Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units

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Transcript of Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units




    ACADEMIC YEAR 2015 - 2016

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    UNIT I


    1 What i !"a#t $% &'(") &*a#t+

    Power can be defined as the rate of flow of energy and state that a power plant is a Unit

    built for production and delivery of a flow of mechanical work and electrical energy. A

    machine or assembling of equipment that produces and delivers a flow of mechanical and

    electrical energy is a power plant.

    2 What a)" th" t%&" ', &'(") &*a#t+

    Steam power plant

    Hydro electric power plant

    Diesel power plant

    uclear power plant

    !as turbine power plant

    "HD power plant

    Lit th" ,a.t') ', &'(") &*a#t &"),')!a#."/

    #he performance of a power plant can be e$pressed through some common

    Performance factors as

    %. Heat rate

    &. 'apacity factor(. )conomic efficiency

    *. +oad factor

    ,. -perational efficiency

    What a)" th" !a') &'(") *i!itati'# ', .'#"#ti'#a* "#")3% '4)."+

    %.esources for power generation i.e/ coal/ gas etc./ are limited

    &.#he hydro power is seasonal and varies depending upon the rainfall

    in the catchment areas

    (.Submersion of land area due to raise in water level*. 'entrali0ed power generation and distribution of the same to long distances will

    result in high losses.

    ,.#he energy conversion process from thermal power pro1ects results in emission

    of green house gases

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    5 Lit '4t th" a)i'4 .'#"#ti'#a* a# #'# .'#"#ti'#a* &'(") &*a#t

    #ypes of conventional power plant2

    %. Hydro power plant

    &. Steam power plant

    (. uclear power plant*. !as turbine power plant

    #ypes of non3conventional power plant2

    %. #idal power plant

    &. 4ind power plant

    (. !eothermal power plant

    *. Solar power plant

    ,. 4ave power plant

    5. "HD !eneration

    6 Lit th" th")!a* &'(") &*a#t i# Ta!i*#a4/

    Alathiur 6&7%8"49/ #amilnadu/ "adras cements

    )nnore 6&75:"4/(7%%:"49 #amilnadu )lectricity ;oard

    eyveli 657,:"4/&7%::"49 #amilnadu eyveli lignite corp +t

    What i th" 4" ', 4)3" ta#7+

    #he surge tank is used to provide better regulation of water pressure in the system. #he surge tank

    controls the water when the load on the turbine decreases and supplies water when the load on the

    turbine increases. #hus/ surge tank controls the pressure variations resulting from the rapid

    changes in water flow in penstock and hence prevents water hammer

    8 E9&*ai# a$'4t &"#t'.7+

    #he pipe between surge tank and prime mover is known as penstock.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    12 What i th" ,4#.ti'# ', .''*i#3 %t"! i# Di""* &'(") &*a#t+

    #he function of cooling system is to remove heat from the engine cylinder to keep the

    temperature of the cylinder in low range and e$tend engine life.

    1 What i th" &4)&'" ', i#t").''*") i# 3a t4)$i#" &'(") &*a#t+

    Since the power required to compress the air is less in isothermal process it is required to

    maintain the/ temperature of air constant as far as possible. Hence the air leaving the +.P.

    compressor is cooled by intercooler and then passed to the H.P compressor.

    1 Na!" i!&')ta#t hi3h &)"4)" $'i*")+

    +a "ont boiler

    ;enson boiler

    +offler boiler

    =elo$ boiler.

    15 What i th" !ai# &4)&'" ', hi3h-&)"4)" $'i*")+

    #he high3pressure boilers are used to increase the efficiency of the plant and to

    reduce the cost of electricity production.

    16 What a)" th" a4!&ti'# !a" ,') ai) ta#a) .%.*" a#a*%i+

    #he working medium is a perfect gas throughout

    #he working medium Does not undergo any chemical change throughout cycle.

    #he compression and e$pansion process are reversible adiabatic.

    #he operation of the engine is friction less

    1 What i th" ,4#.ti'# ', ".'#'!i;")+

    >eed water from the feed tank is supplied to the economi0er by feed pump. #he economi0er is

    used to preheat the water before it goes the boiler. #here is a heat e$changer from the hot gases

    to the feed water


    D)a( th" P-< a# T-S ia3)a! ', th" B)a%t'# .%.*"/

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    1: E9&*ai# )"-h"at .%.*"/

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    5. #ehri Dam/ Uttranchal/ %::: "4

    26 What a)" th" ""#tia* "*"!"#t ', h%)' &'(") &*a#t+

    %. 'atchment area

    &. eservation

    (. Dam

    *. Surge tanks

    ,. Draft tubes

    5. Power house

    . Switched for transmission of power

    2 What i !"a#t $% .at.h!"#t a)"a a# "9&*ai# it ,4#.ti'#=

    #he whole area behind the dam is called the catchment area. #he rain water in the area will

    be drained into the dam through a dam or river.

    28 E9&*ai# R"")'i)=

    A reservoir may be natural/ like a lake on a mountain or artificially built by erecting a dam

    across a river.

    2: D",i#" 4)3" ta#7=

    A Surge tank is a small reservoir in which the water level rises swings during -pening and

    closing of inlet valve.

    0 What i a !i#i a# !i.)' >%)' &*a#t+

    #he mini power plants operate with ,m3&:m head and produce about % "4 to ,"4 of


    #he micro power plants require a head less than ,m and produce :.% "4 to %

    1 What i !"a#t $% &)'&"**") t4)$i#"+

    #he basic propeller turbine consists of a propeller.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    #he pitch of the propeller blades together with wicket gate ad1ustment enables easonable

    efficiency to be maintained under part flow conditions. Such turbines are

    'alled as ?aplan turbines D",i#" t(i# )4##")=

    #wo runners can be placed on the same shaft either side by side or on opposite Sides of the

    generator. #his configuration is unusual and would only be used if the umber of 1ets per runner

    had ma$imi0ed.8 Stat" th" aa#ta3" ', i!&4*" t4)$i#" '") )"a.ti'# t4)$i#"=

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    ( Wh% th" &)"&a)ati'# ', .'a* i #"."a)%+

    #he coal from coal nines cannot be directly fed into the furnace. Proper preparation of coal

    should be done before feeding the coal to the furnace. light conveyors.

    #he coal transfer starts by carrying of coal from unloading point to the storage site.

    , W)it" a$'4t .*ai,i.ati'# ', )a43ht+

    Draught is classified as

    %. atural draught

    &. Artificial draught

    #he artificial draught is further classified as

    6a9 Steam 1et draught

    6b9 "echanical draught

    6c9 orced draught

    5 D",i#" th" t")! Nat4)a* )a43ht a# (hat a)" th" aa#ta3" ', #at4)a* )a43ht %t"!+

    #he tall chimney creates the natural draught by the temperature difference between hot

    gases in the chimney and cold atmospheric air outside the chimney.#he advantages are

    o e$ternal power is required

    Air pollution is less since gases are discharged at high level.

    o maintenance cost

    'apital cost is less than artificial draught.

    W)it" a$'4t a)ti,i.ia* )a43ht+

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    Pressure throughout the system is above atmospheric pressure so the air leakage into the

    furnace is reduced.

    %: What i th" 4" ', &4*")i") a# #a!" i,,")"#t t%&" ', &4*")ii#3 !i**+

    #he pulveriser is used to pulveri0e the coal in order to increase the surface e$posure. Pulveri0ed

    coal enables rapid combustion. #he different types of pulveri0ing mills are

    %. ;all mill

    &. Hammer mill

    (. ;all and race mill.

    %% >'( th" ah ha#*i#3 %t"! i .*ai,i"+

    %. "echanical handling system

    &. Hydraulic system(. Pneumatic system

    *. Steam 1et system

    %& Na!" i,,")"#t t%&" ', 4t .'**".t')+

    %. "echanical Dust collector

    !ravitational separators

    ;ag house dust collector

    #here are three types of bag house dust collector

    -pen pressure type

    'losed pressure type

    'losed suction type

    &. 'yclone. Separators

    (. )lector Static Precipitator 6)SP9

    %( What i th" !ai# &4)&'" ', .hi!#"%+

    #he main purpose of chimney is to emit the flue gases at a considerable height to avoid nuisance

    to the surrounding people.

    %* / D",i#" ,')." )a,t a# i#4." )a,t .''*i#3 t'(")

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    i. #he outlet water comes in contact with the driest air and warmest water comes in contact

    with most humid air.

    ii. #he re3circulation is seldom a problem.

    iii. #he first cost is low due to the reduction in pump power consumption.

    %5 What i th" (')7i#3 &)i#.i&*" ', C''*i#3 T'(")+

    #he hot water is sprayed from the top of the tower/ while the air is made to flow from the bottom of

    the tower to the top. #his air cools the hot water in the cooling tower. Air vapori0es a small

    percentage of water/ there by cooling the remaining water. #he air absorbs the heat and leaves at

    the top of the tower and cooled water leaves at the bottom and recalculated to the condenser.

    % What a)" th" ,a.t') that a,,".t th" )at" ', "a&')ati'# ', (at") i# .''*i#3 t'(")+ A!'4#t', (at") 4),a." a)"a "9&'"

    #he time of e$posure

    #he relative velocity of air passing over the droplets

    #he H of air

    #he direction of airflow relative to water

    %8 Na!" i,,")"#t t%&" ', .''*i#3 t'(")+

    #he cooling towers are classified as follows.

    6a9 According to the construction of material

    %. #imber 3 for small tower

    &. >erro concrete 3 for large capacity stations.

    (. "ulti deck concrete towers 3 for large steam stations

    *. "etallic

    6b9 According to the nature of air draught3

    %. Atmospheric 6or9 atural draught cooling system

    &. "echanical draught cooling tower.

    %@ >'( th" at!'&h")i. @') #at4)a* )a43ht .''*i#3 t'(")- a)" .*ai,i"+

    '( !".ha#i.a* )a,t .''*i#3 t'(") a)" .*ai,i"+

    "echanical draft cooling tower is classified into three types

    %. >orced draft tower.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units



  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units




    % D",i#" N4.*"a) ii'#/

    An atomCs nucleus can be split apart. 4hen this is done a tremendous amount of energy is

    released. #he energy is both heat and light energy. #his energy/ when let out slowly can be

    harnessed to generate electricity.

    & D",i#" N4.*"a) 4i'#/

    >usion means 1oining smaller nuclei to make a larger nucleus. #he sun uses nuclear fusion of

    hydrogen atoms into helium atoms. #his gives off heat and other radiation.( Na!" th" i,,")"#t .'!&'#"#t ', #4.*"a) )"a.t')+

    %. uclear fuel &. "oderator (. 'ontrol rods *. eflectors

    ,. eactor vessel 5. ;iological shielding . 'oolant

    * What i th" &4)&'" ', )"&)'."i#3 ', #4.*"a) (at"+

    #he used fuel contains @5E uranium/%E plutonium and (E radioactive wastes. eprocessing

    is used to separate the waste from the uranium and plutonium which can be recycled into new fuel.

    #he reprocessing effectively reduces the volume of waste and limits the need to mine new supplies

    of uranium/ so that e$tending the time of resources.

    , What i N"4t)'# *i," ti!"+

    #he prompt neutron lifetime/ is the average time between the emission of neutrons and either

    their absorption in the system or their escape from the system. #he term lifetime is used because

    the emission of a neutron is often considered its birth/ and the subsequent absorption is considered

    its death.

    5 What i U)a#i4!-25 .hai# R"a.t')+

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    uranium atoms splitting those. #hose particles given off split still other atoms in a chain reaction. ;9

    ,. High temperature !as cooled reactors6H#!'9

    %( What a)" &)"4)i;" (at") )"a.t') @PWR+

    #he P4 belongs to the light water type. #he moderator and the coolant are both light water

    6H&-9. #he cooling water circulates in two loops/ which are fully separated from one another. P4

    keep water under pressure/ so the water heats but does not boil even at the high operating


    %* What i $'i*i#3 (at") )"a.t') @BWR+

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    the water boils away in the reactor pressure vessel/ thus a mi$ture of water and steam leaves the

    reactor core.

    %, What i M'*t"# Sa*t R"a.t') @MSR+

    A molten salt reactor is a type of nuclear reactor where the primary coolant is a molten salt.

    "olten salt refers to a salt that is in the liquid phase that is normally a solid at standard temperature

    ionic liquid/ although technically molten salts are a class of ionic liquids.

    %5 N4.*"a) P'(") &*a#t a,"t%/

    adiation doses can be controlled through the following procedures2

    %.#he handling of equipment via remote in the core of the reactor

    &. Physical shielding

    (. +imit on the time a worker spends in areas with significant radiation levels

    *. "onitoring of individual doses and of the working environment

    ,. Safety mechanism of a uclear power reactor

    % Lit th" N4.*"a) &'(") &*a#t i# I#ia/

    %. ?aiga6(7&&"4PH49/ ?arnataka

    &. ?akrapar 6&7&&"4PH49/ !u1arat

    (. ?udankulam 6&7%::"4P49/ #amilnadu

    *. "adras 6&7%"4PH49/ #amilnadu

    %8 D",i#" !"a# 3"#")ati'# ti!"/

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    UNIT Ile$ibility in operation

    *. 'apability to quick start

    ,. High efficiency etc../

    & +ist the ma1or components of gas turbine.


    &. 'ombustion chamber and

    (. #urbine

    ( +ist the types of gas turbine power plants.

    %.-pen cycle gas turbine power plant

    &. 'losed cycle gas turbine power plant* +ist the disadvantages of gas turbine power plant.

    %.o load and Partial load efficiency is low

    &.High sensitive to component efficiency

    (.#he efficiency depends on ambient pressure and ambient temperature

    *. High air rate is required to limit the ma$imum inlet air temperature. Hence e$haust

    losses are high

    ,. Air and gas filter is required to prevent dust into the combustion chambers.

    , Define regenerator efficiency.

    #he regenerator efficiency is defined as2GActual temperature rise of air "a$imum temperature rise possible

    5 .+ist the factors which affect the performance of gas turbine power plants.

    %. Part load efficiency

    &. >uel consumption

    (. Air mass flow rate

    *. #hermal efficiency

    ,. egeneration

    4hat are the working fluids in gas turbineB



  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units



    *.'arbon dio$ide

    8 +ist the various types of diesel plants.

    ;ased on number of strokes2

    6a9 #wo stroke diesel engine

    6b9 >our stroke diesel engine

    ;ased on orientation2

    6a9 Hori0ontal diesel engine

    6b9 =ertical diesel engine

    ;ased on number of cylinders2

    6a9 single cylinder

    6b9 "ulti cylinder

    And other type like naturally aspirated/ superheated etc./

    @ +ist the components of diesel power plant.

    %.Diesel engine

    &. Air intake system

    (. )$haust system

    *. >uel system

    ,. 'ooling system

    5. +ubricating system

    . Starting of engine

    %: +ist the various functions of fuel in1ection system.%.

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    %( 4hat are the methods of cooling system usedB

    %. Air cooling

    &. 4ater cooling

    %* +ist the methods adopted for circulating the water in a cooling system.

    %. #hermosipon cooling

    &. >orced cooling by pump

    (. #hermostat cooling

    *. Pressuri0ed water cooling

    ,. )vaporative cooling

    %, 4hat are the important functions of a lubricating systemB

    %. +ubricating

    &. 'ooling

    (. 'leaning

    *. Sealing

    ,. oise absorption

    %5 +ist the various types of lubricating system used in diesel engine.

    %. "ist lubricating system

    &. 4et sump lubrication system

    (. Dry sump lubrication system

    % 4hat are the starting methods of diesel engineB

    %. ;y an au$iliary engine

    &. ;y an electric motor

    (. ;y compressed air

    %8 +ist any four advantages of diesel power plant.


  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    *. Used as emergency plant

    &% Define mean effective pressure as applied to gas power cycles. How it is related to indicated power

    of an

  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    % What a)" th" .'!&'#"#t ', '*a) "#")3%+

    %. %.'ollector&. Storage unit

    & D",i#" "!a# ,a.t')+

    Demand factor is defined as the ratio of ma$imum demand to connected load.

    'onnected load is the sum of ratings in k4 of equipment installed in the consumers


    "a$imum demand is the ma$imum load/ which a consumer uses at any time.

    ( D",i#" *'a .4)"+

    +oad curve is a graphical representation between load in k4 and time in hours. i$ed cost includes the following cost.

    %. 'ost of land &. 'ost of building

    (. 'ost of equipment *. 'ost of installati5n


  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    8 What i th" #"" ', "&)".iati'# .'t+

    Depreciation cost is the amount to be set aside per year from the income of the plant to

    meet the depreciation caused by the age of service/ wear and tear of the machinery and

    equipments. Depreciation amount collected every year helps in replacing and repairing the


    @ What i .'#."#t)ati'# )ati'+

    'oncentration ratio is defined as the ratio between the aperture area and the receiver

    Absorber area of the collector.

    %: Lit th" a)i'4 t%&" ', '*a) "#")3% .'**".t')/

    %.Stationary collectors 6or9 on3 concentrating

    6a9 >late plate collectors

    6b9 'ompound parabolic collectors

    6c9 )vaculated tube collectors

    &.Sun tracking concentrating collector

    6a9 single a$is tracking

    6b9 #wo3a$is tracking

    %% Lit a#% ,'4) a&&*i.ati'# ', '*a) .'**".t')/

    %.Solar water heating

    &. Solar space heating systems

    (. Solar refrigeration


  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    *.#he plant requires little maintenance or help after setup

    ,. loating plant

    %5 Lit th" .*ai,i.ati'# ', OTEC $a" '# .%.*"/

    %.-pen cycle

    &.'losed cycle

    (.Hybrid cycle

    % Lit a#% ,'4) iaa#ta3" ', OTEC/

    %. Degradation of heat e$changer performance as dissolved gases.

    &. Degradation of heat e$changer performance by microbial fouling


  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    &% W)it" '(# th" a)i'4 t%&" ', (i# &'(") &*a#t/



    (.!rid connected

    && Lit a#% ,'4) aa#ta3" ', (i# t4)$i#"/


  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    &@ What a)" th" !ai# &a)t ', 3"'th")!a* &'(") &*a#t+

    %.Production well


    (.'irculating pump

    *.)$pansion turbine,.!enerator



    (: What a)" th" .*ai,i.ati'# ', 3"'th")!a* "#")3% .'#")i'# %t"!+

    %.Single cycle geothermal power plant

    &.;inary cycle power plant

    (% What a)" th" aa#ta3" ', 3"'th")!a* "#")3%+


    &.=ersatile in its use

    (.Delivers greater amount of energy

    (& What a)" th" iaa#ta3" ', 3"'th")!a* "#")3%+

    %. Drilling operation is noisy

    &. D %t"!+

    %.-pen cycle systems

    &. 'losed cycle systems

    6a9 Seeded inert gas systems

    6b9+iquid metal systems

    (* What a)" th" aa#ta3" ', M>D %t"!+

    %. +arge amount of power is generated

    &. o moving parts/ so more reliable.

    (.'losed cycle system produces power/ free of pollution

    *. Ability to reach its full power as soon as started.(, Lit th" .*ai,i.ati'# ', 'i* i#".ti'# %t"!/

    6a9 'ommon rail in1ection system


  • 7/25/2019 Plant Engineering 2 Marks All 5 Units


    magnetic field.

    ( What a)" th" a&&*i.ati'# ', 3"'th")!a* "#")3%+

    %.!eneration of electric power

    &.Space heating for building
