Poet Amy Lowell

Poet Amy Lowell Public Speaking Club 6 Feb 2010



Transcript of Poet Amy Lowell

  • 1. Poet Amy Lowell Public Speaking Club 6 Feb 2010
  • 2. Poet Amy Lowell 1874 - 1925
  • 3. Poet Amy Lowell Since 1913 in London Took up the Imagist movement
  • 4. Poet Amy Lowell Before Imagism: "Genteel" Poetry In America in 1912, the most common and popular poetry was called genteel because it was very well-behaved. Since they were "genteel," these poems avoided controversial and realistic subject matter like sex or industrialization. Instead, genteel poetry tended to consist of short, inoffensive, traditional verse about inward feelings, written in a deliberately purified, rather vague, "poetic" language.
  • 5. Poet Amy Lowell
    • Around 1912 in London, some British and American poets led by Ezra Pound started a poetic movement called imagism. These poets reacted against genteel poetry, which they saw as sentimental, soft-edged, and emotionally dishonest.
    • Instead, they advised, in Ezra Pound's formulation,
    • Direct treatment of the thing, whether subjective or objective.
    • To use absolutely no word that did not contribute to the presentation.
    • As regarding rhythm: to compose in sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of the metronome"
    • Finally, imagist poems were influenced by Japanese haiku, poems of 17 syllables which usually present only two juxtaposed images.
  • 6. Poet Amy Lowell In poem A Decade (1919): Savor syn: flavour, taste, piquancy, smell, odour, scent, aroma; Savory food has a salty or spicy flavor Nourish syn: feed, sustain, nurture, maintain, support, cherish; Antonym - starve I am nourished