Phytoplankton bacterial interactions mediate micronutrient ... · terial and phytoplankton...

Phytoplanktonbacterial interactions mediate micronutrient colimitation at the coastal Antarctic sea ice edge Erin M. Bertrand a,b,1 , John P. McCrow a , Ahmed Moustafa a,b,c , Hong Zheng a , Jeffrey B. McQuaid a,b , Tom O. Delmont d , Anton F. Post e , Rachel E. Sipler f , Jenna L. Spackeen f , Kai Xu g , Deborah A. Bronk f , David A. Hutchins g , and Andrew E. Allen a,b,2 a Microbial and Environmental Genomics, J. Craig Venter Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037; b Integrative Oceanography Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92037; c Department of Biology and Biotechnology Graduate Program, American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt 11835; d Josephine Bay Paul Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA 02543; e Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI 02882; f Department of Physical Sciences, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062; and g Marine and Environmental Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 Edited by David M. Karl, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, and approved July 2, 2015 (received for review January 25, 2015) Southern Ocean primary productivity plays a key role in global ocean biogeochemistry and climate. At the Southern Ocean sea ice edge in coastal McMurdo Sound, we observed simultaneous cobalamin and iron limitation of surface water phytoplankton communities in late Austral summer. Cobalamin is produced only by bacteria and archaea, suggesting phytoplanktonbacterial in- teractions must play a role in this limitation. To characterize these interactions and investigate the molecular basis of multiple nutri- ent limitation, we examined transitions in global gene expression over short time scales, induced by shifts in micronutrient availabil- ity. Diatoms, the dominant primary producers, exhibited transcrip- tional patterns indicative of co-occurring iron and cobalamin deprivation. The major contributor to cobalamin biosynthesis gene expression was a gammaproteobacterial population, Oceanospir- illaceae ASP10-02a. This group also contributed significantly to metagenomic cobalamin biosynthesis gene abundance through- out Southern Ocean surface waters. Oceanospirillaceae ASP10- 02a displayed elevated expression of organic matter acquisition and cell surface attachment-related genes, consistent with a mu- tualistic relationship in which they are dependent on phytoplankton growth to fuel cobalamin production. Separate bacterial groups, including Methylophaga, appeared to rely on phytoplankton for carbon and energy sources, but displayed gene expression patterns consistent with iron and cobalamin deprivation. This suggests they also compete with phytoplankton and are important cobalamin consumers. Expression patterns of siderophore- related genes of- fer evidence for bacterial influences on iron availability as well. The nature and degree of this episodic colimitation appear to be mediated by a series of phytoplanktonbacterial interactions in both positive and negative feedback loops. colimitation | Southern Ocean primary productivity | metatranscriptomics | phytoplanktonbacterial interactions | cobalamin P rimary productivity and community composition in the South- ern Ocean play key roles in global change (1, 2). The coastal Southern Ocean, particularly its shelf and marginal ice zones, is highly productive, with mean rates approaching 300450 mg C m 2 · d 1 (3). As such, identifying factors controlling phytoplankton growth in these regions is essential for understanding the oceans role in past, present, and future biogeochemical cycles. Although irra- diance, temperature, and iron availability are often considered to be the primary drivers of Southern Ocean productivity (1, 4), cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ) availability has also been shown to play a role (5, 6). Cobalamin is produced only by select bacteria and archaea and is required by most eukaryotic phytoplankton, as well as many bacteria that do not produce the vitamin (7). Co- balamin is used for a range of functions, including methio- nine biosynthesis and one-carbon metabolism. Importantly, phytoplankton that are able to grow without cobalamin prefer- entially use it when available; growth without the vitamin occurs at a metabolic cost via use of an alternative methionine synthase enzyme (MetE), rather than the more efficient, cobalamin-requiring version (MetH) (8). The presence of metE in phytoplankton ge- nomes does not follow phylogenetic or obvious biogeographical lines; for instance, there are examples of both coastal and open ocean diatoms that require B 12 absolutely, and some that use it facultatively (7). Given the short residence time of the vitamin in productive, sunlit surface waters (on the order of hours to days; SI Appendix), it is likely that locally produced cobalamin is a predominant source of the vitamin to phytoplankton. Thaumarchaeota and cyanobacteria are hypothesized to be major contributors to oceanic cobalamin biosynthesis (9, 10). In the coastal Antarctic Significance The coastal Southern Ocean is a critical climate system com- ponent and home to high rates of photosynthesis. Here we show that cobalamin (vitamin B 12 ) and iron availability can simultaneously limit phytoplankton growth in late Austral summer coastal Antarctic sea ice edge communities. Unlike other growth-limiting nutrients, the sole cobalamin source is production by bacteria and archaea. By identifying microbial gene expression changes in response to altered micronutrient availability, we describe the molecular underpinnings of limi- tation by both cobalamin and iron and offer evidence that this limitation is driven by multiple delicately balanced phyto- planktonbacterial interactions. These results support a grow- ing body of research suggesting that relationships between bacteria and phytoplankton are key to understanding controls on marine primary productivity. Author contributions: E.M.B. and A.E.A. designed research; E.M.B., H.Z., J.B.M., R.E.S., J.L.S., K.X., D.A.B., and D.A.H. performed research; T.O.D. and A.F.P. contributed new reagents/ analytic tools; E.M.B., J.P.M., and A.M. analyzed data; and E.M.B., J.P.M., and A.E.A. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. Data deposition: The data reported in this paper have been deposited in the NCBI se- quence read archive (BioProject accession no. PRJNA281813; BioSample accession nos. SAMN03565520SAMN03565531). Assembled contigs, predicted peptides, annotation, and transcript abundance data for this study can be found at aallen/data/. 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, Canada B3H 4R2. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]. This article contains supporting information online at 1073/pnas.1501615112/-/DCSupplemental. 99389943 | PNAS | August 11, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 32 Downloaded by guest on May 20, 2020

Transcript of Phytoplankton bacterial interactions mediate micronutrient ... · terial and phytoplankton...

Page 1: Phytoplankton bacterial interactions mediate micronutrient ... · terial and phytoplankton transcriptional profiles in response to micronutrient manipulation during this colimited

Phytoplankton–bacterial interactions mediatemicronutrient colimitation at the coastalAntarctic sea ice edgeErin M. Bertranda,b,1, John P. McCrowa, Ahmed Moustafaa,b,c, Hong Zhenga, Jeffrey B. McQuaida,b, Tom O. Delmontd,Anton F. Poste, Rachel E. Siplerf, Jenna L. Spackeenf, Kai Xug, Deborah A. Bronkf, David A. Hutchinsg,and Andrew E. Allena,b,2

aMicrobial and Environmental Genomics, J. Craig Venter Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037; bIntegrative Oceanography Division, Scripps Institution ofOceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92037; cDepartment of Biology and Biotechnology Graduate Program, American Universityin Cairo, Cairo, Egypt 11835; dJosephine Bay Paul Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA 02543; eGraduate School of Oceanography,University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI 02882; fDepartment of Physical Sciences, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA 23062; andgMarine and Environmental Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089

Edited by David M. Karl, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, and approved July 2, 2015 (received for review January 25, 2015)

Southern Ocean primary productivity plays a key role in globalocean biogeochemistry and climate. At the Southern Ocean seaice edge in coastal McMurdo Sound, we observed simultaneouscobalamin and iron limitation of surface water phytoplanktoncommunities in late Austral summer. Cobalamin is produced onlyby bacteria and archaea, suggesting phytoplankton–bacterial in-teractions must play a role in this limitation. To characterize theseinteractions and investigate the molecular basis of multiple nutri-ent limitation, we examined transitions in global gene expressionover short time scales, induced by shifts in micronutrient availabil-ity. Diatoms, the dominant primary producers, exhibited transcrip-tional patterns indicative of co-occurring iron and cobalamindeprivation. The major contributor to cobalamin biosynthesis geneexpression was a gammaproteobacterial population, Oceanospir-illaceae ASP10-02a. This group also contributed significantly tometagenomic cobalamin biosynthesis gene abundance through-out Southern Ocean surface waters. Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a displayed elevated expression of organic matter acquisitionand cell surface attachment-related genes, consistent with a mu-tualistic relationship in which they are dependent on phytoplanktongrowth to fuel cobalamin production. Separate bacterial groups,including Methylophaga, appeared to rely on phytoplankton forcarbon and energy sources, but displayed gene expression patternsconsistent with iron and cobalamin deprivation. This suggests theyalso compete with phytoplankton and are important cobalaminconsumers. Expression patterns of siderophore- related genes of-fer evidence for bacterial influences on iron availability as well.The nature and degree of this episodic colimitation appear to bemediated by a series of phytoplankton–bacterial interactions inboth positive and negative feedback loops.

colimitation | Southern Ocean primary productivity | metatranscriptomics |phytoplankton–bacterial interactions | cobalamin

Primary productivity and community composition in the South-ern Ocean play key roles in global change (1, 2). The coastal

Southern Ocean, particularly its shelf and marginal ice zones, is highlyproductive, with mean rates approaching 300–450 mg C m−2·d−1 (3).As such, identifying factors controlling phytoplankton growth inthese regions is essential for understanding the ocean’s role inpast, present, and future biogeochemical cycles. Although irra-diance, temperature, and iron availability are often consideredto be the primary drivers of Southern Ocean productivity (1, 4),cobalamin (vitamin B12) availability has also been shown to playa role (5, 6). Cobalamin is produced only by select bacteria andarchaea and is required by most eukaryotic phytoplankton, aswell as many bacteria that do not produce the vitamin (7). Co-balamin is used for a range of functions, including methio-nine biosynthesis and one-carbon metabolism. Importantly,

phytoplankton that are able to grow without cobalamin prefer-entially use it when available; growth without the vitamin occursat a metabolic cost via use of an alternative methionine synthaseenzyme (MetE), rather than the more efficient, cobalamin-requiringversion (MetH) (8). The presence of metE in phytoplankton ge-nomes does not follow phylogenetic or obvious biogeographicallines; for instance, there are examples of both coastal and openocean diatoms that require B12 absolutely, and some that use itfacultatively (7).Given the short residence time of the vitamin in productive,

sunlit surface waters (on the order of hours to days; SI Appendix),it is likely that locally produced cobalamin is a predominantsource of the vitamin to phytoplankton. Thaumarchaeota andcyanobacteria are hypothesized to be major contributors tooceanic cobalamin biosynthesis (9, 10). In the coastal Antarctic


The coastal Southern Ocean is a critical climate system com-ponent and home to high rates of photosynthesis. Here weshow that cobalamin (vitamin B12) and iron availability cansimultaneously limit phytoplankton growth in late Australsummer coastal Antarctic sea ice edge communities. Unlikeother growth-limiting nutrients, the sole cobalamin source isproduction by bacteria and archaea. By identifying microbialgene expression changes in response to altered micronutrientavailability, we describe the molecular underpinnings of limi-tation by both cobalamin and iron and offer evidence that thislimitation is driven by multiple delicately balanced phyto-plankton–bacterial interactions. These results support a grow-ing body of research suggesting that relationships betweenbacteria and phytoplankton are key to understanding controlson marine primary productivity.

Author contributions: E.M.B. and A.E.A. designed research; E.M.B., H.Z., J.B.M., R.E.S., J.L.S.,K.X., D.A.B., and D.A.H. performed research; T.O.D. and A.F.P. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; E.M.B., J.P.M., and A.M. analyzed data; and E.M.B., J.P.M., and A.E.A. wrotethe paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.

Data deposition: The data reported in this paper have been deposited in the NCBI se-quence read archive (BioProject accession no. PRJNA281813; BioSample accession nos.SAMN03565520–SAMN03565531). Assembled contigs, predicted peptides, annotation, andtranscript abundance data for this study can be found at address: Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, Canada B3H 4R2.2To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at

9938–9943 | PNAS | August 11, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 32




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Page 2: Phytoplankton bacterial interactions mediate micronutrient ... · terial and phytoplankton transcriptional profiles in response to micronutrient manipulation during this colimited

Southern Ocean, cyanobacteria are scarce (11), and Thau-marchaeota appear to be important, in terms of abundance andcontribution to cobalamin biosynthesis proteins, only in winterand springtime (12, 13). Although seasonal trends in SouthernOcean cobalamin concentrations have yet to be investigated,these biogeographic data suggest that Austral summer SouthernOcean cobalamin production may be low relative to other sea-sons and locations. Indeed, cobalamin limitation has been ob-served in mid to late summer in the Ross Sea, but was absent inspringtime (14). This leads to the hypothesis that reduced co-balamin supply in summer, along with enhanced demand byblooming diatoms, results in possible cobalamin limitation orcobalamin and iron colimitation of primary production. Despitehints that the microbial source of cobalamin during this sum-mertime period may be gammaproteobacterial (15), it has re-mained uncharacterized to date, rendering inquiry into interactionsbetween microbial sources and sinks of the vitamin difficult.Although instances of mutualistic cobalamin-based interactionsbetween bacteria and algal laboratory cultures have been iden-tified (16), little is known about microbial dynamics surroundingcobalamin production and exchange in the field.Within McMurdo Sound, which connects the Ross Sea of the

Southern Ocean with the McMurdo ice shelf, primary pro-duction rates can reach upward of 2 gC m−2·d−1, with most an-nual production occurring between December and January (17).Because this area is highly influenced by coastal processes, it hasgenerally been assumed that productivity in the region is notiron-limited (4). However, we show here that at the sea ice edge,

McMurdo Sound primary production was both iron- and co-balamin-limited in mid-January 2013, as well as 2015 (Fig. 1; SIAppendix, Fig. S1). By examining co-occurring changes in bac-terial and phytoplankton transcriptional profiles in response tomicronutrient manipulation during this colimited period, weidentify specific bacterial and phytoplankton processes thatcontribute to cobalamin limitation and its relationship to irondynamics in this key marine region.

Results and DiscussionIn a late summer McMurdo Sound community (Fig. 1; SI Ap-pendix, Fig. S1 and Table S1), cobalamin and iron addition eachindependently enhanced chlorophyll a (Chl a) production, in-dicating that phytoplankton growth was simultaneously limitedby availability of these two micronutrients. The difference inchlorophyll concentrations in the control treatment between 24and 96 h also suggests that light limitation may have been afactor (SI Appendix). Similar results were obtained in a subse-quent year during the same period, whereas earlier in that year,the phytoplankton community appeared to be both iron- andcobalamin-replete. These data suggest this colimitation is aconsistent, episodically important phenomenon (SI Appendix,Fig. S1). We examined the short-term transcriptional response ofthe January 16, 2013, community to cobalamin and iron additionto further characterize the nature and implications of this col-imitation. RNA sequencing was performed on triplicate samples24 h after micronutrient addition. Sequencing and assemblystatistics are given in Dataset S1. This timescale is short relativeto phytoplankton community growth rates (0.23 ± 0.09 d−1; Chla-specific growth rate). Thus, observed differences in transcriptabundance are expected to directly reflect responses to changesin micronutrient availability, rather than shifts in communitycomposition. This is supported by phylogenetic contributionsto the mRNA pool, as well as 16S and 18S ribosomal RNAamplicon analyses (Fig. 1; SI Appendix, Figs. S2 and S3). Di-atoms, particularly Fragilariopsis and Pseudonitzchia, made upthe majority of the phytoplankton community (Fig. 1 B and C; SIAppendix, Table S1). Bacterial contributions to the mRNA poolwere dominated by Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, with minimalarchaeal or cyanobacterial contributions (Fig. 1D), consistent withour 16s rRNA amplicon analyses (SI Appendix, Fig. S3), as well asprevious austral summer Southern Ocean observations (12, 13).Across all major groups in the community, cobalamin addition

drove a more extensive transcriptional shift than iron addition(SI Appendix, Fig. S4), suggesting diverse microbes are poised tomanage and respond to cobalamin deprivation. Diatoms, themajor primary producers in this system, displayed transcriptionalpatterns consistent with the simultaneous cobalamin and ironlimitation observed via Chl a. Previously identified diatom co-balamin stress indicators cobalamin acquisition protein 1 (CBA1)and MetE (8, 19) were repressed by cobalamin addition across arange of diatom taxa, regardless of iron status (Fig. 2; SI Ap-pendix, Figs. S5 and S6). CBA1 is involved in cobalamin acqui-sition (19), and its transcripts were present at 9 ± 4 × 107copies·L−1 in control and +Fe treatments, and were repressed to2 ± 0.4 × 107 copies·L−1 24 h after cobalamin addition. MetEreplaces the cobalamin requirement in diatoms (8) and itstranscripts were repressed from 3 ± 1 × 108 to 6 ± 0.4 × 106copies·L−1. Their relatively high expression in unamended con-trol samples thus reflected cobalamin stress in the naturalcommunity. A subset of diatom sequences encoding the canon-ical iron starvation indicator flavodoxin (22) were significantlyrepressed by iron addition, as were select transcripts encodinganother diatom iron starvation-induced protein, ISIP2A (23)(Fig. 2; SI Appendix, Figs. S5 and S6). Multiple diatom ISIP2Aand flavodoxin encoding ORFs were not repressed 24 h afteriron addition. These ORFs may have been repressed by ironaddition on a different timescale, or it may be that some Ant-arctic diatoms constitutively express these genes, as observedpreviously for flavodoxin (24). Nitrate uptake rates were elevatedafter iron addition, in line with observed up-regulation of diatom

Fig. 1. (A) Chl a concentrations at 0, 24, and 96 h after micronutrient ad-ditions on January 16, 2013, at the McMurdo Sound sea ice edge (SI Ap-pendix, Fig. S1). Bars are means of triplicate treatments; error bars are 1 SDabout the mean. Significant differences (*t test P < 0.05; treatment vs.control) were observed in Chl a by 96 h. Upon RNA sequencing after 24 h, nosignificant differences in mRNA contribution from major taxonomic groupswere identified (B and D). Reads mapping to ORFs with LPI > 0.8 (18) wereincluded. (C and E) Percentage of reads assigned to diatom and gammap-roteobacterial taxa.

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genes encoding nitrate transporters (SI Appendix, Fig. S7). No-tably, alleviation of iron limitation was not required for thiscommunity to display signs of cobalamin stress, and vice versa,supporting the conclusion that these nutrients simultaneouslylimited community growth. Although it is possible that this re-sponse, along with the observed chlorophyll production pattern,could be produced if different groups within the primary pro-ducer community were limited by iron and others by cobalamin,a dominant diatom species in this experiment (Fragilariopsiscylindrus) was simultaneously iron- and cobalamin-deprived.CBA1, MetE, and ISIP2A sequences that showed >99–95% iden-tity (blastp) to this genome were repressed by cobalamin and ironadditions, respectively (Table 1). These observations support amodel for colimitation whereby growth can be reduced as a result ofdeprivation of two nutrients simultaneously (25). Certain types ofcolimitation, such as biochemical substitution or dependent limi-tation (25), do not have known molecular mechanisms pertaining toiron and cobalamin in eukaryotic phytoplankton. Rather, diatomcobalamin use appears to be largely independent of iron demand

and use (8), suggesting this is an instance of independent col-imitation (25).Given that cobalamin is produced only by bacteria and archaea,

a full understanding of cobalamin colimitation in phytoplanktonrequires interrogation of these communities as well. Throughcombining these transcriptome data with a genome sequenceobtained from the assembly of metagenomic data recoveredfrom another Southern Ocean surface water community, weidentify the Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a population as thedominant source of transcriptional capacity for cobalamin bio-synthesis, contributing more than 70% of cobalamin biosynthesis-associated reads in this experiment (Fig. 3; Dataset S2). We alsosuggest this group is a key contributor to cobalamin biosynthesisthroughout Austral summer surface waters of the SouthernOcean, as it contributes the majority of cbiA/cobB (cobyrinic acida,c-diamide synthase) metagenomic sequences from a range ofSouthern Ocean locations in that season, when Thaumarchaeaand SAR324 contributions are low (SI Appendix, Fig. S8). Oce-anospirillaceae ASP10-02a also contributes a majority of CobU(adenosylcobinamide kinase)-encoding sequences in SouthernOcean metagenomes (SI Appendix, Fig. S8). In addition, Oce-anospirillaceae ASP10-02a CbiA-derived peptides were previouslydetected in the Ross Sea [identified as Group RSB12 (15); SIAppendix, Fig. S9]. The assembled Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02agenome also recruited nearly 20% of all bacterial-assigned readsfrom this experiment, suggesting it is an important contributor tothis community (Fig. 3; Dataset S3). High expression levels of adiverse suite of organic compound acquisition genes, possible cellsurface attachment-related genes (26), and photoheterotrophygenes were detected and attributed to Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a(SI Appendix, Fig. S10). This key cobalamin producer may thus havebeen directly associated with phytoplankton cells and acquiring awide range of phytoplankton-derived organic compounds as growthsubstrates, suggesting a mutualistic relationship.Notably, Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a-attributed cobalamin

biosynthesis pathway genes did not show differential expressionupon vitamin addition. However, in other bacteria, genes at-tributed to the final steps in the pathway (e.g., cobU) were re-pressed by cobalamin addition (Fig. 3; Dataset S2). This latterpart of the pathway can be referred to as the salvage and repairportion and is present in many bacterial genomes that do notencode the entire biosynthesis pathway (27). Although Ocean-ospirillaceae ASP10-2a contributed the majority of cobU reads,one ORF, most similar to a different gammaproteobacterial se-quence, contributed nearly 10% of cobU reads and was signifi-cantly repressed by cobalamin addition (Fig. 3). This suggeststhat during this late Austral summer experiment, a subset ofbacterial groups repressed cobalamin salvage under conditionsof sufficient vitamin availability; increased cobalamin concen-trations appear to have resulted in reduced repair and reuse.Sequences most similar to this cobalamin- repressed cobU ORFare also highly represented in Southern Ocean metagenomicsdatasets in the Austral summer (SI Appendix, Fig. S8; gamma-proteobacterium HTCC2134), suggesting repression of salvageand repair may be a widespread phenomenon.Bacteria and archaea can also be important cobalamin con-

sumers. Previous studies in the Ross Sea and other coastal ma-rine locations suggest bacteria are able to assimilate as much


log 2










10 15 2050A: log2(+B12)+log2(control)


log 2










10 15 2050A: log2(+Fe)+log2(control)




Helicase TF




Cons. hyp.


ISIP1Cons. hyp.





Cons. hyp.

Cell surfprot.




Fig. 2. Differential transcript abundance patterns in diatoms 24 h aftermicronutrient addition, comparing cobalamin addition versus control (A)and iron addition versus control (B) (20). Each pie represents a cluster ofdiatom ORFs identified using MCL (21). LPI-based phylogenies of clusters,including the top six most abundant diatom genera, are shown. Consensusannotations for clusters of interest are given. Cons. hyp, conserved hypo-thetical protein; flavodoxin, clade II flavodoxin; Helicase TF, helicase-liketranscription factor; ISIP1, 2A, 3, iron starvation-induced proteins 1, 2A, and3; LHC, light-harvesting complex-associated proteins; FBA, fructose bisphosphatealdolase; MetE, cobalamin-independent methionine synthase; MTRR, methio-nine synthase reductase; SHMT, serine hydroxymethyltransferase; UAF, RNApolymerase I upstream activation factor.

Table 1. F. cylindrus was simultaneously cobalamin- and iron-stressed

ORF Protein Blast hit % ID FDR Fe FDR B12

262323_522_1007+ CBA1 95 1 0.06231834_1_471+ MetE 99 1 0.005128213_185_1513− ISIP2A 99 0.01 0.4

ORFs shown encode proteins with 95–99% identity (ID) to F. cylindrussequences. FDR (false discovery rate) for differential expression in pairwisecomparisons versus the control were calculated via edgeR.

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cobalamin as phytoplankton (14, 28). We identified four se-quences encoding the bacterial cobalamin uptake protein BtuBin this study (Fig. 3). One of two highly expressed BtuB-encodinggenes is most similar to those from Methylophaga. Methylophagaalso contributed significantly to the total bacterial portion of themetatranscriptomes analyzed here, suggesting it may be a quanti-tatively important cobalamin consumer in this study (Fig. 3,Dataset S4). This group has previously been detected in otherareas of the coastal Southern Ocean and across a range of ad-ditional marine locales (29–31). Characterized members of thisgroup do not produce cobalamin (32–34), but contribute signif-icantly to both methanol and dimethylsulfide consumption in thesurface ocean (30, 31). Methylophaga displayed signatures of ironand cobalamin deprivation, with repressed cobalamin uptakefunctions upon cobalamin addition, and repressed iron complexuptake and elevated iron storage transcripts after iron addition(Fig. 4). In addition to signs of micronutrient deprivation, theMethylophaga group strongly expressed genes for methanol andother one-carbon compound use. These include quinoproteinmethanol dehydrogenase, the enzyme required for conversion ofmethanol to formaldehyde, which is the initial step in assimila-tory and dissimilatory methanol use (Fig. 4). Importantly, as

methanol is a ubiquitous, abundant phytoplankton waste product(35), this gammaproteobacterial group also couples methanolproduction via phytoplankton growth to competition for co-balamin and iron.Strong iron binding ligand production by bacteria has long

been thought to play a role in enhancing iron bioavailability inthe ocean (e.g., ref. 36). Here, we document repression of genesencoding siderophore uptake proteins upon iron addition, sup-porting the notion that siderophores are a source of iron tobacteria under iron limited conditions (Dataset S5). In addition,we document significant induction of possible bacterial side-rophore biosynthesis genes upon iron addition (nonribosomalpeptide biosynthesis; Dataset S5). Although counter to the ca-nonical negative Fur regulation of siderophore production, thisinduction is consistent with results from iron fertilization studies,



Fig. 3. Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a contributes the majority of cobalaminbiosynthesis transcripts, and Methylophaga is an important contributor tocobalamin uptake gene expression. All ORFs attributed to cobalamin bio-synthesis gene cbiA/cobB, cobalamin salvage, and repair gene cobU andcobalamin uptake gene btuB are shown with mean expression values in eachof four treatments (A and B). Those significantly (edgeR FDR < 0.05) dif-ferentially expressed upon B12 addition are denoted with an asterisk. Bestblast hit and percentage identity for each ORF is given. A subset of co-balamin salvage (cobU) and uptake (btuB) genes are repressed upon co-balamin addition, whereas de novo synthesis does not appear to beregulated by B12 availability on this timescale. Overall Methylophaga andOceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a contributions to these transcriptomes and tocbiA, cobU, and btuB expression are shown in C. Fraction of Methylophaga-assigned (LPI > 0.8) reads and the fraction of reads mapping to the Ocean-ospirillaceae ASP10-2a genome (>99% identity) are shown as a percentageof total assigned bacterial-assigned (LPI > 0.8) reads. Percentage of cbiA,cobU, and btuB reads that we assigned to Methylophaga and Ocean-ospirillaceae ASP10-02a are also shown.

Fig. 4. Abundant ORFs assigned to Methylophaga and their possible con-nections to cobalamin and Fe responsive ORFs. Functions shown are thoseassigned to the 10 most abundant Methylophaga-assigned ORFs, othergenes in the ribulose monophosphate pathway (RuMP), and select ORFsthat were significantly differentially expressed between Fe or cobalamintreatments versus control. Genes encoding putative methanol de-hydrogenase (1), formaldehyde-activating enzyme (2), and key enzymesin the RuMP pathway (3, 4) are among the most abundant Methylophagatranscripts. Multiple ORFs containing di-iron monooxygenase domains(7), as well as possible hydrophobic compound transporter domains (8),are also highly expressed. These could be involved in acquisition andmetabolism of additional substrates. Functions with significantly differ-ently expressed ORFs are highlighted in black (FDR < 0.05 control vs. +Fe)and purple (FDR < 0.05 control vs. + B12) outlines and denoted with anasterisk. Among those ORFs repressed upon B12 addition are those encodingputative B12 acquisition functions (11, 12). Those significantly repressed byiron addition include FecA domain ORFs (9), likely involved in iron com-plex uptake. ORFs induced by iron include iron storage bacterioferritindomains (10). B12 quotas were possibly related to formaldehyde metab-olism, as methionine synthase (MetH) (11) is required for regeneration ofmethylation capacity. Iron was possibly involved in formaldehyde dis-similation via a variety of ferridoxin-type oxidoreductases. Black arrowsrepresent direct, known metabolic connections. Black dashed arrowsrepresent known connections via multiple steps. Gray arrows representhypothesized connections.

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which have shown that iron additions may stimulate productionof strong iron binding ligands in the ocean (36, 37).A series of feedback loops driven by phytoplankton-bacterial

interactions thus appear to govern coupling of cobalamin andiron dynamics in this late Austral summer system (Fig. 5). Wheniron is added to the system, for instance, as a result of pulsedaeolian input or melting sea ice, this will stimulate iron-limitedphytoplankton growth. Availability of such iron may be enhancedas a result of bacterial ligand production, which is stimulatedboth by iron addition via a regulated response and, in a positivefeedback loop, enhanced availability of phytoplankton- derivedorganic matter. Elevated phytoplankton-derived organic matteravailability to bacteria is expected upon alleviation of iron limi-tation (38, 39). In another positive feedback loop, cobalaminproduction increases, also as a result of this enhanced organicmatter availability, providing a mechanism for further increasingphytoplankton growth. This may be counterbalanced by negativefeedback loops in which phytoplankton and bacterial demand forcobalamin increase while bacterial salvage and repair of degradedcobalamin is reduced in response to increases in cobalaminsupply (Figs. 3 and 5).In this experiment, cobalamin and iron addition alone each

stimulated production, but together did not enhance Chl a be-yond the level of iron addition alone [described as subadditive-independent colimitation (40)]. This suggests that, by 96 h, in situcobalamin production may have been enhanced by iron addition,and a manipulative cobalamin addition was not required togenerate cobalamin-replete conditions (Fig. 1; SI Appendix, Fig.S1). This interpretation suggests the positive feedback loop (Fig.5) may have dominated. Alternatively, it is possible that anothernutrient may have become limiting (e.g., manganese), preventingan additive effect. In contrast, previous summertime observationsin the Ross Sea (5) documented a condition in which simultaneouscobalamin and iron addition stimulated substantial additionalgrowth beyond iron addition alone [serial limitation (40)]. In thisinstance, it appears that the negative feedback loops offset the

positive, and upon iron addition, cobalamin demand was stim-ulated beyond production. Each of these types of colimitation(subadditive independent and serial) have been observed re-peatedly in marine, terrestrial, and freshwater systems for majornutrients (40). The results described here offer potential mecha-nisms that underpin microbial interactions and possibly drive thissystem into one type of colimitation over another. In addition,the potential light limitation observed here (Fig. 1) could alsointeract with the described colimitation, for instance, by alteringabiotic cobalamin degradation rates or influencing iron quotas,and warrants further investigation in future efforts.Future work is also required to understand relative rates of the

processes identified here, as well as controls on when and wherethe positive or negative feedback loops described prevail. How-ever, mechanisms by which bacterial community compositioncould substantially influence the net balance are apparent. It isalso likely, given the highly seasonal nature of Southern Oceanmicrobial communities (12), that other important interactionsmay be at play during different times of year. It is clear, however,that late summer phytoplankton growth in this productive regionis synergistically influenced by the availability of cobalamin andiron, which appears to be largely regulated by the interactionsdescribed here. We propose the term “interactive colimitation”to describe such scenarios, in which multiple limiting nutrientcycles are affected by one another through interactions amongdifferent microbial functional groups. This example of interac-tive colimitation was identified because of our relatively exten-sive understanding of the molecular mechanisms governingacquisition and management of these micronutrients. As studiesof mutualism and competition between microbial groups ad-vance, we anticipate that additional instances of such interactivecolimitation may be identified as important drivers of marinebiogeochemical processes.




Fig. 5. A series of feedback loops, driven by phytoplankton and bacterial dynamics, appears to control interactivity of cobalamin and iron. These feedbackloops are described here as responses to pulsed iron input. Molecular support for feedback loops is shown (A) in the heat map of relative expression levels(log10) of diatom CBA1, MetE, clade 2 flavodoxin, and ISIP2A transcripts. Bacterial gene expression patterns supporting these feedback loops include (B)Methylophaga sp. methanol consumption (methanol dehydrogenase and key ribulose monophosphate pathway enzymes) and iron and cobalamin depri-vation [iron acquisition (FecA), iron storage (bacterioferritin), and cobalamin uptake (BtuB)]-related genes (C). Highly expressed Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a(D) organic matter transport and binding functions and possible adhesion functions (HecA family), as well as cobalamin biosynthesis, also support this model.Siderophore-related genes that were influenced (significant; FDR < 0.05) by iron are shown, highlighting induction of possible Bacteriodetes-associatednonribosomal peptide synthase genes by iron addition (E) and repression of various proteobacterial Fe-complex uptake-related genes (details provided inDataset S5).

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Page 6: Phytoplankton bacterial interactions mediate micronutrient ... · terial and phytoplankton transcriptional profiles in response to micronutrient manipulation during this colimited

Materials and MethodsOn January 16, 2013, seawaterwas collected from 3mdepth at the sea ice edgein McMurdo Sound of the Ross Sea (77° 36.999′ S 165° 28.464′ E), using tracemetal clean technique. Triplicate bottles (2.7 L) of each treatment (unamendedcontrol, + 1 nM added FeCl3, + 200 pM added cyanocobalamin, and + 200 pMcyanocobalamin and 1 nM Fe) were placed in an indoor incubator at 0 °C,∼45 μmol photonsm−2·s−1 of constant light. After 24 h, RNA samples were collected(450 mL) and nitrate uptake and primary productivity rates were measured.Samples were taken for Chl a at 0, 24, and 96 h. RNA was extracted using theTRIzol reagent (Life Technologies). Ribosomal RNA was removed with Ribo-ZeroMagnetic kits, and the resulting mRNA enrichment was purified and subjectedto amplification and cDNA synthesis, using the Ovation RNA-Seq System V2(NuGEN). One microgram of the resulting high-quality cDNA pool was frag-mented to a mean length of 200 bp, and Truseq (Illumina) libraries were pre-pared and subjected to paired-end sequencing via Illumina HiSeq. Reads weretrimmed and filtered, contigs were assembled in CLC Assembly Cell (CLCbio),and ORFs were predicted (41). ORFs were annotated de novo for function viaKEGG, KO, KOG, Pfam, and TigrFam assignments. Taxonomic classification wasassigned to each ORF using a reference dataset, as described in the SI Appendix,and the Lineage Probability Index (LPI, as calculated in ref. 18). edgeR was usedto assign normalized fold change and determine which ORFs were significantlydifferentially expressed in pairwise comparisons between treatments, consid-ering triplicates, within a given phylogenetic grouping (42). For Fig. 2, diatomORFs [identified as diatom via LPI analyses; LPI > 0.8 (18)] were clustered usingMCL (Markov cluster algorithm) (21), and these clusters were used to

produce MANTA plots (20). For Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a genome as-sembly, water was collected from 10 m in the Amundsen Sea on December 19,2010. Metagenomic libraries were created with the OVATION ultralow kit(NuGen). Overlapping and gapped metagenomic DNA libraries were preparedfor sequencing on a HiSeq platform (Illumina). CLC was used to assemblescaffolds, tetranucleotide frequencies of scaffolds were analyzed (43), and draftgenomes were generated via binning scaffolds clustered (hierarchical) togetherin well-supported clades, refined using GC content and taxonomical affiliation(44). ORFs identified in metatranscriptomic analyses were mapped to the Oce-anospirillaceae ASP10-02a genome bin from the best-scoring nucleotide align-ment, using BWA-MEMwith default parameters (45). ORFs with >99% similarityto the genome scaffold sequences were used for subsequent analyses of geneexpression patterns within this population. Complete materials and methods aregiven in the SI Appendix.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Nathan Walworth and Ariel Rabines forassistance in the laboratory and field and Rob Middag for iron concentrationmeasurements in our cobalamin stock. We are grateful to Antarctic Sup-port Contractors, especially Jen Erxleben and Ned Corkran, for facilitatingfieldwork and to Mak Saito for helpful comments on the manuscript. Thisstudy was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) Antarctic SciencesAwards 1103503 (to E.M.B.), 0732822 and 1043671 (to A.E.A.), 1043748(to D.A.H.), 1043635 (to D.A.B.), and 1142095 (to A.F.P.); Gordon and BettyMoore Foundation Grant GBMF3828 (to A.E.A.); and NSF Ocean Sciences Award1136477 (to A.E.A.).

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