Pigments Staphylococcus aSeriesof Triterpenoid Carotenoids · 4,4'-diapophytoene,...

JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Sept. 1981, p. 900-913 Vol. 147, No. 3 0021-9193/81/090900-14$02.00/00 Pigments of Staphylococcus aureus, a Series of Triterpenoid Carotenoids JOHN H. MARSHALL* AND GREGORY J. WILMOTH Department of Microbiology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3168 Australia Received 5 January 1981/Accepted 26 May 1981 The pigments of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated and purified, and their chemical structures were determined. All of the 17 compounds identified were triterpenoid carotenoids possessing a C3o chain instead of the C4o carotenoid structure found in most other organisms. The main pigment, staphyloxanthin, was shown to be a-D-glucopyranosyl 1-0-(4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oate) 6-0-(12- methyltetradecanoate), in which glucose is esterified with both a triterpenoid carotenoid carboxylic acid and a C15 fatty acid. It is accompanied by isomers containing other hexoses and homologs containing C17 fatty acids. The carotenes 4,4'-diapophytoene, 4,4'-diapophytofluene, 4-4'-diapo-±-carotene, 4,4'-diapo- 7,8,11,12-tetrahydrolycopene, and 4,4'-diaponeurosporene and the xanthophylls 4,4'-diaponeurosporenal, 4,4'-diaponeurosporenoic acid, and glucosyl diaponeu- rosporenoate were also identified, together with some of their isomers or break- down products. The symmetrical 4,4'-diapo- structure was adopted for these triterpenoid carotenoids, but an alternative unsymmetrical 8'-apo- structure could not be excluded. Rosenbach (26), in one of the first descriptions of pyogenic cocci, distinguished between the cat- alase-negative streptococci and the catalase-pos- itive staphylococci and further subdivided the staphylococci into those which produced orange- yellow or "golden" colonies on appropriate cul- ture media (Staphylococcus aureus) and those which produced white colonies (Staphylococcus albus). The division of the genus into species is now based on properties considered more relia- ble than pigment formation (4, 28), but the spe- cific epithet aureus remains as a reminder of one of the most readily observed features of S. au- reus, the characteristic color of its colonies. When freshly isolated from natural sources, most strains produce colonies which are orange in color (4); some, particularly those of bovine origin or those showing multiple resistance to antibiotics, may be yellow (45), whereas others, although being in other respects typical strains of S. aureus, produce no pigment ("white" strains). There is general agreement that these orange and yellow pigments are carotenoids but, in spite of studies by a number of workers, there is considerable disagreement about their precise chemical structure. Chargaff (6) claimed, mainly on the basis of the electronic absorption spectra of extracted pigments, to have identified zea- xanthin (fl,fl-caroten-3,3'-diol) and zeaxanthin esters, and Allegra et al. (3) and Steuer (30) also considered the main pigment to be zeaxanthin. Other workers have reported the main compo- nents to be not zeaxanthin but other carotenoids, singly or in mixtures, such as 8-carotene (e, 4- carotene), rubixanthin (&,4i-caroten-3-ol), and rubixanthin esters (10, 29, 31) or 8-carotene and sarcinaxanthin [2,2'-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2- butenyl) y,y-carotene; 9, 27]. In addition, various amounts of more reduced compounds such as phytoene (7,8,11,12,7',8',11',12'-octahydro-4',4- carotene), c-carotene (7,8,7',8'-tetrahydro-i,4- carotene), and phytofluenol-like compounds have also been reported (10) and are presumed to be biosynthetic precursors of the main pig- ments. Marshall and Rodwell have already presented evidence (J. H. Marshall and E. S. Rodwell, 3rd Int. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr. Commun., p. 56- 57, 1972) that the major pigment of orange-pig- mented strains of S. aw-eus cannot be any of these compounds, but must be a previously un- described structure, which was named staphy- loxanthin. More recently, Taylor and Davies (R. F. Taylor and B. H. Davies, 4th Int. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr. Commun., p. 66-67, 1975) have reported briefly that the major xanthophyll of S. aureus (strain 209P) does not possess the common tetraterpenoid (C4o) carotenoid struc- ture, but is a triterpenoid (C30) carotenoid with the structure 4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oic acid (4,4'-diapo-7',8'-dihydro-4,i4-caroten-4-oic acid); there is also evidence that it may form esters and glycosides (7). This major xanthophyll is 900 on July 29, 2020 by guest http://jb.asm.org/ Downloaded from

Transcript of Pigments Staphylococcus aSeriesof Triterpenoid Carotenoids · 4,4'-diapophytoene,...

JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Sept. 1981, p. 900-913 Vol. 147, No. 30021-9193/81/090900-14$02.00/00

Pigments of Staphylococcus aureus, a Series of TriterpenoidCarotenoids

JOHN H. MARSHALL* AND GREGORY J. WILMOTHDepartment ofMicrobiology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3168 Australia

Received 5 January 1981/Accepted 26 May 1981

The pigments of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated and purified, and theirchemical structures were determined. All of the 17 compounds identified weretriterpenoid carotenoids possessing a C3o chain instead of the C4o carotenoidstructure found in most other organisms. The main pigment, staphyloxanthin,was shown to be a-D-glucopyranosyl 1-0-(4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oate) 6-0-(12-methyltetradecanoate), in which glucose is esterified with both a triterpenoidcarotenoid carboxylic acid and a C15 fatty acid. It is accompanied by isomerscontaining other hexoses and homologs containing C17 fatty acids. The carotenes4,4'-diapophytoene, 4,4'-diapophytofluene, 4-4'-diapo-±-carotene, 4,4'-diapo-7,8,11,12-tetrahydrolycopene, and 4,4'-diaponeurosporene and the xanthophylls4,4'-diaponeurosporenal, 4,4'-diaponeurosporenoic acid, and glucosyl diaponeu-rosporenoate were also identified, together with some of their isomers or break-down products. The symmetrical 4,4'-diapo- structure was adopted for thesetriterpenoid carotenoids, but an alternative unsymmetrical 8'-apo- structure couldnot be excluded.

Rosenbach (26), in one of the first descriptionsofpyogenic cocci, distinguished between the cat-alase-negative streptococci and the catalase-pos-itive staphylococci and further subdivided thestaphylococci into those which produced orange-yellow or "golden" colonies on appropriate cul-ture media (Staphylococcus aureus) and thosewhich produced white colonies (Staphylococcusalbus). The division of the genus into species isnow based on properties considered more relia-ble than pigment formation (4, 28), but the spe-cific epithet aureus remains as a reminder of oneof the most readily observed features of S. au-reus, the characteristic color of its colonies.When freshly isolated from natural sources,most strains produce colonies which are orangein color (4); some, particularly those of bovineorigin or those showing multiple resistance toantibiotics, may be yellow (45), whereas others,although being in other respects typical strainsof S. aureus, produce no pigment ("white"strains).There is general agreement that these orange

and yellow pigments are carotenoids but, in spiteof studies by a number of workers, there isconsiderable disagreement about their precisechemical structure. Chargaff (6) claimed, mainlyon the basis of the electronic absorption spectraof extracted pigments, to have identified zea-xanthin (fl,fl-caroten-3,3'-diol) and zeaxanthinesters, and Allegra et al. (3) and Steuer (30) alsoconsidered the main pigment to be zeaxanthin.

Other workers have reported the main compo-nents to be not zeaxanthin but other carotenoids,singly or in mixtures, such as 8-carotene (e, 4-carotene), rubixanthin (&,4i-caroten-3-ol), andrubixanthin esters (10, 29, 31) or 8-carotene andsarcinaxanthin [2,2'-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl) y,y-carotene; 9, 27]. In addition, variousamounts of more reduced compounds such asphytoene (7,8,11,12,7',8',11',12'-octahydro-4',4-carotene), c-carotene (7,8,7',8'-tetrahydro-i,4-carotene), and phytofluenol-like compoundshave also been reported (10) and are presumedto be biosynthetic precursors of the main pig-ments.

Marshall and Rodwell have already presentedevidence (J. H. Marshall and E. S. Rodwell, 3rdInt. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr. Commun., p. 56-57, 1972) that the major pigment of orange-pig-mented strains of S. aw-eus cannot be any ofthese compounds, but must be a previously un-described structure, which was named staphy-loxanthin. More recently, Taylor and Davies (R.F. Taylor and B. H. Davies, 4th Int. Symp.Carotenoids Abstr. Commun., p. 66-67, 1975)have reported briefly that the major xanthophyllof S. aureus (strain 209P) does not possess thecommon tetraterpenoid (C4o) carotenoid struc-ture, but is a triterpenoid (C30) carotenoid withthe structure 4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oic acid(4,4'-diapo-7',8'-dihydro-4,i4-caroten-4-oic acid);there is also evidence that it may form estersand glycosides (7). This major xanthophyll is


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VOL. 147, 1981

accompanied by triterpenoid carotenes which, ithas been suggested (8), may be intermediates ofa pathway for triterpenoid carotenoid biosyn-thesis which is analogous to the Porter-Lincolnpathway for tetraterpenoid carotenoid biosyn-thesis (24, 25). "Bacterial phytoene," isolated bySuzue from a white mutant of S. aureus 209P,had already been identified as a C30 homolog ofphytoene, and it was proposed that it is a pre-cursor of C04 carotenoids in this organism, al-though the possibility that it is the precursor ofother C30 carotenoids was not excluded (32, 33).

Triterpenoid carotenoids have been reportedin certain other bacteria. Aasen et al. (1) ob-tained the triterpenoid carotenoid glycosidemethyl 1-mannosyloxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2-dihy-dro-8'-apo-+-caroten-8'-oate from two organismsdescribed as yellow halophilic cocci. Taylor andDavies (34, 35, 37) isolated and characterized aseries oftriterpenoid carotenes and xanthophyllsfrom Streptococcus faecium UNH564P, a yel-low-pigmented strain (recent work [40] arguesin favor of classifying these pigmented strepto-cocci as a separate species, Streptococcus cas-seliflavus). The main pigments produced by thisorganism in unaerated cultures were carotenes,whereas in aerated cultures it produced mainlythe glucoside 4-D-glucopyranosyloxy-4,4'-diapo-7,8-dihydro-i,4-carotene (glucosyl-diaponeuro-sporenol; 38). Halobacterium cutirubrum, anorganism which produces both C40 and C50 ca-rotenoids, also produces a C30 phytoene (17).We reexamined the nature of the pigments

produced by S. aureus, and from the resultsreported here, we conclude that they are alltriterpenoid carotenoids or derivatives of them,some possessing novel structures. In the accom-panying paper (19), we present evidence for thepathway by which these pigments are producedbiosynthetically. A preliminary report of thiswork has been given previously (J. H. Marshalland G. J. Wilmoth, 5th Int. Symp. CarotenoidsAbstr. Commun., p. 36, 1978).

MATERIALS AND METHODSOrganisms and growth conditions. The organ-

ism used for most of this work was S. aureus S41,isolated originally in 1965 in Melbourne, Australia,and chosen initially because of its ability to producestrongly pigmented colonies. Its phage typing patternis 52/52A/42E/83A/81/95.A number of mutants with altered pigment patterns

were derived from this strain and, in some cases, weremore convenient sources of certain carotenoids thanthe wild-type strain; details of their isolation and prop-erties are given in the accompanying paper (19). S.aureus strain FDA209P (NCTC 7447) and the neotypestrain NCTC 8532 were obtained from the NationalCollection of Type Cultures, Colindale, England.

Organisms were normally maintained as freeze-


dried cultures, except for certain mutants (19). Work-ing stocks were maintained on nutrient agar or glycerolmonoacetate agar at 40C after overnight growth at370C. The use of glycerol monoacetate as a substratesupporting good pigment production was described byWillis and Turner (46). Glycerol monoacetate brothcontained (per liter): tryptone (Oxoid Ltd., London,England), 10.0 g; yeast extract (Difco Laboratories,Detroit, Mich.), 2.5 g; glycerol monoacetate (Koch-Light), 6.0 ml; Tris (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis,Mo.), 12.0 g; nicotinic acid, 1.2 mg; thiamine hydro-chloride, 0.4 mg; biotin, 0.002 mg; the final pH wasadjusted to 7.0 to 7.2 before autoclaving at 1210C for10 min. In some experiments, the Tris buffer in themedium was replaced by phosphate (Na2HPO4, 2.1 g;KH2PO4, 0.7 g). Solid medium was prepared by incor-porating 1% agar in the medium. Cells for pigmentstudies were normally grown in glycerol monoacetatebroth in wide-mouthed Erlenmeyer flasks, the mediumoccupying one-fifth of the flask volume. Flasks wereinoculated from an 18-h broth culture (0.1 ml per 100ml) and incubated on a rotary shaker (eccentric radius,3.5 cm) at 160 rpm and 370C for 24 to 40 h (conditionswhich ensure good aeration) or under similar condi-tions in an orbital incubator (Gallenkamp, model IH-400).Dry weight determination. The dry weight of

cells was determined by measurement of the absorb-ance of cell suspensions at 580 nm with a Spectronic20 spectrophotometer (Bausch & Lomb, Inc., Roch-ester, N.Y.). The relation between dry weight andabsorbance was linear up to an absorbance of 0.7; dryweight (milligrams per milliliter) = 0.27 x absorbancereading.

Chemicals. Analytical reagent grade chemicalswere used where possible, failing which the purestcommercially available grade was used. Light petro-leum was Petroleumbenzin (b.p., 40 to 600C; E. Merck,Darmstadt, W. Germany) unless otherwise specified.Most organic solvents were obtained from E. Merckor British Drug Houses (Poole, England) and usedwithout further purification; where further purifica-tion was necessary, the methods described by Taylorand Davies (34) were used.

Extraction of carotenoids. Cells were harvestedby centrifugation (5,000 x g, 10 min) and washed twicewith water. The packed cells could be extracted im-mediately or stored at -20°C for up to 3 monthswithout their carotenoid content being affected. Theywere suspended in methanol (40 ml per g [dry weight]of cells), heated in a water bath at 550C for a fewminutes while being stirred with a gentle stream ofnitrogen, cooled, and centrifuged. The extraction wasrepeated if necessary until all pigment had been ex-tracted. To avoid alteration of the carotenoids, manip-ulations were performed under nitrogen, exposure tobright light was avoided, and material was never storedin polar solvents. The combined methanol extractswere shaken with 1 volume of ethyl acetate and 3volumes of 1.7 M aqueous NaCl, the ethyl acetatelayer was removed, the aqueous layer if still coloredwas extracted with more ethyl acetate, and the com-bined ethyl acetate extracts were dried with anhydrousNa2SO4. The solvent was then removed in vacuo, theresidue was dissolved in light petroleum-acetone (1:1,

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vol/vol), and the solution was cooled to -20°C toprecipitate phospholipids. For storage, it was prefera-ble to replace this solvent mixture with light petroleumeven though some of the polar carotenoids were notsoluble in it.Chromatographic methods. (i) Sephadex LH-

20 columns. Sephadex LH-20 (Pharmacia, Uppsala,Sweden) was swollen before use by suspension inchloroform and then packed in a column (20 by 1 cm).Carotenoid extracts were transferred from light petro-leum to chloroform solution. The chloroform solutionwas applied to the column, and the carotenoids wereeluted with chloroform or, for more-polar components,a chloroform-methanol mixture.

(ii) Alumina columns. Alumina (Merck or Calbi-ochem; neutral, deactivated to Brockmann grade II)was suitable for separation of carotenes and low-po-larity xanthophylls, but higher-polarity xanthophyllswere difficult or impossible to elute. Some carotenoids,when left in contact with alumina, are degraded, anddelays or interruption in the flow of solvent duringseparations should be avoided. Elution started withlight petroleum, followed by light petroleum-acetonemixtures of increasing polarity, acetone, and in somecases acetone-methanol mixtures.

(iii) TLC. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) wasused as an analytical method and a preparativemethod. Plates were prepared by spreading silica gel(Kieselgel 60HR; Merck) on glass plates in 0.25-mmlayers for analytical work or in 0.5-mm layers forpreparative work and were activated at 110°C for 30min. Silver nitrate-impregnated silica gel plates wereprepared by incorporating 2.5% AgNO3 and 5% con-centrated NH40H in the suspending fluid for slurryingthe silica gel (47). The following solvent systems wereused: (i) light petroleum-acetone, 99:1 (vol/vol); (ii)light petroleum-acetone, 4:1 (vol/vol); (iii) light petro-leum-acetone, 13:7 (vol/vol); (iv) benzene-methanol-acetic acid, 87:11:2 (vol/vol/vol). Spots or bands fromthin-layer plates were recovered by scraping the ap-propriate portion of silica gel into a tube and elutingwith light petroleum-acetone or acetone. Most carot-enoids are readily detected as colored spots or bands;diapophytofluene, although colorless, fluorescesstrongly in UV light. Colorless components were de-tected by exposure to iodine vapor, by spraying withsulfuric acid and heating, or by eluting and determin-ing electronic absorption spectra.

(iv) GLC. Analyses by gas-liquid chromatography(GLC) were performed on a Perkin-Elmer model F-11gas chromatograph (Perkin-Elmer, Beaconsfield, Eng-land). Glass columns (1.5 m by 4 mm) packed with 2%SE-52 on Gas-Chrom Q (80 to 100 mesh) were runisothermally at temperatures up to 3300C, using nitro-gen as the carrier gas and a flame ionization detector.Many carotenoids are not stable under these condi-tions but can be converted into stable derivatives byhydrogenation over platinum oxide (36).

Spectroscopy. Electronic absorption spectra weredetermined with a Hitachi-Perkin-Elmer double-beam recording spectrophotometer (model 124; Per-kin-Elmer, Norwalk, Conn.) calibrated against the651.1-nm band of deuterium. Infrared spectra weredetermined in carbon tetrachloride solution with aPerkin-Elmer infrared recorder console (model 180);


the "waxy" consistency of solid carotenoids made itdifficult to compress them into a KBr pellet. Someinitial determinations of mass spectra were made byG. P. Moss, Department of Chemistry, Queen MaryCollege, London, England; later determinations weremade by S. Middleton, Department of Chemistry,Monash University, on a VG-Micromass 70/70F massspectrometer, using a direct-probe insertion technique,a probe temperature of 200 to 220°C, and an ionizingpotential of 70 eV.

Quantitative determination ofcarotenoids. Ca-rotenoids were estimated quantitatively by measuringabsorbance of solutions in light petroleum at appro-priate wavelengths. Values for the specific extinctioncoefficients (E'I'm) of individual carotenoids wereadapted from the molar extinction values of corre-sponding C40 carotenoids as described by Taylor andDavies (34). Values used for C30 carotenes are: 4,4'-diapophytoene (15-cis), 1,009 at 286 nm; 4,4'-diapo-phytofluene, 2,105 at 347 nm; 4,4'-diapo-7,8,11,12-tetrahydrolycopene, 3,367 at 395 nm; 4,4'-diapo-D-carotene, 3,415 at 400 nm; 4,4'-diaponeurosporene,3,905 at 435 nm; 4,4'-diapolycopene, 4,450 at 466 nm.The Elm value for 4,4'-diaponeurosporene was alsoused as a nominal value for its cis isomers and for thexanthophylls 4,4'-diaponeurosporenal (3,905 at 466nm) and 4,4'-diaponeurosporenoic acid (3,905 at 455nm). Corresponding values for the glycosides were:glucosyl-diaponeurosporenoate, 2,860 at 462 nm;staphyloxanthin, 1,920 at 462 nm.Chemical characterization reactions. (i) Ace-

tylation was used to determine the number and natureof hydroxyl functions (2). The carotenoid (50 to 500jig) was dissolved in 1 ml of dry pyridine, 0.1 ml aceticanhydride was added, and the mixture was placed inthe dark under nitrogen at room temperature for 12 to24 h. Sodium chloride solution (5 ml, 1.7 M) was thenadded, the product was extracted into diethyl ether(two 5-ml volumes), and the combined extracts werewashed with 1.7 M NaCl to remove pyridine; thesolvent was then removed in vacuo. The acetylatedproduct was dissolved in light petroleum and purifiedby TLC on silica gel with solvent iii. Primary, second-ary, and tertiary alcohols are distinguished by theirease of acetylation (18); primary alcohols are fullyacetylated within 10 to 30 min, secondary alcoholsrequire 3 to 6 h for acetylation, and tertiary alcoholsdo not react. To determine whether tertiary hydroxylswere present, the fully acetylated product was furthertreated with dry pyridine and bis(trimethylsilyl)-acetamide (Pierce Chemical Co., Rockford, Ill.), andthe product was recovered and purified as for acetylderivatives. Tertiary hydroxyls are silylated underthese conditions (13).

(ii). Sodium borohydride reduces aldehydes andketones but not carboxylic acids or their esters (2, 18),but some carotenol esters may be saponified (12). Anethanolic solution of carotenoid was treated with a fewcrystals of NaBH4 and placed in the dark at roomtemperature for 60 min; 1.7 M NaCl was then added,and the product was extracted into diethyl ether andpurified.

(iii) Lithium aluminum hydride reduces aldehydes,ketones, and esters to hydroxyl derivatives (2). To thecarotenoid dissolved in dry diethyl either, LiAlH4 (1

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VOL. 147, 1981

to 2 mg) was added and allowed to react at room

temperature for a few minutes. The reaction was ter-minated by the addition of a few milliliters of wetether followed by 5 ml of 1.7 M NaCl, and the productin the ether phase was concentrated and purified. Insome cases, difficulties were encountered in isolatingproducts from strongly polar xanthophylls owing totheir adsorption on the alumina precipitate.

(iv) Saponification with methanolic KOH is a stand-ard procedure for preliminary purification of carote-noids in which it is assumed that not only glycerolesters but also any carotenol- or carotenoic acid-con-taining esters will be hydrolyzed to free acids. Taylorand Davies, however, have shown that 4% KOH atroom temperature produces rapid transesterificationof carotenoic esters or esterification of free carotenoicacids to the corresponding methyl esters (7; Taylorand Davies, 4th Int. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr. Com-mun.). More concentrated alkali (10% KOH) actingfor 12 to 24 h is needed to ensure hydrolysis of esters(including methyl esters) to free acids. Esters can alsobe hydrolyzed to free acids with no possibility ofmethyl ester formation by treatment with 5% KOH inacetone at room temperature for 60 min; the alkalineacetone solution should be freshly prepared to keep toa minimum the formation of alkali-catalyzed polymer-ization products of acetone, which do not then inter-fere.

(v) Carotenoid isomerization was performed by theZechmeister method, employing UV irradiation in thepresence of iodine (34).

(vi) Partition coefficients between light petroleumand 95% methanol were determined by the method ofPetracek and Zechmeister (21).

Identification of sugar moiety of carotenoidglycosides. The carotenoid glycoside (100 to 500 ug)was hydrolyzed in HCl-saturated chloroform as de-scribed by Taylor and Davies (35), and the water-soluble fraction was used for chromatographic andenzymatic analyses for carbohydrate. Chromato-graphic analysis was by TLC on Kieselguhr G platesbuffered with phosphate at pH 5 and eluted withbutan-1-ol-acetone-0.05 M phosphate (pH 5; 4:5:1,vol/vol/vol) (41). Sugars were detected by sprayingthe plates with AgNO3 solution followed by NaOHsolution and heating (16). Enzymatic analyses for glu-cose employed Glucostat reagent (glucose oxidase-per-oxidase reagent; Worthington Diagnostics, Freehold,N.J.).

Identification and estimation of fatty acids.Material containing fatty acids was treated with meth-anol-boron trifluoride; the resulting fatty acid methylesters were extracted into diethyl ether and analyzedby GLC in the system described previously, using a

column temperature of 175°C. Quantitative estimationwas by comparison of peak areas with those of knownstandards. Reference compounds included the satu-rated n acids C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, and C,8 as well as

the branched-chain anteiso- acids C15 and C17 preparedfrom S. aureus lipids.

Glycerol determination. Glycerol was measuredenzymatically by using glycerol kinase and NAD-de-pendent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Boeh-ringer Mannheim).

Radioactivity measurements. Activity of 14C-


containing material was measured with a liquid scin-tillation spectrometer (model 2002; Packard Instru-ment Co., Rockville, Md.). The scintillation fluid wasprepared by dissolving 5 g of 2,5-diphenyloxazole[PPO] and 0.1 g of 1,4-bis[2-(4-methyl-5-phenyloxa-zolyl)] benzene in 1 liter of toluene and adding 500 mlof Triton X-100. Carotenoid samples were bleachedwith benzoyl peroxide before being counted (42).['4C]acetic anhydride was obtained from the Radi-ochemical Centre, Amersham, England.

RESULTSExtraction and purification methods.

Brief treatment of wet-packed cells with warmmethanol (43) proved the most satisfactory ofthe methods tried for extracting pigments fromS. aureus. Such extracts usually contain, in ad-dition to carotenoids, other polyisoprene com-pounds such as squalene, menaquinones, andbactoprenol (undecaprenol and homologs) aswell as phospholipids and glycolipids. It is cus-tomary to remove saponifiable lipids either byincorporating alkali in the extracting solvent orby a subsequent saponification step with meth-anolic KOH (18). With S. aureus extracts, sa-ponification must be avoided; otherwise somexanthophylls, which are rapidly and irreversiblychanged by dilute alkali, will be lost (Marshalland Rodwell, 3rd Int. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr.Commun.). Phospholipids can be removed by analternative method involving precipitation bycold acetone (see above).For purification and isolation of individual

carotenoids, a combination of chromatographicmethods was used. Chromatography on Sepha-dex LH-20 columns was the most useful systemfor initial fractionation of crude extracts; elutionwith chloroform followed by chloroform-meth-anol separated four main fractions and permit-ted complete recovery of all material from thecolumn (Table 1). By suitable adjustment of thecolumn size and flow rate of the solvent, fraction3 could be resolved into two separate bands(diaponeurosporenoic acid and staphyloxan-thin), but it was usually preferable to use otherchromatographic systems to resolve each of frac-tions 1 to 3 into individual components. Individ-ual carotenoids isolated from S. aureus, togetherwith their spectral characteristics and order ofelution from alumina (grade II) columns by lightpetroleum and light petroleum-acetone, arelisted in Table 2. Alumina gave good resolutionof fraction 1 but was less satisfactory for chro-matography of more polar components, some ofwhich became irreversibly bound to alumina andcould not be eluted. There was also evidence ofbreakdown of some components, the extentbeing proportional to the time they were incontact with alumina.

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TLC on silica gel with different solvent sys-

tems was capable of separating most of the ca-

rotenoids (Table 3), although it did not separatecarotenes as well as did alumina columns. It was

TABLE 1. Chromatography of carotenoids andrelated compounds of S. aureus on Sephadex LH-20Frac- Eluted by: Compositiontion

1 Chloroform SqualeneCarotenesMenaquinoneCarotenals

2 Chloroform BactoprenolIsostaphyloxanthinHydroxy-400 compounds

3 Chloroform-methanol Diaponeurosporenoic acid(99:1)a Staphyloxanthin

4 Chloroform-methanol Glucosyl-diaponeurosporen-(19:1)b oate

Chloroform alone will slowly elute fraction 3.Increasing methanol concentration causes swelling of

Sephadex, and the flow rate decreases considerably.

particularly useful when only limited amountsof material were available, for rapid qualitativeanalysis of crude extracts or fractions, and as a

final purification step for some components. Forexample, up to 350 ug of staphyloxanthin couldbe separated as a narrow band without trailingon a 20-cm by 10-cm plate, 0.5 mm thick.Carotenes. The hydrocarbon fraction con-

tained, in addition to squalene (20 ,ug/g [dryweight]), several carotenes which appeared to

correspond to those-first isolated by Taylor andDavies (34) from Streptococcus faecium andlater reported by them to be also present in S.aureus 209P (4th Int. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr.Commun.). The chromatographic properties,epiphasic behavior (partition ratio, 100:0), andabsorption maxima are in good agreement withthose reported here (Table 2). Upon hydrogen-ation and analysis by GLC (Table 4), the deriv-atives all ran with the same retention time as

squalane, indicating that they were all C3o com-

pounds; mass spectral determinations on thestaphylococcal diapophytoene (mle, 408, corre-

sponding to a molecular formula of C30H48) and

TABLE 2. Chromatography on alumina and identity of carotenoids isolated from S. aureus

Chromatogra- Carote-phya noidc

Color A,,,, (nm) in light petroleumb Identification content

Band Solvent ([Ag/g[dry wt])

1 0 Colorless - Squalene 202 0 Colorless 275 286 298 15-cis-4,4'-Diapophytoene 403 0 Colorless 330 347 366 4,4'-Diapophytofluene 3

(fluorescent)4 0 Pale yellow 374 395 419 4,4'-Diapo-7,8,11,12-tetrahydro- 2

lycopene5 0.5 Yellow 405 428 456 Neo-4,4'-diaponeurosporene C 16 0.5 Pale yellow 378 400 425 4,4'-Diapo-±-carotene 67 0.75 Yellow 407 430 459 Neo-4,4'-diaponeurosporene B 18 1 Yellow 412 435 465 4,4'-Diaponeurosporene (all- 10

trans)9 1 Red 440 466 498 4,4'-Diapolycopene NDd10 1.5 Colorless 243 248 260 269 325 Menaquinone11 3 Red 346 (441) 463 492 cis-4,4'-Diaponeurosporenal ND12 3 Red (444) 466 496 4,4'-Diaponeurosporenal 113 3 Red (454) 476 508 4,4'-Diapolycopenal ND14' 20 JPale yellow - Bactoprenol

Pale yellow 378 400 422 (445) Hydroxy-400 compounds 1015 30 Orange - 460 (489) Isostaphyloxanthin 1016 40 Orange - 462 (491) Staphyloxanthin 360NEf Yellow 432 455 483 4,4'-Diaponeurosporenoic acid 38NE Yellow (430) 453 481 cis-4,4'-Diaponeurosporenoic 2

acidNE Orange - 462 (491) Glucosyl-4,4'-diaponeurosporen- 10

oatea Chromatography on alumina (grade II) column. Bands eluted successively by light petroleum-acetone mixtures of increasing

polarity; percent acetone indicated in solvent column. Relative positions of three noncarotenoid polyisoprenes also shown(bands 1, 10, and 14).

b Dashes indicate no peak; parentheses indicate point of inflection.c Average figures for several experiments; cells grown with good aeration (see text) for 40 h at 37°C, yielding 2.5 to 3.0 mg

(dry weight) of cells per ml of culture; total carotenoid content, ca. 500 itg/g (dry weight).d ND, Not detected in the wild-type strain but found in some mutants (19).4,4'-Diaponeurosporenol (X., 412, 435, and 465) was never detected in S. aureus, but authentic material eluted in band 14.

f Not eluted even by polar solvents.


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TABLE 3. TLC of carotenoids, squalene,menaquinone, and bactoprenol from S. aureus'

Rf valueCompound

ii iii iv

Squalene 0.874,4'-Diapophytoene 0.804,4'-Diapophytofluene 0.624,4'-Diapo-7,8,11,12- 0.49

tetrahydrolycopeneNeo-4,4'-diaponeurosporene 0.47 >0.85 >0.85 >0.90C

4,4'-Diapo-±-carotene 0.47Neo-4,4'-diaponeurosporene 0.45B

4,4'-Diaponeurosporene 0.394,4'-Diapolycopene 0.36Menaquinone 0.25 0.71 0.81 0.82cis-4,4'-Diaponeurosporenal 0.10 0.64 0.72 0.754,4'-Diaponeurosporenal 0.10 0.60 0.68 0.754,4'-Diapolycopenal 0.10 0.57 0.65 0.75Bactoprenol 0.55 0.65 0.604,4'-Diaponeurosporenol 0.54 0.63 0.60cis-4,4'-Diaponeurosporenoic 0.12 0.52 0.47

acid4,4'-Diaponeurosporenoic 0 0.12 0.49 0.45

acidIsostaphyloxanthin 0.07 0.43 0.40Staphyloxanthin 0.05 0.38 0.36Glucosyl-diaponeurosporen- 0 0.05 0.25

oate' TLC on silica gel. For composition of solvents i through

iv, see the text.

diaponeurosporene (mle, 402, corresponding toa molecular formula of C3oH42) provided conclu-sive evidence of their size. Under the growthconditions used, the total carotene content ofthe cells was about 60,ug/g (dry weight) (10 to15% of the total carotenoids); however, some ofthe mutant strains (19) produced much higherproportions of carotenes and were a more con-venient source for their isolation.The main members of this carotene series

are 4,4'-diapophytoene (4,4'-diapo-7,8,11,12,7',-8',11',12' -octahydro -4,4- carotene), 4,4' - diapo-phytofluene (4,4'- diapo - 7,8,11,12,7',8'- hexahy-dro-4,O-carotene), 4,4' -diapo- g-carotene (4,4'-diapo-7,8,7',8'-tetrahydro-4,4-carotene) 4,4'-di-apo - 7,8,11,12 - tetrahydrolycopene (4,4'- diapo -7,8,11,12-tetrahydro-40,4i-carotene), and 4,4'-diaponeurosporene (4,4'-diapo-7,8-dihydro-4,4-carotene), possessing systems of 3,5,7,7- and 9-conjugated double bonds, respectively (Fig. 1).Only one isomer of 4,4'-diapophytoene was iso-lated; its properties correspond to those of the15-cis isomer (7), in contrast to the other mem-bers of the series, which were all-trans isomers.For 4,4'-diaponeurosporene, in addition to thetrans isomer, which constituted 80 to 90% of thetotal, two cis isomers were also isolated, the neoB and neo C isomers. Each of the three isomers,when subjected to iodine-catalyzed photoiso-merization, gave an equilibrium mixture of the

TABLE 4. GLC of carotenoids of S. aureus


Compound Retentiona time/re-time (min) tention

time ofsqualane

Reference compoundSqualene 1.50 1.43Hydrogenation products of:Squalene (i.e., squalane) 1.05 1.00Lycopeneb (i.e., lycoper- 5.00 4.76

sane),B-Carotene 3.40 3.26

Compound from S. aureus4,4'-Diapophytoene 2.10 2.00Hydrogenation products of:Squalene 1.05 1.004,4'-Diapophytoene 1.05 1.004,4'-Diapophytofluene 1.05 1.004,4'-Diapo-D-carotene 1.05 1.004,4'-Diaponeurosporene 1.05 1.004,4'-Diaponeurosporenol' 1.50 1.434,4'-Diaponeurosporenal 1.55 1.474,4'-Diaponeurosporenoic 1.55 1.47

acid4,4'-Diaponeurosporenoic 1.70 1.61

acid methyl esterStaphyloxanthin No clear

peaksa Column: 2 % SE-52 on Gas-Chrom Q run isother-

mally at 250°C.bPrepared from tomatoes.C Prepared by reduction of staphyloxanthin with


I )



FIG. 1. Triterpenoid carotenes of S. aureus. (I) 15-cis-4,4'-Diapophytoene; (II) 4,4'-diapophytofluene;(III) 4,4-diapo-o-carotene; (IVa 4,4r-diapo-7,8,11,12-tetrahydrolycopene; (9 4,4'-diaponeurosporene.

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trans (55%) and five cis isomers, neo A (2%), neoB (10%), neo C (30%), neo D (2%), and neo E(1%); the amounts found and positions of ab-sorption maxima were in good agreement withreported values (34).One novel carotene found in small quantities

in certain mutants but not in the wild-type strain(21) was identified as 4,4'-diapolycopene (4,4'-diapo-4,i-carotene) on the basis of its absorptionspectrum (Amax, 440, 466, and 498 nm), which isidentical to that reported for synthetic materialprepared by dehydrogenation of squalene withN-bromosuccinimide (37). It has not previouslybeen reported to occur naturally.Carotenals. Carotenoid extracts from the

wild-type organism contained a fraction presentin small amounts (0.2% of the total) which couldbe separated as a red band (band 12; Table 2),but not in sufficient quantity for identification.Material sufficient for characterization was ob-tained from type IV mutants (21), for which itwas the major carotenoid. Two isomers werefound, separable by TLC with solvent iii, eachhaving a partition ratio of 78:22 and being pres-ent in a ratio of approximately 4:1. The main all-trans isomer had Xnax values of (444), 466, and496 nm in light petroleum, 467 nm in methanol,and 466 nm in acetone, whereas the values forthe cis isomer in light petroleum were (441), 463,and 492 nm, with a prominent cis peak at 346nm. Iodine-catalyzed photoisomerization ofeither gave an equilibrium mixture containing67% trans isomer. The compound did not reactwith 4% methanolic KOH, could not be acety-lated, and showed no acidic properties but wasreduced by NaBH4 or LiAlH4 to a product withXmax values (in light petroleum) at 413, 435, and465 nm, which was identified as 4,4'-diaponeu-rosporen-4-ol. Hydrogenation gave a product,the retention time of which on GLC indicatedthat it had a C30 chain (Table 4). These proper-ties are consistent with the identification of thecompound as the aldehyde 4,4'-diaponeurospo-ren-4-al (4,4'-diapo-7',8'-dihydro-4,4-caroten-4-al) described by Taylor and Davies (37) (Fig. 2,VI).

In extracts from type IV mutants, smallamounts of a second aldehyde were presentwhich ran as a faint purple band (band 13)closely following band 12 on alumina columnsand was separable by repeated chromatography.Its properties were very similar to those of dia-poneurosporenal but with Amax values of (454)476 and 508 nm, a partition ratio of 80:20, and aNaBH4 reduction product having Amax values of(444), 465, and 496 nm. Its properties suggestthat it contains 11 conjugated double bonds, andit would appear to correspond to the compoundidentified by Taylor and Davies (37) as 4,4'-





R0 X




FIG. 2. Triterpenoid xanthophylls of S. aureus.(VI) 4,4'-Diaponeurosporen-4-al; (VII) 4,4'-diaponeu-rosporen-4-oic acid; (VIII) glucosyl-diaponeurospo-renoate; (IX) staphyloxanthin (a-D -glucopyranosyl 1-O-(4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oate) 6-O-(12-methyl-tetradecanoate).

diapolycopen-4-al (4,4'-diapo-4,4-caroten-4-al).4,4'-Diaponeurosporen-4-oic acid. 4,4'-

Diaponeurosporen-4-oic acid was obtained fromcrude extracts by preliminary fractionation onSephadex LH-20 followed by TLC of fraction 3with solvent iii; alumina columns could not beused, since the compound could not be elutedeven by polar solvents. Some of its propertiesare listed in Table 5. The variation in the parti-tion ratio with pH and its reduction to diapo-neurosporenol by LiAlH4 but not by NaBH4indicated that it was the carboxylic acid 4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oic acid (4,4'-diapo-7',8'-dihydro-4,4-caroten-4-oic acid), which Taylorand Davies have reported to be the major xan-thophyll of S. aureus 209P (Taylor and Davies,4th, Int. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr. Commun.)(Fig. 2, VII). The behavior with methanolicKOH was unusual; 4% KOH at 20°C caused nodetectable change over short periods (20 min),but longer exposure led to slow esterification(50% in 12 h); 10% KOH, however, favored hy-drolysis, the ester being 95% hydrolyzed within24 h. Esterification to the same product was alsoeffected by methanol-BF3. Acetylation withacetic anhydride-pyridine was slow, 40% of theacid being unchanged after 24 h, and a singleproduct was formed which had the properties ofa mixed anhydride; silylation also yielded a sin-gle product. The retention time of the hydrogen-ation product (Table 4), which, as with otherxanthophylls, consisted of a mixture of hydro-genated xanthophyll and the corresponding hy-


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TABLE 5. Comparison of some properties of staphyloxanthin and 4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oic acidPartition

ratio (lightCompound Amaxa petro- Reaction product


4,4'-Diaponeurosporenoic acid 432 455 483 10:90b(422) 448 475C(430) 455 (483)

Reaction with:4% Methanolic KOH 432 455 485 85:15 Methyl diaponeurosporenoate10% Methanolic KOH 432 455 483 10:90b No reactionNaBH4 432 455 483 10:90b No reactionLiAIH4 413 435 465 50:50 DiaponeurosporenolAcetylating agent 460 55:45 Acetyl anhydrideSilylating agent 460 55:45 Silyl derivative

cis Isomer (430) 453 481 10:90bStaphyloxanthin 462 (491) 18:82

460460 d

Reaction with:4% Methanolic KOH 432 455 485 85:15 Methyl diaponeurosporenoate10% Methanolic KOH 432 455 483 10:90b Diaponeurosporenoic acid4% KOH in acetone ,432 455 483 10:90b Diaponeurosporenoic acidNaBH4 432 455 483 10:90b Diaponeurosporenoic acidLiAlH4 413 435 465 50:50 DiaponeurosporenolAcetylating agent (440) 463 492 55:45 Triacetate (see text)Silylation of fully acetylated (440) 463 492 55:45 No silylationproduct

cis Isomer 350 460 20:80

a Spectra measured in light petroleum except where otherwise indicated. Parentheses indicate point ofinflection.

b Partition ratio increased in dilute acid to 45:55 and decreased in dilute alkali to 0:100.'Measured in methanol.d Measured in acetone.

drogenated hydrocarbon, indicated a C30 chain.The infrared spectrum showed a prominent

carbonyl peak at 1,715 cm-', which disappearedafter LiAlH4 reduction, and a broad peak at3,350 cm-', corresponding to a carboxylic hy-droxyl which became more intense, moved to3,400 cm-' after LiAlH4 reduction, and was notpresent in the methyl ester. Mass spectral datafor the acid and its methyl ester were in closeagreement with those reported by Davies (7),indicating a molecular weight for the acid of 432and a molecular formula of C3oH4o02. Theseanalytical data confirm the identification of thecompound as 4,4'-diaponeurosporen-4-oic acid.Staphyloxanthin. Under the conditions of

growth used in this work, 70 to 80% of the totalcarotenoid produced by S. aureus S41 wasstaphyloxanthin. A comparison of some proper-ties ofstaphyloxanthin and diaponeurosporenoicacid is made in Table 5. Their spectra differedconsiderably, the acid showing a three-peakspectrum, whereas staphyloxanthin showed asingle broad peak at 460 nm in methanol oracetone and a broad peak at 462, with an inflec-tion at 491 in light petroleum (Fig. 3). Treatment


400 450 500 550

WAVELENGTH (nm)FIG. 3. Electronic absorption spectra of xantho-

phylls. ( ) Staphyloxanthin; (---) 4,4'-diaponeu-rosporenoic acid. Solvent, Light petroleum.

of staphyloxanthin with dilute alkali caused itsspectrum to change rapidly to a three-peak spec-trum, and the change could not be reversed byacidification; when 4% methanolic KOH wasused, transesterification occurred, and the prod-uct was diaponeurosporenoic acid methyl ester;when 10% methanolic KOH, 4%KOH in acetone,


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or NaBH4 was used, the product was the freeacid.

Acetylation of staphyloxanthin with acetic an-hydride-pyridine produced three separate prod-ucts, the initial product reaching its maximumlevel within 40 to 50 min and then decreasing,the second reaching a maximum after about 120min, and the third being the sole product afterabout 6 h. That each of these steps was sequen-tial could be shown by isolating the first acetylderivative by TLC (solvent iii; Rf, 0.51), subject-ing it to further acetylation to produce the sec-ond derivative, isolating it (Rf, 0.62), and againacetylating to produce the fully acetylated prod-uct (Rf, 0.72). The presence of three acetylatablehydroxyl groups was confirmed by a quantitativemeasurement of the incorporation of 14C into theproducts after acetylation of staphyloxanthinwith [1-14C]acetic anhydride, when the 14C con-tent of the three products corresponded tomono-, di-, and triacetyl derivatives, respectively(Table 6).

Earlier attempts to determine the structure ofstaphyloxanthin suggested that it was an esterof diaponeurosporenoic acid containing carbo-hydrate, fatty acid, and glycerol (Marshall andWilmoth, 5th Int. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr.Commun.). Further work showed that thesesamples of staphyloxanthin were contaminatedwith glycolipid, which could not be separated byrepeated TLC on silica gel with solvent iii or byTLC of acetylated derivatives in the same sys-tem. The presence of the glycolipid was shownby the blue color obtained after spraying withdiphenylamine (16). Separation was achieved byTLC on silver nitrate-impregnated silica gel withsolvent iii, in which system the Rf of staphylo-xanthin was appreciably less than that of the

TABLE 6. Determination offree hydroxyl groupswith [1-_4C]acetic anhydride

Acety- CH3,CO Carote- Acetyl!Carotenoid lated content' noid carote-

produCta no)(nl noid_______________ (cpm) (no)(xo) ratio

Diaponeurosporenol 12,700 177 170 1.04Staphyloxanthin

First acetyl 7,600 106 96 1.1derivative

Second acetyl 8,600 120 57 2.1derivative

Third acetyl 11,200 155 48 3.2derivative

Isostaphyloxanthin 5,300 74 22 3.35Glucosyl-diaponeu- 9,200 129 30 4.3


aCarotenoids were acetylated with [1-'4C]acetic anhydride-pyridine; values are for fully acetylated products, except forthe first and second acetyl derivatives of staphyloxanthin.

'Specific activity of [1-'4C]acetic anhydride, 20.6 jiCi/mmol.

glycolipid. Purified in this way it still containeddiaponeurosporenoic acid, carbohydrate, andfatty acid, but no glycerol.The carbohydrate moiety was obtained in the

water-soluble fraction after acid hydrolysis, andthe main component had an Rf of 0.36 in theTLC system of Waldi (41), corresponding toglucose; about 5% each of two other carbohy-drates was present with Rf values of 0.44 and0.25, corresponding to mannose and galactose.The presence of glucose as the main componentwas confirmed by enzymatic assay with the Glu-costat reagent.

Identification and measurement of fatty acidswere carried out by GLC of their methyl estersafter hydrolysis of the carotenoid with metha-nolic KOH. The main component was identifiedas the C05 anteiso- acid, 12-methyl-tetradecanoicacid; some of its C17 homolog 14-methyl-hexa-decanoic acid was also present. Quantitative de-terminations of carotenoid, glucose, and fattyacid in staphyloxanthin yielded a ratio near 1:1:1, although the figure for glucose was alwaysslightly less than one.The infrared spectrum differs from that of

methyl diaponeurosporenoate, mainly in show-ing, in addition to the carbonyl peak at 1,715cm-I, a second strong carbonyl band at 1,740cm-l, attributable to the fatty acid carboxyl, anda broad peak at 3,400 cm-', attributable to theglucose hydroxyls.Mass spectra determinations on staphyloxan-

thin gave a pattern very similar to that of dia-poneurosporenoic acid but with some additionalpeaks. The largest fragment detected was at m/e 432, corresponding to diaponeurosporenoicacid, with other peaks at m/e 415 (M-17) and387 (M-45), indicating loss of -OH and-COOH. A prominent peak at m/e 242 accom-panied by peaks at m/e 225 (M-17) and 197 (M-45) corresponded to a Cl5 monocarboxylic acid,whereas peaks at m/e 185 (M-57) and 57 wereconsistent with methylation at the third carbon,


giving the fragment CH3-CH2-CH- (5). Asmall peak at mle 269 indicated the presence ofthe homologous C17 fatty acid. Triacetylstaph-yloxanthin gave a parent ion at m/e 944, corre-sponding to a molecular formula of C57H50Oll(Fig. 4). Fragments at mWe 513 and 432 corre-sponded to splitting ofdiaponeurosporenoic acidfrom the rest of the molecule, whereas m/e 288was the triacetylhexose moiety (M-432-225) andshowed a typical fragmentation pattern of tri-acetylhexose (23), giving successive loss of acetylgroups producing peaks at mle 229, 169, and 109;a small peak at m/e 703 corresponded to loss offatty acid (M-242). A small peak was also de-


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tected at mle 972, attributable to the homologcontaining a C17 fatty acid.

Staphyloxanthin thus appeared to be a deriv-ative of diaponeurosporenoic acid linked by anester linkage to glucose, which was also esterifiedwith a C15 fatty acid. G. P. Moss (Queen MaryCollege, London, England) very kindly examineda sample of this material by mass and nuclearmagnetic resonance spectrometry. He suggestedthat the carotenoid chain may have the unsym-metrical 8'-apo- structure, rather than the 4,4'-diapo- structure, and proposes for staphyloxan-thin the structure a-D-glucopyranosyl 1-0-(8'-apo-4'-carotenoate) 6-0-(12-methyl-tetradeca-noate) (20), although we prefer the symmetrical4,4'-diaponeurosporenoate for the carotenoidmoiety (see Discussion). This structure is shownin Fig. 2 (IX). The relationship between the twoaltermative structures for the C30 chain, the 4,4'-diapo- and the 8'-apo-, and the C40 carotenoidchain are shown in Fig. 5. The analytical resultsindicate that staphyloxanthin is accompanied bysmall amounts of two isomeric forms in whichglucose is replaced by mannose or galactose andby homologous forms containing the C17 fattyacid in place of the C15 fatty acid.Isostaphyloxanthin. Material which ran

just ahead of staphyloxanthin on Sephadex LH-

703 \ 2


FIG. 4. Mass spectrometry of triacetyl staphylox-anthin; derivation ofmain fragments.

h fnr0I


i rnyToone i




C30 1.


FIG. 5. Relationship between alternative struc-tures for "C3o phytoene" and phytoene.

20 or alumina could be separated as a distinctfraction by TLC (solvent iii). When subjected tothe tests listed in Table 5, it behaved likestaphyloxanthin and differed from it only inhaving a slightly higher partition ratio (23:77)and Am., values of 461 and (489) nm, the 489-nminflection being slightly less prominent. It is nota cis isomer and, when subjected to iodine-cat-alyzed photoisomerization, showed hypochromicand hypsochromic changes in its spectrum to aAmax of459 nm and a cis peak at 357 nm. Stepwiseacetylation and acetylation with [1-_4C]aceticanhydride (Table 6) showed the presence ofthree free hydroxyl groups. By the same meth-ods as were used for staphyloxanthin, it wasshown to contain diaponeurosporenoic acid, glu-cose, and a C15 fatty acid, although there wasnot sufficient. material for a quantitative enzy-matic assay for glucose. Its properties suggestthat it is an isomer of staphyloxanthin whichmay differ only in the position of the ester link-ages between glucose and the C15 and C30 chains.Glucosyl-diaponeurosporenoate. After

the structure of staphyloxanthin became clear,it seemed likely that its biosynthesis would pro-ceed via an intermediate involving two of itsthree constituents. Such a compound was de-tected in the most polar fraction from the Seph-adex LH-20 column (Table 1, fraction 4). Thisfraction also contained glycolipid and phospho-lipid, and purification required several separa-tions by TLC on silica gel (solvent iv) followedby TLC of acetylated material on silver nitrate-impregnated silica gel (solvent iii). Hydrolysis ofthe pure material yielded diaponeurosporenoicacid and glucose (as shown by TLC and enzy-matically). By the chemical tests used to char-acterize staphyloxanthin (Table 5), it was indis-tinguishable from it. Its spectrum was also indis-tinguishable from staphyloxanthin [A.,l1,1 462 and(491) nm], but it was more hypophasic (partitionratio, 2:98), and its more polar nature was ap-parent on chromatography. A total of five acetylderivatives were detected during acetylation; de-termination of free hydroxyl groups by exhaus-tive acetylation with [1-_4C]acetic anhydrideshowed that there were four (Table 6). Onlysmall amounts of material were available foranalysis, which limited the accuracy of deter-mination of the carotenoid/glucose ratio; thevalue obtained was 1:0.6. Its properties are con-sistent with it being a glucosyl ester of diaponeu-rosporenoic acid."Hydroxy-400" compounds. Trace

amounts of a group ofxanthophylls were isolatedwhich all gave spectra similar to that of diapo-i-carotene but with an additional shoulder at445 nm [X,, 378, 400,425, and (445) nm]. Moreof this material was obtained from certain mu-

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tant strains (19), which permitted limited inves-tigation of this group. TLC (solvent iii) sepa-

rated bands at Rf 0.50 and 0.55, with two fainterbands at Rf 0.38 and 0.25. Their polarity andabsorption spectra were unaffected by diluteacid or alkali. There is evidence that they are

breakdown products of diaponeurosporene andpossess hydroxyl or carbonyl groups (19).4,4'-Diaponeurosporenol. 4,4'-Diaponeu-

rosporenol is a major xanthophyll in Streptococ-cus faecium (35, 38), and it was anticipated thatit would be present in S. aureus also, as an

intermediate if not a major component. Severalspecific searches of appropriate fractions fromboth the wild-type organism and several mutantstrains failed to detect it. Authentic material forcomparison was readily prepared by reductionof staphyloxanthin or diaponeurosporenoic acidwith LiAlH4.Carotenoids in other strains of S. aureus.

Pigment formation in S. aureus is known to varyin different strains, and it is also dependent on

growth conditions. The results presented herewere obtained with strain S41 grown under con-

ditions which gave good yields of pigment. Asurvey of a number of orange-pigmented strainsshowed that they possessed the same carotenoidpattern as strain S41, with staphyloxanthin as

the major component. A more detailed analysisof two strains, the neotype strain of S. aureus

(NCTC 8532) and strain 209P (NCTC 7447), thestrain used by Suzue (31) and by Taylor andDavies (Taylor and Davies, 4th Int. Symp. Ca-rotenoids Abstr. Commun.) is presented in Table7. An investigation of other pigment types andof the influence of growth conditions on pigmen-tation will be reported elsewhere.


Much of the earlier work on the chemicalnature of the pigments of S. aureus is confusedand contradictory. Some of the reasons for thisare now clear. While it has been generally ac-

cepted that the pigments were carotenoids, itwas assumed that, like most naturally occurringcarotenoids, they possessed a C40 chain and thatidentification was only a matter of matchingtheir electronic absorption spectra with the spec-tra of known carotenoids. Suzue et al. (33), how-ever, presented clear evidence that the "bacte-rial phytoene" which they isolated from a strainof S. aureus possessed a C30 and not a C40 struc-ture; our results now show that the whole seriesof carotenoid-like pigments in S. aureus belongto a C30 series, none having a C40 structure. Thistriterpenoid carotenoid series was first describedand studied by Taylor and Davies (35, 37; Taylorand Davies, 4th Int. Symp. Carotenoids Abstr.

TABLE 7. Comparison of carotenoid content ofthree strains of S. aureus


Carotenoid (Ag/g [dry wt])

S41h 8532 209P

4,4'-Diapophytoene 40 60 554,4'-Diapophytofluene 3 2 24,4'-Diapo-D-carotene 6 4 44,4'-Diaponeurosporene 12 8 84,4'-Diaponeurosporenal tr tr4,4'-Diaponeurosporenoic acid 40 45 65Glucosyl-diaponeurosporenoate 10 20 25Staphyloxanthin 360 220 320Hydroxy-400 compounds 10 5 8

a For growth conditions, see Table 2, footnote c.Strain.

Commun.). The compounds were isolated froma yellow-pigmented group D streptococcus(Streptococcus faecium UNH564P), and a re-view of C30 carotenoids by Davies (7) also in-cludes information about some members of theseries obtained from S. aureus 209P (partlybased on unpublished data). Triterpenoid carot-enoids cannot be distinguished from correspond-ing tetraterpenoids on the basis of their elec-tronic absorption spectra, the spectra being verysimilar or identical, and conclusive evidence asto their molecular size must be obtained in otherways, such as measurement of retention timesby GLC, measurement of Rf values in appropri-ate TLC systems, and determination of massspectra.A second unusual feature of staphylococcal

pigments which has misled other workers is theinstability of staphyloxanthin towards acid oralkali. The ester linkage between diaponeuro-sporenoic acid and glucose is readily split bydilute alkali, yielding the free acid or, in alkalinemethanol, its methyl ester. Standard methodsfor extraction of carotenoids frequently employalkaline methanol or, alternatively, employ asaponification step early in the purification pro-cedure. Such treatment will rapidly convertstaphyloxanthin to either diaponeurosporenoicacid or its methyl ester, which will then beisolated as apparently the main pigment com-ponent. Hammond and White in their study ofS. aureus pigments (10) did consider the possi-bility that saponification may affect their prod-uct but concluded that it did not and that noesters or glycosides were present, since the prod-ucts obtained had the same mobilities on alu-mina paper chromatography whether a saponi-fication step was included or not.

Staphyloxanthin proved difficult to purify,being accompanied by glycolipid material in sev-eral chromatographic systems, and analyses ofearlier samples of what was thought to be pure


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material suggested that it contained glycerol aswell as hexose and fatty acid. The most success-ful method of freeing it from glycolipid provedto be TLC on AgNO3-impregnated silica gel.

Carotenoid glycosides have been found in sev-eral procaryotes, including Streptococcus fae-cium (35), cyanobacteria (11), and myxobacteria(14, 15), but staphyloxanthin is unusual amongnatural products in possessing not a glycosidicbond linking glucose to a hydroxy-carotenoidbut a glucosyl ester bond linking glucose to acarotenoic acid. There is also evidence that, inaddition to the main structure containing glu-cose, small amounts of isomers containing galac-tose or mannose are also present. A second glu-cosyl ester bond links glucose to a fatty acid,predominantly the C15 anteiso- acid 12-methyl-tetradecanoic acid, which is the major fatty acidfound in other lipids of S. aureus (44); it is alsoaccompanied by some of its C17 homolog, 14-methylhexadecanoic acid. A similar fatty acylglucose linkage was found in the acylated carot-enoid glycosides of Nocardia kirovani (39) andof some gliding bacteria, including Stigmatellaaurantiaca (15) and Herpetosiphon giganteus(14), the acyl moieties here also consisting ofmixtures of fatty acids. The position of attach-ment to glucose of the carotenoic acid (1-O-) andfatty acid (6-O-) were suggested by Moss (20) onthe basis of nuclear magnetic resonance andother studies. Isostaphyloxanthin was never iso-lated in sufficient quantity for detailed structuralstudies, but its properties suggest that it is anisomer of staphyloxanthin, differing from it onlyin the position of attachment of the two acylgroups. Final confirmation of these structuresmay have to await the application of appropriatesynthetic methods (22).

Triterpenoid carotenoids in several types ofgram-positive cocci have been reported and mayprovide a useful taxonomic feature. However,there are several differences between thosefound in S. aureus and those found in Strepto-coccus faecium. The carotenes are identical andinclude both 4,4'-diapo-D-carotene and its un-symmetrical isomer 4,4'-diapo-7,8,11,12-tetra-hydrolycopene and cis isomers of 4,4'-diaponeu-rosporene, which may be artifacts produced dur-ing isolation; Davies, however, reported only thefirst of these in S. aureus (7). In Streptotoccusfaecium, the main xanthophylls are the 4-hy-droxy- and 4-glucosyloxy- derivatives of 4,4'-dia-poneurosporene, with a trace of the correspond-ing aldehyde; in S. aureus, 4,4'-diaponeurospo-renoic acid, its glucosyl ester, staphyloxanthin,and a trace of aldehyde were all identified, butno hydroxy compound was found, nor have webeen able to find evidence for a 4'-hydroxy- or a

4'-glucosyloxy- derivative of 4,4'-diaponeuro-sporenoic acid as postulated by Davies (7). Thestrain of S. aureus used for. much of this work(S41) was different from that used by Taylorand Davies (209P), but we also examined theirstrain, the neotype strain NCTC 8532, and otherorange-pigmented strains, and essentially thesame carotenoid pattern was found for each.Other strains readily distinguished from the pre-dominant orange type by the different color oftheir colonies also produced triterpenoid carot-enoids but in different proportions or theylacked one or more members of the series. Thecarotenoid glycoside isolated from two yellowhalophilic cocci of uncertain taxonomic positionby Aasen et al. (1) appears to be a closely relatedtriterpenoid carotenoid possessing a manno-syloxy- group at one end of the molecule and acarboxymethyl- group at the other, although themethyl ester may be an artifact of the saponifi-cation procedure used.The evidence available at present is not suf-

ficient to permit an unequivocal decision be-tween two possible arrangements of the carbonchain of triterpenoid carotenoids (Fig. 5): thesymmetrical 4,4'-diapo- structure proposed byTaylor and Davies (34) or the unsymmetrical 8'-apo- structure proposed by Aasen et al. (1). It ispossible, but we consider it unlikely, that bothforms may occur naturally. Evidence based ona comparison of samples of our staphylococcalcarotenes with synthetic models led Moss tofavor the unsymmetrical structure (20), but con-sideration of their biosynthetic origin favors thesymmetrical one (7). 4,4'-Diapophytoene couldbe formed directly by condensation of two mol-ecules of farnesyl pyrophosphate (C15 + C05)analogous to phytoene formation (020 + C20).Formation of 8'-apophytoene, however, wouldrequire either the loss of Clo from a C40 chain orthe condensation of two unequal units (020 +Clo). The first mechanism would require a C40intermediate, whereas in the second, unless theenzyme possessed very high specificity, somecondensation products involving C05 would beexpected, leading to C25 or C35 products. Neitherin the work described here nor in the work withmutant strains (19) was there any evidence forC25, C35, or C4o products and, consequently, untilmore conclusive evidence is available, we pro-pose to use the symmetrical structure.The triterpenoid carotenoids of S. aureus de-

scribed here possess structures which suggestthey may constitute sequential steps in a path-way for the biosynthesis of staphyloxanthin. De-tails of this pathway and further evidence insupport of it will be presented in the accom-panying paper (19).

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank E. S. Rodwell for help in the initial part of this

study, S. Middleton for determinations of mass spectra andassistance with infrared determinations, G. P. Moss for assist-ance and advice on carotenoid chemistry, and B. H. Daviesfor stimulating exchanges of ideas.

G.J.W. was in receipt of an Australian CommonwealthPostgraduate Award.


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