Peth, · 2014. 5. 6. · Kb., m *"(-*&•'...

, : ' K b., m * " ( - * & ' [tf3ili#*' ©w wSfl^TIi*.: . '^"v tw li - y - • w ' f **. .< 4 % "tfej PENINGS. . B. Mooney are ations on the occupy their arlotte this rnvassing taking a sub- b debt, new girls or- n street is now of Si .•• II m*a.» Kev. T. St. Bridge adaption fejr the cba Excavating for th ph*n asylum on j&ifi going on, j Mary Louise, daughter of Bridget Carrol, died Tuesday morning a< family residence, 34 Col* street. Miss Margaret Lennon and Miss Clara Finniicane have gone to Medi- na to spend the dearth. Misses Jennie Burke and R. Tomp- kins, of Syracuse, aie visiting Mrs. Dr. J.J. Etans, of 12! I Frank street. Br. L. J. Isomers, of South street, will start Monday foijathree weeks' trip to Lake George, Saratoga, New Y6rk and Philadelphia;. '•' . ' The contribution boibc at the Holy Family church was robbed Tuesday and it is thought the fo'oys under % ar- rest committed the act. Mr. and Mrs. Williard A. Marakle and J. 0. Mjarakle visited Mr. Mara, kle's parents at Piston, Ontario, Sunday. \, ! There w«fre 2,000 persons present at the picnic given by St. Josephs Church and* Siinday ' qchool at the Sea Breeze fTuesday. i Jog. Leuvenmark who- dives every evening into the lake from a tow- er 76 feet high, is proving a strong attraction at Ontario Beach. At the graduating exercises of the Cathedral school, Miss $>t«lla M. Pow- ers; was awarded the J|mes O'Dono- ghae medal for dtportmenfe consider- ed .the highest honor in the school. - Graduating exercises? of Nazareth Hall were held Friday morning of last week. The graduates are Ed- Ward DeSales Feely, John S. Flana* gan and Bernard E. Alvtord. Twenty members of the Cardinal Newman Reading circle-went to Sen. eca Palls Monday evenifig and par- ticipated in the closing exercises of the Father He^ker circle at that place Michael Rabitt and M|ss Nellie A. Cleary were married Wednesday mor nlng at tbe Holy Apostles, by the Rev. T. 0 Murphy. The newly mar- ried couplei will reside on Austin St. ] Miss Mary McNalty and Edward J. Moodie were married Thursday afternoon at £jt.- Mary's church, by Rev..Father Angelo. A reception at the home of the bride followed the ceremony. ; Fire broke out in the building on East avenue occupied as an artifi- cial flower jstofc by Mrs. Annie Fav- tew Tuesdjayerening. Mrs. Mary R. Berleur jsvhO lived in the rear of the store w&s Severely burned in try- ing to escape. Rev. James Dougherty celebrated hia first mass at St, Mary's church last Sunday assisted by Father Clune deacon, Refr. $ O'Haniou sub-deacon and Rev. ALLtigero master of cere- monies. Fatter Stewart made a touching Reference to the young priest. H.J. Ma^rnafd, one>of th$ JOUBNAI/S energetic advertising agents was married this week to Miss Ruth Ooodyer. Tie ceremony took place Wednesday evening last. Guests to the numper of a hundred partook of the wedding supper. Mr. and M rs. Maynard will jreside in Rochester. Miss Anna £. Shay aid W. J. Wagner were (married at J3t.' Mary's church Thursday evening^ by Rev. Father Angeld Harry 0*Hare was best man, and Miss Nellie Shay, sis- ter of the bride was bridesmaid, A reception fblloWed at the home of the bride and gro6m 118 Weldl street. Sunday morning a t Sip. Mary's Father Steiwait awarded diblomaa to the following pupils of St. Mary's par- ochial school, who passed the Regents examinations and are entitled to ad- mission to [the Free Academy. Laura yf. Perrjf, Monica Keo^h, Anna McGrath, j Lessie Fleming," Mary Short, Hartry jB|cAna%, Joseph B Thomp8onJ Joseph P. Dorei, Edward McGrath, Frank J. OPOonnpr, Those who gradfoated from; the [Academy were, Gertrude Kennedy, Minnie Dunn, tyilril Knfpp aW Alice Walsh. i ~ Last Sunday was a jmemajrable day for[the congregation I of ihe Most Holy Redeemer, Bjghty-four chil- dren, 41 bays and 43 girls t received first holy comnunipn. j The rector of the churck* [&*••'. F» lOberiolaer de- livereda jrerjr eloque|at m& touch- ing address t| the communicants. In the; afterndon foe hapfjy children had theijr renewal p the Baptismal vows. i guadavj Jujy Itth ^t. BJT. Bishop McQuaid #01 ponfer thje saCijament of confirmation church ii a platform for dancing and an! orcnes- tra furnished music. Flowers aibd ;ire- fresbment tables of all sorts were Ar- ranged on the lawn. They weto p charge of the following ladies j 4ari -- 4 Minnie Brennan, Mary Laveu,' rine Ferry, Catherine Oonley, McDonougb, Delie McDonald, Garvey, CJora Yawnaan, Carrie Maggie Daly, Edith -Dash, ^figgie Arnold, Mary Gullen, iittie ,B|rv|y Minnie Dunn. Songs were suaag j fyy the members of the church chair, The proceeds of the entertainment will be used to pay for a flag for the sodality te French School. The closing exercises of the Nehch school of Our Lady of Victory pefe held Sunday evening. The WW- gramme included : Greeting spng, chorus : The Birds Will Give ajpou- cert, Bertha Gaussuin ; Solo—"Whit Will You Take For Me, Papk f" Arthur Doucette. . " The Earth-ObiM in Fairyland," by M. Colby, M. Hicke|, M. Morris, 0. Forest and eight fairie|. Violin Solo, George Minges j "(T» Lost Children " b y M. Stoffel, Tldiitt LaCasse, Francis Morris, F. Ri A. Webhring, C. Webhring and Hilare ; " The Naughty Butte M. St. Hilaire and thirteen little g " Mamie's Letter to Heaven," Mis, Baker; Retour Au Tyrol, chof WeVeSuch a Lot of Chicks,F.'BrJr<fj The Painter of Seville Gertrude nee; " Kissing Papa Through Telephone," B. Gaussuia ; The sus Taker, by O. O'Neill, C. Gaffi C. Webhring, Irene La Oasse and I^oi well Baker ; Presentation of Diplo- mas ; Farewell song of the graduates, Marie Gaussuin, Alma Webhri^, Mary Stoffel, Mary Rousoe. j | The children of the French schj)^ are entitled to a great deal of credit for the manner in which they acqui|- ted themselves of their task and rail teachers are to be congratulated uppn the efficiency with which the pup '' rendered the parts assigned thej The brightness of countenance and tine grace of actions of the children is serving of special mention. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS During the following weck»,our agent,; Mr. W. H. Atkinson, will call upon, thoie •ubBcriben who are in arrears and also thoie who wish to tubicxibe for the; JOURNAI. Sn the following named town«:i Romulus, Penn Yan, Bushvillo, Willard, Ovid, Dundee, Phelps, Clifton Springs, Shortirillle, Canandaigua, Naples. Victor, Fishers, Mondon, Pittsford and Brighton. Our agont John Plant will visit the fol- lowing towns next week : Canandaigua, E. Bloomfield, W. Bloomfield, Honeoye Falls, LeRoy, Bataria, Bergan, Church- ville, Chill Station, Cold water. PI .ssnppapsap Biishop McQuaid's Work. ; The Rt. Rev Bishop administered Confirmation at Clifton Springs Sun- day. July 10th he will bless the new stations of the Cross at Genesee July 17 th he\ will administer Confirma- tion at the Holy Redeemer. July 27th at Honeoye Falls and July 31st at St. Francis Xavier's. ORDINATIONS AT TROY. Rochester A largely m :Y:V ill aw^' ' * * ' * & named . <&, parly ies So- nesday on; East was —^ I Students Promoted.—Bishot Gabriels OfiBciates. j The ordinations which had be posponed from Trinity Sunday to place last Saturday Ordained Priests: itev. James Tower, Archdiocese of Baltimor Rev. Patrick N. Breslin, Rev. Joh H. Dooley, Rev. Bartbolomay F, Ga ligan, Rev. John F. Kelahan, Re Mienael F. Keliher, Rev. Joseph" VL McDonald, Rev. Charles B. McKennjaf Rev. Charles T. Murphy, Rev. WI liam Quinn, Rev. Thomas A. fhorhj ton, Archdiocese of New York; Key Peter J. Donnelly, Diocese of AlDany" Rev. Joseph A, Hopkins, Diocese o Syracuse. Ordained Deacons: Rev. Mallic J. Fitzpatrick, Rev. Thomas F.Flood Rev, Patrick J. Hayes, Rev. Arthu J. Kenny, Rev. John F. McGuir Rev. James F. Molloy, Rev. Willia F. Meehan, Rev. Daniel A. 0'Connell Rev. Thomas J. Reilly, J$ev. Joseph F.'Smith, Archdiocese of New York; Rev. Eugene O. Carney Rev. Daniel D. Casey, Rev. Miahael J. Dincenl Rev. Francis A. Greagan, Rev. .John S. McCarthy, Rev. Denis MjpHagbJ Rev. Daniel P. Mahoney, Rev. HenrJ A. Muller, Rev. Thomas J. «WalsM Diocese of Albany^ Rev. James A| McGuire, Rev. James F. 0'Shea, Dio4 cese of Syracuse; Rev. John MaoMa| hon, Diocese of Rochester. h Ordained Sub-Deacons: Rev. EdJ ward J. Higgins, Rev. Barlholomayi Molejkajtys, Diocese of Albany. - 1 Promoted to Order of Exorcists and Acolytes; James J. Brown, Johrf F. Dowling, David A. Murray, Archl diocese of New York;James R.Wafsh| Diocese of Albany; Bartholomew Mcjf Loghlin, Diocese of Ogdensburg. I Promoted to Orders of Porters and ft Readers: James N. Ay I ward, Gor| nelius F. Crowley, Cornelius J. Crow4) ley, Andrew F. Cusack, Thomas J'i Doyle, Timothy L Driscoll, John Jj Fahy, Daniel A. Gibbon^,. John jj Hickey, Thomas B. Kelly, James Pi! McNamaxa, Philip J. 0'Hanlon, Franf cis J Sullivan, Archdiocese of New 5 York; Thomas E. Delauey, John 'L^ Morrissey, John P. Wallace, Diocese^ of Albany; Malachyj. Garvey, Dio| cese of Rochester^ John J. Higgins, Denis J. Moore, Diocese of„ Syracuse} Bartholomew McLoghlin, Diocese of Ogdensburg. ' ;• Promoted to Tonsure: Joseph 1$, Bergen, Augustine D. Cunnion, Jos| e'ph P. Donahue, James J.- Keaneji Francis E. Lavelle, John F. Meehan] Thomas F.Mooney,Stanislaus Nowafcj William T. St. John, Otto Stracij! Robert A Weir, Michael J. Walshi Archdiocese of New York; James M Dolan, Charles H. Fagan, Johh M Glavin, Cornelius E. Linehan, J6h| J. Iiynch, Diocese uf Albany; Oweij Farron, Arthur J. Hughes, Diocese of Rochester; Ambrose M. D^yei Diocese of Syracuse; Bartholomeyf McLbghlin, Diocese of Ogdensburg. Ordaining Bishop, Rt. Rev. Benrjr Gabrieli of Ogdensburg. # V Preacher of Retreat, Rev. I; Their Annual Picnic Father Kiernan gave the choir of St. Patricks Cathedral their annual picnic to Seneca Point on Wednes- day, June 29th. The day was great- ly enjoyed by all. Music, base ball, boat riding were the order of the day The concert after dinner consisted of two choruses by the full choir, solos by Mrs. J. B. O'Connor, Misses Mar- tha Cosgrove, Catherine F. Hogan, Rev. Father Hartley and Van Ness, and Messrs Sackett, M. J. O'Brien and Dr. J, F. Crowley. Also a solo by Mr. Pidgeon. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Murphy, the genial host of Seneca Point hotel by all present for the courtesy they had re- ceived. Your reporter feeU as though he ought to make a mention of the after dinner speeches by Fath- er Kiernan,, Father Hartley, Father Van Ness and others. Amusements. BOBIHSON'B MUSKS. Last week the announcement was made that beginning next Monday and continuing all the week, there would be on exhibition, the prettiest babies, two years of age that could be fouud in this city. There are four prizes offered. Thd prize for the cu- test cunningeat, and handsomest baby is $50; for second prize, ^25; third prize, an elegant baby carriage val- ued at $25; offered by the Albert Bier Co. Among the leading features p in the theatre for the coming' week are: Marie Leyton, who will appear in her famous dance, Kamochi, the lady ma- gician ; Yankee Moore, a clever come- dian; Julia Kelly, the only lady bone soloist in the world; J. Marcos Doyle a fine dancer and comedian, and the Silver Bells Quaitette Manning, Davis and tbe Star Sisters, in their new act, "The Chiming Bells." The Sacred Heart School. Thursday was commencement day for the young pupils attending 3acred Heart school. A very pleas- ing programme was rendered, and witnessed by a large number of visi- tors. Those who won the prizes were as follows: 1st grade, Zuma Lucie; 2nd grade, Guitar Meng; 8rd grade, Willie Donovan, who passed a very Creditable examination, standing 100 per cent, in many of his studies; 4th grade, Henry Finnegan; 6th Percy Ohrist, 6th Hannah Christ; 7th, Ada Luce. Made Up Rugs. . We have juist made up and placed on sale a lage number of rugs made up from remnants of brusselt and borders to match. They vary in sizes from eight feet square to ten by thirteen feet, and are nicely made to lie flat and smooth. . Very suita- ble for summer housus and rug pur- {loses in general. We offer them at ow prices. Howe & Rogers Co., Nos. 8Q„ 82 and 84 State street. A LOT OF SAVAGES. Burning Cabins*—Torturing Captives and having Wax* Dances at the Sea Breeze. Captain Williams genuine band of wild west Indians give daily per- form Alices at tbe Sea Breeze every [day for a weeik. Log Cabin burning, otnring of white settlers, fighting itb white scouts, Grand concerts fternoon and evening, attacks on the tage coach, all realistic and exciting. ay railroad trainB every half hoar, nnday and July 4th. All free, round rip only 25 cents. Howe ft Rogers Co. Now offer late purchases of light reight drapery materials suitable for iity or country houses. Porch screens >f all sizes. BO, SS and 84 State St. AUBURN. '• j Mis* Bina Currant of Rochester is the guest df Mrs. James Kerr of State •treet. \ i A number of Auburnians former Seneca Falls people attended; the commencement exercises in that vil- lage on Friday night last. William (j). Reilly from Niagara University and John J. Breenihan from St. Andrews', Rochester, are spending their vacations at home in this city, j % . The Whepler Rifles' band gave a concert at the Auburn Orphan asy- lum on Wednesday night of last week. It was mnch enjoyed by the large crowd who assembled and by the orphansland sisters of the asylum The little ones returned the serenade by singing several selections in a pleasing majnner. The nomination of Cleveland and Sjtephenson jwas received enthusias- tically in this city. A big demon- stration took place and the principal streets of the city were made to howl for a few hours. Both parties are making preparations for the cam- paign and sOme very lively times will be held ; during the next few months. , A new hose wagon for the use of the fire department arrived in the city last wedk from Seneca Falls. It is* in Neptune Hose Go's, house and will be drawn by a heavy tea^m of greys. A pretty June wedding occurred at the Holy Family church on Wed- nesday morning of last week, when Miss Rose Aiward of this city and J. W. Clark/a popular jeweler of Syra- cuse were united in the bans of mat rimony. Rer. Dean Seymour per- formed the ceremony. After the mar- riage ceremony a wedding breakfast was served ajt the home of Mrs. J). Nolan in SeVmour street where the the happy y oan g couple received many good wjisbes as well as numer- ous presents. On Wednesday morning at nine o'olock took | placd at St. Afary's church the marriage of Miss Nellie McCarthy of this city and Lawrence 0'Ootter of 4urow. A nuptial mm was celebrated,by Rev. Father Mc- Grath who also tied the knot that made the happy young couple man and wife. A large number of rela- tires and friends attended the cere- mony and were also present at the wedding breakfast that followed at the residence 1 of the bride's uncle, Michael McCarthy, of 160 Clark street. The ; newly married couple were the recipients of the congratu- lations and best wishes of their ma- ny friends. |kfr, and Mrs. Cotter will reside in Aurora after a bridal tour to Canada Little Dennis Coughlin, son of Den- nis Coughlin of Aoademy street was killed in the N. Y. 0. freight yard just west of Van Anden Btreet on Thursday afternoon last. He, with two companions was playing on the railroad track when the little fellow was struck by a freight' oar and al- most instantly killed. He was re- moved to Hennessey's undertaking rooms by permission of the coroner and prepared for burial. The funer- al was held from St. Mary's church Saturday afternoon and was largely attended. The interment waa in St. Joseph's cemetery. John T. Bennett is borne from St. Mary's college, Baltimore, on his ra cation. He has received the degrees of Bachelor of Sacred Theology and Master of Arts. Mrs. William T. Smith, nurse and child and him. Dr. Malhexon and daughter Helen of Binghamton, are spending a few days in the city With relatives. The Central New York circuit rac- es will be held in this city from July 4 to 7 inclusive. ! A terrific rain storm accompanied by vivid flashes of lightning and deafening peals of thunder visited the city lite Tuesday afternoon and held full sway for a few minutes. j J2>ansviHe- j Midi full* Retf) Is home from Rochester. Miss Leno Toles It visiting in Elmiia. Miss Lanrs. Heilty of Utlca is visiting relatives intotrn. ' , ' Miss Katie Hoburtas has crone tb New York. ' St. Patrick's school closed last Friday afternoon with An , entertainment After the programme Father Day addressed tha children^ reacfthe re- port lor a year ahd bestowed the gold medal on the on«> w h o r i c h l y deserved It—Miss Emms Shafer. > ' mmmmmeam :- CHEJEST'. acinar. - Trains leave East Main St, Depot f<ir Haven—7:00,8:00,9:00, io:o^>, n,oo A. 1,00 a,oo, 3,00,4,00,5,00, *jaoi ftoo, S, Trains leave Glen Haven-fpr Roch 8 i3°» 9.30* xo,3», IIAO.A. M. t-1,3/0,1.30, a 4tJo, &p,6&b\ 7.30.»,3<>»ft3«. l0 £° * Sunday Trains every honr from 8,00 A a,oo F. if. Half hour trains from a.oo r, BAT BAILROJLD. Leave North Aveune—6, 7, 8j 9,10, n A.; it*>_3i.4iS»<S»7»8,o P. H. Sfunday ev« Trains leave 10.30, H.30A. M. ia.30,1.30, 6.30, 7.30 and 8.30 P. x. L>as: train at 10. To Th8 Readers of This Journal! We wish you to notice the low prices we offer you choice wines for. Port,25c a bottle, SheWry,25c a pottle, Angelican, 25c a bottle, Tokay, 25c a bottle, MuHcatelle, 25c a bottle,Sweet Catawba, 25c a bottle 1 , Claret, 25c a bottle. We guarantee absolute purity McGreal Bros., 25 North St, near Main . ! "—I Wheeler & Wilso4 PAWNBBOBPBRS, 39 East Main St. Sign of Main St. Clock. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc, FOR SALE. freeze at 630, 7.30, ».30»3-3°» 4tj CLOTHING ON EASY PAYMENTS A GRAND CHANCE. \\ To dress up now- in a light colored tailor-made suit, spring overcoat or single pants, for meK and boys. A small cash payment dowa and thefbal ance #cekly or monthly payments. In ladies'fpar- lor, spring jackets, mackintoshe$,dress goodsletc. No references required: no red tape. v» The pfco- ple's Credit Clothiera, Nos.5 and 6, first floo^ipver No. 16 SUte street, (upstairs), corner Exchange Place.. Open day and night. —J-4—•—•—^—«———• Peth, Now to celebrate tlie glorious Fourth of Jul* -Tailor, t Light colored suitings all weave* arid shades $20. and upwards.U 153 East Main street. F. J. SCHWALB, _ - JL 44 North Mve. Branoh Office, 594 N. Clinton Street, Telephone HO ': JOHN B. P1NKERTON, j General Stenographer and Typewritist, Students in Stenography j are Guaranteed j Thorough and Efficient Instruction FOB TKB1CS APPLY TO f 314 FOWEES BLOCK, ROOHESTIR, N. R«stdy-Msvde Dreaaea. They are just the thins: the ladies ha-re been looking; for. W e ha-re a lirg-e assortment in sill shades, the latest styles, and perfect fitting. See our elegant Msortment of Spring Jackets, Capei, Newmarkets. Mackintoshes, Millinery, Dr0ss Goods, SUk Waists, etc., etc. Big assortment of Boys' and Youths' Clothing. Payments ?i-«*° week. Hogan Brothers,& Co., orer 335 East Catholic Prayer Boofc| In the Latest and Finest Bindings, | Rosaries, Crucifixes, Holy-Water Fonts Communion Books In 6ernan & English,) Statues, Pictures, Candlesticks, Wax Candles, if Yon will always find a Large Assortment at the Lowest Prices. Wholt lesale and RetaiL EDWARD VAM Cor. King and East Maple Sts. OPP. ST. PETER AND PAUL'S CHURCH —— ! ' J TlLXPHONX is? RXSXDMXCZ, 17 HXNXON PLACjit Open All Nigrht. - j THOMAS B. MOONEY, I UNDERTAKER AND MANAGER OF f JOYCE UNDERTAKING ROOMS, \ 196 West Main Street, | ROCHESTER, - IST. X * j ft. Ikt Y o u W a n t esh'and delicious cakes, pies, crack- rs, bread, etc., which will be also ade. of pure ingredients? They are band>at the Calroas bakeries 30 and U99^|ate street jtt is True. What is? That a fresh superior ine of pastry is kept constantly on land at 30 and 4^9 State street Culrosa Bakeri«j«. FURNITURE MOVERS. Sam Gottry A Co. Ordera left at irie ticket office, i Caledonia, j Mr^ Sebastian Jtagbtrth arrived home from tbe Seminary at TroyJTtaesdaT. I j Miss Anna Coflfcy is riaiting.relativeB'in medina. John Morriseylla back froin Ann [Arbor, Mich. James N. Conrflle of Niagara Fa|ls will spcad theFpurthintowp 1 . Mrs. Joseph Dbnehue who has been seriously ill for the past twb weeks Is unprovinf. . Fairport. Last Saturday occurred the death ofFronkieONeiliBonjof Mrs. Wil- liam O'Neil whose hnapand died tnt a short time ago. This is an addi- tional grief to thei bereavec wife. ! Miss Maggie GonVay balled ion friends in town last Monday. j Miw Nora jSheairni and Miss Mame Binan of Fai^port spent ^.unday [in Kocheater. John H. Ash ton. Jas. Malley. ASHTON & MALLEY, Old, Tried and Reliable Companies. UNITEB STATKS, Incorporated 18*4. JEItSBY CrrY, Incorporated i8«« OFFIOE^-aio EUwanger & Barry BnUding-, Entrance 39 State St. Rochester. H.Y. lh it- 6, KUEBUR'S Edward F. Hi grains, Carriages Furnished For Weddings, Funerals, Etc. Catholic PifafppJBookS/!j , Every Conceivable Style and Bil The Largest Assortment in the Cit Books on Devo^idbj Catholic Sto|y Bofe4 fiejl^ous Pictures, B M Statues, Cru;cifi3ces, Candleslalk&j pitn^pj Scapulars, Mf Lace Kcturei, etc., etc., at the] baokftoie|5f J*-JL ,-a.TJ- wp^^jywy^ 234 East Main Street, Washingtoi HallBloe^^ Rochester, N. tQ Sheet Music and evewthinglin the Musicaj) Line. Best Quality ani| Lowest Prices GIBBONS & 3Td>NfH PIANOS! AND MANY OPPHEB BXf3>S, Estey Organs, Empire State Organs, Fine Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Ete. GIBBONS & STONE, No, 110 last Main Street -**!?<& m :-m THE SEI.F-ADJTJSiriN ABT EMBROIBEB 101 East Main St Post-Express B Corsets made to order a specialty. COBSET" i y P4|EtLOR. Mug,} Booh«ate»|K.'pI We make 18 differentgstyles ^>f Corsets and |^,dies ? fand M|tiei r Waists, ranging; in price from S1.85 to 910 a pair* Corsets sole out of stock will befitted witheat^ extra charge. O u r TV. 8 . A . Corsets have no ejqual. |Lrt Embroidery. StwmiiinsTt •*•• Miller BrGWing CM I % ^»«s# * |: *'^*^ SUPERIOR S AND! PORTER, 190 LAKE .A\|BNtJE, ; Bottling Department at the Brewery, FINEST ALES Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,, Clocks, Opera Glasses, Sold on small weekly or monthly payments. Call ar see me. I will use you right, Enright m i • • Fine Ales a Nos. 336 & 33 '( '"I TELEPHONE 57©Aa J3Si Mi C, M,-$, A iandC. B. C E. ScHirck. Bicycle Repairing a Specialty Cushion and Pneumatic Tires Fitted to all Wheel*. Lawn Bfcrarem Sharpened and Repaired. General Llffht Jobbing. 101 West Main St. Late with E. A. Hoffman & Co. Open all night. JOHN A. RATTLE, UNDERTAKER 92 N. Clinton and 09 franklin Sts. j • Telephone 6S0. I ; . 'W F:3 Chamber Soites r «- Ine df.^uraitnns _ai or Weekly Payf Prices J, Da Visser. 113 State strast. ±h *{ JJ A. % Ix^ea, 9| Jgth St -Ql I - - 1 . • Trfepione, a*S^-;''8^ Jl i I r Ofiloeand Stables, M t o M No, fitxhngl^ and 39 Atkinson Sto. .. -MJ | Telephone 4». Open Day tndNighfr.^ ,| ! r-H.B . C3F?>i\\/E:S 4 E Tbe Rochester Sanitary Eicayating Co i'CWANS Vaults, Cesspools and Cellars, And removes all Offensive Matter wifcH Neatnegfc and Despatch. r | OFFICE, 11 Q.HUDSON ST* ROCHESTEBI N; y| Prompt service and reasonable rates. 4hAT«n«i Ml' 1 ;,k 6 N OUnton Street, Ptek. Parlor Suites. m m :»£ m ^Wekayed^ne *a r^mmllj brisk folslnes*, i|,o P r ; F*Jor ;$Mitep^^ i* »e*»an.: Befofr&xtiy- b««ccotin|ed!;for.J*|''the la^e.varie^gl^w ,. .__jent thif. *e*#>fi k . Pe4ap*'ltWfty b«*ccotaifed!ror.J^''the l a ^ e v a r i e ^ ^ S i l »d liandsomestj'IeaT^e have been able to oj^r^ .pofs^ly fee ie^tremeljTlilv price* have had ^something to do with i t . / ^ f e ^i^-^tM^upMpBifii^p^&y goo* bargains in^*s4epj*tineiit» commenelfe wki ; i43roshed^Jusfcijggl of hv« eral faroriteritk$jtftx$ : W-3:WmaAmeMvn r^^^m^J^mi^ grades for those who de.ire them. .Ottr- »«g pSUimMm)^im4 f SniitM *r* very ; attiac^i>rjni^ is gen* e better * mm i.^.g.. -•4>. k HQME-FURN!5H!NG HOU H-r'. t ; ^"

Transcript of Peth, · 2014. 5. 6. · Kb., m *"(-*&•'...

Page 1: Peth, · 2014. 5. 6. · Kb., m *"(-*&•' [tf3ili#*' ©w wSfl^TIi*.: . '^"v tw li - y- • w ' f **. .< 4 •%• "tfej PENINGS.

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PENINGS. . B. Mooney are

ations on the

occupy their arlotte this

rnvassing taking a sub-

b debt, new girls or-

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of Si

.•• I I m*a.»

Kev. T. St. Bridge adaption fejr the cba

Excavating for th ph*n asylum on j&ifi going on, j

Mary Louise, daughter of Bridget Carrol, died Tuesday morning a< family residence, 34 Col* street.

Miss Margaret Lennon and Miss Clara Finniicane have gone to Medi­na to spend the dearth.

Misses Jennie Burke and R. Tomp­kins, of Syracuse, aie visiting Mrs. Dr. J . J . Etans , of 12! I Frank street.

Br. L. J . Isomers, of South street, will start Monday foijathree weeks' trip to Lake George, Saratoga, New Y6rk and Philadelphia;. '•' . '

The contribution boibc at the Holy Family church was robbed Tuesday and it is thought the fo'oys under % ar-rest committed the act.

Mr. and Mrs. Williard A. Marakle and J . 0. Mjarakle visited Mr. Mara, kle's parents at Piston, Ontario, Sunday. \, !

There w«fre 2,000 persons present at the picnic given by St. Josephs Church and* Siinday ' qchool a t the Sea Breeze fTuesday. i

Jog. Leuvenmark who- dives every evening into the lake from a tow­er 76 feet high, is proving a strong attraction at Ontario Beach.

At the graduating exercises of the Cathedral school, Miss $>t«lla M. Pow­ers; was awarded the J |mes O'Dono-ghae medal for dtportmenfe consider­ed .the highest honor in the school. - Graduating exercises? of Nazareth Hall were held Friday morning of last week. The graduates are Ed-Ward DeSales Feely, John S. Flana* gan and Bernard E. Alvtord.

Twenty members of the Cardinal Newman Reading circle-went to Sen. eca Palls Monday evenifig and par­ticipated in the closing exercises of the Father He^ker circle at that place

Michael Rabitt and M|ss Nellie A. Cleary were married Wednesday mor n l n g at tbe Holy Apostles , by the Rev. T. 0 Murphy. The newly mar-ried couplei will reside on Austin St.

] Miss Mary McNal ty and Edward J. Moodie were married Thursday afternoon at £jt.- Mary's church, by Rev..Father Angelo. A reception at the home of the bride followed the ceremony. ;

Fire broke out in the building on East avenue occupied as an artifi­cial flower jstofc by Mrs. Annie Fav-tew Tuesdjayerening. Mrs. Mary R. Berleur jsvhO lived in the rear of the store w&s Severely burned in try­ing to escape.

Rev. James Dougherty celebrated hia first mass at St, Mary's church last Sunday assisted by Father Clune deacon, Refr. $ O'Haniou sub-deacon and Rev. ALLtigero master of cere­monies. Fat ter Stewart made a touching Reference to the young priest.

H.J. Ma^rnafd, one>of th$ JOUBNAI/S

energetic advertising agents was married this week to Miss Ruth Ooodyer. T i e ceremony took place Wednesday evening last. Guests to the numper of a hundred partook of the wedding supper. Mr. and M rs. Maynard will jreside in Rochester.

Miss Anna £. Shay a id W. J. Wagner were (married at J3t.' Mary's church Thursday evening^ by Rev. Father Angeld Harry 0*Hare was best man, and Miss Nellie Shay, sis­ter of the bride was bridesmaid, A reception fblloWed at the home of the bride and gro6m 118 Weldl street.

Sunday morning at Sip. Mary's Father Steiwait awarded diblomaa to the following pupils of St. Mary's par­ochial school, who passed the Regents examinations and are entitled to ad­mission to [the Free Academy. Laura yf. Perrjf, Monica Keo^h, Anna McGrath, j Lessie Fleming," Mary Short, Hartry jB|cAna%, Joseph B Thomp8onJ Joseph P. Dorei, Edward McGrath, Frank J. OPOonnpr, Those who gradfoated from; the [Academy were, Gertrude Kennedy, Minnie Dunn, tyilril Knfpp aW Alice Walsh. i ~ Last Sunday was a jmemajrable day for[the congregation I of ihe Most Holy Redeemer, Bjghty-four chil-dren, 41 bays and 43 girls t received first holy comnunipn. j The rector of the churck* [&*••'. F» lOberiolaer de-livereda jrerjr eloque|at m& touch­ing address t | the communicants. In the; afterndon foe hapfjy children had theijr renewal p the Baptismal vows. i guadavj Jujy Itth ^t. BJT. Bishop

„ McQuaid #01 ponfer thje saCijament of confirmation church

ii a platform for dancing and an! orcnes-tra furnished music. Flowers aibd ;ire-fresbment tables of all sorts were Ar­ranged on the lawn. They weto p charge of the following ladies j 4 a r i - - 4 — Minnie Brennan, Mary Laveu,' rine Ferry, Catherine Oonley, McDonougb, Delie McDonald, Garvey, CJora Yawnaan, Carrie Maggie Daly, Edith -Dash, ^figgie Arnold, Mary Gullen, i i t t ie ,B|rv|y Minnie Dunn. Songs were suaag j fyy the members of the church chair, The proceeds of the entertainment will be used to pay for a flag for the sodality


French School.

The closing exercises of the Nehch school of Our Lady of Victory pefe held Sunday evening. The WW-gramme included : Greeting spng, chorus : The Birds Will Give ajpou-cert, Bertha Gaussuin ; Solo—"Whit Will You Take For Me, Papk f" Arthur Doucette. . " The Earth-ObiM in Fairyland," by M. Colby, M. Hicke|, M. Morris, 0. Forest and eight fairie|. Violin Solo, George Minges j "(T» Lost Children " b y M. Stoffel, Tldiitt

LaCasse, Francis Morris, F. Ri A. Webhring, C. Webhring and Hilare ; " The Naughty Butte M. St. Hilaire and thirteen little g " Mamie's Letter to Heaven," Mis, Baker; Retour Au Tyrol, chof WeVeSuch a Lot of Chicks,F.'BrJr<fj The Painter of Seville Gertrude nee; " Kissing Papa Through Telephone," B. Gaussuia ; The sus Taker, by O. O'Neill, C. Gaffi C. Webhring, Irene La Oasse and I oi well Baker ; Presentation of Diplo­mas ; Farewell song of the graduates, Marie Gaussuin, Alma Webhr i^ , Mary Stoffel, Mary Rousoe. j |

The children of the French schj)^ are entitled to a great deal of credit for the manner in which they acqui|-ted themselves of their task and rail teachers are to be congratulated uppn the efficiency with which the pup '' rendered the parts assigned thej The brightness of countenance and tine grace of actions of the children is serving of special mention.

NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS During the following weck»,our agent,;

Mr. W. H . Atkinson, will call upon, thoie •ubBcriben who are in arrears and also thoie who wish to tubicxibe for the; JOURNAI. Sn the following named town«:i Romulus, Penn Yan, Bushvillo, Willard, Ovid, Dundee, Phelps, Clifton Springs, Shortirillle, Canandaigua, Naples. Victor, F i s h e r s , M o n d o n , P i t t s f o r d a n d B r i g h t o n .

Our agont John Plant will visit the fol­lowing towns next week : Canandaigua, E. Bloomfield, W. Bloomfield, Honeoye Falls, LeRoy, Bataria, Bergan, Church-ville, Chill Station, Cold water.

PI .ssnppapsap

Biishop McQuaid's Work. ; The Rt. Rev Bishop administered

Confirmation at Clifton Springs Sun­day. July 10th he will bless the new stations of the Cross at Genesee July 17 th he\will administer Confirma­tion at the Holy Redeemer. July 27th at Honeoye Falls and July 31st at St. Francis Xavier's.

O R D I N A T I O N S A T T R O Y .


A largely

m :Y:V

i l l

aw '

' * • * ' * &

named . •

<&, parly ies So-nesday

on; East was

— I Students Promoted.—Bishot Gabriels OfiBciates. j

The ordinations which had be posponed from Trinity Sunday to place last Saturday

Ordained Priests: itev. James Tower, Archdiocese of Baltimor Rev. Patrick N . Breslin, Rev. Joh H. Dooley, Rev. Bartbolomay F, Ga ligan, Rev. John F. Kelahan, Re Mienael F. Keliher, Rev. Joseph" VL McDonald, Rev. Charles B. McKennjaf Rev. Charles T. Murphy, Rev. WI liam Quinn, Rev. Thomas A. fhorhj ton, Archdiocese of New York; Key Peter J. Donnelly, Diocese of AlDany" Rev. Joseph A, Hopkins, Diocese o Syracuse.

Ordained Deacons: Rev. Mallic J . Fitzpatrick, Rev. Thomas F.Flood Rev, Patrick J. Hayes, Rev. Arthu J. Kenny, Rev. John F. McGuir Rev. James F. Molloy, Rev. Willia F. Meehan, Rev. Daniel A. 0'Connell Rev. Thomas J. Reilly, J$ev. Joseph F.'Smith, Archdiocese of N e w York; Rev. Eugene O. Carney Rev. Daniel D. Casey, Rev. Miahael J. Dincenl Rev. Francis A. Greagan, Rev. .John S. McCarthy, Rev. Denis MjpHagbJ Rev. Daniel P. Mahoney, Rev. HenrJ A. Muller, Rev. Thomas J. «WalsM Diocese of Albany^ Rev. James A| McGuire, Rev. James F. 0'Shea, Dio4 cese of Syracuse; Rev. John MaoMa| hon, Diocese of Rochester. h

Ordained Sub-Deacons: Rev. EdJ ward J. Higgins, Rev. Barlholomayi Molejkajtys, Diocese of Albany. - 1

Promoted to Order of Exorcists and Acolytes; James J. Brown, Johrf F. Dowling, David A. Murray, Archl diocese of New York;James R.Wafsh| Diocese of Albany; Bartholomew Mcjf Loghlin, Diocese of Ogdensburg. I

Promoted to Orders of Porters and ft

Readers: James N. Ay I ward, Gor| nelius F. Crowley, Cornelius J. Crow4) ley, Andrew F. Cusack, Thomas J'i Doyle, Timothy L Driscoll, John J j Fahy, Daniel A. Gibbon^,. John j j Hickey, Thomas B. Kelly, James Pi! McNamaxa, Philip J. 0'Hanlon, Franf cis J Sullivan, Archdiocese of New5

York; Thomas E. Delauey, John 'L^ Morrissey, John P. Wallace, Diocese^ of Albany; Malachyj. Garvey, Dio| cese of Rochester^ John J. Higgins, Denis J. Moore, Diocese of„ Syracuse} Bartholomew McLoghlin, Diocese of Ogdensburg. ' ;•

Promoted to Tonsure: Joseph 1$, Bergen, Augustine D. Cunnion, Jos| e'ph P. Donahue, James J.- Keaneji Francis E. Lavelle, John F. Meehan] Thomas F.Mooney,Stanislaus Nowafcj William T. St. John, Otto Stracij! Robert A Weir, Michael J . Walshi Archdiocese of New York; James M Dolan, Charles H. Fagan, Johh M Glavin, Cornelius E. Linehan, J6h | J. Iiynch, Diocese uf Albany; Oweij Farron, Arthur J . Hughes, Diocese of Rochester; Ambrose M. D ^ y e i Diocese of Syracuse; Bartholomeyf McLbghlin, Diocese of Ogdensburg.

Ordaining Bishop, Rt. Rev. Benrjr Gabrieli of Ogdensburg. # V Preacher of Retreat, Rev. I ;

Their Annual Picnic Father Kiernan gave the choir of

St. Patricks Cathedral their annual picnic to Seneca Point on Wednes­day, June 29th. The day was great­ly enjoyed by all. Music, base ball, boat riding were the order of the day The concert after dinner consisted of two choruses by the full choir, solos by Mrs. J . B. O'Connor, Misses Mar­tha Cosgrove, Catherine F. Hogan, Rev. Father Hartley and Van Ness, and Messrs Sackett, M. J. O'Brien and Dr. J, F. Crowley. Also a solo by Mr. Pidgeon. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Murphy, the genial host of Seneca Point hotel by all present for the courtesy they had re­ceived. Your reporter feeU as though he ought to make a mention of the after dinner speeches by Fath­er Kiernan,, Father Hartley, Father Van Ness and others.


Last week the announcement was made that beginning next Monday and continuing all the week, there would be on exhibition, the prettiest babies, two years of age that could be fouud in this city. There are four prizes offered. Thd prize for the cu­test cunningeat, and handsomest baby is $50; for second prize, ^25; third prize, an elegant baby carriage val­ued at $25; offered by the Albert Bier Co.

Among the leading featurespin the theatre for the coming' week are: Marie Leyton, who will appear in her famous dance, Kamochi, the lady ma­gician ; Yankee Moore, a clever come­dian; Julia Kelly, the only lady bone soloist in the world; J. Marcos Doyle a fine dancer and comedian, and the Silver Bells Quaitette Manning, Davis and tbe Star Sisters, in their new act, "The Chiming Bells."

The Sacred Heart School.

Thursday was commencement day for the young pupils attending 3acred Heart school. A very pleas­ing programme was rendered, and witnessed by a large number of visi­tors. Those who won the prizes were as follows: 1st grade, Zuma Lucie; 2nd grade, Guitar Meng; 8rd grade, Willie Donovan, who passed a very Creditable examination, standing 100 per cent, in many of his studies; 4th grade, Henry Finnegan; 6th Percy Ohrist, 6th Hannah Christ; 7th, Ada Luce.

Made Up Rugs. . W e have juist made up and placed

on sale a lage number of rugs made up from remnants of brusselt and borders to match. They vary in sizes from eight feet square to ten by thirteen feet, and are nicely made to lie flat and smooth. . Very suita­ble for summer housus and rug pur-{loses in general. We offer them at ow prices. Howe & Rogers Co.,

Nos. 8Q„ 82 and 84 State street.

A LOT OF SAVAGES. Burning Cabins*—Torturing Captives and having Wax* Dances at the Sea Breeze.

Captain Williams genuine band of wild west Indians give daily per-form Alices at tbe Sea Breeze every [day for a weeik. Log Cabin burning, otnring of white settlers, fighting itb white scouts, Grand concerts

fternoon and evening, attacks on the tage coach, all realistic and excit ing. ay railroad trainB every half hoar, nnday and July 4th. All free, round rip only 25 cents.

Howe ft Rogers Co.

Now offer late purchases of light reight drapery materials suitable for

iity or country houses. Porch screens >f all sizes. BO, SS and 84 State St.

AUBURN. '• j Mis* Bina Currant of Rochester i s

the guest df Mrs. James Kerr of State •treet. • \ i

A number of Auburnians former Seneca Falls people attended; the commencement exercises in that vil­lage on Friday night last.

William (j). Reilly from Niagara University and John J . Breenihan from St. Andrews', Rochester, are spending their vacations at home in this city, j % • . The Whepler Rifles' band gave a concert at the Auburn Orphan asy­lum on Wednesday night of last week. It was mnch enjoyed by the large crowd who assembled and by the orphansland sisters of the asylum The little ones returned the serenade by singing several selections in a pleasing majnner.

The nomination of Cleveland and Sjtephenson jwas received enthusias­tically in this city. A big demon­stration took place and the principal streets of the city were made to howl for a few hours. Both parties are making preparations for the cam­paign and sOme very lively times will be held ; during the next few months. ,

A new hose wagon for the use of the fire department arrived in the city last wedk from Seneca Falls. I t is* in Neptune Hose Go's, house and will be drawn by a heavy tea^m of greys.

A pretty June wedding occurred at the Holy Family church on Wed­nesday morning of last week, when Miss Rose Aiward of this city and J. W. Clark/a popular jeweler of Syra­cuse were united in the bans of mat rimony. Rer. Dean Seymour per­formed the ceremony. After the mar­riage ceremony a wedding breakfast was served ajt the home of Mrs. J). Nolan in SeVmour street where the the happy y o a n g • couple received many good wjisbes as well as numer­ous presents. •

On Wednesday morning at nine

o'olock took | placd at St. Afary's church the marriage of Miss Nel l ie McCarthy of this c ity and Lawrence

0'Ootter of 4urow. A nuptial m m was celebrated,by Rev. Father Mc­Grath who also tied the knot that made the happy young couple man and wife. A large number of rela-tires and friends attended the cere­mony and were also present at the wedding breakfast that followed at the residence1 of the bride's uncle, Michael McCarthy, of 160 Clark street. The ; newly married couple were the recipients of the congratu­lations and best wishes of their ma­ny friends. |kf r, and Mrs. Cotter will reside in Aurora after a bridal tour to Canada

Little Dennis Coughlin, son of Den­nis Coughlin of Aoademy street was killed in the N. Y. 0. freight yard just west of Van Anden Btreet on Thursday afternoon last. He, with two companions was playing on the railroad track when the little fellow was struck by a freight' oar and al­most instantly killed. He was re­moved to Hennessey's undertaking rooms by permission of the coroner and prepared for burial. The funer­al was held from St. Mary's church Saturday afternoon and was largely attended. The interment waa in St. Joseph's cemetery.

John T. Bennett is borne from St. Mary's college, Baltimore, on his r a cation. He has received the degrees of Bachelor of Sacred Theology and Master of Arts.

Mrs. William T. Smith, nurse and child and him. Dr. Malhexon and daughter Helen of Binghamton, are spending a few days in the city With relatives.

The Central New York circuit rac­es will be held in this city from July 4 to 7 inclusive. !

A terrific rain storm accompanied by vivid flashes of lightning and deafening peals of thunder visited the city li te Tuesday afternoon and held full sway for a few minutes.

j J2>ansviHe- j

Midi full* Retf) Is home from Rochester. Miss Leno T o l e s It v i s i t ing in E lmi ia . M i s s Lanrs. H e i l t y o f Utlca i s v i s i t ing relatives

i n t o t r n . ' , ' M i s s Katie Hoburtas has crone tb N e w York .

' S t . Patrick's school closed last Friday afternoon with An , entertainment After the programme Father Day addressed tha children^ reacfthe re­port lor a year ahd bestowed the gold medal on the on«> w h o richly deserved It—Miss E m m s Shafer. > '


:- CHEJEST'. a c i n a r . -Trains leave East Main St, Depot f<ir Haven—7:00,8:00,9:00, io:o >, n,oo A. 1,00 a,oo, 3,00,4,00,5,00, *jaoi ftoo, S,

Trains leave Glen H a v e n - f p r R o c h 8i3°» 9.30* xo,3», IIAO.A. M. t-1,3/0,1.30, a

4tJo,&p,6&b\7.30.»,3<>»ft3«. l 0£° * Sunday Trains every honr from 8,00 A

a,oo F . if. Ha l f hour trains from a.oo r, BAT B A I L R O J L D .

Leave North Aveune—6, 7, 8j 9,10, n A.; it*>_3i.4iS»<S»7»8,o P. H . Sfunday ev« Trains leave 10.30, H . 3 0 A . M. ia.30,1.30, 6.30, 7 .30 and 8.30 P . x . L>as: train at 10.

To Th8 Readers of This Journal!

We wish you to notice the low prices we offer you choice wines for. Port,25c a bottle, SheWry,25c a pottle, Angelican, 25c a bottle, Tokay, 25c a bottle, MuHcatelle, 25c a bottle,Sweet Catawba, 25c a bottle1, Claret, 25c a bottle. We guarantee absolute purity

McGreal Bros., 2 5 North S t , n e a r Main

. ! "—I W h e e l e r & W i l s o 4


39 East Main St. Sign of Main St. Clock. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, E tc ,


freeze at 6 3 0 , 7 .30 , ».30»3-3°» 4tj


A G R A N D C H A N C E . \\ T o dress up now- in a l ight colored tailor-made sui t , spring overcoat or s ing le pants , for meK and boys. A smal l cash payment d o w a and thefbal ance # c e k l y or monthly payments . In ladies'fpar-lor, spring jackets , mackintoshe$,dress goodsletc . N o references required: no red tape. v» T h e pfco-ple 's Credit Clothiera, N o s . 5 and 6, first floo^ipver N o . 16 S U t e street, ( u p s t a i r s ) , corner E x c h a n g e Place . . Open day and night .

— J - 4 — • — • — ^ — « — — — •

Peth, Now to celebrate tlie

glorious Fourth of Jul*

-Tailor, t Light colored suitings all

w e a v e * ar id s h a d e s $ 2 0 . a n d u p w a r d s . U

153 East Main street.

F. J . S C H W A L B ,

_ - JL 4 4 North Mve.

Branoh Office, 594 N . Clinton Street, Telephone HO ':


General Stenographer and Typewritist, Students in Stenography j

are Guaranteed j

Thorough and Efficient Instruction FOB TKB1CS APPLY TO f



R«stdy-Msvde D r e a a e a .

T h e y are jus t the thins: the ladies ha-re been looking; for. W e ha-re a lirg-e assortment in sill shades , the latest s ty les , and perfect fitting. See our elegant Msortment o f Spring Jackets , Capei , Newmarkets . Mackintoshes, Millinery, Dr0ss Goods, SUk W a i s t s , etc . , e tc . Big assortment of Boys ' and Youths ' Clothing. P a y m e n t s ?i-«*° week. H o g a n Brothers,& C o . , orer 335 E a s t

Catholic Prayer Boofc| In the Latest and Finest Bindings, |

Rosaries, Crucifixes, Holy-Water Fonts Communion Books In 6ernan & English,)

Statues, Pictures, Candlesticks, Wax Candles, if

Yon wil l a lways find a Large Assor tment at the L o w e s t Pr ices . Whol t l e sa le and RetaiL

EDWARD VAM Cor. King and East Maple Sts.



Open A l l Nigrht. - j



JOYCE UNDERTAKING ROOMS, \ 196 West Main Street, |

R O C H E S T E R , - IST. X * j


Ikt Y o u W a n t

esh'and delicious cakes, pies, crack-rs, bread, etc., which will be also ade. of pure ingredients? They are

band>at the Calroas bakeries 30 and U99^|ate street

jtt is True. What is? That a fresh superior

ine of pastry is kept constantly on land at 30 and 4^9 State street

Culrosa Bakeri«j«.

FURNITURE MOVERS. Sam Gottry A Co. Ordera left at

irie ticket office,

i Caledonia, j Mr Sebastian Jtagbtrth arrived home from tbe

Seminary at TroyJTtaesdaT. I j M i s s A n n a Coflfcy i s riaiting.relativeB'in medina. John Morriseylla back froin A n n [Arbor, M i c h . James N . Conrflle of Niagara F a | l s wi l l spcad

theFpurth intowp 1 . • M r s . Joseph Dbnehue w h o has been seriously

i l l for the past t w b w e e k s Is unprov inf . . F a i r p o r t .

Last Saturday occurred the death ofFronkieONeiliBonjof Mrs. Wil-liam O'Neil whose hnapand died t n t a short time ago. This is an addi­tional grief to thei bereavec wife. !

Miss Maggie GonVay balled ion friends in town last Monday. j

Miw Nora jSheairni and Miss Mame Binan of Fai^port spent ^.unday [in Kocheater.

John H. Ash ton. Jas. Malley.


Old, Tried and Reliable Companies. U N I T E B S T A T K S , Incorporated 18*4.

J E I t S B Y C r r Y , Incorporated i 8 « « O F F I O E ^ - a i o EUwanger & Barry BnUding-, Entrance 39 State St . Rochester . H . Y .

lh it-


Edward F. Hi grains,

Carriages Furnished For Weddings, Funerals, Etc.

Catholic PifafppJBookS/!j , Every Conceivable Style and Bil The Largest Assortment in the Cit

Books on Devo^idbj Catholic Sto|y Bofe4 fiejl^ous Pictures, B M Statues, Cru;cifi3ces, Candleslalk&j pitn^pj Scapulars, Mf Lace Kcturei, etc., etc., at the] baokftoie|5f

J*-JL ,-a.TJ- wp^^jywy^ 234 East Main Street, Washingtoi HallBloe^^ Rochester, N. tQ

Sheet Music and evewthinglin the Musicaj) Line. Best Quality ani| Lowest Prices


Estey Organs, Empire State Organs, Fine Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Ete.

GIBBONS & STONE, No, 110 las t Main Street -**!?<&


:-m T H E S E I . F - A D J T J S i r i N

A B T E M B R O I B E B 101 East Main St „ Post-Express B

Corsets made to order a spec ia l ty .


P4|EtLOR. Mug,} Booh«ate»|K.'pI

W e make 1 8 differentgstyles >f Corsets and |^,dies?fand M | t i e i r

Waists, ranging; in price from S1.85 to 910 a pair* Corsets sole out of stock will befitted witheat^ extra charge . O u r TV. 8 . A . C o r s e t s h a v e n o ejqual . | L r t E m b r o i d e r y . StwmiiinsTt • * • •

Miller BrGWing CM I % ^ » « s # * |: *'^*^


1 9 0 L A K E . A \ | B N t J E , ;

Bottling Department at the Brewery,





Silverware,, Clocks,

Opera Glasses, S o l d o n small w e e k l y o r

monthly payments . Call ar see m e . I w i l l u s e y o u r ight ,

Enright m i • •

Fine Ales a Nos. 336 & 33

'( '"I TELEPHONE 57©Aa

J3Si Mi

C, M,-$, A iandC. B. C

E. ScHirck.

Bicycle Repairing a Specialty Cushion and Pneumatic Tires Fitted

to all Wheel*. Lawn Bfcrarem Sharpened and Repaired. General Llffht Jobbing. 101 West Main St.

Late with E. A. Hoffman & Co. Open all night.

JOHN A. RATTLE, UNDERTAKER 92 N. Clinton and 09 franklin Sts.

j • Telephone 6S0. I ; • . • • •


F:3 Chamber Soites r «-

Ine df.^uraitnns _ai or Weekly Payf


J, Da Visser. 113 State strast. ±h


JJ A. % Ix^ea, 9 | Jgth St -Ql I • - - 1 . • T r f e p i o n e , a * S ^ - ; ' ' 8 ^ J l

i I

r O f i l o e a n d S t a b l e s , M t o M N o , f i t x h n g l ^

and 39 Atkinson Sto. . . -MJ | Telephone 4». Open Day tndNighfr.^ , |


r-H.B . C3F?>i\\/E:S 4 %£

E Tbe Rochester Sanitary Eicayating Co

i'CWANS Vaults, Cesspools and Cellars,

And removes all Offensive Matter wifcH Neatnegfc and Despatch. r |

OFFICE, 11 Q.HUDSON ST* ROCHESTEBI N; y | Prompt service and reasonable rates.

4hAT«n«i Ml'1 ;,k

6 N OUnton Street, Ptek.

Parlor Suites. m

m :ȣ

m ^Wekayed^ne *a r^mmllj brisk folslnes*, i|,oPr;F*Jor;$Mitep^^ i* »e*»an.: Befofr&xtiy- b««ccotin|ed!;for.J*|''the la^e.varie^gl^w

,. . _ _ j e n t thif. *e*#>fik. Pe4ap*'ltWfty b«*ccotaifed!ror.J ''the l a ^ e v a r i e ^ ^ S i l » d l iandsomestj'IeaT^e h a v e been able to o j ^ r ^ . p o f s ^ l y fee ie^tremeljTlilv price* h a v e had ^something t o d o w i t h i t . / ^ f e ^i^-^tM^upMpBifii^p^&y g o o * bargains in^*s4epj*tineiit» commenelfe wki;i43roshed^Jusfcijggl of hv«

eral farorite ritk$jtftx$:W-3:WmaA meMvn r^^^m^J^mi^ grades for those w h o de . ire them. .Ottr- » « g pSUimMm)^im4fSniitM *r* very

; attiac^i>rjni^

i s gen* e bet ter

* •

mm i.^.g.. -•4>. k


; ^ "