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Transcript of Pitch

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Lucy Fleming

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• I have decided to name my magazine ‘Beat’ because I think it easily shows that it is a music magazine, I also think that it suggests a R&B/Pop genre. I think this name is effective as it is quite short and easy to remember.

• My chosen colour scheme is pink, black and white because these were some of the most popular colours in the results from my survey, black and white were also used a lot in the existing magazines I looked at and I think pink compliments the pop genre.

• Looking at my survey, the average amount my audience are willing to spend on a magazine is around £2, therefore my chosen cost is £2.

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Target Audience

• For my music magazine my target audience is teenagers and younger adults aged from around 15 to 20. The results from my survey show that this would be the best target audience, as all the people that answered were in this age range. I also think that this age range are most likely to listen to pop and R&B music and therefore are most likely to want to purchase my magazine.

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• The most popular genre of music shown in my survey is pop, therefore I have decided to base my magazine on the pop and R&B genres to make my magazine appeal to an audience that like mainstream music. This is likely to have a large number of consumers as it is a popular genre, therefore it is likely to appeal to a large audience.

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