PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am....

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020 Revised September 1, 2020 PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 Working alongside GSSD’s Return to School Plan, we have developed a working document to help guide a safe return to school for students and staff. Please note that this is an evergreen document that will likely reflect changes.

Transcript of PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am....

Page 1: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 Working alongside GSSD’s Return to School Plan, we have developed a working document to help guide a safe return to school for students and staff. Please note that this is an evergreen document that will likely reflect changes.

Page 2: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

Page 3: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

Kindergarten Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Participants ● All students registered in Kindergarten will participate. ● GSSD will work with families who decline to send their children to school.

● All registered students will participate.

School Day Structure Timetables

● Timetables will be developed with a focus on essential outcomes as declared by GSSD.

● Full Saskatchewan curriculum will be delivered/integrated

● No more than 3 teachers will be assigned to Kindergarten throughout the day.

● Timetables will be developed with a focus on essential outcomes as declared by GSSD.

● Full Saskatchewan curriculum will be delivered/integrated

● No more than 3 teachers will be assigned to Kindergarten throughout the day.

● Families will be notified of the staggered entry date for Kindergarten students on August 25, 2020. Staggered entry for Kindergarten will be between September 8, 2020 and September 17, 2020.

● Students will be learning from home.

Arrival / Dismissal

● Supervision of students begins at 8:40 and concludes at 3:45.

● Kindergarten students will use the main doors for entrance and exit.

● Students will be dropped off at school between 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted by their teacher.

● Kindergarten will use the main doors for entry/exit. The entry door will be identified

● Students will be learning from home.

Page 4: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

with a sign, as well as the exit door. ● Parents will be expected to email/call the

office if students are leaving early or arriving late.

● Arrange for pick-up and drop-off of students outdoors.

● If a parent/guardian must enter the building, unless it is an emergency, they must contact the office first. Contact information will be posted on the main doors. A QR will also be posted for parents to sign in and sign out. This is important for contact tracing.

● If parents/guardians must enter the building for pick-up or drop-off because of a need (ex. if children requiring support transitioning into the classroom), the parent/guardian will: - Wear a mask - Use hand sanitizer upon entering the

building - Avoid entering the building if unwell or

have travelled out of Canada or to an area deemed an area of concern for COVID-19 within the past 14 days.

● School staff will not transport Kindergarten students in their private vehicles.

Movement of Students

● Stay within classrooms as much as possible and avoid other areas of the school.

● Students will not be able to leave the classroom without permission.

● Students will say within their classroom as much as possible and avoid other areas of the school.

● Students will not be able to leave the classroom without permission.

● Hallway stickers indicate directional movement to encourage physical distancing.

● Recesses will be staggered ● Lunch hour will be staggered. Kindergarten

● Students will be learning from home.

Page 5: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

will eat from 12:00-12:30; play outside from 12:30-1:00.

● Town students are encouraged to go home for lunch and return to school at 12:55.

● Students will remain in their own classrooms for lunch, sitting at their own desk.

● Lockers will be staggered to minimize contact. Academic Program Classroom Configuration ● Teachers will consider the number

of materials, furniture, items on walls, etc. given the carrying capacity of the classroom.

● Classrooms will be arranged with a front facing configuration when appropriate.

● Students will be sitting at individual desks.

● Teachers will submit a classroom seating plan to Administration. This seating plan will remain constant indefinitely to support contact tracing if required.

● The arrangement of the classroom will support physical distancing.

● Interaction in smaller groups will be supported, and large group activity limited.

● Individual learning activities will be balanced with small group interactions.

● Teachers will consider the number of materials, furniture, items on walls, etc. given the carrying capacity of the classroom.

● Items that can not be sanitized will be stored/removed from the classroom.

● Teachers will declutter their classroom prior to September 8, 2020 to support physical distancing.

● Students will be front facing seated at individual student desks.

● The arrangement of the classroom will support physical distancing.

● Interaction in small groups will be supported, and large group activity limited.

● Individual learning activities will be balanced with small group instruction.

● Teachers will submit a classroom seating plan to Administration. This seating plan will remain constant indefinitely to support contact tracing if required.

● Students will be learning from home.

Instruction ● Students and staff are to build

handwashing into the daily routines

● Learning in Kindergarten will occur through play.

● Students will be learning from home.

Page 6: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

and follow the protocols in ECERS: ○ upon entry to a room ○ before snack/lunch ○ after snach/lunch ○ after use of the toilet ○ after shared materials such

as water or sand ○ after sneezing or coughing ○ after outdoor play

- ·Adaptations will be made to sensory play.

o Sensory play may be conducted as an individual activity (e.g., Each child gets a ball of playdough and tools; Children have a personal sensory bin).

o Handwashing must occur before and after using shared sensory items.

o Items must be disinfected or discarded between uses by different groups.

- Learning in Kindergarten occurs through play

The focus will be on Curricular Outcomes (K) in a holistic, cross-curricular, or project approach.

● Land-based learning should be explored. Meeting Time, lessons, play, and exploration can occur

● The focus will be on the Curricular Outcomes in a holistic, cross-curricular, or project approach.

● Puppets, dolls, songs, and literature can be used to integrate physical health and wellness curriculum into the day.

● The curriculum will be adapted, and creative pedagogical practices used to ensure playful learning experiences around the pandemic situation: o Fostering project-based learning which builds on children's experience with the pandemic. o Using imaginary play to help children cope with stress and promote resilience. o Using teachable moments to help children learn about the pandemic and their role in ensuring public health.

● Land-based learning should be explored. Meeting Time, lessons, play, and exploration can occur outdoors whenever possible.

● The environment can be explored on neighborhood walks (weather permitted, with physical distancing maintained from members of the public).

● Students and staff are to build handwashing into the daily routines and follow the protocols in ECERS:

o upon entry to a room o before snack/lunch o after snack/lunch o after use of the toilet o after shared materials such as water or sand o after sneezing or coughing o after outdoor play

Page 7: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

outdoors whenever possible. ● Alternatives to face-to-face family engagement events will be shared but face-to-face events may be slowly integrated over time.

● Face-to-face family engagement events and activities must ensure: o Activities align with the allowable services permitted within the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan. o Physical distancing of 2 meters between households and staff members. o Group sizes must comply with public gathering restrictions and cannot exceed maximum capacity of area when maintaining 2 meter physical distancing. o Adults (parents/guardians) will wear a mask. o Proper hand hygiene is implemented before and after the event. o All touch points and materials disinfected before and after the event.

Assessment ● Teachers will use their professional discretion to determine the appropriate assessment practices. ● Provincial-level assessments will continue (EYE). ● Good Spirit School Division Assessment Calendar

Reporting ● Reporting will occur as per Division processes. ● Communication between home and school will be paperless.

School Supplies and Personal Belongings

● Mandatory supplies include a water bottle and hand sanitizer ● PJ Gillen will purchase all student supplies required. A $40 supply fee will be collected via etransfer to [email protected] ● Students will be expected to bring headphones in a ziploc bag, indoor shoes, and a box of Kleenex. ● Non-medical grade masks are encouraged for Kindergarten students. GSSD will provide 2 reusable masks per student. ● Materials will be organized in containers and labelled with photos and the name of the material as per ECERS guidelines.

Alternate Learning Spaces Gym

● Besides the school gymnasium, physical education can take place outdoors or in other spaces within the school and community, if it is safe to do so (multi-purpose rooms, classrooms, hallways, open spaces, and community facilities).

● Students will be learning from home.

Page 8: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

● Playing and learning outdoors will be encouraged as much as possible. ● Proper entry and exit procedures are in place that promotes physical distancing and

sanitary actions. ● Sharing of equipment is not recommended. ● Equipment used should be used on a rotational basis that includes proper cleaning

and sanitization between student and classroom usage. ● Clear and standard procedures are established as to how equipment is used and stored. ● No use of pinnies or any equipment that has the potential to be shared among students.

Library ● Due to the number of touch surfaces in a school library, students will not be permitted to

self- select materials in the library space. Instead, schools can connect students with library materials in several ways:

o students may create request lists or use the Destiny system to place holds on resources which library technicians will deliver to classrooms;

o library technician will deliver book bins or book trucks of resources to remain in the classroom for some time;

o Circulation of materials can occur in classrooms using the online program or the Destiny app. ● Library items will sit for 3 days before being re-circulated

● Students will be learning from home.

Computer Lab ● Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing required before touching a device.

● Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing required before and after using a device.

● Students should have a dedicated device when possible o If sharing devices is required,

minimize the impact by assigning a consistent device to a group of students.

● Tech devices will be disinfected daily.

● Students will be learning from home.

Cafeteria / Common Areas

● Canteen will be closed. ● Microwaves will not be available for student use.

● Students will be learning from home.

Page 9: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

Transitions ● Conduct planning meetings for students transitioning to the next grade or school via Zoom. Refer to the Transitions page on the portal.

● Teachers will provide students with a virtual tour/pictures of their classrooms prior to September 8 .

● Communicate consistent messaging and a mode of delivery for all grades and classrooms regarding the steps being taken to ensure safe re-entry for students.

● Communicate a safety plan to students and families – including students and families in the discussion (this would cover student health precautions and procedures). Ensure all students and families are familiar with expectations regarding hygiene practices to be followed while accessing GSSD transportation, upon entering the building, in common spaces within the school, as well as in classrooms.

● Communicate with staff, students and their families, alterations to typical routines and transitions which will be implemented.

● Division will provide:

School Administrators with consistent messaging to support all regular and substitute staff as well as students and their families regarding pedagogical approaches, any technical requirements, and hygiene practices and procedures needing to be followed.

● professional development to staff:

- Learning Management Systems : Seesaw

- Communication Platform - Edsby

- Blended Learning (Digital Assessment, Student Engagement & Choice)

- learning support to families: iPads, laptops, Chromebooks; Edsby; Seesaw; and, consideration is being given to increasing IT support using a flexible schedule

Students & Staff Well-being

● Maintaining physical distance is difficult with young children and the focus should be on minimizing physical contact instead.

● Teach children about their 'personal bubble' and help them learn about

● Maintaining physical distance is difficult with young children, and the focus will be on minimizing physical contact instead.

● Teach children about their 'personal bubble' and help them learn about

● Students are learning from home.

● The school will provide instruction and support on internet safety.

Page 10: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

physical distancing and less physical contact through games.

● Consider greetings such as waves, peace signs, winks, air Hi-5s and signing 'hello' rather than hugs or handshakes.

● GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental health support for students experiencing anxiety with their return to school.

● Mental Health supports will be provided for families and students to access from the GSSD website.

physical distancing and less physical contact through games.

● Consider greetings such as waves, peace signs, winks, air Hi-5s and signing 'hello' rather than hugs or handshakes.

● GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental health support for students experiencing anxiety with their return to school.

● Mental Health supports will be provided for families and students to access from the GSSD website.

● Non-medical grade masks are encouraged for students in Kindergarten.

● GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental health support for students experiencing anxiety with their return to school.

● Mental Health supports will be provided for families and students to access from the GSSD website.

Attendance ● Student attendance at school is mandatory. ● PJG will:

Monitor daily student attendance using existing protocols in AP 340 Attendance of Students:

Teachers will take am/pm attendance

Attendance should be taken within ten minutes of class starting

● AP 340 Appendix Attendance Flowcharts

If a student's absence is the result of student compromised immunity or anxiety stemming from COVID-19, the school shall work with the student and family to determine necessary accommodations.

● Student attendance is mandatory.

● Attendance policies will be determined.

Resources All school division resources will be cataloged through the library system and circulated through Destiny (i.e., library resources, textbooks, kits, novel sets, and technology).

Page 11: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

Grades 1 to 5 Details Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Participants ● All students are required to participate ● GSSD will work with families who decline to send their children to school

● All students are required to participate

School Day Structure Timetables

● Timetables will be developed with a focus on essential outcomes as declared by GSSD.

● No more than 3 teachers will be assigned to individual classrooms throughout the day.

● Timetables will be developed with a focus on essential outcomes as declared by GSSD.

● No more than 3 teachers will be assigned to individual classrooms throughout the day.

● Families will be notified of the staggered entry date for students on August 26, 2020. Staggered entry will be between September 8, 2020 and September 11, 2020.

● Students will be learning from home.

Arrival / Dismissal

● Supervision of students begins at 8:40 and concludes at 3:45.

● Grade 1-5 students will use designated doors for entrance and exit: o Grade 1A, Grade 2 –

Northeast Door o Grade 1B, Grade 2/3 –

Main Door o Grade 3, Grade 4A –

South Door o Grade 4B, Grade 5A –

West Gym Door o Grade 5B – East Gym


● Students will be dropped off at school between 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted by their teacher.

● Grades will be assigned specific doors to use for entry.

KA, KB, 1B, and 2/3 students use the main office doors.

1A and 2A students use the north door.

3B and 4A students use the south door.

● Students will be learning from home.

Page 12: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

4B and 5A students use the west door near the gym.

5B students use the east door near the gym.

● The entry door will be identified with a sign, as well as the exit door.

● Parents will be expected to email/call the office if students are leaving early or arriving late.

● Arrange for pick-up and drop-off of students outdoors.

● If a parent/guardian must enter the building, unless it is an emergency, they must contact the office first. Contact information will be posted on the main doors. A QR will also be posted for parents to sign in and sign out. This is important for contact tracing.

● If parents/guardians must enter the building for pick-up or drop-off because of a need (ex. if children requiring support transitioning into the classroom), the parent/guardian will: - Wear a mask - Use hand sanitizer upon entering the

building - Avoid entering the building if unwell or

have travelled out of Canada or to an area deemed an area of concern for COVID-19 within the past 14 days.

● School staff will not transport Grade 1-5 students in their private vehicles.

Movement of Students

● Stay within classrooms as much as possible and avoid other areas of the school

● Stay within classrooms as much as possible and avoid other areas of the school.

● Students will not be able to leave the

● Students will be learning from home.

Page 13: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

● Students will not be able to leave the classroom without permission.

classroom without permission. ● Hallway stickers indicate directional

movement to encourage physical distancing. ● Recesses will be staggered ● Lunch hour will be staggered ● to go home for lunch and return to school

at 12:55. ● Students will remain in their own classrooms

for lunch, sitting at their own desk. ● Lockers will be staggered to minimize contact.

Academic Program Classroom Configuration ● Teachers will consider the number

of materials, furniture, items on walls, etc. given the carrying capacity of the classroom.

● Classrooms will be arranged with a front facing configuration when appropriate.

● Students will be sitting at individual desks.

● Teachers will submit a classroom seating plan to Administration. This seating plan will remain constant indefinitely to support contact tracing if required.

● The arrangement of the classroom will support physical distancing.

● Interaction in smaller groups will be supported, and large group activity limited.

● Individual learning activities will be balanced with small group interactions.

● Teachers will consider the number of materials, furniture, items on walls, etc. given the carrying capacity of the classroom.

● Items that can not be sanitized will be stored/removed from the classroom.

● Teachers will declutter their classroom prior to September 8, 2020 to support physical distancing.

● Students will be front facing seated at individual student desks.

● The arrangement of the classroom will support physical distancing.

● Interaction in small groups will be supported, and large group activity limited.

● Individual learning activities will be balanced with small group instruction.

● Teachers will submit a classroom seating plan to Administration. This seating plan will remain constant indefinitely to support contact tracing if required.

● Students will be learning from home.

Page 14: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020


● Students and staff are to build handwashing into the daily routines and follow the protocols below:

o upon entry to a room

o before snack/lunch

o after snack/lunch

o after use of the toilet

o after shared materials such as water or sand

o after sneezing or coughing

o after outdoor play

● Land-based learning should be explored. Meeting Time, lessons, play, and exploration can occur outdoors whenever possible.

● Full Saskatchewan curriculum will be delivered

● Student-teacher contact time will be prioritized regardless of the delivery format.

● Differentiation of instruction will be necessary due to the supplemental learning that occurred.

● The focus will be on the teaching of outcomes, rather than the amount of time per subject (a cross-curricular approach is recommended).

● Focus on efficient learning opportunities and approaches that are conducive to flexible groupings and interaction time with teachers.

● Library resources to be delivered to classrooms for borrowing. Students will be selecting books using Destiny (online system)

● Teachers will continue to explore options for blended learning. Support and professional development from GSSD will be offered.

● Multiple modes of delivery will be considered to accommodate all students (i.e., pencil/paper, technology, asynchronous, synchronous, etc.).

● Consider land-based learning whenever possible ensuring physical distancing from community members.

● PJG teachers will utilize one of the following platforms for online learning and communication with families depending on the grade level and context of the school:

● Students will be learning from home.

● Multiple modes of delivery should be considered to accommodate all students (i.e., pencil/paper, technology, asynchronous, synchronous, etc.).

Page 15: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

o Learning Management Platforms

§ Seesaw (Gr. 1-3)

§ Google Classroom (Gr. 4-6)

o Communication Platform

§ Edsby

Collaboration Platforms § Google Meet


§ Zoom

● Subjects impacted by the physical environment will be provided if the curriculum can be delivered using an approach that allows for flexible groupings and considers safety.

Assessment ● Teachers will use their professional discretion to determine the appropriate assessment practices within the local context. ● Teachers will follow the GSSD assessment windows outlined in the Department calendar, which will take into account that students

were engaged in supplemental learning from March to June. ● GSSD will provide professional development on a variety of assessment methods that consider multiple modes of instruction. ● Good Spirit School Division Assessment Calendar ● Provincial-level assessments will continue (F&P, Tell Them From Me, etc).

Reporting ● Reporting will occur as per Division processes. ● Communication between home and school will be paperless.

School Supplies and Personal

● Mandatory supplies include a personal water bottle and hand sanitizer. ● Non-medical grade masks are encouraged for students in Grades 1 to 3. The Division will provide 2 reusable masks per student.

Page 16: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

Belongings ● Mandatory non-medical grade masks for students in Grades 4 to 5. The Division will provide 2 reusable masks per student. ● PJ Gillen will purchase all student supplies required. A $40 supply fee will be collected via etransfer to [email protected] ● Students must bring headphones in a ziplock bag, indoor shoes, and a box of Kleenex. ● Materials will be organized in containers and labeled with student names.

Alternate Learning Spaces Gym

● Besides the school gymnasium, physical education can take place outdoors or in other spaces within the school and community, if it is safe to do so (multi-purpose rooms, classrooms, hallways, open spaces, and community facilities).

● Playing and learning outdoors will be encouraged as much as possible. ● Ensure that proper entry and exit procedures are in place that promotes physical

distancing and sanitary actions. Entry and Exits will be identified with signage. ● Sharing of equipment is not recommended. ● Equipment used should be used on a rotational basis that includes proper cleaning and

disinfected between student and classroom usage. ● Clear and standard procedures should be established as to how equipment is used and

stored. ● No use of pinnies or any equipment that has the potential to be shared among students

● Students will be learning from home.

Library ● Due to the number of touch surfaces in a school library, students will not be permitted to

self- select materials in the library space. Instead, schools can connect students with library materials in several ways:

o students may create request lists or use the Destiny system to place holds on resources which library technicians will deliver to classrooms;

o library technician will deliver book bins or book trucks of resources to remain in the classroom for some time;

o Circulation of materials can occur in classrooms using the online program or the Destiny app. ● Library items will sit for 3 days before being re-circulated

Computer Lab ● Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing required before touching a device.

● Use of hand sanitizer or hand washing required before and after using a device.

● Students are learning from home

Page 17: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

● Students should have a dedicated device when possible

o If sharing devices is required, minimize the impact by assigning a consistent device to a group of students.

● Tech devices will be disinfected daily. Cafeteria / Common Areas

● Canteen will be closed. ● Microwaves will be unavailable for use.

● Students will be learning from home.

Transitions ● Conduct planning meetings for students transitioning to the next grade or school via Zoom. Refer to the Transitions page on the portal.

● Teachers will provide students with a virtual tour/pictures of their classrooms prior to September 8 .

● Communicate consistent messaging and a mode of delivery for all grades and classrooms regarding the steps being taken to ensure safe re-entry for students.

● Communicate a safety plan to students and families – including students and families in the discussion (this would cover student health precautions and procedures). Ensure all students and families are familiar with expectations regarding hygiene practices to be followed while accessing GSSD transportation, upon entering the building, in common spaces within the school, as well as in classrooms.

● Communicate with staff, students and their families, alterations to typical routines and transitions which will be implemented.

Division will provide:

● School Administrators with consistent messaging to support all regular and substitute staff as well as students and their families regarding pedagogical approaches, any technical requirements, and hygiene practices and procedures needing to be followed.

● professional development to staff:

- Learning Management Systems : Seesaw

- Communication Platform - Edsby

- Blended Learning (Digital Assessment, Student Engagement & Choice)

Page 18: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

● learning support to families: iPads, laptops, Chromebooks; Edsby; Seesaw; and, consideration is being given to increasing IT support using a flexible schedule

Students & Staff Well-being

● Maintaining physical distance is difficult with young children and the focus should be on minimizing physical contact instead.

● Teach children about their 'personal bubble' and help them learn about physical distancing and less physical contact through games.

● Consider greetings such as waves, peace signs, winks, air Hi-5s and signing 'hello' rather than hugs or handshakes.

● GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental health support for students experiencing anxiety with their return to school.

● Mental Health supports will be provided for families and students to access from the GSSD website.

● Maintaining physical distance is difficult with young children, and the focus will be on minimizing physical contact instead.

● Teach children about their 'personal bubble' and help them learn about physical distancing and less physical contact through games.

● Consider greetings such as waves, peace signs, winks, air Hi-5s and signing 'hello' rather than hugs or handshakes.

● GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental health support for students experiencing anxiety with their return to school.

● Mental Health supports will be provided for families and students to access from the GSSD website.

● Non-medical grade masks are encouraged for students in Grades 1-3.

● Non-medical grade masks are mandatory for students in Grades 4-5.

● When students are outside and physical distancing, masking is not required.

● Students are learning from home.

● The school will provide instruction and support on internet safety.

● GSSD Counsellors will continue to offer mental health support for students experiencing anxiety with their return to school.

● Mental Health supports will be provided for families and students to access from the GSSD website.

Attendance ● Student attendance at school is mandatory.

● Student attendance is mandatory.

Page 19: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

● PJG will:

Monitor daily student attendance using existing protocols in AP 340 Attendance of Students:

Teachers will take am/pm attendance

Attendance should be taken within ten minutes of class starting

● AP 340 Appendix Attendance Flowcharts

If a student's absence is the result of student compromised immunity or anxiety stemming from COVID-19, the school shall work with the student and family to determine necessary accommodations.

● Attendance policies will be determined.

Resources All school division resources will be cataloged through the library system and circulated through Destiny (i.e., library resources, textbooks, kits, novel sets, and technology).

Page 20: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020

Page 21: PJ Gillen Back to School Plan August 26, 2020 School Level Return … · 8:40am and 8:55am. Students will go directly to their classrooms in the morning where they will be greeted

School Level Return to School Plans Fall 2020

Revised September 1, 2020