Podcast eraly english learning

Podcast - Early English Learning Listen to the story Viljenka Šavli

Transcript of Podcast eraly english learning

1. Viljenka avli 2. Listening comprehension Raa, Raa the NosyLion Raa, Raas Big Roar 3. 1. posluanje zgodbe namen razumevanjein razloevanje doloenih informacij DL - Wild animals, ob posluanju oznaujejo tiste ivali, ki nastopajo v zgodbici 2. posluanje vpraanja - kako se te ivali oglaajo v zgodbici 3. posluanje DL vpraanja o zgodbici 4. http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/radio/cr/cr_20121016-0900a.mp3 Listening comprehension Raa, Raa the NosyLion Raa, Raas Big Roar 5. Thi story is about a noisy Zebee and Lion play hide and roar lion at home zebra near their home croccodile in the jungle elephant near the riverThe lion roars to The lion roars loudly only play when he get help needs help get food plays Hide and Roar frighten animals is hungry Is sad 6. Uenci nariejo zgodbico Igra vlog