurs uotkc lks friko

    weot smutl mj tle fmrder.

    Fut it jteeo `koutes uotkc bcmskoa, sm`etlkoa strioae lippeoed.

    Qirreo siw tle oi`e iaiko, ko iomtler depmsktkmo, jrm` iomtler


    Blircke Lirdke.

    Tle si`e jubhkoa dude!

    Fut i tmticcy dkjjereot ce!

    Tm live tle si`e oi`e pmp up...wktl tle si`e suroi`e is lks

    shiohy buot ex-akrcjrkeod...wecc, tlit wis tmm fka i ammbler tm ka-

    omre.Tlere wisot tk`e tm reid kt icc, sm Qirreo frmhe i serkes mj jederic

    ciws fy stujoa tle receviot piaes kotm lks Omrtl Jibe fibhpibh iod

    sckpped mut mj tle fukcdkoa i jew `koutes eircy. Le `ide lks Gmse

    Buervm ruo, put lks jeet up mo i wmffcy Khei bmjjee tifce tlit wis

    k`prmpercy isse`fced, iod settced ko jmr io eveokoa mj reidkoa.

    Omw wleo Qirreo lid stirted tle sbiookoa prmgebt, tle pirtoerslid tmcd lk` tm cmmh mut jmr ioytlkoa uousuic. Ckhe wlit, Qirreo

    lid ished.

    [mu homw,tleyd sikd.Uousuic.

    Tlks see`ed tm quickjy.

    Blircke Lirdke, kt see`ed, lid icsm feeo kovmcved ko i tmp-sebret

    `kcktiry prmgebt yeirs fejmre led feeo ibbused mj hkcckoa tlit ibtress.Iod omt gust ymur usuic breepy tmp-sebret `kcktiry prmgebt. Tlks moe

    `essed irmuod wktl ymu it i aeoetkb cevec iod resucted ko...wecc,



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    tlit wis tle jrkalteokoa pirt. Jew survkved, iod tle prmgebt wis slut

    dmwo. Du`f jubhkoa cubh= Omt ckhecy. Qirreo dkdot feckeve ko syo-

    blrmokbkty. Exlkfkt I see`ed pretty bceircy ckohed tm Exlkfkt F.

    Tlks `ide Qirreos okalt, febiuse icc su``er led feeo dreid-

    koa tle kdei mj omt repmrtkoa i skoace tlkoa tm tle pirtoers. Tlks

    wmucd prmve le lidot feeo dkbhkoa irmuod icc su``er (eveo tlmual

    le lid). Tlks wis i aeoukoe bitbl.Tlks wis gustkbitkmo jmr lks su`-

    `er. Jmr lks eotkre ckje.

    Tle oext `mrokoa le pusled tle sbiooer iskde iod wrmte i slmrt

    `e`m, kobcudkoa lks tlmualts mo tle Blircke Lirdke depmsktkmos,

    tleo bmpked kt iod Jed Exed kt tm tle pirtoers.

    Tle pirtoers, icsm lippy tm fe ifce tm repmrt sm`etlkoa tm tlekr

    jrkeods ko kotecckaeobe, pissed kt icmoa.

    Tlks dmbu`eot wmucd citer fe homwo is tle Irfmoi @e`mrio-

    du`. Kts slmbh wives wmucd fe ject irmuod tle acmfe.

    Fut it rst, kt stirted wktl i frutic `iss sciualter ko ^lkcidec-plki.

    Moe @kce Mutskde ^lkcidecplkiOmw

    Mj icc tle slmbhs Heodri Lirdke lid eodured mver tle pist jew

    lmurstle drmpped bicc jrm` ler smo, tle blkcckoa `essiaes motle icir` heypid, tle tluddkoa jmmtjiccs mo tle rmmj, tle wreoblkoa

    smuods ko tle very auts mj ler lmuse, tle `ksskoa auo, iod tle iwjuc

    reickzitkmo mj lmw qukbhcy ler sktuitkmo lid febm`e lmpecess omoe

    mj tlit bm`pired tm tle slmbh mj leirkoa tlit vmkbe mo tle mtler eod

    mj tle plmoe ckoe7

    Kts `e.Heodris `kod jrmze. Tlere wis i `m`eot mj te`pmric dkscmbi-

    tkmo, dkstiot `e`mry bmcckdkoa wktl tle preseot.


  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski



    Bmucd tlit reiccy fe...ymu=

    Ktsmuodsckhe ymu, fut...


    Biot fe ymu.

    Fut tleo lmw dm K homw, deep ko `y smuc, tlit kt ks ymu=

    Ire ymu tlere= Cksteo tm `e, Heodri, K homw tlks ks amkoa tm

    smuod brizy, fut ymu live tm cksteo tm `e. [mu iod tle fmy ire ko

    serkmus dioaer. [mu oeed tm aet mut mj tle lmuse omw iod gust stirt

    drkvkoa. Drkve ioywlere. Dmot tecc `e wlere, febiuse tleyre de-

    oktecy cksteokoa, fut gust am, am is jist is ymu bio. Kcc od ymu auys

    wleo kts sije.

    Heodri swiccmwed lird, cmmhed it tle jibe mj tle sitecckte TZ re-

    bekver. Tlree tlkrteeo i.`. I ckttce `mre tlio jmur lmurs skobe sled

    stepped kotm ler mwo lm`e iod kotm i ckvkoa okalt`ire. Ekalteeo

    lmurs skobe sled cist seeo ler smo. Iod ic`mst ekalt yeirs skobe sledcist leird ler ex-lusfiods vmkbe. [et tlere kt wis mo tle ckoe, it tle

    very oexus mj tle okalt`ire.

    Heodri= Ire ymu tlere= Bio ymu leir `e=

    K` lere, Blircke. Fut K biot ceive.

    [mu live tm ceive, Heodri, pceise gust trust `e mo tlks . . .

    K biot ceive febiuse tleyve icreidy bicced, iod tmcd `e K biotceive.

    Eircker ko tle eveokoa Heodri lid feeo mut wktl i jrkeod dmwotmwo,

    it i Bufio restiuriot mo Rebmod Rtreet ko Mcd Bkty, fut jmuod tlit

    sle wisot reiccy kotm tle jmmd, dkdot wiot tm oksl ler `mgktm, iod

    wis tkred mj leirkoa ifmut ler jrkeods rst-wmrcd prmfce`s, subl isirau`eots wktl koterkmr debmritmrs iod tle leidible mj `ikotikokoa

    tlree vibitkmo lm`es mo tle Deciwire slmre. Heodri exbused lersecj



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    iod gust... cejt.^ikd jmr licj mj tle tif iod spckt, lioded tle vicet ler

    stuf, iod drmve fibh tm tle omrtlero sufurfs, ceivkoa pmmr Dereh tm

    bm`pciko tm sm`efmdy ecse ifmut livkoa tmm `ubl `moey. @iyfe

    moe mj tle Bufio exkce wikters wmucd akve i slkt.

    Kt lid feeo tlit hkod mj ckstcess, ioomyiobe-cced weeh, iod Heo-

    dri omw ject jmmcksl jmr tlkohkoa tlit i okalt mj `mderite drkohkoa

    iod koioe bmoversitkmo bmucd turo tlit irmuod.

    Durkoa tle drkve lm`e ler smo, BG, bicced. Le tmcd ler le wis

    gust bicckoa tm blebh kowlkbl wis gust ifmut is uousuic is tle

    preskdeot mj tle Uokted Rtites drmppkoa ymu io e`ikc tm see lmw ev-

    erytlkoa wis amkoa. BG dkdot blebh ko,ever.Is BG arew tm `iolmmd,

    le febi`e kobreiskoacy ckhe lks jitler, bm`pcete wktl tle deckaltjuc

    ifkckty tm but mjj icc e`mtkmoic bkrbuktry wktl tle kbh mj io kovksk-

    fce swktbl. Icc tle ifuse ler smo lid feeo dkslkoa mut mver tle yeirs

    lirdeoed ler kotm exibtcy tle hkod mj `mtler sled vmwed oever tm

    febm`e. Tle hkod mj `mtler wlm sikd tlkoas ckhe7But tle slkt, BG. Qlit lippeoed=

    Omtlkoa, @m`. K gust . . .

    @m`.Mmml, tlit wis iomtler red ia. BG lidot bicced ler @m`

    ko...`motls= BG firecy spmhe tm ler, iod wleo le dkd, kt wis ckttce

    `mre tlio i aruot.

    Omw i tkoy ficc mj wmrry feaio tm jmr` ko Heodris stm`ibl. Qisle lurt= Qis le bicckoa jrm` i lmspktic mr pmckbe stitkmo= Ler fmdy

    teosed, iod sle prepired tm blioae dkrebtkmo iod auo tle ibbeceritmr.

    Qlere ire ymu=

    K` it lm`e, everytlkoas oe. Cmmh, @m`, K homw tlks ks amkoa

    tm smuod wekrd, fut...wlit dkd ymu dm wktl Dids mcd stujj=

    Qlit= Qly ire ymu ishkoa `e ifmut tlit=Jkrst @m`, omw...Did!=Jmr tle pist seveo yeirs, BG lidot re-

    jerred tm lks jitler is ioytlkoa fut isslmce mr bmbhsubher mr



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    psyblm. Fejmre Heodri lid i bliobe tm leir BGs ioswer, tle plmoe

    feeped iod weot deid. .

    Heodri bmotkoued ko tle si`e dkrebtkmo fut auooed tle ibbecer-

    itmr gust tle si`e, icc tle wiy up tle Rbluychkcc Expresswiy, tleo

    tle eodcess trijb ckalts up Frmid Rtreet iod oiccy tle lkccs iod

    burves mj Mcd [mrh Vmid mut tm tle jrkoaes mj Ifkoatmo Tmwoslkp.

    Lm`e. Rle dkdot fmtler pucckoa tle bir kotm tle airiae, ceivkoa kt

    pirhed mut mo tle street. Rm`etlkoa ko BGs vmkbe...om, everytlkoa

    ifmut BGs vmkbe wis bm`pcetecy wrmoa. Dids mcd stujj= Qlit wis

    tlit ifmut= Qly dkd le suddeocy wiot tm see tle jew pmssesskmos

    lks jitler lid cejt felkod= Tle tlmualt tlit BG `kalt fe drkoh-

    koa brmssed Heodris `kod, fut lks vmkbe wisot scurred. Kj ioytlkoa,

    kt wis bm`pcetecy bceir iod jmbused, ko stirh bmotrist tm tle `mmdy

    aruots sle usuiccy rebekved.

    Iod wleoever BG dkd am mo i fkoae, lks leirt cced wktl riw lite

    jmr tlks jitler, omt juzzy omsticaki.BG=

    Tle icir` uokt mo tle wicc tm tle cejt mj tle dmmr feeped kosks-

    teotcy uotkc Heodri heyed ko tle bmde. Rle bcmsed tle dmmr felkod

    ler, cmbhed kt, tleo reeoaiaed tle syste`. Kt feeped iaiko. Icc set.

    BG, ioswer `e!

    Iod tleo feaio tle okalt`ire.Om BG, omt ioywlere. Om tribe mj lk` ko lks rmm`, om tecc-tice

    acisses mr dksles ko tle skoh. Tle lmuse wis exibtcy is Heodri lid

    cejt kt wleo sle cejt jmr Mcd Bkty eircker ko tle eveokoa. Lid BG eveo

    bicced jrm` lm`e= Tle bicc lid bm`e jrm` lks becc, sm le bmucd fe

    ioywlere rkalt omw.

    Omt homwkoa wlit ecse tm dm, Heodri trked lk` iaiko mo lerplmoe, fut stkccOM REVZKBE. Qlit wis tlit ifmut= Rle bmucd

    uoderstiod i drmpped bicc wleo speedkoa dmwo tle Rbluychkcc, is



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    kj i auirdkio ioaec lid koterjered wktl tle skaoic tm preveot ymu

    jrm` spirhkoa i twecve-bir pkce-up mo tle `mst dioaermus rmid ko

    ^lkcidecplki. Fut ko ler mwo lm`e=

    @iyfe sle bmucd aet i fetter skaoic mutskde. Heodri weot fibh tm

    tle jrmot dmmr iod heyed ko tle bmde. Twm dkakts ko, lmwever, ler o-

    aer stmpped, iod luoa ko `kdikr fejmre tle : hey.

    Tle dkaktic reidmut, wlkbl usuiccy deckvered strikaltjmrwird `es-

    siaes subl is R[RTE@ EOAIAED mr ^CEIRE EOTEV IBBERR

    BMDE, omw tmcd ler sm`etlkoa ecse7


    Tle jubh= Heodri `uttered, tleo cmwered ler oaer jmr i seb-

    mod fejmre fckohkoa lird iod stiffkoa tle : futtmo ioywiy, jmc-

    cmwed fy tle 6. Qlkbl slmucd live dkseoaiaed tle syste`. Tlks

    tk`e, lmwever, tlere wis om reissurkoa feep. Tlere wis omtlkoa iticc, exbept7




    DMOT @MZE.


    Iod Heodri, `ubl tm ler mwo dksaust, dkd exibtcy is sle wis

    tmcd, stiykoa perjebtcy stkcc iod skceot . . ....jmr ifmut twm sebmods, fejmre reickzkoa jubh tlks iod ariffkoa

    tle liodce mj ler jrmot dmmr. Rle twksted tle homf, pucced. Tle dmmr



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    dkdot `mve, is kj kt lid feeo be`eoted ko pcibe. Qlit= Rle lidot

    put tle deidfmcts mo wleo sled bm`e ko gust i `koute iam...

    Tle plmoe ko ler liod fuzzed tm ckje. Tlere wis REVZKBE, sud-

    deocy. Tle oi`e mo tle dkspciy7 KOBM@KOA BICC / BG.

    Ml tlioh Amd. Rle tlu`fed tle Ibbept futtmo, expebtkoa tm

    leir ler smos vmkbe, `iyfe eveo lmpkoa led bicc ler@m` iaiko.

    Fut kosteid, kt wis sm`emoe ecse.

    Omw, jmur iamokzkoa lmurs citer, durkoa wlkbl Heodri leird tle

    smuods mj ler mwo lmuse fekoa turoed iaikost ler...sle wis cks-

    teokoa tm tle vmkbe mj ler ex-lusfiodio ibbused `urderer cmoa

    tlmualt tm fe deid. Iod le lid tle iudibkty tm fe arkcckoa ler!

    Tley bicced `e iod sikd kj K cejt tle lmuse K wis deid.

    Qlm tmcd ymu tlit= Qlm tmcd ymu ymu were deid=

    I wm`io. Rle dkdot akve ler oi`e.

    Dkd ymu bicc tle pmckbe= Ioymoe it icc=Tley tmcd `e omt tm bicc ioymoe, mr dm ioytlkoa ecse exbept


    Qikt jmr wlit=

    Tlere wis i furst mj stitkb mo tle ckoe, iod tleo iomtler vmkbe

    bi`e mo tle ckoe. Tle moe wlmd bicced jmur lmurs eircker, jrm` BGs

    plmoe.Tle evkc kby-vmkbed fktbl queeo wlm lid ler smo iod wlm bcik`ed

    tm live tle lmuse surrmuoded.

    Ley, Blircke! Kts ymur mcd pic @ioo lere. Rm ammd tm leir ymur

    vmkbe ijter icc tlks tk`e. Qecc, tlit `iakbic diy lis oiccy irrkved. Ko

    ifmut tlkrty sebmods were amkoa tm hkcc tle plmoes, iod tle pmwer,

    iod everytlkoa ecse ko ymur wkjes lmuse. Qeve amt ler surrmuoded8K homw every squire kobl mj every lmuse ko i ve-fcmbh ridkus. [mu,

    mj icc pempce, homw lmw tlmrmual we ire.



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    Blircke kaomred tle mtler vmkbe.

    Heodri, wleres tle fmy= Qleres Reeg=

    Reeg7 Blirckes mcd okbhoi`e jmr BGRee. Giy. Mver tk`e, slmrt-

    eoed tm Reeg.

    Rllll, omw, Blircke, kts rude tm koterrupt. [mure wistkoa pre-

    bkmus sebmods. Omw K homw wlit ymure amkoa tm siy. [mure amkoa tm

    tecc `e tlit kj K tmubl moe likr mo ymur ji`kcys leid, ymucc rkp `e

    ipirt moe ck`f it i tk`e...mr `iyfe sm`e mtler bmcmrjuc `etiplmr=

    Qecc, ymu homw, tlits gust omt amooi lippeo. Febiuse ymu cmst tlks

    moe, Blubh. Tleres omt amkoa tm fe ioy bivicry ruslkoa ko, om cist-

    `koute sives, om `iakb esbipes. Iod ymu homw wlits amkoa tm

    lippeo oext=

    Qlitslmucdlive feeo amkoa tlrmual Heodris `kod it tlks `m`eot

    wis sm`etlkoa icmoa tle ckoes mj7

    Blircke, wlere tle lecc live ymu feeo, iod wly live ymu surjibedomw= Tle cist tk`e we spmhe kt wis stupkd iod petty bmoversitkmo

    ifmut i cite bredkt bird fkcc iod K tlkoh tle cist wmrd K spmhe tm ymu

    fejmre dksbmooebtkoa wiswlitever.

    Mr `iyfe7

    Blircke, wly dkdot ymu bicc `e fejmre tmokalt= Dm ymu homw lmw

    `ioy cite okalts K stired it tle bekckoa, trykoa tm plyskbiccy wkcc ymutm bicc `e= Omt tm blioae ioytlkoa mr expciko ioytlkoa, fut gust tm

    tecc `e wlit lippeoed= Dm ymu homw lmw lird tle omt homwkoawis=

    Lmw `ubl kt bmosu`ed `e mver tle yeirs, dkaakoa ko deep, wiy pist

    tle rearet iod aukct iod kotm tle very bmre mj `e=

    Fut kosteid Heodri tlmualt7

    Amddi`o ymu, Blircke.Amddi`o ymu jmr dmkoa tlks tm us.



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    * * *

    Qlits amkoa tm lippeo oext ks, tle kbe fktbl queeo bmotkoued,

    ymur ji`kcys amkoa tm dke. Iod tleres omt i jubhkoa tlkoa ymu bio

    dm tm stmp `e.

    Kj Heodri lid ioy dmufts tlit tle vmkbe mo tle mtler eod mj tle

    ckoe fecmoaed tm ler lusfiod, tley vioksled wleo le spmhe iaiko.

    Febiuse lks wmrds were kojused wktl i rmbh-lird deiobe tlit lid

    mobe feeo ji`kckir tm ler, mver i debide iam.

    Blircke Lirdke tmcd tle kbe fktbl queeo, K bio stmp ymu.



  • 7/28/2019 Point & Shoot (excerpt) by Duane Swierczynski


    Tle bliribters iod eveots ko tlks fmmh ire btktkmus. Ioy sk`kcirkty tm reic persmos, ckvkoa

    mr deid, ks bmkobkdeotic iod omt koteoded fy tle iutlmr.

    Bmpyrkalt 6>92 fy Duioe Rwkerbzyoshk

    Icc rkalts reserved. Ko ibbmrdiobe wktl tle U.R. Bmpyrkalt Ibt mj 9;1:, tle sbiookoa,

    upcmidkoa, iod ecebtrmokb slirkoa mj ioy pirt mj tlks fmmh wktlmut tle per`ksskmo mj tle

    pufcksler bmostktute uociwjuc pkriby iod tlejt mj tle iutlmrs koteccebtuic prmperty. Kj ymu

    wmucd ckhe tm use `iterkic jrm` tle fmmh (mtler tlio jmr revkew purpmses), prkmr wrktteo

    per`ksskmo `ust fe mftikoed fy bmotibtkoa tle pufcksler it per`ksskmosNlfausi.bm`.

    Tlioh ymu jmr ymur suppmrt mj tle iutlmrs rkalts.

    @uclmcciod Fmmhs / Ckttce, Frmwo iod Bm`pioy

    Liblette Fmmh Armup

    621 ^irh Iveoue, Oew [mrh, O[ 9>>91


    Jkrst edktkmo7 Iprkc 6>92

    @uclmcciod Fmmhs ks io k`prkot mj Ckttce, Frmwo iod Bm`pioy. Tle @uclmcciod Fmmhs

    oi`e iod cmam ire tride`irhs mj Liblette Fmmh Armup, Kob.

    Tle pufcksler ks omt respmoskfce jmr wefsktes (mr tlekr bmoteot) tlit ire omt mwoed fy tle


    Tle Liblette Rpeihers Fureiu prmvkdes i wkde rioae mj iutlmrs jmr speihkoa eveots. Tm

    od mut `mre, am tm liblettespeihersfureiu.bm` mr bicc (-6

    9. Ex-pmckbe mjbers Jkbtkmo. 6. Ruspeose btkmo. K. Tktce. KK. Tktce7 ^mkot iod slmmt.

    ^R2:9;.Q52^:5 6>92
