PitchFX Hackathon - Team R

PitchFX Hackathon Team R (No pirate jokes please)

Transcript of PitchFX Hackathon - Team R

PitchFX HackathonTeam R (No pirate jokes please)

Exploratory Data Analysis

How to Win

What Happens to a Pitch?

How to Win

Machine Learning Method

5 Pitchers X 9 Batters

Cluster 4-7 pitches

Decision Tree Classification Model


Top Bang for the Buck

Nick Tepesch FF Josh Hamilton: -0.58

Robbie Ross SL Howie Kendrick: -0.46

Nick Tepesch FF Albert Pujols: -0.45

Further Research

Questions/Comments:[email protected]



–Me at midnight last night 3 RedBulls in

“Who needs sleep when you have Data Science”