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Transcript of Please take time to read through - ·...

Rules and Regulations

Please take time to read through for your guidance.

> This is your painting entry form. For details on the Sculpture, Architecture and Interior Design competitions, please secure the proper entry form.

Eligibility 1 Metrobank Art and Design Excellence Painting

Competition (the“Competition”) is open to all •Filipinopainters,18to35yearsofage(18yearsold asofMay7,2010andstill35yearsoldasof September17,2010) •Whohavenotheldasoloexhibituntil September17,2010 •WhohavenotwonBestEntryorFirst,Second or Third Prize in the Young Painters' Annual and Metrobank Art and Design Excellence organized by Metrobank Foundation, Inc. (the “Foundation”)

2 Thewinningentriesineachcategoryshall automatically become properties of the Foundation. Moreover,thewinnersineachcategoryshallno longer be eligible to join the Competition.


3 ThePaintingCompetitionhastwocategories: • Oil-based/Acrylic Medium on Canvas> the use of agents that provide texture and depth to the work (e.g. gesso, sand) is an acceptable practice> the use of pencil or ballpen can be allowed as long as it is predominantly oil/acrylic • Water Media on Paper > the use of pencil or ballpen can be allowed as long as it

is predominantly a water media work.

4 Acontestantshallsubmitonlyone(1)entryandshallcompeteinonlyone(1)category.

Specifications of the Painting Piece

5 Size: Notsmallerthan18x24inchesorbigger than36x48inches,exclusiveoftheframe

Medium: Oil-based/AcrylicMediumonCanvasor WaterMedia(watersolublemedium) on Paper (not board)>Mixedmediaisnotallowed,meaning,theuseofother

medium or elements other than the specified medium willbeagroundfordisqualification

Weight: notmorethan17kilosTheme: open > Should be framed and have hanging provisions> No signature must appear on the painting

nor on the frame. The frame, including the matting should not exceed 5 inches.

6 InlinewiththeobjectiveoftheCompetitiontodevelopcreativity,originality,andartisticexcellence,allentriesmustbeORIGINALWORKSwhollyexecutedbythecontestant.Entrieswhicharecopiesofexistingworksintermsofcompositionwillbedisqualifiedeveniftheyare rendered in a different style, medium, color scheme, orevenifotherelementshavebeenadded.

7 TheentrymustNOThavebeensubmittedtoanyotherCompetitionsandpreviousYPAandMADEcompetitions.

Submission Mechanics

Materials to submit8 Three5x7inchescoloredphotoprintsofthe paintinginthefollowingformat: •Close-upandinproperorientation(indicate proper orientation at the back of the photograph) •Capturingfullshot,includingframe,andtwo different close-up shots •Plainbackground(lightordarkcolored) •Consistentwiththeactualwork,nocolormodification, lightingeffects,ordigitalenhancementsallowed.>photoswillnotbereturned>refertonotesatthebackonhowtophotograph yourartwork

MADE painting competitionCash Prizes: oil / acrylic on canvas category Grand Prize P200,000 Second Prize P170,000 Third Prize P150,000

water media category Grand Prize P200,000 Special Prize P150,000

All winners will also receive a trophy designed by glass artist Noéll El Farol

9 Reproductionororiginalcopyoftheworking drawings(studies)ofthepainting.>workingdrawingswillnotbereturned

10 Alsoattachthefollowingdocuments: •Originalentryform •Notarizedaffidavit,enclosedintheentryform •One2x2inchesphotooftheartist •Photocopyofbirthcertificateorbaptismalcertificate

> DO NOT SEND THE ACTUAL ARTWORK. Only the semifinalistswillberequiredtosendtheirwork. TheFoundationwillinformthesemifinalistsastowhenandhowtheywillsendtheiractualwork.



METROBANK FOUNDATION, INC. Attn: MARK ALVARIO or PIPO FERNANDO 15th Floor, Metrobank Plaza Sen. Gil Puyat Ave.1200 Makati City 12 FOR PROVINCIAL ENTRIES (documents) to be

submitted at the nearest Metrobank branches in your area: Submit on or before May 4, 2010 FOR NCR & PROVINCIAL ENTRIES (documents) to be submitted at the Metrobank Foundation

Office: Submit on or before May 7 and 8, 2010. Documentsreceivedlaterthanthespecifieddate

willbedisqualified. *Participantsmayalsosendtheirentriesviacourier or mail

13 Bysubmittingtheoriginalentryform,thecontestant agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Competition and submits to any background investigationthattheFoundationmayconduct. Other Regulations 14 The Foundation shall select the members of the BoardofJudges.Theselectionofthemembersof theBoardofJudgesshallbethesoleprerogative of the Foundation.

15 Judgesmaydecidenottoawardprizesifthe entries do not meet certain artistic and Competition requirements.AlldecisionsoftheBoardofJudgesas towhetherornotanentryorcontestantcomplied withtherulesandregulations,aswellasinallaspects oftheCompetition,SHALLBEFINAL.

16 TheFoundationmaypurchaseanywatermedia paintingforP8,000oroil-basedpaintingforP10,000 providedthatthepainterisagreeablethereto.

17 TheFoundationreservestherighttowithdrawany awardand/orcashprizeatanytimeshouldthe contestantviolateanyoftherulesandregulations of the Competition or if the Foundation deems, inanyway,thatgrantingthecontestanttheaward willdamagethereputationoftheFoundation

and/or Metrobank.

18 The contestant shall hold the Foundation, Metrobank, and/or any of their directors/ trustees, officers, or staff

freeandharmlessforanyentriesorartworkslostor damagedintransitorduringstorageorwhilein the possession of the aforementioned entities or individuals.

19 TheFoundationreservestherighttousethename and photo of the painter/sculptor and his/her entry free of charge for any broadcast, telecast, print or anyothermedium.TheFoundationalsoreservesthe right to exhibit the entries, as it may deem fit and

todecidewhichoftheentrieswillbedisplayed during the exhibit. Due to space constraints,

notallentriesmaybedisplayed.Allwinnersshall attendtheawardingceremonies.

20 Failuretocomplywiththeaboverulesandregulations shallautomaticallydisqualifythecontestant.

For more details, you may contact: Metrobank Foundation, Inc. 15thFloor,MetrobankPlaza SenatorGilJ.PuyatAvenue,MakatiCity Tels.8988856/8575525/8185656/7500837

email:[email protected] [email protected]

*Allparticipantswillbe issued a Certificate of Participation

For NCR & Provincial entries at Metobank Foundation submit on

May 7 & 8, 2010

For provincial entriesthru Metrobank branches submit on

May 4, 2010

Name Last First MI


PlaceofBirth MaritalStatus Gender

Please indicate if you are: AStudent Working AFullTimeArtist

School / Company

educational attainment

School Course Degree Earned

Mailing Address Contact Tel. No.

E-mail Mobile Office no.

Are you a member of any art group?

Yes (Please indicate the name)


How did you learn of the competition? (You may specify more than one)

(Specifywhere) (Specifywhere)

Poster Art Group

Brochure Advertisement/PressRelease

Website EmailInvite

YoCard Others (please specify)

Have you had any formal visual arts training? Ifyes,pleaseindicatewhatkindoftraining.

Yes (Please describe)


Have you ever joined the Metrobank Painting Competition in the past? Ifyes,pleaseindicatewhichyear(s). Yes No

1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008

1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009

1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006

1987 1991 1995 1999 2003 2007


of the Competition.

OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM-data on the artist

Artist’s Signature

data on the painting

Title of Painting

Size: Height: in. Width: in.

Medium /Materials Used Estimated Selling Price

Monthpaintingwasstarted Month Completed

Where was the painting done?

Address City/Town Province


1. What were the major influences on your work? Whose works do you admire most?

2. What are your plans as an artist?

3. What other painting competitions have you joined other than the Metrobank Foundation’s competition?

4. What issues do you address in your entry and other artworks?

5. Since when have you been concerned with these issues?

6. What themes / ideas do you usually try to express in your art?




how to photograph your artwork by noéll el farol

photographing flat art/2d workspositioning the camera> Select a set> Estimatethesizeoftheartwork> Position the lights> Balancetheillumination> Placetheartworkunderthelight> Setthecamerabackparalleltotheartwork> Center the camera> Frametheartworkandfocus> Check for problems> Calculate the exposure> Make the exposure> Check the alignment of the camera> CLICK!

photographing three-dimensional work> Shootwithsimpletools> Pickaperspectiveoranglethatclearlyshowsthework’scharacteristicform

> Do not use high angle that may cause the subject to appearsmallandsquat

> Legibility of form for accurate identification of the object,preservetheclarityofoutline

> Separate the subject from the background/ foreground.Usewhitecardreflectorstohelpfeathertheshadowthrownonthebackground

lighting: any noticeable external light source should be avoided> Unevenillumination:causedbyimproperlybalanced

photographic lights> Glare:causedbyphotographiclightsplacedtooclosetothecameraaxis,andbyvarnishonpaintingsappliedoverheavyimpastoorcracksonthesurfaces.

> Reflection:causedbyshinypartsofacameraandtripod, pale skin and clothing, and light sources behind the camera.

Ifthespiritofaworkcanemerge,torevealitselfthrough a dynamically lit form, the lighting becomes a context for the art, and not just some bright stuff aimed at the art to get sterile record.

photographing flat art 2d works

Metrobank Foundation, Inc.


Name of Artist Last First MI


Title of Sculpture


Mailing Address

Contact Telephone No.



Metrobank Foundation, Inc.


Name of Artist Last First MI


Title of Sculpture


Mailing Address

Contact Telephone No.



Metrobank Foundation, Inc.


Name of Artist Last First MI


Title of Sculpture


Mailing Address

Contact Telephone No.



Metrobank Foundation, Inc.


Name of Artist Last First MI


Title of Sculpture


Mailing Address

Contact Telephone No.



how to photograph your artwork by noéll el farol

entry code

entry code

entry code

entry code

artist's copy

receiving center copy

MBFI copy

for the painting


MADE Launching

MADE Information Campaign& Art Exploration Series

Submission of Entries for Painting & Sculpture

All Entries (documents) should be addressed to

METROBANK FOUNDATION, INC.Attn. MARK ALVARIO or PIPO FERNANDO15th floor, Metrobank PlazaSen. Gil Puyat Ave.1200 Makati City

Public Viewing of Semifinal entries

Winners' Forum / Awarding Ceremonies& Exhibit Opening / Art Exploration Series

Claiming of Entries for semi final entries

• NCR Ocean Tower

• Provincial Select Provincial Receiving Centers


January - April

FOR PROVINCIAL ENTRIES(documents) to be submittedat the nearest Metrobank branchin your area: on or beforeMay 4, 2010

FOR NCR & PROVINCIAL ENTRIES (documents) to be submitted at Metrobank Foundation office:on or before May 7-8, 2010

*Documents received later than the specified date will be disqualified.

*Participants may also send their entries via courier or mail

June 4 to 5


October 16 and 23 ( Saturdays )1:00 pm to 6:00 pm

November 10 and 118:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm.


MADE 2010 calendar of activities