Plantilla Project

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  • 7/30/2019 Plantilla Project


    5th Semestre, Barcelona, Spain

    Date: August-December 2009

    Names and Registration Numbers:

    1.Ofelia S. G. Manuell Barrera2.Pamela Hernndez Buenrostro3.Andrea Pineda Madrigal

    Teacher: Paul Fenton

    Class: Introduction to Business

    Assignment: Semestre Project

    INDEX0. Logo1. Business Idea2. Mission3. Features of Product (s) and Benefits4. PEST5. SWOT6. Research Methodology7. Paragraph of Target Audience8. Marketing Approach (7Ps)9. Business Costs and Profits10.Human Resources: Description of Organization, Key Competencies11.References

    11.1 Primary Sources (at least 4)

    11.2 Secondary Sources (at least 6)
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    0. Logo

    1. Business Idea

    For our business idea, we have decided to start a consulting company. Thebusiness will consist in counseling companies both from the public and privatesectors.We have decided to create this business, because we believe there are plenty ofopportunities to become successful. Especially, because the three of us agree thatcounseling is among our strongest skills. Yet what is really interesting is that ourabilities complement each other perfectly for this type of business; for among thethree of us there is a combination between leadership, which is vital in order to run

    a successful company, vision to make it grow to its maximum capacity and beyond,and creativity and innovation in order to be able to give our clients the best adviceand newest ideas possible.

    2. Mission

    PMA Consultings ultimate goal is for our clients to develop to the fullest. Successfor us means helping them have success. Our job will be done when a company

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    has reduced time and costs and at the same time has increased in production andprofits.

    ValuesCommitment- When a company comes to us for our consulting services, they canbe sure that PMA will dedicate fully and completely to help them have or solvewhatever they want.Honesty- In our company clients can trust their company in our hands, because wefirmly believe that to see them succeed we need to be transparent and truethroughout the entire process.Responsibility and Efficiency- Getting the job done as soon as possible can beguaranteed in our services with the best quality in the market and at the bestprices.Respect- For any kind of relationship to work, respect is essential. Not only with ourclients but among our employees respect will always be found in our company.Social Responsibility- Every year, PMA will provide pro-bono services to helpdevelop an unprivileged company, helping Mexicos economy and its citizens. We

    have also decided to start our business there because we want to see our homecountry to be as thriving as we are.Quality- Every consult can be guaranteed to be the best our clients can hope for,with the latest technology and the best human capital. At the end of the process,they will definitely be more than satisfied with the final result.T o us there is no limit, continuous growth is part of who we are. We will always tryto outdo ourselves and give 110% more with each day that goes by.Standards and BehaviorsIn PMA we love what we do. For us, consulting is not a job, but a privilege that weare honored to receive whenever a client comes to us for advice. Therefore, wemake sure that all our employees share that kind of passion, which we believe tobe the most important ingredient for success.

    Strategy and ScopeBeing the best private and public consultancy company is our ultimate goal. Ourstrategy will be to start out nationally in Mexico, and once we have acquiredconfidence and respect within the market, we plan to expand in a multinational levelto land the big accounts we know we are more than capable to do.PMAS value will speak for itself. As we work with clients, our name will continue togrow because of the satisfactory work we have done.

    3. Features of Product (s) / Service (s) and Benefits

    Features Benefits1.- 5/ 12hours service from Monday toFriday, 9am- 9 pm

    1.-The client will count with a wider rangeof schedules to fit their needs .

    2.- All of our top executives have amasters degree

    2.-All of our employees are perfectlyqualified to do the best job possible

    3.- We spend no more than 3 months ineach work to be as expedient as possible

    3.- We have concluded that ( except forspecial circumstances) that every workcan be successful and completed within 3

    months Guaranteeing clients will seerresults in a short period of time.4.-Visionary: Our solutions include eco- 4.- This will eventually not only help the

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    friendly and green efficient answers planet, being socially responsible, butalso in the long run it will be much morebeneficial and energy efficient for ourclients. Not to mention that it will savethem from paying extra taxes.

    5.-Awarded as one of the top 5 bestplaces to work in Mexico in 2208

    5.- These recognition not only gives usprestige but it is also a guarantee that weare becoming the best, first in Mexico ,and then through out the world

    Brief summary of how your product (s) / service (s) meet Maslows Hierarchyof Needs

    Our clients are willing to pay more money just to have certain luxuries, somethingclear from the fact that consults are not a need, but an extra service. Thischaracteristic can also be reflected on the fact that as a consulting business wesatisfy Maslows side of self-realization, the highest branch, not something basic oractually needed.

    4. PEST

    P (Political)- At the beginning we willhave our business in Mexico, which is acountry full of resources. Yet, we areaware that the countrys market stabilityis not the best. However, we believe inour country and in helping it develop.Mexico is a very religious country.

    Catholicism is the ruling religion.Social Status is very marked. With onlya few being very wealthy and themajority being poor. This can haveconsequences in the future. But, ourway of helping will be through our pro-bono works and by helping the GNP inMexico grow.Mexicos current trade agreementsinclude NAFTA; but because of our typeof business, that has no direct effect on


    E (Economic)-In 2008 Mexicos economic data was:-GDP: 1 559 BILLION. 3.2% GROWTH.14932 PER CAPITA.-Inflation 5.78-Unemployment 3.7%-Main industries: Food, Beverages,

    Electronics, Tobacco, Iron, Petroleum,Mining, Textiles, Tourism etc.

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    S (Social)-Population Lifespan: 78 women , 73men.-Literacy levels: 91%. Male 92.4%,Female: 89.6%-Language impact: The whole countryspeaks Spanish. The higher classesspeak English as well.-Roles of Men and Women- In thelowest social classes the role of the

    women is still very low. However, middleclass and higher classes regard womenas equals

    T (Technology)-Mexicos Technology does not have avery good quality. However, ourcompany will have the latest and besttechnology. Even if we have to bring itfrom abroad.-New products- A lot of companies startevery year. However, the data show thatthese small companies are not runefficiently and most close within a year.

    5. SWOT

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    6. Research Methodology

    Clear description of at least 5 methods to carry our research to see if there is amarket for your product(s) or service(s): include answers about who is tested, why,and how your research is carried out, plus how the results will be used!

    Method 1Focus Group: We will ask entrepreneurs from PyMes to gather up so we can askthem about our service and how much are they willing to pay to a new company sowe can figure out the limits and what clients expect from us as a company which isentering the market.

    Method 2Telephone Interviews: Contacting the same kind of enterprises will allow us toreach more people in order to have more data and ask for further information.

    Method 3Primary Resources: Analyzing first hand information will allow us to see the real

    numbers in our market that interest us. Such numbers can be taken fromdemographics.

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    Method 4Secondary Resources: Sources like the New York Times and The Wall StreetJournal, etc... will help us to analyze the economy and our target market throughdata that has already being analyzed.

    Method 5

    Analyze competition: There are several important consultancies establishedglobally. It would be very helpful to analyze them in order to succeed and figure outthe strength, weaknesses and opportunities we can take from them.

    7. Paragraph of Target Audience ( Approx. 200 words that describe yourtypical target audience )

    Client AnalysisCompanies which are clients with us are either based are multinational companieswith business in Mexico, because our business headquarters is located there.Client demographic:30% were referred by friends20% by our clients recommendations25% we went after them25% they heard about us because of our prestige.Our typical clients are usually older than 40 years old. They have at least agraduate degree. They are interested in developing their professional lives. Theybuy clothes in stores such as Hugo Boss or Ralph Lauren. They exercise regularlybecause they are interested in having a balanced and healthy life in order to be at

    the peak for a longer time. They take care of their personal looks because theywant to embody success. They dine in fancy expensive restaurants mostly onbusiness meetings. They are married but do not have a very big family becausetheir job does not allow them to (both men and women). They possess a lot of realestate and have luxurious cars.

    They are interested in culture (reading, going to the theater, playing golf, going toclassical concerts and lectures.). They read newspapers or magazines such as TheNew York Times, The New Yorker, and The Economist. They are big travelers, andgo especially on business trips. They book expensive hotels and first class tickets.Their family income is approximately $ 1 million pesos. They are the leaders ofcompanies that require consulting. Either because they are facing certain problems

    or because they believe their potential has not been reached, and they want to go astep further in their position in their market. Businessmen and women, who areconfident, committed, smart, intelligent, successful, assertive, passionate leadthese companies, and with a high self esteem.

    8. Marketing Mix (7Ps)

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    One clear paragraph at least for each of the 7 Ps that describes your marketingtactics (what you will focus on and how), where relevant

    1. Product

    2. Price

    3. Promotion

    4. Place

    5. People

    Basic Hiring Criteria

    In order to be the best we need to work with the best. Therefore, our hiring process will

    be very important. We will hire only qualified people who have at least an

    undergraduate degree, are fluent in Spanish and English and are familiar with at least

    another language, so that eventually expanding globally is easier.

    Every one of our employees is a reflection and representation of us, that is why they

    must have a good presentation and cannot have any addiction or disorder of any type.

    (Smoking is permitted but never on office hours).

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    Last but certainly not least, attitude and personality is one of the most important

    qualifications, that is why interviews will be very important. We need people who are

    passionate, driven, and committed to our goal and beliefs.

    Developing Employees

    In order to help our newcomers in becoming familiar with PMA and our business, new

    employees will receive a one month training and supervision process by one of our most

    successful old timers.

    Our established employees deserve attention too, for that we will send them to courses

    or conferences depending on the areas they wish to develop further.

    Of course, the management is open to all our employees whenever and if ever they need

    help, counselling or orientation.

    Establishing a Productive Environment

    The best thing for any company is for its employees to feel like a team, and what better

    to feel like that that to actually participate in activities together as teams? That is why to

    create a good environment among our employees, every six months there is going to be

    a weekend retreat in relaxing quaint places nearby Mexico City. These retreats will

    include activities such as hiking, canoeing, games played in teams (which will also

    develop a competitive mindset) etc. In addition to these activities, at night the retreat

    will consist in having dinner all together and doing things like karaoke or fun

    competitions. The purpose of these weekends is to improve the teamwork among our

    employees, in addition to strengthening respectful and harmonious relationships among

    every member of our team which is our consultancy.

    Rewarding Our People

    It is important for us that our employees feel appreciated. Their job is important and so

    are they, so the more they work and the more successful they are at it, they will get a

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    higher percentage income. Another great way for motivating them, we think is to send

    them on business trips that interest them, and which will also help us because that will

    contribute to their development which is ultimately our development.

    Employees salaries will depend on their position. However each year we will make a

    revision to see if they have earned an increase of salary.

    Pregnant women will have a maternity leave of 45 days before and 3 months after they

    give birth. Men will have a month paternity leave.

    All of our employees will have medical and dental insurance that will cover anything

    which is not aesthetic.

    In addition to this, every Christmas our employees will receive a Christmas bonus

    (depending on their income) to thank them for a great year of work and to encourage

    them to continue improving next year.

    6. Process

    7. Physical Evidence

    9. Business Costs and Profits


    Your company has started: congratulations. Now, you have to operate month bymonth, taking into account your costs and sources of income, in order to know if

    your company is profitable or not.

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    Write a good paragraph (200 words approx) to explain the estimations you make inthe table.

    Ongoing Monthly Expenses

    Concept CostsSalary of owner-manager (amount you need to pay management) 75 000 per

    monthAll other company salaries, wages, & commissions 15 x 15 000 per

    monthRent 12 000 per

    monthCleaning services 4 000 per

    monthUtilities 8 000 per

    monthEquipment lease payments total: buying

    computers 100000

    Sales and marketing costs:

    Graphic design and publication of marketing materials 5 000 permonth

    Advertising 3 000 permonth

    Public relations 15 000 permonth

    Event or trade show attendance or sponsorship 15 000 permonth

    Travel and entertainment for client meetings 5 000 permonth

    Mailing 2 000 permonth

    Advertising (print, broadcast and Internet) 10 000 permonth

    Supplies (inks, toners, labels, paper goods, coffee, water, etc.) 10 000 permonth

    Telephone 3500 permonthTravels (company car, for example) Total: 178 600

    per carInternet connection 2500 per monthWebsite hosting and maintenance 10 000 per

    monthHealth insurance (per person) 5000Interest & principal on loans & credit cards 250 000Legal and other professional fees and licenses (food andbeverage, etc..)

    Total : 50 000

    Miscellaneous 2 500 permonth

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    Please indicate your estimations regards your Net Sales and Gross Profit perMonth. I know this is not exact: the point is for you to make clear, logicalassumptions based on your research of the market and knowledge of the world. BEREALISTIC

    Cite as many products and services as you wish (minimum 5) See examplesbelow.

    Write a good paragraph (200 words approx) to explain the estimations you make.

    AProduct /Service

    B Cost ofGoods/Service


    importation,storage,research anddevelopment,etc..) x month

    CNumberof salesx month


    s/Services xmonth

    EPrice Sold per








    Serving ofbeer

    $1.25 1800beers

    $ 2250 $3 $5400 $ 3150


    $750 xresearch


    $ 1500 $4,500 $9000 $7500


    $20 25 bags $ 500 $60 $1500 $1000


    $14 40 bags $ 560 $39.95 $1598 $1038

    etc etc etc etc

    NOTE: Gross profit = Net sales (F) Cost of goods sold (D).

    Net income = Gross profit Total operating expenses. This means also deductingoverhead, payroll, taxation, and interest payments (WIKIPEDIA)

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    10. Human Resources: Description of Organization, Key Characteristics

    Describe Your Human Resources Organization (How many people work for yourcompany? What are their jobs?, What are the job requirements for working for yourcompany education, technology skills, languages, key characteristics...)

    Job Title Job Requirements/Characteristics Number of employees

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    Describe Management staff: Top 3 competencies and why

    Mgt Staff Names Competencies and Why









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    11. References

    11.1 Primary Sources (at least 4)

    11.2 Secondary Sources (at least 6)

    ANNEX: Advertisement / Commercial